Telcel me cobra $2.700.pesos mx por arreglar iphone 4 mojado

Saludos, quisiera preguntar si es verdad que apple arregla el iphone 4 por $2,700 pesos mx por medio de Telcel? esto me dijeron hoy en la CD de Puebla Mexico

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    Bueno, honestamente nunca había escuchado de un problema así pero te recomiendo que llames al número de AppleCare de tu país y veas si te pueden dar asistencia telefónica, normalmente así debería ser por tratarse de un equipo nuevo.  Si con la ayuda que te den por ese medio no se corrige seguramente te dirán que lo lleves a un centro de servicio o con tu compañía telefónica.
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    about Applercare in Ireland
    Important notes
    Purchase AppleCare+ with your new iPhone. Or buy it within 60 days of your iPhone purchase:
    Call 1800 804 062 (requires you to run a remote diagnostic and provide proof of purchase)
    See AppleCare+ Terms and Conditions for complete product details.
    If you did not order AppleCare at the time of placing the order for the iPhone you buy by calling the number above

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    kupte21 wrote:
    Okay, let me tell you this story from the beginning.....
    In December of 2013, I wanted an iPhone 5c. My current basic phone was acting up, so my dad wanted to get a replacement. Instead, Verizon (without telling my dad) marked this as an upgrade.
    Your dad signed a contract in order to complete the upgrade. It's never a good idea to sign things without reading them.
    You can inquire about the possibility of upgrading your phone using Verizon's Early Edge program. Or, using an upgrade from another line on the account. Or, pay full retail for the new phone. Or, buy one of the used iPhone 5Cs that will be flooding the market in the next couple of weeks.

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    Hola Mailen, prueba con lo siguiente:  Abre Ajustes > General > resetear > resetear ajustes de red.  A ver si reseteando los ajustes de red consigues conectarte a la red de WiFi.  Lo otro que también puedes hacer es reiniciar el router de Wifi que estés utilizando.  Esas dos cosas deben ser suficientes para que recuperes el poder conectarte a WiFi.
    En cuanto a la batería, una vez hayas hecho lo anterior, intenta resetear el iPhone.  Aprieta los dos botones el de encendido que está arriba y el redondo simultaneamente y espera unos 10 o 15 segundos hasta que aparezca el logo de Apple.  Entonces suelta los dos botones y espera a que el iPhone se encienda de nuevo.
    Espero que estas dos cosas te ayuden a resolver el problema.

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    Tu iPhone solamente puede ser liberado a solicitud de AT&T así que tal como te dice Daniel debes contactarlos a ellos.  En el website the AT&T indican cual es la politica y como se debe proceder para obtener la liberacion.
    Normalmente si no has tenido nunca contrato con ellos, debes poder demostrarles que cuando compraste el telefono pagaste su precio completo de forma que AT&T no contribuyó a que el precio de tu telefono fuera más barato que el de un telefono liberado.  Por eso Daniel te recomienda aportar los tickets de compra o los recibos.
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    Primer problema, la batería. Creo que deberían permitir a los usuarios de Iphone poder ponerle un conector para usar un par de baterías energizer porque apuesto a que el conejito con el tambor dura mil horas más que la batería del Iphone 5, por eso debería permitirnos conectarle la batería de nuestra preferencia. Aunque hasta altura, creo que el Iphone necesita más una batería de carro con un alternador conectado a nuestros pies para poder mantener la batería de carro cargada porque si la dejamos sola con el iphone no duraría ni 2 horas.
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    Tercera decepción, para el dinero que resulta de la inversión de comprar un Iphone, creo que al menos deberían estar constantemente monitoreando la satisfacción del cliente respecto al producto y aun mas, monitorear la atención que dan las operadoras que venden sus productos porque la verdad es que dejan mucho que desear. La señora que me vende el café todos los días me atiende mil veces mejor que en cualquiera de los operadores que venden sus productos.
    Cuarta decepción, me di cuenta que lo que realmente estoy pagando al comprar un Iphone 5 es decir que tengo un Iphone 5, un estatus, porque contrario a la calidad que se obtiene con esto deja mucho, demasiado que desear. De no ser por el dinero que pague desde la segunda semana de haber adquirido su producto ya lo habría empleado como sujetapapeles y me habría comprado nuevamente un BlackBerry.
    Quinta decepción, el falso cristal irrompible y que jamás se pueda rayar. Maravillado con que un cuchillo o una llave o todas las pruebas que hacen en internet no generaba ningún desgaste en el cristal, pues les falto guardar el teléfono en el bolsillo de sus pantalones junto a una tarjeta de crédito o una tarjeta plástica por una semana de su vida cotidiana y encontrarse con que efectivamente, tendrá mil marcas y adiós a la supuesta pantalla que no se raya.
    Sexta decepción, yo tengo una maestría en administración de tecnologías y sistemas, no soy geólogo ni ingeniero industrial o alguna rama del saber referente a los materiales, pero en mi poco conocimiento del tema, yo esperaba que una supuesta carcasa de aluminio fuera más resistente que el plástico o al menos  que soportara más que este, y mi sorpresa se encuentra al ocurrirme un incidente en el cual mi teléfono tuvo una caída de una altura aproximada de 9 centímetros de separación de mi mano a una mesa con tope de piedra. Tal incidente basto para que mi supuesto maravilloso producto de Apple con carcasa de aluminio se le hiciera una marca del tamaño y calibre como la que se le hizo a mi Blackberry 9520 cuando lo soltaron desde un primer piso de un edificio. Debo destacar que después de colocarle la batería y la tapa a mi blackberry, este funciono perfectamente, cosa que después de 9 centímetros de altura en el Iphone 5 les doy por garantía que este se podría pulverizar.
    Séptima decepción, hoy hice entrega de lo que considero el producto más decepcionante que adquirí en mi vida al operador Movistar de México para hacer valida su garantía y resulta que me indican que deberán mandar a reparación el teléfono y me entregan a cambio un teléfono que no llegaría a decirse que es de gamma baja, porque no existe una calificación menor, el mismo con sistema Android, y para mi sorpresa me doy cuenta que este teléfono de juguete tiene un mejor sistema operativo que el Iphone 5 que adquirí por muchísimo dinero, y este teléfono de juguete no cuesta ni lo que costaría los audífonos de Apple. Aunado a esto, tengo que esperar más de 15 días para que me regrese mi tamagochi (mascota virtual de la época de los 90) con la casi total seguridad de ser el mismo producto de porquería.
    Octava decepción, uno diría que un producto que la empresa se jacte de decir que es inteligente, podría manejar varias aplicaciones a la vez, exactamente la cámara fotográfica y una aplicación que usa GPS al mismo tiempo y tener su rendimiento casi al 100%. Sorpresa, es totalmente falso ya que el rendimiento de la batería se reduce al 50% aunado a una lentitud sorprendente y a que el teléfono entre en un estado catatónico de shock y se apague para que cuando lo intentes encender te de la indicación de que la batería se terminó y si esperas unos 20 minutos lo intentes encender y este lo haga como por arte de magia, eso sí, con el indicador de batería más bajo aun de lo que lo habías dejado al momento de apagarse.
    Novena decepción, después de un costo de cerca de 9mil pesos mexicanos por un Iphone 5 que según yo era el teléfono de punta, resulta que el mismo producto que yo compre 45 días después bajo su precio cerca del 40% debido a que en el mercado se encontraba el nuevo Iphone 5S (letra S correspondiente a ****?, sopenco?, sátira?, sonso?), porque resulta que a Apple le parece interesante sacar una nueva versión de sus productos cada 6 meses para que la costosa inversión que hagas al termino de 6 meses tenga un costo de la mitad.
    Señores de Apple, tengan por entendido que estoy completamente decepcionado de la calidad de su producto el cual se encuentra excesivamente sobre valorado en cuestión de costo/calidad, costo/beneficio y costo/satisfacción y tal vez no les importe en lo absoluto la opinión de una persona, pero esta persona al menos podrá dar la peor referencia de su producto a unas 100 personas, y tal vez de esas 100 personas al menos el 5% seguirá mi recomendación y así sucesivamente llegare a más personas. Y tal vez esto no les importe ya que no representaría ni el 1% de los ingresos de su compañía, pero les puedo jurar que cada vez que pueda en lo que resta de mi vida, daré una recomendación a todo el que conozca, JAMAS COMPRES UN PRODUCTO APPLE, porque jamás tendrás la calidad que esperas por el costo que tiene.

    Podrías enviarnos la dirección del enlace a ese hilo en el foro en inglés? Gracias.
    Las instalaciones requieren que los navegadores web estén cerrados, en ocasiones también hay que cerrar otras aplicaciones, y si hay una instalación fallida o anterior hay que descargar y ejecutar una utilidad que elimina todos los archivos instalados para permitir que se pueda volver a intentar.

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    Quiero Saber si con mi cupo CADIVI párr Compras electronica desde mi pais Venezuela el hijo Cual 300 dolares comprar Puedo Una tarjeta gif en la tienda de Apple EE.UU. párr asi ir reuniendo Hasta Tener los 700 Que Me Sale el iphone 6 un amigo me DIJO Que No podia ya Que Necesito una Tarjeta americana párr Poder Hacer COMPRA POR la ​​pagina,?
    mi Otra Pregunta Tengo Una Tarjeta VISA de Débito Prepagada VAINILLA Con 200 Dolares EL Cual me la REGALO Mi Familia from ESTADOS UNIDOS estafadores ESA TARJETA Puedo Comprar por Su Tienda baño eeuu de Apple Store y comprar asi gif ONU tarjeta DE 200 dolares?

  • Cambiar 4 y 4s por 5

    Lei que se hacia el cambio de 4 y 4s por un iphone 5 o 5c en la tienda apple. eso es verdad?

    Google translate:
    Hello nesecito help!, I have an iPod 4 and I'm about to buy one 5, and the question is: Apple ID that I have on my iPod 4g can be used on the iPod 5g?? and how it works?
    1. Can I use my apple ID other dispositios?
    Two. If you can, is there something saved?
    It would be helpful, thanks
    Yes you can use the same ID on the new iPod. To transfer date
    iOS: Transferring information from your current iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to a new device
    in Spanish:

  • Solution if iOS 7.1 keeps rebooting and you have 700+ Apps (4s)

    The iOS 7.1 update on my iPhone 4s 64GB made it reboot constinuously. I had to put it in recovery mode and restore a previous backup from iCloud; the phone was fine after restoring settings but it went again in its reboot cycle after downloading all Apps. I tried different backups and nothing changed, but I noticed that near the end of downloading Apps, the last ones disappeared! (while still being listed in Settings>General>Usage)
    The solution that worked for me:
    Recovery mode and restore a previous backup
    Once iOS 7.1 and the settings have been restored, remove Apps in excess of 500 before they have been downloaded.
    (I managed to keep 660 Apps but the last 160 disappeared before reapparing outside of folders, adding 10 full pages on the Home screen, hence previous crashes)
    The "X" to uninstall Apps will take quite some time to appear (maybe 10 minutes for me). If you need time to choose/review which one to uninstall, put your phone in Plane mode. Keep only 500 Apps (maybe 600 or slightly more could work).
    The phone will then be in iOS 7.1 and will not reboot continuously.
    - This solution is only for iPhones that keep rebooting after iOS 7.1 upgrade and with more than 700 Apps installed (and maybe iPhone 4s only).
    - If you have more than 500 Apps and haven't updated to iOS 7.1 yet, I advise you to keep only 500 Apps before doing the update.
    And if you have more than 700 Apps and the iOS 7.1 update went fine, please tell us (precise the number of Apps and your iPhone model to see if there is a trend or not).
    Hope it may help some people.

    My expirience is similar on iPhone 4 and iOS 7.1/7.1.1
    I have cca 550 apps, iPhone is often full, no empty space and because of that some apps are not fully downloaded and had just ghost icons.
    In that situation when I drained battery to 0% iPhone after charging started rebooting. Only recovery helped.
    Now it happened when iphone somehow rebooted accidentaly. It takes some tme before it restarts again. Its si vissible for some time in Itunes but backup is not possible because it reboots sooner or later.
    So I tried iTools app in work on Windows. I was able to export contact, notes and delete some apps. Home on Mac I can not get iTools list apps to delete more of them to get whether 500 apps limit would make difference.
    But from iTools I got thatnks to log viewer that there is some king of Springboard crash, icons missing and lot of other stuff I have no cluue off.
    Probably recovery will be only solution again. I reported that to Apple but not sure they will listen.
    I can not say it would happen under 7.0.x nor 6.x. I may not have so many apps before. Became apps fanatic later :-)

  • NAVIGON y sus costos

    NAVIGON, funciona sin acceso a la red o con acceso?, se me hace incoherente gastar 700 pesos por algo que hace el google maps en la i.pad con 3G, hay reempolso de ese artí**** si no estoy conforme?

    You can try to disable OOPP, see

  • How to use your Global ready phone in Mexico.

    Traveling Abroad in Mexico with a Verizon Phone
    How to Use a Verizon Global Ready Phone Abroad
     So your planning a trip to Cancun Mexico and want internet/cell service with out paying Roaming fees to your U.S service provider here is what you need to know to have access to Facebook, Vonage, Google maps, email and other apps while abroad.
    I will cover two bases one for your Global ready/Unlocked phone and the other for a personal Hotspot in your room or wherever your laptop will be this is only If you plain to purchase or have semi-free WiFi service from the Hotel.First I will cover your smartphone:
    The phone I used and test this with was mostly on my Razr Maxx from Motorola from the Verizon network. This can also worked with a Iphone 4S (You need to call Verizon First before traveling) please check out this thread to use your iPhone Unlocking Iphone for International Travel
    Note: you only have to do this once per-iPhone after that it is global ready as long as you own it.
    For a Android phone they are Global ready phones no need to call Verizon it is already ready. Popular Android phones that are Global ready ie. Razr, Razr Maxx,plus both HD versions also, The Samsung GS3 and GS4 are Global ready.
    For those who don't know, All Verizon 4G phones carry a sim card inside. They can be replace with a non-U.S carrier sim.(Make sure you insert the sim in the right way or it will not work.) If you try to use a none Verizon sim in the U.S it will be blocked by The Verizon network.
    Verizon runs off of both GSM and Cdma networks but while aboard you have a option to change these features.
    By pressing the menu button click System Setting> More / Wireless & Networks>Mobile Networks>Network Mode.
    Step 1.
    Most important leave your phone in airplane mode once you reach your destination you can still use WiFi while your phone is in this mode. While in Mexico or any country aboard you will need a local sim from any carrier that is GSM. A prepaid sim works great, some/most company's will make you pay a fee for the sim and they will not provide any help with setting your phone up to there services.
    Here are a two reasons why. #1 You did not buy it from them. #2 They really don't know your Verizon, AT&T and T-mobile phone setup, Yes it is different then the same phones they sell on their own network. So buying a prepaid sim card is your best option then paying roaming fees to your U.S carrier.
    After you have you sim you purchase the Data amount you think you will need you I got 1GB which was way more then enough for 5 days. I was consistently using my phone checking in on Foursquare etc.. you will also receive a local phone number too. I used a telcel sim card In Cancun The Telcel company is located in the Hotel Zone # 2 Blvd Kukulcan Km 12.5 77500 Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
    Telcel is the best for 4g and internet service.
    Mexico cellphone company's Excellent coverage, You'll have to present your passport. It took no time set up the data service. (You need to know their APN settings for data service I will cover this below. I used The Vonage app to Talk to friends and family in the U.S for free they were able to call and text me while using the Vonage app on their smart phone and toll free numbers work with Vonage but not with the Mexico number.(I will cover how to set up Vonage before your travel below). There are other cheaper company's but none with the same coverage as Telcel. It worked everywhere compared to the company below. The underdog. Cheaper per-month. It is what The other phone used.I wanted to test both networks. The rate to call the USA from Mexico was only 2 pesos per minute (15 cents) but there are other options to call the U.S for free as stated above. Coverage is not great at all, but it wasn't to terrible either. It was really spotty while on the beach unlike Telcel. Traveling out of Cancun on a excursions there was next to none cellular service at all. A lot of the small towns didn't have Movistar coverage. You will end up roaming on a different network it will roam on the Telcel network instead yeah that's right I said Telcel.
    Everyone wants to use their Android phone or iPhone for checking emails, translating Spanish and occasionally consulting Google Maps while lost. It is easy to setup data on your phone once you have a SIM card and money on the account. If you don't explicitly buy data you can still use data on your device, but it will be taken out of your account balance at a very expensive rate. The best thing to do is to sign up for a package deal. Movistar is $200 pesos ($15) for 1GB which expires in 1 month. If your stay is not long Telcel offers the same 1GB data service for 10 days.
    To sign up for one of these packages after you have added money to your Movistar account you send a text message to a special number and money is automatically taken from your account balance to pay for your data package. For example, to sign up for 1GB over 30 days, a $200 peso plan, you send a text message to 100 that says "30 dias". $200 pesos will be removed from your Movistar account and you'll have a gig of data to use.
    Telcel works in a different way but you don't not need to text any special number( if your purchase from their main Store) after you add money to your account. it is automatically applied only when you use any OXXO convenience store to refill your mobile service then you will need to text a special number which will be provided . I prefer going to Telcel company just in case of a language barrier.
    Note: That all Telcel prepaid plans are currently referred to as "Amigo". Click Here for Telcel Rate Rates are in pesos not dollars
    Your sim card good and can be reused up too 1 year after money runs out or time expires.
    Current Exchange rate $1 USD = 13.2408 pesos.
    Step 2
    Lets get your internet service running :
    After you have your sim and paid for data you need add the APN setting to your phone. I did have to add the APN to my Razr Maxx for 4G/3G coverage, As Same for the iPhone 4S to acquire the 3G data service. Insert your Telcel sim go to the one of the link below, click your phone software link. its free no need to pay a company which will take you minutes to do. If your phone is running any Android you click the android manual setup for Iphone the Iphone manual setup. Here is Telcel APN setting for Cancun, Mexico . Here is Movistar APN settings
    Note: If you have a fully unlocked smartphone that is not locked to any specific carrier in the United States, Canada or any other country you may not have to enter the APN setting manually.
    How to Call and Text to the U.S and Receive Calls and Text from the U.S while abroad at no Charge.
    I have used Vonage for a while to me its the best. I have used on trips to Europe and it has always work without any problems.
    When setting up Vonage you must do it before your trip abroad because it will asked for your current U.S number for authorization and activation this number will not change once you use a foreign sim since your account is linked to your U.S number not your carrier.
    You can add money to your Vonage account if you are planing on calling land lines or a smartphone with out the Vonage app attached to that smartphone number. (I notice a few times I used Vonage from Mexico to call a mobile phone that did not have Vonage, I was able to call them for free, which was a bonus). You can Call, send SMS and MMS threw Vonage at no additional charge to any smartphone with the Vonage app.
    There are other apps out there that do work the same way as Vonage. Viber, Call and Text any Viber user for free. Whatsapp a texting app only no calling is available (yet).
    These apps will use the data service you have purchase while abroad or if you have WiFi enable on your phone if WiFi is available they will use the WiFi Data instead of Cellular Data. Almost every Hotel in Cancun makes you pay for WiFi. If you are at a hotel that offers free WiFi you are in luck but the service may be spotty in some areas in your hotel.
    Note to reader: The Hotspot for Verizon Wireless did not work it will look for Verizon servers. I will update this article when I find a Hotspot for Telcel. I also know The Foxfi app did not work either even the paid version.
    Thanks for reading !!
    Enjoy your trip.

    How to turn your computer into a Virtual (Personal)Router.
    Our hotel the Grand Oasis Cancun provided internet for only 36 hours and you could only use it on one device which comes to my next option as using your Laptop as a Personal Router to broadcast WiFi to any devices near your computer. Our room was on the Second level of the Pyramid at Grand Oasis and I was able to access it while at the VIP lounge below our room. Before our supposedly free internet service ended.
    I attempted using the hotel next door since I was getting a good signal from the Omni Hotel. They offered complimentary 24hr internet access using your browser as a way to track your use. Once you find the signal of the Omni it will open your browser I used Google Chrome, after it opens you go threw a few simple steps and your ready.
    I learned that after the 24 hours are up all you have to do is disconnect from their network, just run Ccleaner(free program) then find the Signal of the hotel and you will be given another 24 hours. What Ccleaner(<--download there) does is clears anything attached to your browser ie cookies temp files etc. it cleans your browser history giving you a way of not paying for the hotel fee of internet and giving you free WiFi. this is only if you are next to the Omni hotel :).
    What you need to download to turn your computer into a hotspot need to say is this little easy to use program Virtual Router. Once it has download test at your home to make sure it works with you devices. This will work with Tablets, Phones and other computers that cant find the Omni WiFi signal. Your welcome. To use it, is simple. Open program>make a password>select WiFi and start VR.

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    We are all just fellow users here; you are not communicating with Apple when you post here. So none of us can help you; all we can provide are opinions and comments.
    User-caused damage usually will void the warranty, which apparently is what the service center has decided in your case. A dent, which indicates a pretty severe impact, the case of the iPad being pretty stout, can in many instances indeed cause damage to the backlight. Hence the service center has denied your warranty claim. If restoring the iPad does not cure the problem, you will have to either pay Apple's out-of-warranty replacement charge or find an unauthorized repair shop to work on the iPad.

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    Acabo de hacer cambio de equipo con Telcel por un iPhone 4. Desde que lo tengo no he podido lograr activar FaceTime. Me encontré con tu Post y me pareció bastante completo y distinto a todo lo que había leído. Sin embargo hice todo lo que recomiendas. Ya mi teléfono esta asignado en el firewall como DMZ pero sigue lo mismo "Esperando Activación". Incluso seguí tu procedimiento pero en el segundo intento retiré el chip, reinicie todos los ajustes como recomienda apple pero sigo sin éxito.
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    Hi how to Select from Oracle 8i and insert into Sql Server 2005. Source db as Oracle 8i Target db as Sql Server 2005. I need to select one table data from Oracle 8i & insert into Sql Server 2005 Thanks

  • Interactive Reports in Apex 4.0

    i've just had a look at the new Web Sheets and improved Interactive reports in the Apex 4.0 early adopters. I was under the impression that we were going to get an on-screen edit facility much like the one in Roel's blog? Am I missing something? http

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    I am trying to resolve an issue where when I open a PDF in Acrobat 9 and then close the file after changes it will take a PDF 1.4 and make it a PDF 1.5. Is there any way to have Acrobat save the PDF files as the same version as was opened, by default

  • Query on billing document

    After creating the bill document with transaction code VF01,the document have been saved with error, no accounting document generated . Please give me the solution