Compile debug causes package to become invalid

We're running and I have a large package (7730 lines) which compiles fine on it's own. However, if I try to enable debug mode, I get an error:
SQL> alter package mypkg compile debug package;
Warning: Package altered with compilation errors.
SQL> show errors;
No errors.
If I perform another alter command without the debug parameter, then it compiles fine:
SQL> alter package mypkg compile package;
Package altered.
Also, if I compile this package using the "Compile for Debug" button in SQL Developer then I actually get an error message:
Error(1): PLS-00707: unsupported construct or internal error [2603]
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? I've spent the past couple days searching for a solution and while I've seen many cases of people having the PLS-00707 error, I wasn't able to find anyone who only receives it when compiling for debug.

Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Package altered.
SQL> alter session set events='10938 trace name context level 14';
Session altered.
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE
can one tell me how to solve this problem? thanks in advance.

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  • Combination of packages repeteiively becoming invalid

    Hello all,
    We are using Oracle on Toad and SQL Developer on a database with a vast number of packages. At the moment for no clear reason 7 packages repetitively become invalid for no transparent reason. When we recompile using dbms_utility.compile_schema all object will reinstate themselves, and become valid. The next moment you look and want to use the packages they will be invalid again.
    We have tried to compare the packages with a comparable database, where the same revisions of the packages exist. On the test database these are correct and valid, on the acceptance database they (the 7 mentioned before) fall over.
    Can anybody give us any indications on where to find the problem? We have tried recompiling the forms that are part of the applications, but these are all valid. We are out of ideas now.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    This link might give you a clue on what might have happend inside
    Edited by: Maran Viswarayar on Sep 24, 2008 4:28 PM

  • Problem: Objects become invalid so easily

    Hi All,
    We are running Oracle 9i Standard Edition, which was downgraded from the Enterprise Edition, because they want to save $50K/year.
    I have noticed even in the enterprise edition that some objects (sprocs, functions, triggers, packages) could become invalid for no reason (no schema changes and no changes in some sprocs/functions called by some others). I have googled this problem and found a few tips on the the internet and at least one seasoned DBA said Oracle objects can become invalid for no obvious reasons. After the downgrade, things got worse. The DBA runs a script to compile all packages, sprocs, functions, triggers once every hour. Then things got even worse. But I think the DBA script did not run more than once in a row to resolve some dependency issues. So now the DBA runs his script every two minutes. The problem is gone, but is there any better way to do this? Or should it happen in the first place? I figure that if Oracle runs like this, it should be out of business soon, because the MS SQL guys say they never have to explicitly re-compile invalid obejcts. At first the DBA thought that when PowerBuilder calls the sprocs, the sprocs do not re-compile because Sybase does not know how to program against Oracle. Then one day I was using SQL*Plus to run the sprocs and got the explicit error message for invalid objects and then the DBA was convinced otherwise.

    Thanks a lot. Yes you are right. The re-complie did cause other objects to be invalid. that's why I asked to dba to run his script more than once in a row. Now the problem seems to be gone. But here is what I found at It is true when a package or sproc becomes invalid, they often times do not auto re-compile. See his comments on that.
    Application Malfunctions and Data InconsistenciesPart of maintaining quick response times for the database is making sure that as many objects as possible have a valid status. At least frequently used objects should not be invalid. Some objects (views, triggers, procedures, functions, packages, package bodies) can become invalid under certain circumstances: after massive data loads, imports, batches, even without explicit schema changes, after schema restructuring (drop, re-name, alter of objects). Very often, developers leave behind on purpose lots of invalid objects, to serve as a library of source code for future needs, or as a source code backup for the production objects. Some of these events are thought of as normal, or maybe bad style, while others are treated as bugs.
    Anyway, if this happens, applications may stop working at all or may start working slower, incorrectly or incompletely. Mal-functioning triggers calling invalid procedures, etc., for example, can lead to data inconsistencies, missed data propagation, etc. In a complex system, this is a serious situation and may go undetected for some length of time.
    Failed RecompilingFor some objects (views, triggers), the Oracle system may attempt automatically to recompile and validate them at the first run. This will slow the first runs of the application, but the system will function correctly, and be faster on the next runs. For stored programs, most of the time, this auto-recompile does not happen. The DBA needs to detect and recompile them as soon as possible.
    Some objects need to be re-developed/edited for references to be successfully recompiled and to become valid again. And other objects may

  • PL/SQL packages containing DB Links suddenly becomes invalid

    Hi all --
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  • Compile for Debug Proc/Package Size

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    Is there a max size the compile for debug can handle and if so what is it.

    Google gave me this from the Oracle 11.1 PL/SQL Langauge Reference:
    In the shared memory pool, a package spec, object type spec, standalone subprogram, or anonymous block is limited to 67108864 (2**26) DIANA nodes which correspond to tokens such as identifiers, keywords, operators, and so on. This allows for <b>~6,000,000 lines of code</b>...

  • Package procedure in invalid state

    Hi all,
    We are having an application in C# and backend oracle 10g placed in Location1.
    There is modification in Packaged procedure. So we remotely (from Location2) connected to Location1 and that Packaged procedure is created.
    This Packaged procedure has been created (in Location1 ) without any errors. But this procedure is in INVALID state. We tried to compile it remotely by using following statements, but still this is in invalid state .
    If we run this package and package body manually, without any modifications after creating it remotly, it is becoming VALID state.
    I am not getting any idea, why it is creating in INVALID state. Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Ok, here's a previous response that I gave re. packages and their "states". Should give you a good idea what a state is...
    Packages tend to fail because of their "package state". A package has a "state" when it contains package level variables/constants etc. and the package is called. Upon first calling the package, the "state" is created in memory to hold the values of those variables etc. If an object that the package depends upon e.g. a table is altered in some way e.g. dropped and recreated, then because of the database dependencies, the package takes on an INVALID status. When you next make a call to the package, Oracle looks at the status and sees that it is invalid, then determines that the package has a "state". Because something has altered that the package depended upon, the state is taken as being out of date and is discarded, thus causing the "Package state has been discarded" error message.
    If a package does not have package level variables etc. i.e. the "state" then, taking the same example above, the package takes on an INVALID status, but when you next make a call to the package, Oracle sees it as Invalid, but knows that there is no "state" attached to it, and so is able to recompile the package automatically and then carry on execution without causing any error messages. The only exception here is if the thing that the package was dependant on has changes in such a way that the package cannot compile, in which case you'll get an Invalid package type of error.
    And if you want to know how to prevent discarded package states....
    Move all constants and variables into a stand-alone package spec and reference those from your initial package. Thus when the status of your original package is invlidated for whatever reason, it has no package state and can be recompiled automatically, however the package containing the vars/const will not become invalidated as it has no dependencies, so the state that is in memory for that package will remain and can continue to be used.
    As for having package level cursors, you'll need to make these local to the procedures/functions using them as you won't be able to reference cursors across packages like that (not sure about using REF CURSORS though.... there's one for me to investigate!)
    This first example shows the package state being invalided by the addition of a new column on the table, and causing it to give a "Package state discarded" error...
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> create table dependonme (x number)
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into dependonme values (5)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> create or replace package mypkg is
      2    procedure myproc;
      3  end mypkg;
      4  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package body mypkg is
      2    v_statevar number := 5; -- this means my package has a state
      4    procedure myproc is
      5      myval number;
      6    begin
      7      select x
      8      into myval
      9      from dependonme;
    11      myval := myval * v_statevar;
    12      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('My Result is: '||myval);
    13    end;
    14  end mypkg;
    15  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> exec mypkg.myproc
    My Result is: 25
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select object_name, object_type, status from user_objects where object_name = 'MYPKG'
      2  /
    PACKAGE             VALID
    SQL> alter table dependonme add (y number)
      2  /
    Table altered.
    SQL> select object_name, object_type, status from user_objects where object_name = 'MYPKG'
      2  /
    PACKAGE             VALID
    SQL> exec mypkg.myproc
    BEGIN mypkg.myproc; END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded
    ORA-04061: existing state of package body "CRISP_INTELL.MYPKG" has been invalidated
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "CRISP_INTELL.MYPKG"
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    SQL> select object_name, object_type, status from user_objects where object_name = 'MYPKG'
      2  /
    PACKAGE             VALID
    SQL> exec mypkg.myproc
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select object_name, object_type, status from user_objects where object_name = 'MYPKG'
      2  /
    PACKAGE             VALID
    PACKAGE BODY        VALIDAnd this next example shows how having the package variables in their own package spec, allows the package to automatically recompile when it is called even though it became invalidated by the action of adding a column to the table.
    SQL> drop table dependonme
      2  /
    Table dropped.
    SQL> drop package mypkg
      2  /
    Package dropped.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> create table dependonme (x number)
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into dependonme values (5)
      2  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> create or replace package mypkg is
      2    procedure myproc;
      3  end mypkg;
      4  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package mypkg_state is
      2    v_statevar number := 5; -- package state in seperate package spec
      3  end mypkg_state;
      4  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package body mypkg is
      2    -- this package has no state area
      4    procedure myproc is
      5      myval number;
      6    begin
      7      select x
      8      into myval
      9      from dependonme;
    11      myval := myval * mypkg_state.v_statevar;  -- note: references the mypkg_state package
    12      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('My Result is: '||myval);
    13    end;
    14  end mypkg;
    15  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> exec mypkg.myproc
    My Result is: 25
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select object_name, object_type, status from user_objects where object_name = 'MYPKG'
      2  /
    PACKAGE             VALID
    SQL> alter table dependonme add (y number)
      2  /
    Table altered.
    SQL> select object_name, object_type, status from user_objects where object_name = 'MYPKG'
      2  /
    PACKAGE             VALID
    SQL> exec mypkg.myproc
    My Result is: 25
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Objects using dblinks become invalid

    I am using numerous functions / procedures / synonyms which point to other databases via dblinks. All was well when the dbLinks / synonyms were public. Last week I was asked to put up a test schema on the same database so I duly made all the public dblinks & synonyms private. All seemed well, everything compiled so I made it live.
    Now we get intermittent problems whereby the procedures using the synonyms & dblinks suddenly become invalid. They refuse to automatically compile, causing errors in the applications using the database. SOmetimes they automatically recompile after a time, sometimes they refuse to compile until I do them manually in SQL developer.
    anybody have any idea why this should be happening?
    Main database is Oracle Enterprise 64 bit, connecting to one of same version, one of 64 bit. All running on AIX 6.1.

    Same thing is happening here.
    DB A with PROC_SP (Strore procedure)
    DB B with 2 users; user TEST1 referencing PROC_SP@A and user TEST2 referencing also PROC_SP@A.
    When compiling code on user TEST1 that uses PROC_SP@A, the code on TEST2 becames invalid, and vice-versa.
    Did you solve your problem ?
    My Database version is, both DB (A and B) use the same version (Exadata with 11R2)
    Thanks in advance.

  • When do indexes become invalid?

    When do indexes become invalide?

    Indexes can become invalid or unusable whenever a DBA tasks shifts the ROWID values, thereby requiring an index rebuild. These DBA tasks that shift table ROWID's include:
    Table partition maintenance - Alter commands (move, split or truncate partition) will shift ROWID's, making the index invalid and unusable.
    CTAS maintenance - Table reorganization with "alter table move" or an online table reorganization (using the dbms_redefinition package) will shift ROWIDs, creating unusable indexes.
    Oracle imports - An Oracle import (imp utility) with the skip_unusable_indexes=y parameter
    SQL*Loader (sqlldr utility) - Using direct path loads (e.g. skip_index_maintenance) will cause invalid and unusable indexes.

  • When do VI and queue references become invalid?

    Hi all,
    I have a fairly complicated problem, so please bear with me.
    1)  I have a reentrant SubVI (let's call it VI "Assign") that has an input cluster of (VI ref, queue ref) (let's call the cluster type "Refs").  If the VI ref is invalid (first execution), the VI ref and queue ref are assigned values and are passed on as an output cluster of same type.  (The VI does other things too, but for simplicity only this is important.)
    2)  The VI that calls VI "Assign" (let's call it VI "Store") is not reentrant and has a local variable of type "Refs" that is wired to the input and output of VI "Assign".  This VI effectively stores the references.  The references returned by VI "Assign" are always valid right after the call, but after the problem condition described below, they are invalid at the start of all calls before they are passed to VI "Assign".
    3)  VI "Store" is called by multiple non-reentrant VIs, so the local variables of VI "Assign" retain their values (Has been tested and verified to retain their values).  The VI causing the problem in this case is a template VI of which multiple copies are launched (let's call it VI "Template").
    The problem is that the moment an instance of VI "Template" is closed, the queue reference becomes invalid, although the actual variant value of the reference remains the same.  The VI ref can become invalid or not, depending on small changes, but is always reproducible.  I assume there must be some similarity between VI and queue refs.  After spending some time researching, the Labview help states for the Open VI Ref component "If you do not close this reference, it closes automatically after the top-level VI associated with this function executes."  In this case I assumed it means that the moment the reentrant VI "Assign" finishes, the references will get cleared ??  So I made a non-reentrant VI (let's call it VI "NR Assign") that only assigns values to the references and VI "Assign" now calls this VI (It effectively does what I described VI "Assign" does).  I keep this VI alive by using it in a VI which never terminates and since it never terminates, the references should never become invalid.  Anyone still following?  This didn't solve the problem though.  If I reproduce the same scenario using only one instance of the template VI, it works just fine.  Furthermore, the VI and queue references are never closed, to aid analysis of the problem.  Can anyone shine some light on what happens when a template VI terminates?  Could this be the problem?
    Unfortunately I cannot include the code.
    Thank you whoever is able to make sense of this.

    Christie wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have a fairly complicated problem, so please bear with me.
    1)  I have a reentrant SubVI (let's call it VI "Assign") that has an input cluster of (VI ref, queue ref) (let's call the cluster type "Refs").  If the VI ref is invalid (first execution), the VI ref and queue ref are assigned values and are passed on as an output cluster of same type.  (The VI does other things too, but for simplicity only this is important.)
    2)  The VI that calls VI "Assign" (let's call it VI "Store") is not reentrant and has a local variable of type "Refs" that is wired to the input and output of VI "Assign".  This VI effectively stores the references.  The references returned by VI "Assign" are always valid right after the call, but after the problem condition described below, they are invalid at the start of all calls before they are passed to VI "Assign".
    3)  VI "Store" is called by multiple non-reentrant VIs, so the local variables of VI "Assign" retain their values (Has been tested and verified to retain their values).  The VI causing the problem in this case is a template VI of which multiple copies are launched (let's call it VI "Template").
    The problem is that the moment an instance of VI "Template" is closed, the queue reference becomes invalid, although the actual variant value of the reference remains the same.  The VI ref can become invalid or not, depending on small changes, but is always reproducible.  I assume there must be some similarity between VI and queue refs.  After spending some time researching, the Labview help states for the Open VI Ref component "If you do not close this reference, it closes automatically after the top-level VI associated with this function executes."  In this case I assumed it means that the moment the reentrant VI "Assign" finishes, the references will get cleared ??  So I made a non-reentrant VI (let's call it VI "NR Assign") that only assigns values to the references and VI "Assign" now calls this VI (It effectively does what I described VI "Assign" does).  I keep this VI alive by using it in a VI which never terminates and since it never terminates, the references should never become invalid.  Anyone still following?  This didn't solve the problem though.  If I reproduce the same scenario using only one instance of the template VI, it works just fine.  Furthermore, the VI and queue references are never closed, to aid analysis of the problem.  Can anyone shine some light on what happens when a template VI terminates?  Could this be the problem?
    Unfortunately I cannot include the code.
    Thank you whoever is able to make sense of this.
    All LabVIEW refnums do get deallocated automatically when the top-level VI in whose hierarchy the refnum was created goes idle (stops executing). You will have to make sure that the creation of a refnum is done inside a VI hierarchy that stays running for the entire time you want to use that refnum.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 06-27-2007 11:52 AM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • How can I use PreloadSWF with files built with -compiler.debug into Flash Player 11.4?

    I'm using Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 (x64) with a debug Flash Player (version 11.3.300.271 - I'm using the ActiveX plugin for IE). Using Flex SDK I compiled the ActionScript code
        package MySample {
            import flash.display.Sprite;
            public class MyHook extends Sprite {
                public function MyHook(): void {
    Into a `.swf` file by running the command
        mxmlc.exe -compiler.source-path=. -output=MyHook.swf -tools-locale=en -headless-server=true -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries -compiler.debug -- Sample\
    I then preload this by creating an mm.cfg file and adding an PreloadSwf entry referencing MyHook.swf; running all this in Flash Player 11.3.300.271 works fine; I can point my IE to some web page containing flash applets and my own SWF file is preloaded just nicely.
    However, the most recent Flash Player release on Windows (11.4.402.265) breaks this. After updating the player, any flash applet triggers error message boxes from Flash player saying "Verify Error #1014: Couldn't find spark.components.Application". Clicking the error away opens the same message box, but with a few different type names.
    The workaround I found was to remove the -compiler.debug switch from the mxmlc command line; doing so make things work with Flash Player 11.4 but alas trace() doesn't work anymore.
    Does anybody know how PreloadSWF can be used to preload debug SWF files into Flash Player 11.4?

    Ah, thanks for making me aware of that forum - I didn't know about it. I now reposted the question at - this thread can be closed as far as I'm concerned. Should I mark your answer as being the resolution to my question or the like?

  • Cannot Debug SSIS packages in 64 bit mode.

    To anyone who may be able to help.  We are using SQL server 2014 Enterprise addition.  Visual studio 2013, SSDT latest version installed, all 64 bit tools installed.  I have tried to run my packages  with the "Run64bitRuntime"
    set to true ( project properties-->Debugging-->Run64BitRuntime = True).  Initially I thought it an issues with my package (we migrated them from SSIS 2008R2, they run fine with no issues within the 32 bit memory constraints) so I created
    a super simple package with VS 2013 in the SSIS 2014 environment from scratch, a lookup and an OLEDB Data source that's it.  Same problem.  No matter what I do when I debug in SSIS the 32 bit process (DtsDebugHost.exe (32 bit)) fires up,
    even though I have selected debug in 64 bit runtime I cannot get the 64 bit version of DtsDebugHost to run.  This is an issue because I am debugging projects that will utilise more than 4GB of memory for say a particular set of lookups.  Curiously
    when I schedule the projects to run in the  scheduler, it fires up a  64 bit process, and the package executes successfully, however if I can't debug in 64 bit mode and leverage the extra memory at the design stage,
    this is useless.  I have checked obvious things like the path environment variable, thinking perhaps SSIS debug doesn't know where the 64 bit exe is, but it is all fine paths are as they should be.  All 64 bit tools/dll's are installed.  I
    have tested this directly on the server, and on the client machine that I use and the issue is the same. If no one can help me here I guess I can log a support ticket.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi des_77,
    According to your description, you can only debug your SSIS package in 32 bit mode.
    Based on my research, I think the issue is caused by 64bit SSIS runtime is not installed on your machine. We can verify the issue by seeing if DtsDebugHost.exe under <Installation Drive>\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DTS\Binn or not.
    To fix this issue, please install SQL Server and select Integration Services for installation, Setup installs all available 64-bit Integration Services features and tools. Then we can set the Debug Options property Run64BitRuntime to “True”, view the processes
    in Windows Task Manager to verify the version of DTDebugHost.exe when debugging the package.
    Besides, if the issue still existed, it is my pleasure to help you to reflect your recommendation to the proper department for their consideration. Please feel free to submit your situation on our product to the following link Your feedback is valuable for us to improve our products and increase the level of service provided.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support


    Hello All,
    I have wierd problem ,
    In my enviroinment we have a MATERIALIZED VIEW ,which is refreshed by a sheduled DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH Job post the refresh it becomes invalid and every time we have to compile it manually ,Could anybody help with a solution .Thanks a lot in Advance .
    VERSION:Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    Is the MV part of a refresh group?
    Post the command and parameters used by the scheduled job to do the refresh as well as the parameters you use when you do it manually.

  • PL/SQL Functions becoming 'invalid'

    We have created a set of functions which are used by
    applications and triggers within our system. Everything ran over
    the weekend and all triggers were operating and functions were
    performing as expected. Yesterday the it was noticed that one of
    the functions had become 'Invalid' which stopped the processing
    of the system. The function is invoked by a trigger on insert
    into a table.
    Does anyone know what would cause a function to go 'Invalid'
    like this?
    Jeff M.

    If you alter or modify the objects(DDL Operations), then the
    procedures, functions, views..etc will be invalid. And also it
    applies recursively,i.e,if these procedures and functions are
    referred in some other procedure and functions, they also will
    become invalid. So before applying a DDL operation on any object
    better find the it's references from DBA_dependencies and
    recompile them after the DDL operation.
    G. Rajakumar.

  • R-Tree Index becomes invalid

    I've a index that becomes invalid almost every day. I get the error message
    ORA-29902: error in executing ODCIIndexStart() routine
    ORA-13203: failed to read USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view
    ORA-13203: failed to read USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view
    ORA-29400: data cartridge error
    ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
    ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 286
    after rebuilding the index everything works fine again.
    Does anybody know a solution on that problem?

    Is there a nightly process that is causing things to change? I think we need more info to be able to help you.
    Is it possible that this index is in a different tablespace and backups aren't shutting them down/bringing them back up in the right order?
    Any manner of things could cause this, beyond the Oracle bug for spatial indexes in 10G, with large number of records. Ours handle this fine night after night, so something must be causing your data to change or affecting the index.
    What happens every night, or at the end of the day that could be affecting it?

  • Object Fields Mysteriously Becoming Invalid

    I am not exactly sure what code to post with this considering the nature of what's going on, so I'll do my best to explain and then perhaps I can provide code based on your responses.
    When my application loads in the AppDelegate I create 3 objects of the "Item" type and then create an array out of those objects and add that array to an ItemListController which has a property for an NSMutableArray. The program then loads a UINavigationController with each of those objects in it being drawn with a subClass of UITableViewCell. As it stands now, if I click on any one of those objects more than 3 times, the object itself does not become nil, but all of the fields within it do.
    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {
    Item *sword = [[Item alloc] initWithName:@"Sword" description:@"This is a sword"];
    //sword.itemPrice = (int *)524;
    Item *shield = [[Item alloc] initWithName:@"Shield" description:@"This is a shield"];
    //shield.itemPrice = (int *)322;
    Item *subligar = [[Item alloc] initWithName:@"Subligar" description:@"This is a subligar"];
    //subligar.itemPrice = (int *)1034;
    [subligar setImageWithPath:@"Hello.png"];
    if(self.itemListController == nil) {
    ItemListController *controller = [[ItemListController alloc] init];
    self.itemListController = controller;
    [controller release];
    NSMutableArray *itemArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:sword, shield, subligar, nil];
    self.itemListController.items = itemArray;
    [itemArray release];
    // Configure and show the window
    [window addSubview:[navigationController view]];
    [window makeKeyAndVisible];
    The click handler of my TableView right now simply calls the AppDelegate's instance of ItemListController and then gets the object back from the items array at the index at which the user clicked. From there, I set a few properties and load a view tailored to that Item.
    Presently, all of the logic that sets properties with the Item and loads the view for that object is commented out and so the only behavior occurring is the Item being retrieved from the AppDelegate's ItemListController.items and then being stored in a temporary object which is later released. But like I said above, *after 3 requests for my object all of its fields become invalid*. I have no idea what is causing it because the object itself is never being released within that time. Below is the code from the click event of the table cell:
    - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    NSLog(@"Hit Count: %d", calls);
    iPhoneHelloWorldAppDelegate *appDelegate = (iPhoneHelloWorldAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
    Item *item = (Item *)[appDelegate.itemListController.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    //lastItem = item;
    if(self.itemView == nil) {
    ItemViewController *viewController = [[ItemViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ItemViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
    self.itemView = viewController;
    [viewController release];
    if(calls > 3) {
    NSLog(@"item retainCount = %d", [item retainCount]);
    [item release];
    Here's a snapshot from the debugger after my Item object dies:

    Item *item = (Item *)[appDelegate.itemListController.items objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    //lastItem = item;
    if(self.itemView == nil) {
    ItemViewController *viewController = [[ItemViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ItemViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
    self.itemView = viewController;
    [viewController release];
    if(calls > 3) {
    NSLog(@"item retainCount = %d", [item retainCount]);
    // Why do you relase item? I don't see any retain or method wich increases the retain-count.
    [item release];

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