[URGENT] Modifier Keys "Sticking"

Notes:*This has been happening ever since I purchased the PC*Seems to be the windows key(s), shift, alt, and ctrl stuck the majority of the time, rarely only one of them.*Is reproduceably: not Technically, can't find anything that causes it, seems to happen randomly Hello, Nick here. Occasionally, and un-predictably, one of the following keys will "stick": CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, RIGHT WINDOWS KEY, LEFT WINDOWS KEY. When I refer to the term "Stick" it is not physically my keyboard, as I have tried not only the built in keyboard, but over 4 external keyboards( all different brands ), It seems to be in the software, and I do not have sticky keys on. Some of the fixes I have tried include, but are not limted to: Reinstalling keyboard drivers, adjusting repeat delay, restarting computer, starting windows in "Safe Mode", and even gone as far as COMPLETELY REINSTALLING WINDOWS... This problem has become so prevelant that my pc can not be on for more than 10 minutes without it occuring. I have not found a fix for this, however I have found a few sollutions for when it occurs, such as double-tapping either the CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, or WINDOWS KEY. This fixes the problem but only temporarily and it reoccurs only minutes later. However whenever the RIGHT WINDOWS KEY sticks it disallows typing in some programs, and opens shortcuts, and is unsolveable because I cannot double-tap a non-existend key... This has become quite irritating and extremely problematic as I play a wide range of games, and this prevents that by sticking keys ingame, and ALT+Tabbing me out frequently. If anyone at all could assist me on this problem it would be greatly appreciated, if you need anymore info about this feel free to ask. SPECS:RAM: 4.00GBCPU-Integrated Graphics: Intel(R) Celeron(R) N2830 @ 2.16GHz( overclocks to 2.32GHz ) 

 Hi  , Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. It is a great site for information and questions. I have looked into your issue about your HP 15 Notebook and issue with the keyboard not working correctly. You can resolve this issue by checking the keyboard language. Here is a link to uninstall the keyboard. Restart the computer after uninstalling, it should reinstall automatically. This has helped others. Here is a link to keyboard troubleshooting. I hope something here helps you out. Thanks. 

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    3. Click the Modifier Keys... button
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    6. Click OK.
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    I don't think that dialog indicates which keyboard you are using. It lets you select the keyboard, and then set the modifier keys for that selected keyboard.
    Are the adjustments not sticking for the keyboard you choose?
    You might try resetting the attached keyboard type: http://www.raneri.it/blog/eng/2009/01/17/how-to-reset-the-mac-keyboard/

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    Hi Nagasree,
    Welcome to MSDN forums.
    First,please make sure the Chrome and Firefox is supported by cross browser testing.
    Latest version of Chrome and Firefox supported by cross browser testing are Chrome version 38.0.2125.111 and
    Firefox 33.
    I doubt whether Chrome and Firefox in cross browser testing don’t support automating modifier keys or there is anything wrong on it if you are using supported browser. Since this issue is related to the Extensions tool
    Selenium components for Coded UI Cross Browser Testing, if possible, I suggest you post this
    issue here, click “Q AND A”, and then you could post this issue there, you would get dedicated
    support there.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    The default key for scrolling zoom is not Command but Control. To change this, go to System Preferences —> Universal Access and click on the Seeing tab. In the Zoom pane, click on the Options button, and in the sheet that drops down, select the text box at the bottom, highlight the character there, then press the modifier key you prefer.

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    Last edited by hckr (2014-10-08 22:59:59)

    To get my inspiron 8500 working I had to use the xkbmodel set to inspiron and remap a little like this
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "CoreKeyboard"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbOptions" "altwin:super_win"
    # Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option "XkbModel" "inspiron"
    Option "XkbLayout" "gb"
    Manually configured other keys in ~/.Xmodmap. To see current mappings use "xmodmap -pk"
    keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay
    keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext
    keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev
    keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop
    keycode 129 =
    keycode 130 =
    keycode 131 =
    keycode 132 =
    The 129-132 were wrongly mapped so I unmapped them
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    Message was edited by: bradbergeron
    Message was edited by: bradbergeron

    Any updates on this bug?
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    The default key for scrolling zoom is not Command but Control. To change this, go to System Preferences —> Universal Access and click on the Seeing tab. In the Zoom pane, click on the Options button, and in the sheet that drops down, select the text box at the bottom, highlight the character there, then press the modifier key you prefer.

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    anyway I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    You can assign a keyboard shortcut. Go to your Edit menu in Illustrator, select keyboard shortcuts. Scroll down to the smooth tool and enter the key combo that you would like to use. Then save the set.

  • Modify key in Hashed table

    Hi All,
    I have hashehed internal table like this.
    data :  it_zawcumsetz like hashed table of zawcumsetz with unique key
    I am geeting entries in table.
    LOOP AT it_zawcumsetz into wa_zawcumsetz.
         IF  wa_zawcumsetz-zz_awc IS INITIAL.
             wa_zawcumsetz-zz_awc =  'X'. "New value is * for
         MODIFY TABLE it_zawcumsetz FROM wa_zawcumsetz.
    i want to modify key value in loop.
    Rather than append from wa to another internal table is not possiable.
    Can anybody please tell me how to solve this pblm.

    Hi Katta.
    If you created a hashed table just to improve the MODIFY inside the loop, change your itab to a standard table and use field symbol:
    DATA: it_zawcumsetz TYPE TABLE OF zawcumsetz.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_zawcumsetz> LIKE LINE OF it_zawcumsetz.
    LOOP AT it_zawcumsetz ASSIGNING <fs_zawcumsetz>.
      IF <fs_zawcumsetz>-zz_awc IS INITIAL.
        <fs_zawcumsetz>-zz_awc = 'X'.
    If you can't change to a standard table, maybe you can duplicate the itab, just for the loop:
    DATA: it_std TYPE TABLE OF zawcumsetz.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_std> LIKE LINE OF it_std.
    it_std = it_zawcumsetz.
    LOOP AT it_std ASSIGNING <fs_std>.
      IF <fs_std>-zz_awc IS INITIAL.
        <fs_std>-zz_awc = 'X'.
    it_zawcumsetz = it_std.
    REFRESH it_std.

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    Lion lets you change modifier keys per keyboard which is where I think the problem lies.  I also have duplicate listings for my external keyboard and I'm not sure how to delete the duplicates.
    Does anyone know how to fix these issues?

    Also, I'm not sure if it matters but my mouse and keyboard are connected through a USB hub which then connects to the Macbook Air.

  • How to print modifier key symbols

    How csn I print the symbols for Apple modifier keys in a document?
    Thank you.

    The Apple modifier keys can be found in the Special Characters (control+command+Space) panel. Look for everything but caps lock and shift under the Technical Symbols category. The caps lock and shift key symbols are found under Arrows. Select the character, and then in the lower right under Font Variation, click on the symbol whose font name matches that in your document. Double-click the character to have it inserted into your document at the desired insertion point.
    If you do not see Arrows and Technical Symbols in your Special Characters panel, click the gear icon in the top panel and add them.

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    Can any body explain relation :
    NEW material group( Type is ROH)-> new valuation class-> GBB( TRANSACTION KEY)-> VBR( ACCOUNT MODIFIER KEY)-> G/L account
    Significance of them wrt each other and config steps necessary.
    Which transaction key we should select for posting related to newly created material group.
    Say for ROH, Consumables, services etc.
    Regards Komal

    1. In Material master, Accounting view we will assign the valuation class,  For material type ( IN OMS2 transaction), we will give Account category referance.
    2. for STock account it is BSX transaction key.
    follow this link:
    hope this may help you,

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