Why no freight record exist in OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENTS after process order api

Hi experts,
I have this procedure to call process order api to copy exist line then create line and also copy existing freight charges and create freight charges. But, the procedure only can create new line, but i can't see the freight charge to be created in OE_PRICE_ADJUSTMENT.
can anyone advice what's wrong in my coding? I have Lygine my changes.
PROCEDURE create_line
    p_header_id            IN NUMBER,
    p_old_line_id          IN NUMBER,
    p_qty                  IN NUMBER,
    p_item                 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_inventory_item_id    IN NUMBER,
    p_organization_id      IN NUMBER, -- 51305
    p_subinventory         IN VARCHAR2,
    p_schedule_date        IN DATE,
    p_freight_carrier_code IN VARCHAR2,
    p_shipping_method_code IN VARCHAR2,
    p_freight_terms_code   IN VARCHAR2,
    p_new_line_id          OUT NUMBER,
    p_new_order_line       OUT VARCHAR2,
    p_return_code          OUT NUMBER,
    p_return_message       OUT VARCHAR2
  ) IS
    l_pkg  VARCHAR2(60) := 'seaoe_partsub.create_line';
    l_opn  VARCHAR2(10) := 'Create';
    l_stmt VARCHAR2(500);
    l_org_id       NUMBER := fnd_global.org_id;
    l_user_id      NUMBER := nvl(fnd_global.user_id, -1);
    l_resp_id      NUMBER := nvl(fnd_global.resp_id, 21623);
    l_resp_appl_id NUMBER := nvl(fnd_global.resp_appl_id, 660);
    -- Variables for process order API
    l_header_rec     oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
    l_line_tbl       oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
    l_action_request oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(50);
    l_msg_count     NUMBER;
    l_msg_data      VARCHAR2(5000);
    l_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    l_result        VARCHAR2(2000); -- Added 06-Dec-2005
    l_short_msg VARCHAR2(250); --limit l_err_msg to size 250
    p_api_version_number NUMBER := 1.0;
    p_init_msg_list      VARCHAR2(10) := fnd_api.g_false;
    p_return_values      VARCHAR2(10) := fnd_api.g_false;
    p_action_commit      VARCHAR2(10) := fnd_api.g_false;
    p_action_request_tbl oe_order_pub.request_tbl_type;
    x_return_status          VARCHAR2(1);
    x_msg_count              NUMBER;
    x_msg_data               VARCHAR2(100);
    x_header_val_rec         oe_order_pub.header_val_rec_type;
    x_header_adj_tbl         oe_order_pub.header_adj_tbl_type;
    x_header_adj_val_tbl     oe_order_pub.header_adj_val_tbl_type;
    x_header_price_att_tbl   oe_order_pub.header_price_att_tbl_type;
    x_header_adj_att_tbl     oe_order_pub.header_adj_att_tbl_type;
    x_header_adj_assoc_tbl   oe_order_pub.header_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
    x_header_scredit_tbl     oe_order_pub.header_scredit_tbl_type;
    x_header_scredit_val_tbl oe_order_pub.header_scredit_val_tbl_type;
    x_line_tbl               oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
    x_line_val_tbl           oe_order_pub.line_val_tbl_type;
    x_line_adj_tbl           oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_type;
    x_line_adj_val_tbl       oe_order_pub.line_adj_val_tbl_type;
    x_line_price_att_tbl     oe_order_pub.line_price_att_tbl_type;
    x_line_adj_att_tbl       oe_order_pub.line_adj_att_tbl_type;
    x_line_adj_assoc_tbl     oe_order_pub.line_adj_assoc_tbl_type;
    x_line_scredit_tbl       oe_order_pub.line_scredit_tbl_type;
    x_line_scredit_val_tbl   oe_order_pub.line_scredit_val_tbl_type;
    x_lot_serial_tbl         oe_order_pub.lot_serial_tbl_type;
    x_lot_serial_val_tbl     oe_order_pub.lot_serial_val_tbl_type;
    -- Cursor to get old line
    --Add all Attribute, Industry_Attribute and TP_Attribute,Rex, 15JUL2010
    CURSOR line_cur IS
      SELECT invoice_to_org_id,
        FROM oe_order_lines_all
       WHERE line_id = p_old_line_id;
    -- Start Added on 06-Dec-2005
    CURSOR hold_cur
      cp_header_id NUMBER,
      cp_line_id   NUMBER
    ) IS
      SELECT ohd.hold_id
        FROM oe_hold_definitions ohd,
             oe_hold_sources_all ohs,
             oe_order_holds_all  ooh
       WHERE ooh.header_id = cp_header_id
         AND nvl(ooh.line_id, -1) = nvl(cp_line_id, -1)
         AND ooh.hold_source_id = ohs.hold_source_id
         AND ohs.hold_id = ohd.hold_id
         AND ooh.released_flag = 'N'
         AND ohd.hold_id != seaoe_defaults_pkg.get_wait_for_cms_hold;
    -- End Added on 06-Dec-2005
     CURSOR  warranty_cur IS -- Lygine 09-Dec-2011
       SELECT list_header_id, list_line_id,
             list_line_type_code, change_reason_code, change_reason_text, operand,
             arithmetic_operator, modifier_level_code, charge_type_code, context,
      WHERE list_line_type_code = 'FREIGHT_CHARGE'
      AND   automatic_flag = 'N'
      AND   line_id = p_old_line_id
      AND   header_id = p_header_id;
      l_line_adj_tbl oe_order_pub.line_adj_tbl_type; -- Lygine 09-Dec-2011
    p_return_code    := 0; -- 0 is success --1 is fail
    p_return_message := 'Entered create_line sub proc.';
    -- FND application initializes --
    -- Varariables for FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE
    -- Assign 11i id to the variables in order to
    -- Get_Order_Number when process order API if
    -- script is running from SQL prompt.
    -- Note:
    -- If running from SQL prompt without submitting via concurrent program,
    -- these function return -1 which is not able to get Sequence Number profile setting.
    -- Thus, these values are pass-in as parameters
    fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id      => l_user_id,
                               resp_id      => l_resp_id,
                               resp_appl_id => l_resp_appl_id);
    -- Initialization --
    l_header_rec := oe_order_pub.g_miss_header_rec;
    l_line_tbl(1) := oe_order_pub.g_miss_line_rec;
    *l_line_adj_tbl(1):= oe_order_pub.g_miss_line_adj_rec; -- Lygine 09-Dec-2011*
    -- Populate line table --
    FOR line_rec IN line_cur
      l_line_tbl(1).header_id := p_header_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).inventory_item_id := p_inventory_item_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).invoice_to_org_id := line_rec.invoice_to_org_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).price_list_id := line_rec.price_list_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).payment_term_id := line_rec.payment_term_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).schedule_ship_date := p_schedule_date;
      l_line_tbl(1).ship_to_org_id := line_rec.ship_to_org_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).sold_to_org_id := line_rec.sold_to_org_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute1 := line_rec.attribute1;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute10 := line_rec.attribute10;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute11 := line_rec.attribute11;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute12 := NULL;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute13 := NULL;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute14 := NULL;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute15 := line_rec.attribute15;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute2 := line_rec.attribute2;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute3 := line_rec.attribute3;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute4 := line_rec.attribute4;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute5 := line_rec.attribute5;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute6 := line_rec.attribute6;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute7 := line_rec.attribute7;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute8 := line_rec.attribute8;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute9 := line_rec.attribute9;
      --Add the left Attribute16..20 by Rex, 15Jul2010
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute16 := line_rec.attribute16;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute17 := line_rec.attribute17;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute18 := line_rec.attribute18;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute19 := line_rec.attribute19;
      l_line_tbl(1).attribute20 := line_rec.attribute20;
      --Add Industry_Attribute and TP_Attribute By Rex, 15JUL2010
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute1 := line_rec.industry_attribute1;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute2 := line_rec.industry_attribute2;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute3 := line_rec.industry_attribute3;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute4 := line_rec.industry_attribute4;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute6 := line_rec.industry_attribute5;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute6 := line_rec.industry_attribute6;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute7 := line_rec.industry_attribute7;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute8 := line_rec.industry_attribute8;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute9 := line_rec.industry_attribute9;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute10 := line_rec.industry_attribute10;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute11 := line_rec.industry_attribute11;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute12 := line_rec.industry_attribute12;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute13 := line_rec.industry_attribute13;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute14 := line_rec.industry_attribute14;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute15 := line_rec.industry_attribute15;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute16 := line_rec.industry_attribute16;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute17 := line_rec.industry_attribute17;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute18 := line_rec.industry_attribute18;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute19 := line_rec.industry_attribute19;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute20 := line_rec.industry_attribute20;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute21 := line_rec.industry_attribute21;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute22 := line_rec.industry_attribute22;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute23 := line_rec.industry_attribute23;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute24 := line_rec.industry_attribute24;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute25 := line_rec.industry_attribute25;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute26 := line_rec.industry_attribute26;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute27 := line_rec.industry_attribute27;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute28 := line_rec.industry_attribute28;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute29 := line_rec.industry_attribute29;
      l_line_tbl(1).industry_attribute30 := line_rec.industry_attribute30;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute1 := line_rec.tp_attribute1;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute2 := line_rec.tp_attribute2;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute3 := line_rec.tp_attribute3;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute4 := line_rec.tp_attribute4;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute5 := line_rec.tp_attribute5;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute6 := line_rec.tp_attribute6;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute7 := line_rec.tp_attribute7;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute8 := line_rec.tp_attribute8;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute9 := line_rec.tp_attribute9;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute10 := line_rec.tp_attribute10;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute11 := line_rec.tp_attribute11;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute12 := line_rec.tp_attribute12;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute13 := line_rec.tp_attribute13;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute14 := line_rec.tp_attribute14;
      l_line_tbl(1).tp_attribute15 := line_rec.tp_attribute15;
      l_line_tbl(1).customer_line_number := line_rec.customer_line_number;
      l_line_tbl(1).global_attribute2 := p_old_line_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).cancelled_flag := 'N';
      l_line_tbl(1).created_by := l_user_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).creation_date := SYSDATE;
      l_line_tbl(1).last_updated_by := l_user_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).last_update_date := SYSDATE;
      l_line_tbl(1).fob_point_code := line_rec.fob_point_code;
      l_line_tbl(1).freight_carrier_code := nvl(p_freight_carrier_code,
      l_line_tbl(1).freight_terms_code := nvl(p_freight_terms_code,
      l_line_tbl(1).ordered_item := p_item;
      l_line_tbl(1).line_type_id := line_rec.line_type_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).open_flag := 'Y';
      l_line_tbl(1).ordered_quantity := p_qty;
      l_line_tbl(1).order_quantity_uom := line_rec.order_quantity_uom;
      l_line_tbl(1).org_id := line_rec.org_id;
      l_line_tbl(1).orig_sys_document_ref := line_rec.orig_sys_document_ref;
      l_line_tbl(1).orig_sys_line_ref := line_rec.orig_sys_line_ref;
      l_line_tbl(1).pricing_quantity := p_qty;
      l_line_tbl(1).pricing_quantity_uom := line_rec.pricing_quantity_uom;
      l_line_tbl(1).request_date := line_rec.request_date;
      l_line_tbl(1).shipping_method_code := nvl(p_shipping_method_code,
      --        l_line_tbl(1).ship_from_org_id          :=  line_rec.ship_from_org_id;  -- 51305
      l_line_tbl(1).ship_from_org_id := p_organization_id; -- 51305
      l_line_tbl(1).sold_from_org_id := line_rec.sold_from_org_id;
      --commented for OF-OMAS TD#474 Part Substitution GST Tax, 4 Aug 2008 - Rex Qian
      --l_line_tbl(1).tax_code                  :=  line_rec.tax_code;
      --l_line_tbl(1).tax_date                  :=  line_rec.tax_date;
      --l_line_tbl(1).tax_exempt_flag         :=  line_rec.tax_exempt_flag;
      --l_line_tbl(1).tax_exempt_number         :=  line_rec.tax_exempt_number;
      --l_line_tbl(1).tax_exempt_reason_code  :=  line_rec.tax_exempt_reason_code;
      l_line_tbl(1).unit_list_price := line_rec.unit_list_price;
      l_line_tbl(1).unit_selling_price := line_rec.unit_selling_price;
      l_line_tbl(1).shipping_instructions := line_rec.shipping_instructions;
      l_line_tbl(1).packing_instructions := line_rec.packing_instructions;
      --        l_line_tbl(1).calculate_price_flag  :=  line_rec.calculate_price_flag;
      l_line_tbl(1).calculate_price_flag := 'N'; -- Added 06-Dec-2005
      l_line_tbl(1).subinventory := p_subinventory;
      l_line_tbl(1).operation := oe_globals.g_opr_create;
      l_line_tbl(1).shipment_priority_code := line_rec.shipment_priority_code;
    END LOOP; --for line_cur
    -- Lygine  09-Dec-2011
    -- Populate Extended Warranty Charge Line--
    *FOR warranty_rec IN warranty_cur LOOP*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).list_header_id := warranty_rec.list_header_id;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).list_line_id := warranty_rec.list_line_id;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).list_line_type_code := warranty_rec.list_line_type_code;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).change_reason_code := warranty_rec.change_reason_code;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).change_reason_text := warranty_rec.change_reason_text;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).operand := warranty_rec.operand;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).arithmetic_operator := warranty_rec.arithmetic_operator;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).modifier_level_code := warranty_rec.modifier_level_code;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).charge_type_code := warranty_rec.charge_type_code;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).context := warranty_rec.context;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute1 := warranty_rec.attribute1;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute2 := warranty_rec.attribute2;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute3 := warranty_rec.attribute3;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute4 := warranty_rec.attribute4;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute5 := warranty_rec.attribute5;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute6 := warranty_rec.attribute6;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute7 := warranty_rec.attribute7;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute8 := warranty_rec.attribute8;*
      *l_line_adj_tbl(1).attribute9 := warranty_rec.attribute9;*
    *END LOOP; -- for warranty_cur*
    -- Call Oracle standard API to process order             --
    -- Operation: Update - ordered_quantity on original line --
    oe_order_pub.process_order(p_api_version_number => 1.0,
                               p_init_msg_list      => fnd_api.g_false,
                               p_return_values      => fnd_api.g_false,
                               p_action_commit      => fnd_api.g_false,
                               x_return_status      => l_return_status,
                               x_msg_count          => l_msg_count,
                               x_msg_data           => l_msg_data,
                               p_line_tbl           => l_line_tbl,
                               *p_line_adj_tbl       => l_line_adj_tbl, -- Lygine 09-Dec-2011*
                               p_action_request_tbl => l_action_request,
                               -- Out paramters
                               x_header_rec             => l_header_rec,
                               x_header_val_rec         => x_header_val_rec,
                               x_header_adj_tbl         => x_header_adj_tbl,
                               x_header_adj_val_tbl     => x_header_adj_val_tbl,
                               x_header_price_att_tbl   => x_header_price_att_tbl,
                               x_header_adj_att_tbl     => x_header_adj_att_tbl,
                               x_header_adj_assoc_tbl   => x_header_adj_assoc_tbl,
                               x_header_scredit_tbl     => x_header_scredit_tbl,
                               x_header_scredit_val_tbl => x_header_scredit_val_tbl,
                               x_line_tbl               => l_line_tbl,
                               x_line_val_tbl           => x_line_val_tbl,
                               *x_line_adj_tbl           => l_line_adj_tbl,*
                               x_line_adj_val_tbl       => x_line_adj_val_tbl,
                               x_line_price_att_tbl     => x_line_price_att_tbl,
                               x_line_adj_att_tbl       => x_line_adj_att_tbl,
                               x_line_adj_assoc_tbl     => x_line_adj_assoc_tbl,
                               x_line_scredit_tbl       => x_line_scredit_tbl,
                               x_line_scredit_val_tbl   => x_line_scredit_val_tbl,
                               x_lot_serial_tbl         => x_lot_serial_tbl,
                               x_lot_serial_val_tbl     => x_lot_serial_val_tbl,
                               x_action_request_tbl     => l_action_request);

Hi all,
is it need to put ...
l_line_adj_tbl(1).operation := oe_globals.g_opr_create ?

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    *     alert_title varchar2(100) := null;*
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    *          INTO cnt*
    *          FROM t_mmamd,t_amdtype*
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    *          AND MMA_AMD_CODE = AMD_CODE;*
    *     IF cnt > 0 THEN*
    Alerts.Stop_Alert('Error: IMDG Code '||:AMD_CODE||'Delete not allowed!!Exists in t_mmamd table', choice);
    RAISE FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE;                       
    *          ELSE*
    *          alert_title := 'Are you sure to remove this record ?';*
    *          Alerts.Stop_Alert_YesNo (alert_title, p_button_choice);*
    If p_button_choice = 1 Then
    *     delete_record;*
    End if;
    END IF;
    Else -- record status is in INSERT or NEW mode
    *          delete_record;*
    *     End if;*
    It works okay and prevents me from deleting records in the other table . However I get the following errors when I try to delete a record which doesn't exist in t_mmamd table :
    Could not resolve record(2 tries) keep trying?
    Error : 40501 - oracle Error unable to reserve record for update or delete .

  • Condition record exist but not set in SO

    Hi SDN Team,
    I have a problem.  Where in the sales order for the Discount condition type condition record where already exist in diffferent validity period.
    ZAJ1 discount condition type - with the same key combination with different valididity period
    ZAJ1 - 27.01.2009 to 15.02.2009
    ZAJ1 - 16-02-2009 to 15-03-2009
    The reason is not set for the ZAJ1 condition in the Sales Order is due to the sales order was created before the pricing condition record validity datet.  Sales order where created on 11.02.2009.  But the condition record where valid from 16.02.2009  that is the reason the condition record was not set in the sales order.
    Based on this explanation user agreed and the call was closed. 
    I have also explained Where ZAJ1 has condition record. but which is not set in the document. if pricing was carried out again it will set the condition for the item.
    But now again the call was reopened stating that -
    At the time of creating the sales order the ZAJ1Condition record exist in the period 27-01-2009 to 15-02-2009. now the primary rebate should be used by the system. Unfortunately it did not.
    Based on the reopend call - i have further investigated the issue but i could not find the root cause.
    Based on this when i checked the previous order where the ZAJ1 condition was well picked up with the validity period 27-01-2009 to 15-02-2009, what might be the reason the condition type was not picked up in the sales order?
    Can you please let me know with your expertise in solving this issue.

    1)Requirement is set with 2 (itme with pricing). and calculation type is assigned with own calculation type.
    2) In the pricing analysis - it shows as per below
    This message tells you that the condition record exists, but has not been set in the document. If pricing was carried out again for the document item, then the condition would be set.
    There are different reasons for this:
    The condition was deleted manually in the item condition screen.
    The condition record was created later. Please note that order processing and pricing have buffer mechanisms. This means that a newly added condition record might only be found after order processing has been left completely and then started again.
    If the condition type is used for subsequent settlement (rebate), there may be subsequent updating of business volume (the agreement is is created retrospectively). The document conditions do not contain the condition record, as the condition record was not created when pricing was carried out. Updating of business volume is carried out using special functions for subsequent settlement.
    When an item was added, the condition record was accessed with key fields other than change time. This could lead to different results in the requirements check at the time of adding and the change time. This can occur when modifications are made.
    In billing (or when copying orders): Certain condition types were not determined in the source document (this is usually controlled by the pricing requirements). When creating the document, the document flow (TVCPF,TVCPA) is processed using a pricing type that does not redetermine these condition types, although they are supposed to be called via the requirements.

  • Inbund IDOC error: Status records with status 51 after status 53

    Hi all,
    I'm looking to resolve an issue related to posting an inbound IDOC. when I process inbound IDOC created from report prg I'm getting a status message: "Status records with status 51 after 53" .
    Functionality: I'm creating an IDOC from flat file and processing it to post Customer master data into SAP. During this process creation of IDOC is successful but when I'm changing the existing data record (customer master data) IDOC is throwing this error.
    Changing data: For changing existing data I'm passing KUNNR field and overwriting the remaining data. Even though the idoc status is 51 the changed data is getting posted in to SAP. Here my concern is to see IDOC status as 53.
    Edited by: Ganesh Sunkara on Aug 1, 2009 3:45 AM

    Hi all,
    I solved this issue by myself. There is an error in the user exit code.

  • Pricing error; ''Condition record exists, but has not been set''

    hello friends
    we created the order (credit memo req), refer to this created the credit memo.
    in the order one line item and only 2 condition records
    base price and tax (MWST)
    in the order both conditions are coming and in the invoice it is not showing the condition (mwst)  and in the Analysis it is showing as ''Condition record exists, but has not been set''
    what would be the reason?

    if both the condition types are showing in the order then you need to update pricing in billing because sometimes when u chnage any condtion value for base price after creation of order then system is not able to find valid condition record at billing document level.

  • Shipment cost :Cond. type FS00 - condition record exists (removed manualy)

    hey all ,
    my requirement is to charge for every container (packing material) in the shipment .
    i coped condition FS00 (container) and called it Z100 .
    the condition is defined with following parameters :
    cond.class : B - prices
    calc.type : S -number of shipping units
    calc base : C -handling units
    the condition opens in a pricing procedure under item category ZK01 which is defined the shipment header  as cost relevant.
    AND the problem :
    when i opens the shipment cost document the condition doesn't appears .
    in the analysis i get this message  :
    " condition record exists ( removed manually ) "
    when i add the condition manually and double click on him there is a field that
    specify that the condition is inactive because : " inactive due to calculation basis (shipping)
    after checking the relevant notes :
    i don't have a requirement in the procedure or the access to this condition .
    i didnt delete is manually
    so the above isn't the reasons that the condition isn't showing .
    other condition types ( old condition types ) is active in this procedure ( new procedure )
    does any body have an idea ?
    Best Regards

    hey RP ,
    no exclusion and no formulas in this pricing procedure ?
    any other ideas ?
    i post this in an other forum and got this :
    There should not be two or more conditions with the condition class B in the
    same pricing procedure.If there are two coditionswith the condition class B
    in the same pricing procedure then it will invalidate all other conditions
    in the pricing procedure.Check if any other condition(other than Z100) has
    the same condition class. If yes use some other condition class for it.
    Avinash Gyale
    is it make any sense ?

  • Why I cannot use SIRI in Japanese after updated to ios 5.1?

    Why I cannot use SIRI in Japanese after updated to ios 5.1?
    I can see the language is there but it doesnt work

    Check your settings to make sure Siri is actually enabled.  Sometimes I find that Siri will disable during the updating process.  Oh, and it should be iOS 6.0 not 6.1.  6.1 doesn't exist...yet.

  • Condition record exist, but has not been set

    I am creating proforma invoice for STO replenishment delivery. I am getting error log "Billing type contains split criteria, n invoiced:123456789, invoice not required". But I am able to save it. I used all standard settings for copy control and billing type.
    For the proforma invoice the condition records are picking up some times and some times not picking up. In the analysis its showing "Condition record exist, but has not been set". When I update with carry out new pricing some times its updating with condition records some times not. I need a solution urgently. Please help.
    Edited by: k c on Nov 4, 2009 7:50 AM

    The message "condition record exists, but has not been set" tells you
    that the condition record exists, but has not  been set in the document.
    If pricing was carried out again for the document item, then the
    condition would be set.
    This can have different causes:
    The condition was deleted manually in the item condition screen.
    The condition record was created later. Please note that order
    processing and pricing have buffer mechanisms. This means that a newly
    added condition record might only be found after order processing have
    been left completely and then started again.
    When an item was added, the condition record was accessed with key
    fields other than change time. This could lead to different results in
    the requirements check at the time of adding and the change time. This
    can occur when modifications are made.
    In billing (or when copying orders): Certain condition types were not
    determined in the source document (this is usually controlled by the
    pricing requirements). When creating the document, the document flow
    (TVCPF,TVCPA) is processed using a pricing type that does not
    redetermine these condition types, although they are supposed to be
    called via the requirments."
    Please check if any of those reasons apply to your problem.
    Note that the condition type is determined just in the moment when
       the billing item is created. And it then that the userexit fills the
       field. When you save the billing document, pricing is called.
       Please ensure that you have any userexits switched off and then test
       this issue again.
    If you have access to OSS notes. please see:
         24832      Pricing rules / TVC
        130416     Requirements in the condition preliminary st
          27636     Message: Condition exists (removed manually)
        859876     Condition is missing: Message VE 108 or VE 008
    I hope you find this information very helpful and hopefully it will solve your problem.
    Martina McElwain
    SD - Forum Moderator

  • How to rectify "No master record exist for the vendor TEST"  in ME41

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