Sort Record By select different critirea in listbox

I would like to a sorting for my records....which when user select a option let's say name from the listbox....The records which already displayed on JSP page need to be sorted according to 'name'
Anyone knows how to do it?
Thank You In advanced....

Use this code in your jsp
String sortby_param=request.getParameter("sortby");
// "sortby" name of u r field
String Sql="select * from emp order by'"+sortby_param+"'";
Hope it helps

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  • BDC : to select different rows in table control

    I have to fill many rows in table control and want to select different row one by one  in increasing order which rows are filled in BDC.
    Can anybody suggest me with coding...

    Hi ,
    I am attaching sample code for BDC transaction code is : FV11 , This code is also contains poage down concepts . By using this page down concept you can add number of item fields
    Program Name        : ZFV11_NEW
    Program Description : To Upload Condition Records-FV11
    Author              : Jagadish
    Start Date          : 11/06/2007
    REPORT zfv11
       DO NOT CHANGE - the generated data section - DO NOT CHANGE    ***
      If it is nessesary to change the data section use the rules:
      1.) Each definition of a field exists of two lines
      2.) The first line shows exactly the comment
          '* data element: ' followed with the data element
          which describes the field.
          If you don't have a data element use the
          comment without a data element name
      3.) The second line shows the fieldname of the
          structure, the fieldname must consist of
          a fieldname and optional the character '_' and
          three numbers and the field length in brackets
      4.) Each field must be type C.
    Generated data section with specific formatting - DO NOT CHANGE  ***
    TABLES : t100.
    DATA: BEGIN OF record OCCURS 0,
    data element: KSCHA
            kschl(004),               "Condition Type
    data element: SELKZ_LIST
    data element: WERKS_D
            werks(004),               "Plant
    data element: ELIFN
            lifnr(010),               "Vendor
    data element: MATNR
            matnr(018),               "Material No.
    data element: KBETR_KOND
            kbetr(016),               "Amount
    data element: KODATAB
            datab(010),               "Condition Validity Date from
    data element: KODATBI
            datbi(010),               "Condition Validity To
    data element: MWSKZ
          END OF record.
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_new OCCURS 0,                    " Internal Table for Header Data
           END OF it_new.
    DATA : BEGIN OF it_item OCCURS 0,                  " Internal table for Item Data
          END OF it_item.
    DATA : cnt(2) TYPE n,
           fld(25) TYPE c.
    TYPE-POOLS: truxs.
    DATA: it_raw TYPE truxs_t_text_data.
    DATA : n TYPE n.
         BEGIN OF t_data OCCURS 0,
               data TYPE string,
         END   OF t_data.
    DATA:BEGIN OF it_mess OCCURS 0,
        END OF it_mess.
    DATA : p_mode    TYPE c.
       it_msgtab1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA :  l_mstring(150).
    DATA : BEGIN OF bdcdata OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE bdcdata.
    DATA: END OF bdcdata.
    PARAMETERS : p_file1 LIKE rlgrap-filename.
      PERFORM file_selection.
      PERFORM data_upload.
      PERFORM table_control.
      LOOP AT it_new.
        REFRESH bdcdata.
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '0100'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'RV13A-KSCHL'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPLV14A' '0100'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMG-WERKS'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'KOMG-LIFNR'
    DATA: "X(5) TYPE N,
             N(5) TYPE N.
       N = 0.
       LOOP AT it_item.
         N = N + 1.
       "X = 1.
       CNT = 1.
       DO N TIMES.
         IF CNT > 19.
           perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'KOMG-MATNR(01)'.
           perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=P+'.
           PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
           CNT = 1.
        cnt = 1.
        LOOP AT it_item WHERE werks EQ it_new-werks AND lifnr EQ it_new-lifnr . "FROM x TO x.
          CONCATENATE 'KOMG-MATNR(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-matnr.
          CONCATENATE 'KONP-KBETR(' cnt')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-kbetr.
          CONCATENATE 'RV13A-DATAB(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-datab.
          CONCATENATE 'RV13A-DATBI(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-datbi.
          CONCATENATE 'KONP-MWSK1(' cnt ')' INTO fld.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING fld it_item-mwsk1.
          cnt = cnt + 1.
          if cnt = 20.
            perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' 'KOMG-MATNR(19)'.
            perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=P+'.
            PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
            CNT = 1.
    CLEAR it_item.
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro      USING 'SAPMV13A' '1363'.
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_CURSOR'
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        CALL TRANSACTION 'FV11' USING bdcdata MODE 'A'
                                            UPDATE 'S'
                                           MESSAGES  INTO it_msgtab.
        CLEAR bdcdata[].
        PERFORM error.
           Start new screen   -Subroutine     for screen s                                      *
    FORM bdc_dynpro USING program dynpro.
      CLEAR bdcdata.
      bdcdata-program  = program.
      bdcdata-dynpro   = dynpro.
      bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
      APPEND bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                    "BDC_DYNPRO
           Insert field        -Subroutine   for field s                                         *
    FORM bdc_field USING fnam fval.
      CLEAR bdcdata.
      bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
      bdcdata-fval = fval.
      APPEND bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                    "BDC_FIELD
    *&      Form  file_selection
    FORM file_selection .
          program_name  = syst-cprog
          dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
          field_name    = 'P_FILE1'
          file_name     = p_file1.
    ENDFORM.                    " file_selection
    *&      Form  data_upload
    FORM data_upload .
        I_FIELD_SEPERATOR        =
           i_line_header            =  'X'
           i_tab_raw_data           =  it_raw
           i_filename               =  p_file1
           i_tab_converted_data     = record
           conversion_failed        = 1
           OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " data_upload
    *&      Form  error
    FORM error .
      LOOP AT it_msgtab.
        IF it_msgtab-msgtyp = 'E'.
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM t100 WHERE sprsl = it_msgtab-msgspra
                                    AND   arbgb = it_msgtab-msgid
                                    AND   msgnr = it_msgtab-msgnr.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            l_mstring = t100-text.
            IF l_mstring CS '&1'.
              REPLACE '&1' WITH it_msgtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&2' WITH it_msgtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&3' WITH it_msgtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&4' WITH it_msgtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
              REPLACE '&' WITH it_msgtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
            CONDENSE l_mstring.
            it_mess-msgtyp = it_msgtab-msgtyp.
            it_mess-lms = l_mstring.
            it_mess-msgv1 = it_msgtab-msgv1.
            APPEND it_mess.
           WRITE: / it_msgtab-msgtyp, l_mstring(150).
           WRITE: / it_msgtab.
            it_mess-msgtyp = it_msgtab-msgtyp.
            it_mess-lms = l_mstring.
            it_mess-msgv1 = it_msgtab-msgv1.
            APPEND it_mess.
    ENDFORM.                    " error
    *&      Form  table_Control
    FORM table_control .
    SORT record BY lifnr matnr.
      LOOP AT record.
        ON CHANGE OF record-lifnr.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING record TO it_new.
          APPEND it_new.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING record TO it_item.
        APPEND it_item.
    ENDFORM.                    " table_Control
    Reward if useful

  • How to select different parts of the text? cmd button no longer does that...

    After installing Maverics i can no longer propertly edit my work as I cannot mark different parts of text using cmd button. Shift works as before for highlighting all the text from starting point to selected point but I can no longer use cmd to highlight different areas of the text. Is this an OS bug? Or was the button for selecting different parts of the text changed? I tried everything...

    It's just a small part of what makes Pages 5 so "stunning" (Apple's word). You think stripping out the nifty ability to mark non-contiguous passages of text was neat? Sure that was nice. But Apple has gotten rid of more, so much more. And for free!
    Just wait till you put the product through its paces and you discover other nice features that are missing, such as (but not limited to):
    - no linking of text boxes!  Yes, that's right. Now a newsletter that had a "continued on page 6" or whatever will be broken by Pages 5. Stunning! (Even more stunning, Pages 5 will strip out all sorts of formatting from documents created with Pages 4.3 and it will do ao without warning and will save the document in a NEW unified file format so that it cannot be opened by Pages 4.3, thereby potentially losing users hours and hours of work. Stunning!
    There's more!
    - Pages 5 has no mail merge, no bookmarks, no images in headers/footers! Pages 4.3 has those features, but this stunning new release removes them.
    - Pages 5 features vastly reduced and simplified set of templates (there used to be about 130 Apple-cupplied templates, now there are about 60).
    - Page 5 also boasts NO RTF SUPPORT, so a paper your wrote with Apple's own TextEdit is not natively readable with Pages: Stunning!
    - No detail was too small to omit in this stunning new release: the vertical ruler, so you can easily place text or an obejct at a certain place in a document: gone! Setting the default zoom: gone!  Status bar reproting word count and pagecount (e.g., Page 4 of 48): Gone! View comments in the left side bar: Gone!  Autocapitalization: Gone! Search & Replace: drastically simplified!
    But here's the really good news: Pages 5 is just PERFECT for creating a one page-poster advertising a new concert by Apple employee Eddie Cue. What's more you can collaborate on it with someone else, even if they're using a PC. Now that's "stunning"!

  • Recording to a different drive

    I've been recording for over a year on my default hard drive - the one Logic is installed on. I just installed an additional new hard drive. Since Logic records projects to the Logic folder, I created one on my new hard drive and also created an Alias of it to put in the default drive. The new projects are recorded to the new drive as planned. Now I'm finding a latency issue while tracking. To remedy it for now I'm turning on Low Latency mode. This works but I would rather not use it (maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this is fine).
    I still have an empty Logic folder on the default drive and when I Save As to it I get no latency issue. It only happens when recording to a different drive than Logic is installed on.
    I would please love some advise so I don't twist my system into a knot. I have some clients coming in next week and I would like to be on solid ground again - but also use my new drive.
    I'm hoping NOT to hear that the only solution is to install Logic on the new drive.

    So, your additional HD is in your Mac Pro, yes?
    What sort of drive is it (spin speed etc). It's not a 'green' drive is it? You don't need to alias a project folder back to your boot drive. I have 4 7400 speed (not 'Green') in my Mac Pro and have no issue.
    Drive 1: System and Apps (inc Logic, obviously)
    Drive 2: Logic Projects
    Drive 3: Samples for EXS etc
    Drive 4: Backup
    You wouldn't want to install Logic on your new drive because you'd have to put a whole system on that drive and boot from it which would defet the object of having a second drive.

  • Sorting records problem in BOE

    Hi all.
    I have a problem. I have created a new Crystal Reports Report which I uploaded to BOE. I tested it firstly locally in my machine, refreshing it through Crystal Reports  at design time. It gives me the results I want.
    This reports gets called from another application via URL using the opendocument command. Such application sends the proper parameters to my report when I upload it to BOE. The BOE server connects to the same DatabaseServer which I get connected locally. The problem comes when I execute the Report in BOE through the opendocument command, cause it sorts the records in a different order from the order I get when I run it locally which is a big issue since the main functionality of this report is based on the order it presents the information.
    The DataSource  for my Report is an Oracle Stored Procedure.
    This would be the output of my local Report (It would be clearer if I could upload the PDF file itself, but I'm afraid I can't)
    CPM FOP_01 Produccion
         CPM FOP_01 C2 Produccion
              Cemento Granel Tipo V
              Clinker Gris 02 Tipo I
              Harina Gris - es
    CPM FOP_01 Inventarios
         CPM FOP_01 C2 Inventarios Amounts
         CPM FOP_01 C2 Inventarios Units
    CPM FOP_01 C1 Income
         Own production
    This would be the output of the Report called from the application.  As you can see the record containing CPM FOP_01 C1 Spread should not be placed there, according to my local test
    CPM FOP_01 Produccion
         CPM FOP_01 C2 Produccion
              Cemento Granel Tipo V
              Clinker Gris 02 Tipo I
              Harina Gris - es
    CPM FOP_01 C1 Spread
    CPM FOP_01 Inventarios
         CPM FOP_01 C2 Inventarios Amounts
         CPM FOP_01 C2 Inventarios Units
    CPM FOP_01 C1 Income
         Own production
    The record containing CPM FOP_01 C1 Spread does exist in my report, but should be placed in another section below the section it is placed now.
    Besides, the report in BOE is doing weird things such as hiding some totals is should not hide.
    I wonder is this has something to do with some sort of problem involving the services, or maybe some cache memory or something alike. I tried as many things as have come to my mind in order to solve this issue, but now I'm out of ideas.
    As always, any help will be very useful for me and my team
    Edited by: GABRIEL SANCHEZ VALDEZ on Jun 22, 2010 7:11 PM

    Hi Gabriel,
    Since you are a BOE user you should also have a support contract. I suggest you log a new case and get a Support engineer working with your directly. Then you can attach the PDF to the case.
    Thank you
    Also, I am moving this post to the BOE forum.

  • How can we sort records in alv, give example

    how can we sort records in alv, give example

    <b>Setting Sort Conditions</b>
    It is possible to set sort conditions for the table data. This is achieved by filling an internal table of structure “LVC_T_SORT” which consists of the sort criteria. To have an initial sorting, pass it to the parameter “IT_SORT” of the method “set_table_for_first_display”.
    FORM prepare_sort_table CHANGING pt_sort TYPE lvc_t_sort .
    DATA ls_sort TYPE lvc_s_sort .
    ls_sort-spos = '1' .
    ls_sort-fieldname = 'CARRID' .
    ls_sort-up = 'X' . "A to Z
    ls_sort-down = space .
    APPEND ls_sort TO pt_sort .
    ls_sort-spos = '2' .
    ls_sort-fieldname = 'SEATSOCC' .
    ls_sort-up = space .
    ls_sort-down = 'X' . "Z to A
    APPEND ls_sort TO pt_sort .
    ENDFORM. " prepare_sort_table
    <b>Preparing the table for sorting settings</b>
    We have two important points to tell about this topic. First one is that, be ready for a short dump if any one of the fields given to be sorted is not in the content of the field catalog. Secondly, when you make ALV Grid to sort data, by default it vertically merges fields having the same content. To avoid from this for all of the columns, you can set “no_merging” field of the layout structure to ‘X’. If you want to disable merging for just some columns, set “no_merging” field of the field catalog row corresponding to that column.
    You can get and set sort criteria applied whenever you want by using methods “get_sort_criteria” and “set_sort_criteria”, respectively.
    Sort Using FACTORY CLASSES</b>
    <b>Sorts – CL_SALV_SORTS</b>
    we can add some sorting to the ALV grid. Create the object reference variable and receive the object using the GET_SORTS method of the GR_TABLE object. Next, add the sort by calling the ADD_SORT method of the GR_SORTS object.
    report zalvom_demo1.
    data: ispfli type table of spfli.
    data: gr_table type ref to cl_salv_table.
    data: gr_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions.
    data: gr_display type ref to cl_salv_display_settings. data: gr_columns type ref to cl_salv_columns_table.
    data: gr_column type ref to cl_salv_column_table.
    data: gr_sorts type ref to cl_salv_sorts.
    data: color type lvc_s_colo.
    select * into table ispfli from spfli. cl_salv_table=>factory( importing r_salv_table = gr_table   changing t_table = ispfli ).
    gr_functions = gr_table->get_functions( ). gr_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
    gr_display = gr_table->get_display_settings( ). gr_display->set_striped_pattern( cl_salv_display_settings=>true ). gr_display->set_list_header( 'This is the heading' ). gr_columns = gr_table->get_columns( ).
    gr_column ?= gr_columns->get_column( 'CITYTO' ). gr_column->set_long_text( 'This is long text' ). gr_column->set_medium_text( 'This is med text' ). gr_column->set_short_text( 'This is sh' ).
    gr_column ?= gr_columns->get_column( 'CITYFROM' ). color-col = '6'.
    color-int = '1'.
    color-inv = '0'.
    gr_column->set_color( color ).
    gr_sorts = gr_table->get_sorts( ).
    gr_sorts->add_sort 'CITYTO' ).
    gr_table->display( ).
    Reward if useful to you</i></b>
    Message was edited by:
            Ravish Garg

  • Items sorted in mb01 selection screen

    Hi gurus,
    My problem thatu2019s I need that the sequence of the items in the tx.mb01 selection screen might be sorted by material code.
    However, the sort of these items is the same that in purchase order. Originally the purchase order is not sorted by material codeu2026so if I try to sort by this code it doesn`t change the assignment to the item number.
    What can I do? I canu2019t sort the tx.mb01 selection screen, I can´t change the relation between item number and material code when I sort by material code and this itemu2019s sort is assigned automatically from different purchase requisition, could I parametrize this?

    I do not know any option to achieve this.
    But why do you need it? Why didn't you create the PO item sequence in the sequence you need for MB01 if it that important?
    Why dont you use MIGO, here you can simply sort by material selecting the column header and then right mouse clic. Sorting is among the enties in the context menu

  • When using apple remote app on ipad or iphone to control apple TV is there a way of selecting different airplay speakers?

    When using apple remote on ipdad or iphone to control apple TV is there a way to select different airplay speakers without having to control the menu on screen. Eg I want to listed to my music through apple tv (which is in the living room)  and beam it to my airplay speakers in my bedroom, at the moment I would have to go back into the living room to see my tv screen to select the bedroom airplay speakers, then go back upstairs to listen to the music. YOu should be able to select the speakers in app without looking at the TV screen. Hopefully that makes sense!?!

    Look at this.
    Tango Remote Control for iOS6-7 on the App Store on iTunes

  • How to open selected files from a listbox

    I am trying to open files from selected items in a listbox, but am having some problems.
    Here is my code:
    var firstLibrary = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\test\\Library1.indl";
    var secondLibrary = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Adobe\\test\\Library2.indl";
    var libraryList = [firstLibrary, secondLibrary]; // array filled with file url's
    var w = new Window ("dialog");
    var myList = w.add ("listbox", undefined, libraryList, {multiselect: true}); // list populated with libraryList array
    var print = w.add ("button", undefined, "Print selected items");
    myList.selection = 0; // default selection of first index
    print.onClick = function () // when button is clicked, should print selections to console, open files and then close the window
        for (var i = 0; i < myList.selection.length; i++){
            $.writeln (myList.selection[i].text); // <-- correctly prints the selected items to the console
            //[i].text)); // <-- this line I would assume allows me to open the files because the text is a file url,
                                                                            // however, uncommenting it breaks the code
        w.close(); ();

    @Sam – Instead of a "dialog" type of Window use a "palette" type:
    var w = new Window ("palette");
    "palette" creates a modeless type of dialog.
    Or close the Window with type "dialog" before opening the file with:
    var myFileToOpen = File(libraryList[i]);
    (Not tested with your code, but should work…)

  • No records were selected message when I execute the KE30

    Dear All,
    I have created a CO-PA Profitability Report by Report Painter and when I execute the KE30 ,system is giving a message as "No records were selected ".
    I have checked  the actual line item report (KE24),all the values are flowing and showing under value fields tab.Even in KE30 ,I could see the report layout ,but values are not appearing.
    Please help me to find where it went wrong.

    Hi Subbu
    1. Check your record type..Billing data has record type as F... see your form in KE35 and check it
    2. Execute your report with selection parameters like Comp Code and the Period... Once the data is displayed, you can further refine the selection criteria
    3. Also check in KE35 -
    a. The Plan/Actual indicator.. You should select "Actual values" in it
    b. the currency type - Select as applicable to you
    Ajay M

  • Using Labview how can one store different data in different sheets of same excel file, I mean how to select different sheets to store data??

    Hello Everyone,
    I want to store various data but in different sheets of excel file. So how to select Different sheets of same excel file???
    Thanks so much 

    aeastet wrote:
    Why do you not want to use Active X?
    One very good reason that I can think of is that MS keeps changing their ActiveX interface with each version of Excel, so code written for one version of Excel using ActiveX may not work for another version of Excel, even though the basic functionality hasn't changed. A perfect example is when MS changed the "Value" property to "Value2". Yeah, that made a whole lot of sense.
    pals wrote:
    I dont want to use active X as i am not
    getting results... by using write to spreadsheet in am getting results
    but on just one sheet... I want different data on different sheets of
    same excel file. So....
    Can anyone help me in this...
    Then it's something you're doing. Please post your code. Have you tried a search on this forum for ActiveX and Excel? There have been tons of posts on it, including lots of examples. There's also the Excel thread.

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    "ah, so It's really up to the artists/ Distributions people that decide what can be published or sold? "

  • No records were selected - S_P00_07000134

    I got "No records were selected" when I execute t code  S_P00_07000134 to view witholding tax report.
    This is the first time, I am running the t code for my user.
    Please advice whether I am missing any configuration which doesn't allow to execute report.
    Please advice

    Dear all,
    first of all the report runs if You posted some documents with the WIthholding tax.
    When You run the report You will insert the Output group.
    Please be informed that the report will extract the documents on the base of the following customizing:
    IMG --> Financial Accounting --> Financial Accounting Global Settings --> Extended Withholding Tax -->Reporting -->Generic Withholding Tax Reporting --> Define Output Groups
    choose Your output group double click -->
    You can choose among:
    Cleared vendor invoices, Credit memos, open Down payments
    all vendor documents
    all customer documents
    and so on.....
    Please check which documents with the Withholding tax data You need to extract.
    save and run again the generic report.
    Now It should work fine.
    I hope this helps.

  • How to sort only a selected area?

    I'm trying to sort only a selected area (4 of my 5 columns) and not the entire table. Numbers help is worthless and nothing I've tried works. Any thoughts?

    What Yvan says, with additions.
    As well as copying the data to a second table, sorting it there, then pasting it back into the original table, Numbers lets you select and drag one or more columns from a table, then drop it on the sheet, where it will automatically become a new table.
    Here's an example:
    This is the original 10 column table. We wish to sort columns E, F and G into alphabetical order, while leaving the other columns in their original order. note the four locations where AAA, BBB, CCC and EEE appear in the same line.
    Click on any cell in column E. When the column tabs appear, select columns E, F and G by clicking on the E tab, then dragging to add to the selection.
    When the three columns are selected, click and hold on one of the three tabs, drag up until the columns separate from the table, then drag the selected columns to an empty space on the sheet. Drop to form a new three column table.
    If you now select column A on this table and Sort Ascending, the result will be as shown:
    Note that rows in the three columns moved together. If this is the result you are looking for, skip to the last step. If you want each of the three rows sorted individually, continue from here.
    To sort the three columns individually, each must be in a separate table. Separate them in the same manner as you did to separate the three column group from the original table: Select the individual column, then drag it's tab up until it separates, then left or right as appropriate and drop it to form a single column table. Take care to keep the separate columns in their original left to right order.
    Sort each column in turn.
    After sorting, drag each column (or the group of three if you did not sort the columns separately and individually) back to its place in the original table. Click on the temporary table to show the tab(s), Select the column(s), then click and drag a tab to move the column(s) to the original table. As you approach th place they came from, a double blue line will appear to show where the column(s) will be inserted if dropped. Drop at the appropriate location. If you are moving single columns, repeat until done.
    Finished. Note that each of the red columns is now in order. While AAA and BBB remain together, the other 'matched sets' no longer match.

  • Some 1099 vendors get "No records were selected" RFIDYYWT RFW1099M

    Hello People,
      I have a problem with 1099 output with programs like RFIDYYWT and RFW1099M as I have done all the customizing settings for 1099 vendors in vendor master like setting up WH tax code and filling up tax number field xx-xxxxxxx in order to execute and print 1099 MISC form through RFIDYYWT program but to my surprise I was able to get output with posted invoices for some vendors but for some other vendors it says " No records were selected" eventhough there are posted invoices against them....I am confused ..any idea why this is happening?

    Hi Bob,
    Even though your configuration seems to be correct, also check as to whether you have correctly assigned the WH codes etc in the vendor masters.  Also check whether such WH codes and types are correctly populating at the document line item level. 
    Hope this helps.

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