What are the best options for creating a PDF with bookmarks and a hyperlinked TOC?

What I'm interested in is whether or not there is an alternate process I could follow that would side step Word 2011's inability to export to PDF with bookmarks and hyperlinked TOCs. How do you create PDF documents with bookmarks and hyperlinked TOCs in your documents?
Some background:
In Word 2010 and 2013 for Windows (and I'm sure this applies to older versions as well), you can export documents to a PDF file format where the exported file will carry over the bookmarks and hyperlinked table of contents. Specifically, by making specific text headers, will appear in the final PDF file as bookmarks on the side (see image taken from Adobe's website).
Regarding the table of contents, using Word's built in Table of Contents feature successfully ports the ability to navigate to a specific section by clicking on its chapter in the table of contents to the finished PDF file.
I've read several forum discussions that say it's not possible to do this from Word 2011, so my current solution is to just finish all documents on a Windows machine (either with parallels or a separate computer). The alternate process flow of creating a word document, exporting it to PDF, then rehyperlinking everything in Acrobat is just too time consuming to consider.

Hi, beejasaurus
I found a possible kluge from this discussion here
Create the hyperlinks in Word, save the file
Open that file with Pages, export as PDF.
The links work from that PDF.
Note, I did not try this with TOC but it worked with hyperlinks embedded in the Word document

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    Hi Tom,
    I had not seen that list. I'll look it over.
    I'm also in touch with the developer of BBEdit (they are quite responsive) and they are willing to look at the file in question and see why it is not reporting UTF-8 errors while Chrome is.
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    Have a look here Jquery slideshow tutorial for beginners | WEBTUTS

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    Hi Paul
    First of all you need to create a new repository
    Suppose you want to add all the documents under folder Paul under C: Drive
    (Even you can put whole documents of C: drive into Paul)
    Navigate to System Admin -> System Configuration -> Knowledge management -> Content Management -> Repository Manager -> File System Repository
    There you can create a new directory by clicking on button New
    Give the parameters as follows :-
    Name               :           Anything you like
    Description       :           Anything you want
    Prefix (must start with /)  :  Probably same as your repository name like \Paul
    Lookup mode : caseless
    Root Directory   :  C:\Paul
    NOTE:  This is the trick. You need to give the proper path means folder path which you want use as repository)
    Repository Services  :  Any services you want
    Property Search : Managercom.sapportals.wcm.repository.manager.generic.search.SimplePropertySearchManager
    Security Manager         :           AclSecurityManager
    ACL Manager Cache   :           ca_cm_rep_acl
    The save it
    Now see whether the same repository is coming under KM Content or not, if not may be after restart it will come.
    I think the above information will help you. If still you have problem, please feel free to contect me.

  • What are the best approaches for mapping re-start in OWB?

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    If not, do we need to maintain our own tables (custom) to maintain such data?
    How did our forum members handled above situations?
    Any idea ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi RI,
    How many mappings (range) do you have in a process flows?Several hundreds (100-300 mappings).
    If we have three mappings (eg m1, m2, m3) in process flow. What will happen if m2 fails?Suppose mappings connected sequentially (m1 -> m2 -> m3). When m2 fails then processflow is suspended (transition to m3 will not be performed). You should obviate cause of error (modify mapping and redeploy, correct data, etc) and then repeat m2 mapping execution from Workflow monitor - open diagram with processflow, select mapping m2 and click button Expedite, choose option Repeat.
    In re-start, will it run m1 again and m2 son on, or will it re-start at row1 of m2?You can specify restart point. "at row1 of m2" - I don't understand what you mean (all mappings run in Set based mode, so in case of error all table updates will rollback,
    but there are several exception - for example multiple target tables in mapping without corelated commit, or error in post-mapping - you must carefully analyze results of error).
    What will happen if m3 fails?Process is suspended and you can restart execution from m3.
    By having without failover and with max.number of errors=0, you achieve re-cycle failed rows to zero (0).This settings guarantee existence only two return result of mapping - SUCCSES or ERROR.
    What is the impact, if we have large volume of data?In my opinion for large volume Set based mode is the prefered processing mode of data processing.
    With this mode you have full range enterprise features of Oracle database - parallel query, parallel DML, nologging, etc.

  • What is the best option for tethering my IPhone 4s with my iPad? (the iPad is wifi only)

    What is the best option for tethering my IPhone 4s with my iPad? (the iPad is wifi only)

    #1. Understand that if you switch carriers, you can NOT take your existing iPhone with you. It won't work. You will need to purchase a new one.
    #2. Your only choices are Sprint and Verizon. Decide who has the better coverage in your area. Keep in mind that you will NOT be able to get simultaneous voice and 3G data on either of these, as their CDMA networks do not support it. The U.S. T-Mobile network is not supported and is not fully compatible with the iPhone as it operates on a rarely used frequency compared to the rest of the world.
    #3. What in the world are "niners"? Do you mean you want to be able to keep your existing "phone numbers"? If so, that should be no problem. Most numbers in the US are now portable.
    #4. Consider WHY you want to switch. If the issue is really price, you're not going to see much of a difference. A few dollars a month at best for comparable voice and data plans.

  • What are the best settings for ripping cd's in the AAC format?

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    mysteryroach wrote:
    My questions are: What are the best settings for ripping cd's in the AAC format?
    It is a matter of opinion, but I suggest 256 kb/s, CBR, and leave all other settings on automatic.
    Will I be able to burn cd mixes with the tracks I import into itunes after importing using the AAC format?
    Yes. Just put them in a playlist and burn.
    Does the AAC format have VBR like the MP3 format?
    Yes. You will see it as an option in the Import Settings.
    Is there other ripping software such as dbPoweramp and Exact Audio Copy that does a better job ripping cd's in the AAC format?
    EAC does a better job of correcting errors in damaged CDs, but for normal CDs iTunes does a fine job of ripping to AAC.

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    Thank you!

    I create a master template that is usually void of content, with the exception I define as many of the paragraph styles I believe can/will be used with examples of their use in the body of the document--a style guide for that client. When beginning a new document for that client, I import those styles from the paragraph styles panel.
    Exception to this is when in a rush I begin documentation first, then begin new work. Then in the new work, I still pull in those defined paragraph and or object styles via their panels into the new work.
    There are times I need new styles. If they have broader applicability than a one-off instance or publication, then I open the style template for that client and import that style(s) from the publication containing the new style(s) and create example paragraphs and usage instructions.
    Take care, Mike

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    What are the best practices for exception handling in n-tier applications?
    The application is a fat client based on MVVM pattern with
    .NET framework.
    That would be to catch all exceptions at a single point in the n-tier solution, log it and create user friendly messages displayed to the user. 

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    1. is there a standard for the PREFIX ?
    2. If I have multiple components of Fusion in the same Database, I will have multiples PREFIX_MDS schema ? Can they have the same PREFIX ? Or They all need to have a different prefix ?
    For exemple: DISCO_MDS and BIEE_MDS or I can have DEV_MDS and this schema is valid for both Discoverer and BIEE.
    Thank you !

    What are the best practices for exception handling in n-tier applications?
    The application is a fat client based on MVVM pattern with
    .NET framework.
    That would be to catch all exceptions at a single point in the n-tier solution, log it and create user friendly messages displayed to the user. 

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    Hi Gina D 3333,
    Best-practice file-naming conventions for PDF files are the same as for any other file. I found this article on Apple's website that contains some useful pointers to consider when you're naming files that will be used on multiple platforms: OS X: Cross-platform filename best practices and conventions
    I hope this helps!

  • What are the best practices for generating an EPS logo from InDesign?

    Our costomer is running into technical issues with the logo we sent them, which was exported from Indesign. Images were not embedded and fonts missing. I was able to embed the images and fonts. However, we DO NOT want them to be able to make any text changes. So after exporting an eps, I opened the file in Adobe Illustrator and made all the text outlines. I hope this works. But I just wanted to post the question on what are the best practices for doing this?
    The client needs the logo with transparent background, images emebdded and type in outlines. Also, they need some space around the text. When I exported the eps, the file is right up on the edge of the type.

    It sounds like you are pretty far from "best practice" with regard to logo design and delivery.
    These days, the very use of the EPS format should be considered bad practice, and some other terms in your post, (i.e., 'images,' 'missing fonts'), make it sound like there is not a seasoned logo designer involved.
    That said, you probably already got the advice you need to get out of the immediate jam. However, without proper logo design, you and the client will soon be facing other problems. You should be delivering a 100% vector graphic in single-color (black) and corporate-color(s) versions, with no live font data, that has been test-scaled to very small and very large sizes; ensuring it will work at postage-stamp size and on the side of a truck or building, with specific spot color(s) and proportions that will enable it to be offset printed, embroidered and screen-printed on apparel, and cut into signage materials and decals.

  • What are the best practice for CQ5.5 configuration?

    What are the best practice for CQ5.5 configuration which handle for High availability.
    Last time I had a issues on server when I was uploaded 2 GB of DAM and then after that the server is not able to start and always getting error regarding Tar Persistance.
    So kindly request you to please let me know what are the best apache felix configuration.
    Thanks in advance...

    A DAM upload, regardless of the size of the assets, never should result in TarPM problems, unless you run into an OOM, which left the repository in an unclean state. So if you regularly do DAM uploads of that size, you should check the Garbage Collection logs and probably adjust the heapsize if necessary. You might want to limit the number of concurrent running workflows to keep the memory consumption a bit lower.
    To your question: HA in a traditional sense you cannot achieve with a single box, even with optimized settings. In an author usecase you would need clustering.

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    bmiller0525 wrote:
    What are the best settings for exporting video in Premiere Pro Cs5.5 in HD MP4 format?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
    thats way too vague of a question... best what?  quality? size? playback?
    best quality then use high bitrate, small size use low bitrate.

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