STO generated from TLB without reference of Purchase Requisition

Dear SAP Gurus,
We are using TLB to generate STO from confirmed Purchase Requisition from Deployment execution and the Stock Transfer Orders are generated in the ECC side without reference to the purchase requisition.
Do you know how to solve this issue?
Thanks and BR

Did something similar on a 4.0a system years ago, maybe this will help.
My notes say:
PO create, stock transfer order
enter order type (ours was customized version - probably so that the copy rules from PR - PO were set correctly)
Create with reference to P.Req.
on the pop-up box remove the 'U' (think that was the key bit)
select item, copy +details
Save, STO created

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  • STO with reference to Purchase requisition

    Dear SAP gurus,
    Can I create a STO with reference to purchase requisition from Sales order.
    Below is the scenario:
    In Export sales, we have created dock location as plant. First a sales order to be created with third party item to generate purchase requisition.
    Now with reference to purchase requisistion, I want to create a STO.
    Can this be possible....

    Did something similar on a 4.0a system years ago, maybe this will help.
    My notes say:
    PO create, stock transfer order
    enter order type (ours was customized version - probably so that the copy rules from PR - PO were set correctly)
    Create with reference to P.Req.
    on the pop-up box remove the 'U' (think that was the key bit)
    select item, copy +details
    Save, STO created

  • Generated a report which gives PR(Purchase Requisition) analysis using ALV.

    hi experts,
    please give me tables and fields for following report, and also exlain me briefly,
    Generated a report which gives PR(Purchase Requisition) analysis using ALV.
    thanks in advance,

    please find this report which link SO PO PR and Prd Ord and there status.
    REPORT z_so_info.
    TABLES: vbak, vbap, afko, afpo.
    *Field catalog
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    DATA: lv_repid TYPE sy-repid VALUE sy-repid,
    xfield TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    afield TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(25) text-002.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: so_so FOR vbak-vbeln OBLIGATORY.
    p_kunnr LIKE vbak-kunnr, " sold-to
    p_kunwe LIKE vbak-kunnr. " ship-to
    CONSTANTS: c_zor TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZOR',
    c_we TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'WE',
    c_ag TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'AG'.
    c_space TYPE space.
    RANGES: ra_parvw FOR vbpa-parvw,
    ra_kunnr FOR vbpa-kunnr.
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_output OCCURS 0,
    vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln, " sales order number
    posnr LIKE vbap-posnr, " SO item number
    matnr LIKE vbap-matnr, " material number
    sh LIKE vbpa-kunnr, " Ship-to
    sp LIKE vbpa-kunnr, " Sold-to
    lifnr LIKE ekko-lifnr, " Vendor
    bstnk LIKE vbak-bstnk, " PO number
    banfn LIKE vbep-banfn, " Purchase requi
    po_st TYPE char30, " PO status text
    pstyv TYPE vbap-pstyv, " Item catagory
    aufnr LIKE afpo-aufnr, " Production Order
    prd_stat TYPE string, " Prd order status
    END OF gt_output.
    DATA: wa_output LIKE gt_output.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_output> LIKE gt_output.
    *Table for sales order and PO
    TYPES : BEGIN OF gs_data,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    pstyv TYPE vbap-pstyv,
    matnr TYPE vbap-matnr,
    END OF gs_data.
    DATA: gt_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_data,
    wa_data TYPE gs_data.
    *Table for Production Orders
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_prd,
    aufnr TYPE afpo-aufnr,
    posnr TYPE afpo-posnr,
    kdauf TYPE afpo-kdauf,
    kdpos TYPE afpo-kdpos,
    wepos TYPE afpo-wepos, "Goods Receipt Indicator
    elikz TYPE afpo-elikz, "Delivery Completed Indicator
    objnr TYPE aufk-objnr, "Object number
    getri TYPE afko-getri, "Confirmed Order Finish Date
    gltri TYPE afko-gltri, "Actual finish date
    END OF gs_prd.
    DATA: gt_prd TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_prd,
    wa_prd TYPE gs_prd.
    *Table for partner data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_partner,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    parvw TYPE vbpa-parvw,
    kunnr TYPE vbpa-kunnr,
    END OF gs_partner.
    DATA: gt_partner TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_partner,
    wa_partner TYPE gs_partner.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_po,
    ebeln TYPE ekkn-ebeln,
    ebelp TYPE ekkn-ebelp,
    vbeln TYPE ekkn-vbeln,
    vbelp TYPE ekkn-vbelp,
    END OF gs_po.
    wa_po TYPE gs_po.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_preq,
    vbeln TYPE vbep-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbep-posnr,
    banfn TYPE vbep-banfn,
    END OF gs_preq.
    DATA: gt_preq TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_preq,
    wa_preq TYPE gs_preq.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF gs_po_stat,
    ebeln TYPE ekko-ebeln,
    procstat TYPE ekko-procstat,
    lifnr TYPE ekko-lifnr,
    END OF gs_po_stat.
    DATA: gt_po_stat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gs_po_stat,
    wa_po_stat TYPE gs_po_stat.
    *Field symbols
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    <fs_temp> TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    <fs_stat> TYPE char30.
    PERFORM fr_build_range.
    PERFORM fr_get_data.
    PERFORM fr_build_fc.
    PERFORM fr_output.
    *& Form fr_get_data
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_get_data.
    *Get SO
    SELECT avbeln aposnr apstyv amatnr
    FROM vbap AS a
    JOIN vbak AS b
    ON avbeln = bvbeln
    JOIN vbpa AS c
    ON bvbeln = cvbeln
    INTO TABLE gt_data
    WHERE b~vbeln IN so_so
    AND b~auart EQ c_zor "Only Sales Orders
    AND c~kunnr IN ra_kunnr. "from selection screen
    *get data of the production order
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT aaufnr aposnr akdauf akdpos awepos aelikz
    FROM afpo AS a
    JOIN aufk AS b
    ON aaufnr = baufnr
    INTO TABLE gt_prd
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE a~kdauf EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND a~kdpos EQ gt_data-posnr.
    *Get partner data
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT vbeln posnr parvw kunnr
    FROM vbpa
    INTO TABLE gt_partner
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln.
    *Get Purchase Order
    IF NOT gt_data[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT ebeln ebelp vbeln vbelp
    FROM ekkn
    INTO TABLE gt_po
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND vbelp EQ gt_data-posnr.
    SELECT vbeln posnr banfn
    FROM vbep
    INTO TABLE gt_preq
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN gt_data
    WHERE vbeln EQ gt_data-vbeln
    AND posnr EQ gt_data-posnr.
    IF NOT gt_po[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT aebeln aprocstat a~lifnr
    FROM ekko AS a
    JOIN ekpo AS b
    ON aebeln = bebeln
    INTO TABLE gt_po_stat
    WHERE b~ebeln EQ gt_po-ebeln
    AND b~ebelp EQ gt_po-ebelp.
    *Move data to output table
    LOOP AT gt_data INTO wa_data.
    wa_output-vbeln = wa_data-vbeln.
    wa_output-posnr = wa_data-posnr.
    wa_output-pstyv = wa_data-pstyv.
    wa_output-matnr = wa_data-matnr.
    READ TABLE gt_po INTO wa_po WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    vbelp = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-bstnk = wa_po-ebeln.
    READ TABLE gt_po_stat INTO wa_po_stat WITH KEY ebeln = wa_po-ebeln.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-lifnr = wa_po_stat-lifnr.
    CASE wa_po_stat-procstat.
    WHEN '01'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Version in process'.
    WHEN '02'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Active'.
    WHEN '03'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'In release'.
    WHEN '04'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Partially released'.
    WHEN '05'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Released Completely'.
    WHEN '08'.
    wa_output-po_st = 'Rejected'.
    ENDIF. "inner read subrc
    ENDIF. "outer read subrc
    READ TABLE gt_preq INTO wa_preq WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    posnr = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-banfn = wa_preq-banfn.
    READ TABLE gt_prd INTO wa_prd WITH KEY kdauf = wa_data-vbeln
    kdpos = wa_data-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-aufnr = wa_prd-aufnr.
    *get the purchase requisition for production order as well
    FROM ebkn
    INTO wa_output-banfn
    WHERE aufnr EQ wa_prd-aufnr.
    *Get the status of the production order
    PERFORM fr_get_prd_stat USING wa_prd-objnr
    CHANGING wa_output-prd_stat.
    ENDIF. " sy-subrc
    READ TABLE gt_partner INTO wa_partner WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    parvw = c_we.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-sh = wa_partner-kunnr.
    READ TABLE gt_partner INTO wa_partner WITH KEY vbeln = wa_data-vbeln
    parvw = c_ag.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_output-sp = wa_partner-kunnr.
    APPEND wa_output TO gt_output.
    CLEAR: wa_data, wa_prd,wa_partner,wa_output.
    ENDFORM. " fr_get_data
    *& Form fr_build_range
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_build_range .
    *Range for partner function
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_parvw-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_parvw-option.
    MOVE 'SH' TO ra_parvw-low. " we
    APPEND ra_parvw.
    CLEAR ra_parvw.
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_parvw-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_parvw-option.
    MOVE 'SP' TO ra_parvw-low. " ag
    APPEND ra_parvw.
    CLEAR ra_parvw.
    *Range for ship-to and sold-to
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_kunnr-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_kunnr-option.
    MOVE p_kunnr TO ra_kunnr-low.
    APPEND ra_kunnr.
    CLEAR ra_kunnr.
    MOVE 'I' TO ra_kunnr-sign.
    MOVE 'EQ' TO ra_kunnr-option.
    MOVE p_kunwe TO ra_kunnr-low.
    APPEND ra_kunnr.
    CLEAR ra_kunnr.
    ENDFORM. " fr_build_range
    *& Form fr_build_fc
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_build_fc .
    sales order number
    afield-fieldname = 'VBELN'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Sales #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAK'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    sales ITEM number
    afield-fieldname = 'POSNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Item #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    Material Number
    afield-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Material #'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    afield-outputlen = 10.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Vendor Number
    afield-fieldname = 'LIFNR'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Vendor Num.'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'EKKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    afield-fieldname = 'SH'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Ship-to'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBPA'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    afield-fieldname = 'SP'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Sold-to'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBPA'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO number
    afield-fieldname = 'BSTNK'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'PO NUM'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'EKKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO status
    afield-fieldname = 'PO_STAT'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Step'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PO step status
    afield-fieldname = 'PO_ST'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'PO.Status'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Purchase requisition
    afield-fieldname = 'BANFN'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Pur. Req.'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBEP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Item catagory
    afield-fieldname = 'PSTYV'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Itm. Catg'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'VBAP'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *Prodcution Order number
    afield-fieldname = 'AUFNR'.
    afield-seltext_m = 'Prod.Order'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'AFKO'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PRODCUTION status
    afield-fieldname = 'PRD_STAT'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Prd. Step'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    afield-outputlen = 20.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    *PRODUCTION step status
    afield-fieldname = 'PRD_ST'.
    afield-seltext_s = 'Prd. Status'.
    afield-ref_tabname = 'zbacklog_v2'.
    APPEND afield TO xfield. CLEAR afield.
    ENDFORM. " fr_build_fc
    *& Form fr_output
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    FORM fr_output .
    i_callback_program = sy-repid
    it_fieldcat = xfield[]
    i_default = 'X'
    i_save = 'A'
    t_outtab = gt_output
    program_error = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    ENDFORM. " fr_output
    *& Form fr_get_prd_stat
    -->P_WA_PRD_OBJNR text
    FORM fr_get_prd_stat USING p_objnr CHANGING p_prd_stat.
    DATA: lt_status TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF jstat,
    wa_status TYPE jstat,
    lv_status TYPE tj02t-txt04,
    lv_temp2 TYPE char5,
    lv_buff TYPE string.
    client = sy-mandt
    objnr = p_objnr
    only_active = 'X'
    status = lt_status
    object_not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    LOOP AT lt_status INTO wa_status.
    IF wa_status-stat(1) EQ 'I'.
    SELECT txt04 FROM tj02t
    INTO lv_status
    WHERE istat EQ wa_status-stat
    AND spras EQ 'E'.
    lv_temp2 = lv_status.
    CONCATENATE lv_temp2 p_prd_stat INTO p_prd_stat
    CLEAR: wa_status, lv_status, lv_temp2.
    lv_buff = p_prd_stat.
    *Status of Production Order
    IF lv_buff CS 'CRTD'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Not Active'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'REL'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'GMPS'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Printed In Prod'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Printed'.
    IF lv_buff CS 'TECO'.
    p_prd_stat = 'Technically Compt.'.
    ENDFORM. " fr_get_prd_stat

  • MM - PO with reference to purchase requisition.

    Hi everyone !
    I need to customize creation of PO only with reference to purchase requisition, I wanna mean I can´t create a PO without purchase requisition.
    Thanks for your help !

    Try to put this field " request" as mandatory in SPRO

  • Help Bapi Purchase order with reference to purchase requisition no

    i used BAPI_PO_CREATE1 for creating purchase order with reference to Purchase requisition number but im getting these error
    please help me to solve this
    1 E BAPI 001 No instance of object type PurchaseOrder has been created. External reference:
    2 E MEPO 001 Purchase order item 00010 still contains faulty schedule lines
    3 E 06 054 Doc. type/item cat. NB/S (requisition) <-> NB/ (purch. order)
    4 E 8W 162 No schedule line exists for schedule line number 0010000030 00010 0000.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Azar,
    I am also getting the same messages, did you get resolve the issue.

  • Net price on purchase order with reference to purchase requisition

    When I create a purchase order with reference to purchase requisition, the net price goes automatically to the purchase order.
    But It's possible change the net price on PO, and I must close this possibility.
    Do you know how can I do this?
    Thanks, Camila!

    Try to search SCN for EVO
    You will find this: PR price in PO

  • Program for Creating Purchase Order with reference to purchase requisition

    Hi ,
    I need to Create purchase Order with reference to  Purchase requisition,
    in my case i need to automize the Process which is happening in MD04,
    Can you please suggest me ?
    Thanks ,

    Plz check this link. It will be helpful to you.
    Purchase order creation with reference to PR
    We can also create the PO Using the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 function module.
    In this function module fill up the all necessary Details.
    With details in Item Table we haveto give the Fields PREQ_NO and PREQ_ITEM for each item .
    then it will creates the PO with PREQ.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sarita Singh Rathour
    Edited by: Sarita Rathour on Aug 3, 2009 7:01 AM

  • PO  with reference to Purchase requisition

    Hi Friends
    Good Morning, could you please help me out on one issue.My Client requirement is that Purchase order should be created only with reference to Purchase requisition.How can this be done please help ASAP.

    Do u mean to say PR mandatory for Po creation then do as follows
    SPRO --> Materials Management --> Purchasing --> Authorization Management --> Define Function Authorizations for Buyers
    Also make sure that
    In OMET in <b>details</b> of function Authorization>Possible ref. objects>Tick only <b>Ref. to purchase requisition</b> and not anything else
    Create Function Authorization for buyers as "PO only with PR" ,
    assign this to Buyer authorization profile in SU01
    for assignment of  Function Authorisation do as follow
    Go to SU01>enter user ID> Go to Parameters-->assign that parameter value against EFB parameter( If EFB parameter ID is not there Add it and assign parameter value i.e.Function Authorisation value there e.g..<b>01</b>
    Revert for any clarification

  • Could we create an inbound delivery with reference to purchase requisition?

    Dear all,
    Could we create an inbound delivery with reference to purchase requisition?
    If yes, how could we customize the system?
    Kind regards,

    No, I don't think so. You have to convert it into a PO and then you can create the delivery.

  • RFQ with reference to Purchase Requisition

    While I was creating RFQ with reference to Purchase Requisition,I am not selecting any item category still in selection list it is showing Purchase requisition of all item categories. I want to filter it.How can i achive it?

    In the T.Code ME41 when we are creating a RFQ with reference to PR we dont have configuration settings so that we can get PR with respect to Item Category
    In ME57 we have the item category option which you can use and get all the PR which  belong to a particulat Item Category 
    I hope this answers your question
    Any other information neded do put a message will get the information and let you know
    If found helpful do reward accordingly
    Thanks & Regards

  • Anyone know how to recover deleted note from IPhone5 without having to purchase software?

    I accidently deleted a note.  I tried recovering it from ITunes and was not able to do so..  Is there a way to recover it from my phone without having to purchase software?


  • WSDL generated from service that references XMLBean is invalid

    Env: Weblogic Workshop 9.2.0
    Build id: 783464
    When I validate a WSDL generated from a service that imports XMLBean classes (auto-generated by the XMLBeans Builder) it shows numerous errors including src-resolve.4.2. and ?The part ?parameters? has an invalid value ?hello? ??. All my schemas validate without error in both Workshop and XMLSpy. This happens for both the WSDL generated from the right click menu and from the auto generated WSDL located in the build sub-directory.
    Related to this problem, when I deploy the web service (for some reason I can deploy it if I don?t deploy the WSDL) sometimes I either can reach the web service and sometimes I receive a failure related to the parse of the WSDL stating java.util.NoSuchElementException as the reason.
    Has anyone else seen these kinds of problems?

    I'm going to open a support case but here are the XSDs
    There are four in total ... I have marked the top and bottom of each so you can clearly identify them.
    ---AddressData.xsd Start---
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:addr="" xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:complexType name="AddressType">
                   <xs:element name="LineOne" type="addr:LineOneType"/>
                   <xs:element name="LineTwo" type="addr:StreetAddressType" minOccurs="0"/>
                   <xs:element name="City" type="addr:CityType"/>
                   <xs:element name="State" type="addr:StateType"/>
                   <xs:element name="Zip" type="addr:ZipType"/>
         <xs:complexType name="LineOneType">
                   <xs:element name="StreetAddress" type="addr:StreetAddressType"/>
                   <xs:element name="POBoxAddress" type="addr:POBoxAddressType"/>
         <xs:complexType name="StreetAddressType">
                   <xs:element name="StreetAddress" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:complexType name="POBoxAddressType">
                   <xs:element name="POBoxAddress" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:complexType name="CityType">
                   <xs:element name="City" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:complexType name="StateType">
                   <xs:element name="State" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:complexType name="ZipType">
                   <xs:element name="Zip" type="xs:string"/>
    ---AddressData.xsd Stop---
    ---CustomerData.xsd Start---
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:cust="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:addr="" xmlns:pri="" xmlns:ndata="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="CustomerPriority.xsd"/>
         <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation="AddressData.xsd"/>
         <xs:import namespace=""
              schemaLocation="DataType.xsd" />
         <xs:element name="CustomerData">
                        Comment describing your root element
                        <xs:element name="Customer" type="cust:CustomerType" />
                        <xs:element name="otherData1" type="ndata:newDataType" />
                        <xs:element name="secondaryAddress"
                             type="addr:AddressType" />
         <xs:complexType name="CustomerType">
                   <xs:element name="name" type="cust:CustomerNameType"/>
                   <xs:element name="address" type="addr:AddressType"/>
                   <xs:element name="priority" type="pri:PriorityLevelType"/>
                   <xs:element name="data" type="cust:moreData"/>
         <xs:complexType name="CustomerNameType">
                   <xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:string"/>
                   <xs:element name="firstname" type="xs:string"/>
                   <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:element name="anotherBitOfData" type="xs:gMonthDay"/>
         <xs:complexType name="moreData">
                   <xs:element name="data1" type="xs:string"/>
                   <xs:element name="data2" type="xs:long"/>
    ---CustomerData.xsd Stop---
    ---CustomerPriority.xsd Start---
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:pri="" xmlns:xs="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:element name="CustomerPriority">
                   <xs:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xs:documentation>
                        <xs:element name="priority" type="pri:PriorityLevelType"/>
         <xs:complexType name="PriorityLevelType">
                   <xs:element name="Level1Value" type="xs:string"/>
                   <xs:element name="Level2Value" type="xs:string"/>
                   <xs:element name="Level3Value" type="xs:string"/>
    ---CustomerPriority.xsd Stop---
    ---DataType.xsd Start---
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema xmlns:ndata="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:pri="" targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:import namespace=""
              schemaLocation="CustomerPriority.xsd" />
         <xs:complexType name="newDataType">
                   <xs:element name="pri" type="xs:string" />
    ---DataType.xsd Stop---

  • PO creation with reference to Purchase Requisition

    Is anyone aware of a control in SAP that allows for a warning message  when you create one or more PO's form the same requisition and the total quantity on the PO(s) is over the quantity on the original purchase requisition?
    Also can BAPI be used to check the same?
    For example if I am creating PO using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 with reference to Requisition created.
    Can I check for errors using BAPI for PO creation in TESTRUN mode for quantity exceeded, different REQ types mixed in one PO and delivery date in PO match REQ?
    Any thoughts here would be appreciated.

    Hi Madhura
    have u tried message  06 076  to warning or error  in
    SPRO>Materials Management>Purchasing>Environment Data>Define Attributes of System Messages-->System messages

  • One line item in po from multiple line items of Purchase Requisition

    Can we merge multiple line items for same item from different different purchase requisition into a single line item in Purchase Order ?
    For example, say department A and B made two different purchase requisition for 1 number of computer system. Now the purchaser viewed these requisitions and he want to make a purchase order to party X for 2 no of computer system. Now how he can do this in Oracle Purchasing.
    Edited by: Saroj.Dash on May 31, 2010 6:02 AM

    Hi !
    thanx to all for your responses.
    But, let me explain better.
    Say Dept A raises an Requisition (Req No: 1 ) for 5 Chairs. In the same time Dept. B raises requisition (req no: 2 ) for 10 chairs.
    Now Purchase Dept. wants to make an PO to procure chair with respective to these 2 requisitions i.e. req no 1 from dept A and req no 2 from Dept B.
    Now my query is that, can the purchase dept. prepare a PO with 1 line item only i.e. for chair (5+10) of 15 numbers from these requisitions of dept A and B ?
    If yes then how ?

  • Purchase Order with reference to Purchase Requisition

    I have this situation:
    One Purchase Requisition with quantity of 10.
    When I issue a Purchase Order with reference to this purchase requisition, for the moment I can use this Purchase Requisition many times. For example: two Purchase Order with the same purchase requisition, same item and same quantity.
    The objective is thay the system only allows to use the Purchase Requisition until the quantity is completed. For example: one purchase order for 10, or two purchase orders with 5 each. But never with a quantity superior to the total quantity in the purchase requisition.
    Somebody can help?
    Thank you,

    1) By setting the configuration paths as suggested by the previous posts.
    2) In the first place, when converting a PR in PO Create Screen (ME21N), you should make the Open only and Released only field as Display. This way, the results will only show Open and Released PRs to be converted to PO
    Hope this helps

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