"Text Table must be converted" error

BW Gurus,
We just applied stack 15 to our BI 7.0 system (SAP_BW 0017), and are now getting an error with one of our infoobjects.
The error states that the text table must be converted, as below, but we're not quite sure what this means.  This infoobject is in several infoproviders, and we get a follow up error that we must remove the infoobject from the transfer rules before it can be converted.  Has anyone come up with a solution/work around for this?
First Error:
Characteristic 0IND_CODE: The Long Text Field will be deleted, text table must be converted
Message no. R7451
The Long Text Field was deleted from the text table of characteristic 0IND_CODE.
System Response
All texts, that have been saved in this field, are deleted in the activation.
The text table must be converted after the activation if it contains data.
Second error:
InfoObject 0TXTLG is used in transfer rules (T) of characteristic 0IND_CODE
Message no. R7256
InfoObject 0TXTLG is still used for characteristic 0IND_CODE in the transfer rules of type T ('M': Master data, 'T': Texts). You have the following options:
1. InfoObject 0TXTLG is an attribute of characteristic 0IND_CODE
2. InfoObject 0TXTLG is the 'Valid to' field of the time-dependent characteristic 0IND_CODE (0DATETO)
3. InfoObject 0TXTLG is the 'Valid from' field of the time-dependent characteristic 0IND_CODE (0DATEFROM)
4. Characteristic 0IND_CODE is compounded to InfoObject 0TXTLG.
5. Characteristic 0TXTLG is a text field of charactersitic 0IND_CODE (OTXTSH, 0TXTMD or 0TXTLG).
6. Characteristic 0TXTLG is the language field for characteristic 0IND_CODE (0LANGU).
System Response
2 cases have to be distinguished between here:
InfoObject 0TXTLG with characteristic 0IND_CODE can not be removed in the dialog.
InfoObject 0TXTLG is removed with characteristic 0IND_CODE in the transport post-processing.
You must first remove InfoObject 0TXTLG from the transfer rules for characteristic 0IND_CODE in the dialog before you can remove it with characteristic 0IND_CODE.
If this messages appears with transport post-processing, you should check the affected transfer rules.
If there is still an InfoObject 0TXTLG in them, you should either remove it from the transfer rules or reinsert it with characteristic 0IND_CODE.

Thanks - sometimes the simplest answer is the best.
I had been trying to figure out why the med & long text had become unchecked, but rechecking them solved the problem.

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    For example, the ztxt005 table has country codes in it. Country names are stored in a separate table named ztxt005t because you actually need many names for one country code. Because it stores language-specific descriptions of a generalized code, ztxt005t is called a text table.
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    Hi Raj,
    Table A is a text table of table B if the key of A comprises the key of B and an additional language key field (field of data type LANG). Table A may therefore contain explanatory text in several languages for each key entry of B.
    To link the key entries with the text, text table A must be linked with table B using a foreign key. Key fields of a text table must be selected here for the type of foreign key fields
    If table B is the check table of a field, the existing key entries of table B are displayed as possible input values when the input help (F4) is pressed. The explanatory text (contents of the first character-like non-key-field of text table A) is also displayed in the user's logon language for each key value in table B.
    Only one text table can be created for table B! The system checks this when you attempt to activate a table with text foreign keys for B.

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  • Unsupported response content type "text/html", must be: "tex

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm trying to access a WebService (, but I've been facing the following problem below. Could anybody help me?
    //****************************** MY CODE
    FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream("c:\\EXE\\deuda2.xml");
    byte[] bytes = new byte[file.available()];
    String xml = new String(bytes);
    System.out.println("Xml:\n" + xml);
    URL endPoint =
    new URL(
    Call call = new Call();
    SOAPTransport m_httpConnection =
    new org.apache.soap.transport.http.SOAPHTTPConnection();
    //SOAPTransport st = new SOAPHTTPConnection();
    Vector params = new Vector();
    params.addElement(new Parameter("StrXml", String.class, xml, null));
    Response response = call.invoke(endPoint, "");
    Parameter result = response.getReturnValue();
    System.out.println("result:" + result);
    //****************************** MY EXCEPTION
    [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Protocol; msg=Unsupported response content type "text/html", must be: "text/xml". Response was:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
    <html dir=ltr>
    <style> a:link               {font:8pt/11pt verdana; color:FF0000} a:visited          {font:8pt/11pt verdana; color:#4e4e4e}
    <title>No se puede mostrar la p&aacute;gina</title>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text-html; charset=Windows-1252">
    function Homepage(){
    // in real bits, urls get returned to our script like this:
    // res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#http://www.DocURL.com/bar.htm
         //For testing use DocURL = "res://shdocvw.dll/http_404.htm#https://www.microsoft.com/bar.htm"
         //this is where the http or https will be, as found by searching for :// but skipping the res://
         //this finds the ending slash for the domain server
         serverIndex=DocURL.indexOf("/",protocolIndex + 3);
         //for the href, we need a valid URL to the domain. We search for the # symbol to find the begining
         //of the true URL, and add 1 to skip it - this is the BeginURL value. We use serverIndex as the end marker.
         //urlresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex - 4,serverIndex);
         BeginURL=DocURL.indexOf("#",1) + 1;
         //for display, we need to skip after http://, and go to the next slash
         displayresult=DocURL.substring(protocolIndex + 3 ,serverIndex);
         InsertElementAnchor(urlresult, displayresult);
    function HtmlEncode(text)
    return text.replace(/&/g, &apos;&amp&apos;).replace(/&apos;/g, &apos;&quot;&apos;).replace(/</g, &apos;&lt;&apos;).replace(/>/g, &apos;&gt;&apos;);
    function TagAttrib(name, value)
    return &apos; &apos;+name+&apos;="&apos;+HtmlEncode(value)+&apos;"&apos;;
    function PrintTag(tagName, needCloseTag, attrib, inner){
    document.write( &apos;<&apos; + tagName + attrib + &apos;>&apos; + HtmlEncode(inner) );
    if (needCloseTag) document.write( &apos;</&apos; + tagName +&apos;>&apos; );
    function URI(href)
    IEVer = window.navigator.appVersion;
    IEVer = IEVer.substr( IEVer.indexOf(&apos;MSIE&apos;) + 5, 3 );
    return (IEVer.charAt(1)==&apos;.&apos; && IEVer >= &apos;5.5&apos;) ?
    encodeURI(href) :
    escape(href).replace(/%3A/g, &apos;:&apos;).replace(/%3B/g, &apos;;&apos;);
    function InsertElementAnchor(href, text)
    PrintTag(&apos;A&apos;, true, TagAttrib(&apos;HREF&apos;, URI(href)), text);
    <body bgcolor="FFFFFF">
    <table width="410" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="5">
    <td align="left" valign="middle" width="360">
         <h1 style="COLOR:000000; FONT: 13pt/15pt verdana"><!--Problem-->No se puede mostrar la p&aacute;gina</h1>
    <td width="400" colspan="2"> <font style="COLOR:000000; FONT: 8pt/11pt verdana">No se puede mostrar la p&aacute;gina que est&aacute; buscando porque la direcci&oacute;n de la p&aacute;gina es incorrecta.</font> </td>
    <td width="400" colspan="2"> <font style="COLOR:000000; FONT: 8pt/11pt verdana">
         <hr color="#C0C0C0" noshade>
    <p>Pruebe lo siguiente:</p>
    <li>Si escribi&oacute; la direcci&oacute;n de la p&aacute;gina en la barra de direcciones, compruebe que la ha escrito correctamente.<br>
    <li>Abra la p&aacute;gina principal
         if (!((window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0) && (window.navigator.appVersion.charAt(0) == "2")))
         y busque v&iacute;nculos a la informaci&oacute;n que desee.</li>
    <h2 style="COLOR:000000; FONT: 8pt/11pt verdana">HTTP 405 &ndash; Resource not allowed<br> Servicios de Internet Information Server</h2>
         <hr color="#C0C0C0" noshade>
         <p>Informaci&oacute;n t&eacute;cnica (para personal de soporte)</p>
    <li>M&aacute;s informaci&oacute;n:<br> Soporte t&eacute;cnico de Microsoft
         at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.getEnvelopeString(Call.java:208)
         at org.apache.soap.rpc.Call.invoke(Call.java:255)
         at test.Test.main(Test.java:42)
    Best regards,

    Is this statement that causes the exception? "Response response = call.invoke(endPoint, "");"
    If so you might be able to catch the SOAPException and interogate the response variable - surround the call with a try, catch block and within the catch you can get the MimeHeaders and check "Content-Type" If it's "text/html" then you know it not a SOAP message so don't use the SOAP api calls.
    It sounds like the web service is offline and the web server is trying to send you an HTML error page which of course is not a SOAP message and so a SOAPException is thrown.

  • Ms sql - {"The referenced table must have a primary or candidate key. [ FK Name = ForeignKeyB_Details ]"}

    I have a txt file which has all the sqltext in it separated by semi colon .Then I try to run a query one by one like this-
                var conn = new SqlCeConnection(ConnectionString);
                var cmdArray = Regex.Split(sqlText, ";");
                var cmd = new SqlCeCommand(null, conn);
                foreach (var text in cmdArray)
                    cmd.CommandText = text;
                    if (!text.Equals(string.Empty))
    I get the error {"The referenced table must have a primary or candidate key. [ FK Name = ForeignKeyB_Details  ]"}
    here is part of my txt file-
           PrimaryId nvarchar(10) NOT NULL REFERENCES C(PrimaryId),
           UserId nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
           FirstName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
           MiddleInitial nvarchar(1) NULL,
           LastName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
           MobileNumber nvarchar(20) NULL,
           PhoneNumber nvarchar(10) NOT NULL,
           PhoneExtension nvarchar(6) NULL,
           FaxNumber nvarchar(20) NULL,
           EmailAddress nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
      CONSTRAINT PrimaryKeyA PRIMARY KEY(PrimaryId, UserId)
       MarketId int NOT NULL references E(MarketId),
       UserId nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
       UserFirstName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
       UserMiddleInitial nvarchar(1) NOT NULL,
       UserLastName nvarchar(30) NOT NULL,
       PhoneNbr nvarchar(10) NOT NULL,
       Extension nvarchar(6) NOT NULL,
       FaxNbr nvarchar(20) NOT NULL,
       Email nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
       ShortName nvarchar(10) NOT NULL,
    PublicIdFlag nvarchar(6) NOT NULL references D(publicId),
            CONSTRAINT PrimaryKeyB PRIMARY KEY( MarketId, UserId)
    ALTER TABLE B ADD CONSTRAINT ForeignKeyB_Details FOREIGN KEY(UserId, UserFirstName, UserMiddleInitial, UserLastName, PhoneNbr, Extension, FaxNbr, Email) REFERENCES A(UserId, FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName, PhoneNumber, PhoneExtension, FaxNumber, EmailAddress);

    Foreign key columns are frequently used in join criteria when the data from related tables is combined in queries by matching the column or columns in the FOREIGN KEY constraint of one table with the primary or unique key column or columns in the other table.
    For more information about the foreign key constraint, please refer to this link:
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • Looking for Table to CSS Converter

    I'm asking the Dreamweaver Community for HELP...
    I currently own CS3 of Dreamweaver and while there are some
    ways to convert tables to a css format manually.
    Is anyone using a software or a work-a-round to automate this
    process of converting TABLES to CSS automatically.
    For example i have DOZENS OF HTML pages that are loaded with
    Nested Tables... and all i want to do is run that HTML page through
    a TABLE to CSS converter.
    And then that’s it... you're done!... no tedious copy
    and pasting converting one table at a time.
    Does CS3 have something I’m missing that would remedy
    this or make Converting Tables to CSS more automated and not
    one-at-a-time converting?
    Thanks for any suggestions or links.

    A well built page with tables is infinitely more
    representative of your work
    than the train wreck that results when you convert tables to
    Put a 5x5 table on the page, merge and split some of the
    cells, add some
    content to each cell, and convert to layers. Look at the
    incredible mess
    you have now in your code. Preview in a browser, and expand
    your text size
    in the browser. Look at the incredible mess you have in the
    I think your approach is COMPLETELY wrong.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "RegGFX" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > Thanks for helping me find the Convert to Divs button...
    i'll test it out.
    > I
    > went on the web and googled Table2CSS and found some
    interesting tools...
    > In regards to the question about Converting Tables to
    Divs or pure css....
    > In reply too:
    Question is why do you want to do this? To say that there are
    no tables
    > in
    > the page?
    > Well that seems to be the NEW RAGE(actually its not new
    though)... create
    > websites without TABLES.... google it on the Web and
    you'll see all the
    > responses. Its almost as big a argument as MAC vs. PC
    all though we know
    > that
    > "Talent" is what drives creativity... the tool is just a
    tool to
    > accomplish
    > your job...but thats for another discussion
    > Anyway back to the CSS design vs. Table design website.
    > I had 2 friends who went on job interviews where they
    showed samples of
    > their
    > websites to 3 different large corporations and all 3
    interviews said "we
    > want
    > to see websites .
    WITHOUT tables and using only CSS and or DIVs." as
    > samples for their portfolios
    > WOW... i thought so....
    > I've talked to a number of other friends in large
    companies and this is
    > the
    > going trend now... Design TABLELESS Websites (if you
    google that you'll
    > find
    > that as well) and use only pure CSS. Many company's are
    doing this I think
    > its
    > because knowone can seem to figure out Tables.
    > Now i personally have been designing websites for a
    little over 10 years
    > and
    > have never had issues with Tables to design a website
    although i do
    > understand
    > the arguments behind load times... I think its because
    some out there
    > still
    > haven't got the nack of how to design a website and
    limit the load times
    > while
    > still using Tables.
    > So in view of the feed back i've been getting about this
    pure CSS website
    > and
    > no tables trend, I've been converting some of my 10 page
    client websites
    > to
    > PURE CSS just because i got an inside tip that company's
    will pay big
    > bucks to
    > convert their website to PURE CSS and no tables just
    becuase another
    > I.T.executive consultant said that is the route to go.
    > Again... for me... its all about knowing how to optimize
    your webpages
    > whether
    > you're doing Tables or Pure CSS.
    > Its also about if your website makes the user have to
    "THINK TO MUCH"...
    > you
    > can build a cool website design with out making the user
    "Think To Much"
    > such
    > as How long is this website going to take to load, or
    why is it so
    > complicated
    > to navigate with all these uncessary tables and
    etc...but again the "Don't
    > Make
    > Me Think" syndrome is for yet another discussion
    > Anyway... thanks for the tip about Dreameweaver's
    "Convert" button....
    > i've
    > tried it and its ok... but it needs alittle refinement
    on automation. (for
    > example it would be nice if it put the CSS in a TAG up
    in the head like a
    > Table2Css conversion tool i found.)
    > Best Regards,

  • Deleted and adjusted the Master data table, sid table and text table

    Deleted and adjusted the master data table, sid table and text table of an zinfoobject after removing and adding attributes to that zinfoobject and was trying to activate it and system was giving me messages that cannot activate infoobject something like this.
    So, i deleted and adjusted the master data table, sid table and text table. Since then getting messages right after executing the query because in that query that infoobject is getting used.
    So the messages i am getting is:
    SID 9 for characteristic Zinfoobject could not be converted CL_RSDM_READ_MASTER_DATA->_SIDVAL_DIRECT_READ2
    System error in program SAPLRRK0 and form MEGA_SORT_M_02-02- (see long text)
    Please help me in fixing this whole thing.

    SAP BW,
    After adjusting your Master Data IOBJ and deleting and reloading the data - run a change run to adjust the references to the SIDs and then see if your query runs - run program RSDDS_AGGREGATES_MAINTAIN from se38 and select your IOBJ in the next screen..
    Assign points if useful
    P.S I did notice that in your earlier post for the same topic - you have had 12 answers / suggestions Please maintain only one thread as previously suggested..
    My 0.02
    Message was edited by:
            Arun Varadarajan

  • In "LOOP ... WHERE ..." the line type of the table must be statically defin

    Hi All,
            I have written the code, for greater than (GJAHR) 2007 and restricted company codes ( table name = ZGLCCODE).
         Here I have written the following the code which is giving an error
    In "LOOP ... WHERE ..." the line type of the table must be statically defin
    ZGLCCODE Contains only restricted company codes.
    Code is as follows
           ZBUKRS type BUKRS,
            END OF LS_TZGLCCODE.
    Note:  "C_T_DATA" dynamic structure = "DTFIGL_4" structure
    *-  Remove from the DataSource Company Code -
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    IF LI_NUM GT 0.
    Please give me your valuable suggestions.
    Ganesh Reddy.

    Hi Ganesh,
    whatever you do, you can try like this:
    1 - any code posted should be wrapped in \
    then try something like this:
      <tabrec> type any,
      <field>   type any.
    sort ITZGLCCODE by bukrs.
      ASSIGN component 'GJAHR' of structure <tabrec> to <field>.
      check <field> <= 2007.
      ASSIGN component 'BUKRS' of structure <tabrec> to <field>.
        BINARY SEARCH TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. "speed up the volume.
      IF SY-SUBRC 0.
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING <tabrec> to  LS_PACKAGE.   

  • Mobility Group Table *MUST* be populated in each WLC in same mobility group

    For what it's worth,
    I recently discovered that when you have multiple controllers and want to implement Mobility Groups, more is needed than simply entering the same Default Mobility Group Name for each controller within the mobility group. The following is required:
    a) The IP address of the "Virtual" interface on each controller must be identical on each controller within the mobility group.
    b) The Default Mobility Group Name must be identical on each controller within the mobility group (case sensitive).
    c) The mobility table must be populated with an entry for each controller within the mobility group.
    Otherwise, you will see some inexplicable behavior such as:
    * LWAP access points refusing to change to a different controller, even if their primary controller is explicitly set and the LWAP is rebooted.
    * LWAP access points unable to find any other wireless controller other than the one pointed to by the "CISCO-LWAPP-CONTROLLER" DNS entry (presumably, this would also be the case if DHCP Option 43 is used to point the LWAP to a controller). Once the first controller reaches its max. capacity of LWAPs, no more LWAPs can join.
    * Even MASTER CONTROLLER MODE has no effect.
    Cisco TAC was able to explain the great mystery of the Mobilty Group Table to me. However, unless you know your problem is related to mobility groups issues, you might not know to start there (I know I didn't).
    The least difficult method I have found for populating the mobility group table is as follows:
    Build a text file with one entry for each controller in the mobility group as follows:
    Log into the GUI for each controller and selecting: Controller -> Mobility Management -> Mobility Groups, click the "EDIT ALL" button and copy the MAC and IP address from the text box into a text file using NOTEPAD. Repeat this for each controller, creating a new line for each:
    The format for the entries is as follows:
    Once the text file is completed (one entry for each controller in the mobilit group), click the EDITALL button and copy the entire contents of the text file and paste it into the text box on the controller GUI, click the APPLY button and click Save Changes. Repeat for each controller.
    Again, make sure that the following settings are IDENTICAL in each of the controllers in the Mobility Group:
    * The IP address of the "virtual" interface ( Controller -> interfaces ) must be the same on all controllers.
    * The "Default Mobility Domain Name" ( Controller -> General ) must be identical on each controller in the mobility group (note: the Mobility Domain Name is case sensitive).
    After making changes directly to the controllers, a "refresh from controller" in the WCS might be needed to get the WCS to attempt to synchronize itself with the controllers.
    Here is a link to the 4.2 Wireless Controller Configuration Guide which discusses this in greater detail.
    It is unfortunate that there are currently no mechanisms in the WCS 4.2 to make these changes in bulk (i.e.: The WCS has no Controller Template to do this).
    Also, if you ever need to replace a controller, you will need to update the Mobility Group Table in each controller in the Mobility Group (since the tables will have the MAC address of the old controller which will now be different in the new replacement controller).
    Despite having used the "unified" product for some time now, there are still surprises from time to time. I just thought that I would share my experience for those who may want avoid it and/or who may be encountering any of odd the behavior described above.
    - John

    Hi John,
    Nice work with this very relevant info! Please post a short reply here so that we can give this the nice rating it deserves :)
    Thanks again!

  • I create name plaques using TypeStyler, but my laser cutter says they must be converted into two vector files; a cut file to cut the outlines of all the letters and an "etch" to etch the letter intersect lines.  Can AI convert my TypeStyler file into a cu

    I create name plaques using TypeStyler, but my laser cutter says they must be converted into two vector files; a cut file to cut the outlines of all the letters and an "etch" to etch the letter intersect lines.  Can AI convert my TypeStyler file into a cut file and an etch file?

    Thanks. I might use it soon...
    Does it automatically make folders named after the volume labels? And does it handle the conversion of spaces and non-alphanumeric characters to octal codes?
    I could read the script but it would be faster for everyone reading, if you leave the answer as a reply.
    I also think that there should be some major work done on modernizing the fstab, either by replacing it with a better implementation of file system mounting or changing the file structure and adding in better handling of non-alphanumerics. I don't want to have to look up a stupid octal table every time I type in my labels.

  • Internal Table with Oracle's Error Codes

    Is there any internal table where is stored every oracle error code with it's Cause, Action and all the other similar stuff?

    For a table of all "ORA-" error codes and messages, you could do something like:
    create type t_oracle_error is object (
    error_num varchar2(9),
    error_desc varchar2(1024)
    create type t_oracle_error_tab is table of t_oracle_error;
    create or replace function OracleErrors return t_oracle_error_tab pipelined is
      l_error t_oracle_error := t_oracle_error(null,null);
      for errNo in reverse -32799..0 loop
        l_error.error_num := errNo;
        l_error.error_desc := sqlerrm(errNo);
        if l_error.error_desc not like '%Message % not found;%' and l_error.error_desc != 'ORA'||to_char(errNo,'FM09999')||': ' then
          pipe row(l_error);
        end if;
      end loop;
    end OracleErrors;
    select * from table(oracleerrors);
    SQL> select * from table(oracleerrors);
    0         ORA-0000: normal, successful completion
    -1        ORA-00001: unique constraint (.) violated
    -17       ORA-00017: session requested to set trace event
    -18       ORA-00018: maximum number of sessions exceeded
    -19       ORA-00019: maximum number of session licenses exceeded
    -20       ORA-00020: maximum number of processes () exceeded
    -21       ORA-00021: session attached to some other process; cannot switch session
    -22       ORA-00022: invalid session ID; access denied
    -23       ORA-00023: session references process private memory; cannot detach session
    -24       ORA-00024: logins from more than one process not allowed in single-process mode
    -25       ORA-00025: failed to allocate
    -26       ORA-00026: missing or invalid session ID
    -27       ORA-00027: cannot kill current session
    -28       ORA-00028: your session has been killed
    -29       ORA-00029: session is not a user session
    -30       ORA-00030: User session ID does not exist.
    -31       ORA-00031: session marked for kill
    -32       ORA-00032: invalid session migration password
    -33       ORA-00033: current session has empty migration password
    -34       ORA-00034: cannot  in current PL/SQL session
    -35       ORA-00035: LICENSE_MAX_USERS cannot be less than current number of users
    -36       ORA-00036: maximum number of recursive SQL levels () exceeded
    -37       ORA-00037: cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group
    -38       ORA-00038: Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user
    -50       ORA-00050: operating system error occurred while obtaining an enqueue
    -51       ORA-00051: timeout occurred while waiting for a resource
    -52       ORA-00052: maximum number of enqueue resources () exceeded
    -53       ORA-00053: maximum number of enqueues exceeded
    -54       ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
    -55       ORA-00055: maximum number of DML locks exceeded
    -56       ORA-00056: DDL lock on object '.' is already held in an incompatible mode
    -57       ORA-00057: maximum number of temporary table locks exceeded
    -58       ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE must be  to mount this database (not )
    -59       ORA-00059: maximum number of DB_FILES exceeded
    -60       ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
    -61       ORA-00061: another instance has a different DML_LOCKS setting
    -62       ORA-00062: DML full-table lock cannot be acquired; DML_LOCKS is 0
    -63       ORA-00063: maximum number of LOG_FILES exceeded
    -64       ORA-00064: object is too large to allocate on this O/S (,)
    -65       ORA-00065: initialization of FIXED_DATE failed
    -66       ORA-00066: LOG_FILES is  but needs to be  to be compatible
    -67       ORA-00067: invalid value  for parameter ; must be at least
    -68       ORA-00068: invalid value  for parameter , must be between  and
    -69       ORA-00069: cannot acquire lock -- table locks disabled for
    -70       ORA-00070: command  is not valid
    -71       ORA-00071: process number must be between 1 and
    -72       ORA-00072: process "" is not active
    -73       ORA-00073: command  takes between  and  argument(s)
    -74       ORA-00074: no process has been specified
    -75       ORA-00075: process "" not found in this instance
    -76       ORA-00076: dump  not found
    -77       ORA-00077: dump  is not valid
    -78       ORA-00078: cannot dump variables by name
    -79       ORA-00079: variable  not found
    -80       ORA-00080: invalid global area specified by level
    -81       ORA-00081: address range [, ) is not readable
    -82       ORA-00082: memory size of  is not in valid set of [1], [2], [4]
    -83       ORA-00083: warning: possibly corrupt SGA mapped
    -84       ORA-00084: global area must be PGA, SGA, or UGA
    -85       ORA-00085: current call does not exist
    -86       ORA-00086: user call does not exist
    -87       ORA-00087: command cannot be executed on remote instance
    -88       ORA-00088: command cannot be executed by shared server
    -89       ORA-00089: invalid instance number in ORADEBUG command
    -90       ORA-00090: failed to allocate memory for cluster database ORADEBUG command
    -91       ORA-00091: LARGE_POOL_SIZE must be at least
    -92       ORA-00092: LARGE_POOL_SIZE must be greater than LARGE_POOL_MIN_ALLOC
    -93       ORA-00093:  must be between  and
    -94       ORA-00094:  requires an integer value
    -96       ORA-00096: invalid value  for parameter , must be from among
    -97       ORA-00097: use of Oracle SQL feature not in SQL92  Level
    -99       ORA-00099: timed out while waiting for resource, potential PDML deadlock
    -100      ORA-00100: no data found
    -101      ORA-00101: invalid specification for system parameter DISPATCHERS
    -102      ORA-00102: network protocol  cannot be used by dispatchers
    -103      ORA-00103: invalid network protocol; reserved for use by dispatchers
    -104      ORA-00104: deadlock detected; all public servers blocked waiting for resources
    -105      ORA-00105: dispatching mechanism not configured for network protocol
    -106      ORA-00106: cannot startup/shutdown database when connected to a dispatcher
    -107      ORA-00107: failed to connect to ORACLE listener process
    -108      ORA-00108: failed to set up dispatcher to accept connection asynchronously
    -111      ORA-00111: not all servers started because number of servers is limited to
    -112      ORA-00112: only created up to  (maximum specified) dispatchers
    -113      ORA-00113: protocol name  is too long
    -114      ORA-00114: missing value for system parameter SERVICE_NAMES
    -115      ORA-00115: connection refused; dispatcher connection table is full
    -116      ORA-00116: SERVICE_NAMES name is too long
    -117      ORA-00117: value out of range for system parameter SERVICE_NAMES
    -118      ORA-00118: value out of range for system parameter DISPATCHERS
    -119      ORA-00119: invalid specification for system parameter
    -120      ORA-00120: dispatching mechanism not enabled or installed
    -121      ORA-00121: SHARED_SERVERS specified without DISPATCHERS
    -122      ORA-00122: cannot initialize network configuration
    -123      ORA-00123: idle public server terminating
    -124      ORA-00124: DISPATCHERS specified without MAX_SHARED_SERVERS
    -125      ORA-00125: connection refused; invalid presentation
    -126      ORA-00126: connection refused; invalid duplicity
    -127      ORA-00127: dispatcher  does not exist
    -128      ORA-00128: this command requires a dispatcher name

  • Getting i18 converter error

    i18 converter error shown when trying to connect where data base password has numeric and special characters.
    The error is oracle.i18n.text.converter.CharacterConverterOGS.getInstance(1).....
    Is there any path or classpath environment variable setting to be done to get rid of this error...
    Thanks in advance.

    BalusC wrote:
    Amod wrote:
    <t:selectOneMenu id="exterroDirectory" forceId="true" value="#{dropDownHandler.dropDownBean.exterroDirectory.ExterroId}" required="true" >The property 'ExterroId' should be written as 'exterroId'.The property 'ExterroId' should be written as 'exterroId'.
    Yes that is correct, but I by mistake have declared the variable also as ExterroId. I will correct that.

  • Text Table entries for 0Material not visible in report

    Hello All,
    I have been executing a report to evaluate the forecast error. In this report, when I drilldown via Material, I get the description of the material for few of them and for remainder, just the key is displayed in the description as well as the key of that material.
    I checked the text table for entries of such materials and to my surprise, the text entries do exist in the cube for these materials as well. But it is not being displayed in the reports.
    I also checked the property for Material in the query nd it is being displayed as 'Text and Key'. So there seems to be no issue in the query as well.
    Can someone put some light on this and help me reach the solution?
    Thanks in advance.

    Dear Chaitra,
    When displaying a characteristic by key and text, the BEx Query Designer automatically displays the shortest available text from the InfoObject's text table. BEx automatically selects the shortest text available from an InfoObject’s text table when displaying a characteristic by key and text. When a text table has a short, medium, and long text field, the short text displayed.
    Try by changing it display as property to long/medium text.
    Plz revert back for if still had any doubt.

  • How do you set the line spacing when using the Append Text Table to Report VI?

    I have a table of numbers which I wish to print using the report generation VI's. Since each column has a different numerical format, I first convert the number for each cell to a string with the appropriate format and then build a string array to pass to the Append Text Table to Report VI. The table is printed with double line spacing. How do I reset this for single spacing?
    print_array.vi ‏112 KB

    The issue is not with the NI-Reports functionality, but the Array to Spreadsheet String funvtion in the for loop. Here is the context help for this function:
    "Converts an array of any dimension to a table in string form, containing tabs separating column elements, a platform-dependent EOL character separating rows, and, for arrays of three or more dimensions, headers separating pages."
    The thing to note here is that it says it adds an EOL (end of line) character at the end of every row. This is what is happening. Your first column of data has a \r\n in it and adds the second row to each data item. This in turn makes the rest of the columns have a larege blank space at the bottom so that all of the cell heights are equal. I w
    ould re-write that little bit of code so that you just do one large string concatenation of number, spaces, number, spaces, number and this should solve your issue.
    Thank you for using the Developer Zone Discussion Forums.
    Randy Hoskin
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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