Access child clips of loded SWF

I have a class ( that uses a Loader object to load an
external SWF in to the root of my main app. I then want to pass a
reference to the loaded SWF to another class in my main app so that
it can access clips on the main timeline of the loaded SWF.
Currently I use a Loader to load the SWF with a handler for
EVENT.INIT, in the INIT handler I send the Loader object to another
class using
The second class receives the Loader object and it is here
that I want to use addChild to add a Shape to the loaded SWF and
set it as a mask on a clip on the SWFs timeline. I thought I was
getting there using:
but when this runs I get a #1010: A term is undefined and has
no properties.
I am pretty new to AS3 so am quite likely going about this in
a pretty kak handed way so if anyone has any ideas in general on
accessing the child clips and properties of externally loaded SWF
files I would love to hear them.
Thanks a lot all

loaderObject.content is the main timeline of your loaded swf.
if clipName is a child of that main timeline,
loaderObject.content["clipName"] will reference that child.
therefore, loaderObject.content["clipName"].parent will
reference you external swf's main timeline. and then you are trying
to add maskShape to your external swf's main timeline.
where's maskShape? that needs to be accessible to the class
that's executing your code (and it's clearly not, or you wouldn't
receive that error).
but beyond that error, i think you're doing things you don't

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    You need the FLA's to open in Flash.
    You could download the free trial of a flash decompiler
    ( The free trial won't give you actionscript, but
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    You will need to wait until the file is loaded to be able to interact with it, so if that might be an issue timing-wise then look into using the addListener method of the MovieClipLoader class.  If the movie is loaded you should be able to access the movieclips within it using the movieclip name you assigned (mygalleryContainerproducts) to target them.

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    I don’t know if any way to fix this without changing the URL the plugin wants to load.  Now if the plugin stores that URL in a publicly accessible variable, you might be able to access it from the main SWF and change it.  But it would be better to have the plugin detect relative paths and make sure they are relative to the SWF.  The SWFLoader component uses a LoaderUtil class to do that for SWFs it loads, but loads that don’t use SWFLoader need similar fix ups.

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    _parent.por_details_cont.attachMovie("ZSQ_details","ZSQ_de tails",0);
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    if 'movie' is just a layer on the timeline you do not need to
    reference it in your path.
    Just use _root.chapters.gotoAndPlay(2);
    paths only need to reference nested levels of

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    var key:String = "test";
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    trace(panelMove.keyTest()); = (Nothing returned)
    panelMovie.key = "dave";
    trace(panelMovie.key); = "test" (Previous line = no effect)
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    preferentially to keep all code outside of the fla.
    I've also tried a lot of different combinations of _root,
    _parent and _levelx. None of which I truly understand.
    Any help would be much appreciated! Plus any good tutorial
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    (Couldn't find the code tag/button...)

    >>trace(panelMove.keyTest()); = (Nothing returned)
    You have panelMove here instead of panelMovie
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

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    First, you need a loadComplete function in your icMain class
    to get called after the swf is loaded. You set up that relationship
    already in this line:
    so you need this:
    private function loadComplete(event:Event):void
    then, move these functions into the loadComplete function as
    you have to wait until the swf is loaded before setting the
    var indexPage:indexPage = indexLoader.content as indexPage;
    indexPage.icMain = this;
    In your indexPage class, you need to move your set mainSWF
    function outside of the indexPage function. Also, the type of
    object you are passing, according to your code, should be icMain.
    So, instead of this:
    public function indexPage():void
    public function set mainSWF(icMain:MainSWFDocumentClass):void
    _icMain = icMain;
    Do this (notice I changed the name of your variable to avoid
    name conflict. using the convention of starting class names with a
    Capital letter would help too):
    private var _mainSWF:icMain;
    public function indexPage():void
    public function set mainSWF(mainSWF:icMain):void {
    _mainSWF = mainSWF;
    Here is the rewritten icMain class:
    public class icMain extends Sprite
    public function icMain():void
    var indexRequest:URLRequest = new
    var indexLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    private function loadComplete(event:Event):void
    var indexPage:indexPage = indexLoader.content as indexPage;
    indexPage.icMain = this;
    And here is your rewritten indexPage class:
    package {
    public class indexPage extends Sprite
    private var _mainSWF:icMain;
    public function indexPage():void
    public function set mainSWF(mainSWF:icMain):void {
    _mainSWF = mainSWF;

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    var swfLoader : Loader = new Loader();
    var swfURL : URLRequest = new URLRequest("dialog.swf");
    function imgLoaded(event:Event):void
    var movie : * = swfLoader.content;
    var clip : MovieClip = movie;
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    The question is: How can i access to this property to change

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    public var imagecopy:Object;
             public function imagecopyfunction():Object{
             imagecopy  = img;
             return imagecopy;
    now, I want to access this image in the mxml file ProductList.mxml in a function
      public function init():void
          ProductCatalogThumbnail.imagecopy.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, beginDrag );
         // accepting a drag/drop operation...
           this.area.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER, acceptDrop );
           // handling the drop...
          //this.area.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_DROP, handleDrop );
    I tried to use the variable, and then i tried to use the function:
    I got this error when I tried the variable : 1119: Access of possibly undefined property imagecopy through a reference with static type Class.
    ProductCatalogThumbnail.imagecopy.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, beginDrag );
    and this error when i tried the function:  1061: Call to a possibly undefined method imagecopyfunction through a reference with static type Class.
    ProductCatalogThumbnail.imagecopyfunction().addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, beginDrag );
    i made sure i imported ProductCatalogThumbnail file in the beginning of my application.
    I am not sure what went wrong.

  • ScaleMode.NONE results in clipping/masking of SWFs

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    Making this change solved the problem for SWFElements loaded into the player as media, but if I try to add metadata to it and load it as a plugin it still clips. Removing the addMetadataValue from the swf plugin resource data removes the clipping issue:
    var resource:MediaResourceBase = new URLResource(url);
    resource.addMetadataValue(SocialPlugin.NS_SOCIAL_SETTINGS, socialSettings);
    socialElement = factory.createMediaElement(resource);
    Does that make any sense?

  • Accessing AIR API from loaded SWFs

    I am relatively new to AIR development and I can't get my head a round a little issue. I have an AIR application created in Flash CS5 that is just a shell that loads modules on demand, those modules are just SWF.
    I would like to access the AIR API directly from the classes of those SWF but of course they don't compile because in the publish settings they are just exported for Flash player 10 and don't see the AIR API. I tried adding airglobal.swc to the library hoping it would sort out the compiling problem but it doesn't and it generates many errors.
    I use to develop with MDM ZInc and I would just import the MDM SWC in any classes that would want access the MDM API, I am unsure how to proceed with AIR.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Calwen,
    here is basic sample how you could achieve that. Note: I'm using mxml syntax and components - but the *KEY* is api use of LoaderContext - not what real components are used to model UI.
    Say I have host:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                   protected function creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                        var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
                        loaderContext.allowCodeImport = true;
                        swfLoader.loaderContext = loaderContext;
         <s:SWFLoader id="swfLoader" width="100%" height="100%"/>
    MyLoadedApp is not created with air SDK at all - it is just flash.display.Sprite movie clip created with any compatible Flash compiler:
         import flash.display.Sprite;
         import flash.text.TextField;
         import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
         public class MyLoadedApp extends Sprite
              public function MyLoadedApp()
                   addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, initApp);
              protected function initApp(addedToStageEvent:Event):void
                   removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, initApp);
                   var clazz:Class = flash.utils.getDefinitionByName("flash.filesystem.File") as Class;
                        // we could read documents directory (File.documentsDirectory) using class access
                        var directory:Object = clazz.documentsDirectory;
                             // and we could show browse dialog (now we are using instance - not class)
                             directory.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, directorySelectedHandler);
                             directory.browseForDirectory("Please select directory");
                        } catch (error:Error)
                             // handle error
                             var errorText:TextField = new TextField();
                             errorText.autoSize = "left";
                             errorText.text = error.message;
              protected function directorySelectedHandler(selectEvent:Event):void
                   var directory:Object =;
                   var files:Array = directory.getDirectoryListing();
                   var resultsTextField:TextField = new TextField();
                   resultsTextField.autoSize = "left";
                   resultsTextField.multiline = true;
                   for(var i:uint = 0; i < files.length; i++)
    This is not safe at all and loaded module can do everything I think (we talk about local modules from app storage, like in Zinc, right?)
    kind regards,

  • Problem accessing child object and changing its appearance (color)

    For a program, I need to be able to access a child object (in this case a box) after adding it to a transform group and change its appearance, for example the color of its top face. I have included a small code example to show my problem. The box is the only child I have added to the TransformGroup, but when I call getChild(), it returns a node, and thus I can't then call getShape() to get the top face and change its appearance. What am I doing wrong?
    public BranchGroup createSceneGraph() {
         BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();
         Transform3D rotate = new Transform3D();
         Transform3D tempRotate = new Transform3D();
         TransformGroup objRotate = new TransformGroup(rotate);
         Appearance ap = new Appearance();
         Appearance app = new Appearance();
         Appearance apr = new Appearance();
         ColoringAttributes colr = new ColoringAttributes();
         ColoringAttributes colg = new ColoringAttributes();
         colr.setColor((float)1, (float)0, (float)0);
    colg.setColor((float)0,(float)1, 0);
         Box box = new Box((float)0.4, (float)0.4, (float)0.4, app);
         return objRoot;

    It would help if you gave us the following System information:
    Operating System/version
    Photoshop version number
    Amount of RAM installed
    Hard drive(s) capacity
    Make and model number of video card
    Also try resetting your preferences as described in the FAQ.
    You either have to physically delete (or rename) the preference files or, if using the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift method, be sure that you get a confirmation dialog.
    This resets all settings in Photoshop to factory defaults.
    A complete uninstall/re-install will not affect the preferences and a corrupt file there may be causing the problem.

  • Tree Control Property Node for Accessing "Child Text" String Array

    When adding items to a tree control using the EditTreeItems invoke nodes, the inputs include "Child Tag", "Item Indent", "Child Only?", "Glyph Index", "Child Text", and "Left Cell String" as can be seen in this screenshot.
    There are property nodes for the tree control for accessing each of these elements, except for the "Child Text", which is an array of strings. It is possible to access this data as outlined in this forum post, but this method is somewhat involved and round about. 
    I suggest that a property for the Tree class be created to access the Child Text array directly.

     The work around only works if you do not have an empty string element some where in the middle.
    At lest could the "Active Celltring Property" read return an error when you have gone beyond the end of the array.

  • Prevent Active Directory Parent Domain Admins from accessing Child Domain

    We want to prevent Parent domain administrators (or a similar profile?) from accessing and/or administering child domains. Is this possible, or do parent domain admins have irrevocable administrative access to any child domain?
    Asked another way, can a restricted profile be configured for administration of the parent domain that does not cross domain boundaries effectively isolating each domain's administrative needs?
    Thanks in advance for input and advice!
    Best regards.

    Sorry, I was replying again after I read your second paragraph. The parent domain is the Forest root. we have
    We do not want the Domain Administrator for to be able to administer, or preferably, even access the Child Domains.
    1.) Can we remove that user from "Enterprise Admin" role and assign a different role so that they can only administer (effectively demoting that user)?
    2.) Promote a user to Enterprise Admin?
    Thanks sorry for the confusion.
    Ah ok.
    Yes, you can. the answer is the same basically. The group membership is what counts. So in the child domain, remove the enterprise admins group from the child domain admins groups. OR make sure the domain admins of the forest root are not members of the
    enterprise admins group. that way they are still only admins in the parent domain.
    It is really only depending on group members ship and including those groups in the child domain. by default the enterprise group is included for example, but nothing stops you from removing those groups.
    based on the group membership you can also deny them the ability to log on.
    the only thing you cannot prevent is the forest administrator account from doing something.
    One thing I would like to add though: any admin in the forest domain likely has the ability to still get access if he wants to force his way in.

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    i am desiging a saxparser for my xml db. Right now my parser accesses/searches for text/attributes etc. for the very next nodes of the root node. But not the next child nodes.
    i need to search for a node (whether root, parent or child) for its text and attributes. How could i access that?
    I will greatly appreciate Urgent replies !

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