Why doesn't this case statement work?

select case when rank() over(order by ( sum(ag.RX_CNT) ) desc) < 6 then ( p.PRODUCT_NAME ) else 'XXXX' END RankedProduct
( PRODUCTS.PRODUCT_NAME ) else 'All Other' end as ProdNm,
The first case statement is not working properly. First off - I know I can do this without the subquery in the case statement, but it's then tied to the Month and I don't want that.
The result set of the subquery contains valid product_names that match EXACTLY (I added LTRIM RTRIM just in case), but the ProdNm field still evaluates to "All Other" for them. If I change the subquery to something basic and remove the rank function, it works, but of course I need that function. My understanding is that it shouldn't matter what function is in the subquery. I thought Oracle would get the result set of the subquery first, then evaluate the case statement based on the result set (the subquery is obviously not correlated).
Any ideas?

My understanding is that it shouldn't matter what function is in the subquery. I thought Oracle would get the result set of the subquery first, then evaluate the case statement based on the result set (the subquery is obviously not correlated). It looks like the queries ARE somehow correlated. Consider the two simplified queries:
michaels>  SELECT   ename, deptno,
            WHEN deptno IN (
                   SELECT CASE
                             WHEN ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY NULL) < 3
                                THEN deptno
                             ELSE 1000
                     FROM dept)
               THEN 'Found'
            ELSE 'NOT Found'
         END FOUND
    FROM emp
ORDER BY deptno
CLARK              10 NOT Found
KING               10 NOT Found
MILLER             10 NOT Found
JONES              20 NOT Found
FORD               20 NOT Found
ADAMS              20 NOT Found
SMITH              20 NOT Found
SCOTT              20 NOT Found
WARD               30 NOT Found
TURNER             30 NOT Found
ALLEN              30 NOT Found
JAMES              30 NOT Found
BLAKE              30 NOT Found
MARTIN             30 NOT Found
michaels>  SELECT   ename, deptno,
            WHEN deptno IN (
                   SELECT *
                     FROM (SELECT CASE
                                     WHEN ROW_NUMBER () OVER (ORDER BY NULL) < 3
                                        THEN deptno
                                     ELSE 1000
                             FROM dept))
               THEN 'Found'
            ELSE 'NOT Found'
         END FOUND
    FROM emp
ORDER BY deptno
CLARK              10 Found   
KING               10 Found   
MILLER             10 Found   
JONES              20 Found   
FORD               20 Found   
ADAMS              20 Found   
SMITH              20 Found   
SCOTT              20 Found   
WARD               30 NOT Found
TURNER             30 NOT Found
ALLEN              30 NOT Found
JAMES              30 NOT Found
BLAKE              30 NOT Found
MARTIN             30 NOT FoundSo in the first query ROW_NUMBER() evaluates to NULL (not sure why) so the condition will never be satisfied! This is easily proofed when actually testing for nullity:
...will always show 'Found'!
Inlining the subquery »materializes« it, and ROW_NUMBER() gets the desired value.

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             FROM target
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                 col2 = r.col2
             WHERE pk = r.pk;
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             VALUES(r.pk, r.col1, r.col2);
       END LOOP;
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    numbervar array x := 0;
    datevar array y := date(0,0,0);
    numbervar i := 0;
    numbervar j := 0;
    //{@accum} for the detail section:
    numbervar array x;
    datevar array y;
    numbervar i := i + 1;
    numbervar j := count({table.groupfield},{table.groupfield});
    if i <= j then (
    redim preserve x[j];
    redim preserve y[j];
    x<i> := tonumber({table.currency});
    y<i> := datevalue({table.datetime})
    //{@xirr calc} to be placed in the group footer:
    numbervar array x;
    datevar array y;
    The array works correctly.  So why do I get that error and why doesn't the XIRR formula work like they say it should?  Has anyone used this successfully in Crystal--maybe you could shed some light?

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    -265500.00,-690000.00,-570000.00,16814.25,-855000.00,-619500.00,55293.46,30411.40,15183.76,  0.00
    Is there a known bug in Crystal's XIRR function when the last value is 0? 
    Or a hot-fix that will repair this?
    Thanks in advance,
    PS. I am using Crystal XI Product Version:

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    Hey MarieF-D,
    Thanks for the question. The following article provides basic troubleshooting steps that may help to resolve your issue:
    iOS: About Apple Digital AV Adapters
    If you encounter an issue using the Apple Digital AV Adapter or VGA Adapter:
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    Remove any VGA or HDMI extension cables or converters.
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    Ensure that you are using the latest version of iOS. Some Apple Digital AV Adapters require iOS 5.1 or later.
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    I have this case statement written by a developer and i am trying to understand what he was trying to accomplish with writing it in this manner
                    WHEN 'XML' THEN
                        CASE WHEN t_CELL IS NOT NULL THEN
                = CELL OR CASE t_CELL
                    WHEN 'XML' THEN
                        CASE WHEN t_CELL IS NOT NULL THEN
                    END = CELL);What is throwing me off is the = CELL that was included..Kindly note, this is just a sample code

    If x and cell are strings, then I trust you understand what it means to compare them by saying:
    x = cellx can be any kind of expression that returns a string.
    For example, do you understand what it means if x is a string literal, like this?
    'Amps' = cellDo you understand what it means when x is another string column, like this?
    t_cell = cellDo you understand what it means when x is a function that returns a string, like this?
    TO_CHAR (SYSDATE, 'Dy') = cellIn the code you posted, the CASE expression is just another way of specifying a string value for x:
    CASE ... END = cellA CASE expression is just another kind of expression, that is, another thing that can replace x on the left of the = sign.
    It looks like the condition you posted is equivalent to:
    (     (     t_cell     = 'XML'
         AND     cell     IN ('Amps', 'Mods')
    OR     (     t_cell     != 'XML'
         AND     cell     = t_cell
    OR          t_cell     IS NULL

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    I always create the individual frames in layer groups first. So build what you need, break them up or duplicate them, position them where you want them and then create your frames by turning off all the layer groups or layers you don't need.
    Here is an example of one of my layer pallets:
    Each scene is a frame and I turn them on and off as I need them.

Maybe you are looking for