Struts2 and Tiles2 - Error executing tag: Attribute 'title' not found.

I keep getting Error executing tag: Attribute 'title' not found when I go to the baseLayout.jsp page. I am figuring it is not seeing the tiles.xml file, but I have placed it in the /WEB-INF directory like every web page I have found says too. Any help or pointers would be appreciated.
type Exception report
description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Error executing tag: Attribute 'title' not found.
     org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher.doFilter( am using maven to load my dependency, so here are the version numbers.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
     <constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation"
          value="false" />
     <constant name="struts.devMode" value="false" />
     <constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources"
          value="forum" />
     <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
               <result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.TilesResult" />
          <action name="login" class="net.game_tech.LoginAction">
               <result name="success" type="tiles">/login.success.tiles</result>
               <result name="error" type="tiles">/login.tiles</result>
          <action name="login-form">
               <result name="success" type="tiles">/login.tiles</result>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
     id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
          <description>Mysql Forum</description>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE tiles-definitions PUBLIC
       "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 2.0//EN"
     <definition name="baseLayout" template="/baseLayout.jsp">
          <put-attribute name="title" value="Simple Java Forums" />
          <put-attribute name="header" value="/common/Header.jsp" />
          <put-attribute name="menu" value="/common/MenuNav.jsp" />
          <put-attribute name="body" value="" />
          <put-attribute name="footer" value="/common/Footer.jsp" />
     <definition name="/login.tiles" extends="baseLayout">
          <put-attribute name="header" value="/pvt/Login.jsp" />
     <definition name="/login.success.tiles" extends="baseLayout">
          <put-attribute name="header" value="/pvt/Welcome.jsp" />
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="tiles"%>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
     <title><tiles:insertAttribute name="title" /></title>
     <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"/>
     <div id="page">
          <tiles:insertAttribute name="header" />
          <tiles:insertAttribute name="menu" />
          <tiles:insertAttribute name="body" />
          <tiles:insertAttribute name="footer" />

I was playing around with it some more and was trying to follow this page:
I made sure I had the same jar versions. I still get the same exception in the Browser, but I get a few more log messages in the tomcat log;
Obviously I have something configured wrong. I'll see what searching brings up, and of course any help would be appreciated.
2010-08-24 10:30:59,885 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.ConfigurationManager.debug:57 - Checking ConfigurationProviders for reload.
2010-08-24 10:30:59,920 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl.InstantiatingNullHandler.debug:57 - Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultTextProvider@4ba76eff], property=struts]
2010-08-24 10:30:59,956 WARN  com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack.warn:45 - Could not find property [struts.actionMapping]
2010-08-24 10:30:59,957 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.ConfigurationManager.debug:57 - Checking ConfigurationProviders for reload.
2010-08-24 10:30:59,967 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.ConfigurationManager.debug:57 - Checking ConfigurationProviders for reload.
2010-08-24 10:30:59,969 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl.InstantiatingNullHandler.debug:57 - Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultTextProvider@4ba76eff], property=org]
2010-08-24 10:30:59,969 WARN  com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack.warn:45 - Could not find property [org.apache.catalina.jsp_file]
2010-08-24 10:31:00,089 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl.InstantiatingNullHandler.debug:57 - Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultTextProvider@4ba76eff], property=org]
2010-08-24 10:31:00,089 WARN  com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack.warn:45 - Could not find property [org.apache.tiles.servlet.context.ServletTilesRequestContext.CURRENT_CONTAINER_KEY]
2010-08-24 10:31:00,099 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl.InstantiatingNullHandler.debug:57 - Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultTextProvider@4ba76eff], property=org]
2010-08-24 10:31:00,100 WARN  com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack.warn:45 - Could not find property [org.apache.tiles.AttributeContext.STACK]
2010-08-24 10:31:00,100 DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.conversion.impl.InstantiatingNullHandler.debug:57 - Entering nullPropertyValue [target=[com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultTextProvider@4ba76eff], property=org]
2010-08-24 10:31:00,100 WARN  com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlValueStack.warn:45 - Could not find property [org.apache.tiles.AttributeContext.STACK]
Aug 24, 2010 10:31:00 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
org.apache.tiles.jsp.taglib.NoSuchAttributeException: Attribute 'title' not found.

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    yes ,
    reference already enter in web.xml
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              </wsdl:documentation> Digging through the WSDLPortType class (package weblogic.webservice.wsdl ) decompiled code, I clearly saw this kind of parsing does not respect the WSDL XSD:
    public class WsdlPortType {
        public WsdlPortType() {
            operations = new ArrayList();
        void parsePortType(WSDLParser wsdlparser, XMLNode xmlnode, Port port) throws WSDLParseException {
            Iterator iterator = xmlnode.getChildren();
            do {
                XMLNode xmlnode1 = (XMLNode); // THE NEXT XML NODE IS NOT COMPULSORILY THE <wsdl:operation> ONE!!!
                String s = wsdlparser.getMustAttribute("name", xmlnode1);
                if(wsdlparser.canHandleMethod(xmlnode1)) {
                    weblogic.webservice.Operation operation = port.addOperation(s);
                    WsdlOperation wsdloperation = new WsdlOperation();
                    wsdloperation.parseOperation(wsdlparser, operation, xmlnode1);
            } while(true);
        private ArrayList operations;
    } X-(
    Edited by maxxyme at 03/13/2008 10:34 AM

    I created a new project and tried to repeat the steps to import. Still getting the same error.
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    <message name="Composite_Weather_ServiceRequestMessage">
              <part name="payload" type="tns1:NDFDgenRequest"/>
         <message name="Composite_Weather_ServiceResponseMessage">
              <part name="payload" type="tns1:NDFDgenResponse"/>

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    Have you recently updated your Operating system? Please try repairing permissions for your hard disk.
    Please check the help document to know more about repairing permissions n_3__Repair_Disk_Permissions

  • 'dimension attribute was not found' error while refresing the cube in Excel

    Dear All,
    Thanks for all your support and help.
    I need an urgent support from you as I am stuck up here from nearly past 2-3 days and not getting a clue on it.
    I have re-named a dimension attribute 'XX' to 'xx' (Caps to small)in my cube and cleared all dependencies (In Attribute relationship tab as well).
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    Can some one help me here?
    Thanks in Advance and Regards,

    Thnaks alot Vikram,
    In se11  ,when i was trying to activate the  /BIC/FZBKUPC , it is showing the warnings  like
    Key field KEY_ZBKUPCP has num. type INT4: Buffering not possible, Transport restricted.What it means.
    In PErformance Window it is showing like:
    A numeric type was used for a key field. A table of this sort cannot be buffered.When buffering, the table records for numeric values cannot be stored in plain text.
    You can enter "no buffering" as an attribute of the technical settings and then repeat the activation process. The table is not buffered.
    If you want to buffer the table, you must replace the type in the key field by a character type, i.e. that you must modify the table.
    Please adivice with your valueable suggestyions.
    Thanks Vikram.

  • XML-22009: (Error) Attribute 'select' not found in 'xsl:value-of'

    I'm a long-time Siebel developer but novice to BIP, trying to enhance some complex rtf templates that an experienced xdo/bip developer (contractor) designed for us in the past, with a couple of new fields that have been added to the integration object.
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    <Line 648, Column 88>: XML-22009: (Error) Attribute 'select' not found in 'xsl:value-of'.
    I have exported all templates and sub-templates into XSL-FO Style Sheet and looked at line 648 column 88, and none of them seem to correspond to this line/column combination (in fact most exports do not even go that high in lines).
    Googling 'XML-22009' hasn't proven to be of much help, so reaching out to the xdo experts in this forum.
    How are the line/column #'s determined in the xdo log output?
    I am pretty sure that it must be some issue with my 'Main' template, since none of the sub-templates have been changed (and the current version of the report, without the new fields incorporated, still runs fine from the UI). In the XSL-FO format export of the (modified, with new fields added) 'Main.rtf' file, line 648 places it right in the midst of a bunch of hex which corresponds to an imbedded image (which was also part of the existing template, no change there) and that line only has 65 columns (i.e. doesn't even go up to 88), so I'm questioning how valid the Line/Column information is in the xdo log error message.
    Any hints on troubleshooting this one would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks & Regards,

    as I wrote in the inital message, we even left out the output method or used "application/pdf". The result is unfortunately always the same. And I still claim this is not a problem with the stylesheet itself, it has to do something with the mobile's environment.
    Something I didn't tell: we have 2 servlets in our application, 1 responsible for output in html and 1 in pdf. The .fo stylesheet passed to the 'html servlet' is parsed correctly (and shows the source code, because it does not know about fo and conversion to pdf), the .xsl stylesheet passed to the 'pdf servlet' raises same exception/same line. You might tell us that there is a problem with the 'pdf servlet', but once again: why in online it is working?
    Greetings and thanx very much for your precious time!

  • Error:"The specified tag name was not found"

    My problem is the FieldPoint error message in LabWindows/CVI v6.0.
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    if(status = FP_CreateTagIOPoint (ServerHandle, resourceName, deviceName, "All",&IOPointHandle))
    But When hook up with RS-232C Module(FP-1000), occured error. The error code is 32812, that means "The Specified tag name was not found."
    What makes this error? Why item name "All" makes the error when using FP-1000?
    Please help me.
    Thank You.

    Make sure the resourceName and deviceName match what is in FieldPoint Explorer. See the following KB:
    Also, I have seen this error when targetting serial modules with FieldPoint Explorer open. Make sure FP Explorer is closed.

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    I am trying to submit a SAP job and it is erroring out as "instance/client not found"
    as soon as I  enter the instance/client value and click on next  I am getting this error
    please help

    Then maybe there is a problem with another parameter, and the error is obscured by this error message.
    You did specify valid values for all other parameters ?
    Maybe you can try the following:
    - create a simple job in SAP, you do not have to execute it only save it
    - import this job using RSI_IMPORT_CCMS_JOBS and specify the exact job name
    - run the imported job (it will have the same name as in SAP) and see if this works
    - if this works, try your job again directly from CPS and compare your parameters with those on the imported job (especially which ones are filled or not filled, that sometimes is more important than the exact value chosen)

  • I am trying to install adobe livecycle designer es4 trial version on my computer and i keep getting the message Error 13.11 Source file not found: c:\  verify that the file exist. I have tried to install on both windows 7 and windows 8 and i still get the

    error 13.11 Source file not found verify that the file exsist

    Try a more recent version of my advice. The "for older video cards version" may work when the default version doesn't.
    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for installation or performance issues, or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.

  • I have tried several times to install iTunes update 11.1.4 on my PC.  I get a message saying that install was not successful and an error message of MSVCR80.dll not present, Error 7, (Windows error 126).  I am told to reinstall iTunes, but nothing changes

    I have tried several times to install iTunes update 11.1.4 on my PC.  I get a message saying that install was not successful and an error message of MSVCR80.dll not present, Error 7, (Windows error 126).  I am told to reinstall iTunes, but nothing changes.  What next?  I've not had this problem with other updates requested by Apple.

    I have also had the same problem with my Win 7 32 bit computer.  I had great help from Apple techs in Montreal and Orlando for 2.5 hours.  They helped me remove every trace of Apple products and clean the registry in two different ways.  Each install gave the same problem!  If Apple techs can't fix it (on some of our machines) then we are really in trouble.  They promised to raise it with the "engineers" and get back to me with a solution.  I am waiting and hoping.  Otherwise maybe version 11.1.5 will have a fix ??

  • I have windows 7. I keep getting error message"apple application support not found". I have uninstalled and reinstalled i tunes multiple times but unable to get rid of error message. Can anyone offer a solution

    I have windowa 7 operating system. When I install I Tunes, I get an error message "Apple Application Support not found".
    I have uninstalled and reinstalled I Tunes multiple times with same error.
    Can anyone offer a solution?

    See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

  • Unable to activitate IMessage and Facetime - error message "Imessage activiatation could not sign in please check your network connection and try again

    Unable to activiate Imessage and Facetime - error message: imessage activation could not sign in please check your network connection and try again

    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues

  • HT201210 I tried to restore my iPhone 4s through iTunes and received error message that Restore could not be completed due to error 2003. Phone now not recognized in iTunes, with prompt to restore, phone w/screen with iTunes symbol and can't use.

    I tried to restore my iPhone 4s through iTunes and received error message that Restore could not be completed due to error 2003. Phone now not recognized in iTunes, with repeated prompts to restore phone. Now phone w/screen with iTunes symbol and USB cord can't use. It appears the phone has been restored, but I cannot activate it.
    I disabled my anti-software, iTunes and computer software (microsoft vista) are both up to date, I restarted the computer several times. My usb ports are working properly. I followed the troubleshooting suggestions from apple.

    yes did you buy it of somebody or a well known company such as apple or carphone warehouse?
    and i mean the phone would have been activated in the first place with the sim card you get given when you first get the phone.
    trying to activate the phone with another sim card that you did not get when you brought the phone may result in you not being able to activate it
    no worries

  • Errors with CF 8.0.1 hotfix 3 and hotfix 4, "Object Instantiation Exception.Class not found"

    We need to get our servers up to date with the latest ColdFusion hotfixes in order to pass our security scans and policies. We have been following the Adobe instructions for installing the hotfixes, but we’re getting the same errors each time. The CF 8 hotfix 2 works fine, but once we install hotfix 3 and/or hotfix 4, we get the following errors:
    "Object Instantiation Exception.Class not found: The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\ColdFusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\exception\java\lang\Exception.cfm, line: 12 "
    We have dozens of servers running Windows XP, Netscape Enterprise Server 6.1 (I  know, don’t laugh), ColdFusion 8,0,1,195765, and Java Version 1.6.0_04. Just about  the only good thing about running XP on our servers is that it matches  our development boxes, so we have almost mirrored environments for dev,  test, and production. We do NOT have the CF install with the J2EE configuration.
    The crazy thing is, on tech note 51180 (, it says that the fix for bug # 71787 (Fix for "Object Instantiation Exception" thrown when calling a Java object constructor or method with a null argument under JDK 1.6.) was added in cumulative hotfix 2. However we don’t see this problem until we go to hotfix 3 (or 4).
    I’ve also been reading that other people had this same problem, and that the CF 8 hotfix 3 was not compatible with certain versions of JDK, then when you read the Adobe site for CF 8.0.1 hotfix 3, it says “Added the updated cumulative hotfix to make it compatible with jdk 1.4.x, 1.5.x and 1.6.x.”, so that makes me think that Adobe was supposed to have fixed this CF 8.0.1 hotfix 3 JDK incompatability issue - but unfortunately it's still not working for us. We have followed the instructions for removing the jar files and starting/restarting the CF server as directed, we’ve tried this 5-6 times, and still no luck.
    Recommendations? Seems like this is a ColdFusion bug to me – one that says is fixed on the Adobe site, but is not fixed in our environment. Please advise, thanks.

    For what it's worth, we had an MXUnit user describe a similar, though not identical, problem after installing the latest hotfixes. In his case, he's getting "NoSuchMethodExceptions".

  • Error message of "404 - page not found" after downloading and installing Firefox 15

    Error message of "404 page not found" after downloading the latest version of Firefox.

    This sometimes is the result of firewall software protecting you from changed applications. Or it might be something else. Can you review this article and see whether it helps: [[Firefox can't load websites but other browsers can]].

Maybe you are looking for