Text Datasource  EXIT_SAPLRSAP_003

Why cant we write Text datasource enhancement code in EXIT_SAPLRSAP_003
Please some one suggest me or provide me any SAP help document

  EXIT_SAPLRSAP_003 is obselete. You can use EXIT_SAPLRSAP_002 for text datasource enhancement. See OSS note 413539. Also have a look into below link

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  • Text datasource enhancement

    hello guys
    I am trying to enhance text datasourcein R3 and got this problem.
    I am trying to load texts for infoobject 'material number' fromR3 table MAKT.....I created view on fields MANDT,MATNR,MAKTX (client,material number,material description) and then created generic datasource onthis.now I replicated and loaded texts to Infoobject 'Material Number'  in BW.
    Now I want to enhance text datasource in R3 so that I will add field MAKTG (material description in capital letters) from MAKT table...I added append structure in extract structure...then I want to write code in CMOD....Here I choose RSAP0001 enhancement...then EXIT_SAPLRSAP003 for enhancing text datasource...here there is no code provided by SAP...so wrote my own code..and activated and then unchecked 'hide field' ....saved the datasource....nowcame to Extractor Checker RSA3 to check if code is working....I am able to see the new field MAKTG but its not populated..it means my code or my way of doing enhancement is wrong...Can anyone please suggest any solution....
    here is my code:
    data: l_s_ZOXID30088 like ZOXID30088 ,
    case I_CHABASNM.
    when 'MATNR'.
    Edited by: SChandx200 on Sep 11, 2009 6:37 AM

    Just check once if the function module EXIT_SAPLRSAP_003 is active...
    Becuse after writing code int he include ZXRSAU03 you will have to activate the funciton module...
    This has to be done the first time when you implement the include...
    If still it doesnt work.. You can put a break point in your code and then debug from RSA3 to chk whey it isnt working...

  • Can anyone give me a code sample for enhancing a text datasource

    for some reason it's a little different than using the regular transaction to master data user exits.

    Rarely guys used it.."EXIT_SAPLRSAP_003"
    In one forum, i read that 002 will support the text datasource too..try it and check
    check this:
    Re: Unable to debug user exit in CRM BW  (EXIT_SAPLRSAP)

  • How to create generic text datasource to load text data?

    met issue in generic master data load
    please see above link for detail infomation regarding the attribute data load. now the language and description column of the infoobject s_saled is empty. i need to create a generic text datasource to load data from R3 to BW. the table which i use to extract attribute data is VBAK, but i don't find any filed relate to language and description.
    met issue in generic master data load
    can anyone tell me how to load the text data?
    thanks very much.

    hi eileen,
    go to transactio rso2  in your source system ie r/3.
    there u have three three fields for transaction data
    choose text and proceed as u did for trancsaction data load.
    thank u,
    reward if helpful.

  • Default locale support for texts datasources

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    I have some texts datasources which contain some list of entries for default locale. The question is - what value of LANGU field I should setup for  these entries in order to BW recognize them as for default locales ?
    Thanks. I will be apprecated for any related info.

    Hi Fiodar,
    well I am not sure about your requirement, but it sounds like you want to add a default value to langu in case the source system doesn't deliver it.
    If this is the case, create a update routine in your transfer rules for 0langu. In the routine add the following coding:
    if tran_structure-spras is initial. "no language specified
    usually the R/3-field is called spras
      result = sy-langu. "or a literal like 'EN' ...
    pass the given language to the result of the routine.
      result = tran_structure-spras.
    That's it.
    In case your datasource doesn't even deliver a field for the language, you can just set a constant value to 0langu in your transfer rules.

  • Connection to text datasource fails with REP-4100

    I built a Report with text datasource; doing like the "how to" document tells:
    (set up the textpds.conf, attach text datasource to the report)
    I use the file:///&<p_file> user parameter to define the datasource file and location like described in this reports forum
    "Dynamic name for Text Pluggable Data Source".
    Using report builder everything works fine; I can change the location of text datasource via user parameter as I need.
    Porting the report to production environment (unix) and using the rwservlet the Report fails.
    REP-4100: Failed to execute data source
    Has Anyone an idea how this can resolved?
    Thanks a lot

    Just found the solution myself:
    I need to pass the &<p_file> parameter value without "file:///"
    only "C:/myhomedir/text.txt"
    or "/usr/home/myhomedir/x.txt" on unix platform.
    Parameter passing via URL also works.

  • Adding Text datasource

    i have this situation. there exist flat file datasource that  has the option of loading master data, text and hierarchy.
    right now there is only infopackage for loading master data. I have tried right click - create infopackage for loading text but it only gives me the option of master data.
    I do I get this infopackage for loading the text/description.

    Hi Bhat,
    For loading Master data Text follow these steps,
    First double click your dataSource(PC file datsource) , in this trasfer Structure---> select the datasource of Text type over there .
    based on this selection your datasource structure has changed like this ID, 0Langu, 0txtsh. Activate your datasource now.
    Now create a new Infopackage for Text data or use your existing infopackage , select the text datasource and load your Master data Text file.
    Note: Assign points if it helps

  • Creating text datasource

    I have a standart datasource - 0EVENTGROUP_TEXT and created new infoobject in BW ZKVERUA_2.
    I must load the texts for the new IO using this standart datasource:
    1. i tried directly in bw to create infosource that assign to DS 0EVENTGROUP_TEXT  but when try to assign this DS it is not available in the datasources list, eventhough it exsists  in source system and BW as well
    (i tried to activate and replicate.)
    2. i tried in RSO2 to create DS that are with the same extraction mathod :
    Fanctiom module and extract stracture but when saving the new text datasource i'm getting the mesage :
    ZKVERUA_2: TABLES-paramter E_T_DATA for extractor HR_BIW_GET_TEXTS is
    please advice how can i create infosource to my Z IO that will load texts from the standat DS 0EVENTGROUP_TEXT
    thanks a lot

      First the infoobject should be made as infoprovider . In the second tab of the infoobject you will have check box at the bottom
    enable that check box infoobject as infoprovider or dataprovider.. similiar text like that.
    If it is not enabled enable now then you are using direct update method of updating the infoobject.
    Now if you enable this one you are changing to flexible update.
    Now delete the previous source system assignment. Now createa new infosource and assign the datasource to it
    Assign source system and map them and activate it.
    Go to infoprovider tab in RSA1. Search for the infoobject or try insert infoobject as data target.
    Once it is done right click on infoobject and try creating update rules using infosource.
    Once done create a infopackage and load them.
    Hope this helps for you

  • 0GLACCEXT Text Datasource

    Dear Gurus,
    I'm in the process of loading Text Datasource for  Info Objects "0GLACCEXT" , I'm not sure which datasource to select ,
    while going through forums , I've used  the DataSource "0GL_ACCOUNT_TEXT" to load the text data into "0GLACCEXT".
    Is this the right approach ? I'm able to load the data till PSA but when scheduling DTP I'm getting the following error.
    "too many error records , update terminated "
    Please advice.

    Hi Neha,
    I dind't find a datasource to fill the text for InfoObjects "0GLACCEXT". What I found is a thread where it says how i could be loaded.
    [Re: 0GLACCEXT vs 0GL_ACCOUNT - How it is USED?|Re: 0GLACCEXT vs 0GL_ACCOUNT - How it is USED?]
    Here you can find information about hierarchy, maybe you can use the tables from R3 to create a custom extractor to fill the text.:
    Regards, Federico

  • Language Dependent Text datasource

    I have a language dependent generic text datasource mapped to my language dependent infoobject in BW.  In my source system, I have 68 records; 34 English and 34 French.  I am only pulling 34 English records to BW but not the 34 French records.  In my extractor checker (RSA3), I pull all the 68 records.  Any reason why I am not pulling all the records from the text table.  To reiterate, I have the flag "Texts language dependent" checked in my text infoobject.  What is the reason why I am only pulling 34 English records and NOT all the 68 records?

    1. Check the selections at the Infopackage level whether you are pulling only EN or there is no selection at the language field... in the data selection tab.
    2. Check whether your system is unicode or not? Use RSCPINST program to check the same and also check French language is already installed in your system.. Execute the program, you can see the installed languages in left side and and uniode (*or non unicode at right side).
    3. Also check the program in R/3 system and based on that we can conclude the next step...
    Hope this helps..

  • 0langu IOBJ for text datasources

    I have created a text datasource with language as a selection criteria. I have then replicated it to BW. When i now create an infopackage, it does not show me the 0langu infoobject in the selection criteria. Is there something I have missed, or is this the way text datasources work?

    if you assign SPRAS to 0LANGU, the system will manage the language vectors by itself and will not let you select the laguage loaded (BW will request systematically all its installed languages form the source system).
    There is however (and always...) a trick:
    remove the mapping 0LANGU <> SPRAS and write a routine for 0LANGU
    The system will then let you SELECT in your IPack.
    hope this helps...
    Message was edited by:
            Olivier Cora

  • 0PM_CATIND & 0PM_PLANIND where is text datasource in ecc,0PM_OPER install

    dear friend,
    I have 0PM_CATIND - Maint.Orders Category Indicator and 0PM_PLANIND - Maint.Orders Planning Indicator in BI, where to find its text datasource in ECC, i havent found in ECC rsa5, is such text datasource required to create?
    2) I have 0PM_OPER - Operation Number for PM is new master Infoobject in PM where Maintanance order is compound,
    I have install it but it installed only with infoobject not any attribute or trasferrule or updaterule, Is it required to do manually mapped with any datasource? or required to copy its attribute from other master infoobject attribute?
    if anybody have workerd already on this Info object.

    could you explain how help.sap was of help? and also, what is the name of the extracter is RSA5 that you linked them to?
    thanks for you help. i am having the same issue.

  • Generic Text DataSource using FM

    Hi All,
    I need to create a generic text DataSource in R/3 using a FM.
    I tried to create a text DS using a FM based on FM RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA_SIMPLE (as template).
    I tested it in R/3 using RSA3 and everything worked as expected, but after replicating it in BW and assigning it to an InfoSource I detected a problem.
    What happens is that BW receives all existing records with all fields but the text field filled! I couldn't figure out why.
    I recon there's also another FM template which seems to be specific for text extraction (RSAX_BIW_GET_TEXTS), but this FM happens to be incompatible with a Generic DataSource, in other words FM RSAX_BIW_GET_TEXTS does not have the expected interface parameters.
    Has anyone ever successfully created a Generic text DataSource using a FM? I've looked around the forums and could not find any example.
    Thanks for the attention and for any help.
    Ricardo Calaça Nunes

    Hi Ajay,
    First of all, thanks for your reply. Answering your question: yes, that's exactly what happens.
    Let me explain my problem a little bit further. I've created a custom characteristic in BW, this InfoObject was created with texts option checked. I want to load texts for this InfoObject in BW using an algorithm that reads data in R/3 hence my need for a generic text DataSource using FM.
    FM RSAX_BIW_GET_TEXTS which is also a template seems to be specific for text extraction, but a generic DS is not accepting a extraction FM based on it because its parameter interface is different from FM RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA_SIMPLE.
    The latter is good for master data extraction, I've successfully used it in the past, but as mentioned in my previous post BW seems not to accept text fields in a extraction structure filled by a FM based on RSAX_BIW_GET_DATA_SIMPLE whether this FM is in a generic master data DS or else in a generic text DS.
    Can you imagine a possible solution?

  • 0Gender Transfer Rules for its Text Datasource Missing

    Dear Experts,
    While checking 0Gender infoobject, I do not see any transfer rules connected to the 0Gender_Text Datasource?
    Within the 0Gender Display in RSD1, I see text data loaded into /BI0/TGENDER table.
    In the Business content activation under any grouping too no transfer rules are present.
    I am on BI 7SP17 and BI Cont 703 SP6.
    Can anyone please help.
    Raj Jain

    Hi Raj Jain,
    Try the below SAP Note...
    SAP Note Number: 329874:
    Hope this helps u...

  • ORG UNIT TEXT Datasource (Long Text)

    Hi All !
    In RSA6, for the datasource 0ORGUNIT_TEXT, I can see short & medium text. But when checked the extractor structure ROTEXTSTR1, there I can see all the three text short, medium & long text. Requirement is to bring long text from the ECC. How to bring the long text from the extractor structure in the Datasource?
    With Regards

    Check in the Table ROOSFILED , you can see the field long text (TXTLG) --  the object selection is set to 'A'
    where A -  Field in OLTP and BW Hidden by SAP.
    Try to change the entry of selection to X and activate the entry in the table.
    Where X - Selection Adjustable, Visibility Set.
    Hope this helps...

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