Sql loader how import a file with save the actual row number in a db field

how can i save the row number for each row in a file into a database field i the same table with the sql loader (sqlldr)?
test data:
john doe
joe meier
name surname line_number_in_file
john doe 1
joe meier 2
and so on ... an if an line is discarded because it is empty for example it should be as this:
test data:
john doe
joe meier
name surname line_number_in_file
john doe 1
joe meier 3
thanks for helpinmg and excuse my very bad english :-)
Message was edited by:

but if one of the when clause faild or some rows are
rejectet the sequence is not right.Did you read the link?
"If a record is rejected (that is, it has a format error or causes an Oracle error), the generated sequence numbers are not reshuffled to mask this. If four rows are assigned sequence numbers 10, 12, 14, and 16 in a particular column, and the row with 12 is rejected, the three rows inserted are numbered 10, 14, and 16, not 10, 12, and 14. This allows the sequence of inserts to be preserved despite data errors. When you correct the rejected data and reinsert it, you can manually set the columns to agree with the sequence."
also if you read multiple lines and they inserted in
the wrong order the number from the sequence is not
the line number...what do you mean with "reading multiple lines and wrong order?"

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    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        [patientList deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
        [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:indexPath.row forKey:@"rowSelected"];
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        if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
            PatientDetailViewController *detailViewController = [[PatientDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"PatientDetailViewController" bundle:nil];
            detailViewController.title = [patientDisplayName objectAtIndex:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"rowSelected"]];
            // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
            [self.navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];
            [detailViewController release];

    I have also tried setting the title differently (I also added comments to explain each line what it does, the rest is the same), but neither methods work
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        // Deselect the row
        [patientList deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
        // Save to memory the row selected
        [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:indexPath.row forKey:@"rowSelected"];
        // Show saved row to make sure it saved correctly
        NSLog(@"The selected row saved is row %d"), [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] integerForKey:@"rowSelected"];
        // Check if user is using iPhone
        if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone) {
            // Load the view
            PatientDetailViewController *detailViewController = [[PatientDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"PatientDetailViewController" bundle:nil];
            // Set the title of the detail view controller based on row selected
            detailViewController.title = [patientDisplayName objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
            // Push the detail view controller
            [self.navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];
            // Release the detail view controller
            [detailViewController release];

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    String filename = "content.txt";
    // set the headers
    res.setContentType( "application/x-download" );
    res.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);
    // send the file
    OutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
    returnFile( filename, out);
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    The root of the webservers changes from server to server and
    sometimes it depends on the path you run webserver exe.
    The best i have found to overcome this kind of problems is by
    using getResourceAstream() method which basically looks at classpath locations only, but still this has some problems like it should kept at the
    specified classpath becoz the getResourceAsStrem() method is not static
    method and it always associated with the class object and the file
    accessing also should be in the same package/classpath.
    by using getResourceastream you cannot look at other places (except classpaths)
    and this should be used only if you looking for .properites definitions.
    the Second best method is
    see you have a file called "context.txt" right
    before you create a file, first create a directory at the root, let say
    and then create a file \tmp\context.txt
    and then open an output stream to it either using fileoutputstreamm...
    and then write all output content to servlet/client output stream.
    this will be the best becoz you are specifying the "\" the root
    and this is common for all operating systems and definitely it will create at the root directory either serverroot or harddiskdrives root
    so you will never missout and the exceptin will also not comes along the way
    if you get new thing , let me know
    with regards
    Lokesh T.C

  • How import policy file with Java Web Start

    hi everybody,
    I wrote an application launched by Java Web Start.
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    local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar.
    local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar are not packages, each of them contains
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    I've got this exception :
    java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs
    It's because the application launched by Java Web Start doesn't find local_policy.jar
    and US_export_policy.jar.
    There's a problem in my JNLP file :
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" href="http://myserver/sources/test.jnlp" codebase="http://myserver/sources">
              <title>Java Web Start TEST</title>
              <vendor>NLE Intech</vendor>
              <description>cryptage then upload</description>
              <j2se version="1.3" />
              <jar href="sunjce_provider.jar" />
              <jar href="jce1_2_1.jar" />
              <jar href="local_policy.jar" />
              <jar href="US_export_policy.jar" />
         <application-desc main-class="HelloWorldSwing" >
    thank you for your answer

    Hi Nicolas,
    If you migrate to JDK1.4 and use the signed Bouncy JAR, you could resolve the problem,
    if you don't want to use unlimited cryptography.
    See my posting on your other question.
    PS. There is a mistake in my other reply, the "local_policy.jar" and the other files must have
    to go into JRE/LIB/SECURITY directory

  • Problem import csv file with SQL*loader and control file

    I have a *csv file looking like this:
    E0100070;EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV;1;2003-06-16;01C;75
    E0100075;EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV;500;2003-06-16;01C;67
    E0100440;EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV;1;2003-06-16;01C;37,2
    E0100445;EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV;500;2003-06-16;01C;33,2
    E0100450;EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV;1;2003-06-16;01C;53
    E0100455;EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV;500;2003-06-16;01C;47,1
    I want to import this csv file to this table:
    create table artikel (artnr varchar2(10), namn varchar2(25), fp_storlek number, datum date, mtrlid varchar2(5), pris number);
    My controlfile looks like this:
    INFILE 'e:\test.csv'
    (ARTNR, NAMN, FP_STORLEK char "to_number(:fp_storlek,'99999')", DATUM date 'yyyy-mm-dd', MTRLID, pris char "to_number(:pris,'999999D99')")
    I cant get sql*loader to import the last column(pris) as I want. It ignore my decimal point which in this case is "," and not "." maybe this is the problem. If the decimal point is the problem how can I get oracle to recognize "," as a decimal point??
    the result from the import now, is that a decimal number (37,2) becomes 372 in the table

    Set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS environment variable at OS level, before running SqlLoader :
    $ cat test.csv
    E0100070;EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV;1;2003-06-16;01C;75
    E0100075;EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV;500;2003-06-16;01C;67
    E0100440;EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV;1;2003-06-16;01C;37,2
    E0100445;EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV;500;2003-06-16;01C;33,2
    E0100450;EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV;1;2003-06-16;01C;53
    E0100455;EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV;500;2003-06-16;01C;47,1
    $ cat artikel.ctl
    INFILE 'test.csv'
    (ARTNR, NAMN, FP_STORLEK char "to_number(:fp_storlek,'99999')", DATUM date 'yyyy-mm-dd', MTRLID, pris char "to_number(:pris,'999999D99')")
    $ sqlldr scott/tiger control=artikel
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Sat Nov 12 15:10:01 2005
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Commit point reached - logical record count 6
    $ sqlplus scott/tiger
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 12 15:10:11 2005
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> select * from artikel;
    ARTNR      NAMN                      FP_STORLEK DATUM      MTRLI       PRIS
    E0100070   EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV                  1 16/06/2003 01C           75
    E0100075   EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV                500 16/06/2003 01C           67
    E0100440   EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV                1 16/06/2003 01C          372
    E0100445   EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV              500 16/06/2003 01C          332
    E0100450   EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV                    1 16/06/2003 01C           53
    E0100455   EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV                  500 16/06/2003 01C          471
    6 rows selected.
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    $ export NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS=',.'
    $ sqlldr scott/tiger control=artikel
    SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Sat Nov 12 15:10:41 2005
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Commit point reached - logical record count 6
    $ sqlplus scott/tiger
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 12 15:10:45 2005
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> select * from artikel;
    ARTNR      NAMN                      FP_STORLEK DATUM      MTRLI       PRIS
    E0100070   EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV                  1 16/06/2003 01C           75
    E0100075   EKKJ 1X10/10 1 KV                500 16/06/2003 01C           67
    E0100440   EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV                1 16/06/2003 01C         37,2
    E0100445   EKKJ 2X2,5/2,5 1 KV              500 16/06/2003 01C         33,2
    E0100450   EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV                    1 16/06/2003 01C           53
    E0100455   EKKJ 2X4/4 1 KV                  500 16/06/2003 01C         47,1
    6 rows selected.
    SQL>                                                                            Control file is exactly as yours, I just put replace instead of insert.

  • Mts files cannot imported with audio in pro cc6. how i can import mts files with audio?

    when i am importing mts files in pro cc6. every time it is being imported without audio. though original mts files have audio. how can i import mts files with audio in cc6?

    To clarify Media Browser suggestion - very important that you copy ALL content from SD card to hard drive before importing using Media Browser. If you only have the .mts files alone, there is stuff missing that is needed for Premiere to properly interpret the video/audio.
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

  • Importing wav files with dead space?

    I'm curious if anyone else has experienced slow loading times/overview calculations when importing wav files with lots of dead space into Logic?
    Working on vocal comps from a Pro Tools session. Logic has no problem importing full takes (24-bit, 44kHz wav files that basically start at the beginning of the song). But alternate takes that might have complete silence until the 3rd chorus, for example, take forever to load. 10+ minutes in some cases.
    If anyone can shed some light on this or share a similar experience, I'd appreciate it.
    Tech details, if it helps:  Macbook Pro 2.53 GHz Intel Core Duo, 4GB RAM, Lion 10.7.2, Logic Pro 9.1.6

    Well, iTunes has no ability to undo edits, so the problem may lie elsewhere. Please try the following extra-extra-careful procedure:
    - Edit the file and save it.
    - Exit the editor.
    - Make sure you know filename/location of the edited file, and that you are not confusing it with some unedited copy of the same song.
    - Play the edited file in some other player than iTunes and make sure the edits are as you wished.
    - Now, add the file to your iTunes library.
    Pls try this and let us know.
      Windows XP  

  • Importing text file (with file names) into Automator.. is it possible?

    Hello all,
    I have been working with Windows Batch files for my line of work. I have a couple of file names in a text file (a column), which I want to copy from one folder of one hdd to another folder on a different hdd. I have been trying to do this kind of work with a Mac. I already know how you copy and rename files in automator (which isn't difficult, of course) but you have to 'select' the files in the finder first (with get specified items).
    But the only way i see that you can specify items is by selecting them... is there a way to import a text file with all the file names instead of selecting all the file names manually?
    or is there an AppleScript alternative which I can use to import the text file (or just copy into applescript) and run before the query's of copying and renaming the files? I am kind of new to Apple programming.
    The text file looks like this:
    so there has to be a command to: 'goto' a specific folder as well.
    Thanks in advance!

    You can import text files, but if they are just names you will need an additional action to add the source folder path. A *Run AppleScript* action can be used, for example:
    Tested workflow:
    1) *Ask for Finder Items* {Type: files } -- choose the text file containing the names
    2) *Combine Text Files* -- this gets the text file contents
    3) *Filter Paragraphs* { return paragraphs that are not empty } -- skip blank lines
    4) *Run AppleScript* -- copy and paste the following script:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-weight: normal;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 680; height: 340px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFEE80;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into an Automator 'Run AppleScript' action">
    on run {input, parameters} -- add folder path
    add the specified folder path to a list of file names
    input: a list of text items (the file names)
    output: a list of file paths (aliases)
    set output to {}
    set SkippedItems to {} -- this will be a list of skipped items (errors)
    set SourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the folder containing the file names") as text -- this is the folder containing the names
    repeat with AnItem in the input -- step through each name in the input
    set AnItem to SourceFolder & AnItem -- add the prefix
    set the end of the output to (AnItem as alias) -- test
    on error number ErrorNumber -- oops
    set ErrorNumber to ("  (" & ErrorNumber as text) & ")" -- add the specific error number
    set the end of SkippedItems to (AnItem as text) & ErrorNumber
    end try
    end repeat
    ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
    return the output -- pass the result(s) to the next action
    end run
    to ShowSkippedAlert for SkippedItems
    show an alert dialog for any items skipped, with the option to cancel the workflow
    parameters - SkippedItems [list]: the items skipped
    returns nothing
    if SkippedItems is not {} then
    set {AlertText, TheCount} to {"Error with AppleScript action", count SkippedItems}
    if TheCount is greater than 1 then
    set theMessage to (TheCount as text) & space & " items were skipped:"
    set theMessage to "1 " & " item was skipped:"
    end if
    set {TempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
    set {SkippedItems, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {SkippedItems as text, TempTID}
    if button returned of (display alert AlertText message (theMessage & return & SkippedItems) ¬
    alternate button "Cancel" default button "OK") is "Cancel" then error number -128
    end if
    end ShowSkippedAlert
    5) *Copy Finder Items* { To: _your external drive_ }

  • How to attach file with an email in travel and expenses

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to sap cloud application studio.
    We have requirement that need to attach any type of files in the mail,
    I have gone through this : How to send an email with attachments in SAP Cloud Application Studio
    But compilation error at import AP.FO.ACTIVITY.GLOBAL., so not able to work with that lines of code.
    I am using these lines of code to send email.
    EMailUtilities.SendEMail(lang, bcc, cc, toAddress, htmlContent, from name, subject);
    So am not able to getting how to attach file with this code.
    Please help me regarding this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Preethi Ande

    Hi Preethi,
         I am trying to send mail from custom BO in Travel on Demand System.I am getting  compilation error.please look into the attached screenshot for the code.
    Please assist me on this,                                Thanks in advance

  • Can you use Easynews to download movies etc to IMac and how and where do you save the files?

    Can you useEasynews to download movies etc to IMac and how and where do you save the files?

    From your Apple menu at the left end of the menubar, select "About this Mac." You get a window similar to this:
    1) The Mac OS version is just under the big "MAC OS X" line. Post what that says.
    2) We can start to figure out what iMac you have if you post what that the "Processor" line says.
    We need to find out because Apple's poor labling choices for this forum, intended for iMacs made before 2006, causes people with newer and much more capable Macs to post here by mistake.
    Without some info from you, it's much like your calling an auto mechanic and asking if you can use a certain part without telling him the make, model, or year of your car. Quess what his first question will be? Works the same here.

  • How import AVI files to my I Mac for editing in Final Cut?

    How import AVI files to my I Mac for editing in Final Cut?

    You first convert them to ProRes with Compressor or MPEG STREAMCLIP, then import the ProRes files into FCP.  FCP doesn't work with the AVI container...footage must be Quicktime, and must be in a codec FCP works with.

  • Import biar file with command line

    I am trying to import biar file with command line on unix environment with BOXI R3.1 and Oracle DB
    The biar file include one universe and it's connection (eFashion), one report and one user
    when I run the command line:
    java -jar /BO/boxi/bobje/java/lib/biarengine.jar /BO/boxi/test.properties
    I recive the following error:
    Failed to commit objects to server : Undefined Info Store error
    An error occurred at the server during security batch commit:
    Request 6 of type 36 failed with server error : Object not found (1433)
    Request 11 of type 36 failed with server error : Object not found (1433)
    Request 20 of type 38 failed with server error : Object not found (1433)
    Request 26 of type 38 failed with server error : Object not found (1433)
    Do you have any idea , what is the problem?
    Thank you

    Hi Denis
    I found out after I create a biar file ,with only the user, through a command line. that the user did import since it was in a concurrent connectiontype , a type that not exit in the target environment.
    But after I fix this in the source environment and saw that a biar file with only the user is loaded , I recreate the biar file with all the objects as before (user, universe, report , folder) and I still got the same error message as before.
    So now I try to create the biar file with all those object through the command line. and I get a new errer message "Required dependencies not found on target system : '[AZK_.9sbf_lMgdQRpsbZfVw]"
    I check it , and understand that the object is the report , but I do not see what missing..... : (
    Those are the quries in the properties file:
    exportQuery= SELECT * FROM CI_APPOBJECTS where si_kind = 'Universe' and si_name='eFashion'
    exportQuery= SELECT  * FROM CI_APPOBJECTS WHERE SI_ID in ( 894,926)
    exportQuery= SELECT * from CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS WHERE SI_KIND = 'user' and SI_Name='repadmin'
    exportQuery= SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE si_kind= 'Folder' and SI_name = 'test'
    exportQuery= SELECT * FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS WHERE      SI_ID IN (2188)
    Can you tell what is missing?

  • How import mts file from sony nx5 in final cut pro

    how import mts file from sony nx5 in final cut pro

    LOG AND TRANSFER.  I have the full workflow here:
    Make sure you are running FCP 7.0.3.  That version deals with files from the NX5 the best.  If you are on a previous version, like FCP 6....you will need to use CLIPWRAP2 from Divergentmedia.com.  As the specific AVCHD format the NX5 uses is something that FCP 6 cannot really deal with. 
    Gotta love new camera formats.

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    You need to use MPEG Streamclip to convert the media to QuickTime.

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    If you mean just moving files between a Mac and a PC with XP on it, get a USB flash drive, format it FAT32 (they usually come that way) and copy the files to that drive.

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  • Please help invalid payment method

    I am trying to purchase a game that costs 0.79 and i put my credit card that i use to buy everything from apple and it says to me that my payment method is declined. Why is this happened please help...

  • "Your system has run out of application memory"! Help, please! Thanks!

    Hi, Just got the unsettling message saying "Your system has run out of application memory" and I was instructed to close down applications I wasn't using, including browsers, or I might have problems with my computer. Yeesh. This is scary. Is the sol