Relay issue?

Hi all,
I posted this earlier in the networking section but hoping someone here can assist as I think it belongs here and probably not there.
We have an existing 10.6.2 server where mail and all other services that are configured work fine. But I've had a request to implement a Windows exchange server on the same network, with a different domain name. I know I could easily host it virtually but they want exchange.
I essentially want our OS X server to pass the mail for the exchange servers domain onto it and not reject it, can this be done?
What I have done on OS X server is, created a second Primary Zone and added the IP address of the exchange server, CNAMES and an MX record.
The result is that I can send email from an OS X mailbox (domain A) to the Exchange mailbox (domain B), and the exchange server can send email.
The problem is getting email from the outside to Exchange, the OS X server sends the mail screaming back with a "relay access denied".
If I forward port 25 to the exchange server then email works, but I want both to work. Currently port 25 goes to the OS X server.
Virtual hosting doesn't work as I'm not hosting this domain on the OS X server and I'm out ideas.
Can this be done? if it can be and someone knows can you please share?

If I am understanding your post, the problem sounds like it is at the router/firewall layer. Do you have more than one public IP address? That is how you will be able to resolve this.
From what you wrote, you are stating that you are port forwarding SMTP (port 25) through your firewall to the OS X Server. The OS X Server has a host name of osx.yourserver.dom. And this works fine. Then, if you change the port map to point SMTP to the Windows box, with a host name of win.yourserver.dom then it works fine but cuts off the OS X Server... Is that correct?
If so, then you need network address translation and the presence of more than one public address. This may be an issue of contacting your ISP and expanding your block if you do not have more than one.
Once you have more, then you build a NAT table that maps an entire public address to an discrete private address. This allows you to port forward the same port but to different machines. Thus, you can do:
Public ------->> port 25 ------->> (OS X Server)
Public ------->> port 25 ------->> (Windows/Exchange)
Now you have two publicly available servers and you are able to properly handle the port 25 traffic.
Hope this helps and hope I understood the post.
Message was edited by: Strontium90

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    To report any issues with Groove Relay Servers hosted by Microsoft, please reply to this thread.

    As the upgrade of hardware for the Microsoft-hosted Groove Relay servers seems to have been successful, I decided it was time to start a new thread for reporting Relay issues. This thread is tracked by people who support Groove Server, but it is not normally
    monitored outside of US East Coast business hours. While issues reported during that time are usually resolved within a matter of hours, we do not guarantee a particular turnaround time. If you have an urgent need, consider opening a support case.

  • BizTalk SMTP Relay Issue

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    Please share your thoughts how to resolve the issue 

    I hope your .Net Application sending e-mail is NOT OUTLOOK? :D
    From the BizTalk Server can you do an interactive SMTP session with the SMTP server and check if relay is permitted? If you get relay denied then very clearly the SMTP Server configuration requires modification. (the responses from the SMTP server are in
    > telnet <your smtp server name/ip> 25
    220 <your SMTP Server name> Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 7.5.7601.17514
    ready at  Fri, 6 Mar 2015 11:45:03 +0530
    HELO <your BizTalk Server FQDN>
    250 <your BizTalk Server FQDN> Hello [<ip of your BizTalk Server>]
    mail from: <some-email-address>
    250 2.1.0 <some-e-mail-address> OK
    rcpt to: <[email protected]>
    What is the response? do you get "250 2.1.5 <[email protected]>" or "relay denied".
    Either way you should get someone who know mail & messaging involved to help to ensure that it is not a SMTP issue.
    I agree with Ashwin on this NOT being a BizTalk related issue.

  • GWIA Relay Issue, maybe the SPAMmers authenticated...

    So I was greeted with a lovely issue this morning that is really driving me nuts. My mail system was relaying messages from [email protected] using a valid user on my system (MFouch). The IP address that was sending the messages appears to be in Lagos, Nigeria ( I have been combing my GWIA, MTA, and POA logs and I am not seeing any POP/IMAP/SMTP auth from that IP address. The valid local user that was being abused "C/S dos" login was getting logged but from GWIA's internal IP address. I attached a MIME copy of the message.
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    It looks like I have stopped the trouble for now. I added /disallowauthrelay as per TID7008712 (which will probably upset a few people). I renamed my gwac.db in case there was some corruption in my SMTP access control list. I changed the abused local user's password. I renamed all of my various GWIA directories (000.PRC, DEFER, GWHOLD, GWPROB, RECEIVE, RESULT, SEND, WPCSIN, and WPCSOUT) just to give me some time to clean out all of the deferrals, send items, and to be sure there is not a message queued somewhere. Members of my team are scanning the two machines this user uses as a precaution. I have also explicitly denied access to my network at my perimeter.
    Has any of the great minds out there in the Novell Forum Land seen this before or can point out my buffoonery?
    Thanks in advance,

    I'm not quite sure where the uncertainty lies. The user yo uidentified
    with the logins from GWIA has been hacked, e.g his password probably was
    weak and brute forced, or gained by other means (has this user been in
    nigeria recently? ;))
    I also don't quite understand the outrage on the TID. It merely explains
    what is logical. If someone can authenticate, he can relay. There's
    nothing to be overly concerned about, except your password security. You
    may want to activate intruder detection... Of course there are other
    means to possibly gat to know a users password, but brute force is the
    usual way...
    On 29.09.2011 18:16, jcrawfor wrote:
    > So I was greeted with a lovely issue this morning that is really driving
    > me nuts. My mail system was relaying messages from [email protected]
    > using a valid user on my system (MFouch). The IP address that was
    > sending the messages appears to be in Lagos, Nigeria ( I
    > have been combing my GWIA, MTA, and POA logs and I am not seeing any
    > POP/IMAP/SMTP auth from that IP address. The valid local user that was
    > being abused "C/S dos" login was getting logged but from GWIA's internal
    > IP address. I attached a MIME copy of the message.
    > My GWIA agent is setup to prevent relaying. I do allow relaying from
    > some specifically defined internal addresses. I do allow POP3 in, but
    > only specific users can use IMAP4 (silly Android issue). I require
    > authentication for both POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP. I ran all of the
    > different open relay tests that I am aware of (,
    > as well as tried to relay something via telnetting to my GWIA. I have
    > attached my current GWIA flags as well. I just added /disallowauthrelay
    > for now as a test/precaution.
    > I found TID 7008712 that confused, upset, and scared me all at the same
    > time ('GroupWise Internet Agents are relaying emails when they're not
    > suppose to be relaying.' ( If what this
    > TID says is correct, how can I continue to use GroupWise?
    > It looks like I have stopped the trouble for now. I added
    > /disallowauthrelay as per TID7008712 (which will probably upset a few
    > people). I renamed my gwac.db in case there was some corruption in my
    > SMTP access control list. I changed the abused local user's password.
    > I renamed all of my various GWIA directories (000.PRC, DEFER, GWHOLD,
    > GWPROB, RECEIVE, RESULT, SEND, WPCSIN, and WPCSOUT) just to give me some
    > time to clean out all of the deferrals, send items, and to be sure there
    > is not a message queued somewhere. Members of my team are scanning the
    > two machines this user uses as a precaution. I have also explicitly
    > denied access to my network at my perimeter.
    > Has any of the great minds out there in the Novell Forum Land seen this
    > before or can point out my buffoonery?
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Jeff
    Massimo Rosen
    Novell Knowledge Partner
    No emails please!

  • Webmail Relay Issue

    We are having an issue when people try and send mail outside our domain from WebMail, it comes up with this error:
    Transaction failed
    554 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied
    If you are using ThunderBird or Mail to send your mail, it works OK. How can I get mail sending from Webmail as well?

    If you go into Server Admin, Mail, Relay, is your SMTP server set up to relay from whence Webmail arises? You'll want to add the domain into your local hosts.
    I don't use Squirrelmail / Webmail right now, so I don't know what the source address might be. You might (will?) find this source address in the mail logs, and possibly some added details of the particular failure.
    Do avoid configuring SMTP relay from any hosts and any networks outside your direct control, and do be very cautious with allowing relay from those hosts within your control.
    Here's a semi-related discussion:

  • MITM Security Registry Edit Causing SMTP Relay Issue

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    DisableRenegoOnServer      1
    AllowInsecureRenegoClients       0
    After doing this a Linux web app could not relay messages via SMTP (the only server having a problem) on port 25. So, I had to back out the changes in Exchange, but now I'm wondering how to work around this? Anyone every run into this or have any tips they
    can offer? Thanks in advance. 

    When the users fail to send/receive emails, are there any error message or NDR?
    Try removing the “AllowInsecureRenegoServers” key and see whether the issue still persists.
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2003: Collab/Notification email relay issues

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    *setup a notification specific SMTP server?
    *use a 3rd party email company?
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    Thanks for any help!

    After going back and forth with Plumtree support for about 3 weeks we have solved the problem.
    The problem came from a misunderstanding on what needed to be relayed. It turns out that external relaying is not needed, but internal relaying is.
    Explicitly granting trust to the notification server allowed emails to begin flowing.

  • DHCP relay issues - WLC4400 series

    Hi all,
    I'm experiencing some strange problems with my WLC 4400 – and hope you guys can give me a hand.
    There is an issue while connecting a WLAN Client to the WLC for the first time. I pinpointed the source of the problem to the dhcp, but I wondering why this happens…
    As stated above – the issue occurs only during the first time registration of a WLAN client with the WLC. If I do another registration right after the failed connection attempt, the session is established and I can start working in my network environment.
    Because we use 802.1x authentication, my first idea was that there is an issue – but the authentication process completes successfully.
    Another debug for the dhcp process showed an issue during the initial registration process. I'll paste an extract of the NOT working connection attempt below (DHCP DISCOVER msg and DHCP OFFER msg passed successfully – I'll focus on the DHCP REQUEST msg):
    ###### Extract one ######
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcpProxy: Received packet: Client 00:21:6a:00:35:9c
                            DHCP Op: BOOTREQUEST(1), IP len: 303, switchport: 29, encap: 0xec03
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option len, including the magic cookie = 67
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: received DHCP REQUEST msg
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: skipping option 61, len 7
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: requested ip =
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: server id =
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: skipping option 12, len 12
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: vendor class id = MSFT 5.0 (len 8)
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: skipping option 55, len 12
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcpParseOptions: options end, len 67, actual 67
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcpProxy: dhcp request, client: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c:
                            dhcp op: 1, port: 29, encap 0xec03, old mscb port number: 29
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c Determing relay for 00:21:6a:00:35:9c
                                                                                                            dhcpServer:, dhcpNetmask:,
                            dhcpGateway:, dhcpRelay:  VLAN: 0
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c Relay settings for 00:21:6a:00:35:9c
                                                                                                            Local Address:, DHCP Server:,
                            Gateway Addr:, VLAN: 0, port: 29
    Tue Mar  9 09:51:31 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcpProcessPacket return an error,chaddr: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c
    The process stops working after the last line above. The client reports connection successfully, but no IP address was assigned to the client. A second connection attempt was successful (again – I'll focus on the dhcp REQUEST msg – ignoring DISCOVER, OFFER and ACK msg):
                            DHCP Op: BOOTREQUEST(1), IP len: 303, switchport: 29, encap: 0xec03
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option len, including the magic cookie = 67
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: received DHCP REQUEST msg
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: skipping option 61, len 7
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: requested ip =
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: server id =
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: skipping option 12, len 12
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: vendor class id = MSFT 5.0 (len 8)
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcp option: skipping option 55, len 12
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcpParseOptions: options end, len 67, actual 67
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c dhcpProxy: dhcp request, client: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c:
                            dhcp op: 1, port: 29, encap 0xec03, old mscb port number: 29
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c Determing relay for 00:21:6a:00:35:9c
                                                                                                            dhcpServer:, dhcpNetmask:,
                            dhcpGateway:, dhcpRelay:  VLAN: 300
    Tue Mar  9 09:53:02 2010: 00:21:6a:00:35:9c Relay settings for 00:21:6a:00:35:9c
                                                                                                            Local Address:, DHCP Server:,
    The major difference seems to be in line 16:
    Not Working:
                            dhcpGateway:, dhcpRelay:  VLAN: 0
                            dhcpGateway:, dhcpRelay:  VLAN: 300
    For me it seems that the WLC is not able to forward this request to the appropriate dhcp server.
    Does anyone of you have an idea, why this happens? And why does this happen only during the first time login of every client? Or am I misinterpreting the debug output?!
    Thx a lot in advance!

    thx for your comment so far.
    I did some additional troubleshooting yesterday and I guess I fixed the problem. The management interface was configured with two dhcp server IPs ( and
    Within the Cisco documentation it is stated that the dhcp relay proxy feature uses a virtual IP    seems to be used for the internal communication.
    When I changed the dhcp address (primary & secondary) to IP the problem was solved. We tested it yesterday evening and this morning.
    My assumption is that the virtual IP is mandatory to match the dhcp responses to the proxy relaying feature. Or the WLC uses the DHCP addresses on the management interface to forward the traffic to the appropriate feature (where triggers the proxy feature and is used to forward the traffic to the internal dhcp service). But this is just a guesswork – I do not know the Cisco WLAN good enough to provide a valuable explanation.

  • Relay issue from Unix across Exchange 2003 OWA server in Exchange 2010 environment

    I'm trying to resolve an issue.  We have one Exchange 2003 server left in our environment. The rest is now Exchange 2010.  We are working to decommission this server. Monitoring the SMTP logs, I am working with the various groups to get the traffic
    off this server and onto the Exchange 2010 environment.
    The issue we are finding is with a work flow. This Java app for eBis sends email to users. This is done correctly through Exchange 2010 and gets delivered from our HUB/CAS servers to the target user mailbox. This email has several links the user must click
    for approving or rejecting requests. Upon clicking Approve, a new email window opens (we use Outlook 2010).  The TO address is in the format of [email protected]  Upon clicking Send, our Exchange 2010 HUB/CAS servers accept the
    email, because one of our send connectors has, as address space, *.domain.corp.  However, the email address being used it not an alias on any Exchange 2010 mailbox, so it appears Exchange 2010 is sending this email on to the Exchange 2003 server, which
    also is an SMTP server.  I *think* this server is looking at the address after @ to determine where to send it (ebisserver.domain.corp, which is valid in our DNS), and sends it on to that server, where the java "listener" program intercepts
    the mail, processes it and then saves it to a file somewhere.
    We are at a loss as to how to get Exchange 2010 to do this instead of Exchange 2003... once this traffic is eliminted from Exchange 2003, I can proceed with decommission of this server.  Any help troubleshooting this issue is appreciated.

    The only reason the Exchange 2010 server would route outbound mail through an Exchange 2003 server is that you have an SMTP Connector defined on the Exchange 2003 server that has a more specific domain than you have on the Exchange 2010 server.  You
    should be able to see all your Send Connectors (an SMTP Connector on Exchange 2003 looks like a Send Connector in Exchange 2010) by running Get-SendConnector.
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

  • Mail relay issue since lion server install

    I upgraded (or not) my Mac Mini Server with Snow Leopard, to Lion Server.
    I'm now getting mail relay errors when sending email to an account on my server from gmail.
    "Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 554 554 5.7.1 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied (state 14)."
    I'll post postconf -n if required. has an A name at the domain name registrar has an mx record.
    dig +short MX     returns
    1 and both point to my external ip address
    any pointers?

    Seems the problem has been solved by Peter Rauen.
    See this discussion: Mail relay SASL problem / postconf -n
    I checked on my server and Peter is right. Although there are configs in /etc/postfix there is another path with postfix conf files: /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix
    I actually only had to insert this line to there: smtp_sasl_security_options =
    After a postfix reload my mails are being delivered via dyndns again.

  • NAC.OOB.L2.Real IP GW.dhcp-relay issue.

    I have CAM (manager) which is configured as L2 OOB real-ip gateway. central deployment.
    ethernet 0 (trusted) is L3. (ip add x.x.x.x)
    ethernet 1 (untrusted) is .1q and several authentication vlans (a,b,c,d) are connected to it.
    of cause managed subnets are configured for auth vlans on eth1.
    Manager is configured as dhcp-relay.
    Is it ok that manager changes dhcp packets to the dhcp server so that it's ethernet 0 ip address (x.x.x.x) becomes the source address of the requests to the dhcp server?
    how can dhcp server recognize auth vlan a from auth vlan b if all packets have the single source (x.x.x.x)???
    Where could be my mistake?

    Hello varnavsky!
    You have to configure vlan mapping (at the CAM) for all authentication vlan! After the authentication and posture validation, the NAC client won't give a new IP address, so the client has to have an IP address from the proper access vlan. When you configure these vlan mappings CAS always acquire an IP address from the proper range.
    By(e) Miki

  • SGE2000 DHCP Relay Issue

    I am looking for some help with DHCP Relay on a SGE2000 switch.
    I have configured two VLANs on the switch, VLAN2 (192.168.10.x/24) and VLAN3 (192.168.9.x/24). I have the switch in Layer 3 mode. I have configured the DHCP relay server of and the DHCP Interfaces as VLAN3. All of the IP Static Routes were generated by the switch.
    If I put a client computer on a port that is Untagged VLAN 3 and try to get a DHCP address from the server on an Untagged VLAN 2 port I never get a response back.
    I have done some packet captures and here is what I have found:
    I see the DHCP broadcast on the client computer
    I see the DHCP Request on the DHCP server coming from the IP assiged to the switch on VLAN 3 (
    I see the DHCP server respond with a DHCP Offer
    The DHCP offer never gets to the client computer
    I can't seem to get a DHCP address to any system not on the same VLAN as the DHCP server. Option 82 is disable and I did try enabling it, which made no difference.
    Any help would be great.

    Hi phil,
    Have you created a static route on the DHCP server that points back to the network.
    The gateway for that network,  from the DHCP relay servers perspective,  is the VLAN2 IP address of the SGE2000 switch.
    i would think that if you tried to ping the VLAN3 switch  IP address from the DHCP server now,  you will not get a reply.
    When you create a static or persistant route in the DHCP server,   you then should be able to ping VLAN3 IP address of the switch.
    regards Dave

  • How to configure email server so that I can reply without "relaying" issues

    I've setup the Snow Leopard Server 10.6 and setup the email server. The problem we have is that when a user sends an email using an ISP other than the one where the server is connected, or replys to an email using a different ISP it gets bounced with the message that our server doesn't allow relaying. That is correct. We didn't set it up to relay because of concerns that we might be blacklisted as a spammer. Can you tell me how to configure the email server settings so we don't have this bounce problem and can send and reply using our email address regardless of the ISP we're connect to? Thanks

    Such a seemingly innocuous question. If only the answer were that simple.
    There are many factors in getting a working mail server.
    For one, if you expect to receive incoming mail for your domain you will need a static IP address with matching forward and reverse DNS entries. You might already have this, or you might not. You don't say anything about your network environment to know.
    Once you've addressed the network side of things there are two common elements to implement.
    First is you tell the server about your local networks - the ones that you trust users on. Typically this is your private LAN (e.g. a 192.168.x.x network) where your users are. This works well for an office environment and lets users send mail unhindered, but doesn't cater to remote users (you probably cannot whitelist all the remote user's IP addresses, especially those that are mobile).
    For those users you implement SMTP Authentication. This ensures the mail client authenticates to the server using a valid username and password. If your user can authenticate then you inherently trust them and allow the mail to be relayed. If the user is remote and cannot authenticate then they're out of luck.
    All of this can be configured in Server Admin.

  • Exchange 2013 Relay issue (SMTP Authenticated)

    I installed Exch 2013 and is working great - both incoming mail and outgoing mail work fine in OWA and outlook.
    Problem we are having is SMTP authenticated relay. We install application on all client computers which sends emails externally/internally. 
    Though we had authenticated in application, we are not able to send emails externally. Internally it works fine from application.
    Our backup software stopped sending notifications on failures. Literally we are logging into each and every server and making sure backups are successful.
    We never had a problem with Exchange 2010
    I don't want to create relay and allow my whole ipaddress range (I think that's stupid)
    Can anyone please help?

    You could create a Receive connector on the 2013 Mailbox server, and then configure the Receive connector with the following properties:
    Create/configure a service account for the applications/copier to use.
    Create a new Receive connector with the Usage value 'Custom', and don't assign any permission groups to the connector.
    Specify the IP address(es) of the application servers/copiers as the only remote IP addresses that are allowed to use this Receive connector.
    Use the Add-AdPermission cmdlet to add the ms-Exch-SMTP-Submit permission to the Receive connector for the service account.
    The combination of restricting the IP addresses that the Receive connector listens to, and restricting permissions on the connector so that only the service account can send messages should do the trick.
    For more information, see these topics:
    Receive Connectors
    Receive Connector Permissions
    Deepak Kotian.
    MCP, MCTS, MCITP Server / Exchange 2010 Ent. Administrator
    Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognizes useful contributions. Thanks!
    All the opinions expressed here is mine. This posting is provided "AS IS" with no
    warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.

  • Relay issue using aol

    I am having trouble sending mail to an aol account and get the message that the server does not allow relaying?

    Make sure that your username and password are correct in the mail settings. You can also try using other SMTP servers under the Outgoing SMTP servers option in the email account if you have other email accounts on the iPad.
    Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars>Tap the arrow next to the name of the email account>Tap the arrow next to Account>Outgoing Mail Server>Tap the arrow next to SMTP and then turn on other servers in the next window.

Maybe you are looking for