Adding SIngle quotes around a Colmn Name stored in a DB Field

I know the SQL I need to execute ( It yeilds 500 rows )
select p.DS_ID
from dbo.v_ds p
inner join dbo.Rpt r
on p.DS_ID = r.PKVal
and r.ColumnNm = 'DS_ID'
BUT the value of r.Column in stored in a table and building it using dynamic SQL , the closest i get is
select p.DS_ID
from dbo.v_ds p
inner join dbo.Rpt r
on p.DS_ID = r.PKVal
and r.ColumnNm = DS_ID
Note that ther single quotes needed are missing and so I get NO rows. I've tried using the ''' + @field + ''' and cannor get it to work.
Any ideas?

Not sure of your try. May be you would have missed the single quote before and after as you said your closest ry result looks like below:
and r.ColumnNm = DS_ID --Without single quotes.

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  • Place single quote around string

    I am wondering how I can Place single quote around string in the following. I have tried double and triple quote but it doesn't take variable name from rec.tablename.
    any idea
    rec.table_name ==> 'rec.table_name'
    rec.column_name ==> 'rec.column_name'
    v_sql:= 'DELETE USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA WHERE TABLE_NAME= ' || rec.table_name ;
    execute immediate v_sql;
    -- Insert Table Record in Sdo_User_Geom_Metadata
    'VALUES (' || rec.table_name || ',' || rec.column_name || ', MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY( ' ||
    'MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT(''X'',-2147483648, 2147483647, .000005), ' ||
    'MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT(''Y'',-2147483648, 2147483647, .000005)), 2958)' ;
    execute immediate v_sql;

    I have 2 suggestions, 2nd one being the better choice.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2    v_sql varchar2(4000);
      3    table_name varchar2(4000);
      4  begin
      5    table_name := 'MY_TABLE';
      6    v_sql:= 'DELETE USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA WHERE TABLE_NAME= ''' || table_name || '''';
      7    dbms_output.put_line(v_sql);
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> or using DBMS_ASSERT for a more elegant solution against SQL injection:
    Connected to Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
    Connected as fsitja
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2    v_sql varchar2(4000);
      3    table_name varchar2(4000);
      4  begin
      5    table_name := dbms_assert.QUALIFIED_SQL_NAME('ALL_TABLES');
      6    v_sql:= 'DELETE USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA WHERE TABLE_NAME= ' || dbms_assert.ENQUOTE_NAME(table_name);
      7    dbms_output.put_line(v_sql);
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> [Docs referencing validation checks against SQL injection|]

  • How to put single quotes around selected data

    Is there a way to return selected column value with single quotes around it?
    Example I have a table:
    select name from test_table;
    returns: George Clooney
    I want it to return 'George Clooney'
    I tried: select '''||name||''' from test_table;
    returns: '||name||'

    SCOTT@demo102> select chr(39)||ename||chr(39) from emp;

  • SQL: Need help putting single quote around string

    I want to put single quotes around string in my output.
    I am running the following command as a test:
    select ' ' hello ' ' from dual;
    My expectation is to get 'hello' (Single quote around hello)
    However I am getting the following error:
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected
    When I do SHOW ALL at my SQL command prompt, the escape is set as follows:
    escape "\" (hex 5c)
    I even tried: select '\'hello\'' from dual;
    I get back: select ''hello'' from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expected

    user521525 wrote:
    I want to put single quotes around string in my output.
    I am running the following command as a test:
    select ' ' hello ' ' from dual;
    My expectation is to get 'hello' (Single quote around hello)You probably read that you can get a single-quote within a string literal by using two of them in a row.
    That's true, but they really have to be in a row (no spaces in between), and you still need the single-quotes at the beiginning and end of the literal.
    So what you want is
    SELECT  '''hello'''
    FROM    dual;Starting in Oracle 10, you can also use Q-notation, For example:
    SELECT  Q'['hello']'
    FROM    dual;

  • Single quotes around a variable

    I have values that are being passed into a variable with single quotes around.
    for eg: 'test'. So the value in variable v_empname will hold the value 'test'
    But then below sql statement returns null:
    select empid
    into v_empid
    from emp where empname = v_empname
    When I checked the value of the variable it's 'test' and compared as '''test'''.
    How can I get around this?
    Thanks for the help.

    SQL> create or replace procedure get_empno (i_name in varchar2)
      2  as
      3    v_empno number;
      4  begin
      5    select empno into v_empno
      6    from emp
      7    where ename = i_name;
      8    dbms_output.put_line('empno is '||v_empno);
      9  exception
    10    when no_data_found then
    11      dbms_output.put_line('No such person, or did you mean '||upper(i_name)||'?');
    12  end;
    13  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec get_empno('king');
    No such person, or did you mean KING?
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> exec get_empno('KING');
    empno is 7839
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Adding Single quote in dymanic stored procedure

    Hi Everyone,
    i am using a stored procedure which prints  triggers  which is called as dynamic trigger script.
    here i am storing required table name values into M_ALL_DYNAMIC_DRIVER_TEMP 
    for ex  table: M_ALL_DYNAMIC_DRIVER_TEMP: 
    BA_ORG                ALT                                     Y              
    stored procedure is :
    create or replace
    SQLSTR1 varchar(40);
    SQLSTR2 varchar(40);
    SQLSTR3 varchar(40);
    SQLSTR4 varchar(40);
    TABLE_NAME varchar(40);
    PK_TABLE varchar(40);
    for c in (select TABLE_NAME,DATA_UID_ALT1_PREFIX from M_ALL_DYNAMIC_DRIVER_TEMP  where IU_TRG_FLAG = 'Y'   and DATA_UID_ALT1_PREFIX  is not null )
            SQLSTR1:= c.TABLE_NAME;
            SQLSTR2:= TRIM(SQLSTR1)||'_ID';     
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('-------------------------------------- START  TABLE_NAME:'||SQLSTR1 ||', DATA_UID_GEN_METHOD:ALT1 ,SHORT_TRG_BASENAME:NULL -------------------------------------------------------------');
          SQLSTR:=  'create or replace
      If inserting then
       if :new.ROW_CHANGED_BY is NULL then                                                          
           :new.ROW_CHANGED_BY := :new.ROW_CREATED_BY;                                                   
       end if;       
       if :new.DATA_UID is NULL then                                                          
           SELECT  GENERATE_DATA_UID('||SQLSTR1||',:new.'||SQLSTR2||') INTO :new.DATA_UID FROM DUAL;                                                 
       end if; 
    end if;  
    If updating then
      if not updating(''ROW_CHANGED_BY'') then
         :new.ROW_CHANGED_BY := USER;
      end if;
    end if;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('--------------------------------------END OF '||SQLSTR1 ||'-------------------------------------------------------------');
    end loop;
    when i execute stored procedure out put :
    -------------------------------------- START  TABLE_NAME:BA_ORG, DATA_UID_GEN_METHOD:ALT1 ,SHORT_TRG_BASENAME:NULL -------------------------------------------------------------
    create or replace
      If inserting then
       if :new.ROW_CHANGED_BY is NULL then                                                          
           :new.ROW_CHANGED_BY := :new.ROW_CREATED_BY;                                                   
       end if;       
       if :new.DATA_UID is NULL then                                                          
           SELECT  GENERATE_DATA_UID(BA_ORG,:new.BA_ORG_ID) INTO :new.DATA_UID FROM DUAL;                                                 
       end if; 
    end if;  
    end if;
    --------------------------------------END OF BA_ORG-------------------------------------------------------------
    i want :
    statement :        SELECT  GENERATE_DATA_UID(BA_ORG,:new.BA_ORG_ID) INTO :new.DATA_UID FROM DUAL;       
    to be :       SELECT  GENERATE_DATA_UID('BA_ORG',:new.BA_ORG_ID) INTO :new.DATA_UID FROM DUAL;                                                 
    ie., function  GENERATE_DATA_UID('BA_ORG',:new.BA_ORG_ID) first parameter i want Single quote
    please help on this

    SELECT  GENERATE_DATA_UID(''' || SQLSTR1 || ''',:new.' ||
    Ramin Hashimzade

  • Problem with single quote around ANYINTERACT

    as SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth
    FROM bathyuser.sounding s,m_covr r
    WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, 'ANYINTERACT', R.geom, 0.5) = 'TRUE'
    s.SURVEY_ID in
    (SELECT unique s.survey_id FROM header s, m_covr r
    WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, 'ANYINTERACT', r.geom, 0.5) = 'TRUE'
    This above SQL works fine in SQL prompt. But when I put it together in PL/SQL it gives me this error :
    WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, 'ANYINTERACT', R.geom, 0.5) = 'TRUE'
    ERROR at line 17:
    ORA-06550: line 17, column 39:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "ANYINTERACT" when expecting one of the
    * & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem
    <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_
    LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || multiset member SUBMULTISET_
    Could someone help me fix this error. I know I have to try it with "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" command, but I'm having problem with "||" (concatinate).
    Thanks so much

    This is how you go about debugging execute immediate statements. I am assuming that you fixed the first problem as marias suggested and cam up with something like this. Note, I changed the table in your surso to dual since I do not have your tables, but the effect is the same. I changed the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line so you can actually see what you are trying to execute. I also added some carriage returns to make the formatting a littel easier to see. This is what I got:
      2     statement varchar2(1000);
      3  CURSOR C_DSNM5 IS
      4     SELECT dummy dsnm FROM dual;
      5  BEGIN
      6     FOR CNT IN C_DSNM5 LOOP
      7        STATEMENT := 'CREATE TABLE JUNK'||
      8                     ' AS SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth'||CHR(10)||
      9                     ' FROM bathyuser.sounding s,m_covr r '||CHR(10)||
    10                     'WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
    11                     '''ANYINTERACT'''||
    12                     ', R.geom, 0.5) = '||'''TRUE'''||CHR(10)||
    13                     ' AND R.DSNM = CNT.DSNM '||CHR(10)||
    14                     ' AND s.SURVEY_ID IN '||
    15                     ' (SELECT UNIQUE s.survey_id FROM HEADER s, m_covr r'||CHR(10)||
    16                     ' WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
    17                     '''ANYINTERACT'''||
    18                     ', r.geom, 0.5) = '||
    19                     '''TRUE'''||CHR(10)||
    20                     ' AND R.DSNM = '||CNT.DSNM||' )';
    21        DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line (statement);
    22     END LOOP;
    23  END;
    24  /
    CREATE TABLE JUNK AS SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth
    FROM bathyuser.sounding s,m_covr r
    WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, 'ANYINTERACT', R.geom, 0.5) = 'TRUE'
    AND s.SURVEY_ID IN  (SELECT UNIQUE s.survey_id FROM HEADER s, m_covr r
    WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, 'ANYINTERACT', r.geom, 0.5) = 'TRUE'
    AND R.DSNM = X )
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.You have at least two issues with this CREATE TABLE statement. The last line needs to have the X (which came from dual) quoted since it is a string. You also still have a reference to CNT.DSNM, unless you fixed both occurences.
    Another major problem is that if your cursor will return more than one row, and by the structure of this I assume that it might, the on the second record you are going to get:
    ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object.
    Although I see no reason why you need dynamic sql here, you really need to use bind variables whereever possible (everywhere you use a variable except ofr names of database objects. So, your procedure should look more like:
       statement varchar2(1000);
          SELECT distinct DSNM from M_COVR where dsnm like 'US5%';
                       ' AS SELECT s.survey_id,s.shape,s.original_depth'||
                       ' FROM bathyuser.sounding s,m_covr r '||
                       'WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
                       ', R.geom, 0.5) = '||'''TRUE'''||
                       ' AND R.DSNM = :b1 '||
                       ' AND s.SURVEY_ID IN '||
                       ' (SELECT UNIQUE s.survey_id FROM HEADER s, m_covr r'||
                       ' WHERE SDO_GEOM.RELATE (s.shape, '||
                       ', r.geom, 0.5) = '||
                       ' AND R.DSNM = :b2 )';
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement USING cnt.dsnm, cnt.dsnm
       END LOOP;
    END;But it is still very wrong.
    Perhaps if you can explain in words what you are trying to accomplish someone can provide a much better response.

  • Put single quote around input data

    Hi all,
    Have an input field (P10_item) with text value . Sometimes it can be multiple text values separated by , like T-123,T-870 . sometimes it only has 1 text value.
    How do I construct a query that can take the item and convert the input value to the following example ? By using length function I can find out how many check no in the field but am lost in how to put the ' around each check no. Help
    select * from payment where checkno in ('T-123','T-870')

    with  t as
    (select 'T-123,T-870'  txt from dual )
    select replace(regexp_replace(txt,'(.+)','''\1'''),',',''',''')from t;
    'T-123','T-870'sorry I did not understand what you wanted at first.
    this shoud break p_10_item into multiple entries if it has commas in it and
    then you can join it to the payment table.
    WITH t AS (SELECT 'T-123,T-870' p_10_item FROM DUAL),
            AS (    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (p_10_item,
                      FROM t
                CONNECT BY LEVEL <=
                                LENGTH (p_10_item)
                              - LENGTH (REPLACE (p_10_item, ','))
                              + 1)
    SELECT payment.*
      FROM payment, t2
    WHERE t2.checkno = payment.checknoEdited by: pollywog on May 18, 2011 1:14 PM

  • Any way to generate a single quote (') with XSLT?

    I guess this is really an XSLT question. I'm using the Transform() method of an XMLType variable to apply a style sheet. The XML in the variable is just something simple like
    I am trying to get a stylesheet to transform something like the above into SQL such as
    Select * from foo where LAST_NAME like 'JONES'
    and FIRST_NAME ='MARY'
    and AGE = 50But to do this, I need to generate the single quotes around the search terms and I can't get anything but LAST_NAME LIKE &apos;JONES&apos;. Is there a way to do this? For now I am generating a ~ and replacing ~ for ' throughout the generated SQL text but that's a pretty sorry solution.
    I thought that something like <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&amp;</xsl:text> was going to work but then found out it has been deprecated. I was thinking character-map might work but that's an XSLT 2.0 thing and apparently 10g is on XSLT 1.0? In any case, it had no idea what I was trying to do with a character map.
    So, am I overlooking an obvious way to get my stylesheet to insert apostrophes?

    Here's the procedure that accepts the XML/XSL clobs and tries to produce a SQL statement.
    PROCEDURE GetSQLQueryFromXML(XMLClob in CLOB, XSLStylesheet in CLOB,
                SQLQuery out CLOB, status out integer) IS
        -- Define the local variables
      xmldata               XMLType;  -- The XMLType format of the XML to transform
      xsldata               XMLType;  -- The XMLType format of the stylesheet to apply
      sqlQuery_XMLType      XMLType;  -- The XMLType format of the SQL query.
      v_SQLQuery            Clob;     -- Holds XML Clob before translating ~ to '
    status := -1;  -- Initially unsuccessful
      -- Get the XML document using the getXML() function defined in the database.
      -- Since XMLType.transform() method takes XML data as XMLType instance,
      -- use the XMLType.createXML method to convert the XML content received
      -- as CLOB into an XMLType instance.
      xmldata := XMLType.createXML(XMLClob);
      -- Get the XSL Stylesheet using the getXSL() function defined in the database.
      -- Since XMLType.transform() method takes an XSL stylesheet as XMLType instance,
      -- use the XMLType.createXML method to convert the XSL content received as CLOB
      -- into an XMLType instance.
      xsldata := XMLType.createXML(XSLStylesheet);
      -- Use the XMLtype.transform() function to get the transformed XML instance.
      -- This function applies the stylesheet to the XML document and returns a transformed
      -- XML instance.
      sqlQuery_XMLType := xmldata.transform(xsldata);
      -- Return the transformed XML instance as a CLOB value.   
      v_SQLQuery := sqlQuery_XMLType.getClobVal();
      -- Change tildas to apostrophes.  Currently unable to get an XSLT transformation
      -- to insert single quotes, so we're inserting ~ instead.  Now we need to
      -- translate all ~s to 's in our query.
      SQLQuery := translate(to_char(v_SQLQuery),'~','''');
      status := 1; -- Everything went fine to get here
      WHEN OTHERS THEN         
        (-20102, 'Exception occurred in GetSQLQueryFromXML :'||SQLERRM);
    END GetSQLQueryFromXML;The XML it works off of is
        someXML CLOB :=
        to_clob('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <variable table_name="SOME_PERSON_TABLE" query_type="PERSON">
        <value />
        <value />
    </variable>');And the corresponding XSLT that should translate it is:
      myStylesheet  CLOB :=
      to_clob('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
    <!-- <xsl:preserve-space elements="list-of-element-names"/> -->
      <!-- We just want the SQL text output.  No XML declaration etc. -->
      <xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="no"/>
    <!-- Apostrophes will be made tildas and the PL/SQL will translate those to -->
    <!-- apostrophes for the final SQL string. -->
    <xsl:variable name="apos">~</xsl:variable>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        select * from
        <xsl:value-of select="variable/@table_name"/>
        where 1=1
        <xsl:for-each select="variable/child::node()">
            <!-- if the value node is not null... -->
            <xsl:when test="./value/text()[normalize-space(.)]">
            <!-- There is another predicate.  Add the AND term and the predicate -->
              AND <xsl:value-of select="./fieldName"/>
              <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
              <xsl:value-of select="./criteria"/>
              <xsl:text> </xsl:text>       
                <xsl:when test="string(./fieldType)=''String''">
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                  <xsl:value-of select="./value"/>
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                <xsl:when test="string(./fieldType)=''Clob''">
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                  <xsl:value-of select="./value"/>
                  <xsl:copy-of select="$apos" />
                  <xsl:value-of select="./value"/>
    </xsl:stylesheet>');Basically if the VALUE element has a value then the fieldType is checked. If fieldType is String or Clob then we'll need the apostrophes. For now I'm putting in tildas and changing them later.

  • Single Quotes Issue??

    Bit of a strange one - hopefully there is a really simple answer that I will kick myself over….!
    I have a query which references a partioned table. When the following condition is added, the query references the intended partion - evident by looking at the explain plan:
    and e.dac_end_date >= '20080401'
    (VARCHAR2 (8 Byte))
    However, I want to automate my script. When I use a variant of the Sysdate function (detailed below) and execute the query, the explain plan indicates that Oracle is doing a full table scan….. Not good!!
    e.dac_end_date >= to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'YYYYMM')||'01'
    I'm guessing this may have something to do with single quotes… I have done a forum trawl, and tried some of the suggestions (char(39)||, three quotes surrounding the 'YYYYMM', concatenating single quotes around the format mask etc) - but I either get an error message, or the query just bombs out after a few seconds.
    Anyone have any ideas or suggestions??
    Any help greatly appreciated….
    Cheers in advance.

    Firstly - thanks for the replies.
    Just to confirm - the table I'm referring too is ranged partioned on a varchar2 column that contains a date-as-a-string. I didn’t build the tables - I'm not a developer. I'm just trying to automate a query that I have written which on the surface appears to do a full table scan when I use the Sysdate function (instead of a hard coded date).
    'Bomb out' - bad grammar, apologies. What I meant was the query appears to complete within a few seconds, however does not return any data.
    peticH - I was using 'Session Browser' within Toad to monitor the query (running in another session) - I didn’t realise that even in this instance Explain Plan provides expected rather than actual behaviour. I'll do some reading up on the 'Trace' functionality, to try and see what is actually happening.
    Cheers guys.

  • Column Template conditions foiled by a single quote

    I am using a generic column template and have a few pl/sql conditions to shade different rows like so:
    '#1'  like '%Total%'This worked fine until an employee's name appeared in the first column with a single quote in his last name (like O'Brien). Well apparently Apex literally takes whatever is in the field and just shoves it in between the single quotes because the single quote is terminating the string as if you were doing this in sql instead of making it a bind variable:
    'O'BRIEN' like '%Total%'Which results in this friendly message to the users:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 65: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "BRIEN" when expecting one of the following: ) , * & | = - + < / > at in is mod remainder not rem => ..  <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_ LIKE4_ LIKEC_ as between from using || multiset member SUBMULTISET_
         Error      ERR-1025 Error processing PLSQL expression. 'O'BRIEN, JOHN P ' like '%Total%' Can someone from the Apex team confirm that this is the issue? I know I could do a replace on the single quote in my sql, but can't figure out how to escape the '#1#' properly so I don't have to do a replace. I also don't really want to use the Carl Backstrom approach of having to code in a class into the sql when these templates work for 99% of what I need to do.
    Any ideas?

    Dude you rock! I tried about 6 different combos of the q function before I got frustrated and posted. I had too many quotes in mine I guess but that works perfectly.
    Thanks again!

  • Single quote in dynamic query

    Hi all;
    Can u please help me on the following dynamic query code ? I know I am missing the single quote around 2 dates but could not figure out where to put it ! I have tried putting 2 or 3 quotes around 2 bind vars but to no avail.
    Want to create a dynamic query to simulate the the following:
    EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp where HIREDATE >= to_date('01/01/1981','MM/DD/YYYY') and HIREDATE <= to_date('12/31/1982','MM/DD/YYYY');
    dynamic code:
    v_q varchar2(4000);
    v_q :='select EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp ';
    V_q := V_Q
    || 'where HIREDATE >= '
    || 'to_date(' || :P_DATE1 || ',' ||'''MM/DD/YYYY''' || ' )'
    || 'and HIREDATE <= '
    || 'to_date(' || :P_DATE2 || ',' ||'''MM/DD/YYYY''' || ' )';
    -- end the sql
    v_q := v_q ||';';
    dbms_output.put_line ('V_Q is ' || V_Q);

        v_q varchar2(4000);
        v_rec emp%rowtype;
        v_cur sys_refcursor;
        v_q :='select EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp ';
        V_q := V_Q  || 'where HIREDATE >= to_date(:P_DATE1,''MM/DD/YYYY'') and HIREDATE <= to_date(:P_DATE2,''MM/DD/YYYY'')';
        dbms_output.put_line ('V_Q is ' || V_Q);
        open v_cur
          for v_q
          using '01/01/1981',
          fetch v_cur
            into v_rec.empno,
          exit when v_cur%notfound;
          dbms_output.put_line('empno = ' || v_rec.empno);
          dbms_output.put_line('ename = ' || v_rec.ename);
          dbms_output.put_line('job = ' || v_rec.job);
          dbms_output.put_line('mgr = ' || v_rec.mgr);
          dbms_output.put_line('hiredate = ' || to_char(v_rec.hiredate,'MM/DD/YYYY'));
        end loop;
        close v_cur;
    V_Q is select EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,MGR,HIREDATE from emp where HIREDATE >=
    to_date(:P_DATE1,'MM/DD/YYYY') and HIREDATE <= to_date(:P_DATE2,'MM/DD/YYYY')
    empno = 7499
    ename = ALLEN
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 02/20/1981
    empno = 7521
    ename = WARD
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 02/22/1981
    empno = 7566
    ename = JONES
    job = MANAGER
    mgr = 7839
    hiredate = 04/02/1981
    empno = 7654
    ename = MARTIN
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 09/28/1981
    empno = 7698
    ename = BLAKE
    job = MANAGER
    mgr = 7839
    hiredate = 05/01/1981
    empno = 7782
    ename = CLARK
    job = MANAGER
    mgr = 7839
    hiredate = 06/09/1981
    empno = 7839
    ename = KING
    job = PRESIDENT
    mgr =
    hiredate = 11/17/1981
    empno = 7844
    ename = TURNER
    job = SALESMAN
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 09/08/1981
    empno = 7900
    ename = JAMES
    job = CLERK
    mgr = 7698
    hiredate = 12/03/1981
    empno = 7902
    ename = FORD
    job = ANALYST
    mgr = 7566
    hiredate = 12/03/1981
    empno = 7934
    ename = MILLER
    job = CLERK
    mgr = 7782
    hiredate = 01/23/1982
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SY.

  • Single Quote in Parameter values...!

    Hi there,
    I am using oracle oracle disco. 10g
    In my report there are 2 parameters. First being the customer name and another being the transaction reference. Transaction reference parameter is based on the customer name(s) selected.
    The customer data contains a single quote [e.g. ABC's]. Thus, when the user selects the customer name [with a single quote] and tries to select the transaction reference - discoverer viewer returns an error message - 'Invalid Value'
    This does not happens in discoverer plus.
    Imp: We can not change the data - otherwise I would have remove the single quote from the customer name as part of my query.
    any ideas..!
    Any help would be really appreciated.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Yogini,
    Thanks for your reply.
    When the customer name is selected, discoverer reports automatically enclose the customer names in single quotes. like 'ABC LTD', 'ABC's INC',
    I know how to change this single quote format. Also we don't want user to change the parameter selection criteria once selected.
    Also related to double quotes isn't it doubles are treated as column names in the SQL query and can not be used for any other purpose.
    Apologies, I haven't tried this but I think it will not work. Have you tried this with discoverer viewer.
    As mentioned intrusting things is when a customer name with single quote is selected in discoverer Plus it automatically formats the filter criteria to look like ['ABC LTD', 'ABC''s INC'] but this thing doesn't happen in viewer.
    I think this is a bug in discoverer viewer and think there must be some patch available to correct this problem.
    Sorry, don't have a solution yet but will certainly update the thread once I get the solution.
    Also please keep looking for a solution and let me know as well.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Best Regards,

  • Date without single quotes in SQL Where clause turns to 00000000. Why?

    The below program works in 4.6c but does not in ECC 6.0, the issue is the date actually turns to 00000000, debug shows the internal table as having the correct value that was inserted but st05 trace shows that the variable is holding the value 00000000, this works fine when the date is put inside single quotes but the actual program where I have this issue does not warrant adding single quotes. Has someone come across this situation. Any help is appreciated!
    data v_vbeln like vbak-vbeln.
    data: begin of where_tab occurs 0,
          s_date(20) type c,
          end of where_tab.
    where_tab-s_date = 'audat = 19971106'.
    append where_tab.
    select vbeln into v_vbeln from vbak where (where_tab).
      write:/ v_vbeln.

    data v_vbeln like vbak-vbeln.
    ******data: begin of where_tab occurs 0,
    ******s_date(20) type c,
    ******end of where_tab.
    ******where_tab-s_date = 'audat = 19971106'.
    ******append where_tab.
    ***** The above statements are not needed for the select query.
    ******select vbeln into v_vbeln from vbak where (where_tab).
    Your select query can be re-written as
    select vbeln into v_vbeln from vbak where audat eq '19971106'.
    write:/ v_vbeln.
    and if your requirement is to check for multiple dates then,
    append them to a select-options and rewrite the select query as
    select vbeln into v_vbeln from vbak where audat IN S_DATE. " S_DATE is your select-options

  • XLIFF escaping (single quote)

    i have a resource string that looks like,
    <trans-unit id="...">
    notice the single quotes around the token. when i do this, the token won't get replaced by MessageFormat.format(). i tried escaping the single quotes like \'{0}\' which had no effect.

    answering my own question ... this has nothing to do w/ XLIFF. looking at the MessageFormat javadocs, there are some rather confusing details about how single quotes are used to escape. it turns out that a double single quote gets a single quote in the output,

Maybe you are looking for

  • BO 4.0 webi: Conditional formatting on a bar graph

    Hi, Is it possible to fiormat a Bar graph conditionally in BO 4.0(SAP BO BI: web intelligence).. I want to create a bar graph that displays bar in Green color if the value of bar is greater than target set and Red if it is less than target, which is

  • I-photo wont close

    It locks up. Force quit wont open unless I open another program, then force quit will open and allow me to force quit I-Photo. Thanks in advance, Bill

  • Mouse not fully functional

    I'm running arch on an Acer Aspire One.  I just installed X and i3 and they seem to function just fine, but the mouse isn't working.  Arch detects mouse clicks but not mouse movement, so the cursor is stuck in the middle of the screen. I tried reinst

  • App store not working in mavericks

    Having a torrid time with Mavericks. App store, Mail, Calendar, Preview, Terminal and others, nothing seems to work. I can;t even download a fresh install because App Store won't open. The gloss is coming off my long term Apple fun and I'm not happy.

  • Error in C  Compile

    Hi, I am getting this error in the code when I am compiling with these options : "/export/home/vk/inc/asn/AbstractValue.h", line 122: Error: ")" expected instead of ";". "/export/home/vk/inc/asn/AbstractValue.h", line 122: Error: "}" expected instead