Wrong image size when placing

When I try to place a picture in photoshop CS6 either from drag&drop in the application window or from the place command, my image gets automatically resized based on the resolution (pixels per inch) of my document.
I create a new blank document, 1000*1000px @ 300ppi.
I have another image that I want to place in the document and this image measures 500*500px @ 100ppi.
I then go to File->Place  and the image that appears is way too big.  In the Info panel, it says that the image is 1500x1500 and the transform settings at the top indicate that the image hasen't been scaled because both width and height are at 100%
If I cahnge my document resolution (no resample) to 100ppi, the image has the right size when I place it.
So my question is:  Is this normal?  Because it has never done that with past versions of Photoshop.  If it is normal, is there a way I can change this because placing an image based on it's physical (printed) size makes absolutely no sense.  1 pixel = 1 pixel.
Thank you for your help

Once you understand how Photoshop works you can batch some some things you create some actions for.  Size is difficult to deal with in actions and often you will have problems dealing with aspect ratios and image orientation.
To automate a process well scripting is more powerful then actions for you can use logic to solve problem area involving sizing, orientation, aspect ratios and positioning.  You can size an image to cover an area then mask off any excess to virtually crop the image to the areas aspect ratio.  If you download my Photoshop Photo Collage Toolkit there are script that create composite that can deal with any size image.
One script PasteImageRoll.jsx can past selected images into a document to be print on roll paper. Images will be tiled into the document some images may be rotated for a better fit for the tiles aspect ratio. Image will be resized to fill the tile area and masked to virtually make a center crop of the images.  Other scripts will place in images file into collage template as smart object layers. Smart object images layers will be scaled to fit the various templates images areas position over the area and masked to the area. Link Documentation and Examples for the toolkit and Link Paste Image Roll Script Information
Scripting is very powerful you can even open image off the web using its URL even stack all the image on a web page using its url
// OpenImageFromWeb.jsx
// Copyright 2006-2009
// Written by Jeffrey Tranberry
// Photoshop for Geeks Version 3.0
// modified by MLH
// modified by JJMACK 2010
<about>$$$/JavaScripts/OpenImageFromWeb/About=JJMack's OpenImageFromWeb.^r^rCopyright 2010 Mouseprints.^r^rJJMack's Script.^rOpen Image From Web as a Placed smart object layer!</about>
<category>JJMack's Script</category>
This sample script shows how to download images from a web server using the
Socket object.
// Note: Socket.read() parameter & behavior
// Socket.read() will read or time out. It may not read all data fromserver. <---------------
// Socket.read(999999) will read 999999 bytes, or timeout, or socket will be
// closed by the server.
// enable double clicking from the
// Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop
// Make Photoshop the frontmost application
var html = "";
var request = "";
var url = "";
var binary = "";
var requesthtml = "";
var socket = new Socket;
var domain = "www.mouseprints.net" // the domain for the file we want
var sImg = "/old/dpr/JJMack8btiSrgb.png"; // the rest of the url for the file we want
var port = ":80"; // the port for the file we want
var url = prompt("Enter the image's full URL http://domain/full image path",url);   // prompt for domain name
if (url != null && url != ""){
          if ( (url.indexOf("http://") != -1)  || (url.indexOf("HTTP://") != -1)  ) {
                    domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
                    domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
                    pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
                    domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
                    sImg = domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
                    // Isolate Image name
                    var Name =  sImg
                    var imagePath = "";
                    while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                              imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                              Name = Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                    //alert("domain = " +  domain + " , Image = " + sImg + " Image File Name = " + Name);
                    if ( domain != "" && sImg != "" && sImg != "/" && Name.indexOf(".") != -1 ) {
                              var f = File("~/" + Name); // Image file name
                              f.encoding = "binary"; // set binary mode
                              if (socket.open(domain + port, "binary")){
                                        //alert("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                                        requesthtml ="\n\nDmain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " binary\n"
                                        request ="GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n"
                                        socket.write(request); // get the file
                                        var binary = socket.read(99999999);
                                        binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                              else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " Failed   ");}
                              if (binary.length != 0) {
                                        //alert ("file length = " + binary.length );
                                        if(app.documents.length == 0) {
                                                  //app.documents.add([width] [, height] [, resolution] [, name] [, mode] [, initialFill] [,pixelAspectRatio] [, bitsPerChannel] [,colorProfileName])
                                                  app.documents.add(new UnitValue(1600,'px'), new UnitValue(1200,'px'), 72, null, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.WHITE, 1,BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT, "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" );
                                        placeSmartObject( f );
                              f.remove(); // Remove temporary downloaded files
                    else { alert("Invalid Image URL: " + url ); }
          else { alert("Invalid URL: " + url ); }
else { if ( url == "" ) alert("No URL Entered"); }
function placeSmartObject(fileRef){
          //create a new smart object  layer using a file
          try {
                    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
                              desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), new File( fileRef ) );
                              desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" ), charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" ),charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" ));
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" ),charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Hght" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Angl" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" ), 0 );
                              desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" ), true );
                    executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "Plc " ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
                    activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(100 ,100,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
          } catch (e) { alert("Placeing file: '" + fileRef + "' failed"); }
// Remove header lines from HTTP response
function removeHeaders(binary){
          var bContinue = true ; // flag for finding end of header
          var line = "";
          var httpheader = "";
          var nFirst = 0;
          var count = 0;
          while (bContinue) {
                    line = getLine(binary) ; // each header line
                    httpheader = httpheader + line;
                    bContinue = line.length >= 2 ; // blank header == end of header
                    nFirst = line.length + 1 ;
                    binary = binary.substr(nFirst) ;
          if (httpheader.indexOf("Bad Request") != -1 || httpheader.indexOf("Not Found") != -1) {
                    alert (requesthtml + request + httpheader);
                    var binary = "";
          //alert (requesthtml + request + httpheader + "\nFile length = " + binary.length);
          return binary;
// Get a response line from the HTML
function getLine(html){
          var line = "" ;
          for (var i = 0; html.charCodeAt(i) != 10; i++){ // finding line end
                    line += html[i] ;
          return line ;
// Copyright 2007.  Adobe Systems, Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// This script demonstrates how to download images from a web server using the Socket object.
// Adobe's Socket.jsx Photoshop sample javascript
// modified by JJMACK 2011
<about>$$$/JavaScripts/StackWebPageImages/About=JJMack's StackWebPageImages.^r^rCopyright 2011 Mouseprints.^r^rJJMack's Script.^rPlaces Images used in a Web page as smart object layers in stack in a new document!^rOnly images embedded coded with path relative to the domains root will be Placed though.^rImages that fail to be placed may be Placed into the document using your browser right click to copy image URL.^rThen paste that URL into the OpenImageFromWeb script URL input field. </about>
<category>JJMack's Script</category>
// Note: Socket.read() parameter & behavior
// Socket.read() will read or time out. It may not read all data from server.
// Socket.read(999999) will read 999999 bytes, or timeout, or socket will be
// closed by the server.
// Settings
#target photoshop
app.bringToFront(); // bring top
//if("en_US" == $.locale) { // display only US build
//          alert("This sample script shows how to download images from a web server using the Socket object.");
// Remove header lines from HTTP response
function removeHeaders(binary)
          var bContinue = true ; // flag for finding end of header
          var line = "";
          var nFirst = 0;
          var count  = 0;
          while (bContinue) {
                    line = getLine(binary) ; // each header line
                    bContinue = line.length >= 2 ;  // blank header == end of header
                    nFirst = line.length + 1 ;
                    binary = binary.substr(nFirst) ;
          return binary;
// Get a response line from the HTML
function getLine(html)
          var line = "" ;
          for (var i = 0; html.charCodeAt(i) != 10; i++){ // finding line end
                    line += html[i] ;
          return line ;
var socket = new Socket;
var port = "80";
var html = "";
//if (socket.open("www.adobe.com:80")){
//          socket.write("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n");
//          html = socket.read(9999999);
//          socket.close();
var url = "";
var url = prompt("Enter the Web page full URL the images are in like http://domain/index.html",url);   // prompt web page
if (url != null && url != ""){
          if ( (url.indexOf("http://") != -1)  || (url.indexOf("HTTP://") != -1)  ) {
                    domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
                    domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
                    if ( domainPath.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {
                              pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
                              domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
                              wPage= domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
                    else {
                              domain = domainPath;
                                wPage = "/";
                    // Isolate Page name
                    var pName=  wPage;
                    var pagePath = "";
                    while (pName.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {
                              pagePath= pagePath + pName.substr(0, pName.indexOf("/") + 1);
                              pName = pName.substr(pName.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                    //if (socket.open("www.adobe.com:80")){
                    if (socket.open(domain +":" + port)){
                              //alert("GET page = " + wPage + " HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                              socket.write("GET " + wPage + " HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                              html = socket.read(9999999);
                              //var aImg = html.match(/src=\"\/images\/(.*?)\"/g);                    //  src="/images/~~~"
                              //var aImg = html.match(/img src=\"(.*?)\"/g);                              // img src="~~~"
                              //var aImg = html.match(/img src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // img src=["|?]~~~" 
                              //var aImg = html.match(/img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // img ~~~src="~~~" 
                              var aImg = html.match(/<img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)\"/g);                    // <img ~~~src="~~~"
                              //var aImg = html.match(/<img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // <img ~~~src=["|?]~~~"
                              //alert("Image List\n" + aImg);
                              if (null != aImg) { // parsed image tags
                                        //app.documents.add([width] [, height] [, resolution] [, name] [, mode] [, initialFill] [,pixelAspectRatio] [, bitsPerChannel] [,colorProfileName])
                                        app.documents.add(new UnitValue(1600,'px'), new UnitValue(1200,'px'), 72, null, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.WHITE, 1,BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT, "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" );
                                        for (var i=0; i < aImg.length; i++) {
                                                  var str = aImg[i];
                                                  //var sImg = str.substring(5, str.length-1); // remove "src=" & ["]
                                                  //var sImg = str.substring(9, str.length-1); // remove "img src=" & ["]
                                                  var sImg = str.substring(str.indexOf('src="')+5, str.length-1); // remove "<img ... src=" & ["]
                                                            if (sImg.substring(0,7) == "http://" || sImg.substring(0,7) == "HTTP://")  { placeWebImage(imageNo, sImg); } // redirect image
                                                            else {
                                                                      if (sImg.substring(0,1) != "/" ) { sImg = pagePath + sImg ; }                               // image is relative to web page path
                                                                      //else { sImg = sImg.substr(1, sImg.length - 1) ; sImg = pagePath + sImg; }          // aways include web page path bad idea
                                                                      // Isolate Image name
                                                                      var Name =  sImg;
                                                                      var imagePath = "";
                                                                      while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                                                                                imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                                                                                Name= Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                                                                      Name= imageNo + " " + Name;
                                                                      //var f = File("~/socket_sample_" + i + sImg.substr(sImg.length-4)); // 4 = .gif or .jpg
                                                                      var f = File("~/" + Name ); // Temp File name
                                                                      f.encoding  = "binary";  // set binary mode
                                                                      //if (socket.open("www.adobe.com:80", "binary")){
                                                                      if (socket.open(domain +":" + port, "binary")){
                                                                                socket.write("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n"); // Adobe's site image link starts with "/"
                                                                                var binary = socket.read(9999999);
                                                                                binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                                                                      else { alert("Socket Open " + domain + ":" + port + ", binary Failed"); }
                                                                      //app.open(f); // Open files in Photoshop
                                                                      placeSmartObject( f );
                                                                      f.remove();  // Remove temporary downloaded files
                                        alert("Number of images found in page = " + imageNo );
                              else { alert("No images found for " + url); }
                    else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port " + port + " Failed   ");}
          else { alert("Invalid URL: " + url ); }
else { if (url == "") alert("No URL Entered"); }
function placeSmartObject(fileRef){
          //create a new smart object layer using a file
          try {
                    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
                              desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), new File( fileRef ) );
                              desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" ), charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" ),charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" ));
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" ),charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Hght" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Angl" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" ), 0 );
                              desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" ), true );
                    executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "Plc " ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
                    activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(100 ,100,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
          } catch (e) { }
function placeWebImage(num, url){
          var socket = new Socket;
          domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
          domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
          pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
          domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
          sImg = domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
          // Isolate Image name
          var Name =  sImg
          var imagePath = "";
          while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                    imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                    Name = Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
          Name= num + "R " + Name;
          //alert("domain = " +  domain + " , Image = " + sImg + " Image File Name = " + Name);
          if ( domain != "" && sImg != "" && sImg != "/" && Name.indexOf(".") != -1 ) {
                    var f = File("~/" + Name); // Image file name
                    f.encoding = "binary"; // set binary mode
                    if (socket.open(domain +":" + port, "binary")){
                              //alert("socket.write GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                              //socket.write("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");           // did not work
                              socket.write("GET " + url +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");                    // use url to this server works
                              var binary = socket.read(9999999);
                              binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                    //else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " Failed   ");}
                    placeSmartObject( f );
                    f.remove(); // Remove temporary downloaded files
          //else { alert("Invalid Image URL: " + url ); }

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    The image has a resolution of 3264x4928. Exporting using Dimension resizing of 2048x1536 results in an 2047x1536 image.
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    Assuming that LR is working to only 3 decimal places here, which indications discussed in another thread would suggest, then there are several ways to achieve that:
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    Most of the time the "quick-round" procedure will work out fine, also truncating will usually be good enough, assuming the above has anything to do with the reality (which it may not). Just occasionally, though, there'll be an error in the final digit, compared with what the theoretically accurate procedure would have given. So if I am right this is not strictly speaking a bug (something failing to execute as it has been designed to do), but the result of a software design choice. "Works as designed", iow .
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    [ alternative method: I find the Print module, outputting to JPG, is completely reliable when it comes to making a standardised JPG as to the dimensions, as well as offering some different technical and design options, than what you get with Export. For one thing, you get the option of on-the-fly cropping to shape, which you can then adjust interactively where (as here) the image is a different aspect than the Retina display. So if you want it, you can fill the screen instead of getting letterbox, all without having altered your main (Develop) crop for that image. Alternatively, if you don't want the Zoom to Fill option (e.g. with landscape images to be shown in portrait orientation as part of a sequence) you can still make all your images to the same dimension, but controlling the appearance of the borders that are left (which become part of the image) ]
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    Tecra A4-S231
    Tecra A4-S236
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    <edit>...the ENTIRE model number as shown on the bottom label is:  PTA40U-1D701F   </edit>
    Message Edited by SetiRich on 04-16-2009 05:53 PM

    This is a maybe...
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    How can I control the image size when I export form iphoto, the choice is too limited, I need to send a photo under 3 MB but if I choose high quaulity it is only 1.1 and i need to keep the best quaulity I can. Thanks for help.

    Any image can only be as large as the Original. With a program like Photoshop you can UpRes an image and get it to a bigger size, larger files size as well, but the actual quality of the image will be degraded, depending on the UpRes system and the original quality of the image.
    iPhoto is not the program to be doing that in and I don't think it even has that option.
    So I suspect the image you are trying to send isn't much bigger than what you are getting. You can also try Exporting it from iPhoto to yopur desktop and see what size you end up with. If it is still that 209KB +/- file size then that is the size of the original image.

  • Strange problem with image scaling when placed

    I'm currently running InDesign CS6 from the Creative Cloud, and it's version 8.0. I have a PC and am running Windows 8.
    I am experiencing a really odd problem when placing images, and it only recently (within the last two weeks perhaps?) has developed. I do ebook production for a publisher. I have an InDesign template (INDD file really, but "blank" and ready to be filled in, and as such I refer to it as a "template") that I use, and the cover for the book goes on the first page. The document is set to pixels as the ruler measurement, and the pages are 650 pixels wide by 800 pixels tall. The margins are all set at zero. The cover images are sent to me as JPEGs and always have the same size: 72dpi setting and 500 pixels wide by 750 pixels tall. This is chosen to be about the size of the full screen on most ereaders, or close enough to be so.
    So when working on a new book, I put my cursor in the blank line that is set up to take the cover as an inline image. I do control-D to place, select the file, and hit enter. This SHOULD place an image at that location that is 500 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall when looking at the InDesign page rulers. Instead, InDesign insists on placing this image at 50% scaling, so that it is only 250 pixels wide by 375 pixels tall. And in the link info panel, it shows the actual PPI as 72 and the effective PPI as 144. It does this no matter how many preference changes I try (including the ones under file handling and the import setting options).
    The strangest part is that if the file is just a tiny bit different than 500x750 @72dpi, then there is no problem. For example, if I open the JPEG in Photoshop and change the image settings to 500x750 @73dpi, then InDesign places it at 100% scale like I want. If I change the image to 499x749 @72dpi it also gets placed in InDesign at 100% scaling. I've tried this with various new INDD documents with settings in pixels, inches, or picas as the ruler amounts, and with different page or margin sizes (just in case the problem is with my template). I get the same result no matter what.
    It appears that InDesign somehow thinks that any image that is exactly 500x750 @72dpi should be scaled at 50% when placing it into an InDesign file. Has anyone else run across this? Is it a bug or something I'm doing wrong? I've been doing this exact procedure for over a year, first with CS5 and now CS6, and I've never had this happen until just recently. I suppose it COULD be an accidental change in settings or preferences. But if it is, I cannot figure out how to change it back.
    UPDATE: I installed the 8.0.1 update and it did not resolve the issue. I also tried more image options. It looks like this scaling to 50% upon placing ONLY happens when all three attributes match this: 500x750@72dpi. All of the following modifications to the exact same image placed in the exact same spot in the exact same document resolved the issue:
    But of course, I don't want to have to modify every cover image I'm sent in order to prevent this scaling issue.

    I just tried this and got the same results (CS6, 8.0.1, on WinXP SP3). One other tidbit: the same 500px × 750 px @ 72ppi image saved as TIFF instead of JPEG worked correctly (at least for me). I haven't tried any other image formats yet.
    This sounds like a good candidate for an official bug report: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform

  • How do I keep my selections the same size when placing in another picture?

    Using PSE 4, I am trying to take my head from one picture (Using the selection tool, etc) and place it in another. The problem is, whenever I try to do that, it changes sizes; gets smaller. Yesterday, I tried to take a part of larger picture and place it into a smaller picture. I tried to resize the background picture but it made the cutout I placed on top of it humungous. I just want to know, is there anyway to keep the actual size of something you cut out, and place in another picture, that same size no matter what? By the way, I have literally been using PSE 4 for 3 days. If you answer, please speak in layman's terms as much as possible. Thank You.

    The size, in pixels, is staying the same. Most of the time, this is the way you should think of image size. Working in inches is only meaningful when you are about to print.
    In your example, if the piece you have added is too small, select it and use Transform to make it bigger. This is upsampling, so quality may be compromised.

  • Tiny image size when opening files

    When I open a file in CC2014 on my iMac it opens in a new window (I turned off opening in tabs) with an incredibly small file size. The image size is fine, but the view is 0.05% of the original. I'm sure I clicked on something to make this frustrating situation occur, but have no idea how to fix it. Any ideas?

    Just figured it out - I had made the photoshop screen where the controls are located small to get it out of the way a little and when I opened the files it made them as small as possible to 'fit' in the window I shrunk. I opened it back to full size and the images open fine. I'm an idiot. Sorry to waste your time ssprengel

  • Image size when sharing portrait orientation in CC

    Is there any way to over ride the behavior of CC when sharing images with a portrait orientation? By default it fits the image to the height of the browser window, even when it's expanded to full page. The result is a REDUCTION in image size if you want to share an image that is taller than it is wide.

    Usually Images display "fit to screen" by default in my browser. If I click on an over-sized image, it goes to actual size.
    There I can scroll around. So I'm guessing you want a 100% or "fit width" default?
    Anyway it is the Image > Image Size command that resizes or changes pixel dimensions in Photoshop.
    If you send your images to other users, they can zoom in and out to view no matter the size.

  • Error message: incompatible image size when using IMAQ in image processing

    I want to do low pass filter and convolution on an acquired image. When I connect the image to the VI, the message: incompatible image size appears. I have tried to set the border to 3 in IMAQ create, but it does not help. Anyone know how to solve this problem?

    Which particular VI is outputting this error? Did you try larger border sizes (5,7)? What is the exact error code and error string?
    Yusuf C.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Lightroom 2.5 Image Size When Printing

    I have searched and tried several approaches, but cannot get LR to adjust an image size correctly when printing. 
    For example, I have a Lab Test Page tif image that has a document size of 23" W x 29" H and a resolution of 180 ppi.
    I can use CSR 4 Image/Image Size to change this to 8" W x 10.5" H and a resolution of 320 ppi using resampling. The reduced image prints correctly in CSR 4 on 8.5" x 11" paper and results in .25" margins top and bottom. The same thing happens in LR 2.5 with the size reduced image.
    However, if I try to print the original image using LR 2.5 to automatically resize the image it does not work correctly. I have tried all sorts of combinations of settings to get it to reduce the image (as is done in CSR 4) and print with .25" top/bottom margins without success. The image fails to resize correctly.
    Is this a bug, a feature??, or operator error? Can anyone tell how to make LR 2.5 automatically resize so it prints correctly? I have tested this on other computers with the same results.

    Go to print module.
    Select Print to jpg.
    Set the resolution at 180 ppi.
    Other output settings, sharpening, paper profile as required.
    Set the margin sizes as required.
    Set the cell size to the size of the image
    Set the Custom File Dimensions to the size of the paper...29" x 23" in this case.
    You can drag the Cell size and the various borders around until you get exactly the lay out on paper you require. Then when finished hit print to file, name the file and the job is done.
    If you want to print a a different size, with a different resolution, on different sized paper, with different borders all this can be done in the print module and it is WYSIWYG so no guess work (or calculations) involved. Using LR rather than PS for this also has the advantage of using much better algorithms for upsizing images than PS and applying output sharpening for the specific media type you intend to print to, all using the RAW data

  • Mystery:  Jpg explodes in size when placed.  Why?

    This has never happened to me before and has be totally baffled.
    I have a jpg about 1000px x 800px and I've been trying to 'place' it into an Illustrator CS3 doc set at 11 x 8.5 inches. 
    When I do the jpg increases/transforms to mammoth proportions ....around 14,000 px by 9000px. 
    The same image opens fine in Photoshop and image size indicates the workable size 1000 x 800px. 
    What the heck!  Anybody know what is going on?

    Open the jpg in photoshop >> Image >> image size (uncheck Resample Image) and change the resolution to 300 (is 5 in this example).

  • Still image size when importing to Premiere Pro CS3

    I was wondering if someone could help me.  I do a lot of Still Image Slide shows with music and all that jazz and I used to use Premiere 6.5.  When I would import the still images I could just lock the aspect ratio and it would automatically size the picture to fit the screen.  I recently upgraded to CS3 and when I try to import a photo it imports it at actual image size so if the pic to too big it just looks zoomed in.  I'm wonder if there is a setting in I can adjust so it autosizes the pic like it did in version 6.5?  It may sound lazy but I do these with a lot of picture and I don't have time to adjust the size of each photo in Photoshop prior to import.
    I have figured out a temporary workaround where I import the files into 6.5 and then open the existing project in CS3 but my new computer runs Vista and it's not allowing me to install 6.5 on it.  I would appreciate any help.

    I copied this from the help.
    Scale assets automatically
    1 Choose Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Premiere Pro > Preferences > General
    2 Select Default Scale To Frame Size.(Mac OS).
    3 Click OK.

  • Error message: incompatib​le image size when using IMAQ in image processing

    I want to do low pass filter and convolution on an acquired image. When I connect the image to the VI, the message: incompatible image size appears. I have tried to set the border to 3 in IMAQ create, but it does not help. Anyone know how to solve this problem?

    A couple things might be causing this problem-
    1) The convolution matrix is bigger than 7x7, or
    2) You have created an image, but there is not yet anything in the buffer
    You can check number 2 by doing a winDraw window just before you do the convolution.

  • Mail reduces image size when forwarding!?

    When I forward an email (I use Mail - v6.6 on 10.8.5) the image in the email becomes reduced from 556KB to 20KB which renders it unusable when received.
    Can anyone tell me where settings are to stop this happening? I want to forward full size, full res images.
    Many thanks in advance for any help offered.

    Found the answer! In Mail, at top right hand side of the message pane, there's a little drop down menu for 'Image Size'. Once you set it, it stays at that setting until you change it. It'll then stay at the setting you've changed it to until you decide to change it again. See images attached.
    Let me know how if it works for you.

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