Two Apple Wireless Keyboards, One Computer?

The backstory, if you care:
I recently built a standing desk... it's really cool, but while adjusting the position of my input devices, I've found that the Compact Wired Keyboard (that I love when I'm sitting down) is too narrow to be comfortable. The shelf that the input devices are on is much lower than I initially thought it would be, so instead of my arms being held in front of my body, they are almost by my sides, so my arms are angling in to reach the keyboard. Not very comfortable. My initial thought was to check out split keyboards, but it doesn't look like their design or feel has improved over the last ten years (I consider the current family of Apple keyboards the best feeling keyboards I've ever used). Then I decided to check out vertical keyboards, and found that they also haven't changed at all since their introduction. So not only would I be getting something that felt bad to the touch, but I'd be paying $200+. Then... ah-hah! Two wireless keyboards and a 3D printed stand! Just hope it can be done.

Welcome to the Apple Community.
Yes, you can. Do you intend having different user accounts, do either of you use automatic downloads or iTunes Match.

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    I like using my Apple Wireless keyboard with my Powerbook G4 which stands on an iCurve at work. I make heavy use of the extra keys.
    At the moment I take the wireless keyboard home with the PowerBook but this is getting tiresome. I am considering buying a second wireless keyboard.
    Before I do my question is this:
    Can I Pair a second Apple Wireless Keyboard (which stays at Home) and maintain the office wireless keyboard (which stays at work) pairing too?
    NB I don't want to have to delete any pairing everytime I go home or come to my place of work. I want seemless 'finding' of the keyboard it finds at boot time.
    The two keyboards will never exist in the same location, in fact they are 50 miles apart.
    I have searched through the discussions but could not find this situation discussed.
    PowerBook G4 1.66GHz Mac OS X (10.4.5) Apple Wireless Keyboard

    Hi, G.Cactus!
    I've participated in a number of threads about this issue, with fairly consistent — albeit not unanimous — results. Unfortunately, many folks never post back to confirm the results of their experience; I'm guessing this is because the "answer" is unsatisfying, and ~counter-intuitive. (More on this in a minute. [1])
      How? Apple is pretty unambiguous on the subject in KnowledgeBase Article 86471 — Bluetooth: How to Delete a Paired Device —"Note: Some Bluetooth devices (such as keyboards and mice) are designed to be paired and used with one computer at a time. If you pair your keyboard or mouse with another computer, delete the pairing with the original computer first. This will ensure that the device only attempts to operate with the intended computer."Logically, the converse should also be true.
    Given this, your"NB I don't want to have to delete any pairing everytime I go home or come to my place of work. I want seemless 'finding' of the keyboard it finds at boot time."...appears to be too tall an order. Making your keyboard a "Favorite" enhances "seamlessness" — but multiple pairings appear to require the "extra step" — for input devices, anyway...
    A number of folks have reported that this (deleting pairing/re-pairing) worked for them — although they consider it annoying. C'est la vie — if the "delete pairing" and "re-pairing" process takes more than ~a minute or two, something else is awry...
    In ~10 months of watching this & a few other Bluetooth forums, I can only recall one poster who reported success without having to delete pairing. See [ Richard Kroc, "Re: Can you pair 1 mouse to 2 computers?" Jan 28, 2006 9:45 pm ], if you're interested.
    You can peruse other threads from this forum on the topic by using — search terms such as < delete +(pair OR pairing OR paired) > — along with delimiters of your choice (such as (+keyboard !mouse)...
    [1]   Why?  "Unsatisfying" is apparent.
    "Counter-intuitive" (imo) because one of Bluetooth's strong points is that it facilitates inter-operability across a range of Bluetooth-enabled devices — even allowing one device to work ~concurrently across multiple "piconets" (Bluetooth™ Personal Area Networks of up to 1 "master" and 7 "slave" devices each).   But it appears that HID (Human Interface Devices, "geekspeak" for "input devices" such as mice & keyboards) are in a different category among Bluetooth-enabled device in this regard. Intentionally.
    The Bluetooth technology defines numerous "Profiles" through which Bluetooth-enabled devices of different kinds can communicate, using standardized protocols.
          If a "requirement" for such redundant "re-pairing" were the case for PDAs, phones, headsets, etc.,
          my guess is that the Bluetooth SIG would consider this an intolerable limitation.
    As defined in the latter document cited ("Profiles Overview"), the HID profile within the core Bluetooth specification was designed using "the USB definition of a HID device in order to leverage the existing class drivers for HID devices" — i.e., in an effort toward a ~universal approach among similar products.  But there are clearly differences once the cables are removed.
    I've read through the available HID specification ["Human Interface Design Profile (HID)," May 2003; available from here] — as best I can as a layperson.   The "limitation" is intentional, and ~complex. I think I understand the rationale for it, at least in part and in general terms. Apparently, two factors control in this regard for HID:
      • Limitations on discoverability/non-discoverability to facilitate ~rapid connection
      • The need for rigorous support of authentication/bonding/encryption for HID "due to the extraordinary
          sensitivity of the information that commonly travels from these devices" compared to other
          Bluetooth profiles.
    Note also that the pairing and authentication/encryption processes involve very complex communication protocols that are defined specifically wrt to each piconet. My guess is that this represents a practical boundary — at least at the moment. Depending on the evolution of Bluetooth technology, growing use of multiple "concurrent" piconets in some environments may motivate changes.
    I'd be interested to hear more about your experience and views on this.
    I realize this isn't the answer you wanted to hear, but...
          I edited this message...   But probably not enough!
    [1,957 ⊥ 3,340]

  • Two Apple accounts on one computer

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Yes, you can. Do you intend having different user accounts, do either of you use automatic downloads or iTunes Match.

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    I sign out and sign in with her Apple ID and i still see all of my apps and music and not hers.
    Is there any way of being able to sync two diffrent Apple ID on the same computer

    Hi RichardR75,
    If you are having issues using multiple devices with one computer, you may find the following article helpful:
    Apple Support: How to use multiple iPhone, iPad, or iPod devices with one computer
    - Brenden

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    What do you mean by deleting the account? One can't delete an Apple ID/iTunes account. One just stops using it.
    Since yo can only have five computer authorized for one iTunes account you might want to deauthorize the computer for that account
    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization

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    You cannot share apps, or any other content purchased from the iTunes Store, between two different Apple IDs.  Those purchases are tied to the Apple ID.

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    The same thing happened to me when I lent a friend my laptop.  When she finally added her itunes account, it only downloaded her apps.  She makes sure that when she is done with itunes, she logs off so she doesn't get my apps.
    Hope it helps.

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    Is the following document of any help with that?
    [How to use multiple iPods with one computer|]

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    Open itunes, connect ipod touch, select what you want to sync, sync, disconnect ipod touch.
    Connect ipod nano, select what you want to sync, sync.
    You can sync as many iphones, ipods, ipads as you like to one computer.

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    It should work - it always has for me. You can always sync just the apps that you want to sync - You should turn off auto sync as well.
    Launch iTunes and go to Edit>Preferences>Devices and check the box at the bottom that says - Prevent iPods, iPhones and iPads from syncing automatically. Click OK and quit iTunes.
    Now you can connect any iPad without fear that it will sync content that you don't want on the device. After you select all of the apps that you want on each iPad - click on Apply in the lower right corner.
    Once you set up the first iPad for the school - you will already have the app configuration worked out so you should just be able sync the iPads to that same configuration.

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    Hello Steve:
    I have not had a similar problem so I am fishing a bit. I think the problem is rooted in what I thought in my previous post.
    Now, how to fix it?
    Try this:
    Go to system preferences>bluetooth. Delete any KB entries there. Trash a preference file ( Be sure that on and discoverable are checked in the BT preference pane. Restart your computer.
    Hopefully, whatever KB you have turned on will be "discovered."

  • My MacBook pro stopped connecting to my apple wireless keyboard a while ago.  Since it won't connect to a second one, I suspect it's a computer issue.   Software thoughts?  Updates I've missed?  Thanks

    About a year ago, my computer and my keyboard stopped connecting.  I attributed it to a failed keyboard.  Didn't use it much.
    Tried today with a second apple wireless keyboard, and it won't connect via blue tooth, either.
    Could this be a software/firmware issue that it well known?  Or the bluetooth card on my computer is dead?

    And, I get a message saying that the "device does not have the required services."
    Thanks again.

  • I have an Apple Wireless Keyboard trying to pair with two computers

    I have two Mac Mini's:
    Mac Mini #1
    Core 2 Duo T7200
    2GB DDR2 5300
    120GB Sandisk SSD
    OS X Lion 10.7.4
    Apple Wireless Keyboard
    Apple Magic Trackpad
    Mac Mini #2
    Core 2 Duo T5600
    2GB DDR2 5300
    120GB OCZ SSD
    OS X Lion 10.7.4
    Generic USB Keyboard (Mac Compatible)
    Apple Magic Mouse
    Both are running OS X LION.  When I turn off the Mini with the wireless keyboard, the other Mini tries to pair up with the keyboard, each and every time.  I've deleted the and and reset PRAM on both machines.
    I've also removed the batteries from the keyboard and held the power button down for 30 seconds in hope of clearing any lingering juice. 
    As soon as the computers are powered back up, it tries to pair with the other computer first, rather than the one it paied with.  This keyboard is NOT listed as a paired device on Mini #2; never has.
    Any ideas?

    Yeah, I'm afraid Apple's initial wireless keyboard simply isn't compatible with iOS. Only the newer flat-keyed models are.

  • Win7-64 intel computer apple wireless keyboard

    I have a (1st gen?) apple wireless keyboard.
    I had previously used it quite successfully in my intel e8400 Vista 32bit computer. (Kensington bluetooth dongle)
    I recently built a a Win7 intel Core i7 64bit computer. (Home premium)
    I tried the same (older model) bluetooth dongle and pair up the same wireless keyboard. No Go.
    When I call Kensington, they swear it is just that I have an old model dongle and a new dongle will fix it up right, no problem. So......I order the dongle, wait a week and install it. No Go.
    Interestingly, the Win7 computer finds the keyboard, identifies it as an apple wireless keyboard, and asks for the pairing code. I type in 1234 or 0000 (on a plugged in keybaord) and then the circle spins...and spins. Finally one of two things happens. Either the bluetooth tells me the keybaord timed out, or it says the incorrect code was entered.
    A phone call and inquiry to Apple sales staff and they say that the "tech guys" say that due to "improvements" the new apple wireless keyboards will not work with anything but an apple computer.
    I just find that a little hard to believe. since it is bluetooth, and the older keyboard (that has not therefore been "improved"), the switch from 32 to 64 bit shouldn't make an difference should it (radio signals is radio signals, right?)? and the Vista to Win7 switch should not matter either?
    First question, Am I putting in the right pairing code?
    Second question, any thought on whether this is possible or not?
    Your thoughts, suggestions, etc., are appreciated in advance.

    Hi Heleny,
    Sorry to hear about your trouble connecting the keyboard. What version of operating system do you have? You are trying to connect it with bluetooth correct?
    Thank you,
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Thank you,
    I work on behalf of HP

  • I have two Apple accounts the one on my phone and computer are the same the one on my mini i pad is different I have credit on my mini i pad however, when I purchase an App or movie I am charged on my credit card and the $40:00 worth of I Tune cards is by

    I have two Apple accounts the one on my I phone and computer are the same the one on my mini i pad is different I have credit on my mini i pad however, when I purchase an App or movie I am charged on my credit card and the $40:00 worth of I Tune cards is by passed I have tried to change the mini i pad account details to be the same as my computer and original apple i.d.account however, it will not allow me to do I have tried to reset the mini  i pad but not all the way to factory otherwise I would loose all my data. I have visited a genuis bench at Fountain gate however, they tell me I need to ring apple support which I will do on the next working day.

    You are going to need to change the email address you use with your old ID. Once you have got access to your old account you will then log into both accounts at the same time on your Mac and transfer your data to a single account. We can do this later, but need you to get access to your old account first.
    My Apple ID

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