Saving a Template BOM Item using the oInventoryGenEntry object

I am trying to do a Good Receipt using the DI Object, It always works if the item is not a BOM object but if its a BOM parent I get an error :Item is not set as Inventory Item. The error continues to show me that the problem occurred on an Item that is a child Item of the BOM, This happens especially when the BOM TreeType is Template. According to my understanding,  As long as he parent Item of the BOM is set as inventory Item, every item should work fine.
I can't set the child items as Inventory items because they are just components to build the parent Item.
Please help. How can I solve this
Private Function UpdateStock() As Integer
        Dim oAdjustmentIn As SAPbobsCOM.Documents
        Dim txtItemCode As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
        Dim txtStdCost As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
        Dim txtSize1 As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
        Dim txtSize2 As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
        Dim txtExtQty As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
        Dim errDescript As String
        Dim Result As Integer
        Dim CurrentStock As Double
        Dim iRow As Integer
        Dim tmp As String
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim StkItem As String
        Dim GLAccount As String
            oAdjustmentIn = oDICompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInventoryGenEntry)
            oAdjustmentIn.DocDate = Now
            oAdjustmentIn.Reference2 = "2"        
            oAdjustmentIn.JournalMemo = "Adjustment In"
            'oAdjustmentIn.PaymentGroupCode = "1"
            oItem = oAdjustmentInForm.Items.Item("13")
            oMatrix = oItem.Specific
            txtItemCode = oMatrix.Columns.Item("1").Cells.Item.oMatrix.RowCount).Specific
            If txtItemCode.Value = "" Then
                i = oMatrix.RowCount - 1
                i = oMatrix.RowCount
            End If
            For iRow = 1 To i
                DocType = New PGG_IBT(mo_ParentAddon)
                txtItemCode = oMatrix.Columns.Item("1").Cells.Item(iRow).Specific
                StkItem = txtItemCode.Value
                oAdjustmentIn.Lines.ItemCode = StkItem
                oAdjustmentIn.Lines.AccountCode = GLAccount
                oAdjustmentIn.Lines.Quantity = 2
                oAdjustmentIn.Lines.Price = myPrice
                If iRow <> i Then
                End If
            Result = oAdjustmentIn.Add()
            If Result <> 0 Then
                errDescript = oDICompany.GetLastErrorDescription()
                SBO_Application.MessageBox("Error creating interbranch Receive  " & errDescript)
            End If
           UpdateStock = Result
        Catch ex As Exception
           UpdateStock = -1
            SBO_Application.MessageBox("Error in Class PGG_Inventory, function UpdateStock() " & ex.GetBaseException.ToString)
        End Try
    End Function

Hi Ian
Thanks for the insight, how ever, if I do a Goods Receipt direct in SAP Business One, the Item saves nicely and everything works. It even looks as though the BOM child items are not affeted. But when I use the DI object I then get an error, I don't know what the DI Object is doing different from what SB1 is doing.
There is no doubt in my mind that the Template BOM item can be saved with the Goods Receipt because I am doing it direct in SBO client and it works. I just need to be able to do it via the Di Object
Please help if you can think of another reason why this is happening

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    What do I need to do in order to be able to add multiple expense detail items using the same Expense ID that was passed to the form? 
    I have tried using a Submit Behavior of Open a new form, Close the form, and Leave the form open. 
    None of these options give me what I need.  Thanks for your help.

    Laura Rogers Blog
    In case anyone stumbles upon this looking for an answer. Laura Rogers has the answer found in the comments section of her blog above.  It’s not the best but it
    does work. You have to add an extra Info Path Web Form for it to work. I know, you can roll your eyes.<o:p></o:p>
    1. Add Query String<o:p></o:p>
    2. Add the extra Info Path form to the page. This form will be a hidden on the page and will receive the value from the query string.<o:p></o:p>
    3. Add your original Info Path form and have it receive a parameter from the hidden Info Path form.<o:p></o:p>
    Now, when you hit save and it opens a new form the 3 Info Path form will function properly. <o:p></o:p>

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    DECODE (ooh.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT', NULL,
    Ord, ord_type,
    ooh.ordered_date Order_Date,
    ooh.quote_number quote_no,
    ool.line_number LNum,
    ooh.flow_status_code Order_status,
    -- hca.account_number Customer_number ,
    ool.flow_status_code line_status,
    PAB.PARTY_NAME bill_Customer_Name,
    ACB.ACCOUNT_NUMBER bill_Customer_number,
    PAS.PARTY_NAME ship_Customer_name,
    ACS.ACCOUNT_NUMBER ship_to_Customer_Number,
    ool.unit_selling_price selling_price,
    ool.unit_list_price list_price,
    ool.ORDERED_ITEM pNum,
    ooh.booked_date Date_booked,
    ool.Actual_shipment_date Ship_date,
    ooh.header_id header_id,
    mtl.description pDesc,
    gcc.segment4 Revenue_account,
    -- ooh.shipping_instructions,
    ool.schedule_ship_date SSD,
    DECODE (ool.flow_status_code,
    'BOOKED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_FULFILLMENT', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_RETURN_DISPOSITION', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'ENTERED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_RETURN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_RECEIPT', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SHIPPED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACCEPTANCE', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT_INTERNAL_REJECTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_SHIPPING', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'OFFER_EXPIRED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE_I', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'XXMI_WAIT_MSA', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'EXTERNAL_REQ_REQUESTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT_SUBMITTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'LOST', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'INTERNAL_REQ_OPEN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'INTERNAL_REQ_REQUESTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'EXTERNAL_REQ_OPEN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'PO_OPEN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE_E', ool.ordered_quantity,
    DECODE (ool.flow_status_code,
    'CLOSED', (ool.ordered_quantity * ool.unit_selling_price),
    ool.ordered_quantity - NVL (ool.cancelled_quantity, 0) qua_ord,
    (NVL (ool.ordered_quantity, 0)) * NVL (ool.unit_selling_price, 0)
    -- DECODE (Hod_def.Name,'Credit Card Auth Failure', 'Y','N',Hod_def.NAME,'Credit Card High Risk', 'Y','N',Hod_def.NAME,'Credit Check Failure', 'Y','N',Hod_def.NAME,'Credit Note Hold','Y', 'N') Credit_Hold ,
    ooh.cust_po_number PONUm
    FROM apps.oe_order_headers_all ooh,
    apps.oe_order_lines_all ool,
    apps.mtl_system_items_b mtl,
    apps.org_organization_definitions ood,
    apps.gl_code_combinations gcc,
    apps.oe_transaction_types_tl ottt,
    apps.per_all_people_f papf
    -- apps.OE_ORDER_HOLDS_ALL ooha,
    -- apps.OE_HOLD_SOURCES_ALL ohsa
    -- ,apps.OE_HOLD_DEFINITIONS Hod_def
    WHERE ooh.header_id = ool.header_id
    AND ool.org_id = NVL (:p_org_id, ool.org_id)
    AND ool.flow_status_code != 'CLOSED'
    --and    ooha.header_id(+) = ooh.header_id
    --and ooha.line_id(+) = ool.line_id
    --and   ohsa.hold_source_id = ooha.hold_source_id
    --and ohsa.hold_id = Hod_def.hold_id
    --and ohsa.RELEASED_FLAG = 'N'
    AND ooh.attribute2 = papf.person_id(+)
    AND ottt.language = 'US'
    AND ooh.order_type_id = ottt.transaction_type_id(+)
    AND ooh.open_flag = 'Y'
    --and ooh.order_number = '40000791'
    -- and SOH.CANCELLED_FLAG ='N'
    AND ool.inventory_item_id = mtl.inventory_item_id
    AND ool.org_id = mtl.organization_id
    AND mtl.sales_account = gcc.code_combination_id
    AND ool.org_id = ood.organization_id
    --and    ooh.salesrep_id       = jrs.salesrep_id
    GROUP BY DECODE (ooh.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT', NULL,
    --- hca.account_number ,
    (NVL (ool.ordered_quantity, 0)) * NVL (ool.unit_selling_price, 0),
    DECODE (ool.flow_status_code,
    'BOOKED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_FULFILLMENT', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_RETURN_DISPOSITION', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'ENTERED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_RETURN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_RECEIPT', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SHIPPED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'PENDING_CUSTOMER_ACCEPTANCE', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT_INTERNAL_REJECTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'AWAITING_SHIPPING', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'OFFER_EXPIRED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE_I', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'XXMI_WAIT_MSA', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'EXTERNAL_REQ_REQUESTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'DRAFT_SUBMITTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'LOST', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'INTERNAL_REQ_OPEN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'INTERNAL_REQ_REQUESTED', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'EXTERNAL_REQ_OPEN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'PO_OPEN', ool.ordered_quantity,
    NULL, ool.flow_status_code,
    'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE_E', ool.ordered_quantity,
    DECODE (ool.flow_status_code,
    'CLOSED', (ool.ordered_quantity * ool.unit_selling_price),
    ool.ordered_quantity - NVL (ool.cancelled_quantity, 0)
    -- DECODE (Hod_def.Name,'Credit Card Auth Failure', 'Y','N',Hod_def.NAME,'Credit Card High Risk', 'Y','N',Hod_def.NAME,'Credit Check Failure', 'Y','N',Hod_def.NAME,'Credit Note Hold','Y', 'N')
    -- (hz_loc.Address1||','||hz_loc.Address2||','||hz_loc.City||','||hz_loc.State)
    HAVING (ool.ordered_quantity - NVL (ool.cancelled_quantity, 0)) >
    SUM (NVL (ool.shipped_quantity, 0))
    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3;

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    - See:    
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    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
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    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Try this:
    Select body row of table from hierarchy palette that you want to repeat then on he object tab of the properties tab select binding tab. You need to click on "Repeat Row for Each Data Item"
    I hope this helps

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    I've done this in servlets.
    I created an application module (with an ic.lookup() call, see the documentation) and then used the appModule to create my view.
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    I am building this XML in a servlet so ,right, DOM does process XML (even though a valid HTML file can be loaded into a DOM object) but if you build XML using DOM then write the XML out using PrintWriter and Transformer objects this will cause the XML to print out in your browser. If you view source on this XML you will see that the DOM object has translated all special characters to there &xxxx; equivalent. For a example: when the string (I know "cool" java) gets loaded into a attribute using the DOM object then wrote back out it looks like (I know &xxx;cool&xxx; java) if you view the source in your browser. This is what it should do, but the DOM object is not change the � to the "&xxxxx;". This servlet is acting as a gateway between a Java API and a windows asp. The asp will call the servlet expecting to get XML back and load it directly into a DOM object. When the windows DOM object gets the xml that I am returning in this servlet is throws a exception "invalid character" because the � was not translated to &xxxx; like the other characters were. According to the book HTML 4 in 24 hours (and other references) the eacute; or #233; are how you say "�" in HTML or XML. How do you say it?

  • RE: Using the Currency Object

    I tried using the currency object to display the currency symbol for the UK and Europe, here is an example of what I did
    String currency = Currency.getInstance("EUR").getSymbol();
    or for the UK
    String currency = Currency.getInstance("GBR").getSymbol();
    but I ended up with unicode characters instead of currency symbols like this � or � what am i doing wrong

    (I guess you made a little typo, the Great Britain Pound is GBP and not GBR.)
    Currency.getSymbol returns the symbol that should be used for that currency in the current locale. So if you are in UK "GBP" comes out as the sterling pound symbol, in countries where they use Euro it comes out as &euro;, but everywhere else the result is the three letter (?) currency code itself. This is because pounds and dollars are used in many countries and they have the same symbol; you wouldn't want users to confuse US dollars with Canadian dollars. So try these:
    String pound = Currency.getInstance("GBP").getSymbol(new Locale("en", "GB"));
    String euro = Currency.getInstance("EUR").getSymbol(new Locale("fr", "FR"));

  • Any ideas how I can insert a pdf into word, using the insert object option. However the pdf i want to insert has text and lines annotated, but once inserted the comments don't appear????  any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Any ideas how I can insert a pdf into word, using the insert object option. However the pdf i want to insert has text and lines annotated, but once inserted the comments don't appear????  any help would be greatly appreciated.

    You will need to find a forum for MS Word since that is the software that you are trying to manipulate in this.  If you think the processing/creation of the PDF plays a role then you should ask in the forum for the software that you are using to create the PDF.
    This forum is for issue regarding downloading and installing Adobe trial products, so in any circumstance, your issue does not fit in this forum.

  • Error in Application.Run(DisplayLoginForm) and Remote Authentication in SharePoint Online Using the Client Object Model

    Hi guys
    I Think that is a simple error, but I don’t have enough knowledge in .NET apps.
    I make an console app that use Remote Authentication in SharePoint Online Using the Client Object Model, that a I downloaded from MSDN.
    This App run ok.
    But when I like to make a Windows From App. This component send me an error in Application.Run(DisplayLoginForm)
    This err msg :
     An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
    Additional information: Starting a second message loop on a single thread is not a valid operation. Use Form.ShowDialog instead.
    Is there any way to use a form inside a windows form?
    Thank in advance
    Ramiro B

    Based on the error message, please do as following:
    1. Check your code logic below:
    void btn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    Thread t = new Thread(StartMyForm);
    public static void StartMyForm()
    Application.Run(new MyForm(..));
    2.Try to add the following code line in your code.
    If the issue still exists, please provide your requirement and code for a further research.
    Best Regards
    Dennis Guo
    TechNet Community Support


    Hi All,

    Its very much possible, check the following from the sdk DI help file..
    ProductTrees is a business object that represents a completed product made up of parts and raw materials, which is described by means of a bill of materials.
    Hope it helps,
    Vasu Natari

  • Using the circle object

    My apologies if there is a simple answer to this question, but this is my first time using this program.
    I am trying to create a form from a word document and when I am in LC Designer and want to add the circle object, it is grayed out and the tooltip says: this type of object cannot be used in forms with PDF artwork.
    Can someone please tell me:
    1. What is PDF artwork?
    2. Is there a way to show what the PDF artwork in the form is?
    Thank you for your help.

    When you created the PDF in the first place you would have been given options of either creating an "Interactive Form with Fixed Pages" or an "Interactive form with a Flowable Layout". Sounds like you chose the former. If you want to be able to use the drawing objects you need to choose the "Flowable Layout" option. However, you will have to spend some time cleaning up the layout, since the import process isn't perfect.

  • What is the use for lock object and how to use the lock objects

    Hi Guru's,
    I am new to ABAP .Can you please clarify the that what is the use of lock object and how to use the loct object .what is use of the Deque & Enque  function modules .

    hi ,
    below are some minfo about lock objects :
      Lock Objects
    These types of objects are used for locking the access to database records in table. This mechanism is used to enforce data integrity that is two users cannot update the same data at the same time. With lock objects you can lock table-field or whole table.
    In a system where many users can access the same data, it becomes necessary to control the access to the data. In R/3 system this access control is built-in on database tables. Developers can also lock objects over table records.
    To lock an object you need to call standard functions, which are automatically generated while defining the lock object in ABAP/4 dictionary. This locking system is independent of the locking mechanism used by the R/3 system. This mechanism also defines LUW i.e. Logical Unit of Work. Whenever an object is locked, either by in built locking mechanism or by function modules, it creates corresponding entry in global system table i.e. table is locked. The system automatically releases the lock at the end of transaction. The LUW starts when a lock entry is created in the system table and ends when the lock is released.
    Creating Lock Objects
    Lock object is an aggregated dictionary object and can be defined by using the following steps:
    o From initial data dictionary screen, enter the name for the object, Click Lock object radiobutton and then click on Create. The system displays a dialog box for Maintain Lock Objects screen
    o Enter short text as usual and the name for primary table.
    -Select Tables option
    From this screen you can:
    Select secondary tables, if any, linked by foreign key relationship.
    Fields for the lock objects. This option allows you to select fields for objects (R/3 system allows locking up to record level). Lock object argument are not selected by user but are imposed by the system and includes all the primary keys for the table.
    1) Exclusive lock: The locked data can only be displayed or edited by a single user. A request for another exclusive lock or for a shared lock is rejected.
    2) Shared lock: More than one user can access the locked data at the same time in display mode. A request for another shared lock is accepted, even if it comes from another user. An exclusive lock is rejected.
    3) Exclusive but not cumulative: Exclusive locks can be requested several times from the same transaction and are processed successively. In contrast, exclusive but not cumulative locks can be called only once from the same transaction. All other lock requests are rejected.
    Also, last but not the least, locking the object is logical (locking with any enqueue ) .so, you have to use the lock object while trying to access from second program .
    reward if helpful ,

  • Using the COM Object

    Hi ,
    Is it possible to use the COM object in Labwindows/CVI? If yes, please share the procedure?

    Thank you for the prompt reply!  Your information has been helpful.
    I'm not quite sure why what I'm wanting to do is against the EULA, unless it's because I'm doing it at a server level.
    Yes, COM is a Microsoft concept.  I do understand that InDesign uses the DOM, but I have seen code snippets where people have utilized the .tlb file from within .NET (C#, too).
    1. That sucks, but it is something I suppose I could live with.
    2. No comment.
    3. If my only objective is to create a thumbnail (whether it be INDD --> PDF --> JPG or INDD --> JPG), and if placing will achieve this, then that's ok.
    4. If InDesign server allows me to run a script that will do what I want, that'll work.
    5. No comment.
    6. I assume there's no way to try-before-you-buy InDesign Server?  I sure wish I could tinker with it before determining if it's the right solution.
    I know what I want is WAY overkill, but since we're a shop that uses Adobe products to print large graphics, our customers use Adobe, too.  I'm absolutely FLABBERGASTED that Adobe doesn't offer a way to easily convert their products.  And since what I want to do requires the use of Adobe in some way or fashion, I don't see any other alternative than to use a cannon to kill a fly.
    I spoke with "Travis" via chat after reading your post.  He states that Adobe does not offer a product that does what I want, nor does it offer a custom made graphic conversion program.
    What an absolute bummer.  I never thought converting an Adobe file to a thumbnail would be so difficult, especially after I noticed how Adobe Bridge flawlessly creates a visible thumbnail for all Adobe types, right in it's own window.
    Again, thanks for the information.  If you think of anything else, please let me know.

  • CP 8 crashes and closes when using the web object.

    Adobe Captivate 8 is crashing when using the web object, give me a box which says I need to close the program. How can I fix this issue?
    Message was edited by: Deborah Schonfeld

    Hi There,
    Can you please confirm your operating system ? Do you have the full administrative rights ? Are you getting any error when trying to insert Web Object interaction ?
    Would like to inform you Captivate 6 onwards interactions have been uploaded on server. Captivate pings this server on a regular basis, If there is any firewall or strict network policy then it might take some time to check the URL or might be result in crash or freeze.

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