Selecting and Printing Labels from Database

I have tried to print address labels from a database in which I chose four lines, one of which (a company name) is often blank because there is no information. This line appears as a blank line on the label. Is there a way to eliminate this blank line?
I am also having trouble selecting records to print. Can you suggest where to look to get help?
Thank you.

Here is a script I passed last year about this kind of problem.
I hope that embedded comments would be sufficient because at this time, I am unable to work on such a script.
--[SCRIPT DB calcToSlideGUI v6]
Ce script récupère dans un champ une valeur calculée
et la dépose dans un champ texte classique.
Cela permet de bénéficier du retour à la ligne automatique
indisponible pour les champs calculés.
Si un champ contient des pseudo returns consécutifs,
ils sont remplacés par un unique pseudo return.
Si un champ contient des pseudo espaces consécutifs,
ils sont remplacés par un unique espace.
La fonction Chercher-Remplacer est utilisée
pour remplacer ces pseudo return par de VRAIS return.
Exemple de formule pour concat-calc
'prénom'&"◊"&'prénom2'&"◊"'nom'&"¶"&'rue1'&"¶"&'rue2'&"¶"&'code'&" "&'city
• This script grab the value calculated in a field
and drop it in a simple text field.
This permit to take benefit of the auto wrap feature
which is unavailable with calculated fields.
If a field contains adjacent pseudo returns,
they are replaced by single ones.
If a field contains adjacent pseudo spaces,
they are replaced by a single space.
The Find-Replace feature is used to replace
these pseudo returns by TRUE ones.
Sample formula for concat-calc:
'firstName'&"◊"&'firstName2'&"◊"&'lastName'&"¶"&'street1'&"¶"&'street2'&"¶"&'co de'&" "&'city'
Yvan KOENIG, Vallauris (FRANCE)
27 août 2004
complété le 31 août
modifié le 5 décembre
modifié le 8 décembre
modifié le 4 février 2005
property champsRequis : {"concat-calc", "concat-text"}
(* les noms des deux rubriques manipulées
vous pouvez modifier ces noms mais PAS leur ordre
• the names of the two used fields
you may change them but don’t change the order of them *)
property french : true (* true = messages français
• false = english messages *)
property fauxReturn : ASCII character 166 -- "¶"
(* use it in the database formula as Return indicator *)
property fauxEspace : ASCII character 215 -- "◊"
(* use it in the database formula as Space indicator *)
property fauxReturn2 : fauxReturn & fauxReturn
property fauxEspace2 : fauxEspace & fauxEspace
property msg0 : "" -- globale
property msg1 : "" -- globale
property msg2 : "" -- globale
property msg4 : "" -- globale
property msg6 : "" -- globale
property msg7 : "" -- globale
property msg71 : "" -- globale
property msg72 : "" -- globale
property msg81 : "" -- globale
property msg82 : "" -- globale
property msg98 : "" -- globale
property msg99 : "" -- globale
on run
if msg0 is "" then my prepareMessages()
my controlesDivers()
my modeUtilisation()
my afficheToutes()
my preparation()
set metsReturn to my alimente()
my pourRemplacer(metsReturn)
on error MsgErr number NroErr
if NroErr is not -128 then
beep 2
(* «constant afdregfp» est la forme canonique de frontmost application *)
-- tell application (path to «constant afdregfp» as string)
tell application (path to frontmost application as string)
display dialog "" & NroErr & " : " & MsgErr ¬
buttons {msg99} with icon 0
end tell -- to application
end if
end try
end run
-- ================== routines
on controlesDivers()
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
-- Test version
if "6." is not in (version as text) then ¬
error msg0 number 8000
if (count each document) = 0 then ¬
error msg1 number 8001
if (document kind of document 1 ¬
is not database document) then ¬
error msg2 number 8002
select document 1 (* Utile si dialog recherche est au 1er plan
• Useful if the Search dialog is at front *)
end tell -- AppleWorks
end controlesDivers
-- ==================
on modeUtilisation()
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
tell document 1
select menu item 1 of menu 5 (* mode Utilisation¬
• Browse mode *)
end tell -- to document 1
end tell -- to AppleWorks
end modeUtilisation
-- ==================
on afficheToutes()
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
tell document 1
select menu item 1 of menu 6 (* Afficher toutes les fiches
• Show all records *)
end tell -- to document 1
end tell -- to AppleWorks
end afficheToutes
-- =====================
on preparation()
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
tell document 1
if (count of records) = 0 then error msg6 number 8006
set nomsChamps to name of every field
set {missing, msg8} to {0, ""}
set cnt_champsRequis to count of champsRequis
repeat with ky from 1 to cnt_champsRequis
set Rbrq to (item ky of champsRequis)
if Rbrq is not in nomsChamps then
set missing to missing + 1
set msg8 to msg8 & Rbrq & ", "
(* construit une chaîne avec les noms des rubriques absentes
• build a string with the names of missing field(s) *)
end if
end repeat
if missing is not 0 then
(* prépare un beau message d'erreur
• build a pretty error message *)
if missing = 1 then
set msgmiss to msg7 & msg71 & return & ¬
msg8 & msg81
set msgmiss to msg7 & msg72 & return & ¬
msg8 & msg82 -- pluriels
end if -- missing = 1
error msgmiss number 8078
end if -- missing is not 0
end tell -- to document 1
end tell -- to AppleWorks
end preparation
-- =====================
on alimente()
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
tell document 1
set {champSource, champDestination} to champsRequis
set metsReturn to false
set nbrec to count of records
repeat with ky from 1 to nbrec
set {champky, mets_Return} to ¬
my slide((value of field champSource of record ky) as text, metsReturn)
set value of field champDestination of record ky to champky
end repeat
end tell -- document 1
end tell -- Aworks
return mets_Return
end alimente
-- =====================
on remplace(Texte, avant, apres)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to avant
set aListe to (text items of Texte)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to apres
return (aListe as text)
end remplace
-- =====================
on slide(Texte, mets_Return)
repeat while Texte contains fauxReturn2
set Texte to my remplace(Texte, fauxReturn2, fauxReturn)
end repeat
repeat while Texte contains fauxEspace2
set Texte to my remplace(Texte, fauxEspace2, fauxEspace)
end repeat
if Texte contains fauxEspace then ¬
set Texte to my remplace(Texte, fauxEspace, " ")
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
if Texte contains fauxReturn then set mets_Return to true
return {Texte, mets_Return}
end slide
-- =====================
on pourRemplacer(metsReturn)
if my quelOS() is not less than "1030" then
(* Mac OS X 10.3 ou plus *)
if metsReturn is true then ¬
my chercheRemplaceGUI(fauxReturn, return)
error msg4 number 8004
end if -- my quelOS() (GUIdispo)
end pourRemplacer
-- ==================
on chercheRemplaceGUI(avant_, apres_)
beep 2 (* Attire l'attention *)
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
select document 1
tell document 1
select menu item 1 of menu item 16 of menu 3 (* Rechercher/Remplacer…
• Find/Replace… *)
end tell
set the clipboard to avant_
end tell -- to AppleWorks
tell application "System Events"
if UI elements enabled then
tell process "AppleWorks 6"
keystroke tab
end tell -- to process
tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to ¬
pane ""
display dialog msg98
end tell -- to System Preferences
end if
end tell -- to System Events
tell application "AppleWorks 6"
set the clipboard to apres_
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "AppleWorks 6"
keystroke tab -- back to field "Search"
end tell -- to process
end tell -- to System Events
end chercheRemplaceGUI
-- =====================
on quelOS()
(* «event fndrgstl» = forme canonique de system attribute *)
-- set hexData to «event fndrgstl» "sysv"
set hexData to system attribute "sysv"
set hexString to {}
repeat 4 times
set hexString to ((hexData mod 16) as string) & hexString
set hexData to hexData div 16
end repeat
set OS_version to hexString as string
on error
set OS_version to "0000"
(* retournera "0000" si "system attribute" n'est pas reconnu *)
end try
return OS_version
end quelOS
-- =====================
on prepareMessages()
if french is true then
set msg0 to "Ce script n'est pas compatible" & return & ¬
"avec cette version d‘AppleWorks." & return & ¬
"Veuillez utiliser une version 6.0" & return & ¬
"ou plus récente..."
set msg1 to "Aucun document ouvert"
set msg2 to "Ce document n'est pas une base de données."
set msg4 to "Pensez à remplacer" & return & ¬
"«" & fauxReturn & "» par «\\p»."
set msg6 to "Impossible d’exécuter ce script" & return & ¬
"sur une base vide."
set msg7 to "Désolé, "
set msg71 to "la rubrique:"
set msg72 to "les rubriques:"
set msg81 to "est absente."
set msg82 to "sont absentes."
set msg98 to "Le scriptage des éléments d’interface est désactivé. " & ¬
"Cochez «Activez l’accès pour les périphériques d’aide»"
set msg99 to " Vu "
set msg0 to "This script is not compatible" & return & ¬
"with this version of AppleWorks." & return & ¬
"Please use version 6.0" & return & "or higher..."
set msg1 to "No open doc"
set msg2 to "This document is not a database."
set msg4 to "CAUTION, don’t forget to replace" & ¬
"“" & fauxReturn & "” by “\\p."
set msg6 to "Can’t apply this script" & return & ¬
"on an empty DB."
set msg7 to "Oops, the field"
set msg71 to ":"
set msg72 to "s:"
set msg81 to "is missing."
set msg82 to "are missing."
set msg98 to "UI element scripting is not enabled. " & ¬
"Check “Enable access for assistive devices”"
set msg99 to " Oops "
end if
end prepareMessages
Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE jeudi 15 juin 2006 09:07:25)

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    Hi MollyPhloot07,
    I'm glad you found the app and you might also want to take a look at the GroceryIQ app from the same company.  Please note that at this time, printing is only support from iPad to HP wireless inkjet printer.  That's most likely the reason why your Canon isn't displaying when attempting to print.  The other way to go might be emailing the coupons you want to your email address, then open that email and print from a conventional desktop or laptop computer.
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    ' Macro2 Macro
    ' Macro recorded 17-02-00 by IT-Systems
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    We do not have an example that will do *exactly* what you need, but you should
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    "Han Stehmann" wrote:
    >>I'd like to print labels from CVI. I managed to create the label type I
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    exactly>what I want. Maybe someone can translate this to CVI, please ???>>>Sub
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    NewTemplate:=>_> False> Application.MailingLabel.DefaultPrintBarCode
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    Thank you
    Jayjay john

    Hi Joakins,
    I think Lloyd has a point here in that all I see there which is really database related is a connection string.
    Maybe your question is more general though and you're just asking how to work with a database as a general principle.
    Personally, I like entity framework and would recommend that.
    You can read a shed load of stuff about it.
    With WPF almost every dev uses MVVM and I'm no exception.
    You may find this interesting:
    The article for the second in the series is only partly written, but the sample is complete:
    Hope that helps.
    Recent Technet articles: Property List Editing;
    Dynamic XAML

  • Printing labels from Address Book

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    I think I understand your question. Hopefully this will help you with at least one of your problems. In order to print out address labels for just your name and address, you'll have to duplicate your personal address card several times. I duplicated mine 29 more times so that I could print out 30 sticky labels. Here's what I'd suggest:
    1. Create a new group in the far left side of your Address Book window by clicking once on the "+" button found at the bottom of the Group column, and then title your new group something like "My Return Labels."
    2. Locate your main personal card in the "All" group, and then slide it (or add it) to your newly created group.
    3. Highlight your card from within your new "My Return Labels" group, copy and paste it about 29 times.
    4. Once done, make sure you have just your "My Return Labels" group highlighted, then go to your Print command.
    5. Choose the proper label style, and print away.
    Good luck, Grampa Doodie.
    PBG4-15 1.67GHZ, eMac, G4 Tower, iMac (Graphite), iMac (BB).   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins and log in as Guest. For instructions, launch the System Preferences application, select Help from the menu bar, and enter “Set up a guest account” (without the quotes) in the search box.
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your personal files or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem(s)?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault in Mac OS X 10.7 or later, then you can’t enable the Guest account. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled under Mac OS X 10.7 or later, you can’t boot in safe mode.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem(s)?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of steps 1 and 2.

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    Thank you for the quick response. I've done that but the problem persists.
    A bit about my computer it's Vista, but the folders are a little weird. Default install directory and common files folders are on a different drive. In addition appdata are also on a different drive. However this should not affect sinve I've already re-installed Adobe Reader multiple times and it used to work just fine.
    But perhaps the problem is indeed path related. Anybody with more ideas to share?
    Thank you in advance.
    Update: When I reinstall Adobe Reader and open the file, the first time I try to install Japanese font it does not end with "registering product" but with something like "removing backup files" (see attachment). If I try to install Japanese font again and again, I will get the "registering product" at the final glimpse of the installation pop-up.

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    While I'm not sure about what you want to accomplish, I'll offer a couple of possible solutions.
    1. If the items that you want to remove are on the timeline, and those items are in layers that contain no content that you want to keep, then you can just select those layers and delete them.
    2. If you want to remove some items from the stage, but keep the original items for some later purpose, just copy the movie and then edit the copy as in item 1.
    3. If you need to remove some items from stage and then resize the stage to compensate for the loss of these items, then you may have to move and/or resize some of the items in your movie. This may be as simple as using the "edit multiple frames" selection in the timeline, or it may be much more time consuming.

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    I am trying to print labels from contacts in my Macbook Pro.  I've done it before and now I can't remember how

    Hello there, mamajanie55.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some information on how to create labels and such from your Contacts:
    Contacts: Print contact information
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Gordon Wood

    The SDK does not have a facility for accessing the PLD or the ALD products.  You can use the Report Service to capture print information and parameters to send to a third-party report writer such as Crystal that you can then use.

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    I am new to computers and having managed to type in all my addresses I was hoping to print some labels!    Please can anyone help!

    Welcome to the Support Communities. What version of OS X is your Mac running? ...Click on the  menu at top left of your screen and choose About This Mac. Note the version in the form 10.n.n and then see this ASC tutorial:
    Update your product list
    Then see this Apple doc, which is for OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)...
    Contacts (Mavericks): Print contact information
    ...Found by searching here:

  • Re: Printing labels from iCloud Contacts.

    I'm trying to print labels from iCloud 'Contacts'. I have a MacBook Air (which I now use all the time) as well as a wonderful but ancient iMac which I use occasionally.  My printer is only connected to my iMac so I want to print my multiple contact labels from there. When I log into iCloud wanting to print my Group 'Christmas Card Contacts' list, the print settings don't allow me to set up the page to choose labels (Avery, J8160 or any other).Any idea how I can achieve this please?  I feel I've gone backwards because I never had any trouble doing this from my old Address Book on my Mac but, since iCloud, I haven't keep the old Address Book up to date.  I had no idea it would be necessary.  It shouldn't be necessary!!  All advice gratefully received but I suspect I'm asking the impossible unless/until Apple remedy this defect. Thanks.

    You can't.  On some label layouts you can reverse the page and it will print on the remaining labels.  Just limit the number to be printed to the number of labels remaining.
    I don't know if there are any label printing apps that can let you insert a number of blank labels before your labels so you can start somewhere in the middle of a sheet of labels. You may have to do a google search for label printing apps for Mac and contact customer support for them to see if one can start in the middle of a sheet.  It can be done with FileMaker Pro but that's a pretty costly app for just printing labels.

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    In ADF 11g, when render view object as readonly table with Single RowsSelection, using IE browser can not select and copy data from the cell, but it work in firefox.
    is it a bug?
    Edited by: kent2066 on 2009-5-18 上午8:46

    Hi Timo,
    Sorry forgot to mention versions.
    We are using and IE 9.
    I tried in Google but could not get the solution.
    Kindly let me know solution for this.

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    Sorry this is not supported at this time. You can only download the responses as PDF one at a time.
    You can export the response table and print the whole table but if you want to print each response individually you have to do it manually. Sorry.

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    Re: can't drag email addresses from contact list

Maybe you are looking for

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