Std Report for monitoring the GR Dt. Vs the OA & the Inbound Del Dt.

Dear All,
Is their any std report which can give me the comparision of Delivery date for PO Line item Vs the Order Acknowledgement Dt., Inbound Delivery Date and the Goods Receipt date.
Pls advise as I am not able to locate any std report.
thnx & Rgds,

I do not think such standard report available in SAP , may be you can check ME2A and see to what extend it help or otherwise create some query or Z report
Kishor Rudani

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         I need to display the materials along with the BOM of those materials with its quantity and its total price while user give the vendor name and date range as input.
    Is there any std report for the same? Try to give apt solution on it.
    Thanks and Regards

    CS12 is to get multi-level BOM report. You can insert satndard price field and vendor filed into the layout and you can filter it within the report itself.
    But what if you have several sources of supply and several prices (in info records!) for your goods? And this report can display only the multi-level BOM of one single material...
    If you want a transaction described by you, you should develop an own report in ABAP - I guess...
    You can post this thread in PP forum as well but I'm afraid there's no such kind of standard report in SAP...

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    When I said develop I meant a custom ABAP report with the help of Developers. You can also try option of developing a ABAP query by using table BSID, but this may be difficult if the requirement is to list multiple days as columns (seven days as seven columns). I am assuming the Customer numbers will be rows in the report.

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    thanx in advance

    There are only following Std reports exist:
    S_AHR_61016497  Existing Jobs
    S_AHR_61016502  Existing Positions
    S_AHR_61016503  Staff assignments.
    See the Manning Level sample report:
    report zporgr0040
           line-size 108
           line-count 60(1)
           no standard page heading
           message-id zndc.
    Database Tables
    tables: hrp1001,     " HR Master Record (Orgn. Assignment)
            pa0002,      " Personal Data
            t528t,       " Position Texts
            t527x,       " Org Unit Text
            t528b,       " Positions
            csks,        " Cost Center
            cskt.        " Cost Center Texts
    Declaration of Internal Tables
    Internal Table for Orgn Object Data  HRP1000
    data: begin of obj_tab occurs 0,
            otype like hrp1000-otype,      " Object Type
            objid like hrp1000-objid,      " Object ID
            plvar like hrp1000-plvar,      " Plan Version
            istat like hrp1000-istat,      " Planning Status
            begda like hrp1000-begda,      " Begin date
            endda like hrp1000-endda,      " End date
          end of obj_tab.
    Internal Table for Active Employees data PA0000
    data: begin of stat_tab occurs 0,
            pernr like pa0000-pernr,       " Object Type
            begda like pa0000-begda,       " Begin date
            endda like pa0000-endda,       " End date
            stat2 like pa0000-stat2,       " Employment Status
          end of stat_tab.
    Internal Table for Actual Orgn Assignment Data PA0001
    data: begin of act_tab occurs 0,
            pernr like pa0001-pernr,       " Object Type
            begda like pa0001-begda,       " Begin date
            endda like pa0001-endda,       " End date
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            orgeh like pa0001-orgeh,       " Org Unit
            plans like pa0001-plans,       " Position
            natio like pa0002-natio,       " Nationality
          end of act_tab.
    Internal Table for Orgn Data HRP1001
    data: begin of org_tab occurs 0,
            otype like hrp1001-otype,      " Object Type
            objid like hrp1001-objid,      " Object ID
            plvar like hrp1001-plvar,      " Plan Version
            istat like hrp1001-istat,      " Planning Status
            begda like hrp1001-begda,      " Begin date
            endda like hrp1001-endda,      " End date
            subty like hrp1001-subty,      " Sub Type
            sclas like hrp1001-sclas,      " Type of Related Object
            sobid like hrp1001-sobid,      " Id of Related Object
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            plstx like t528t-plstx,        " Position Text
            orgtx like t527x-orgtx,        " Org Unit Text
          end of org_tab.
    Internal Table for Position Calculations
    data: begin of org1_tab occurs 0,
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            objid like hrp1001-objid,      " Object ID
          end of org1_tab.
    Internal Table for Position Calculations
    data: begin of org2_tab occurs 0,
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            count type i,                  " No of Positions
          end of org2_tab.
    Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations
    data: begin of act1_tab occurs 0,
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            natio like pa0002-natio,       " Nationality
            plans like pa0001-plans,       " Position
          end of act1_tab.
    Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(UAE)
    data: begin of act2_tab occurs 0,
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            natio like pa0002-natio,       " Nationality
          end of act2_tab.
    Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(Others)
    data: begin of act3_tab occurs 0,
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            natio like pa0002-natio,       " Nationality
          end of act3_tab.
    Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(UAE)
    data: begin of act4_tab occurs 0,
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            count1 type i,                 " No of Positions(UAE)
          end of act4_tab.
    Internal Table for Actual Manpower Calculations(OTHERS)
    data: begin of act5_tab occurs 0,
            kostl like pa0001-kostl,       " Cost Center
            count2 type i,                 " No of Positions(Others)
          end of act5_tab.
    Internal Table for Vaccancies Data
    data: begin of vac_tab occurs 0,
            plvar like hrp1007-plvar,      " Plan Version
            otype like hrp1007-otype,      " Object Type
            objid like hrp1007-objid,      " Object ID
            istat like hrp1007-istat,      " Planning Status
            begda like hrp1007-begda,      " Begin date
            endda like hrp1007-endda,      " End date
            vacan like hrp1007-vacan,      " Vacancy Indicator
            status like hrp1007-status,    " Status of Vacancy
          end of vac_tab.
    Internal Table to store the Report Output data
    data : begin of rep_tab occurs 0 ,
             kostl(10) type n,                  " Cost Cente
             plans   like pa0001-plans,         " Position
             vacan   like hrp1007-vacan,        " Vacancy Indicator
             status  like hrp1007-status,       " Status of Vacancy
             plstx   like t528t-plstx,          " Position Text
             orgtx like t527x-orgtx,            " Org Unit Text
           end of rep_tab.
    Internal Table to store the Report Output data
    data : begin of rep1_tab occurs 0 ,
             kostl(10) type n,                  " Cost Cente
             cnt     type i,                    " No of Vacancies
           end of rep1_tab.
    Internal Table to store the Report Output data
    data : begin of rep2_tab occurs 0 ,
             kostl(10) type n,                  " Cost Cente
             app_no    type i,                  " Approved
             nat_no    type i,                  " National
             exp_no    type i,                  " Expatriate
             tot_no    type i,                  " Total
             vac_no    type i,                  " Vacancies
           end of rep2_tab.
    Declaration of Variables
    data: v_sobid  like hrp1001-sobid,   " Object Id
          v_sobid1 like hrp1001-sobid,   " Object Id
          v_sobid2 like hrp1001-sobid,   " Object Id
          v_sclas  like hrp1001-sclas,   " Related Obj Type
          v_subty  like hrp1001-subty,   " Related Object Id
          v_otype  like hrp1007-otype,   " Object Type
         v_str(9)    type c,            " Text
         v_str1(10)  type c,            " Text
          v_cnt    like sy-tabix.        " Table Index
    Declaration of Constants
    constants : c_x         type c value 'X',            " Flag
                c_stat1  like pa0000-stat2  value '3',   " Emp Status
                c_plan   like hrp1001-plvar value '01',  " Plan Version
                c_name   like hrp1000-uname value 'SAP', " Uname
                c_uae    like pa0002-natio  value 'AE',  " Country
                c_type   like hrp1007-otype  value 'O',  " Object Type
                c_otype  like hrp1007-otype  value 'S',  " Object Type
                c_stat   like hrp1007-status value '0',  " Status
                c_pstat  like hrp1007-istat  value '1',  " Plang Status
                c_sclas  like hrp1001-sclas value 'K',    " Rel. Obj Type
                c_subty  like hrp1001-subty value 'A002', " Related ObjId
                c_subty2 like hrp1001-subty value 'A003', " Related ObjId
                c_sclas1 like hrp1001-sclas value 'O',    " Rel.Obj Type
                c_subty1 like hrp1001-subty value 'A011', " Rel.Object Id
                c_kokrs  like coej-kokrs value '1000'. " Controlling Area
    Selection Screen
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    parameters     :
      p_date  like pa0001-begda obligatory default sy-datum. " Date
    select-options :
      s_kostl for csks-kostl,                     " Cost Center
      s_plans for t528b-plans.                    " Position ID
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    At selection-screen
    at selection-screen.
    Validate the Selection Screen fields
      perform validate_screen.
    Get the Orgn data from database Table HRP1001
      perform get_org_data.
    Get the Actual Manpower from PA0001
      perform get_act_data.
    Get the Vaccancies data from database Table HRP1007
      perform get_vac_data.
    Append the data into final Internal Table
      perform append_data.
    Write the Report and Column Headings
      perform top_of_page.
      write /1(108) sy-uline.
    Display the Output Report.
      perform display_report.
    *&      Form  validate_screen
    Validation of selection Screen fields
    form validate_screen.
    Validation of Position ID
      clear t528b.
      if not s_plans[] is initial.
        select single plans
          into t528b-plans
          from t528b
          where plans in s_plans.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message e999 with 'Invalid Position ID'(009).
    Validation of Cost Center
      clear csks.
      if not s_kostl[] is initial.
        select single kostl
          into csks-kostl
          from csks
          where kostl in s_kostl.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message e999 with 'Invalid Cost Center'(008).
    endform.                  "validate_screen
    *&      Form  get_org_data
    Get the Orgn Data from Database Table HRP1001
    form get_org_data.
    v_str  = 'Developee'(002).
    v_str1 = 'Deployment'(003).
    Select All the Positions from HRP1000
      select otype       " Object Type
             objid       " Object ID
             plvar       " Plan Version
             istat       " Planning Status
             begda       " Begin date
             endda       " End date
         into table obj_tab
         from hrp1000
         where otype = c_otype  and
               plvar = c_plan   and
               istat = c_pstat  and
               begda le p_date  and
               endda ge p_date  and
               objid in s_plans and
               uname ne c_name.
      sort obj_tab by otype objid.
    Get the Orgn and Cost Center for all the above Positions
      if not obj_tab[] is initial.
        select otype       " Object Type
               objid       " Object ID
               plvar       " Plan Version
               istat       " Planning Status
               begda       " Begin date
               endda       " End date
               subty       " Sub Type
               sclas       " Type of Related Object
               sobid       " Id of Related Object
           into table org_tab
           from hrp1001
           for all entries in obj_tab
           where otype = c_otype  and
                 plvar = c_plan   and
                 istat = c_pstat  and
                 begda le p_date  and
                 endda ge p_date  and
                 sclas eq c_sclas1 and
                 subty eq c_subty2 and
                 objid eq obj_tab-objid.
      sort org_tab by otype objid.
    Get the Cost Center
      loop at org_tab.
        v_otype = c_otype.       " S
        v_sclas = c_sclas.       " K
        v_subty = c_subty1.                                     " A011
        v_sobid = org_tab-objid.
        perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
          v_otype = c_otype.    " S
          v_sclas = c_sclas1.   " O
          v_subty = c_subty2.                                   " A003
          v_sobid = org_tab-objid.
          perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            v_otype = c_type.     " O
            v_sclas = c_sclas.    " K
            v_subty = c_subty1.                                 " A011
            v_sobid1 = v_sobid.
            perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
            if sy-subrc <> 0.
              v_otype = c_type.    " O
              v_sclas = c_sclas1.  " O
              v_subty = c_subty.                                " A002
              v_sobid = v_sobid1.
              perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
              if sy-subrc = 0.
                v_otype = c_type.   " O
                v_sclas = c_sclas.  " K
                v_subty = c_subty1.                             " A011
                v_sobid2 = v_sobid.
                perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
                if sy-subrc <> 0.
                  v_otype = c_type.   " O
                  v_sclas = c_sclas1. " O
                  v_subty = c_subty.                            " A002
                  v_sobid = v_sobid2.
                  perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
                  org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
              org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
            v_otype = c_otype.   " S
            v_sclas = c_otype.   " S
            v_subty = c_subty.                                  " A002
            v_sobid = org_tab-objid.
            perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              v_otype = c_otype.  " S
              v_sclas = c_sclas.  " K
              v_subty = c_subty1.                               " A011
              v_sobid1 = v_sobid.
              perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
              if sy-subrc <> 0.
                v_otype = c_otype.  " S
                v_sclas = c_sclas1. " O
                v_subty = c_subty2.                             " A003
                v_sobid = v_sobid1.
                perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
                if sy-subrc = 0.
                  v_otype = c_type.   " O
                  v_sclas = c_sclas.  " K
                  v_subty = c_subty1.                           " A011
                  v_sobid2 = v_sobid.
                  perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
                  if sy-subrc <> 0.
                    v_otype = c_type.    " O
                    v_sclas = c_sclas1.  " O
                    v_subty = c_subty.                          " A002
                    v_sobid = v_sobid2.
                    perform get_org using v_otype v_sclas v_subty
                    org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
                org_tab-kostl = hrp1001-sobid+0(10).
    Get the Position Text
        clear t528t.
        select single plstx from t528t into t528t-plstx
          where sprsl = sy-langu and
                otype = c_otype  and
                plans = org_tab-objid.
        org_tab-plstx = t528t-plstx.
    Get the Org Unit Text
        clear t527x.
        select single orgtx from t527x into t527x-orgtx
          where sprsl = sy-langu and
                orgeh = org_tab-sobid+0(8).
        org_tab-orgtx = t527x-orgtx.
        modify org_tab index sy-tabix.
        clear v_sobid.
      sort org_tab by otype objid.
    Calculate the Approved No of Positions
      loop at org_tab.
        if org_tab-kostl in s_kostl.
          move-corresponding org_tab to org1_tab.
          append org1_tab.
          clear org1_tab.
      sort org1_tab by kostl objid.
      clear v_cnt.
      loop at org1_tab.
        at end of kostl.
          sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
          org2_tab-kostl = org1_tab-kostl.
          org2_tab-count   = sy-tabix.
          v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
          append org2_tab.
      sort org2_tab by kostl.
    endform.              "get_org_data
    *&      Form  get_act_data
    Get the Actual Manpower Data from Database Table PA0001
    form get_act_data.
      clear  : stat_tab, act_tab.
      refresh: stat_tab, act_tab.
    Get all the Active Employees
      select pernr       " Object Type
             begda       " Begin date
             endda       " End date
             stat2       " Emp Status
           into table stat_tab
           from pa0000
           where stat2 eq c_stat1 and
                 begda le p_date  and
                 endda ge p_date.
      sort act_tab by pernr.
      if not stat_tab[] is initial.
        select pernr       " Object Type
               begda       " Begin date
               endda       " End date
               kostl       " Cost Center
               orgeh       " Org Unit
               plans       " Position
           into table act_tab
           from pa0001
           for all entries in stat_tab
           where pernr eq stat_tab-pernr and
                 kostl in s_kostl and
                 plans in s_plans and
                 persg eq '1'     and
                 begda le p_date  and
                 endda ge p_date.
      sort act_tab by pernr.
      loop at act_tab.
        move-corresponding act_tab to act1_tab.
        clear pa0002-natio.
        select single natio into pa0002-natio from pa0002
          where pernr = act_tab-pernr.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          act1_tab-natio = pa0002-natio.
        append act1_tab.
        clear act1_tab.
      sort act1_tab by kostl natio.
    Calculate the Local and Expatriate Manpower
      loop at act1_tab.
        if act1_tab-natio = c_uae.
          act2_tab-kostl = act1_tab-kostl.
          act2_tab-natio = act1_tab-natio.
          act3_tab-kostl = act1_tab-kostl.
          act3_tab-natio = act1_tab-natio.
        append: act2_tab, act3_tab.
        clear : act2_tab,act3_tab.
      sort act2_tab by kostl.
      sort act3_tab by kostl.
    Actual UAE Manpower
      clear v_cnt.
      loop at act2_tab.
        at end of kostl.
          sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
          act4_tab-kostl   = act2_tab-kostl.
          act4_tab-count1  = sy-tabix.
          v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
          append act4_tab.
      sort act4_tab by kostl.
    Other Countries
      clear v_cnt.
      loop at act3_tab.
        at end of kostl.
          sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
          act5_tab-kostl   = act3_tab-kostl.
          act5_tab-count2  = sy-tabix.
          v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
          append act5_tab.
      sort act5_tab by kostl.
    endform.              "get_act_data
    *&      Form  get_org
    Get the Cost Center from Parent Org Id
    form get_org using p_v_otype p_v_sclas p_v_subty p_v_sobid.
      clear hrp1001.
      select single * from hrp1001
            where otype = p_v_otype  and
                  plvar = c_plan   and
                  istat = c_pstat  and
                  begda le p_date  and
                  endda ge p_date  and
                  sclas eq p_v_sclas   and
                  subty eq p_v_subty  and
                  objid eq p_v_sobid.
      v_sobid = hrp1001-sobid+0(8).
    endform.                    " get_org
    *&      Form  get_vac_data
    Get the Vaccancies Data from Database Table HRP1007
    form get_vac_data.
      if not org_tab[] is initial.
        select plvar       " Plan Version
               otype       " Object Type
               objid       " Object ID
               istat       " Planning Status
               begda       " Begin date
               endda       " End date
               vacan       " Vacancy Indicator
               status      " Status of Vacancy
           into table vac_tab
           from hrp1007
           for all entries in org_tab
           where plvar = c_plan   and
                 otype = c_otype  and
                 istat eq c_pstat and
                 objid = org_tab-objid and
                 begda le p_date and
                 endda ge p_date and
                 vacan eq c_x  and
                 status eq c_stat.
      sort vac_tab by plvar otype objid.
    Get the HR data into the rep_tab Internal Table
      loop at vac_tab.
        rep_tab-plans  = vac_tab-objid.
        rep_tab-vacan  = vac_tab-vacan.
        rep_tab-status = vac_tab-status.
        read table org_tab with key objid = vac_tab-objid.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          rep_tab-kostl = org_tab-kostl.
          rep_tab-plstx = org_tab-plstx.
          rep_tab-orgtx = org_tab-orgtx.
        append rep_tab.
        clear  rep_tab.
      loop at rep_tab.
        if not rep_tab-kostl in s_kostl.
          delete rep_tab index sy-tabix.
      sort rep_tab by kostl plans.
    delete rep_tab where plstx cs v_str.
    delete rep_tab where orgtx cs v_str1.
    Calculate the Count of Vacancies in each Division
      clear v_cnt.
      loop at rep_tab.
        at end of kostl.
          sy-tabix = sy-tabix - v_cnt.
          rep1_tab-kostl = rep_tab-kostl.
          rep1_tab-cnt   = sy-tabix.
          v_cnt = v_cnt + sy-tabix.
          append rep1_tab.
      sort rep1_tab by kostl.
    endform.                  "get_vac_data
    *&      Form append_data
    Append the data into final Internal Table
    form append_data.
      loop at org2_tab.
        rep2_tab-kostl = org2_tab-kostl.
        rep2_tab-app_no = org2_tab-count.
        read table act4_tab with key kostl = org2_tab-kostl
                                     binary search.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          rep2_tab-nat_no = act4_tab-count1.
        read table act5_tab with key kostl = org2_tab-kostl
                                     binary search.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          rep2_tab-exp_no = act5_tab-count2.
        read table rep1_tab with key kostl = org2_tab-kostl
                                     binary search.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          rep2_tab-vac_no = rep1_tab-cnt.
        rep2_tab-tot_no = rep2_tab-nat_no + rep2_tab-exp_no.
        append rep2_tab.
        clear rep2_tab.
      sort rep2_tab by kostl.
    endform.             "append_data
    *&      Form  top_of_page
    Write the Report and Column Headings
    form top_of_page.
      format color col_heading on.
      write: /1(108) 'NATIONAL DRILLING COMPANY'(010) centered,
             /1(108) 'Summary of Manning Level Report'(011) centered.
      format color off.
      write: /2 'Key Date        :'(013), p_date,
             75 'Report Run Date:'(041), sy-datum.
      if not s_kostl[] is initial.
        if s_kostl-high is initial.
          write: /2 'Cost Center     :'(023), s_kostl-low,
                 75 'Time           :'(042), sy-uzeit.
          write: /2 'Cost Center From:'(024), s_kostl-low+7(3),
                                    'To'(022), s_kostl-high,
                 75 'Time           :'(042), sy-uzeit.
        write: /75  'Time           :'(042), sy-uzeit.
      if not s_plans[] is initial.
        if s_plans-high is initial.
          write: /2 'Position Id     :'(019), s_plans-low,
                 75 'User           :'(043), sy-uname.
          write: /2 'Position Id From:'(021), s_plans-low,
                              'To'(022), s_plans-high,
                 75 'User           :'(043), sy-uname.
        write: /75 'User           :'(043), sy-uname.
      write: /75 'Page No        :'(044), sy-pagno.
      write /1(108) sy-uline.
      format color col_heading.
      write:/1 sy-vline,
            12 sy-vline, 53 sy-vline,
            64 sy-vline, 65(32)  'Actual'(018) centered,
            97 sy-vline,108 sy-vline.
      write:/1 sy-vline,  2(10) 'CostCenter'(014),
            12 sy-vline, 13(40) 'Description'(026) centered,
            53 sy-vline, 54(10) 'Approved'(025) centered,
            64 sy-vline, 65(32)  sy-uline,
            97 sy-vline, 98(10) 'Vacancies'(017),
           108 sy-vline.
      write:/1 sy-vline,
            12 sy-vline, 53 sy-vline,
            64 sy-vline, 65(10) 'National'(015) centered,
            75 sy-vline, 76(10) 'Expatriate'(020) centered,
            86 sy-vline, 87(10) 'Total'(016) centered,
            97 sy-vline,108 sy-vline.
      format color off.
      write /1(108) sy-uline.
    endform.               "top_of_page
    *&      Form  Display_report
    Write the Report Output
    form display_report.
      if rep2_tab[] is initial.
        message i999 with
        'No Data found for the entered Selection'(035).
        loop at rep2_tab.
    Authorization Check for the Orgn and Cost Centers
          perform auth_check_org.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            clear cskt.
            select single ltext into cskt-ltext from cskt
                where spras = sy-langu and
                      kokrs = c_kokrs and
                      kostl = rep2_tab-kostl.
            format color col_normal.
            write: /1 sy-vline, 2(10) rep2_tab-kostl+7(3),
                   12 sy-vline, 13(40) cskt-ltext,
                   53 sy-vline, 54(10) rep2_tab-app_no,
                   64 sy-vline, 65(10) rep2_tab-nat_no,
                   75 sy-vline, 76(10) rep2_tab-exp_no,
                   86 sy-vline, 87(10) rep2_tab-tot_no,
                   97 sy-vline, 98(10) rep2_tab-vac_no,
                  108 sy-vline.
            format color off.
            at last.
              format color 3.
              write /1(108) sy-uline.
              write: /1 sy-vline, 2(10) 'Total'(027),
                     12 sy-vline,
                     53 sy-vline, 54(10) rep2_tab-app_no,
                     64 sy-vline, 65(10) rep2_tab-nat_no,
                     75 sy-vline, 76(10) rep2_tab-exp_no,
                     86 sy-vline, 87(10) rep2_tab-tot_no,
                     97 sy-vline, 98(10) rep2_tab-vac_no,
                    108 sy-vline.
              format color off.
      write /1(108) sy-uline.
    endform.                    " Display_report
    *&      Form  auth_check_org
    Authorization Check for the Orgn and Cost Center
    form auth_check_org.
      authority-check object 'ZNDCHROM'
            id 'PLVAR' dummy
            id 'OTYPE' dummy
            id 'KOSTL' field rep2_tab-kostl.
    endform.                  "auth_check_org
    reward if useful

  • Std report for activity total

    Hi, we defined over time as an activity.please advise any std report exists to displany total hrs for individual activity per order wise?

    Check the report KRMI
    Anupam Sharma

  • Regarding  std report for puchase order

    Iam workig on the Std report on 0pur_c01 cube. when i opend std qurery based on that cube for item.
    we have so many queries. in report i can see the prices of vendor , bur for some prices i can see the value as 'x'
    what that x means

    First open the report in Disply/Change mode and then see the all calculations in side the report, if you don't use any Formula Functions in side teh Formula calculations then you will get X, you can avoide it using Formula Functions.

  • Std. report for scrap calculation......

    I want to generate a Scrap report for production order.
    The requirement is system should display operaton-wise scrap and its cost. It should consider all material cost & activities cost (labour& machin)required for that operation & generate a overall scrap price.
    Is there any standard report available in SAP?
    OR any other way to get this report?
    Please answer this, If u have any idea.

    I think you need to revalidate the Requirement Since.
    1.Scrap is generated during a Goods is produced / Processed.
    2.So in this case we have a wastage of material..only this material cost has to be calculated or accounted.
    3.The operation cost and activity cost etc should be accounted for the Finished goods ,which is already done by Cost collectors -Say Production order.
    May be you have a specific requirement.But the Approach towards the process (SCRAP calculation) has to be revisited.
    since for a SCrap material called -x and qty called  2kg.the operation time or the acitivity time cant be calculated easily as this has scrap can be generated because of 1 hr of m.c operation or 10 hr of m.c operation..
    Lot of factors like
    >M/c Efficiency
    >Rawmaterial Quality
    >operator efficiency
    lot of factors would be there
    So better to revisit the requirement

  • Consolidated report for monitoring

    Hi Team,
    Is there any consolidated report to find that how many messages are there for some multi Sender and Receiver instead of all senders and receivers?
    Can we search for 2 senders at a same time in MONI or RWB?
    Is there any search where we can tell that these many messages are sent from these senders with out giving the information of other systems,messages which we can see for all the message overview in RWB?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Sriram,
    Is there any search where we can tell that these many messages are sent from these senders with out giving the information of other systems,messages which we can see for all the message overview in RWB?
      Yes, goto RWB -> performance monitoring -> extended search -> give the sender service and  interface name.
    Give your convenient time interval.

  • Std Report for incomplete billing document

    Dear experts
    I want to get the incomplete(such as price error....) billing document in SAP for a secifical customer within a cycle and so on.
    Does it have any standard report to implement it?

    Dear Stephen,
    Try with these options.
    Go to VF05 transaction here you keep radio button option on open billing documents then execute now system will give list of all open i.e not at released to accounting , billing documents.
    You go to VF02 transaction from the billing document field you press F4 then you select match code Billing document still to be passed to accounting.
    I hope this will help you,

  • Std report for List of Billing documents

    We want to display all billing documents for multiple customers.
    VF05 is for single customer.
    Is there any standard report available for this.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Sagar,
    You can go to transaction SQVI and here create table join for tables VBRK & VBRP.
    Select the relevant fields as your input and list fields.
    Give the input field as billing date range.
    So for eg, now if you enter say 01.01.2008 - 31.01.2008, you can see all the billing documents created between these two dates irrespective of whoever your customer is.
    Hope this helps.
    Reward points if helpful.

  • Std report for viewing emp working hours

    Hi all,
    I want to know what is the standard report available in HR module to view the Employee aproved working hours and Unapproved working hours...?

    maybe you can find this data, at the PT62, PT64, PT65, PT90_ATT and PT91_ATT TRANSACTION CODES.

  • Can you use Crystal Reports for Enterprise to connect to BOE4 over the web?

    When I use Crystal Reports for Enterprise in BI Launchpad when I am connected on the LAN network it works.
    If I connect via the internet, it doesn't.
    I wanted to know if Crystal Reports for Enterprise only works if you are connected to Business Enterprise 4.0 on a LAN network and if it's not designed to work remotely, aka via the internet connection, like you can with Webi?

    We installed BOE4 on the server, it runs perfectly, no issues.
    Install Crystal Reports for Enterprise on a laptop. It's the latest one as I checked to see if there's any later versions or patches.
    I am able to log into the BOE Enterprise system as administrator.
    Namely I have setup the Server connections per the following:
    Server Name:   <IP address>
    The check box for SSL is unchecked.
    Server Port Number:   nnnn
    Server Context:  /dswsbobje
    System display name:   <my server> External Connection
    User Name : Administrator
    It connects successfully.
    I then go and create a report against a Universe that I can see listed on my BOE 4 server.
    It then comes up with this error message:
    "Unable to Logon: There is a problem logging on to SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise.
    Please check your logon credentials and make sure your nework is properly configured before trying again.
    If problems persist please contact your Administrator."
    BOE 4 sits on Windows 2008 Server SP2
    Laptops tried it on are Windows Vista and Windows 2003 Std.
    Thanks for looking into this for me.
    Edited by: Symonds Janetta on Oct 11, 2011 12:05 AM

  • What is the best way to create a SSRS 2005 Line Chart Report for a 12 month period?

    I'm looking for advice on how to create a SQL Server 2005 query and line chart report for SSRS 2005.
    I need to display the peak number of patients assigned to a medical practice each month for a 12 month period based on the end-user selecting a
    single month and year.
    I've previously created a report that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month but I’m looking for advice on how to
    how to produce a resultset that shows the peak number of patients each month for a 12 month period. I thought about creating a query that returns the peak count for each month (based on my previously created report which displays all patients assigned to the
    practice for any single month) and then use a UNION statement to join all 12 months but I'm sure that isn't the most efficient way to do this. The other challenge with this approach (twelve resultsets combined via a UNION) is that the end-user needs to be
    able to select any month and year for the parameter and the report needs to display the 12 month period based on the month selected (the month selected would be the last month of the 12 month period).
    For the report I’ve previously created that displays all patients assigned to the practice for any single month, the WHERE statement filters the
    resultset on two fields:
    Start Date - The date the patient was assigned to the practice. This field is never null or blank.
    End Date - The date the patient left the practice. This field can be null or blank as active patients assigned to the practice do not have an End Date. When the patient
    leaves the practice, the date the patient left is populated in this field.
    Using these two fields I can return all patients assigned to the practice during Nov 2012 by looking for patients that meet the following criteria:
    start date prior to 11/30/2012 (using the last day of the month selected ensures patients added mid-month would be included)
    end date is null or blank (indicates the patient is active) OR the end date is between 11/1/2012 -11/30/2012 (returns patients that leave during the month
    Regarding the query I need to create for the report that displays the peak count each month for 12 months, I'm looking for advice on
    how to count patients for each month the patient is assigned to the practice if the patient has been assigned for several months (which applies to most patients). Examples are:
    John Doe has a start date of 6/01/2012 and an End Date of 10/07/2012
    Sally Doe has a start date of 8/4/2012 and no End Date (the patient is still active)
    Jimmy Doe has a  start of 7/3/2012 and an End Date of 9/2/2012
    Given these examples how would I include John Doe in the peak monthly count each month for May - October, Sally Doe in the peak monthly count for
    August - December and Jimmy Doe in the peak monthly count for July – Sept if the end-user running the report selected December 2012 as the parameter?
    Given the example above and the fact I'm creating a line chart I think the best way to create this report would be a resultset that looks like
    Patient Name              
    Months Assigned
    John Doe
    June 2012
    John Doe                     
    John Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    John Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    John Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Aug 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Sept 2012
    Sally Doe
    Oct 2012
    Sally Doe                     
    Nov 2012
    Sally Doe
    Dec 2012
    Jimmy Doe                  
    July 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Aug 2012
    Jimmy Doe
    Sept 2012
    From the resultset above I could create another resultset that would count\group on month and year to return the peak count for each month:
    June 2012 - 1
    July 2012 – 2
    Aug 2012 - 3
    Sept 2012 - 3
    Oct 2012 - 2
    Nov 2012 - 1
    Dec 2012 - 1
    The resultset that displays the peak count for each month would be used to create the line chart (month would be the X axis and the count would
    be the y axis).
    Does this sound like the best approach?
    If so, any advice on how to create the resultset that lists each patient and each month they were assigned to the practice would be greatly appreciated.
    I do not have permissions to create SPs or Functions within the database but I can create temp tables.
    I know how to create the peak monthly count query (derived from the query that lists each patient and month assigned) as well as the line chart.
    Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for the replies. I reviewed them shortly after they were submitted but I'm also working on other projects at the same time (hence the delayed reply).
    Building a time table and doing a cross join to my original resultset gave me the desired resultset of the months assigned between dates. What I can't figure out now is how to filter months I don't want. 
    Doing a cross  join between my original resultset that had two dates:
    and a calendar table that has 24 rows (each month for a two year period)
    my new resultset looks like this:
    I need to filter the rows in yellow as the months assigned for stage 3 that started on 8/27/2010 should stop when the patient was assigned to stage 4 on 10/24/2011.
    You'll notice that Jan - Sept 2011 isn't listed for Stage 4 assigned on 10/24/2011 as I included a filter in the WHERE clause that states
    the Months Assigned value must be greater than or equal to the date assigned value.
    Any advice would be appreciated.

  • ABST2 - How to take the report for the previous fiscal year

    For FI-AA reconciliation, my scenario is this: The current fiscal year is 2009 and the system (server) date is 16-Apr-2009. My fiscal year period is: Mar-Apr. In ABST2, it does not accept Fiscal year. When I take the report, it displays for fiscal year 2009, which I don't want because I want it for the fiscal year 2008 to reconcile between FI and AA. The fiscal year 2008 is not yet closed in both FI and AA, so I want the report for 2008 only. But ABST2 always gives the report for the current fiscl year. Is there any way out to get the report for 2008?.
    Kannan S

    This report is based on the actual values. In the past this report was used for EURO conversions to see if the values are in line. When not it was not possible to do the euro conversion.
    Normal it is a part from the fiscal year closing

  • HP loadrunner report for database performance

    Hi Team,
    client testing team gave us a report for database, from load runner and asked if the database load testing parameters is correct on the basis of below mentioned 4 parameters. I have also attached report here for your reference. please help me to analyze and let me know what is the minimum and maximum value for these parameters. Thanks.
    bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    CPU used by this session
    SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    Graph Minimum
    Graph Average
    Graph Maximum
    Graph Std. Deviation
    bytes received via SQL*Net from client (V$SYSSTAT 1/RM_Q) (absolute):
    bytes sent via SQL*Net to client (V$SYSSTAT 1/RM_Q) (absolute):
    CPU used by this session (V$SYSSTAT 1/RM_Q) (absolute):
    SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client (V$SYSSTAT 1/RM_Q) (absolute):

    You can Generate AWR(Automatic Workload Repository) and ADDM(Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor) Reports to see the performance.
    They are similar to staspack report with more information.

Maybe you are looking for

  • ERROR: The folder path 'All Pictures' contains an invalid character... ???

    I get that error when i try to install itunes i do use an external hard drive to store my pictures, music, etc... in my start menu, when i click the shortcuts for pictures or music, they do not work. When i right click them and hit properties, everyt

  • How do I format / install Mac OS X on an IDE HD in a Power Mac G4?

    I purchased what appears to be a Power Mac G4 (PCI Graphics) computer at a government surplus sale. There was no keyboard, no mouse, no software, no hard drive and no monitor. Someone at some point installed a PCI ATI Video card with a VGA and DVI-li

  • Photoshop is not showing up in my available programs list.

    Ever since I switched over to The Cloud I have noticed when trying to open with my photoshop is not showing up on the list or the sub lists, when I try to open it under adobe I cannot find the ext file to link it with .. the program seems to be worki

  • Linsys WTR160N v3 can't acces web utility

    I had disable the web utility acces via wireless in my router, because my neighboor hacked the system, but I did it from a wilreless computer, now I can' acces my administrator page conected with the ethernet cable to the router, I need to change my

  • Oracle Workflow Builder Concurrency

    Hi All We have Workflow installed in an Oracle9.2 database and have a few users using Workflow Builder to build workflows. Unless I am missing something, it appears that the facilities for preventing workflow designers from clashing with one another