When you use the Windows Media Sync to down load music from the PC to the Razr?

What folder is the music stored in? I can see the music on my phone under My Music but I cannot see it on the V CAST Media Manager.

It really depends on how you got the music on there in the first place.  Usually, I think, it goes into a music folder.  Also, make sure to check both the SD card and internal storage.

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    Here is the BlackBerry Media Sync Log
    [30000] (16/06 1:31:21):{1} Current Date: 2010/06/16
    [50001] (16/06 1:31:21):{1} (Debug Log Level: 4)
    [50001] (16/06 1:31:21):{1} (Event Log Level: -1)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{1} (Constructing Media Sync API...)
    [38017] (16/06 1:31:22):{1} (
    [38018] (16/06 1:31:22):{1} (
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{6} (Initializing Media Sync API...)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Checking for iTunes Version...)
    [40003] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} EXCEPTION: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException -- MESSAGE: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {D719897A-B07A-4C0C-AEA9-9B663A28DFCB} failed due to the following error: 80040154. -- COM ERROR CODE: -2147221164 (80040154) -- STACK:    at Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesDetector.GetITunesVersion()
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Detecting: iTunes)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Complete detection: iTunes, Status = NotInstalled)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Detecting: WMP)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Getting library info...)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Info includes #tracks = 2940, Library ID = 2367277293702742018)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Complete detection: WMP, Status = VersionSupported)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Detecting: PicturesDesktop)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Getting library info...)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Info includes #tracks = -1, Library ID = null)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Complete detection: PicturesDesktop, Status = VersionSupported)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Detecting: PicturesDevice)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Getting library info...)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Info includes #tracks = -1, Library ID = null)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Complete detection: PicturesDevice, Status = VersionSupported)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Setting default media Sources...)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__0())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <CreateServiceStartupTask>b__1())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{8} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: Service Startup, Duration: 201)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (Constructing DataSource: PicturesDesktop)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (LoadDataSource: Started loading PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{8} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__6())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{8} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{8} (TASK: MusicServiceStartupTask, Duration: 13)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (Constructing DataSource: WMP)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (LoadDataSource: Started loading WMP)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_WMP, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.Pictures.PictureDataSourceLoader)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{9} (TASK: Load_WMP_Library_On_STA, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:22):{9} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDataSourceLoader)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{9} (TASK: Load_WMP_Library_On_STA, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibrarySTA>b__0(), ERROR: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Rim.Application.Utilities.FileSystem.FullPath.IsSamePath(IFullPath sourcePath)
       at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDataSourceLoader.WMPLibrary.IsInWMPAutoPlaylistLocation(IFilePath path)
       at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDataSourceLoader.WMPLibrary.<GetWMPAudioPlaylistsAsWMPMedia>d__24.MoveNext()
       at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDataSourceLoader.WMPLibrary.<get_Tracks>d__6.MoveNext()
       at Rim.Media.Source.Music.MusicLibrary.GetLibrary(IReadOnlyLibrarySimple importer, ICancelable task)
       at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDataSourceLoader.LoadLibrary(ICancelable task)
       at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDataSource.LoadLibrary(Boolean firstLoad, ICancelable task)
       at Rim.Media.Source.WindowsMedia.WMPDataSource.<>c__DisplayClass1.<LoadLibrarySTA>b__0()
       at Rim.Application.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{9} (TASK: Load_WMP_Library_On_STA, STATE: Failed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{9} (TASK: Load_WMP_Library_On_STA, Duration: 62)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_WMP, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d(), ERROR: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.<GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__f(Exception e)
       at Rim.Application.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation()
       at Rim.Application.Tasks.Task.Run()
       at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.LoadDataSource(MediaSource mediaSource, ICancelable parentTask)
       at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.LoadMusicSource(MediaSource source, ICancelable task)
       at Rim.Media.Sync.MusicService.<>c__DisplayClassc.<ProcessMusicSourceRequest>b__a()
       at Rim.Application.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: Void <ProcessMusicSourceRequest>b__a(), ERROR: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.<GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__f(Exception e)
       at Rim.Application.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation()
       at Rim.Application.Tasks.Task.Run()
       at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.LoadDataSource(MediaSource mediaSource, ICancelable parentTask)
       at Rim.Media.Sync.BBMusicSyncAPI.LoadMusicSource(MediaSource source, ICancelable task)
       at Rim.Media.Sync.MusicService.<>c__DisplayClassc.<ProcessMusicSourceRequest>b__a()
       at Rim.Application.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, STATE: Failed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{4} (TASK: LoadMusicSourceTask, Duration: 70)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{6} (Device file access monitor created.)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{6} (Specific device requested: False)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{6} (Device found: 312B7079)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{6} (Total devices found: 1)
    [37001] (16/06 1:31:22):{6} Log Cleaning Started.
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{B} (DevMan(1) - Searching for connected device: 312B7079)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:22):{B} (DevMan(2) - Found connected device: 312B7079)
    [50002] (16/06 1:31:22):{B} (BlackBerry Connect: Started)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, Duration: 116)
    [19036] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (Library Refresh Complete for MediaSource: PicturesDesktop)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDesktop, Duration: 152)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (LoadDataSource: Finished)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <StartUp>b__3())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:22):{3} (TASK: PictureServiceStartupTask, Duration: 178)
    [38036] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (312B7079: Connected)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Model: 9550, JavaAppsVersion:
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Retrieving mass storage volumes, attempt = 1)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Now looking at the volumes found on the device.)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Checking mass storage volumes to see if they are ready...)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (--> Mass storage volume: vol.Path = I:\, vol.IsMediaMounted = True)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (--> Mass storage volume: vol.Path = J:\, vol.IsMediaMounted = True)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Done looking at volumes.  Attempt: 1, Volume are ready: True)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Enabling drive (I:\), Attempt = 1)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Waiting until drive is ready (I:\)...)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Verified drive is ready (I:\).)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Ensuring Media Paths Exist (I:\).)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Drive state (I:\) - ENABLED)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Enabling drive (J:\), Attempt = 1)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Waiting until drive is ready (J:\)...)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Verified drive is ready (J:\).)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Ensuring Media Paths Exist (J:\).)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Drive state (J:\) - ENABLED)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Processing results of drive intialization.)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Number of successful drives: 2)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Number of failed drives: 0)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (End, Successful = True)
    [50002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (BlackBerry Connect: Finished)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Ensuring Media Paths Exist (I:\).)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Ensuring Media Paths Exist (J:\).)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:24):{B} (Setting default drive: {0}J:\BlackBerry)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{8} (TASK: Reload picture destination, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (Constructing DataSource: PicturesDevice)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (LoadDataSource: Started loading PicturesDevice)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDevice, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Pending, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (Loading datasource from Rim.Media.Source.Pictures.PictureDataSourceLoader)
    [40002] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (Reading device volumes...)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <LoadLibraryUsingTask>b__0())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: Load_Picture_Library, Duration: 14)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDevice, STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: Progressing -> Finishing, OPERATION: Void <GetLoadDataSourceTask>b__d())
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDevice, STATE: Completed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none)
    [30004] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (TASK: API_LOAD_DATASOURCE_PicturesDevice, Duration: 15)
    [38050] (16/06 1:31:25):{E} (LoadDataSource: Finished)

    Hi Icetreay:
    Thanks for reporting this.
    It looks like we make assumptions about where the physical playlists in Windows Media Player are stored on the computer.   They usually reside in a folder like: C:\Users\username\Music\Playlists\test.wpl
    However, you must have a playlist located outside of this folder and it’s causing Media Sync to fail.
    You could do a search of your computer to find all *.wpl files.
    The ones that would cause us problems are playlists that are near the root.  Ie
    If you move or delete these playlists, we should work again.
    This issue will be fixed in the next version.
    Need additional information on BlackBerry products?
    visit: http://www.blackberry.net

  • HT204382 i need to learn in how to down load music from u tobe.but i need to learn on how to star from the bottom.

    I need to leran in how to dawn load music from you tobe.but I need to start from the bottom can someone help?

    If there is no download button under the video you are looking at, then Youtube's terms forbid downloading someone else's property. Because they forbid it, we would be violating the terms of these forums if we were to try to help - sorry.

  • I was down loading music from my list of songs from my computer, the playlist on my iPod shows the title of the song, but there is no music, and the iPod shuffles to the next song

    I down loaded songs from my playlist off my computer to my iPod, the playlist on my iPod shows the title of the song, but no music plays and my iPod shuffles to the next available song. I down loaded about 300 songs at once, was that to much at one time ? How do I get those songs on my iPod without duplicating song titles on the playlist? Plus I have a couple of song duplications on the playlist, can't figure out how to remove them.

    If iTunes purchases, delete and redownload by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Otherwise delete and resync if they play OK in iTunes on the computer

  • HT1296 Is there any way you can down load music from your computer to your iphone without going through itunes

    can you down load music to your iphone 3gs from your lap top with out going through itunes ?

    Called iTunes Match:
    iTunes purchased content you can download to your phone antime you wish, match not required.

  • I have an iPod Touch on IOS 5.1.1 - I uploaded its music library to my new laptop, using Tunejack. However, I now cannot download music from my laptop to the iPod (but can download to my iPad2 and iPhone 4S). I have gone under 'music' tab. Any ideas?

    I have got an iPod Touch on IOS 5.1.1, which contained my music library, including uploaded CDs and purchases. I have a new laptop (using Windows 7) and upIoaded my music library from the iPod, using Tunejack, onto the laptop. I then made a few purchases but these weren't showing up on my iPod, so in frustration, thinking this would rectify the problem, I then re-booted the iPod, with the result that my entire music library disappeared from it.  I then went to sync with my lap top and went in under the 'Music' tab and clicked on download 'entire music library' but nothing happens. I have also tried 'selected playlists, artists, albums and genres' but this has not worked as well. The same issue dows not apply with eitehr my iPad 2 or my iPhone 4S.  As mentioned, this music library did come from my iPod so there is no space issue. If anyone has any suggestions i would be grateful.

    Does the iPod work OK?
    Does it charge when connect to the computer?
    Does it appear in My Computer?
    Look at the dock connector on the iPod. Compare with the iPod that does work/connect.
    I suspect you have a 2G iPod. Those can only go to iOS 4.2.1
    iPod touch (3rd generation)
    iPod touch (3rd generation) features a 3.5-inch (diagonal) widescreen multi-touch display and 32 GB or 64 GB flash drive. You can browse the web with Safari and watch YouTube videos with Wi-Fi. You can also search, preview, and buy songs from the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store on iPod touch.
    The iPod touch (3rd generation) can be distinguished from iPod touch (2nd generation) by looking at the back of the device. In the text below the engraving, look for the model number. iPod touch (2nd generation) is model A1288, and iPod touch (3rd generation) is model A1318.

  • HT5622 When I go to down load music from my iPad off recent purchase say I have to wait 75 day

    When I go to download music from my recent purchase it say i have to wait 70 day is there a way to reset this cause I dj and I use my iPad for music and I have no music on it

    That message indicates to me that you were downloading purchased content with another Apple ID so that you didn't have to pay for it again. When you do that, you associate your iPad with that Apple ID for 90 days and you lock yourself out of your own ID until the 90 days is up.
    In any event, you just have to wait it out now. You can't reset it.

  • How do I load music from a CD to the iPod?

    I want to put my CDs onto my iPod Touch.  How do I make that happen?

    If you  have iTunes 11 turn on the Sidebar.  Go to iTunes>View and click on Show Sidebar. You can also do a Crtl+S to show the sidebar.
    To import music into your iTunes library on the computer go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Add items to iTunes and follow the instructions
    To sync to your iPod go to iTunes>Help>iTunes Help>Syncing your iPod....>Sync You Device and follow the instructions.

  • When I plug my i pod in to down load music a screen pops up and says. this i pod cannot be used because the apple mobile device service is not started. please help

    when I plug my I pod in to download music a screen pops and says. this i pod cannot be used because the apple mobile device service is not started. please help

    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows

  • Can't get the Window Media pluggin to work! Please help!!!

    I dragged the Windows Media thing over to my page and went over to the inspector and linked my wma music file to it. I previewed it in my browser. The small player that includes a slider, play button, stop button, previous button, and next button (all of which are unclickable) showed up but that's it. It won't play. It won't let me press play. What am I doing wrong?

    Upload it to your FTP. This happens to be all the time, but once it's on the web (FTP) it works fine when you view it out of Adobe.

  • Firefox 4 is not appearing in Task bar or some times it is Disappearing from task bar when i am minimising the window. so, i had to go to Task manager and find the icon.Its becoming big messy if tabs are not found , to switch programmes.

    firefox icon is missing from "Task bar"when i am minimising the window

    I am unwilling to attempt navigation away from these sites. The pop-ups that occur on the attempt to leave a site or to close the browser are exit traps offering incentive to stay.
    Once upon a time, when the internet was less dangerous, I would be willing to close the exit pop-ups. Now, after twice being infected with malware trying to close the pop-ups, I now force close whichever browser I am using.
    Recently, I clicked on the red X to close one pop-up, and it installed a trojan that I had to pay to be removed. When I clicked on 'Leave' in another exit pop, it didn't exit and it turned out I was giving permission to run a script file. Now that criminals have learned these exit pop-ups can be used to force a click action, the sites using them have become dangerous.
    If I force the browser to close using Task manager, Please tell me how to stop FireFox from sending me directly back to the same site because it mistakenly believes it crashed when it did not. I forced it to close because I was on a site that had taken control of my browser and was not allowing me to leave the site.
    No other browser sends me back to the potentially dangerous sites. I prefer Firefox, but the new version must have a setting that allows me to get safely away from a problem site?

  • Is there an option to use MBR partitioning when you use the recovery media?

    I need to switch to MBR partitioning.
    I have a satellite C55D-a5240NR. I have my recovery media and I am going to back up my data.
    Using the recovery media I see that you can reformat and partition your drive but I dont see any documentation beyond that. If you go that route is there an option to use MBR?

    Satellite C55D-A5240NR
    Using the recovery media I see that you can reformat and partition your drive but I dont see any documentation beyond that. If you go that route is there an option to use MBR? 
    No. When you restore the hard disk to its original out-of-the-box contents, all the bits are laid down as they were. So you get GPT partitioning.
    NB When you upgrade to Windows 8.1, follow these instructions.
       How to Update from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1

Maybe you are looking for