Unable to run script (.bat file) on a windows server

I have a job definition which execute cmd command (such as cd, echo, etc) through a platform agent installed on a Windows server but when I try to execute scripts (i.e. .bat file) it doesn't work.
Can someone help, please ?

The PA is running with the same account executing the .bat file on the server.
Yes, the bat file can be executed with that user outside of CPS.

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    Does anyone know of a way, or even if it is possible to run a script or batch file from a jar file?
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    and now I write a very simple java app that will do the same:
    public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process p = rt.exec(�myBatchFile.bat�);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    The above app will work as long as the batch file is in the current directory, but how or can I make it work if I stick the batch file in a jar file along with the app?
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    I performed a google search also with no luck.
    Does anyone have the answer to this? Even if I can get a definitive �No it can�t be done� answer. Although I would think that it should be able to be done.

    you cannot execute anything being inside a jar-file. The OS doesn't know anythig about jar-files and cannot look inside one to find the program/script/batch you want to execute.
    You could do a workaround by extracting the file from the jar-file before calling exec(). But normally OS dependent files should not be inside a jar-file and remain in a own directiory.

  • Unable to run a Batch File Operating System Command

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    gpg -se -r BOA3RSKY --armor --passphrase-fd 0 %1 < C:\Progra~1\GNU\GnuPG\gpgin
    My Command Line (ID scenario)
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    It displays the contents of boagpg.bat file in xis.txt.
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    Check this links if its helpful
    Check this thread a similar problem
    Process Integration (PI) & SOA Middleware
    Note 841704 - XI File & JDBC Adapter: Operating system command
    Try to see the below links
    OS Command on FTP
    OS command line script - Need help
    FTP - Run OS Command before file processing
    Note: reward points if solution found helpfull

  • Running a Bat file from a stored procedure

    This is part II of Re: Need to run bat file from application express
    I thought I would open a new thread
    I thought I had this fiqured out but it still doesn't work
    1) I granted CREATE EXTERNAL JOB to my user
    2) startup the OracleJobScheduler Service
    create or replace
    PROCEDURE RUN_OS_COMMAND(p_cmd IN varchar2)
    v_job_exists pls_integer:=0;
      select count(1)
      into  v_job_exists
      from  all_scheduler_jobs
      where job_name='JAVA_EXE';
      if v_job_exists>0 then 
        dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name =>'JAVA_EXE');
      end if;
      (   job_name          =>'JAVA_EXE'
        , job_action        =>p_cmd
        , job_type          =>'executable'
        , enabled           =>false
        , auto_drop         =>false
        , start_date        =>systimestamp
      dbms_scheduler.run_job(job_name =>'JAVA_EXE');
    end;test.bat is del test.csv
    I run this
    / anonymous block completed
    It runs with no errors but does not run the bat file... what am i missing, thanks Doug

    LLUSERSPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users
    APPDATA=C:\Documents and Settings\wblincoe\Application Data
    CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
    DEFLOGDIR=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection
    HOMEPATH=\Documents and Settings\wblincoe
    LDMS_LOCAL_DIR=C:\Program Files\LANDesk\LDClient\Data
    PHPRC=C:\Program Files\PHP\
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel
    ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
    USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\wblincoe
    VSEDEFLOGDIR=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection

  • Error when running a bat file

    Can someone tell me what this error means; "ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error"
    I had Oracle XE on my Windows XP Pro SP3, but I also install the EE of Oracle which I haven't setup yet. Originally when I run this .bat file by double clicking on it, "setup_distran_database.bat", everything worked fine. But now, I am getting tghe above error. Not sure if it was because I installed Oracle EE.
    This is the .bat file:
    *@ECHO off*
    *:: Ayo Ojikutu*
    *:: Using Murach's Oracle SQL and PL/SQL*
    *:: and Mike Murach & Associates, Inc. example*
    *:: Nov 11, 2011*
    *:: Uses SQL*Plus utility to run the SQL scripts that create*
    *:: and populate the tables in the AP, OM, and EX schemas.*
    *:: If necessary, edit the username/password*
    sqlplus system/passwordhere @setup_distran_database*
    *:: Display a message about the log file*
    ECHO For details, check the setup_distran_database.log file in the current directory.
    *:: Display 'press any key to continue' message*

    "ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error"
    Not sure if it was because I installed Oracle EE.Most probably yes, Windows has the last installed product environment. Try setting XE environment before running sqlplus, something likeset ORACLE_SID=XE
    set ORACLE_HOME=<XE Oracle Home>
    set PATH=<XE Oracle Home\bin>;%PATH%
    sqlplus .....

  • Run tricky bat files

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    %NUTC_PATH_AGL%\sh -c a.ksh %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    These lines call Nutcracker, which is a UNIX-simulator on WindowsXP;
    When I double-click the bat file,it runs ok...but:when i try to call it with:
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    String[] cmd =
    {"D:/Documents and Settings/stud6/jbproject/untitled3/a.bat"};
    Process p =runtime.exec(cmd);
    catch(Exception ex)
    ...it does absolutely nothing!
    Running an usual bat file also works fine;
    Please help me!Thanks in advance!

    ...it does absolutely nothing!It does something, just not what you thought it would. It probably aborts with a "bad command or filename", since you need the command shell to run a batch file.

  • Trying to run a bat file from oracle

    I have followed these steps, see bottom for results, everything is valid but the bat file does not run???? PLease need your help. Doug
    class getbatx //class pdfopen
    public static void execmd(String c) //main function
    System.out.println("Executing:" + c);
    cmd.exe /c "+c);
    System.out.println("Executing:" + c + " ...done");
    } catch (Exception e) //catch any exceptions here
    System.out.println("Error" + e ); //print the error
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE host_command2 (p_command IN VARCHAR2)
    NAME 'getbatx.execmd (java.lang.String)';
    /Then as sysdba I put in in the following.
    exec dbms_java.grant_permission( 'CAPRS', 'SYS:java.io.FilePermission', '<<ALL FILES>>', 'execute' );
    EXEC Dbms_Java.Grant_Permission('CAPRS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'writeFileDescriptor', '');
    EXEC Dbms_Java.Grant_Permission('CAPRS', 'SYS:java.lang.RuntimePermission', 'readFileDescriptor', '');Then I make the call.
    host_command2 (p_command => 'c:\mybook.bat');
    /***** I run this, it completes but does not run the bat file and there is no error message
    2 host_command2 (p_command => 'mybook.bat');
    3 END;
    4 /
    Executing:mybook.bat ...done
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Yes it should open a dos box, but you forgot to add the .bat file witch you like to run: String[] command = {"cmd", "/c", "start", "c:/Batch files/Cardiobackup/cardiobackup_v1.4"}

  • Not able to view the window when I run cim.bat file

    I have installed ATG web Commerce 10.0.3 and I need to configure MySql. For that I need to Start CIM by running the following file: <ATGdir>\home\bin\cim.bat and later I have to Type P to choose the products to configure, at a minimum ATG Platform and ATG Content Administration. But when I am not able to view the window to proceed further when I run thecim.bat file.Please let me know if anyone has any idea about this.

    Please find the error log while running in the command prompt.
    C:\Documents and Settings\******>c:\ATG\ATG10.0.3\home\bin\cim.bat
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version n
    umber in .class file
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)
    at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:12
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:260)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:56)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:195)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:268)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:251)
    at atg.core.util.BeanUtils.instantiate(BeanUtils.java:427)
    at atg.core.util.BeanUtils.getBeanInfo(BeanUtils.java:395)
    at atg.nucleus.SimpleComponentState.getComponentClassDescriptor(SimpleCo
    at atg.nucleus.SimpleComponentState.<init>(SimpleComponentState.java:91)
    at atg.nucleus.SimpleConfigurationState.<init>(SimpleConfigurationState.
    at atg.nucleus.PropertyConfiguration.configureService(PropertyConfigurat
    at atg.nucleus.Nucleus.<init>(Nucleus.java:832)
    at atg.nucleus.Nucleus.<init>(Nucleus.java:717)
    at atg.nucleus.Nucleus.startNucleusCheckLicense(Nucleus.java:4144)
    at atg.nucleus.Nucleus.startNucleus(Nucleus.java:4021)
    at atg.cim.SessionContext.startNucleus(SessionContext.java:632)
    at atg.cim.SessionContext.startNucleus(SessionContext.java:610)
    at atg.cim.flow.CimFlowCreator.startDefaultCimFlow(CimFlowCreator.java:7
    at atg.cim.Launcher.startCimFlow(Launcher.java:168)
    at atg.cim.Launcher.main(Launcher.java:68)

  • Getting "Unable to run script at line 1: syntax error"  error?

    I want to run a script using the AEGP_ExecuteScript() function. but I got an error "Unable to run script at line 1: syntax error". what could be the rea son for this? shall I inlcude anything extra info in my project?
    Below is the code ...
    char scriptPath[] = "F:\\Documents and Settings\\akshays\\Desktop \\Active Shutter.jsx";
    A_Boolean platform_encodingB = 'B';
    AEGP_MemHandle outResultPH0;
    AEGP_MemHandle outErrorStringPH0;
    utilitySuite5->AEGP_ExecuteScript( pluginID, scriptPath, platform_encodingB, &outResultPH0, &outErrorStringPH0 );
    please help me.

    This can be debug by using "ExtendSCript Toolkit 2 and Debugger".
    Just open Edit -> Prefernces -> General -> ****
    There enable checkbox "Enable javascript debugger".
    if you encountering an error while launching the script, then AE will automatically open your script in "ExtendSCript" toolkit with an error at the bottom line. You can see the "DataBrowsing" panel right side for available functions., objects and so on.
    then you can get to know what is the error and the reason for this error at least.

  • How to run a .bat file with string arguments?

    I have a problem in running a .bat file with string arguments
    - the file is XPathOverlap.bat with 2 stringarguments like: "/a" and "//a"
    - the cmd: c:\Downloads>XPathOverlap "//a" "/a" works fine.
    - here is my code:
    public static void test(){
              String loc1 = "//a";
              String loc2 = "/a";
              String[] cmdarray = {"c:\Downloads\XPathOverlap", loc1, loc2};
              Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdarray);
              System.out.println("Exit Value: "+p.exitValue());
              //code to print command line replies
              InputStream cmdReply = p.getInputStream();
              InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(cmdReply);
              BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
              String line = null;
         }catch(Throwable t){
    How can i run this bat file with 2 string arguments?

    thanks thats good and helpfully
    so this code works:
    String loc1 = "\"/a\"";
    String loc2 = "\"//a\"";
    String path = System.getenv("MuSatSolver");
    String[] cmdarray = {"cmd.exe","/C",path+"XPathOverlap.bat", loc1, loc2};
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdarray);
    System.out.println("Exit Value: "+p.exitValue());
    InputStream cmdErr = p.getErrorStream();
    InputStreamReader isrErr = new InputStreamReader(cmdErr);
    BufferedReader brErr = new BufferedReader(isrErr);
    String line2 = null;
         System.out.println("Error: "+line2);
    but now i have another problem, this is the output:
    Exit Value: 0
    Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: fr/inrialpes/wam/treelogic/_xml/XPathOverlap
    Error: Exception in thread "main" The Exit value is 0, so the process terminates normally.
    I have tested this bat file in cmd and there it works correctly.
    Why do i get this error message?

  • Scripting file copy to windows server

    Hi all,
    We need the ability to copy files from the Mac G5's running 10.4.x to a windows based server (2003) across our LAN. Looked at scripting Terminal but it does not seem to support apple script the way I would like - ie copy /file to //server.
    The reason we need to do the copy like this is to prevent resource forks and the .ds_store from coping as well, more of a unix copy. These hidden files are really messing up the system we are coping to (SQL DB).
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance

    I don't know enough about Visual Basic to feel
    competant to run a script to do this. I disagree with
    the statement that there is "nothing to fix" however.
    These dot files litter our Windows server and even
    with Blue Harvest running I am constantly having to
    use the Server Management Console to close these dot
    files so that our real files can be moved, copied, or
    deleted because when the server sees these as open it
    sees the real file as open even when it isn't.
    I had the option of FSM (File Services for Macintosh)
    with the server, but we have thousands of files that
    would have to revert back to 31 character filenames.
    Rather than do that, I chose to stick with the SMB
    protocol. It's a right pain getting it to work and
    then we have the dot files on top of it. It wouldn't
    be an issue with a Mac server, but I don't have one.
    So, in my view Apple still has not fixed this.
    I'm glad I asked the question though, because I made
    the assumption that Tiger fixed this. Since it hasn't
    I have yet another reason to stay in Panther.
    And what happens with the files that still need resource forks? They're are still a Mac applications out there that make use of metadata. How are you going to selectively decide which metadata to preserve? Have ever had to help a user whose files suddenly turned into "unix executable" files after copying them to a server? You'll quickly realize that there are instances when metadata must be preserved.

  • Aerender error: "Unable to execute script at line 95. Window does not have a constructor"

    A BG Renderer user is getting this error when running aerender version 10.5.1x2:
    "Unable to execute script at line 95. Window does not have a constructor"
    The render proceeds but the process never completes which is preventing the rest of the BG Renderer notifications from triggering.  Any idea what this error means and how to fix it?

    I guess we'll have to wait for Adobe to answer what could be causing the transmission to drop on Line 95. Todd's out of the office for a month or two, but maybe someone else can shed some light.

  • How do i run a Labview file through a windows phone?

    Hello there
    How do i run a Labview file through a windows phone or a tablet? is it possible
    is there any phone specifications required? or steps?
    Thanks alot  

    Blokk wrote:
    na1992 wrote:
    hahaha my baad
    i mean if i have done my labview file on laptop and i want it to connect my file to a microcontroler using usb or any serial connection, i want a way that my labview file will run if i store it on a phone. 
     i searhced about exe  format but i didnt find enough info
    Sorry, but you should define more precisely what is your goal:
    " i searhced about exe  format but i didnt find enough info"
    If you build an exe using Labview, that exe will not run on iOS, or Android, if this is what you ask...
    Nor Windows Phone or Windows RT. A LabVIEW exe is compiled and linked for x86 or AMD64 architecture with Win32 API architecture and will only run on Windows for x86 or x64 systems.
    Windows Phone and Windows RT are despite the similarity in the name technically completely different platforms to the normal Desktop Windows system, just as different as MacOS X or iOS.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Transfering data from oracle table to a file on a windows server

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    What i have done so far is to use utl_file to create a csv file on the oracle server and am now attempting to transfer this file. I was going to use scp or rcp but am unable to get this to work(was looking at filezilla). Another option i can use is ftp as i have a unix script which i can run to do this. All this is done through an oracle package which is run hourly through dbms_scheduler. I have been using sp_host_command to run unix commands directly from pl/sql so can use this to run a unix script for last resort if i cant find an easier way to automate this.
    Any suggestions or options would be much appreciated.

    Well, using DBMS_SCHEDULER you can run o/s commands so you could use that to do your FTP or whatever to move the file.
    Alternatively, you could write your own FTP package using the built in UTL_TCP package, or you can get hold of one of the freebie packages people have made available to do the same e.g.
    ORACLE-BASE - FTP From PL/SQL in Oracle in Oracle

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    Hmmm, there are probably lots of ways to skin this cat.
    To make the process asynchronous you probably want to be along the lines of either updating a table or placing a file on the Windows machine, and then having a database process or Windows program to watch for the file or database table entry and triggering your bat file when it appears.

Maybe you are looking for

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