Usage of Move Order or Miscellaneous transaction form?

Hello everyone
I want to know whether we can use Move Order for Project issuances. In PJM or Non-PJM environment. How can we enter Expenditure type, Expenditure Organization for Project in Move order?
Thanks in Advance

You can use move order to issue to projects

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    1.when i create a move order and then transact a move order for that item requested by the user , is there any accounting entry passed.
    2. The approval process is same for both requisition and move order transfer?

    I am also struggling for end to end rebate accounting entries.
    if your problem is resolv, can you please shere the accounting entries.

  • Back order line in transact move order form , drived the inventory negative

    I had problem with transacting some lines in several move orders (it was stuck and giving error each time I tried to transact or delete from view update allocation –> delete line)
    In order to cancel these lines to proceed the manufacturing process I back ordered those lines by:
    Inventory super user - > move orders - > transact move order - > tools - > back order line
    Note that the move orders type was Manufacturing Pick
    Now I noticed that this drives the WIP subinv Negative for those items .
    So what is the problem and how can I solve it?
    Thank you
    Edited by: Ahmed.Abbas on Apr 16, 2011 2:39 AM

    The problem was in the interface managers (Material transaction , Move transaction ) were inactive , i launched them
    Review note 141493.1 in metalink to know how.
    I also deleted the pending transactions with errors from mtl_material_transactions_temp and mtl_transaction_lots_temp ( the items were lot control ) .
    Thats all :)

  • How to restrict Sales Order LOV in Transact Move Orders

    We would like to restrict LOV in the Transact Move Orders screen to only those orders that were created in that specific Operating Unit. Also, we would like to control the LOV for Release Rules to a specific OU.
    I believe the LOVs for both these screens pull from MTL_SALES_ORDERS. Therefore, I guess we would need to create a Value Set of type Table, value will be SEGMENT1 (Sales Orders) but unsure about the where condition.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Release Rules: Why don't you use the SRS version if pick releasing rather than the screen. Ofcourse you lose some flexibility to enter order number and customer information. If screen is a must you can take the LOV from the existing form and create a new record group in the new form instance trigger. Add this peice to the lov sql to control the pick release rules result:
    (select 1 from org_organization_definitions cust_org
    where org.organization_id=cust_org.organization_id
    and operating_unit=FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ORG_ID'))
    This org is mtl_parmeters table used in LOV.
    2. Transact Move Orders: Instead of changing the LOV and playing with the Sales Order Flexfield, you can use the inventory organization security to control who can do a transaction. This will not change the LOV but definitely will control the access to the records after you have queried. As you know this is inventory or warehouse function not the OE function.
    You can try one idea though:
    Segment2 is order_type which is OU specific. You can create value set that picks the LOV from the order types table for a specific OU, assign that to the segment2 and create a security rule. This rule will have include and exclude rules. You include all the Order types that are in a specific OU and assign that rule to the resp of that OU where move order is transacted. This will limit the LOV of the order types to only those that are availble for that resp. I have not tried this but give it a shot.

  • After Transact Move Order the Supply/Demand Type Disappears in INVDVDSD

    1. SR#: 5474007.993
    2. URGENT Response Needed? (vs. the normal 48 hour or less reply time): Yes
    3. Customer: SIPA S.P.A.
    4. Oracle Apps Version: 11.5.9
    5. Error(s):None
    6. Problem Description/Question:
    1. A WIP job is creates and decriments the Available Quantity; but not the
    Current On-hand in the Supply/Demand Detail form.
    When a pick release is performed, they do not see the WIP job in the
    Supply/Demand Detail form and the Current On-hand does not change.
    2. After transact move order the supply/demand type disappear, available
    quantity at the top right side of the form increases, but there is no line with
    demand identifier wip discrete job = 12615.
    See: "ELTERM_SUPPLYDEMAND_after_patch.doc" at:
    Is It the intended functionality?
    7. Steps taken to debug issue:
    web-iv "INVDVDSD pick release discrete job"
    Located several bugs:
    However; none seem to provide a definitive explanation.
    Message was edited by:
    Bob Marchant

    Thx a lot for ur help dr.
    I have activated the material transaction interface and now the stock quantity has decreased.
    I just wish to confirm some points in the creation of the new Order Type.
    I have done the following setups:
    Order Category: Mixed
    Transaction type code: Order
    Fulfillment Flow: Order Flow - Generic
    Line workflow assignment: BO Line - Inventory Interface
    Default return line type: Credit Only Line
    Default order line type: BO Line - Inventory Interface
    Plz confirm if the setups parameters are ok especially the Default return line type: Credit Only Line
    Thanks a lot dr.

  • How to add new line in transact move order line

    i am able to update locaotr in Transact move order.
    But i want to add two locators for the same line.
    I tried to insert one more record in data base, but getting error unique index error.
    so how can we add new line in transact move order line .
    please help to slove this isse.
    Thanks In Advance

    the fact that your question is posted in Order Management section, does the move order automatically generated by OM?
    nevertheless, i don't think you should (or allowed, in this case) to add a new line in transact move order. Transact move order only queries (not create records) the move order lines eligible to allocate and transact.
    So, I don't see why you need to add a new line in transact move order.
    You can, however, add a new line in the allocation of the lines, where for instance, you need to have half of the line allocated to one locator, and the other half to another locator

  • Approval hierarchies in INV: Move Order transactions

    The Inventory user requires APPROVAL Hierarchy in Mover Order Request form, same like Purchase Order and Requisition has in PO module.
    Is this possible in Inventory, with / without any Customizations?
    -- GT

    Pl see if MOS Doc 304846.1 (Pick Release Invalid Transfer Subinventory) can help here

  • Issue in Transact Move order while updating serial number

    Hi All,
    We need to perform sales order issue of items present in particular subinventory.
    I am successful in creating sales order having one item .
    I did the pick release of the order using the api ,wsh_picking_batches_pub.create_batch and wsh_picking_batches_pkg.submit_release_request to release the batch.
    A move order got created , now I need to allocate the serial number for processing the move order,I used the below script to update the line record with incoming start and end serial number.
    But the api is throwing error .
    -- Common Declarations
       l_api_version      NUMBER                                 := 1.0;
       l_init_msg_list    VARCHAR2 (2)                          := fnd_api.g_true    ;
       l_return_values    VARCHAR2 (2)                         := fnd_api.g_false;
       l_commit           VARCHAR2 (2)                         := fnd_api.g_false;
       x_return_status    VARCHAR2 (2);
       x_msg_count        NUMBER                                 := 0;
       x_msg_data         VARCHAR2 (255);
       -- WHO columns
       l_user_id          NUMBER                                 := -1;
       l_resp_id          NUMBER                                 := -1;
       l_application_id   NUMBER                                 := -1;
       l_row_cnt          NUMBER                                 := 1;
       l_user_name        VARCHAR2 (30)                          := 'OPERATIONS';
       l_resp_name        VARCHAR2 (30)          := 'MFG_AND_DIST_SUPER_USER_APS';
       -- API specific declarations
       l_header_id        NUMBER                                 := 0;
       l_trohdr_rec       inv_move_order_pub.trohdr_rec_type;
       l_trohdr_val_rec   inv_move_order_pub.trohdr_val_rec_type;
       l_trolin_tbl       inv_move_order_pub.trolin_tbl_type;
       l_trolin_val_tbl   inv_move_order_pub.trolin_val_tbl_type;
       x_trolin_tbl       inv_move_order_pub.trolin_tbl_type;
       x_trolin_val_tbl   inv_move_order_pub.trolin_val_tbl_type;
       x_trohdr_rec       inv_move_order_pub.trohdr_rec_type;
       x_trohdr_val_rec   inv_move_order_pub.trohdr_val_rec_type;
    -- Cursor to load Move Order Headers
    -- CURSOR c_mo_hdrs IS
    -- SELECT * FROM my_custom_move_order_hdrs ;
       fnd_global.apps_initialize (5939, 50625, 20003);
       mo_global.init ('INV');
       -- call API to create move order header
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Calling INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Get_Move_Order API');
       inv_move_order_pub.get_move_order (p_api_version_number      => l_api_version,
                                          p_init_msg_list           => l_init_msg_list,
                                          p_return_values           => l_return_values,
                                          x_return_status           => x_return_status,
                                          x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
                                          x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
                                          p_header_id               => 7360068,
                                          p_header                  => NULL,
                                          x_trohdr_rec              => l_trohdr_rec,
                                          x_trohdr_val_rec          => l_trohdr_val_rec,
                                          x_trolin_tbl              => l_trolin_tbl,
                                          x_trolin_val_tbl          => l_trolin_val_tbl
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Return Status: ' || x_return_status);
       IF (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error Message :' || x_msg_data);
       END IF;
       -- Print the Move Order Header/Lines to be processed
       IF (x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Header :'
                                || l_trohdr_rec.header_id
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.request_number
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.date_required
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.from_subinventory_code
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.header_status
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.organization_id
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.status_date
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.to_subinventory_code
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.transaction_type_id
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.move_order_type
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.operation
          l_trohdr_rec.from_subinventory_code := 'CustRet';
          --l_trohdr_rec.to_subinventory_code := 'Staging';
          l_trohdr_rec.operation := inv_globals.g_opr_update;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Header Update :'
                                || l_trohdr_rec.header_id
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.from_subinventory_code
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.to_subinventory_code
                                || ' '
                                || l_trohdr_rec.operation
          FOR i IN 1 .. l_trolin_tbl.COUNT
             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Line '
                                   || i
                                   || ': '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).line_id
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).line_number
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).line_status
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).organization_id
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).inventory_item_id
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).from_subinventory_code
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).to_subinventory_code
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).quantity
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).status_date
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).uom_code
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).operation
             l_trolin_tbl (i).from_subinventory_code := 'CustRet';
             --l_trolin_tbl (i).to_subinventory_code := 'Staging';
             --l_trolin_tbl (i).inventory_item_id := 19128;
             l_trolin_tbl (i).serial_number_start := '356030032497361';
             l_trolin_tbl (i).serial_number_end := '356030032497361';
             --l_trolin_tbl(i).quantity       := l_trolin_tbl(i).quantity
             l_trolin_tbl (i).operation := inv_globals.g_opr_update;
             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Line Updated'
                                   || i
                                   || ': '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).line_id
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).from_subinventory_code
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).to_subinventory_code
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).serial_number_start
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).serial_number_end
                                   || ' '
                                   || l_trolin_tbl (i).operation
          END LOOP;
       END IF;
       -- call API to create move order header
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Calling INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Process_Move_Order API');
                                           (p_api_version_number      => l_api_version,
                                            p_init_msg_list           => l_init_msg_list,
                                            p_return_values           => l_return_values,
                                            p_commit                  => l_commit,
                                            x_return_status           => x_return_status,
                                            x_msg_count               => x_msg_count,
                                            x_msg_data                => x_msg_data,
                                            p_trohdr_rec              => l_trohdr_rec,
                                            p_trohdr_val_rec          => l_trohdr_val_rec,
                                            p_trolin_tbl              => l_trolin_tbl,
                                            p_trolin_val_tbl          => l_trolin_val_tbl,
                                            x_trohdr_rec              => x_trohdr_rec,
                                            x_trohdr_val_rec          => x_trohdr_val_rec,
                                            x_trolin_tbl              => x_trolin_tbl,
                                            x_trolin_val_tbl          => x_trolin_val_tbl
       DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Return Status: ' || x_return_status);
       IF (x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success)
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error Message :' || x_msg_data);
       END IF;
    -- END LOOP;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Exception Occured :');
          DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (SQLCODE || ':' || SQLERRM);
    Error Log
    Calling INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Get_Move_Order API
    Return Status: S
    Header :7360068 7360067 15-JUL-13  7 281 15-JUL-13   3
    Header Update :7360068 CustRet  UPDATE
    Line 1: 6730069 1 7 281 19119  Staging 1 15-JUL-13 UN
    Line Updated1: 6730069 CustRet Staging 356030032497361 356030032497361 UPDATE
    Calling INV_MOVE_ORDER_PUB.Process_Move_Order API
    Inv Item Id19119
    Old Inv Item Id19119
    Inv Item Id-356030032497361
    Item Id
    Org Id281
    Serial Number356030032497361
    Return Status: E
    Error Message :INV_INV_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_N_ATTRIBUTE_Start serial number
    Please help to solve the issue.
    Shruti K. Nayak

    Hello Ganesh,
    Hope you have passes this issue.
    I am in the same boat, I need to find out the APIs to update the serial numbers on order at the time of allocation/transact move order step.
    Could you please help me with the process/steps/sample code involved in this.
    Thanks in advance!

  • Transact move order API for serial contril item in

    Hello Friends ,
    I need a Help from you , I am badly got struck up. I need to the transact move order part of O2C Cycle Using APIs.
    I Could complete the flow upto transact move orders, there i got struck up. Here i need to pass the serial numbers as some of the Items are serialized items.
    Can you plz suggest me.
    Its in Very Urgent.
    i am using version

    Hello Ganesh,
    Hope you have passes this issue.
    I am in the same boat, I need to find out the APIs to update the serial numbers on order at the time of allocation/transact move order step.
    Could you please help me with the process/steps/sample code involved in this.
    Thanks in advance!

  • Transaction showing move order  transfer transaction type.

    Hi Gurus,
    There was Internal Sales Order happened. And materail is transfered from one internal organization to other.
    And this sales order is closed now.
    But the particular transaction should have been sales order issue instead of move order transfer.
    Can you please help me onthis issue.
    RDBMS :
    Oracle Applications :

    I alos have the same issu , i have raised service request with oracle and it came ot dead end
    For some ISO Trnascation - I am getting move order transaction type
    The transaction type - action - sourcetype combination doesn't match on any of these transactions.
    64 28 4
    64 27 4
    64 1 4
    64 21 4
    Move order transfer has to be - 64 2 4
    It is clear that this is not getting updated correctly, and is a corruption.

  • Sales order stuck in interface with line status shipped in transaction form

    Hi All
    Can anyone tell me the reason for the sales orders getting stuck in the interface with line status Shipped in the shipping transaction form.
    I ran the Interface trip stop -SRS and mode All for this delivery Id. I checked the log file of it. The error showing in the log file is ORA-20001; ORA-20120 none of the Registers have Balances greater or equal to the excisable amount -> 350 or education cess amount ->7.
    Please tell me the set up where to check the register balances and how to proceed with this order. can we manually update the registers if required to process this order.
    Thanks in advance

    HOLD status
    This is an EOIO message whose predecessor was not processed successfully yet. The status is retained until all predecessors are delivered successfully. If a predecessor has the "System error" status and is restarted, all successors are also restarted provided that the delivery of the predecessor is successful.
    If a predecessor has the "canceled with errors" status, further processing is not possible in systems before Support Package 11 for the adapter framework and Support Package 10 for the adapter framework core patch 02. In higher version systems, the status of predecessors can only be set to "canceled with errors" in a manual way. Successors that have the "Holding" status can be restarted after you have set the "canceled with errors" status (see related note 811864).

  • API to update a allocation and transact move orders.

    Hi All,
    This is for R12 in INV org (NON WMS enabled). Is there a way to update the move order allocation for a pick wave to update the picked quantity and set the missing quantity action to Cycle Count?

    We have exact the same requirement here with serial controlled items.
    But you can refer to note 269144.1 firstly.

  • Auto allocation for a move order with an expired lot doesn't work

    Hello everyone,
    We are facing a major problem regarding the use of move orders for issuing expired lots.
    1. Create a move order. Fill in: Item, Qty, Source Subinv and Lot. Lot is expired.
    2. Approve move order.
    3. Run "Move Order Pick Slip" with "Autoallocate Unallocated lines".
    4. Open Transact Move Order Form. Try to transact.
    No allocations were created.
    If we check row and push "allocate" button result is still "None".
    Only way to finish the process is to open "View/Update Allocations" and pick a locator manually.
    We work with a lot of expired lots, and doing that manually is a lousy workaround.
    Does anyone know if that is standard functionality? Because documentation does not refer this issue.

    See also:

  • Best practice - over issue of move orders in WIP

    Hi Business analyst guru's,
    I am working for a electronics manufacturing industry. I am trying to use work orders functionality across our organizations. I am stuck with a logic. Please advise me what you do in this scenario.
    BoM : I have a a board assembly which requires 10 components say one of each component on BoM.
    all component's WIP supply type is push, Supply subinventory blank for all BoM components
    Release backflush components is not enabled in WIP parameters.
    one fine day I want to build 100 board assemblies and created the work order for 100, and released the move order through compoentn pick release form with transaction type as WIP component issue.
    Now the warehouse picker went into warehouse to pick 100 of each component with a move order with 10 lines on it. 2 components are in reels which he can not split the reel and split reel can not be used in production floor (reel size is 1000). He can issue 1000 against on the move order
    Now all the material went into production and build the assembly by 100 units. But two reels are left over with 900 of each. here I can do a WIP component return against the job.
    But expectation is if I want to build another work order (say qty by 100 again) this 900 of two components should be available for the next work order. If I do component pick release, the move order should request only 8 components.
    Is this possible? If not what is the best practice to avoid WIP return transaction and avoid splitting the reel size?

    1) If you have these items as Push, you will get a move order line for 100. Therefore, even if you move a whole reel the floor, only 100 will get transacted out of warehouse. Someone will have to manually transact additional 900 to the floor otherwise your inventory accuracy will go for a toss.
    Have you considered making those items pull?
    1) As and when the worker needs reel, he raises a signal. (different ways of doing this - could be Oracle kanban, could be a visual signal, could be a holler - whatever works for you)
    2) You transfer 1000 to the fllor
    3) As and when jobs complete, the 100 units get issued to work order
    4) Whatever is left over (say 800 after the 2 work orders) and not needed is transferred back to warehouse and you do a subinv xfer transaction.
    2) If you can't make them pull, then you will be forced to move the 900 back to warehouse when the first job is done.
    3) If you can't make them pull, you do a component pick release (CPR) for multiple jobs at a time? You can group your pick tickets by destination operation. This way, upon component release, you will have 1 move order line with qty =200. The picker transacts the move order line for 200 and a subinv xfer to WIP for 800.
    4) Here is the best case scenario. Don't know if your floor layout or factory processes will support this.
    You make the items pull on BOM. You have a temporary holding area on the floor (aka supermarket) . When operator needs the item, a visual signal is raised. The supervisor (aka spider) checks the supermarket and brings a reel to the operator. Upon completing the job(s), whatever is left of the reel goes to the supermarket. Once the reel is no more needed for the day (or week or month), you do a subinv xfer from supermarket to warehouse of whatever is left. The components get issued to work order upon completion (of operation/assembly).
    Do the best you can out of this scenario. :)
    Sandeep Gandhi

  • Reservation on Move Order

    I wanted to reserve some quantity in the particular sub inventory (which is transactable) for few days. No transactions will not be happened against those reserved quantity.
    We cant create sales order for this as there are many items in the list.
    Once my activity is done, i will move the on-hand into some other sub inventory.
    Before moving into some other sub inventory, no transactions will be created for those quantity.
    have tried to create move order and allocated to it. Still those quantity can be consumed.
    Is there any way or create move Order with different type for this Quantity to reserve.
    Please suggest.

    Hi ,
    Hope the below will suffice for your requirement:
      1) Create a material status with the below:
            a) Uncheck the options Allow Reservations , Include in ATP
            b) And assign Usage to 'Subinventory' and disallow all the transactions except 'Transfer material between subinventories'.
      2) Assign this material status to the subinventory used for 'Quality Inspection'
      With the help of the above setup,the quantity transferred to 'Quality Inspection' subinventory cannot be  used in any of the transactions(except subinventory Transfer) as the quantity is not reserved.
    If you feel the solution is correct,plz select is as 'Correct Answer'

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