View next record. Am failing.....

I am absolutely unable to go to the next record
in the datasource using the RowsetIterateTag
RowsetIterateTag detailIterator = (RowsetIterateTag)TagSupport.findAncestorWithClass(this, RowsetIterateTag.class);
if (detailIterator != null)
     currentRow = detailIterator.getRow();
// Now I want to compare the column value of the next row with
// current row
// How do I go to the next row?
// I have tried and tried using,but its protected
// So how shud i proceed from here?

By the way, I was successful with simply "next_record".
This way it was general and worked in all the forms in this application. Thanks again Frank.

Similar Messages

  • Keep the record in the view object if deletion failed.

    I have a view object which is based on the entity object, when I am trying to delete a row it failed because it has a child record associate with. I know the row is not delete from the database, but the record is deleted fromt the view.
    How to keep the record in the View object if delete failed?

    the row is not delete from the database,refresh the view . re-execute query and the view show the row

  • HCP tcode PA40 Upload program failing to move to next record.

    Dear All
    I have written and upload program for HCM tcode PA40 and the program is fine but only inserting one record and is failing to pick the next records in a loop. I dont know whats the problem i know the process have many screens, please help me, i have tried to research not yet found the answer yet.
    Thank you for your assistance
    Here is my Upload program
    include bdcrecx1.
    PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE  rlgrap-filename.
               x_endrow TYPE i .
    DATA:  xdate(10).
    DATA: Fullname type string.
    DATA:        x_begrow  TYPE i  VALUE 2,
                x_begcol  TYPE i VALUE 1,
                x_endcol  TYPE i VALUE 17,
                 x_endrow TYPE i VALUE 3.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_datatab  ,
           END OF t_datatab.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_datatabfinal OCCURS 0,
          END OF t_datatabfinal.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_record OCCURS 0,
            END OF it_record.
    DATA: itab LIKE alsmex_tabline OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
    gd_currentrow TYPE i,
    it_datatab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_datatab,
    wa_datatab TYPE t_datatab.
         FIELD_NAME          = 'P_FILE '
         FILE_NAME           = p_file.
        PROGRAM_NAME        = SYST-REPID
        FIELD_NAME          = ' '
        STATIC              = ' '
        MASK                = ' '
         FILE_NAME           =
        MASK_TOO_LONG       = 1
        OTHERS              = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
          filename    = p_file
          i_begin_col = x_begcol
          i_begin_row = x_begrow   "Column header not required
          i_end_col   = x_endcol
          i_end_row   = x_endrow
          intern      = itab.
    Sort table by rows and colums
      SORT itab BY row col.
    Get first row retrieved
      READ TABLE itab INDEX 1.
    Set first row retrieved to current row
      gd_currentrow = itab-row.
      clear: t_datatabfinal.
      refresh t_datatabfinal.
      LOOP AT itab.
      Reset values for next row
        IF itab-row NE gd_currentrow.
          APPEND wa_datatab TO t_datatabfinal.
          CLEAR wa_datatab.
          gd_currentrow = itab-row.
        concatenate sy-datum6(2)'.' sy-datum4(2)'.' sy-datum+2(4) into xdate .
        CASE itab-col.
          WHEN '0001'.
            wa_datatab-FromDate  = itab-value.
           concatenate wa_datatab-DocumentDate6(2)'.' wa_datatab-DocumentDate4(2)'.' wa_datatab-DocumentDate+2(4) into wa_datatab-DocumentDate.
          WHEN '0002'.
            wa_datatab-Reasonforaction     = itab-value.
          WHEN '0003'.
            wa_datatab-Position = itab-value.
          WHEN '0004'.
            wa_datatab-PersonalArea    = itab-value.
          WHEN '0005'.
            wa_datatab-EmployeeGroup    = itab-value.
          WHEN '0006'.
            wa_datatab-EmployeeSubGroup   = itab-value.
          WHEN '0007'.
            wa_datatab-SubArea         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0008'.
            wa_datatab-PayrolArea         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0009'.
            wa_datatab-Title         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0010'.
            wa_datatab-Lastname         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0011'.
            wa_datatab-Firstname         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0012'.
            wa_datatab-BirtDate         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0013'.
            wa_datatab-Nationality         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0014'.
            wa_datatab-Group         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0015'.
            wa_datatab-Level         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0016'.
            wa_datatab-BankKey         = itab-value.
          WHEN '0017'.
            wa_datatab-BankAccount         = itab-value.
          WHEN OTHERS.
       APPEND    wa_datatab to t_datatabfinal.
      clear: it_record.
      refresh it_record.
      loop at t_datatabfinal into it_record.
        append it_record.
      perform open_group.
      loop at it_record.
        concatenate it_record-Firstname it_record-Lastname into Fullname separated by space.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMP50A' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'RP50G-EINDA'
                                      it_record-FromDate. "" '01012012'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'RP50G-SELEC(02)'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000000' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-BEGDA'
                                      it_record-FromDate. "" '01.01.2012'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-ENDDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-MASSN'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0000-MASSG'
                                      it_record-Reasonforaction. "" '01'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-PLANS'
                                      it_record-Position. "" '99999999'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-WERKS'
                                      it_record-PersonalArea.   " 'm003'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-PERSG'
                                      it_record-EmployeeGroup. "" 'a'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'PSPAR-PERSK'
                                      it_record-EmployeeSubGroup. "" '02'.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000100' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-BEGDA'
                                      it_record-FromDate. ""'01.01.2012'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-ENDDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-BTRTL'
                                      it_record-SubArea.        "" 'mm01'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-ABKRS'
                                       it_record-PayrolArea.    "" 'Z2'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0001-PLANS'
                                      it_record-Position. ""'99999999'.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000200' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-BEGDA'
                                      it_record-FromDate. ""'01.01.2012'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-ENDDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'Q0002-ANREX'
                                      it_record-Title. "" 'Mr'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-NACHN'
                                      it_record-Lastname. " 'maxwel'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-VORNA'
                                      it_record-Firstname. "" 'razaro'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-GBDAT'
                                      it_record-BirtDate. "" '01011970'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-SPRSL'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0002-NATIO'
                                       it_record-Nationality. "" 'ZW'.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000700' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-BEGDA'
                                      it_record-FromDate."" '01.01.2012'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ENDDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-SCHKZ'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ZTERF'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-EMPCT'
                                      '  100,00'.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000700' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-BEGDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ENDDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-SCHKZ'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ZTERF'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-EMPCT'
                                      '  100,00'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-ARBST'
                                      '    8,00'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0007-WKWDY'
                                      '    5,00'.
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000800' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-BEGDA'
                                      it_record-FromDate. "" '01.01.2012'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-ENDDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFAR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-BSGRD'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFGB'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFGR'
                                       it_record-Group. ""'a'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-TRFST'
                                       it_record-Level.         "" '1'.
       perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-DIVGV'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-ANCUR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'Q0008-IBBEG'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0008-WAERS'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'MP000900' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BEGDA'
                                      it_record-FromDate. ""'01.01.2012'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-ENDDA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BNKSA'
        perform bdc_field       using 'Q0009-EMFTX'
                                      Fullname. "" 'maxwel razaro'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BANKS'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BANKL'
                                       it_record-BankKey.       ""'10351'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-BANKN'
                                       it_record-BankAccount. "" '543234667778'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-ZLSCH'
        perform bdc_field       using 'P0009-WAERS'
        perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMP50A' '2000'.
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
        perform bdc_transaction using 'PA40'.
      perform close_group.

    It seems like you are uploading data to a screen that contains table control.just check the link below for your reference
    Edited by: vamshi reddy . ch on Jan 13, 2012 7:38 AM
    Edited by: vamshi reddy . ch on Jan 13, 2012 7:39 AM

  • I need to have both Next & Back buttons displayed for viewing 20 records at

    Hi Everybody,
    I have a JSP page which has 2 part: The header (Selection for search with the SEARCH button) and a search result table.
    Is it possible to remember the last record printed & start from the next record when I click on "Next" button? When I click on the "Next" button will it create new page? I need to have both Next & Back buttons displayed for viewing 20 records at a time.
    The current JSP is using "session.removeAttribute("XXXWorkItemVector") to print out records.
    I'm very new to JAVA and JSP, so please help me with my assignment and send me e-mail to [email protected]

    Check this:
    This should be of help to you.

  • Error Occurred Reading Records: Logon failed. Details: Code: 18456

    i get this error: "Error Occurred Reading Records: Logon failed. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 18456 ]" ....
    Am tryin to display crystal report version 11 on my project using :
    kindly let me know how to troubleshoot this error....
    It worked fine before using v 8.5 but here it throws error...
    I have installed java runtime on my machine also..
    Thanks to help.

    Hi Jonathan,
    Thanks for ur reply.. am new here..can u pls tell me where I can find "getting started with .NET tips for samples and documentation" on the forum link u i cant find it...
    is it in this forum topic -- Read Before Posting - Where to find Crystal Reports .NET SDK resources ? If yes, then here where can i find it.
    Kindly help me.. U were talkin abt assemblies.. Do u mean that I have to add below 'References' in my project.
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Enterprise
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Enterprise.Desktop
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.TemplateEngine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.DataDefModel
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.CommonObjectModel
    Imports CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ObjectFactory
    Reason i wanted to use asp was to have a crystal report viewer from where user can nicely print,export etc..

  • Viewer Builder error: 'Signing Failed'

    What does the View Builder Error 'Signing Failed' mean when I download my developer or distribution apps from Viewer Builder? The dev IPA and dist ZIP files appear to download correctly despite the message, so what is it trying to tell me?

    Righty, I turn to page 15 of the 'Adobe Publishing Process for iPad Viewer Apps' PDF as provided by my Adobe reseller. All the screenshots are blurred but no matter, I can probably muddle through.
    The chapter is headed 'Setting up Apple Push Notification Service (Optional)'. At the end of the introductory text is a paragraph reading: 'Important: If you have already created an App ID and certificates, you can configure your App ID to enable push notifications. You don't need to create new development and distribution certificates. However, you do need to create new mobileprovision files.'
    Fine, that's clear. My app exists already: I'm just planning to build an updated version, so naturally I have an App ID. The paragraph has told me that I don't need to create certificates, but I do need new mobileprovision files.
    The first section after this is headed 'Creating a push notification certificate'. OK, I shall ignore this section because, as explained above, I apparently don't need to create any certificates.
    The next section after this is headed: 'Creating a .p12 APN certificate'. Again, my understanding is that I don't need to create any certificates, so I shall ignore this section too.
    Oh... I've already reached the end of the chapter on 'Setting up Apple Push Notification Service (Optional)' and I haven't done anything. How do I create the special mobileprovision files that I'm supposed to need for APN?
    Well, this seems odd, so I flip back to page 6 and the beginning of the chapter headed 'Creating Certificates', seeking clarification. In the introductory text is a paragraph that reads: "If you want to enable the Apple push notification service (APN), create a separate certificate that you can upload to the Adobe fulfillment server. See the section on setting up push notifications for details.'
    So this chapter is telling me that I need to create a new certificate for APN, but no mention of mobileprovision files, yet at the same time tells me to read a chapter that tells me that I don't need to create new certificates for APN and I do need new mobileprovision files.
    I'm afraid I can't make any sense of this, and neither can anyone I send these instructions to. Luckily for us, APN isn't particularly significant for a twice-yearly magazine. But it would be nice to get a handle on it in case we launch a weekly.

  • T-SQL: Cursor is not advancing to next record

    SQL Version:  2008 R2
    Problem:  I have the code below which uses a cursor.  The cursor keeps returning the first record and does not advance to the next record in the cursor.  It appears as if the Fetch Next is not being recognized.  The Select
    Statement in the cursor declaration returns two records which is the result set I expect to be contained in the cursor record set.
    ...bob sutor
      @ProcessGroupID nchar(4)
     , @RemoveAuditUser nchar(128)
    DECLARE CertGroupCursor CURSOR FOR
     SELECT DISTINCT CertGroups.GroupCode, CertGroups.RemoveAuditUser
         --, UserControl.ProcessGroupID, UserControl.VPUserName
     FROM udCertGroups AS CertGroups
      LEFT JOIN udAuditUsers AS UserControl
      ON CertGroups.GroupCode = UserControl.ProcessGroupID
     WHERE CertGroups.GroupCode = UserControl.ProcessGroupID
      AND CertGroups.RemoveAuditUser = UserControl.VPUserName
    OPEN CertGroupCursor
     FETCH NEXT FROM CertGroupCursor INTO @ProcessGroupID, @RemoveAuditUser
     Print @ProcessGroupID + '-' + @RemoveAuditUser
     DELETE FROM udAuditUsers
      WHERE ProcessGroupID = @ProcessGroupID
       AND VPUserName = @RemoveAuditUser
     FETCH NEXT FROM CertGroupCursor INTO @ProcessGroupID, @RemoveAuditUser
    CLOSE CertGroupCursor
    DEALLOCATE CertGroupCursor
    Bob Sutor

    The real question is how to get rid of this mess. Think about the local “@remove_audit_user” as a variable; it's name is a verb, not a noun! and the NVARCHAR(n) lets you use Chinese Unicode. Why? In ISO-11179 rules , “remove_” is a called a role, and the
    audit user would be the attribute with the attribute property “_user” in a valid data model. Where is the table that models “audit_users”? It has to be here by definition. 
    One of the first rules of data modeling is that a data element has one and only one name. This is a results of the Law of Identity in Logic (A is A: to be is to be something in particular, to be nothing in particular or many things in general is to be nothing
    at all). 
    So how did “G.remove_audit_user = U.vp_user_name” occur??  ANSWER: lack of a design!
    Your “G.group_code = U.process_group_id” is wrong. An identifier is not a code! TOTALLY DIFFERENT type of data elements! Do you have a postal code or a postal id? Blood_type or blood_id?  Etc.? Have you ever read a book on basic data modeling? 
    The purpose of PRINT is debugging and not output. We had  joke in the ANSI X3H2 Committee that SQL means “scarcely Qualified as a Language” because there is no I/O. PRINT will screw up performance in so many ways. 
    In a properly designed schema, we seldom use SELECT DISTINCT; we have keys and a valid schema that does not produce redundant duplicate rows. It might be valid, but after 30+ years of SQL, I would bet against it. 
    Your statement would use an EXISTS() predicate to handle multiple columns and conditions. But you did not bother with DDL, as required by basic Netiquette, so here is the skeleton I can give you. 
    DELETE FROM UD_Audit_Users
           (SELECT *
              FROM UD_Cert_Groups AS G
             WHERE G.process_group_id = ?? 
               AND G.vp_user_name = ??;
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • See my problem no master record move to next record

    hi master
    i have master detail block master table have all data but detail no data i need feed data in detail then i goto in detail block write value and press F10 for save
    for new record in detail
    in detail blick post-block or post_record or post_insert event i write this code
    but not responses no master block move to next record still and my curser sitll in last postion
    sir how i move master record after save the detail record and jump to detail block for new record
    please give me idea or code
    thanking you

    thank for reply
    sir your help very usefull for my but when i press F10 then system show massage do you want to save change the record
    sir how i avoid that window and directly move to next record
    please give me idea
    thanking you

  • My code not give me result and error for move to next record please see

    hi master
    sir i import this file also
    import javax.faces.event.ValueChangeEvent;
    then my error remove
    i am use this code in button event
    and my textField is bounded with data provider table field
    please give me idea how i show next rocord in page when user press button

    thank for reply
    sir your help very usefull for my but when i press F10 then system show massage do you want to save change the record
    sir how i avoid that window and directly move to next record
    please give me idea
    thanking you

  • Unable to view the records in transations

    We are unable to view details for Open invoices of one dealer in receivables account details and advise why we cannot view the records in Transactions or re-print the invoices

    Hi Ravi,
    Thanks for replying.
    But here I have one Query -if the view is not active how could we see the data in RSA3?
    S VR

  • HOw to view the records in a structure qaqee ?

    hi every one ,
    we can view the tble through SE16 
    HOw to view the records in a structure qaqee ?
    Thanks in advance

    Please check the link
    You can view the struture in SE11 t-code for its components.

  • Conditional Sum and look at next record

    First off, here is an example XML structure
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title2&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title3&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title 5&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title 6&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title 7&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title 8&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    &lt;DIVISION&gt;Displayed Title 9&lt;/DIVISION&gt;
    Is there any way to get a sum of a field grouped by two different fields? Example in my RTF I have a repeating group based on DIVISION which inserts section breaks. Using the example I have posted here what I have in my RTF template is a sum of FEE (assume there are multiple records for DIVISION though only 1 is shown here) that displays on every page for the current group. Each DIVISION is printed on its own page. However, at the end of each DEPARTMENT, I also need to print a summary total of the sum of FEE over all records for that DEPARTMENT on the same page as the last page of the last DIVISION.
    So far, I have been able to get it to do the subtotals for each DEPARTMENT as they are within the scope of my loop. The tricky part I am unsure of how best to go about doing is getting and displaying the conditional grand total. My initial idea was to use a variable and do it manually in my template but then I relaized I did not know how to find out if the next record was the first record in the next Department or not. In this case, I am hoping to stick within the realm of using straight SQL Query as my datasource because its already done. The other option I considered was nested loops and a data template but then I realized that I wasn't too sure about manually inserting the section breaks.
    Any thoughts?

    Yes, you can do that,
    Pass me the template and XML :)
    <?if:position() = last()?>
    Last Record
    <? end if ?>
    then display the sub-total for department at the last division.
    This link , gives you idea of , how to display at the last
    xdofo:inline-total display-condition="last"

  • How to implement JSF text input down-arrow key = next record navigation?

    Hi All,
    I've got a small query which you experts might be able to help me through. I would not be surprised if such questions would already have been raised in this forum.
    Formerly, I've created an Oracle Form that allow user to quickly insert data in bulk. It only has three 3 fields - first name, second name and address. Because of the flexibility of the Oracle Form, by pressing the down arrow key, user is able to create record when the last record is detected. And vice versa by hitting the up arrow key, it will move to the previous record when the current record is not the first record. So basically, the form is very 'key-driven' and without the use of the mouse, a lot of data can be inserted very quickly and efficiently.
    I've successfully converted such form to an ADF BC JSF page using the JHeadstart toolkit. But when I showed it to my users for comment, they were really disappointed with the number of mouse interactions they need to click every time to navigate between records as well as creating new records. My question is can I build some sort of ADF JSF event handler on any of the text items to perform the following tasks:
    1.) When 'down arrow key' is pressed AND not the last record THEN
    Go to the next record.
    2.) When 'down arrow key' is pressed AND is the last record THEN
    Go to the next blank record.
    3.) When 'up arrow key' is pressed AND not the first record THEN
    Go to the previous record.
    4.) When 'up arrow key' is pressed AND is the first record THEN
    Do nothing.
    If all the four above tasks are achievable in ADF JSF, can you please guide and brief me on the steps to implement them. Or these functionalities are already available somewhere in other open source toolkits. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you and have a nice day.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Steven,
    I've tried to incoporated attached link's codes with the JHeadstart generated code inside the jspx but I still cannot get it to work. There is a lot of Javascript error and is impossible to debug.

  • Previous and next records in a table

    Let's say I have a table where I have
    item name sequence customer number
    I want to select these three fields where name = 'INSPECTION', but I'd also like to grab the record prior to this and the record after this, regardless of the name content. I need to do it for each customer number.
    Is it possible for a novice like me to do?
    Thank you

    What is "next record" and "previous record" for you in this context? A database table doesn't have records in any specific order. They have an arbitrary order.
    If for you, the records have the sequence as an ordering information, then you could use LAG and LEAD functions.

  • How to process next record in oracle PLSQL

    I am processing below record set with the help of BULK COLLECT in Oracle PLSQL Procedure. While processing I am checking model is one that need not be substituted. If it is 'NA' or 'N/A', I need process next record (marked as bold in code snipet)
    Please guide me how to do it ?
    L_money t_get_money ;
    L_subst_model VARCHAR2(40);
    L_Notify_Manager     VARCHAR2(1);
    L_grade          VARCHAR2(20);
    L_Error_Message     VARCHAR2(1);
    OPEN c_get_money ;
    FETCH c_get_money BULK COLLECT INTO L_money ;
    CLOSE c_get_money;
    FOR I IN 1..L_money.count LOOP
    -- check if the model is one that need not be substituted
    IF (upper(L_money(i). subst_model) in ('N/A', 'NA')
    L_GRADE(I) := 'ERROR';
    L_error_message(i) := 'substitute Model is not N/A or NA' ;
    -------Here I want to process NEXT RECORD--------
    END IF ;

    One of the solution for below version of 11g...
         TYPE t_get_money IS TABLE OF c_get_money%ROWTYPE
                                       INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
         L_money              t_get_money;
         L_subst_model        VARCHAR2 (40);
         L_Notify_Manager   VARCHAR2 (1);
         L_grade              VARCHAR2 (20);
         L_Error_Message    VARCHAR2 (1);
         OPEN c_get_money;
         FETCH c_get_money
         BULK COLLECT INTO L_money;
         CLOSE c_get_money;
         FOR I IN 1 .. L_money.COUNT LOOP
              IF UPPER (L_money (i).subst_model) IN ('N/A', 'NA') THEN
                   GOTO Nextrecord;
              END IF;
              L_NOTIFY_MANAGER (I)   := 'Y';
              L_GRADE (I)              := 'ERROR';
              L_error_message (i)    := 'substitute Model is not N/A or NA';
         END LOOP;
    END;One of the solution for 11gR1 and above...
         TYPE t_get_money IS TABLE OF c_get_money%ROWTYPE
                                       INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
         L_money              t_get_money;
         L_subst_model        VARCHAR2 (40);
         L_Notify_Manager   VARCHAR2 (1);
         L_grade              VARCHAR2 (20);
         L_Error_Message    VARCHAR2 (1);
         OPEN c_get_money;
         FETCH c_get_money
         BULK COLLECT INTO L_money;
         CLOSE c_get_money;
         FOR I IN 1 .. L_money.COUNT LOOP
              IF UPPER (L_money (i).subst_model) IN ('N/A', 'NA') THEN
              END IF;
              L_NOTIFY_MANAGER (I)   := 'Y';
              L_GRADE (I)              := 'ERROR';
              L_error_message (i)    := 'substitute Model is not N/A or NA';
         END LOOP;

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