Unions using same subview gives error 00918 - column not uniquely defined

Hi anybody,
I'm using oracle 92i on a windows xp workstation. I defined a view using union construct as follows :
fgb.obj_id as obj_id
-- objektdaten_vw
-- objektdaten_vw
-- objektdaten_vw
-- objektdaten_vw
with fourth union I get the specified error. If I reduce to 3 unions there is no problem. Using different views - i.e. objektdaten_vw there is no problem. The used view fingwrk_ggbwg_perobj_vw is without any errors and itself using subviews.
any ideas about limitations or something like that ?
thanks in advance

Hi Frank,
sorry for being absent the last weeks. I will post the complete view here. I tried reducing complexity within my last posting, but i have to admit, that may not have been very helpful.
The following view has to get data coming from different resources ( ahkontobuchungen, ehkontobuchungen, eukontobuchungen and aukontobuchungen ). But it is essential hwo they are connected to aukontobuchungen. This will be found by matching fingwrk_ggbwg_perobj_vw which knows, what lines of the former tables are connected to special lines of aukontobuchungen, and get_rw_buchung_vw which will classify the data and only allow rw_bewart = -1. So everything is needed. When I get these data they will be aggregated in the next step by another view.
Hope, I could explain a little.
  fgb.obj_id                   as obj_id
, fgb.objektgewerke_id         as objektgewerke_id
, fgb.gew_hg_code              as gew_hg_code
, fgb.gew_ug_code              as gew_ug_code
, fgb.gew_gParent              as gew_gParent
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung   as gew_gp_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code     as gew_gp_iso_code
, fgb.gew_code                 as gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code             as gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung          as gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation          as gew_kalkulation
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme        as gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext          as rw_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez       as rw_bewegart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id          as fin_hauptkonto_id
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id          as fin_konto_id
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme     as fin_konto_vertragssumme
, qehb.ekonto_id               as rw_hauptkonto_id
, qehb.ekonto_id               as rw_buchkonto_id
, qehb.waehrung_code           as rw_waehrung_code
, sum(qehb.betrag)             as rw_betrag  
from fingwrk_ggbwg_perobj_vw fgb
         inner join ehkontobuchungen qehb
                 on     fgb.rwbeweg_hauptkonto_id   = qehb.ekonto_id
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_kontext         = 'ekonto' 
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_vrbed_bewart_id = qehb.vrbed_bewart_id
         inner join get_rw_buchung_vw rwb
                 on     qehb.ehkontobuchung_id          = rwb.buchung_id
                    and qehb.vrbed_bewart_id            = rwb.vrbed_bewart_id
                    and -1                              = rwb.rw_bewart          
group by
, fgb.objektgewerke_id
, fgb.gew_hg_code             
, fgb.gew_ug_code             
, fgb.gew_gParent             
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung  
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code    
, fgb.gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation   
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id  
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme 
, qehb.ekonto_id
, qehb.ekonto_id
, qehb.waehrung_code 
having sum(qehb.betrag) <> 0
, fgb.objektgewerke_id   as objektgewerke_id 
, fgb.gew_hg_code              as gew_hg_code
, fgb.gew_ug_code              as gew_ug_code
, fgb.gew_gParent              as gew_gParent
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung   as gew_gp_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code     as gew_gp_iso_code
, fgb.gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation    as gew_kalkulation
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme  as gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id    as fin_hauptkonto
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id    as fin_konto
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme  as fin_konto_vertragssumme
, qahb.akonto_id         as rw_hauptkonto_id
, qahb.akonto_id         as rw_buchkonto_id
, qahb.waehrung_code     as rw_waehrung_code
, sum(qahb.betrag)       as betrag
from fingwrk_ggbwg_perobj_vw fgb
         inner join ahkontobuchungen qahb
                 on     fgb.rwbeweg_hauptkonto_id   = qahb.akonto_id
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_kontext         = 'akonto'            
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_vrbed_bewart_id = qahb.vrbed_bewart_id
         inner join get_rw_buchung_vw rwb
                 on     qahb.ahkontobuchung_id      = rwb.buchung_id
                    and qahb.vrbed_bewart_id        = rwb.vrbed_bewart_id
                    and -1                          = rwb.rw_bewart          
group by
, fgb.objektgewerke_id
, fgb.gew_hg_code             
, fgb.gew_ug_code             
, fgb.gew_gParent             
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung  
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code    
, fgb.gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation   
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id   
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id   
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme 
, qahb.akonto_id
, qahb.akonto_id
, qahb.waehrung_code
having sum(qahb.betrag) <> 0
, fgb.objektgewerke_id   as objektgewerke_id 
, fgb.gew_hg_code              as gew_hg_code
, fgb.gew_ug_code              as gew_ug_code
, fgb.gew_gParent              as gew_gParent
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung   as gew_gp_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code     as gew_gp_iso_code
, fgb.gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation    as gew_kalkulation
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme  as gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id    as fin_hauptkonto
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id    as fin_konto
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme  as fin_konto_vertragssumme
, qauk.akonto_id         as hauptkonto
, qauk.aukonto_id        as buchkonto
, qaukb.waehrung_code    as whrg
, sum(qaukb.betrag)      as bezahlt
from fingwrk_ggbwg_perobj_vw fgb
         inner join a_buchungen qaukb
                 on     fgb.rwbeweg_konto_id        = qaukb.aukonto_id 
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_kontext         = 'aukonto'
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_vrbed_bewart_id = qaukb.vrbed_bewart_id 
         inner join a_unterkonto qauk
                 on     qaukb.aukonto_id            = qauk.aukonto_id
         inner join get_rw_buchung_vw rwb
                 on qaukb.vrbed_bewart_id           = rwb.vrbed_bewart_id
                 and -1                             = rwb.rw_bewart          
group by
, fgb.gew_hg_code             
, fgb.gew_ug_code             
, fgb.gew_gParent             
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung  
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code    
, fgb.gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation   
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id   
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id   
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme 
, qauk.akonto_id
, qauk.aukonto_id
, qaukb.waehrung_code
having sum(qaukb.betrag) <> 0
, fgb.objektgewerke_id   as objektgewerke_id 
, fgb.gew_hg_code              as gew_hg_code
, fgb.gew_ug_code              as gew_ug_code
, fgb.gew_gParent              as gew_gParent
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung   as gew_gp_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code     as gew_gp_iso_code
, fgb.gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation    as gew_kalkulation
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme  as gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id    as fin_hauptkonto_id
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id    as fin_konto_id
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme  as fin_konto_vertragssumme
, qeuk.ekonto_id         as hauptkonto_id
, qeuk.eukonto_id        as buchkonto_id
, qeukb.waehrung_code    as whrg
, sum(qeukb.betrag)      as bezahlt
from fingwrk_ggbwg_perobj_vw fgb
         inner join e_buchungen qeukb
                 on     fgb.rwbeweg_konto_id        = qeukb.eukonto_id
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_kontext         = 'eukonto'
                    and fgb.rwbeweg_vrbed_bewart_id = qeukb.vrbed_bewart_id
         inner join e_unterkonto qeuk
                 on     qeukb.eukonto_id            = qeuk.eukonto_id
         inner join get_rw_buchung_vw rwb
                 on  qeukb.e_buchungen_id           = rwb.buchung_id               
                 and qeukb.vrbed_bewart_id          = rwb.vrbed_bewart_id
                 and -1                             = rwb.rw_bewart          
group by
, fgb.objektgewerke_id
, fgb.gew_hg_code             
, fgb.gew_ug_code             
, fgb.gew_gParent             
, fgb.gew_gruppenbezeichnung  
, fgb.gew_gruppen_iso_code    
, fgb.gew_code
, fgb.gew_iso_code
, fgb.gew_bezeichnung
, fgb.gew_kalkulation   
, fgb.gew_vertragssumme
, fgb.rwbeweg_kontext
, fgb.rwbeweg_bewart_bez
, fgb.fin_hk_konto_id 
, fgb.fin_uk_konto_id 
, fgb.fin_uk_vertragssumme 
, qeuk.ekonto_id
, qeuk.eukonto_id
, qeukb.waehrung_code
having sum(qeukb.betrag) <> 0

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    MILLER            100Message was edited by:
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    U must b doing good.
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      public section.
        METHODS: set IMPORTING VALUE(set_value) TYPE i,
                 get EXPORTING VALUE(get_value) TYPE i.
       private section.
       DATA count TYPE i.
      METHOD set.
        count = set_value.
      METHOD increment.
        count = count + 1.
      METHOD get.
        get_value = count.
    DATA: cnt_1 TYPE REF TO counter.
    DATA number TYPE I VALUE 5.
    CREATE OBJECT cnt_1 .
    CALL METHOD cnt_1->set
      EXPORTING set_value = number.
    DO 3 TIMES.
       CALL METHOD cnt_1->increment.
    CALL METHOD cnt_1->get
      IMPORTING get_value = number.
    write: number.
    its giving error like:-"Statement is not accessible."
    plz tell me the way to resolve this error.
    thanx n regards
    Prashant tiwari

    hi prashant....
      this is the link to post your therads for abap objects:
      [ABAP Objects;.
      if you want to reward, on the left of every reply ther would be some radio buttons like answere, helpful answer,... so on. click the radio button which suits you. answered closes the thread and other points are displayed there itself.
       alex b justin

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    WITH MEMBER [Measures].[New Opportunity Count]
     AS SUM(
            iif([Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days - Invisible] > 0,1,0)
     //HAVING [Measures].[New Opportunity Count] = 1
     MEMBER [Measures].[Latest Opportunity Count]
     AS SUM(
          EXCEPT( AXIS(1),
                 ),[Measures].[New Opportunity Count])
    MEMBER [Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days]
    AS iif([Measures].[New Opportunity Count] =0,0,
          iif([Opportunity].[Opportunity].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_KEY =[Opportunity].[Opportunity].[All].MEMBER_KEY,
                 ),[Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days - Invisible])/[Measures].[Latest Opportunity Count]),
            [Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days - Invisible]/[Measures].[New Opportunity Count])
      [Measures].[Latest Opportunity Count],
      [Measures].[New Opportunity Count],
      [Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days]
    //      [Opportunity].[Opportunity].members
    It works fine in SSMS editor, but while trying to access the same query from Excel pivot table, it gives the error : "Slicer axis cannot be referenced". I have taken the MDX query from excel and it looks like -
    SELECT NON EMPTY Hierarchize({DrilldownLevel({[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[All]},,,INCLUDE_CALC_MEMBERS)}) DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME,HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME,[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Account Manager],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Actual Close Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Age In Days],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Close Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Created On Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Created On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Days In Sales Stage],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Delivery
    Owner],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Close Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project Duration In Days],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Estimated Project Duration In Months],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project Duration In Working Days],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project End Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project First Working Day Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project Last Working Day Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated
    Project Start Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Latest News],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Latest News Updated On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Lost Competitor],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Originating Lead Name],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Owning Organisation],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Revenue Spread],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sales Assist],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sales Assist-Hidden],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sales Stage],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sales Stage Updated On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Source Full Name],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity State],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Sub Source],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Updated On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Won Lost Description],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Won Lost
    Reason] ON COLUMNS  FROM (SELECT ({[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{B69F83EB-832D-E211-9861-00155D032A00}], [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{CA158EE5-C445-E111-975F-00155D032A00}], [Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{60036FE8-DC48-E111-975F-00155D032A00}], [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{3A2BB124-EE85-E011-8A06-00155D032A00}], [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{140D9883-6F49-E011-AEA0-00155D032A00}]})
    Any help, will be greatly apreciated.

    Sorry, it was a mistake in my query. Now I have corrected each of them and individually each of them works fine. See below-
    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[New Opportunity Count]
     AS SUM(
            iif([Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days - Invisible] > 0,1,0)
    VISIBLE = 0 , 
    ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Opportunity';  
    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Latest Opportunity Count]
     AS SUM(
                   [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[All]
                 ),[Measures].[New Opportunity Count]), 
    VISIBLE = 0 , 
    ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Opportunity';  
    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days]
    AS iif([Measures].[New Opportunity Count] =0,0,
          iif([Opportunity].[Opportunity].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_KEY =[Opportunity].[Opportunity].[All].MEMBER_KEY,
                  [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[All]
                 ),[Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days - Invisible])/[Measures].[Latest Opportunity Count]),
            [Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days - Invisible]/[Measures].[New Opportunity Count])
    VISIBLE = 1,  
    DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'Days',  
    ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Opportunity';  
    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Opportunity Actual Value Home Currency New]
     AS  SUM(
            iif([Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days] > 0,[Measures].[Opportunity Actual Value Home Currency],0)
    VISIBLE = 0,  
    ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Opportunity'  ; 
    CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Opportunity Actual Revenue Per Sales Day]
    AS iif([Measures].[Opportunity Actual Value Home Currency New] =0,0,
          iif([Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].CURRENTMEMBER.MEMBER_KEY =[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[All].MEMBER_KEY,
              EXCEPT( AXIS(0),
                    [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[All]
                 ),[Measures].[Opportunity Actual Value Home Currency New])/[Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days]),
            ([Measures].[Opportunity Actual Value Home Currency New]/[Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days]))
    FORMAT_STRING = "£#,##0.00;-£#,##0.00;#",
    VISIBLE = 1,
    DISPLAY_FOLDER = 'Financial',
    ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Opportunity';  
    But, when I want to select them together from Excel, I am geeing the below error-
    CellOrdinal 0
    VALUE #Error MdxScript(IMGROUP Base) (1436, 7) Members, tuples or sets must use the same hierarchies in the EXCEPT function.
    FORMAT_STRING £#,##0.00;-£#,##0.00;#
    LANGUAGE (null)
    BACK_COLOR (null)
    FORE_COLOR (null)
    FONT_FLAGS (null)
    The generated MDX in Excel as -
    SELECT {[Measures].[Opportunity Actual Revenue Per Sales Day],[Measures].[Opportunity Sales Days]} DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME,HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY Hierarchize({DrilldownLevel({[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[All]},,,INCLUDE_CALC_MEMBERS)})
    DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME,HIERARCHY_UNIQUE_NAME,[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Account Manager],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Actual Close Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Age In Days],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Close Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Created On Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Created On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Days In Sales Stage],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Delivery Owner],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated
    Close Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project Duration In Days],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project Duration In Months],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Estimated Project Duration In Working Days],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project End Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project First Working Day Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project Last Working Day Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Estimated Project Start Date],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Latest News],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Latest News Updated On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Lost Competitor],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Originating Lead Name],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Owning Organisation],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Revenue Spread],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sales Assist],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Sales Assist-Hidden],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sales Stage],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sales Stage Updated On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Source Full Name],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity State],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Sub Source],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Updated On Date Time],[Opportunity].[Opportunity
    Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Won Lost Description],[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].[Opportunity Won Lost Reason] ON ROWS  FROM (SELECT ({[Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{B69F83EB-832D-E211-9861-00155D032A00}],
    [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{60036FE8-DC48-E111-975F-00155D032A00}], [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{3A2BB124-EE85-E011-8A06-00155D032A00}], [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{E2E48CB7-8463-E411-831D-00155D035708}],
    [Opportunity].[Opportunity Hierarchy].[Opportunity].&[{140D9883-6F49-E011-AEA0-00155D032A00}]}) ON COLUMNS  FROM [IMGROUP]) CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, LANGUAGE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FONT_FLAGS
    Any help?
    sayan maity

  • Union of non-compatible types error in column formula in obiee

    Hi Experts,
    Error: Union of non-compatible types
    I used Case function in my column formula and got above error as a result.
    The column formula goes below:
    LEGID is numeric type. PAY_RECV_IND is varchar type.
    Please let me know how to resolve this error.
    Thanks in Advance.

    898221 wrote:
    Hi Experts,
    Error: Union of non-compatible types
    I used Case function in my column formula and got above error as a result.
    The column formula goes below:
    LEGID is numeric type. PAY_RECV_IND is varchar type.
    Please let me know how to resolve this error.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Mayuri@dpka, you have syntax errors in your solution. If you're casting as varchar, then your syntax should read '1' instead of 1. Also at the end, it should be '0' instead of 0.
    To use your syntax, try this:
    ...if you need the result as a numeric for aggregation purposes...

  • Using -xipo flag gives error "glibc detected"

    I just downloaded the Sun compiler for linux (preview). I compiled MPICH2 with the sun compilers. The readme on the website says to use -xipo flag while compiling as well as linking. But when i do this I get a error message. See below
    # mpif90 example.f -o example -xipo -fast
    *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x0805160b ***
    sunf90: Fatal error in ipo: Aborted
    The file compiles fine without the -xipo flag.
    Does anybody have an idea regarding this issue?

    Hi Alexey,
    The actual code i want to compile is proprietary so will not be able to post it. Anyway the compiler gives the same error on a simple mpi file as below so i dont think it has anything to do with the code i am trying to compile. And as i mentioned earlier the code does compile and run without the -xipo flag.
    ------example.f ------
    program mpi_test
    include 'mpif.h'
    integer ierr
    integer rc
    integer myID
    integer nproc
    integer nslaves
    call mpi_init( ierr )
    call mpi_comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, myID, ierr )
    call mpi_comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, nProc, ierr )
    nSlaves = nProc-1
    write(*,*) 'I am proc #',myID
    call mpi_finalize(rc)

  • Master + 2 table details on same page gives error

    first I am using jdev + jheadstart 9.0.3
    I got a master with 2 details on the same page and
    this page gives me errors. I cannot update the master or
    insert the master. The details fails too with insert and update.
    If I change the same page property of one detail all goes well.
    Is this a bug

    Yes, it is. It has to do with the way checkForChanges is called. I do not have an example available of the generated code, but the generator should have generated something like:
    onSubmit = "return (checkForChanges('myForm', 'Set1') &amp;&amp; checkForChanges('myForm', 'Set2'));"
    It has been recorded as bug no 2745305.
    To fix this, you must change the page manually.
    Jan Kettenis

  • Cloning of database to same host give error, unable to re-create online log

    clone the database to same host
    oracle version:
    os HP
    target db: tardb
    catlog catlog
    auxiliary: auxbr
    After running this script, I am getting error unable to re-create online log.
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 06/08/2009 23:17:38
    RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script
    RMAN-06136: ORACLE error from auxiliary database: ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log '/db/app/oracle/product/ /db
    ORA-27040: skgfrcre: create error, unable to create file
    HP-UX Error: 2: No such file or directory
    I tried to shutdown, and mount, recover with backup contorlfile until cancel. and open with reset logs ,
    I am not able to make the copy of the database on same host.
    Help is appreciated.
    complete error log
    oracle@dimondz{auxbr}/db/app/oracle/dba/sql> sqlplus '/as sysdba'
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jun 8 23:11:23 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to an idle instance.
    SQL> startup nomount pfile='/db/app/oracle/admin/catlog/pfile/initauxbr.ora';
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 219115512 bytes
    Fixed Size 737272 bytes
    Variable Size 83886080 bytes
    Database Buffers 134217728 bytes
    Redo Buffers 274432 bytes
    SQL> create spfile from pfile='/db/app/oracle/admin/catlog/pfile/initauxbr.ora';
    File created.
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    oracle@dimondz{auxbr}/db/app/oracle/dba/sql> rman
    Recovery Manager: Release - 64bit Production
    Copyright (c) 1995, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    RMAN> connect catalog rman/rman@catlog
    connected to recovery catalog database
    RMAN> connect target sys/dimondz@tardb
    connected to target database: tardb (DBID=3063303886)
    RMAN> connect auxiliary sys/dimondz@auxbr
    connected to auxiliary database: auxbr (not mounted)
    2> {
    3> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 1 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/system01.dbf';
    5> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 2 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/undotbs01.dbf';
    SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 3 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ptest01.dbf';
    7> 8>
    9> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 4 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/users_01.dbf';
    11> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 5 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/drsys_01.dbf';
    13> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 6 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/qms_dat_01.dbf';
    15> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 7 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ultradat_01.dbf';
    17> SET NEWNAME FOR DATAFILE 11 TO '/db/catalog1.001/oradata/xmltbs_01.dbf';
    21> pfile=/db/app/oracle/admin/catlog/pfile/initauxbr.ora
    22> logfile
    23> ' /db/redolog.001/catalog1/catalog1_log1.rdo' size 5m,
    24> ' /db/redolog.003/catalog1/catalog1_log2.rdo' size 5m,
    25> ' /db/redolog.002/catalog1/catalog1_log3.rdo' size 5m;
    26> }
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    Starting Duplicate Db at 08-JUN-09
    allocated channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: sid=11 devtype=DISK
    printing stored script: Memory Script
    set until scn 229907626;
    set newname for datafile 1 to
    set newname for datafile 2 to
    set newname for datafile 3 to
    set newname for datafile 4 to
    set newname for datafile 5 to
    set newname for datafile 6 to
    set newname for datafile 7 to
    set newname for datafile 11 to
    check readonly
    clone database
    executing script: Memory Script
    executing command: SET until clause
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    executing command: SET NEWNAME
    Starting restore at 08-JUN-09
    using channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting datafile backupset restore
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
    restoring datafile 00001 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/system01.dbf
    restoring datafile 00002 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/undotbs01.dbf
    restoring datafile 00003 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/ptest01.dbf
    restoring datafile 00004 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/users_01.dbf
    restoring datafile 00005 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/drsys_01.dbf
    restoring datafile 00006 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/qms_dat_01.dbf
    restoring datafile 00007 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/ultradat_01.dbf
    restoring datafile 00011 to /db/catalog1.001/oradata/xmltbs_01.dbf
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
    piece handle=/dump/DBA/RMAN/tardb_bkup/db_tardb_f_04kgt77h tag=WHOLE_DATABASE_tardb params=NULL
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete
    Finished restore at 08-JUN-09
    GROUP 1 ' /db/redolog.001/catalog1/catalog1_log1.rdo' SIZE 5242880 ,
    GROUP 2 ' /db/redolog.003/catalog1/catalog1_log2.rdo' SIZE 5242880 ,
    GROUP 3 ' /db/redolog.002/catalog1/catalog1_log3.rdo' SIZE 5242880
    printing stored script: Memory Script
    switch clone datafile all;
    executing script: Memory Script
    datafile 2 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=1 stamp=689037446 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/undotbs01.dbf
    datafile 3 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=2 stamp=689037446 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ptest01.dbf
    datafile 4 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=3 stamp=689037446 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/users_01.dbf
    datafile 5 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=4 stamp=689037446 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/drsys_01.dbf
    datafile 6 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=5 stamp=689037446 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/qms_dat_01.dbf
    datafile 7 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=6 stamp=689037446 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ultradat_01.dbf
    datafile 11 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=7 stamp=689037446 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/xmltbs_01.dbf
    printing stored script: Memory Script
    set until scn 229907626;
    clone database
    delete archivelog
    executing script: Memory Script
    executing command: SET until clause
    Starting recover at 08-JUN-09
    using channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1
    starting media recovery
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: starting archive log restore to default destination
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring archive log
    archive log thread=1 sequence=3
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restoring archive log
    archive log thread=1 sequence=4
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
    piece handle=/dump/DBA/RMAN/tardb_bkup/db_arch_tardb_f_06kgt7ih tag=ARCHIVE_LOG_tardb_BACKUP params=NULL
    channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: restore complete
    archive log filename=/oradump/oradata/catlog/arch/catlog-1231663410_1_3.arc thread=1 sequence=3
    channel clone_default: deleting archive log(s)
    archive log filename=/oradump/oradata/catlog/arch/catlog-1231663410_1_3.arc recid=1 stamp=689037447
    archive log filename=/oradump/oradata/catlog/arch/catlog-1231663410_1_4.arc thread=1 sequence=4
    channel clone_default: deleting archive log(s)
    archive log filename=/oradump/oradata/catlog/arch/catlog-1231663410_1_4.arc recid=2 stamp=689037447
    media recovery complete
    Finished recover at 08-JUN-09
    printing stored script: Memory Script
    shutdown clone;
    startup clone nomount pfile= '/db/app/oracle/admin/catlog/pfile/initauxbr.ora';
    executing script: Memory Script
    database dismounted
    Oracle instance shut down
    connected to auxiliary database (not started)
    Oracle instance started
    Total System Global Area 219115512 bytes
    Fixed Size 737272 bytes
    Variable Size 83886080 bytes
    Database Buffers 134217728 bytes
    Redo Buffers 274432 bytes
    GROUP 1 ' /db/redolog.001/catalog1/catalog1_log1.rdo' SIZE 5242880 ,
    GROUP 2 ' /db/redolog.003/catalog1/catalog1_log2.rdo' SIZE 5242880 ,
    GROUP 3 ' /db/redolog.002/catalog1/catalog1_log3.rdo' SIZE 5242880
    printing stored script: Memory Script
    catalog clone datafilecopy "/db/catalog1.001/oradata/undotbs01.dbf";
    catalog clone datafilecopy "/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ptest01.dbf";
    catalog clone datafilecopy "/db/catalog1.001/oradata/users_01.dbf";
    catalog clone datafilecopy "/db/catalog1.001/oradata/drsys_01.dbf";
    catalog clone datafilecopy "/db/catalog1.001/oradata/qms_dat_01.dbf";
    catalog clone datafilecopy "/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ultradat_01.dbf";
    catalog clone datafilecopy "/db/catalog1.001/oradata/xmltbs_01.dbf";
    switch clone datafile all;
    executing script: Memory Script
    cataloged datafile copy
    datafile copy filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/undotbs01.dbf recid=1 stamp=689037456
    cataloged datafile copy
    datafile copy filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ptest01.dbf recid=2 stamp=689037456
    cataloged datafile copy
    datafile copy filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/users_01.dbf recid=3 stamp=689037456
    cataloged datafile copy
    datafile copy filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/drsys_01.dbf recid=4 stamp=689037457
    cataloged datafile copy
    datafile copy filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/qms_dat_01.dbf recid=5 stamp=689037457
    cataloged datafile copy
    datafile copy filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ultradat_01.dbf recid=6 stamp=689037457
    cataloged datafile copy
    datafile copy filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/xmltbs_01.dbf recid=7 stamp=689037457
    datafile 2 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=1 stamp=689037456 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/undotbs01.dbf
    datafile 3 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=2 stamp=689037456 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ptest01.dbf
    datafile 4 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=3 stamp=689037456 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/users_01.dbf
    datafile 5 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=4 stamp=689037457 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/drsys_01.dbf
    datafile 6 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=5 stamp=689037457 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/qms_dat_01.dbf
    datafile 7 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=6 stamp=689037457 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/ultradat_01.dbf
    datafile 11 switched to datafile copy
    input datafilecopy recid=7 stamp=689037457 filename=/db/catalog1.001/oradata/xmltbs_01.dbf
    printing stored script: Memory Script
    Alter clone database open resetlogs;
    executing script: Memory Script
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
    RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
    RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 06/08/2009 23:17:38
    RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script
    RMAN-06136: ORACLE error from auxiliary database: ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log '/db/app/oracle/product/ /db
    ORA-27040: skgfrcre: create error, unable to create file
    HP-UX Error: 2: No such file or directory
    I tried to shutdown and open with resetlogs , it still error
    oracle@dimondz{auxbr}/db/app/oracle/dba/sql> sqlplus '/as sysdba'
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Jun 8 23:27:05 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL> shutdown immediate;
    ORA-01109: database not open
    Database dismounted.
    ORACLE instance shut down.
    SQL> startup mount;
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 219115512 bytes
    Fixed Size 737272 bytes
    Variable Size 83886080 bytes
    Database Buffers 134217728 bytes
    Redo Buffers 274432 bytes
    Database mounted.
    SQL> recover database until cancel using backup controlfile;
    ORA-00279: change 229907626 generated at 06/06/2009 11:58:09 needed for thread
    ORA-00289: suggestion : /oradump/oradata/catlog/arch/catlog-1814470384_1_5.arc
    ORA-00280: change 229907626 for thread 1 is in sequence #5
    Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
    Media recovery cancelled.
    SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
    alter database open resetlogs
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log '/db/app/oracle/product/
    ORA-27040: skgfrcre: create error, unable to create file
    HP-UX Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Thanks, Your help and guide will appreciated very much.

    The directory for the creation of the logfiles does not exist, from the error:
    RMAN-06136: ORACLE error from auxiliary database: ORA-00344: unable to re-create online log '/db/app/oracle/product/ /db
    ORA-27040: skgfrcre: create error, unable to create file
    HP-UX Error: 2: No such file or directoryI.e., there is no such directory as *'/db/app/oracle/product/ /db/redolog.001/catalog1/catalog1_log1.rdo'*
    Your db_recovery_file_dest parameter may be set here, therefore change this:
    '/db/redolog.001/catalog1/catalog1_log1.rdo' size 5m,
    ' /db/redolog.003/catalog1/catalog1_log2.rdo' size 5m,
    ' /db/redolog.002/catalog1/catalog1_log3.rdo' size 5m;To this:
    'catalog1_log1.rdo' size 5m,
    'catalog1_log2.rdo' size 5m,
    'catalog1_log3.rdo' size 5m;And try again.

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