Using bridge patterns

Hello all,
I need suggestions from you all regarding the usage of bridge pattern in my problem. My xml file contains an element which when read gives the datatype like varchar , longint. etc..... for each of these i want to give them java types. Like in place for varchar i want to use string. my java class file uses these many times. so i want to create another class where all these mappings will be present. These mappings will be 2 dimentional.... like i should be able to define my datatype also according to defferent databases like db2, oracle etc.
These mappings will help me reduce redundancy in my java code for reading the types .... coz otherwise there will be too many if else statements to replace each datatype name with my defined string.
i want to use bridge pattern for this. please someone help me to implement it for my above problem.

Hello all,
I need suggestions from you all regarding the usage of bridge pattern in my problem. My xml file contains an element which when read gives the datatype like varchar , longint. etc..... for each of these i want to give them java types. Like in place for varchar i want to use string. my java class file uses these many times. so i want to create another class where all these mappings will be present. These mappings will be 2 dimentional.... like i should be able to define my datatype also according to defferent databases like db2, oracle etc.
These mappings will help me reduce redundancy in my java code for reading the types .... coz otherwise there will be too many if else statements to replace each datatype name with my defined string.
i want to use bridge pattern for this. please someone help me to implement it for my above problem.

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  • Can someone help me clarify a bridge pattern?

    So I have this qualm about bridge patterns. A professor I have is telling me I should never be doing switch statements in my driver if I'm using bridge patterns (except for at object creation), but I think he's wrong and I want to clarify when I think you're going to have to use one of two faux pas.
    Let's take a look at the good old Shape example. So we have a Square and a Circle and we want them to be able to draw themselves. The square uses two points (top left, and bottom right let's say) to draw itself and the Circle uses a center point and a radius to draw itself. It's obvious we need a switch statement at creation to determine which one we're making. My question then comes in, what about when we edit it? Let's say we want to change the points in the rectangle or the point/radius on the circle. We'd either need to do one of two things:
    a) if we put our editShape function in our driver class, we'd have to do a switch to see what type of shape we're editing before we can find out if we need to get input for two points or if we need to get input for a point and a radius length, and then pass that to our edit functions within the objects themselves.
    b) the other option requires we have both objects contain an editShape function (which would probably be an abstract method within Shape that we'd override) and each object would implement them different. Within this function, the object itself is displaying prompts and getting input.
    A is clearly not the right choice, because it results in high coupling and we're having to switch on our objects and we'd have to change the code every time we add new shape classes. B makes sense because we can just call Shape.editShape() from the driver and depending on which type it is it will ask for the proper input from within the object. However, I thought it was bad practice to have input (specifically prompts and scan reads) from within an object.
    Is this where the bridge class comes into play? For example, would I have a ShapeIO class (which could then have an extended ShapeIOConsole class possibly vs a ShapeIOFile class that would read input from a file?) that would contain the prompting from there? And then that class would handle all possible inputs I'd be prompting for?
    E.G. ShapeIOConsole.getPoint() would have the scanner and prompting calls and would return a Point while my Shape.editShape for Square would just call ShapeIO.getPoint() (assuming I have a ShapeIO object within Shape that's been instantiated as a ShapeIOConsole object) to get two points and my Shape.editShape for Circle would call a ShapeIO.getPoint() and a ShapeIO.getRadius? This would mean anytime I have a new Object that has a new type of property to get input for, I'd have to add a function to my ShapeIO, right?
    Anyways, I hope that made some sort of sense. I guess my question is am I correct in most of what I said, if I even said it clear enough for anyone to understand it ^^.

    benirose wrote:
    Thanks for your reply lance! I have a few responses if it's not too much trouble:None at all.
    That isn't obvious to me at all. Why do you need a switch?
    I would assume you need a switch statement because you need to know what constructor to call, right? For example if you have Shape myShape, wouldn't you need to determine if you're instantiating that as a Square or Circle? I mean you could do it with if statements and not a switch, but you'd need to conditionalize (is that a word?!) the creation, correct?Presumably something has caused the need to instantiate a particular shape. Let's suppose that the action that caused it was that a user pressed a button on a GUI. Now presumably there is a button for a new circle and another button for a new square. Each of these buttons can have their own event handler. The event handler for the 'New Circle' button can instantiate a new circle (or call something else that does it) and the event handler for 'New Square' can instantiate a new square (or call something else that does it). Where does the conditional logic come in?
    It could be that your user interface is a text based list of items to create, and the user has to type a number to choose. In this case, you might need to do some conditional logic, yes.
    Of course there are times when context is not given or insufficient. Often at the fringes of systems, when interacting with other systems, you need to determine what kind of message you've been given before processing it. But even then, there are usually better ways than lots of conditional logic (dispatch tables, for example).
    Having said all of that, I have worked on a system where a GUI had something like 150 different buttons / menu items / other things that could cause actions to occur. The original developer had decided to give each of these things a number so that he could save himself the bother of creating a new ActionListener or whatever for each item, and routed every action through the same switch statement to try to recover the information he'd just thrown away. Bizarre.
    You could use a visitor rather than doing a switch.
    I don't really know much about the visitor class, but I'll give it a look.
    I assume you mean 'from within a "domain model" class'. I think the bad practice you're referring to is the failure to separate model concerns from view concerns (or, more generally, the failure to separate the concerns of different domains).
    Yeah, I suppose so. I just don't see many classes asking for it's own input, you usually pass it from the driver class. There's no editString() function which asks for input of a new string, you do that in the driver and then set the new string.Try not to think in terms of a 'driver'. This suggests procedural thinking. Think instead of a collaborating eco-system of objects where one object may delegate to another to do some work on it's behalf. The delegator may, when delegating, also give the delegate something that it might find useful to do its work (such as a means of obtaining data or something that it can further delegate some of the work to). If you do it right, the delegate only sees an abstraction appropriate to its place in the eco-system, behind which could exist any number of implementations. If you're just starting out, this may seem a bit heady. Don't worry about it, it'll come...
    I wouldn't necessarily do any of it this way; I'm only trying to address your question about Bridge. It probably is a good idea to go and talk to your professor again. If you do, come back here and tell us what he said...
    Yeah, I'm not sure I'd do it this way either, but the assignment is a Survey taking program, and the basic implementation was to have an abstract Question class which has a two level inheritence tree of MultipleChoice, Essay, and Matching inheriting from Question, and TF, Short Answer, and Ranking inheriting from MC, Essay, and Matching respectively. So our Survey class would have a Vector of Questions, which is fine, but he said we couldn't do any conditioning to see what type of Question we have, and that we should just be able to make calls to abstract functions in Question that will handle everything.It sounds like he's trying to get you to put behaviour into the Question subclasses, rather than having it in the Survey (i.e. to do what I said above :-). This may feel a bit strange at first, and you might be saying to yourself 'I thought OO was supposed to model the real world, but a question doesn't do anything in the real world'. One of the core concepts in OO is that if you find yourself doing something to an object in the real world, then ask the object to do it for you in your model. That way, system intelligence gets distributed evenly throughout your model.
    You do run into odd issues though. For example, in a library, suppose you have a book and a bookshelf. Supposing the book has just been returned to the library, should the book now goBackToShelf(), or should the shelf receiveBook(). It might even be both under some circumstances. It could also be neither, if you decide that a Librarian is part of your model. But be careful about doing that. You could get all of your behaviour concentrated in the Librarian with everything else in the system being dumb containers of data (some might argue that would be a good thing).
    On a side note, I know if you type a variable with the abstract class (E.G. Question) and then instantiate it as an inherited class (E.G. MC), you can only make calls to the abstract functions (at least Eclipse tells me so). Is it the same way with an interface? What if my Question class wasn't abstract, then I should be fine, right?You can only make calls to the methods declared by Question and it's supertypes (it doesn't matter whether those methods are abstract or not). This is the same for interfaces and it would also be the same if Question was not abstract. The reason is that when you have a declaration like this
    Question question;you are defining a variable called 'question' of type Question. The only things you can ask 'question' to do are those things that its type knows about, which are the methods declared by Question and it's supertypes. The fact that 'question' refers to an object of some subclass of Question doesn't matter. All that matters is the type of the variable, which is Question.

  • Question about bridge pattern

    its definition is "decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently". I don't understand what "abstraction and the implementation vary independently" really mean and how .
    Before another question pls see the below class diagram of bridge pattern:
    My question is whether not using abstraction and just keeping implementation hierarchy can do the same thing? Interface and its implementation itself(polymorphism) can make extending easily and be well subject to open-closed principle,can't they?
    Sorry for my bad English.
    Edited by: fxbird on 2011-7-17 上午5:13

    fxbird wrote:
    jschell wrote:
    fxbird wrote:
    I think it's very common in j2ee development. Certainly isn't if someone is using a container.
    If someone is creating a container then I would suspect that such a pattern might be useful.
    However if someone is creating a container then there are going to be a lot of useful patterns. And lot of classes as well.
    And in total of the entire scope of creating a container the bridge would be a very small part.
    So it certainly isn't going to be "common".Hello jschell , what do you mean by 'container'? You phrased your comment about J2EE. A common idiom is to refer to a J2EE (actually newer name is JEE) server as a JEE container. Not sure why specifically that word is used but maybe because such servers are said to 'contain' applications.
    In my previous reply, the architecture I mentioned is ss(spring+struts2.x),the pattern I mentioned is a standard way. You either do not understand what I said or you do not understand what happens in those implementations.
    If I have 100,000 classes and 3 of them are implementing the bridge pattern then it is not "common".
    If I have 100,000 classes and 3,000 of them implement many bridge patterns (and not generated) then one could say it is "common".
    And having done some JEE applications I seriously doubt there is an implicit need to use the bridge pattern.
    The bridge pattern is intended to deal with a complex situation. Since there are more simple JEE applications than complex ones then it seems unlikely that there is a "common" need for it in JEE applications.
    Actual I've not been understood why it's used this way---define business interface, from my perspective, it doesn't have to define it, simply writing a business class and calling dao method is enough. I assume bo interface thing is a bridge pattern.I don't know why they would use the bridge pattern nor even if they really do. I wouldn't be surprised that it is used and I can also suppose that the use would be a good idea. Although it is quite possible as well that it is used incorrectly in some places.

  • Bridge Patterns

    Hope someone can help. I'm very new to java programming so forgive me if I'm a little vague.
    I need to write some code that uses a bridge pattern to write a name (hard coded or passed by args) and a decimal figure (hard coded or passed by args) to either a flat file or a database.
    The code should also be able to retrieve these values.
    Any tips or code snippets would be appreciated.

    The actual code.
    Assume I want to write a name and a balance to either
    a flat file or a database. I will also want to
    retrieve name and balance from either the file or the
    database.Ok, I've assumed that - so do I now assume that you're asking how to do these things? And you want actual code? Yeah - about that. The "actual code" likely won't help you, 'cause you won't understand it and then the forum will be flooded with a million more questions about JDBC drivers and/or file IO - and that's no good. Why don't you give it a shot, then post "actual code" here if you run into "actual problems"
    Good Luck

  • I am using the pattern stamp tool. when i select my pattern it adds a hatching to teh source pattern and copies that hatching to the destination image

    I am using the pattern stamp tool. when i select my pattern it adds a hatching to the source pattern and copies that hatching to the destination image

    Please post screenshots to illustrate what you are talking about.

  • "Not using a pattern recognized by the GSA table invalidation mechanism" warning (many-to-many items relationships)

    I'm getting such warnings on server startup:
    12:57:33,241 WARN  [StoreRepository] Warning - table: store_user appears in item descriptors: store and user but not using a pattern recognized by the GSA table invalidation mechanism.  Cached values from this table will not be updated when user's properties are modified.  These properties for this table are: [storeUsers]
    12:57:33,241 WARN  [StoreRepository] Missing a src id property in item-descriptor user's table named store_user whose column-names are store_id
    12:57:33,242 WARN  [StoreRepository] Missing a dst id property in item-descriptor store's table named store_user whose column-names are user_id
    12:57:33,242 WARN  [StoreRepository] Missing a dst multi property in item-descriptor store's table named store_user whose column-name is store_id
    12:57:33,242 WARN  [StoreRepository] Warning - table: store_user appears in item descriptors: user and store but not using a pattern recognized by the GSA table invalidation mechanism.  Cached values from this table will not be updated when store's properties are modified.  These properties for this table are: [userStores]
    12:57:33,243 WARN  [StoreRepository] Missing a src id property in item-descriptor store's table named store_user whose column-names are user_id
    12:57:33,243 WARN  [StoreRepository] Missing a dst id property in item-descriptor user's table named store_user whose column-names are store_id
    12:57:33,243 WARN  [StoreRepository] Missing a dst multi property in item-descriptor user's table named store_user whose column-name is user_id
    Here's repository definition file:
    <item-descriptor name="user" id-space-name="user" display-name="User" display-property="name">
      <table name="user_tbl" type="primary" id-column-name="user_id">
           <property name="id" column-name="user_id" data-type="string" display-name="Id">
                <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
           <property name="name" column-name="user_name" data-type="string" display-name="Name">
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
      <table name="store_user" type="multi" id-column-names="user_id" multi-column-name="store_id">
           <property name="userStores" display-name="User Stores" data-type="map" column-names="email" component-data-type="string">
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
                <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
    <item-descriptor name="store" id-space-name="store" display-name="Store" display-property="name">
      <table name="store_tbl" type="primary" id-column-name="store_id">
           <property name="id" column-name="store_id" data-type="string" display-name="Id">
                <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
           <property name="name" column-name="store_name" data-type="string" display-name="Name">
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
      <table name="store_user" type="multi" id-column-names="store_id" multi-column-name="user_id">
           <property name="userStores" display-name="User Stores" data-type="map" column-names="email" component-data-type="string">
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
                <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
    I'll appreciate it, if someone tell me what's wrong with my definition.
    Thank you in advance,

    Hi Jurii,
    You are right about ATG docs do not have info about M-M that can fit into your requirement. So we have to give it a try :-)
    Please try with the below definition to see it it works.
    user_tbl and store_tbl - no changes
    store_user table has three columns - user_id, store_id and email
    <item-descriptor name="user" id-space-name="user" display-name="User" display-property="name">
      <table name="user_tbl" type="primary" id-column-name="user_id">
           <property name="id" column-name="user_id" data-type="string" display-name="Id">
                <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
           <property name="name" column-name="user_name" data-type="string" display-name="Name">
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
      <table name="store_user" type="multi" id-column-names="user_id">
           <property name="store" display-name="Stores" data-type="set" column-names="store_id" component-item-type="store"/>
        <property name="email" display-name="User Store Email" data-type="set" column-names="email" component-data-type="string"/>
    <item-descriptor name="store" id-space-name="store" display-name="Store" display-property="name">
      <table name="store_tbl" type="primary" id-column-name="store_id">
           <property name="id" column-name="store_id" data-type="string" display-name="Id">
                <attribute name="uiwritable" value="false" />
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
           <property name="name" column-name="store_name" data-type="string" display-name="Name">
                <attribute name="propertySortPriority" value="-1" />
      <table name="store_user" type="multi" id-column-names="store_id">
           <property name="user" display-name="Users" data-type="set" column-names="user_id" component-item-type="user"/>
        <property name="email" display-name="User Store Email" data-type="set" column-names="email" component-data-type="string"/>
    Gopinath Ramasamy

  • 3-1674105521 Multiple Paths error while using Bridge Table
    Customer Smiths Medical International Limited
    Description: Multiple Paths error while using Bridge Table
    1. I have a urgent customer encounterd a design issue and customer was trying to add 3 logical joins between SDI_GPOUP_MEMBERSHIP and these 3 tables (FACT_HOSPITAL_FINANCE_DTLS, FACT_HOSPITAL_BEDS_UTILZN and FACT_HOSPITAL_ATRIBUTES)
    2. They found found out by adding these 3 joins, they ended with circular error.
    [nQSError: 15001] Could not load navigation space for subject area GXODS.
    [nQSError: 15009] Multiple paths exist to table DIM_SDI_CUSTOMER_DEMOGRAPHICS. Circular logical schemas are not supported.
    In response to this circular error, the developer was able to bypass the error using aliases, but this is not desired by client.
    3. They want to know how to avoid this error totally without using alias table and suggest a way to resolve the circular join(Multiple Path) error.
    Appreciated if someone can give some pointer or suggestion as the customer is in stiff deadline.

    The strange thing compared to your output is that I get an error when I have table prefix in the query block:
    Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    Master table "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
    ORA-31693: Table data object "SYSADM"."TMP3" failed to load/unload and is being skipped due to error:
    ORA-38500: Unsupported operation: Oracle XML DB not present
    Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" completed with 1 error(s) at Fri Dec 13 10:39:11 2013 elapsed 0 00:00:03
    And if I remove it, it works:
    Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    Master table "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" successfully loaded/unloaded
    Processing object type TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA
    . . imported "SYSADM"."TMP3"                             5.406 KB       1 out of 2 rows
    Job "SYSTEM"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" successfully completed at Fri Dec 13 10:36:50 2013 elapsed 0 00:00:01
    PS: as you can see, I'm on, I do not have that you seem to use.

  • Photo Gallery using Bridge CS4 - trying to follow instructions, but no luck

    I'm running Photoshop CS4 Extended, and am trying to figure out how to create a Photo Gallery.
    Adobe instructions for using Bridge to create a photo gallery say this:
    Adobe Output Module provides a variety of templates for your gallery, which you can select using the Output panel. Each template has one or more style options, which you can select and customize to suit your needs.
    Important: Though gallery previews display a maximum of 10 files, your complete gallery will appear when you save or upload it.
    Select the files or the collection or folder that contains the images you want to include in the web gallery.
    Choose Window > Workspace > Output.
    If the Output workspace is not listed, select Adobe Output Module in Startup Scripts preferences.
    (1)In Bridge, there is no such item as Output under Window > Workspace.
    (2)In Photoshop, there is no such item as "Startup Scripts" in Edit  > Preferences.
    (3)In the Adobe CS4 Sample Scripts/JavaScript directory, there is no such item as Adobe Output Module.
    There must be some other secret that the instructions forgot to mention... but what IS it???

    Finally noticed I was running Bridge CS3 --- my old shortcut apparently still pointed to that version, even though I do have CS4 installed.
    When I launch Bridge from within Photoshop, version CS4 does come up.
    Will now go explore further, using the proper release...

  • Problem using Bridge Photo Downloader with new camera

    I have the new Olympus E5. I can't use the Photo Downloader in Bridge for RAW files. It doesn't convert the ORF ( RAW ) files to dng.

    No, in the last several versions of PSE for mac prior to PSE 9, Adobe Bridge was included for keywording and such. The version of bridge that ships with the big Creative Suite programs includes the full Adobe Raw Converter, the one you get with full Photoshop. Elements has always had a somewhat cut down version of the Adobe raw converter--same basic plug-in, but doesn't have all the features enabled.
    In PSE 8, for some reason the full features were not disabled in the version of bridge that ships with PSE (prior to that opening a file into the bridge converter showed you exactly the same features you got if you just opened a raw file directly into the PSE Editor's version of the converter). However, that was just a one-time thing. (I'm guessing they ran out of time or something).
    But all versions of Elements include their own raw converter, with the smaller feature set, whether or not you use Bridge or Organizer. If you don't use bridge or organizer, you can open a raw file into the Elements editor by using File>Open, and that will bring up the PSE converter window.
    In PSE 9, Adobe has stopped shipping any version of bridge, and now includes a version of the Organizer that windows PSE users have been getting. But you can still use bridge if you have it from PSE 8, only you can't update it anymore. You can still update the raw converter in PSE itself.

  • Why not use Bridge CS4 with PsCS3?

    I will post this on both the Bridge and Ps User-to-User forums as it applies to both.
    I have PsCS3 and PsCS4 installed side by side in the default folders assigned by Adobe but have shifted my Bridge CS4 Cache (containing all the thumbnails and previews) from C:Documents and Settings\etc to a subfolder within My Documents, which I had previously moved to my F: drive - my main data drive.
    I have found Bridge CS4 to be much more stable than Bridge CS3. Additionally, Bridge CS4 has certain features which make it more attractive and easier to use than Bridge CS3. I want to use Bridge CS4 in conjunction with PsCS3 until Adobe has sorted out the problems with PsCS4 - which at the moment is simply unuseable on my rather old and humble system.
    On my system, I seem to be able to use Bridge CS4 with PsCS3 without any problems detected so far. I even have things set up such that any JPEG, TIFF or PSD file double clicked within Bridge CS4 or within Windows Explorer (Win XP Pro SP3) automatically opens the file in PsCS3 and not PsCS4 (provided, of course, that PsCS4 is not itself already running). Furthermore, even with PsCS3 running beside Bridge CS4, from within Bridge CS4 I can open any RAW, JPEG or TIFF file in Camera Raw 5.1 and use its new features (Adjustment Brush, Graduated Filter, extra vignetting capabilities, etcetera) which were not available in the last release of Camera Raw (4.6 I think) associated with PsCS3. The only problem comes when trying to open edits made in Camera Raw 5.1 in PsCS3 using the "Open Image" button in ACR - it does nothing/won't work, this is, it won't open the image with the ACR adjustments in PsCS3. That's not a big deal for me - as I am currently not doing any work within ACR (any version) and if I needed to I could simply save the ACR edits and then open the files in PsCS4, save the files as PSDs and then open them in PsCS3 to finalise them there.
    Has anyone else had a similar experience, or does anyone else know of any reason(s) why I should not continue to use this workflow, at least in the short term?

    I've been away. Thanks John, Bart and Buko for your responses. Think you misunderstood my post Bart, but it does not matter now. John got the correct message. Buko: of course CS3 cannot use ACR 5.x - that was implicit in my post.

  • After importing images from my card using LR 5.4, the GPS data does not show in the metadata panel. However, when I look at the imported images using Bridge, the GPS data is visible. Anybody know why LR is not seeing the GPS data? Camera is Canon 6D.

    After importing images from my card using LR 5.4, the GPS data does not show in the metadata panel. However, when I look at the imported images using Bridge, the GPS data is visible. Anybody know why LR is not seeing the GPS data? Camera is Canon 6D.

    Ok, the issue seem to be solved. The problem was this:
    The many hundred files (raw and xmp per image) have been downloaded by ftp in no specific order. Means - a couple of files in the download queue - both raw and xmps. Most of the time, the small xmp files have been finished loading first and hence the "last change date" of these xmp files was OLDER than the "last change date" of the raw file - Lightroom then seem to ignore the existence of the xmp file and does not read it during import.(a minute is enough to run into the problem)
    By simply using the ftp client in a way that all large raw files get downloaded first followed by the xmp files, we achieved that all "last changed dates" of the xmp files are NEWER than the related raw files. (at least not older)
    And then LR is reading them and all metadata information has been set / read correctly.
    So this is solved.

  • Can I use Bridge with PS Elements and not install Organizer?

    Can I omit installing the Organizer on Photoshop Elements and use Bridge instead?  I would like to upgrade my Elements 8 for Mac, but don't want to use Organizer that's part of newer Mac versions.  If I don't install Organizer, then I won't accidently catalog my files -- I like bare-bones Bridge for organizing.  Thanks for any feedback.  -- Robert

    PSE will recognize standard EXIF/ IPTC and XMP data, but anything more specific liek face recognition would depend on the Organzizer and its catalogues. If you don't need that or any otehr of the specific features, then using Bridge should do the trick...

  • Using Bridge and LR with same folders/files

    Having organized, edited and rated my photos using Bridge CS4 but recently started getting seriously into LR3 I still want to keep that file structure, either in a transitional period or indefinitely.
    I normally use Bridge to import the photos, then spend some time creating sub-folders (one folder per event), organizing them. I'm hoping that I can add those (already organized) folders into LR, but can't figure out how. I see how I can import the photos, but I don't want that as I want to keep them all in the same location (they're all organized on the hard drive as I want them), just have LR "see" them so I can further edit and rate them. How do I do that?
    I also want LR to understand and see the edits I've made to my RAW files as well as my ratings, keywords etc.
    Are there other things I should keep in mind when having my photos work with both Bridge and LR?

    It's possible to work the way you do, but with Lr it's a bit awkward, particularly if you start editing (developing) your images in Bridge.
    You ask: " I'm hoping that I can add those (already organized) folders into Lr, but can't figure out how."
    You have to import the images. Without importing nothing can happen in Lr.
    So, open the Import Dialog. If it shows only the small window of the Import Dialog, click on the triangle in the bottom left corner, to expand the window.
    On the left side you'll see the <Source> panel. navigate to the folder in question and click on it to select it. You will see all images in this folder in the main window of the Import Dialog.
    Then in the top center of the Import Dialog select <Add>.
    <Add> is for importing images that are already on the hard drive and you do not want to change their location.
    <Move> is for importing images that are already on the hard drive and you do want to change their location.
    <Copy> is for importing images from camera / memory card.
    By selecting <Add> Lr will import the images in their present folder and will display the folder.
    Your Bridge edits will also be imported because on import Lr reads the image file and the xmp-file where Bridge has stored the metadata of your edits.
    But this is true only for import. Should you then decide for an image that has been imported in Lr to edit it in Bridge again, these edits would not automatically be visible in Lr. This is so because with imported images Lr stores all edits in its catalog, and does not display the metadata from the xmp-file where Bridge saves edits.
    But you can make Lr read and display these additional Bridge-edits by doing a <read metadata from file>. But this is problematic because <reading metadata from file> will overwrite any Lr edits.
    So you see that because of the fact that Lr works with its catalog while Bridge does not, editing images in Bridge and in Lr is a recipe for frustration. It can be done, but it's awkward and prone to mistakes.
    Therefore I would suggest to bite the bullet and henceforth use Lr as your only editor. Import images from camera in Lr, do all your editing in Lr.
    Since you are used to do edits in in Bridge Camera Raw, Lr will pose no big problems for you.
    But if you don't want to let go of Bridge right away, I'd suggest you do at least one thing: After importing the images in Lr refrain from further editing these images in Bridge.

  • Hi, I changed my credit card, so my monthly pâyment expired. Now I changed the credit card details online...but I still can't use bridge or photoshop. I tried everything I could do as suggested online...

    Hi, I changed my credit card, so my monthly pâyment expired. Now I changed the credit card details online...but I still can't use bridge or photoshop. I tried everything I could do as suggested online...
    Can you help me asap?

    Unfortunately, only Adobe customer service can assist you with your issue. These are user forums; you are not addressing Adobe here.
    Click on the link below, and after that click on "Still need Help? Contact us."
    Then on the next page, click Chat
    There is also a phone option. activation

  • Can I use Bridge to export image data into a .txt file?

    I have a folder of images and I would like to export the File Name, Resolution, Dimensions and Color Mode for each file into one text file. Can I use Bridge to export image data into a .txt file?

    You may try the following AppleScript script. It will ask you to choose a root folder where to start searching for *.map files and then create a CSV file named "out.csv" on desktop which you may import to Excel.
    set f to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the root folder to start searching")'s POSIX path
    if f ends with "/" then set f to f's text 1 thru -2
    do shell script "/usr/bin/perl -CSDA -w <<'EOF' - " & f's quoted form & " > ~/Desktop/out.csv
    use strict;
    use open IN => ':crlf';
    chdir $ARGV[0] or die qq($!);
    local $/ = qq(\\0);
    my @ff = map {chomp; $_} qx(find . -type f -iname '*.map' -print0);
    local $/ = qq(\\n);
    #     CSV spec
    #     - record separator is CRLF
    #     - field separator is comma
    #     - every field is quoted
    #     - text encoding is UTF-8
    local $\\ = qq(\\015\\012);    # CRLF
    local $, = qq(,);            # COMMA
    # print column header row
    my @dd = ('column 1', 'column 2', 'column 3', 'column 4', 'column 5', 'column 6');
    print map { s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\").$_.qq(\"); } @dd;
    # print data row per each file
    while (@ff) {
        my $f = shift @ff;    # file path
        if ( ! open(IN, '<', $f) ) {
            warn qq(Failed to open $f: $!);
        $f =~ s%^.*/%%og;    # file name
        @dd = ('', $f, '', '', '', '');
        while (<IN>) {
            $dd[0] = \"$2/$1/$3\" if m%Link Time\\s+=\\s+([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})%o;
            ($dd[2] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of CODE\\s/o;
            ($dd[3] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of DATA\\s/o;
            ($dd[4] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of XDATA\\s/o;
            ($dd[5] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of FARCODE\\s/o;
            last unless grep { /^$/ } @dd;
        close IN;
        print map { s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\").$_.qq(\"); } @dd;
    Hope this may help,

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