Why is the ios6 compatible for all the iphones but not all the phones got the all upgrades, for example the panorama camera??

why is the ios6 compatible for all the iphones but not all the phones got the all upgrades, for example the panorama camera?? this is another reason I am starting to dislike apple. An ipod is able to us an upgrade but not all the phones are? makes sense

"why is the ios6 compatible for all the iphones"
Ios 6 is not available for all iphones. Original Iphone and iphone 3 are not supported.
"but not all the phones got the all upgrades, "
This is common for most any device/computer.  Not all iphone/computer/device models can handle all of the new features.  Like any device, hardware is limited and cannot always support all new features and software.

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    Hi coastangel,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The articles below may be able to help you with this issue.
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    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    FaceTime for Mac: Troubleshooting FaceTime
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    - Judy

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    Where did you purchase this. The US phones do not come with the SIM removal tool anymore. They haven't for some time now. I'm not even sure it comes with any of the devices anymore. You can just straighten out a paper clip and do the same thing.

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