Vendor Return after clearing the material fron Quality (UD)

All SAP Gurus,
We have created the PO.
Made the GR, material went for Quality inspection.
Material was suppose to be proper and so cleared from Quality inspection (QA32, that is UD has been made).
Now, we came to know that material is not as per the specification, so want  to return it  to the vendor.
How to do it?

HI Rajan ,
Create a return delivery with MBRL based on material document , automatically 122 will be triggered.
If you wish to return via delivery then additional settings are involved.(Also done through MBRL)
1. Maintain customer no in Vendor Master and Vendor No in Customer Master. In customer master Shipping cond.. to be maintained.
2. Sales view should exist for teh material with Loading grp maintained.
3. Shipping point to be assigned to Plant , Loading Grp and Shipping Conditions.
Ramesh Ch

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  • Dump is coming after Moving the request to Quality server.

    Dear All,
    Dump is coming in a ABAP code after moving the same to quality server.
    Kindly refer the attached screenshot.
    Kindly suggest.
    Thanks and Regards

    see the below code,
    I have changed the value of l_age1 TYPE bsid-dmbtr to l_age1 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2.
    *& Report  ZFIRDEBAGEING
    * 1. Program Name:ZFIRDEBAGEING             2.  Creation Dt:18/03/2013 *
    * 3. Module Name :FI                        4.  Modified Dt:2/04/2013  *
    * 5. Developer Name: Kallol Chakrabarty     6.  Modified By:           *
    * 7.Background / Online :Online             8. Trans Code : ZCAGE      *
    * 9. Frequency  : Regular    *
    * Request Number :            - Created                                *
    * Remarks : Customer Ageing Report                                     *
    REPORT zfirdebageing.
    TYPE-POOLS : slis.
    TABLES: bsid,bseg.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF tt_bsid,
              belnr TYPE belnr_d,
              gjahr TYPE gjahr,
              bukrs TYPE bukrs,
              dmbtr TYPE dmbtr,
              kunnr TYPE kunnr,
              budat TYPE budat,
              zfbdt TYPE dzfbdt,
              zterm TYPE dzterm,
              zbd1t TYPE dzbd1t,
              shkzg TYPE shkzg,
            END OF tt_bsid,
            BEGIN OF tt_bseg,
              belnr TYPE belnr_d,
              gjahr TYPE gjahr,
              bukrs TYPE bukrs,
              werks TYPE werks_d,
              prctr TYPE prctr,
              segment TYPE fb_segment,
            END OF tt_bseg,
            BEGIN OF tt_faglseg,
              langu TYPE spras,
              segment TYPE fb_segment,
              name TYPE text50,
            END OF tt_faglseg,
            BEGIN OF tt_cepct,
              spras  TYPE  spras,
              prctr  TYPE  prctr,
              ltext  TYPE  ltext,
            END OF tt_cepct,
            BEGIN OF tt_final,
              kunnr TYPE kunnr,
              segment TYPE fb_segment,
              name TYPE text50,
              prctr  TYPE  prctr,
              ltext  TYPE  ltext,
              name1 TYPE name1_gp,
              ort01 TYPE ort01_gp,
              age1 TYPE dmbtr,
              age2 TYPE dmbtr,
              age3 TYPE dmbtr,
              age4 TYPE dmbtr,
              age5 TYPE dmbtr,
              age6 TYPE dmbtr,
              age7 TYPE dmbtr,
              total TYPE dmbtr,
              total1 TYPE dmbtr,
              total2 TYPE dmbtr,
              zfbdt TYPE dzfbdt,
              zterm TYPE dzterm,
              zbd1t TYPE dzbd1t,
              budat TYPE budat,
            END OF tt_final,
            BEGIN OF tt_kna1,
              kunnr TYPE kunnr,
              name1 TYPE name1_gp,
              ort01 TYPE ort01_gp,
            END OF tt_kna1.
    DATA : wa_bsid TYPE tt_bsid,
            it_bsid TYPE TABLE OF tt_bsid,
            wa_bseg TYPE tt_bseg,
            it_bseg TYPE TABLE OF tt_bseg,
    "       wa_tmp1 TYPE tt_bseg, "Commented by ++KC 18.03.2013 after extended check
            it_tmp1 TYPE TABLE OF tt_bseg,
            wa_faglseg TYPE tt_faglseg,
            it_faglseg TYPE TABLE OF tt_faglseg,
            wa_cepct TYPE  tt_cepct,
            it_cepct TYPE TABLE OF tt_cepct,
            it_tmp TYPE TABLE OF  tt_bsid,
            wa_final TYPE tt_final,
            it_final TYPE TABLE OF tt_final,
            wa_final1 TYPE tt_final,
            it_final1 TYPE TABLE OF tt_final,
            wa_kna1 TYPE tt_kna1,
            it_kna1 TYPE TABLE OF tt_kna1.
    *& ALV Data Declaration                                                *
    DATA: it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv,
           is_layout   TYPE slis_layout_alv,
           wa_event    TYPE slis_alv_event,
           it_event    TYPE slis_t_event.
    SELECT-OPTIONS : s_kunnr FOR bsid-kunnr.
    PARAMETERS : p_bukrs TYPE bseg-bukrs OBLIGATORY,
                        p_dateon  TYPE bsid-budat DEFAULT sy-datum OBLIGATORY.
    SELECT-OPTIONS : s_werks FOR bseg-werks,
                        s_sgmnt   FOR  bseg-segment,
                        s_prctr   FOR  bseg-prctr.
    SELECT-OPTIONS : s_umskz FOR bsid-umskz.
    DATA: v_days TYPE string,
           v_date1 TYPE bsid-budat,
           v_date2 TYPE bsid-budat,
           v_date3 TYPE bsid-budat,
           v_date4 TYPE bsik-budat,
           v_date5 TYPE bsik-budat,
           v_date6 TYPE bsik-budat,
           v_date7 TYPE bsik-budat,
    *     l_age1 TYPE bsid-budat,
    *     l_age2 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
    *     l_age3 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
    *     l_age4 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
    *     l_age5 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
    *     l_age6 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
    *     l_age7 TYPE bsid-dmbtr,
           l_age1 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
           l_age2 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
           l_age3 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
           l_age4 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
           l_age5 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
           l_age6 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2,
           l_age7 TYPE p LENGTH 10 DECIMALS 2.
    CONSTANTS : v_age1(4) TYPE c VALUE 15 ,
                 v_age2(4)    TYPE c VALUE  30,
                 v_age3(4)    TYPE c VALUE  45,
                 v_age4(4)    TYPE c VALUE  90,
                 v_age5(4)    TYPE c VALUE  180,
                 v_age6(4)    TYPE c VALUE  360,
                 v_age7(4)    TYPE c VALUE  360.
       sy-title = 'CUSTOMER AGEING'.
    *--------------- S-T-A-R-T O-F S-E-L-E-C-T-I-O-N ----------------------*
       PERFORM get_data.
       PERFORM process_data.
       PERFORM alv_display.
    *&      Form  GET_DATA
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM get_data .
       SELECT  belnr
               FROM bsid INTO TABLE it_bsid
               WHERE kunnr IN  s_kunnr
               AND bukrs = p_bukrs
    *          AND zfbdt <= p_dateon
                   AND budat <= p_dateon
               AND umskz IN s_umskz.
       SELECT      belnr
                   WHERE kunnr IN  s_kunnr
                   AND bukrs = p_bukrs
                   AND augdt > p_dateon
                   AND umskz IN s_umskz.
       IF it_bsid[] IS NOT INITIAL.
         it_tmp[] = it_bsid[].
         SELECT kunnr
                ort01 FROM kna1 INTO TABLE it_kna1
                                      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_tmp
                                      WHERE kunnr = it_tmp-kunnr.
         SELECT belnr
                FROM bseg INTO TABLE it_bseg
                          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bsid
                          WHERE belnr = it_bsid-belnr
                          AND   gjahr = it_bsid-gjahr
                          AND   werks IN s_werks
                          AND   prctr IN s_prctr
                          AND   segment IN s_sgmnt
                          AND umskz IN s_umskz.
         IF it_bseg[] IS NOT INITIAL.
           it_tmp1[] = it_bseg[].
           SORT it_tmp1 BY segment.
           SELECT langu
                  FROM fagl_segmt INTO TABLE it_faglseg
                                  FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_tmp1
                                  WHERE langu = 'EN'
                                  AND segment = it_tmp1-segment.
           REFRESH it_tmp1.
           it_tmp1[] = it_bseg[].
           SORT it_tmp1 BY prctr.
           SELECT  spras
                   FROM cepct INTO TABLE it_cepct
                              FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_tmp1
                              WHERE spras = 'EN'
                              AND   prctr = it_tmp1-prctr.
    *&      Form  PROCESS_DATA
    *       text
    *  -->  p1        text
    *  <--  p2        text
    FORM process_data .
       v_date1 = p_dateon - v_age1.                              " 15 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
       v_date2 = p_dateon - v_age2.                              " 30 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
       v_date3 = p_dateon - v_age3.                              " 45 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
       v_date4 = p_dateon - v_age4.                              " 90 days  " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
       v_date5 = p_dateon - v_age5.                              " 180 days " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
       v_date6 = p_dateon - v_age6.                              " 360 days " Cnanges made by Jaiprakash
       v_date7 = p_dateon - v_age7.                              " 360 days " Changes made by Jaiprakash
       IF NOT it_bseg IS INITIAL.
    *    DELETE it_bseg FROM wa_bseg WHERE segment = ''.
         DATA: lv_add TYPE i.
         DATA: lv_date TYPE sy-datum.
         LOOP AT it_bsid INTO wa_bsid.
           wa_final-zterm = wa_bsid-zterm.
           wa_final-zbd1t = wa_bsid-zbd1t.
           CLEAR wa_bseg.
           READ TABLE it_bseg INTO wa_bseg WITH KEY belnr = wa_bsid-belnr.
           IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
             wa_final-segment = wa_bseg-segment.
             wa_final-prctr   = wa_bseg-prctr.
             IF wa_bsid-shkzg = 'H'.
               wa_bsid-dmbtr = -1 * wa_bsid-dmbtr.
             CLEAR wa_faglseg.
             READ TABLE it_faglseg INTO wa_faglseg WITH KEY segment = wa_final-segment.
             IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
               wa_final-name = wa_faglseg-name.
             CLEAR wa_cepct.
             READ TABLE it_cepct INTO wa_cepct WITH KEY prctr = wa_final-prctr.
             IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
               wa_final-ltext = wa_cepct-ltext.
    * Calculation for the age buckets of <15, <30, <45, <90, <180 , <360 and >360 days
    *        IF     wa_bsid-zfbdt <= p_dateon AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date1.
    *          l_age1 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age1.
    *        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date1 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date2.
    *          l_age2 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age2.
    *        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date2 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date3.
    *          l_age3 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age3.
    *        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date3 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date4.
    *          l_age4 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age4.
    *        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date4 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date5.
    *          l_age5 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age5.
    *        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date5 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date6.
    *          l_age6 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age6.
    *        ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date7.
    *          l_age7 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age7.
    *        ENDIF.
             IF     wa_bsid-zfbdt <= p_dateon AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date1.
               l_age1 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age1.
             ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date1 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date2.
               l_age2 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age2.
             ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date2 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date3.
               l_age3 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age3.
             ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date3 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date4.
               l_age4 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age4.
             ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date4 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date5.
               l_age5 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age5.
             ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date5 AND wa_bsid-zfbdt > v_date6.
               l_age6 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age6.
             ELSEIF wa_bsid-zfbdt <= v_date7.
               l_age7 = wa_bsid-dmbtr + l_age7.
             wa_final-kunnr = wa_bsid-kunnr.
             CLEAR wa_kna1.
             READ TABLE it_kna1 INTO wa_kna1 WITH KEY kunnr = wa_bsid-kunnr.
             IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
               wa_final-name1 = wa_kna1-name1.
               wa_final-ort01 = wa_kna1-ort01.
             lv_add = wa_final-zbd1t.
    *     lv_add = wa_final-zbd1t.
                 i_date      = wa_final-budat
                 i_days      = lv_add
    *           I_CALENDAR1 =
    *           I_CALENDAR2 =
                 e_date      = lv_date
    *           E_RETURN    =
             wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
             wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
             wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
             wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
             wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
             wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
             wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
             wa_final-total = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
    *          wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
    *          wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
    *          wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
    *          wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
    *          wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
    *          wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
    *          wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
    *         wa_final-total1 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
    *        wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
    *         wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
    *         wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
    *         wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
    *         wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
    *         wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
    *         wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
    *         wa_final-total1 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
             IF p_dateon GT lv_date.
               wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
               wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
               wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
               wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
               wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
               wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
               wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
               wa_final-total1 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
               wa_final-age1  = l_age1.
               wa_final-age2  = l_age2.
               wa_final-age3  = l_age3.
               wa_final-age4  = l_age4.
               wa_final-age5  = l_age5.
               wa_final-age6  = l_age6.
               wa_final-age7  = l_age7.
               wa_final-total2 = wa_final-age1 + wa_final-age2 + wa_final-age3 + wa_final-age4 + wa_final-age5 + wa_final-age6 + wa_final-age7.
             APPEND wa_final TO it_final.
             CLEAR: wa_final,l_age1,l_age2,l_age3,l_age4,l_age5,l_age6,l_age7.
       IF it_final IS NOT INITIAL.
         SORT it_final BY kunnr segment.
         LOOP AT it_final INTO wa_final.
           MOVE wa_final TO wa_final1.
           wa_final1-prctr = ''.
           wa_final1-ltext = ''.
           wa_final1-segment = ''.
           wa_final1-name = ''.
           wa_final1-zterm = ''.
           AT END OF name1.
             wa_final1-total = wa_final-total.
             wa_final1-total1 = wa_final-total1.
             wa_final1-total2 = wa_final-total2.
             wa_final1-age1 = wa_final-age1.
             wa_final1-age2 = wa_final-age2.
             wa_final1-age3 = wa_final-age3.
             wa_final1-age4 = wa_final-age4.
             wa_final1-age5 = wa_final-age5.
             wa_final1-age6 = wa_final-age6.
             wa_final1-age7 = wa_final-age7.
             COLLECT wa_final1 INTO it_final1.
             CLEAR wa_final1.
    **&      Form  ALV_DISPLAY
    **       text
    **  -->  p1        text
    **  <--  p2        text
    FORM alv_display .
       DATA : v_col TYPE i VALUE 1.
       CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
       v_col = v_col + 1.
       wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
       wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Customer Code'.
       wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'KUNNR'.
       wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
       wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
       wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
       APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
       CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
       wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
       wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Customer Name'.
       wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'NAME1'.
       wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
       wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
       wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
       APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
       CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
       v_col = v_col + 1.
       wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
       wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'City'.
       wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ORT01'.
       wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
       wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
       wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 35.
       APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    ***   CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    ***   v_col = v_col + 1.
    ***   wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
    ***   wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Payment Term'.
    ***   wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZTERM'.
    ***   wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
    ***   wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
    ***   wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
    ***   APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    *  CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    *  v_col = v_col + 1.
    *  wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
    *  wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'No. Of Days'.
    *  wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZBD1T'.
    *  wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
    *  wa_fieldcat-key       = 'X'.
    *  wa_fieldcat-outputlen = 14.
    *  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    * CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    * v_col = v_col + 1.
    * wa_fieldcat-col_pos   = v_col.
    * wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Baseline Date'.
    * wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ZFBDT'.
    * wa_fieldcat-tabname   = text-002.
    * wa_fieldcat-key       = '

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    From IMG, choose Materials Management>Purchasing>Foreign Trade/Customs>Preference Processing>Maintain Control Data of Vendor Declaration, after that you will find the status in the material master data.
    Good luck

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    You can create a Rule il.htm

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                    In a QM -Module for a particular material status is showing as "UD ICCO SPCO STUP" in QA32. Usage Decision is done for this particular item. But it is showing the stock in MMBE Tcode. Its unable to clear in QA32.
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    Since lot status is "UD ICCO SPCO STUP", the stock posting against that lot is already done.
    Is batch management active ? is so then check whether you are getting  stock of that batch in Quality in MMBE.
    Chances of some other lot for same material  having status SPRQ are more, go to QA32 put specific material  and select all lots, then apply the filter to status field  and search for SPRQ status availability. You will find some lots of same material  for which UD given but stock posting not made.
    Please check and revert.
    Best Regards,

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    Hi All,
    How we can enable the inspection while loading the material i.e at vendor's site, how we can enable the inspection while unloading the material at customer site.
    That is I exactly require an inspection set up to record the values after PO & before GR  and after PGI in sales. How do i enable the same/

    after PO & before GR
    1. make qm procurement active
    2. set a control key with delivery release, 01 inspection type active
    3. create q info record qi01 for that material , plant , vendor- in inspection control tab enter01 insp. type
    4. when po is created , go to qi07 select chedule line and click on inspection lot save
    5. qa32 check for source inspection lot, this will be non stock relevent u can record results and defects
    after PGI in sales
    1. activate insp. type 10
    2. create q info record for sales qv51- click on new info record.enter material and select after delivery
    3. when pgi is done it will create inspection lot for recording purpose

  • Phone won't see media files after clearing the data for SomcPhotoAnalyzer.apk

    Hello,My sister accidentally cleared the data for the PhotoAnalyzerService app (com.sonymobile.photoanalyzer 5.5.A.0.10) in the app manager on her Z2. That caused the Album app to disappear from the app drawr. Since then, she updated Album (com.sonyericsson.album) from the Play Store, and that caused the Album  icon to reappear in the app drawr. However, something is wrong with how media is handled by the phone now: Album now behaves like this:In Home: all photos inside the DCIM folder, BUT photos that were downloaded to the phone are missin.In Camera: only camera photos taken after the data was cleared.In Folders: shows nothing.When trying to edit an older camera photo it says "no application available."Additionally, all ringtones were rest to default, and selecting new ones is now impossible, either with Sound Picker or with ES File Explorer. Restarting the phone many times didn't help. The phone is running android 4.4.2 (Build 17.1.2.A.0.314). Any advice? Will a factory reset help? Anything other than a factory reset? (she won't be happy to lose everything on the phone...)  Edit: to be clear, the files that are missing from Album are still on the phone, and can be viewed with ES File Explorer, for example.

    You could try an app preferences reset Settings tap the 3 dots or options icon then Reset app preferences and then reboot and test - As for apps missing then try Settings then Apps then swipe to disabled to see if the app in question is there however if files are missing it could be that all data for that app was erased at the same time

  • KT6 Delta won't boot after clearing the BIOS

    I have just put together the machine as per my signature and run into a few problems. The XP 2800 mobile is not recognised as such but as a XP1800 when I set the FSB to 133. Am I right in saying this CPU should run at 1.65 volts as it seems to wants to run at 1.75. I changed the V Core to 1.65 and it boots ok but when I tried it at 1.6 it did not want to boot, ie no video output. I no longer get the single BIOS bleep and the monitor stays on standby. This has happened before and I got it running again by clearing the CMOS and reseating the RAM but this time I have done the same and it won't boot. Is there anything else I should be doing please. Many thanks.
    Having looked at the Socket A sticky I see that my diagnostic D bracket is showing 1,2 and 3 showing red and four not on at all which would seem to point at the graphics as being the problem.

    Voltages should be set to "CPU default" or similar. Your processor comes in different versions, try setting to 166 instead of 133. Always when changing processor one should clear CMOS, by powering off, unplugging power cable, and then move JBAT jumper for a short time, a minute or so.

  • Return Delivery when the material document has been archived

    Hi There,
    We have a situation in which we need to return some consignment material to a vendor because we don't need it anymore. We have 74 units in unrestricted stock. The thing is that the PO's material documents have been archived. This causes we can't do the return delivery using MIGO transaction.  
    Could someone tell me what options do I have?
    Thanks for your help.

    You can create a return purchase order to do that, just flag the checkbox "Return" in the PO item line.
    Good luck

  • No Power After Clearing the CMOS

    I have a 785GT-E63 motherboard.  I had accidentlly pressed the clear CMOS button instead of the power button.  There was power to the board.  After the clear CMOS button was pressed there is no power.  When I press the power button nothing happens.  Did I kill the motherboard????

    You do that to empty the capacitators and other motherboard componants from power, to be able to successfully clear CMOS.  ... Have a feeling something else has happened at the same time.

  • Web browsers working very slow after clearing the cache

    Hello, I'm hoping for some help with making my web browsers run normally again. I watched this video and followed some of the advice to create more space in my startup disk, mainly removing all website date from safari. After that though I noticed that my web browsers (Safari, Firefox) began running very slowly. Any suggestions?

    Is it running extremely slow? Like unbearably slow? Or just noticeably slow? If you cleared your cookies and cache files I would expect the web browsers to feel a bit slower than normal. Part of the reason your computer saves those particular files is to help the web browser load webpages that you've visited in the past quicker. Kinda like remembering a persons name, versus having to introduce yourself every single time you meet each other. (bad analogy, but it makes my point). Without those files, your computer will begin recreating all those files and "reintroducing" itself to each website.
    Now if your web browsers feel slow after a day or two, then perhaps something else is going on.

  • Creation of Shipment Document after Saving the Material Document in SAP ETM

    The SAP ETM (Equipment Tools Management) is active in the system.
    As per the process flow We need to create a material document say with movement type 501.
    The moment we save this document the system should create the Shipmenty Document in ETM.
    The required BADI's and the function modules are activated and the required linkages are also activated.
    Still the system does not behave as desired.
    Jeetendra Kulkarni
    Cell No: 9324616023

    Hi, Jeetendra Kulkarni!
    Force the same problem.
    At my Business Workplace get an outbox massage "CEM MM Integration"
    At WF see that Creating CEM ship. doc. failure cause no agent defined.
    But I assigned the following tasks:
       a) Standard task 80000088 Create ETM ShipDoc from MM Doc. Dialog.
       b) Standard task 80000087 ETM ShipDoc GR Try Again?
    for myself as object type US.
    What's wrong?
    Did you resolve this problem?
    Thanks in advance

  • When I hit return after typing, the cursor returns to the beginning of the sentence

    I open a new layer.
    I type my text
    I hit return'
    The cursor starts typing at the beginning of the sentence, typing right over the text I just finished.  It will not go to the next line.  I've been using PS since 2 and I have never seen this nor do I know what to do about it.

    starbird parrot wrote:
    Thank you.  I had no idea.  I do not believe I have ever touched that or even seen it.  I don't do a lot of text, I'm a photographer. Nor do I know what a leading value is...
    There are all sorts of gotchas in the Character panel.  That line of  T T TT Tt  at the bottom produce faux styles, for instance, so if you find all your text is capitalized, or strikethrough, you'll know where to look.  You'll notice I had vertical scale set to 118%?  Well I had forgotten that was set that way, and I will have been laying out distorted text because of it!  Purists frown upon changing a fonts aspect ratio that way, because it spoils a carefully designed font — they would say to find the right font for the job.  That is much easier than it used to be now we have TypeKit with its useful, and much appreciated filters.  Also be aware of the anti-aliasing at the bottom right corner, and also on the options bar when the Type tool is selected.  I think some users go years without realizing that is there, and then wonder why their text is all jagged.
    If you have a subscription, Nigel French has an excellent title called Photoshop for Designers — Type Effects.  Nigel also has a nice British accent, and a lot easier to listen to than some presenters.
    Watch the Online Video Course Photoshop for Designers: Type Effects
    Nigel has a whole raft of titles

  • Excise Part 2 not to be allowed till QC clears the material

    Dear All,
    I want to put validation like as
    GR done with Part 1 then it Goes to QC.Till the time they dont clear QC.Part 2 Should not be allowed

    Dear Ameya,
    In standard SAP it is nnot possible (meaning there is no setting).You can search for any user exit.
    Satish Purandare

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  • Classification check of an internal order during KO01 KO02 transactions

    Hi All, i need to check if some Classification fields of an internal order are been valued when i save the order during transaction KO01 and KO02. I'm focused on the user-exit EXIT_SAPLRKIO_002 because it stars at the save event. Can anyone help me?

  • Link utilization impact on responsiveness

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  • Problem in executing BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE

    Hello Experts, I have created STO. From STO  I have created an Inbound Delivery.Now I have to do PGR by using BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. I am passing   GOODSMVT_CODE  01 GOODSMVT_ITEM   Material   Plant   Storage Location   Batch   Move _Type - 109  (As m