Update Retriever - how to hide specific updates?

while reading the System Update Deployment Guide, I stumbled upon the possibility of hiding updates from automatic downloading into the repository. As there are certain software products distributed via lenovos Servers, which I do not want to install onto our companies' computers, I would like to let Update Retriever skip these updates.
I wasn't able to find the described funcionality in the program yet. Does someone of you know how to hide those updates?
Thanks in advance,

Allan, as far as I can see it only allows me to include or not include Metadata by checkin the box in the Image Export window. I want to include most Metadata, particularly my name and copyright. There is one field where I keep my notes that I do not want to send with the photo.This is where my dilemma lies.

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    Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately no hide option is available by right clicking the Motion 5.0..4. update.
    Seems strange that this does not appear to have been included, unless I'm missing something.

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    Switcher is like a region. Under which more than one items will be created (generally two). It is used in table region.
    For example: A switcher has two items. One with Enabled Update Pencil image. Another with Disabled Update Pencil image.
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    No, there's no way to block an update to my knowledge.
    Removing it from the update groups is sufficient though to prevent it from being installing unless you are doing this at the very last minute. Once clients update their polices (which by default happens every 60 minutes) they will see that the update
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    Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately no hide option is available by right clicking the Motion 5.0..4. update.
    Seems strange that this does not appear to have been included, unless I'm missing something.

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    Some folks report that if you mouse over the text of the update description and right click, you are given the option to choose to ignore the update. Others report that doesn't work for them.

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    You need to do it via your computer's iTunes - updating to iOS 5+ : http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4972

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    Update D,Q,P CE server
    Each active track in the NWDI needs to be updated with new SCs
    Each developer has to update his NWDS (check in his open activities before) and his local CE
    Each developer has to reload his development configuration
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    What do you think?

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    thank you!

    If this is for FR, you could select to hide always.

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    Help !!!

    Try deleting the apps that are stuck
    Make sure that you do not have a stalled download in iTunes - a song or podcast .... if you have a download in there that did not finish, complete that one first. Only one thing can download at a time on the iPad so that could be what is causing the problem.
    If that doesn't work - sign out of your account, restart the iPad and then sign in again.
    Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Sign in and then try to update again. Tap one waiting icon only if necessary to start the download stream.
    You can also try deleting the waiting icons - tap and hold down on an icon until it wiggles - the tap the X on the icon to delete it. Then try to download again.
    You can try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your app preferences and device settings again.
    If all else fails, download the updates or the apps in iTunes on your computer and then sync the content to your iPad.

  • How to hide specific form actions

    We have a requirement from our authors to remove unwanted form actions. I assumed that this would be permission specific and went into the content-author group and removed read ability for those actions from under /libs/foundation/form/components/form/actions/
    And yet they still appear.
    Is there another location that I shouldbe setting the permissions or do these just show up regardless?

    It should works like you wrote by set proper permissions for a group of users, but I just chekced in my local repository and it is working like in your case.
    If you want check from where are taken form actions values in the dropdown first of all you need to check configuration for this field which is stored under:
    - /libs/foundation/components/form/start/dialog/items/tabs/items/second/items/actiontype
    As this is a widget with xtype='formactionselection' then please take a look into js file which is implementation for this widget:
    - /libs/cq/ui/widgets/source/widgets/wcm/FormActionSelection.js
    There you find that the values in the dropdown for this filed are populated by calling :
    - /bin/wcm/foundation/forms/actions.json
    and of course setting permissions should solve this problem.
    In my opinion this a bug or I missed something, so only thing which I can suggest at this moment is to customize a little bit this widget.
    For example you can create a sort of actions which are used only by users in the /apps/project_name/form/actions (copy only those which are used from /libs/foundation/form/components/form/actions/) and then customize the widget by changing a path from
    /bin/wcm/foundation/forms/actions.json to /apps/project_name/form/actions.json
    I hope this helps you somehow to understand this issue more deeply.

  • How to Hide an Unwanted Update?

    how do I hide an update using technical preview 9926 I keep getting (0x80070103) error Nvidia driver update for GeForce gtx 765M. Please help me Glenn None of the above threads is an answer to the solution i'm looking for.

    On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:40:02 +0000, how to hide an update using technical
    preview 9926 wrote:
    how do I hide an update using technical preview 9926 I keep getting (0x80070103) error Nvidia driver update for GeForce gtx 765M. Please help me Glenn None of the above threads is an answer to the solution i'm looking for.
    I've no idea who Glenn is nor what you've tried so far, but what worked for
    my Nvidia Quadro K2100M was to install the latest 8.1 driver from the
    Nvidia web site. Once I had installed that, I was no longer offered the
    Paul Adare - FIM CM MVP

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    Hi There,
    I have been facing with this issue since 4 weeks, let me explain my requirement first.
    I want to hide 2 fields on DispForm.aspx of a custom template.
    Following are the lines of code written for customizing DispForm.aspx  using ListFieldIterator SP control.
    <SharePoint:ListFieldIterator runat="server" ExcludeFields="PublishingStartDate">
                                                    <td class="fp-ms-vb2">
                                                        <SharePoint:FormField ControlMode="Display" DisableInputFieldLabel="true"
                                                <tr style="height:5px;"><td></td></tr>
    those 2 fields are also generated using ListFieldIterator control. 
    Can someone suggest me how to hide specific fields.
    Thank you in advance,
    vikram padigala

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