Unapplied Receipts Amount as of date

Hi All,
I am actually trying to match AR Unapplied Receipt amount against TB.
For this I have build a query to get unapplied amount according to receipts, but my total amount was not matching with TB.
My Query:
select a.* from
     (select acra.receipt_number,acra.AMOUNT,apsa.gl_Date,
     sum(araa.AMOUNT_APPLIED) Unapplied_ammount
          ar_cash_receipts_all  acra,
          AR_RECEIPT_METHOD_ACCOUNTS_all arma,
          ar_receivable_applications_all araa,
          ar_payment_schedules_all apsa,
          gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc
          and araa.code_combination_id=arma.UNAPPLIED_CCID
          and acra.CASH_RECEIPT_ID=araa.CASH_RECEIPT_ID
          and acra.CASH_RECEIPT_ID=apsa.CASH_RECEIPT_ID
          and gcc.code_combination_id=arma.UNAPPLIED_CCID
          --and acra.org_id=121                        
          and apsa.gl_Date<:P_Date
          and araa.gl_Date<:P_Date
     group by
where a.Unapplied_ammount<>0
Can anyone please guide me how to proceed to do reconciliation accordingly.
Also, would really appreciate if someone can guide me on this.
Satya M

Hi Satya,
Please check the queries in the following links are of help:
Re: unapplied cash receipts
Also refer query on link:
Best Regards

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    APP-AR-12022: A cash receipt with this number,date,amount and customer already exists.
    Normally it comes when we enter similar receipt number, net receipt amount and receipt date towice.
    Is it possible to customize the criteria for this caution.

    You cannot customise this. If you want additional validation at the time of entry/update from forms, you can code special logic in custom pll. But you cannot change the standard functionality.

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    Unapplied cash simply means customer over paid and there is some dollar left which is 'Unapplied' then there is no transaction or Credit Memo associated to the unapplied amount.
    Unapplied receipt : You have only collected the money from customer ie receipt is created but you havn't tag this particular invoice is being appllied.

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    amount amount
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    SQL> with tab as
      2  (select 1000 amt , to_date('1-3-09','DD-MM-YY') t_date, to_date('1-5-09','DD-MM-YY') r_date from dual union all
      3  select 5000 amt , to_date('5-1-09','DD-MM-YY') t_date, to_date('1-7-09','DD-MM-YY')r_date from dual union all
      4  select 8000 amt , to_date('17-9-09','DD-MM-YY') t_date, to_date('17-10-09','DD-MM-YY')r_date from dual union all
      5  select 9000 amt , to_date('10-7-09','DD-MM-YY') t_date, to_date('10-9-09','DD-MM-YY')r_date from dual
      6  )
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      8     when days <= 60 then amt
      9     when days <=90 then amt
    10     when days >90 then amt end)amt
    11  from(select round(r_date-t_date)days,amt from tab)
    12  order by days;
          DAYS        AMT
            30       8000
            61       1000
            62       9000
           177       5000Twinkle

  • How to arrive the Receipt amount total same as receipt register

    Hi All,
    The client have a requirement to find the total amount of the receipts for a month. there is a small indifference from the total arriving in receipt register and the query we have written. can any one say on what condition we can arrive the receipt amount same as receipt register.
    we are in 11.5.8 version
    the query we used to find the receipts
    SELECT TYPE, currency_code, customer_number, functional_amount
    FROM ar_cash_receipts_v
    WHERE gl_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:p_from_date || ' 00:00:00',
    AND TO_DATE (:p_to_date || ' 23:59:59',
    AND receipt_status NOT IN ('REV', 'STOP')
    SELECT TYPE, currency_code, customer_number,
    (-1 * functional_amount)
    FROM sona_ar_cash_receipts_v
    WHERE reversal_gl_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:p_from_date || ' 00:00:00',
    AND TO_DATE (:p_to_date || ' 23:59:59',
    AND receipt_status = 'REV'

    Well, what I did is use the an actual Oracle form - Receipts Summary inquiry form. I inquire on what I want to find on that, then can export from there to excel. Then I would start with the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table as my starting point for data. This will contain both Cash Receipts and Miscellaenous Receipts, so you have to be careful in your data selection, depending on what you want to compare against.
    Another possibility is to use this report to reconcile against - Oracle Deposited Cash Report - Applied Detail. Now this is based on deposit date rather than receipt date, so that could be a problem.
    If I remember correctly about the receipts register, it is distributions (G/L date) based. So it includes reversal activity for receipts that happened in a prior period, and will include receipts that are reversed in a later period. That is why your amounts are probably off a bit.
    As usual, you have to test carefully to make sure you end up with the correct data.
    So a couple of things to consider.
    John Dickey

  • How to send large amount of XML data in one CLOB variable

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    My requirement is to send the whole data in one go in one CLOB variable.
    But that CLOB variable is not sufficient to hold all the data.
    Please suggest some solution.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Here is my code:
    PROCEDURE xxmb_get_xml_data_1270 (
    -- errbuf OUT VARCHAR2,
    -- retcode OUT NUMBER,
    p_org IN VARCHAR2,
    p_limit_to_global IN VARCHAR2,
    p_label IN VARCHAR2,
    p_printer IN VARCHAR2,
    p_quantity IN VARCHAR2,
    p_print_method IN VARCHAR2,
    p_enable_release IN VARCHAR2,
    p_enable_serial_no IN VARCHAR2,
    p_release IN VARCHAR2,
    p_rep_group IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_type IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_from IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_to IN VARCHAR2,
    p_serial_no IN VARCHAR2
    CURSOR c_xml_data_door (
    p_org IN VARCHAR2,
    p_label IN VARCHAR2,
    p_printer IN VARCHAR2,
    p_quantity IN VARCHAR2,
    p_print_method IN VARCHAR2,
    p_rep_group IN VARCHAR2,
    p_release IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_type IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_from IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cart_no_to IN VARCHAR2,
    p_serial_no IN VARCHAR2
    SELECT xxasa.item_id AS item_id, xcs.serial_number AS serial_number,xxcpf.cart_type,xcs.destination_cart_num cart,xcs.destination_slot_num slot
    CURSOR c_product_detail (
    l_product IN NUMBER,
    l_serial_num IN VARCHAR2,
    p_limit_to_global IN VARCHAR2
    SELECT xcra_specie.reference_id AS reference_id,
    xcra_ege.attribute_value AS ege, xcs.item_id AS item_id,
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = l_product
    and xcs.organization_id = nvl(p_org, xcs.organization_id)
    AND xcs.serial_number = NVL (l_serial_num, xcs.serial_number);
    | Cursor to fetch the data for special Message Label |
    CURSOR c_count (p_item_id IN NUMBER)
    SELECT xcrav.attribute_value, xcs.serial_number, xcs.cabinet_number
    FROM xxmb_czmfg_ref_attributes xcrav,
    cz_config_attributes cca,
    AND msib.organization_id = xcs.organization_id
    AND msib.inventory_item_id = xcs.item_id;
    | Common variables |
    v_limit_to_global VARCHAR2 (100);
    l_label_count NUMBER := 1;
    total_rec NUMBER;
    l_rewrite VARCHAR2 (1) := 'N';
    l_file_count NUMBER := 1;
    l_separate_line VARCHAR2 (10);
    fnd_profile.get ('WMS_LABEL_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', l_output_dir);
    fnd_profile.get ('WMS_LABEL_FILE_PREFIX', l_output_file_prefix);
    l_request_id := apps.fnd_global.conc_request_id;
    l_output_file_name :=
    l_output_file_prefix || l_request_id || l_file_end;
    l_dir_seperator := '/';
    IF (INSTR (l_output_dir, l_dir_seperator) = 0)
    l_dir_seperator := '\';
    END IF;
    v_label := p_label;
    v_printer := p_printer;
    v_quantity := p_quantity;
    L_XML_CONTENT := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<labels>';
    FOR r_xml_data_door IN c_xml_data_door (p_org,
    -- dbms_output.put_line ( 1 );
    FOR r_product_detail IN
    c_product_detail (r_xml_data_door.item_id,
    -- dbms_output.put_line ( 2 );
    -- l_xml_content := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
    -- l_xml_content := l_xml_content || '<!DOCTYPE labels SYSTEM "label.dtd">';
    -- l_xml_content := l_xml_content || '<labels>';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, 'label cnt: ' || l_label_count);
    dbms_output.put_line (l_label_count);
    || '"'
    || 'lib://FRD/'
    || v_label
    || '"'
    || ' _PRINTERNAME='
    || '"'
    || v_printer
    || '"'
    || ' _QUANTITY='
    || '"'
    || v_quantity
    || '"'
    || '>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Color">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'<variable name= "Model">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.model
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Build_Date">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Assy_Cart">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Assy_Slot">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Assy_Line">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Finish_Cart">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Finish_Slot">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Serial_Number">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Serial_Number_Barcode">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Specie">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'<variable name= "Truck_Group">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Label_Sequence_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'<variable name= "WIP_Cart">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "WIP_Slot">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Cabinet_Sequence_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "RAW_PART_NO">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "JC">'
    || '</variable>' ;
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "QC">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Thickness">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Width">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.width
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Length">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.length
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Overlay">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Options">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stop">'
    || R_PRODUCT_DETAIL.stop
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Door_Style">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Glaze">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Shape">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Glass">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Hinge_Side">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Hinge_Type">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "EGE">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Door_Style_Code">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Finish_Technique">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Hinge_Location">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Construction_Type">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_Type">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Rail_Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Rail_1_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stile_Profile_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Rail_2_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stile_1_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Stile_2_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_1_Width">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_1_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_2_Width">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Panel_2_Length">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'</label>';
    | Handling XML data for special message |
    FOR rec_count IN c_count (r_product_detail.item_id)
    || '"'
    || 'lib://FRD/SpecMessage_Door.btw'
    || '"'
    || ' _PRINTERNAME='
    || '"'
    || v_printer
    || '"'
    || ' _QUANTITY='
    || '"'
    || v_quantity
    || '"'
    || '>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Serial_Number">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Special_Message">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '<variable name= "Cabinet_Sequence_No">'
    || '</variable>';
    L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT ||'</label>';
    end LOOP;
    -- L_XML_CONTENT := L_XML_CONTENT || '</labels>';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, l_xml_content);
    dbms_output.put_line ( l_xml_content );
    -- apps.inv_print_request.sync_print_tcpip (l_xml_content,
    -- l_job_status,
    -- l_printer_status,
    -- l_status_type,
    -- l_return_status,
    -- l_return_msg
    l_xml_content := l_xml_content || '</labels>';
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG, l_xml_content);
    apps.inv_print_request.sync_print_tcpip (l_xml_content,
    L_XML_CONTENT := null;
    | APPS.INV_PRINT_REQUEST.SYNC_PRINT_TCPIP will send the XML data to TCP/IP Port |
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Printer Status:' || ' ' || l_printer_status
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Return Status:' || ' ' || l_return_status
    fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.LOG,
    'Return Message:' || ' ' || L_RETURN_MSG
    'Unexpected error in the xxmb_get_xml_data_1270 procedure, error is : '
    || SQLERRM
    || ', '
    || SQLCODE
    END xxmb_get_xml_data_1270;
    END xxmb_wip_prod_tag_door_pkg;

  • Return Delivery Goods Receipt amount takes current MAP instead of old MAP

    I'm facing a problem in the following scenario:
    1. Sales order is created
    2. Delivery is created
    3. Goods Issue for the Delivery is posted (cost of goods sold = current moving average price of material = 100 SEK)
    4. Invoice is created
    Event: Moving average price of material is increased with 100 % (Moving average price changed from 100 SEK to 200 SEK)
    Event: Customer returns the order for some reason
    5. Return order is created with reference to the invoice in step 4 (same amount the invoice)
    6. Return delivery is created
    7. Credit note is created (same amount as the invoice)
    8. Goods Receipt for the Returns delivery is posted (cost of goods sold = current moving average price of material = 200 SEK)
    Result: The financial bookings after the Goods Receipt will use the new moving average price and the stock value will increase with 200 SEK, even though the initial stock deduction was only 100 SEK to delivery the material to the customer.
    Problem: We have now created 100 SEK worth of stock --> This is not allowed
    Question: How can I manipulate the goods receipt amount to use the old moving average price of 100 SEK instead of 200 SEK?
    Thanks for your suggestions!
    Edited by: Berglund Teodor on Jun 1, 2010 4:17 PM

    Hi Teodor!
    I have to solve the same problem. Could you give me some more information about tha way you used this badi?
    Thank you .

  • I need to find out how much wifi data my apps are using. I have a very limited amount of wifi data, and I am exceeding my monthly allowance. Apparently, even apps I think are not open are sending/receiving data through the wifi and using up my allowance.

    I need to find out how much wifi data my apps are using. I am on a very limited amount of WiFi data each month, which I am regularly exceeding. I have been told to work out which of my apps is using the data. Also, I think I have closed an app by double clicking the home button, then swiping the app up - is this the way to close it, or will it still be sending/receiving data?

    Go into your Settings : General : and turn off background refresh for your apps.  In Settings : Mail  turn Fetch new data to OFF and Load Remote Images to OFF.  This will mean that Mail will only check for messages when you actually use it, and all your advertising junk mail won't have all the images in it.
    Turn off push notifications every chance you get.
    Make sure you are actually quitting apps:  to quit apps press the Home button twice and you should see a bunch of smaller screen images for every open app.  To quit the app swipe from the screen image (not the icon) upward off the top of the iPad.  You can swipe left and right to see more open apps, but there must be no left-right movement on the screen when you swipe upward to close the app.
    Turn off your internet connection when you do not need it.  The easiest way to do this is to swipe up from the bottom of you screen to get the control centre, and then touch the airplane to turn on airplane mode.  You can repeat this sequence to turn it back on again when you need it.  Most especially turn airplane mode on whenever you are sleeping your iPad for long periods.  This will save battery life too.  OR actually turn your iPad off - which means holding the power key down for several seconds until the red swipe bar appears, and then swipe to turn it off.  If you go this route, note that it will take longer to turn on then it takes to wake from sleep.

  • "Amount, currency, and date fields and service provider reset"

    Hi all,
    I am trying to save a trip request via TCode: TRIP but receive the following message:
    "Amount, currency, and date fields and service provider reset"   Messsage no. PTRA_WEB_INTERFACE150
    The system is on ECC6.0 with IS-PS (i.e. Funds management activated).
    Anyone encountered this previously - hope you can share your solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    I am also facing the same and checked the table mention below and dates are same but still facing the error "Amount, currency, and date fields and service provider reset" along with other error message i.e "Expense type not allowed (T70S_RECEIPT)" .
    Please guide .

  • Ageing 7 Buckets - By Account Report - Unapplied Receipts Register

    Hi Guys,
    I am not a disco professional, just wanted to know if i want the following reports (Ageing 7 Buckets - By Account Report - Unapplied Receipts Register) to run from disco how do i achive this ?

    Hi Bal
    Does the report exist? If so you need to share it with a user that you have access to then log in as that user and run it.
    If the report does not exist you will need to create it.
    If you're asking whether Discoverer can create an aging report with buckets the answer is yes and the trick is to master the CASE statement. This might help:
    CASE WHEN days_late < 8 THEN 'Within 1 week'
    WHEN days_late < 15 THEN 'More than 1 but less than 2 weeks'
    WHEN days_late < 22 THEN 'More than 2 but less than 3 weeks'
    .... and do on until .....
    WHEN days_late < 91 THEN 'some suitable bucket'
    ELSE 'More than 90 days'
    As you create the CASE statement the set of values remaining is decreased by that statement just processed. So for example if you start out by looking for anything less than 8 then once those have been determined there will be no more values in the set. Thus next we look for anything less than 15, and so on.
    If you want to work the other way, from the top down you need to use the greater than symbol like this:
    CASE WHEN days_late > 89 THEN 'More than 90 days'
    WHEN days_late > 59 THEN 'More than 60 days'
    .... and do on until .....
    WHEN days_late > 7 THEN 'More than 7 days'
    ELSE 'Within 1 week'
    Best wishes

  • Layout and output S_AHR_61016403 - trip receipts without general trip data

    Hello all,
    in the report S_AHR_61016403 - trip receipts without general trip data you can't select field name 'location' and 'business partner'. You can select it through a dynamic selection: shift + F4.
    Nonetheless, when you run the report (F8) you still have to change the layout to have a display of 'location' and 'business partner'.
    My question is why after altering all those settings, the fields are blank in the report.
    I have checked with PR05 and table V_PTRV_SREC to see if those field were actually filled in. They were filled in and had values. So, i would like to know why this report doesn't take into account 'location' and 'business partner'? Are there more settings I have to alter?
    Thanks for looking into this.

    Hello Pamela,
    If the values are there, it should also be there in the report.
    Here is what you need to do:
    Start the report -> select the fields in the layout -> save the layout list -> run the report again and this time under the "layout field" enter the layout name you have save on which the new fields are define.

  • Amount of used data per message

    Can anyone tell me wether there is a way to see in XI 3.0 how much data a certain interface has used in a certain period, and wether this data can be exported to say BW?
    I am figuring out wether it is possible to have way of billing per amount of used data or interface per department for messages sent.

    Hi Björn,
    you can try:
    Performance monitoring from runtime workbench: 
    and specify an interface name (if your depertments have different interface names for instance)

  • Calendar app in iPhone use relatively huge amount of cellular data

    I'm using a 500MB plan, so my cellular data is very limited. Each month I will check which app on my iPhone used most of the cellular usage, and the built-in Calendar always used the highest amount of cellular data.
    I already set the Calendar to sync to "Events 2 Weeks Back" only, and I installed Sunrise calendar and only use it to create new task, edit task, etc. So far Sunrise calendar is the only calendar app that directly access my iCloud calendar. So I can make a comparsion between the two.
    I reset the cellular statistics a week ago. Today, the usage of Calendar and Sunrise are as follows:
    Calendar: 23.9 MB
    Sunrise: 581 KB
    They are displaying the same amount of information, the only difference I think is Calendar use Push to keep updating itself, so it consumes this relatively huge amount of data. (>90MB each month!)
    I tried disable the cellular usage of Calendar in the past, but then I cannot see the most up-to-date information in the Notification Center. So at last I have to re-enable it again.
    Does anyone have similar problem? Is there any solution? Thank you!!!

    Hi Robert,
    Thank you for the comments but I somehow think we are miscommunicating.
    1) I have no problem backing up the phone locally (or to icloud if I wanted to)
    2) I have no problem turning on or off cellular data usage for any app on the phone
    3) I have no problem seeing what apps are enabled or how much cellular data they use
    My problem is the following
    APPLE's Notes app used 2.7 GIGABYTES of cellular data (before I disabled cellular data for this app) despite the fact I wasn't even using the app. I didn't change any setting for Notes, I didn't do anything with it except create one note on October 15. It would seem to me that this excessive usage is a bug or oversight in Apple's design of the app.
    The purpose of this post is to warn others of the potential issue and to see if this issue has been observed by anyone else and if there are any actual fixes. Disabling cellular data for the app is a work-around ... but will the problem begin again if cellular data is re-enabled?
    Your suggestion of erasing all content and settings and then restoring the phone from the backup sounds extreme but would it solve the specific problem of excessive cellular data usage and if so .. why?

  • Re:Query for no.of days delayed using Receipt from production posting date.

    Dear SAP Experts,
    I need a query to calculate no of days delayed by using Receipt from production posting date and prod.order due date..i have already done the query but there is no link for joining the tables.Is there any link to join the tables..
    Plz Suggest a good query for this issue..
    With Regards,

    Dear Revathy,
    I think there is no need to link table if you just need calculate no of days delayed by using Receipt from production posting date and prod.order due date.
    You may check this query with the above:
    SELECT T0.ItemCode,T0.DueDate,
    T0.DocNum, T0.CloseDate,
    Datediff(dd,t0.DueDate,T0.CloseDate) Diff
    FROM dbo.OWOR T0
    WHERE  Datediff(dd,t0.DueDate,T0.CloseDate) > 0

  • You may not apply more than the receipt amount

    Hi All,
    I am applying the invoice to a receipts.
    senario is -->
    i am having to debit lines of amount 60 and 70
    and one credit memo of amount 80 for the same customer.
    through api i need to apply the invoices to the receipt.
    creating the receipt for amount of (60 + 70) - 80 is 50
    when i am trying to apply the line of the invoices through api its giving an error as below
    the same senario from the front end we add 60, 70, -80 that equals to 50 and receipt will be applied.
    Customer transaction identifier has taken a precedence over the transaction number.
    Customer transaction line identifier has taken precedence over the line number.
    Cash receipt identifier has taken a precedence over the receipt number.
    You may not apply more than the receipt amount.
    Hope for early reply

    We faced the same problem, where we contacted Oracle Metalink and go the fix.

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