is there any procrdure to transfer of gl master from one client to another cient.
actually when we save g/l master we are not getting request number .
any guide me

Hi Mahendra Reddy,
There are two ABAP Program to send and receive your GL Master recards from one company code to another they are RFBISA10 (Send) and RFBISA20 (Receive).
If ur target Company code is with in same client the u can directly Transfe through RFBISA10 (Tcode FS15); where if ur target company code is in different client or different system, then u can save your GL list as a file on your hard disk and later upload it to the target system, to do that
go to RFBISA10 (Tcode FS15) and give the file name as u wish. it will be save at D:\usr\<SID>\Global folder(system will display this soon after u save at FS15)
(remember the file should be at same location/path)
now u can carry u r GL Master from one system to another.
TO upload this to target company code
Go to FS16 give the file name and execute it will automatically upload all your GL accounts.
But before upload this GL list u need to do basic config to the target company code like Account Group, FSG, NO. Range etc,
Pelase assign points if useful.

Similar Messages


    hello friends,
    first i transported the datasources from source system(dev) to source system(quality) and then i replicated them in to the bw(quality) system. after that i given the source system mappings in the bw(quality system) and then i started transporting the objects independently in the following manner.
    transport connections:
    collection mode: (start manual collection)
    and then i collected all infoobjects and clicked on the gather dependent objects ( the option which is available for the start manual collection option in the collection mode tab) and then i set a package and then i transported . in the same manner i created transport requests seperately under the same package for the infosources , datatargets,update rules. and then i released the requests and in the quality system we successfully imported the objects(infoobj,infosources etc....). but one infoobject for example 'X' which is a dependent attribute for the another infoobject 'Y' is inactive in the quality system(bw). but X is active in the bw(dev) and when i imported the object it exists inn the bw(quality) but in inactive mode. because of this all the dependent objects like datatargets are not active. once again i released the infoobject 'X' [which is active in bw(dev)] seperately by creating a seperate request and then imported but still it is inactive. i tried several times but i am failed. shall i install that infoobject('X' infoobject ) from business content(in bw quality). if i do so does it effect all the imported objects. pls let me know.
    thanks & regards,

    dear bwer and anand raj and friends,
    when i am trying to import '0crm_f_cust'(X) object i am getting the following error
      Start of the after-import method for object type R3TR IOBJ (Activation Mode)
      Error/warning in dict. activator, detailed log    > Detail
      Value table /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST is not active
      Search help /BI0/OCRM_F_CUST is not active or does not have parameters
      Enhancement category for table missing
      Enhancement category for table missing
      No active nametab exists for /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST
      Termination due to inconsistencies
      Table /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST (Statements could not be generated)
      Flag: 'Incorrect enhancement category' could not be updated
      Enhancement category for table missing
      Table /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST is not a database table => not suitable as selection method
      Row type /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST is not active or does not exist
      Table /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST is either not active or inconsistent
      Srch Help /BI0/OCRM_F_CUST could not be activated
      Table /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST could not be activated
      Table Type /BI0/WSCRM_F_CUST could not be activated
      View /BI0/RCRM_F_CUST could not be activated
      Domain /BI0/OCRM_F_CUST was activated (error in the dependencies)
      Data Element /BI0/OICRM_F_CUST was activated (error in the dependencies)
      Return code..............: 8
      DDIC Object TABL /BI0/SCRM_F_CUST has not been activated
      Error when activating InfoObject 0CRM_F_CUST
      Start of the after-import method for object type R3TR IOBJ (Delete Mode)
      Errors occurred during post-handling RS_AFTER_IMPORT for IOBJ L
      RS_AFTER_IMPORT belongs to package RS
      The errors affect the following components:
         BW-WHM (Warehouse Management)
      Post-import method RS_AFTER_IMPORT completed for IOBJ L, date and time: 20060620132453
    pls let me know the solution.

  • Regarding chossing the Business Partner Master Data

    Dear All,
                 I have one query regarding chossing the Business Partner Master Data. Let take an exapmle 
    suppose 2 sales person are making the sales Quotation and every sales Persons only making the quotaion
    for the specified leads or customers.Suppose Sales Person 'A' makes the quotaiton for 5 Leads and Sales
    Person 'B' makes the quotation for the different 5 persons.Now i want when  i Login into sales person 'A' Login
    and choose the Business Partner by pressing tab in sales quotation window , then that Sales Person 'A' can
    see only the Specified BP list which are belonging to his region.
    Thanks All.

    The access to Item Master and BP Master cannot be restricted to Users through Authorization. This is a known limitation of SBO.
    You can try this by using SDK.
    You can use Data Ownership Authorization, which means the marketing documents created by Sales Person 'A' will not be viewed by Sales Person 'B'
    Refer this thread for details
    [Customer master restriction in Marketing document.........;

  • Doubts : Regarding Transportation

    Hi XI Gurus,
    I want to know more about Transportation mechamism of XI.
    As per my knowledge one is File system based(a lot of manual work ::( another one is CMS.
    1. Pros and Cons of File System/CMS Transport ?
    2. For Transporting IR and ID Objects above two mechamism is fine.But what about other objects used in a scenario :
       a) ABAP objects created in Application System like RFC/Report/RFC Destinations.
      b) Information of Business Systems/Tech Systems with SWCV in SLD ?

    Transporting Objects
    for FMS,suppose u have a BS called BS_File_IDOC_Dev which uses the IS of dev,now u create one more BS with the name BS_File_IDOC_Qa which uses the IS of QA,when u go in transport tab or BS_File_IDOC_dev u will find an option traget system,there u can give BS_File_IDOC_Qa,now when u move the objects from Dev to QA,u will automatically see the QA BS instead of Dev BS.this way u dont have to to change BS names manually in QA or Prd
    For more infermation go thru these links:
    using CMS system. in XI
    1. /people/sap.india5/blog/2005/11/03/xi-software-logistics-1-sld-preparation
    2. /people/sap.india5/blog/2005/11/09/xi-software-logistics-ii-overview
    3. /people/sap.india5/blog/2005/11/28/xi-software-logistics-solution-iii-cms
    4. /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/11/02/overview-of-transition-from-dev-to-qa-in-xi --> Overview of Transition from Dev to QA in XI
    5. /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/12/20/inconsistencies-while-transporting-rfc-objects-from-dev-to-qa-150-sp12 --> Transporting XI Objects --> Configuring Groups and Transport Targets
    Look into this blog for how to export / improt IR and ID objects,
    Please go through these links which actualy show you how to configure CMS and also gives you all information regarding it.
    I hope it helps...
    reward points if helpful

  • Query regarding transport request

    Hey guys,
    I have a question regarding transport requests.
    If only the report source code is included in the transport request, the text elements of the program will not be transported to the next box?
    when you transprot the main program or the function pool, does it follow that all the changes in FM's under the function pool will be transported to the next box?
    Thanks a lot!

    If you create transport request with just the report, text element will not be transported:
    LIMU REPS <Program>   
    For text element, you need the following transport entry:
    LIMU REPT <Program> 
    If you want to transport both, you can have the following entry:
    R3TR PROG <Program>         
    If you have the following transport, all the components of function pool will be transported.
    R3TR FUGR <Function Group>   

  • 0KEQ - transport for Profit Center Master Data

    I have created a transport for transferring Profit Centers from our source client to move to client for unti test and QA.  All changes come through but the PCs that are deleted in source client are still in the target clients after the application of the transport.
    Any help from the community, why so? and if there is additional activity needed at the time of creation of the transport to effect deletions in the target clients. 

    Hello Bashir,
    It seems that there  is an inconsistency in target system/source system.
    Please  Go to T-code: KCH6N and using the following menu path to check and correct the
    inconsistency in source system and target system.
    MENU =>Extras -> Ambiguity Check
    MENU=>Extras -> Hierarchy master data -> Test
    and afterwards go to MENU=>Extras -> Hierarchy master data -> Comparison
    If the inconsistency can not be corrected in Target system, you need to make sure that there is no
    inconsistency in source system. After that you can re-transport the profi centers to target system.
    Please also refere to SAP note 1595018.
    Best regards,
    Ronghua Fan

  • Issue Regarding transport request

    Can any body let me know
    whether the table entries trasnported to Quality Sytem should be in Workbench Request OR Customization request.
    Which is the best practise to transport entries in a table which were done using SPRO in enhanceing the customer master data screen by creating a subscren .

    the entries will come under the customising request and the table definition(ZTABLE) will come uner the workbench request.
    Check these links

  • Regarding Transport Error

    Hi All,
    We have created a Z Cube which is getting data from 0FI_GL_4 InfoSoucre. This is the common infosource for 0FIAP_O03, 0FIAR_O03, 0FITX_O03. All these cubes are having data in Prodution client. Now when I tested Data loading in Dev for my Z cube, I got error regarding alpha conversion. So I enabled alpha conversion in Transfer Rules and reloaded data. The data loaded perfectly. Now when i transported the model to production, my transport request failed. The reason is
    (1)InfoObject 0REF_DOC_NO still used in ODS object 0FIAP_O03 (contains data), 0FIAR_O03, 0FITX_O03.
    (2)Characteristic 0REF_DOC_NO cannot be activated.
    One solution for it will be to delete data in those ODS in prod then transport the active version of InfoObject from Dev to Prod and then retransport my Zcube. But for this I have to delete data from production. Is there any work around for it?????

    Hi Jayanta,
    Have you changed the conversion routine at the info-object level / you just activated the conversion routine in the IS? If it is only activated in IS level then you should not have received such error message. I am assuming you have changed the property of the info-object.
    Can you use a different info-object instead ? If not then i don't really see there is any work around. It is generally a problem whenever there is a change in the conversion routine of the info-objects and transported to production that contains data without conversion.
    You need to take a copy of the production data before deletion.

  • Transport PC and CC master data

    Can we transport profit and cost center master data? I didn't see that option on menu when I created one.
    Also, I tried transporting std hierarchy, which is allowed and in there I checked Profit center master data to be transport along. But my questions are:
    1. Whether complete list is transported or are only the Profit center under the highlighted node get transported? 
    2. Do they get copied into other clients in active/inactive state?
    3. Does the transport carry only the changes or the complete hierarchy?
    Please advise!

    1. If the hierarchy was already created and transported and now I make some more changes to it, will the transport carry the whole of hierarchy or only the changes.
    Entire Hierarchy
    2. Though there is a check box for only std hierarchy, still does that mean both std and alternative hierarchy will be tranported.
    I think just the std hierarchy
    3. There seems to be no way I could select the cost/profit centers specifically in these transactions. Does that mean all the profit and cost centers in the client will get transported.
    4. I am assuming they will be transported in active state if activated in originating client. Is that correct?
    Using above transaction, it is always suggested to transport hierarchy, profit centers and groups together; as groups are just sets and if not transported could cause inconsistencies in the target system.
    Here is SAP's recommendation on transporting PC master data.
    1. Always transport the following objects together to avoid inconsistencies in the target system:
    The standard hierarchy and the profit center groups represent logical sets of profit centers. Transporting these sets separately could lead to inconsistencies if the corresponding profit centers (master data) do not exist or are incorrect in the target system.
    2. If you have transported profit centers, restart the matchcode data in the target system so that the transported master data can be displayed using the "Possible entries" function.

  • Regarding CIN details in Vendor master

    Dear Gurus
    I am viewing in some of the user ids   CIN  Detail tab
    If i wil click that tab means i wil all registration details of vendor like SSI status, ECC number and all
    But in some of the id if i will display vendor master means i am not able view this tab
    I know for those user ids the screen sequence is not refered.
    Basically for this where will assign that details
    Can any body guide me

    Go to OMT3E, or SPRO-- LG---Tax on goods movement -
    India --- Master data --- Assign users to material master Screen sequence for exise duty.
    Double click on User screen reference.
    Maintain ur user id and the in the next column Maintain * and then save,
    Then you will get the CIN detail Icon in your vendor master.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Query regarding Transports in BI system

    Hi All,
    We want to transport some change requests from BI system( running on MSSQL database) to another BI system (running on oracle database). Will there be any problem in doing the same???
    one BI system is running on Windows platform and other is running on Unix platform.
    What kind of dependencies can occur in this particular senario.
    waiting for your replies.

    The quick answer is 'YES' if the SAP versions are the same, however if you
    have made changes to any SAP Standard code you should also check that the
    patch levels are the same to.
    This is not a recommended process however because your objects will have the
    Original system and the PoC system

  • Regarding Transport Of the Function group

    Hello Guru,
    I am Facing problem while transporting the Transport Request Number From SAP 4.7 to SAP ECC5.0. The Transport is Working Fine. I am able to transport the Package, But all the object in the package except Function Group is Not getting transport.
    So Please Let me Know any other method is there to transport the Function Group.
    Please Help me it is urgent.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Check your transport, it should contain an entry for
    R3TR - DEVC - 'your package name'
    This should tranport the whole package including all the objects,

  • Query regarding fields in the material master

    Hi Gurus,
    We have a requirement where client wants to know the relevance of u201CBasic data textu201D and u201Cinspection textu201D tabs in material master (these appear when we click on additional data tab in material master) and also if we maintain text in these fields for a material where it will be reflected? for e.g where/in what transactions can we see these text appearing.
    Please let me know the relevance of these two fields and where these can be reflected. It would be nice if you can also tell me the tables and fields for these two.
    Krishna Mohan

    This text are maintained in tables STXH and STXL.
    For fetch this texts use FM READ_TEXT with parameters:
    ID = 'GRUN' - for Basic data text
    ID = 'PRUE' - for inspection text
    and for both texts
    LANGUAGE = sy-langu
    NAME = material number (with leading zeros)

  • Information required regarding Transports in XI.

    Hi All,
    I had an interview in which I was asked about the transports among SLD - > IR - > ID - > RWB. Kindly provide me some information regarding this and also please let me know if a XI Developer has to perform these transports or just having knowledge about is sufficient.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Sreedhar, Av

    Mainly we use these 2
    File and CMS but 1 upcoming is CTS +.
    Check some links on transporting using File and CMS,
    Transporting XI from DEV to QA
    Transporting XI from DEV to QA
    using CMS system. in XI
    1. /people/sap.india5/blog/2005/11/03/xi-software-logistics-1-sld-preparation
    2. /people/sap.india5/blog/2005/11/09/xi-software-logistics-ii-overview
    3. /people/sap.india5/blog/2005/11/28/xi-software-logistics-solution-iii-cms
    4. /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/11/02/overview-of-transition-from-dev-to-qa-in-xi --> Overview of Transition from Dev to QA in XI
    5. /people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2005/12/20/inconsistencies-while-transporting-rfc-objects-from-dev-to-qa-150-sp12 --> Transporting XI Objects .htm --> Configuring Groups and Transport Targets
    Look into this blog for how to export / improt IR and ID objects,
    Please go through these links which actualy show you how to configure CMS and also gives you all information regarding it.
    Here are some blogs.
    Re: Moving project from Dev to QA
    Error while exporting/transporting the Business system from Dev to Quality
    Transporting the scenario frm Dev Server to PRD Server
    transporting data from Dev to quality  using CMS
    Transporting IR,ID Objects using File System
    How to handle SLD for Tranporting Dev to Quality ser
    Aashish Sinha
    PS : reward points if helpful

  • Regarding ALE-iDoc for Customer Master, J1ID and FD32

    Hello all
    As per client's requirement we have to develop idoc so that followings requirements will meet:
    Say there are two servers a) MDM Server b) PRD Server
    1] As and when I'll create customer master data in MDM server then customer master should get created with that data in PRD server
        which I can achieve through BD12 by doing some idoc enhancements
    2] Simillarly when i'll create data using transaction J1ID and FD32 in MDM Server (Data relevant to customer master) then that data also should get created in PRD server using Idoc
    May I know which
    1)message type we can use (as we use DEBMAS in case of Customer Master) for J1ID and FD32
    2) Any transaction to send data from one server to another server for transaction J1ID and FD32 (as we use BD12 in case of Customer master for sending data created using  transaction XD01) 

    Hello Mahesh,
    In the case of customer master it would be better if you would use standard message types and t code to transfer ddata.
    But in the case J1ID and FD32 you can build a standalone idoc
    Follow these steps to build custom message types and futher transactions
    WE81 - Create message type
    WE31 - Create segment
    WE30 - Create Idoc type
    SALE - Define Logical system (not required if already exists)
    SM59 - Define RFC (not required if already exists)
    WE21 - Define ports (both in sender and receiver)
    WE20 - Define Partner profile (both in sender and receiver)
    BD46 - Distribue the model view.
    SE38 - Create a program to send the idoc in the sender sytem.
    SE37 - Build inbound function module to receive the idoc for receiver system
    WE57 - Assign FM to message type
    BD51 - to change the characteristics for inbound FM
    WE42 - Create Inbound process code.
    Hope this would help you.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Ranjith Nambiar

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