Urgent help, Easy question [NOOB QUESTION]

I am new in photoshop, I need a tutorial or some writing on how to do this kind of smudge
if it isn't smudge, What is it ? and how to make it ?
Can you see the background ? It's a kind of smudge, just want the name and tutorial please.
thanks a lot

I suspect the Art History Brush might have been used with a triangular brush tip and the Style Dab over an enlarged copy of the image.
Photoshop Help | Painting stylized strokes with the Art History Brush

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    Many thanks in advance.
    1) Tips- Always ***derive*** the exceptions java.lang.Exception and java.lang.RuntimeException.
    Since these exceptions have an excessively broad meaning, ***the calling layers will not know how to
    distinguish the message sent from the other exceptions that may also be passed to them.***
    2) The use of the finally block does not require a catch block. Therefore, exceptions may be passed back to the
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    3) TIPS- Declare the order for SQL ***statements/elements*** in the constant declaration section (private static final).
    Although this recommendation slightly hinders reading, it can have a significant impact on performance. In fact, since
    the layers of access to data are ***low level access***, their optimization may be readily felt from the user’s
    4) Use “inlining.”
    Inlining is a technique used by the Java compiler. Whenever possible, during compilation, the compiler
    copies the body of a method in place of its call, rather than executing a ***memory jump to the method***.
    In the example below, the "inline" code will run twice as fast as the ***method call***
    5)tips - ***Reset the references to large objects such as arrays to null.***
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    6) TIPS Limit the indexed access to arrays.
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    7) tips- Avoid the use of the “Double-Checked Locking” mechanism.
    This code does not always work in a multi-threaded environment. The run-time behavior ***even depends on
    compilers.*** Thus, use the following ***singleton implementation:***
    8) Presumably, this implementation is less efficient than the previous one, since it seems to perform ***a prior
    initialization (as opposed to an initialization on demand)***. In fact, at runtime, the initialization block of a
    (static) class is called when the keyword MonSingleton appears, whether there is a call to getInstance() or
    not. However, since ***this is a singleton***, any occurrence of the keyword will be immediately followed by a
    call to getInstance(). ***Prior or on demand initializations*** are therefore equivalent.
    If, however, a more complex initialization must take place during the actual call to getInstance, ***a standard
    synchronization mechanism may be implemented, subsequently:***
    9) Use the min and max values defined in the java.lang package classes that encapsulate the
    primitive numeric types.
    To compare an attribute or variable of primitive type integer or real (byte, short, int, long, float or double) to
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    1) Tips- Always ***derive*** the exceptions java.lang.Exception and java.lang.RuntimeException.***inherit from***
    ***the calling layers will not know how to
    distinguish the message sent from the other exceptions that may also be passed to them.***That's OK.
    while effectively freeing resources ***attributed*** locally***allocated*** locally.
    3) TIPS- Declare the order for SQL ***statements/elements*** in the constant declaration section (private static final).***statements***, but go back to the author. There is no such thing as a 'constant declaration section' in Java.
    Although this recommendation slightly hinders reading, it can have a significant impact on performance. In fact, since
    the layers of access to data are ***low level access***, their optimization may be readily felt from the user’s
    perspective.Again refer to the author. This isn't true. It will make hardly any difference to the performance. It is more important from a style perspective.
    4) Use “inlining.”
    Inlining is a technique used by the Java compiler. Whenever possible, during compilation, the compiler
    copies the body of a method in place of its call, rather than executing a ***memory jump to the method***.
    In the example below, the "inline" code will run twice as fast as the ***method call***Refer to the author. This entire paragraph is completely untrue. There is no such thing as 'inlining' in Java, or rather there is no way to obey the instruction given to 'use it'. The compiler will or won't inline of its own accord, nothing you can do about it.
    5)tips - ***Reset the references to large objects such as arrays to null.***Correct, but refer to the author. This is generally considered bad practice, not good.
    Null in Java represents a reference which has not been ***set/established.******Initialized***
    After using a variable with a
    large size, it must be ***reassigned a null value.*** This allows the garbage collector to quickly ***recycle the
    memory allocated*** for the variableAgain refer author. Correct scoping of variables is a much better solution than this.
    ***the index was not exceeded.******the index was not out of range***
    The run-time behavior ***even depends on compilers.***Probably a correct translation but the statement is incorrect. Refer to the author. It does not depend on the compiler. It depends on the version of the JVM specification that is being adhered to by the implementation.
    Thus, use the following ***singleton implementation:***Correct.
    it seems to perform ***a prior initialization (as opposed to an initialization on demand)***.I would change 'prior' to 'automatic pre-'.
    ***this is a singleton***That's OK.
    ***Prior or on demand initializations***Change 'prior' to 'automatic'.
    ***a standard
    synchronization mechanism may be implemented, subsequently:***I think this is nonsense. I would need to see the entire paragraph.
    ***an extreme value of this type******this type's minimum or maximum values***
    I would say your author is more in need of a technical reviewer than a translator at this stage. There are far too serious technical errors in this short sample for comfort. The text isn't publishable as is.

  • Urgent help needed with  cookie question

    Hi guys,
    my question is:
    if any servlet generate a cookie object ( during http connection, of course ), so it will always store this cookie on the client side ( the user' browser) , which called the servlet ( of course). Is it right? If yes, what happens if the browser doesnt accept cookies?
    Thanks in advance, Euclides.

    According to me The values will not store if Cookies are disabled by client untill and unless u do,nt use any other mechanism to store it e.g Session , UrlRedirection
    Saurabh Singhal

  • Noob Question: Problem with Persistence in First Entity Bean

    Hey folks,
    I have started with EJB3 just recently. After reading several books on the topic I finally started programming myself. I wanted to develop a little application for getting a feeling of the technology. So what I did is to create a AppClient, which calls a Stateless Session Bean. This Stateless Bean then adds an Entity to the Database. For doing this I use Netbeans 6.5 and the integrated glassfish. The problem I am facing is, that the mapping somehow doesnt work, but I have no clue why it doesn't work. I just get an EJBException.
    I would be very thankfull if you guys could help me out of this. And don't forget this is my first ejb project - i might need a very detailed answer ... I know - noobs can be a real ....
    So here is the code of the application. I have a few methods to do some extra work there, you can ignore them, there are of no use at the moment. All that is really implemented is testConnection() and testAddCompany(). The testconnection() Methode works pretty fine, but when it comes to the testAddCompany I get into problems.
    Edit:As I found out just now, there is the possibility of Netbeans to add a Facade pattern to an Entity bean. If I use this, everythings fine and it works out to be perfect, however I am still curious, why the approach without the given classes by netbeans it doesn't work.
    public class Main {
        private EntryRemote entryPoint = null;
        public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException {
            Main main = new Main();
        private void runApplication()throws NamingException{
        private void getContext() throws NamingException{
            InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
            this.entryPoint = (EntryRemote) ctx.lookup("Entry#ejb.EntryRemote");
        private void testConnection()
            System.err.println("Can Bean Entry be reached: " + entryPoint.isAlive());
        private void testAddCompany(){
            Company company = new Company();
            System.err.println("JavaFreaks has been placed in the db");
        }Here is the Stateless Session Bean. I added the PersistenceContext, and its also mapped in the persistence.xml file, however here the trouble starts.
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
    import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
    public class EntryBean implements EntryRemote {
        @PersistenceContext(unitName="PersistenceUnit") private EntityManager manager;
        public boolean isAlive() {
            return true;
        public boolean addCompany(Company company) {
            return true;
        public boolean addShipmentAddress(long companyId) {
            return false;
        public boolean addBillingAddress(long companyId) {
            return false;
        public boolean addEmployee(long companyId) {
            return false;
        public boolean addBankAccount(long companyId) {
            return false;
    }That you guys and gals will have a complete overview of whats really going on, here is the Entity as well.
    package ejb;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    public class Company implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
        private Long id;
        private String name;
        public Long getId() {
            return id;
        public void setId(Long id) {
            this.id = id;
       public String getName() {
            return name;
        public void setName(String name) {
            this.name = name;
            System.err.println("SUCCESS:  CompanyName SET");
        public int hashCode() {
            int hash = 0;
            hash += (id != null ? id.hashCode() : 0);
            return hash;
        public boolean equals(Object object) {
            // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set
            if (!(object instanceof Company)) {
                return false;
            Company other = (Company) object;
            if ((this.id == null && other.id != null) || (this.id != null && !this.id.equals(other.id))) {
                return false;
            return true;
        public String toString() {
            return "ejb.Company[id=" + id + "]";
    }And the persistence.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd">
      <persistence-unit name="PersistenceUnit" transaction-type="JTA">
          <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables"/>
    </persistence>And this is the error message
    08.06.2009 10:30:46 com.sun.enterprise.appclient.MainWithModuleSupport <init>
    WARNUNG: ACC003: Ausnahmefehler bei Anwendung.
    javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
            java.rmi.RemoteException: Transaction aborted; nested exception is: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaktion für Zurücksetzung markiert.; nested exception is:
            javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaktion für Zurücksetzung markiert.
    java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
            java.rmi.RemoteException: Transaction aborted; nested exception is: javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaktion für Zurücksetzung markiert.; nested exception is:
            javax.transaction.RollbackException: Transaktion für Zurücksetzung markiert.
            at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.javax.rmi.CORBA.Util.mapSystemException(Util.java:243)
            at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.StubInvocationHandlerImpl.privateInvoke(StubInvocationHandlerImpl.java:205)
            at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.StubInvocationHandlerImpl.invoke(StubInvocationHandlerImpl.java:152)
            at com.sun.corba.ee.impl.presentation.rmi.bcel.BCELStubBase.invoke(BCELStubBase.java:225)
            at ejb.__EntryRemote_Remote_DynamicStub.addCompany(ejb/__EntryRemote_Remote_DynamicStub.java)I spend half the night figuring out whats wrong, however I couldnt find any solution.
    If you have any idea pls let me know
    Best regards and happy coding
    Edited by: Taggert_77 on Jun 8, 2009 2:27 PM

    Well I don't understand this. If Netbeans created a Stateless Session Bean as a facade then it works -and it is implemented as a CMP, not as a BMP as you suggested.
    I defenitely will try you suggestion, just for curiosity and to learn the technology, however I dont have see why BMP will work and CMP won't.
    I also don't see why a stateless bean can not be a CMP. As far as I read it should not matter. Also on the link you sent me, I can't see anything related to that.
    Maybe you can help me answering these questions.
    I hope the above lines don't sound harsh. I really appreciate your input.
    Best regards

  • Another Noobie question - readLine()

    Hi all
    This is another one of the extreme noob questions. I wrote a small program to read form a text file
        String NetworkLine = new String();
            FileReader inputFile = new FileReader("Test.txt");  //
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
               while (in.readLine() != null){
                NetworkLine = in.readLine();
           }catch (IOException e){
                System.err.println("Error in reading the file");
        }catch (FileNotFoundException e){
        }My Test.txt is
    without the *
    The output I get is
    I cannot figure out why only even no. lines are being read. I inserted a breakpoint at the line
              System.out.println(NetworkLine);This shows me that only even no. lines are being read by readLine(). Any help will be appreaciated.

        String NetworkLine = new String();
            FileReader inputFile = new FileReader("Test.txt");  //
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
               while (in.readLine() != null){  // <-- This reads a line, checks it for null ,and drops it
                NetworkLine = in.readLine(); // <-- this reads the next line
           }catch (IOException e){
                System.err.println("Error in reading the file");
        }catch (FileNotFoundException e){
        }So the upshot is that you print every other line.
        String networkLine = new String();
            FileReader inputFile = new FileReader("Test.txt");  //
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(inputFile);
               while ((networkLine = in.readLine()) != null){
           }catch (IOException e){
                System.err.println("Error in reading the file");
        }catch (FileNotFoundException e){

  • Noob questions...windows emulation on mac OS 10.4

    getting my ibook later this week and was wondering about windows emulation. i don't have an intel processor in my ibook (obviously), so what's your recommendation for a product that runs windows on a mac? and, total noob question, do i have to buy a copy of windows? i already have windows on my dell laptop.
    thanks in advance for your help.

    so, do the new macbooks have some kind of software
    pre-installed that runs windows? my friends who just
    got a macbook tells me he can run windows programs if
    he needs to.
    The MacBooks have Intel processors in them. So, no emulation is necessary. They can directly install and run Windows if they want.
    The reason you need a program like Virtual PC on an iBook is because it uses a PowerPC processor which Windows cannot communicate with. And, the PowerPC Mac's architecture is completely different.
    So, that means you need a program like Virtual PC to completely emulate an entire PC computer. Basically, it is a program that simulates a real computer and then translates those Intel instructions into PowerPC instructions that your iBook can understand.
    There is a severe performance penalty for all this translation. The iBook G4 will not perform like a regular Windows PC. It will be much slower, and you will need to be more patient. With a G4 iBook, you could reasonably expect your performance to be comparable to a 300 MHz PC running Windows XP.
    With a 1.8 GHz iMac G5 and 2 GB of RAM, I was experiencing performance comparable to a 1.3 GHz Intel Celeron system with 256 MB of RAM (which I happened to have around for comparison).
    But, for more intensive tasks, the performance was more comparable to a 500 MHz system.
    Anyway, back to the Intel Macs. Those machine's only need a free Apple Utility "Boot Camp" to provide the drivers and create a Windows compatible boot partition:
    And, then they need Windows XP Home or Pro. That's it.
    With programs like Parallels, they can run Windows inside the Mac OS (or along side it) much like you would with Virtual PC:
    i am trying to figure out where this might be useful
    in the first place.
    It is useful if you need to be able to run Windows software, but don't want to buy a PC. It's more convenient to have one machine that can do everything than it is to have a Mac and a separate PC.
    Feel free to ask additional questions if you have them. Or, if you like, hit solved on the post if you feel everything is answered.
    But, do let me know if I can answer any additional questions or need to re-state something clearer.

  • Openbox noob question on menus.

    I really do apologize about this insanely noob question but this is driving me up a wall.
    I've read several several different resources on openbox (particularly trying to find information on the root menu)
    i'm either looking in the wrong place - or I totally saw it and didn't put 2 and 2 together. *shrugs*
    so, here is the dealio -
    I'm trying to edit the root menu (or as I like to call it right clicky drop down thingy)
    I'm running LXDE and from everything I've gathered over the last couple of days trying to tackle this
    with lxde you edit the lxde-rc.xml instead of the menu or rc.xml
    although after reading through it a plethora of times I noticed that it pulls off of the menu.xml as well...
    Which file do I actually edit to add stuff to the root menu?
    and i've seen dozens of actual templates for editing the menu.xml and lxde-rc.xml but whenever *I* try to follow that I get a syntax error on openbox --reconfigure
    and insight or even a swift kick in the ass that will land me on a site that has info that actually works would be ever so appreciated (even if its a search term - I think my problem now is that i've spent so much time looking for this one thing that I might actually be insanely over complicating this and not picking out the right information   )

    stlarch wrote:An easy way is to install obmenu
    I can agree with that even though I'm not sure how to use that program very well. I'd rather learn how to manually edit the stuff, and not have to rely on another program
    the main reason I got away from ubuntu was to be semi/forced to learn everything.
    JackH79 wrote:Have you read this here as well?
    I did glance at that but didn't think that was referring to the root menus...I can decifer through the xml those menu files to some extent...the stuff on freedesktop is straight crypic to me atm...but at least now I know I need to take a much closer look hehe.

  • Noob Question Re: Encoding to DVD

    This is my first post in the adobe forums , so hello all!
    I've been trolling this, and numerous other sites, hoping to understand the basic process of editing -> CD creation.
    So here it begins...I am working on "work-out" video tape. The footage was shot using a Canon H10 to removable memory card. All files are .MTS, which don't pose too many challenges for my computer (i7 processor w/ 6MB memory) after the most recent PP update. Editing, adding AE, titles, graphics, or using Sound Booth is relatively painless. I have a total of (4) timelines that comprise the total video (Trailer, Intro, Instructions, and Workout). As I edited the video I'd often render what I had testing formats such as avi, MPEG2, FLV/4, Blu-Ray H.264, etc. I was amazed with the clarity and sharpness as I stayed with in the confines of 1980x1020. So I have no problems there. Once the editing, I first created a blank timeline and pulled into it the other timelines to make on timeline called "Video Complete". I dynamic linked that timeline to Encore and found out that amount of data, in that format, created a very unstable Encore - it screamed and hollered about running out of memory, etc. I watched several tutorials and found that dynamic linking the indvidual timelines gave me a much more stable Encore.
    So I had the untranscoded .MTS files in Encore. I created my menu, linking the timelines, etc and built my project using the standard 720x480 (I believe) format. To say the least, I wasn't at all happy with the final product when watched on the television. Very pixalated/jagged around letters, etc.
    I don't mind shopping around for the correct answer or putting my time in on research, I'd just like to know if I am on the right playing field and/or headed in the right direction.
    So basically my questions are:
    1) Is dynamic linking .MTS files to Encore the correct approach as opposed to rendering the .MTS files in PPro to avi or MPEG2 before bringing them into the Encore project? (Based on wanting the best DVD quality possible)
    2) Transcoding settings for individual timelines should remain on automatic or should I adjust them and transcode before clicking on build project?
    3) Since I was able to see MPGE2 renderings (from PPro) on my computer screen as sharp and clear, should I expect the same quality from a DVD product?
    Any information would be helpful - thanks so much.

    Re: Noob Question Re: Encoding to DVD
    Hi, great questions:
    I think this is a sound approach. MTS is short for MPEG-2 Transport Stream, so it's already MPEG-2 but will of course have to be re-transcoded for DVD to standard definition. If you want to experiment with high definition, you could try stripping the streams out of the MTS using a third party tool such as what you might find at videohelp.com - or not. Less transcoding is always better, but may not be practical. There's probably little advantage to doing this on the DVD side, but it might be worthwhile for Blu-ray? Or not.
    First, try using Interpret Footage on the asset (the MTS file itself) - set it to SD Widescreen. You may need to Revert to Original if it's already transcoded. Try building another DVD and check the footage.
    For the most part, yes. Of course, they will be standard definition on DVD.
    Message was edited by: jbowden
    Thanks for the response. I will check out "Interpret Footage" on the asset of the MTS file and toggle to SD Widescreen. Will do that tonight so I can compare the two for quality.

  • SSD and HDD? Noob questions

    Hi, I've just purchased a reconditioned Thinkpad W540, spec is Lenovo ThinkPad W540 16GB, 256GB SSD, i7-4800MQ 2.7Ghz, 20BHS1DJ00. Noob question, because I've not owned a SSD before, can I install a normal hard drive as well? There are 1TB external drives going for around $70. I've just noticed these hard drive caddys - should I be using one of these? Are all HDD SATA II or III these days? Could I use this drive :  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1TB-HDD-HARD-DRIVE-FOR-LENOVO-THINKPAD-W540-Quad-Core-L430-L440-L540-S540-/321439122240?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368 With this caddy: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nimitz-2nd-SATA-HDD-Caddy-for-Lenovo-Thinkpad-T440p-T540p-W540-/121509644281?hash=item1c4a8a07f9 Second question - what is the recommendation regarding installing software. Should I put it all on the SSD or on the new hard drive? I'll be using the Adobe suite so there's the whole scratch disks issue to get my head around. Thirdly, how do I prove my copy of Windows 8 is genuine and is there a backup of it sitting on my harddrive somewhere? I didn't receive a W8 disk. Thanks in advance for your help.

    1) SATA versions are cross-compatible with each other, so you should be fine regardless of which SATA it is.
    HDDs are also standard parts and aren't tied to a specific system. You can use anything that's 9.5mm thick and 2.5" diagonal. (Excluding WD VelociRaptors.)
    The caddy should work fine. Functionally, they're just a glorified cable. Third-party caddies may have a different fit and finish from the rest of the chassis, though.
    2) Depending on how much software you have, you'll want to choose the ones you use often and put those on the SSD. Ideally, none of the software you want to use while on battery should be on the HDD (avoids the HDD spinning up, thus draining battery).
    As for Adobe and it's scratch disks, I'd provision a bit of the faster SSD at the risk of wearing it out sooner. The speed helps especially if your workload is heavy. Ideally, you would have enough RAM to never need to page to scratch disks.
    3) The Windows 8 key is sitting in the BIOS. The installer should pick it up automatically.

  • Can anyone help or answer this question for me. Is there a way to have a private album for pictures sent to my phone? Don't exactly want kids ( niece and nephew ) to play on my phone and see private pictures of my girlfriend

    Can anyone help or answer this question for me. Is there a way to have a private album for pictures sent to my phone? Don't exactly want kids ( niece and nephew ) to play on my phone and see private pictures of my girlfriend

    What about this?

  • Syncing & Streaming from the same Library? - Noob question

    Good Evening - I have a silly noob question that I can't believe I can't find the answer to on my own: I have been trying to determine if it is possible to sync and stream from the same library simultaneously.
    I purchased the 40GB aTV and it has been syncing just fine with my Windows iTunes. I told it not to sync a few albums I never listen to so I wouldn't have issues with other songs or movies. I am upgrading to a new iMac and I am am going to re-rip many of my existing CD's to get them into a consistent audio quality of 192 AAC or above. This is going to push my library size to well over the 40GB limit in just music, not including any movies or TV shows I choose to pull in.
    The manual does not make it obvious (or I am not reading clearly) what happens to items that don't sync over - I assume they are still playable but will have to stream. Is there anyway to mark "preferred" albums or artists that should get synced and not streamed in case the iTunes library is unavailable for whatever reason?
    Also, when I change libraries is the aTV going to completely re-sync even though the music is must going to be migrated?
    Thanks for taking the time to answer these silly questions.

    That's not quite what I was looking for.
    My question remains, what happens to the items that can't be synced from my main library to my aTV? My library is just a smidge bigger than the available space on the aTV and not everything syncs over. Does that mean I won't be able to play those items not synced from my main library...
    As my library grows I don't want to have to choose what does and doesn't get synced from my library by mood. For example, every year my wife buys new christmas music - right now I could exclude it and everything else gets copied over, but come thanksgiving that stuff better be there for her and I don't want to choose other music or movies to remove.
    I guess I will just have to play to try it out.

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    It depends on what country you're in and whether or not they're still available in the iTunes Store. Some purchased movies and all rentals won't be available.

  • Please help  me with some questions with batch input session?

    hello everyone.
      I come to some questions  like
    1 What is a batch input session ,
    2  What is the alternative to batch input session?
    3  An ABAP program creates a batch input session.   We need to submit the program and the batch session in back ground. How to do it? 
       would you please help me with the questions, couldn't thank you more.
       Best regards

    Batch Input Session:
    BATCH INPUT SESSION is an intermediate step between internal table
    and database table. Data along with the action is stored in session
    ie data for screen fields, to which screen it is passed, program
    name behind it, and how next screen is processed.
    Three processing modes of executing Batch Input Session :-
    Run Visibly : You can correct faulty transactions online & work step-by-step through  the transactions not yet executed.
    Display Errors only : You can correct faulty transactions online.   Transactions not yet executed, but without error, run in the background.
    Run in Background .
    2) What is the alternative to batch input session?
    Call transaction.
    3) An ABAP program creates a batch input session. We need to submit the program and the batch session in back ground. How to do it?
    go to SM36 and create background job by giving
         job name,job class and job steps (JOB SCHEDULING)


    Could ye guys help, I have some questions and I dont know the answers of them! any solutions would be great
    Distinguish between composition and inheritance as used in object-oriented programming. As part of your answer, provide examples of different situations in which each would be more appropriate.
    What is meant by recursion as an algorithmic strategy in working with abstract data structures, and why is such an approach considered worthwhile? Illustrate your answer with an example sorting algorithm in Java that can be sorted linearly and recursively.
    Given an alphabet of {x,y,z} possessing the following frequency distributions {1/8, 1/4, 5/8}, show how this information may be used to construct a prefix code binary tree. Given the code 11000111100, show how this is decoded using this construct.
    Any ideas??

    086kerry wrote:
    lad if you had seen what I had to do already, its not as if I want the answers, just help. I cant find anything satisfactory on the web.Not to quick are ye?
    If you can't do more than post your assignment and cry for help then you might as well give up now. Nobody is going to do your work for you. You have done NOTHING yet so start working on it and if you run into problems come back with your code and ask questions about it.

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