Create a new group in Active Directory ?

I'd like to create a new group in Active Directory. Can somebody show me a sample code please ?

Someone should show you how to perform a search. There's a sample in this forum.

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  • Need Help creating new user in Active Directory

    I am trying to create a new user in active directory via a java application. I have included the code that I am using. I am able to successfully bind to Active Directory. I have been able to change passwords, and delete users, but I have not been able to create a user.
    ldapHost : "mta101.DOM101.CEL.ACC.AF.MIL"
    domainName: "dc=dom101,dc=cel,dc=acc,dc=af,dc=mil"
    existing account: CN=Brett K. Humpherys,OU=Users,OU=CEL
    I get the following error on the createSubcontext statement: [LDAP: error code 21 - 00000057: LdapErr: DSID-0C09098B, comment: Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, v893 ; remaining name 'CN=test1,OU=Users,OU=CEL'
    I have commented out the password portion and change the ObjectCategory to a 32 and get the same error.
        public GblStatus createAccount7(DbaDb dbConn,
                                        String jsrcName,
                                        String personName,
                                        String username,
                                        String password)
          Hashtable ldapEnv = new Hashtable(11);
          ldapEnv.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
          ldapEnv.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://" + this.ldapHost + ":636");
          ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
          ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
          ldapEnv.put(Context.REFERRAL, "ignore");
          ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,"cn=" + this.adminAcct + ",cn=users," + this.domainName);
          ldapEnv.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, this.adminPwd);
            // Create the initial context
            DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(ldapEnv);
            BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes();
            BasicAttribute ocs = new BasicAttribute("objectclass");
            BasicAttribute gn = new BasicAttribute("givenName", "test1");
            BasicAttribute sn = new BasicAttribute("sn", "");
            BasicAttribute cn = new BasicAttribute("cn", "test1");
            BasicAttribute uac = new BasicAttribute("userAccountControl", "66048");
            BasicAttribute sam = new BasicAttribute("sAMAccountName", "test1");
            BasicAttribute disName = new BasicAttribute("displayName", "test1");
            BasicAttribute userPrincipalName = new BasicAttribute
                                          ("userPrincipalName", "[email protected]");
            BasicAttribute instanceType = new BasicAttribute("instanceType", "4");
            BasicAttribute objectCategory = new BasicAttribute
                      ("objectCategory","CN=User,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration," + domainName);
            String newVal = new String("\"password\"");
            byte _bytes[] = newVal.getBytes("Unicode");
    byte bytes[] = new byte[_bytes.length - 2];
    System.arraycopy(_bytes, 2, bytes, 0, _bytes.length - 2);
    BasicAttribute attribute = new BasicAttribute("unicodePwd");
    attribute.add((byte[]) bytes);
    ctx.createSubcontext("CN=test1,OU=Users,OU=CEL", attrs);
    catch (NameAlreadyBoundException nex)
    System.out.println("User ID is already in use, please select a different user ID ...");
    catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("Failed to create user account... Please verify the user information...");
    return new GblStatus();
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Hi .,
    me too got up with same problem., can anyone help me.??
    Someone help me to create attributes in AD using LDAP
    package LDAPpack;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
    import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    class CreateAttrs {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
              env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://");
              env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "CN=cname,OU=Users,OU=Dealer,OU=Community,DC=test2,DC=org");
                        env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "password-1");
              LdapContext ctx =null;
              try {
                   //ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env,null);
                   try {
    ctx = new InitialLdapContext(env,null);
                   catch(NamingException e) {
    System.out.println("Login failed");
    System.out.println("Login Successful");
    byte[] buf = new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; // same data
         // Create a multivalued attribute with 4 String values
         BasicAttribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectClassNew", "topNew");
         // Create an attribute with a byte array
         BasicAttribute photo = new BasicAttribute("jpegPhotoNew", buf);
         // Create attribute set
         BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
         Attributes attrs1 = ctx.getAttributes("CN=cname,OU=Users,OU=Dealer,OU=Community,DC=test2,DC=org");
    Context result = ctx.createSubcontext("CN=cname,OU=Users,OU=Dealer,OU=Community,DC=test2,DC=org", attrs);
    //i got error here; i attach the error below.
         catch(NamingException e){
    Login Successful [LDAP: error code 16 - 00000057: LdapErr: DSID-0C090B38, comment: Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, vece
    Edited by: vencer on Jun 19, 2008 12:38 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Create a User account in active directory from SharePoint online 2013 list data

    I am trying to create a SharePoint list through which i can create a user account into active directory, 
    1 - HR is sending the detail in the email body to a Specific email address  ([email protected]) like below..
    First Name: XYZ
    Last Name: ABC
    Address: ABC 123
    Designation: Analyst
    Employee ID: 10492
    and so on 
    2 - I need to pickup every new email data of the above section into sharepoint list (in Column)
    First Name        Last Name       Address         Designation   Employee ID   
    3 - I want to create a event receiver through which i can go ahead and find the new data in the list and then create a user in the active directory,
    I tried very hard and since i dont have much experience in coding part,  any help will be highly appreciated
    Thank you 

    1- Configure Incoming Email Setting at your SharePoint Farm -
    2- Configure your Sharepoint List Incoming e-mail settings for [email protected] - ListSetting-Communications->Incoming e-mail settings. -
    3- Write an Incoming Email Receiver , and Add you Email Body Parsing Code (retrive value of fields , firstname , lastname etc) in
    EmailReceived() method. also add the code for adding new user in Active Directory
    4-  Active Directory Code Help -
    Ganesh Jat [My Blog |
    LinkedIn | Twitter ]
    Please click 'Mark As Answer' if a post solves your problem or 'Vote As Helpful' if it was useful.

  • Could we have same name's for User and Groups in Active directory

    When iam trying to create a user name " Logistics " under a OU, I am getting a error
    "The pre-windows 2000 logon name you have chosen is already in use in this domain. Choose  aother pre-windows logon name, and then try again"
    We already have a group by the name " Logistics "
    Could we have same name's for User and Groups in Active directory?
    Thanks in Advance

    sAMaccountName attribute is unique. So, the short answer is you cannot.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
    My Website Link
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  • Creating a new group in LDAP using JLDAP

    Can anybody tell me how to creat a new group in LDAP using JLDAP

    Have a look at the following link. It will surely help you.
    <a href=""></a>
    <b>Please reward points if it helps.</b>
    Amit Mishra

  • Creating a new group in Mail

    Is there an easy way to create a new group in mail (or I guess it's really the Address book) from an email I already sent  to a group of people. I don't want to copy each name one by one if it's not necessary.  Thanks, Jack

    Each email address in the group is put in the To: field automatically when you put them all in the BCC field when composing the email. Nobody sees anything except their own email address.
    I think you are mistaken there, Golden. If the To: field is blank the recipients in the Bcc field will see the To: as undisclosed-recipients - if they get anything at all; some ISPs will reject a message with a blank To:. I would agree with putting the target recipients in the Bcc, but when doing this I usually put my own address in the To: field.

  • Create a new Grouping in IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB

    I need to create a new group in  IBY_FD_EXTRACT_EXT_PUB like below.
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 1</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 2</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 3</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 1</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 2</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 3</OUTPUTVALUE>+
    I have got the Concatenated value inside a loop, but I need to split each of the values into 80 characters and then insert it into <OUTPUTVALUE>+
    So, if I have 240 characters, then I need it like+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 80 characters*</OUTPUTVALUE>*+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 80 characters*</OUTPUTVALUE>*+
    -- <Extend>+
    ---<OUTPUTVALUE>Concatenated Value - 80 characters*</OUTPUTVALUE>*+
    What I have tried is
    FUNCTION Get_Pmt_Ext_Agg(p_payment_id IN NUMBER)
    l_ins_ext_agg XMLTYPE;
    CURSOR get_invoices_cur(cp_payment_id in number) is
    SELECT IDP.document_payable_id DOCUMENT_PAYABLE_ID
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.calling_app_doc_ref_number,1,30) REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IDP.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.document_amount DOCUMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.payment_curr_discount_taken DISCOUNT_AMOUNT
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.po_number,1,30) PO_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMNT
    ,IPA.ext_branch_number EXT_BRANCH_NUMBER
    ,IPA.ext_bank_account_number EXT_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payee_name PAYEE_NAME
    ,IPA.int_bank_name INT_BANK_NAME
    ,IPA.payment_reference_number PAYMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IPA.creation_date CREATION_DATE
    ,IPA.payment_instruction_id PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION_ID
    FROM iby_docs_payable_all IDP
    ,ap_invoices_all AIA
    ,iby_payments_all IPA
    WHERE AIA.invoice_id = idp.calling_app_doc_unique_ref2
    AND IPA.payment_id = IDP.payment_id
    AND IDP.payment_id = cp_payment_id;
    <Initialize all valiables>
    FOR get_invoices_rec IN get_invoices_cur(p_payment_id)
    lc_concatenate: = <Get the concanated Value as required>;
    lc_split:= < Written some logic to split it into char >
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    XMLElement("lc_value1" lc_split))
    INTO lc_extendval
    FROM dual
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    INTO l_ins_ext_agg
    FROM dual;
    RETURN l_ins_ext_agg;
    END Get_Pmt_Ext_Agg;
    Now, my output comes only as the last 80 characters, I do not have the first 80 and second 80 characters.
    ANy inputs to achieve all the 240 characters split into 3 rows like described above would be helpful.

    Now, my output comes only as the last 80 characters, I do not have the first 80 and second 80 characters.
    based on
    lc_split:= < Written some logic to split it into char >
    so check logic for splitting
    i can't test on your data but
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    XMLElement("lc_value1" lc_split))
    INTO lc_extendval
    FROM dual
    what's code doing?
    looks like it's wrong because it create tag "lc_value1"
    SELECT XMLConcat(
    INTO l_ins_ext_agg
    FROM dual;
    RETURN l_ins_ext_agg;
    what's code doing?
    so try another way
    FUNCTION Get_Pmt_Ext_Agg(p_payment_id IN NUMBER)
    l_ins_ext_agg XMLTYPE;
    CURSOR get_invoices_cur(cp_payment_id in number) is
    SELECT IDP.document_payable_id DOCUMENT_PAYABLE_ID
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.calling_app_doc_ref_number,1,30) REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IDP.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.document_amount DOCUMENT_AMOUNT
    ,IDP.payment_curr_discount_taken DISCOUNT_AMOUNT
    ,SUBSTR(IDP.po_number,1,30) PO_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payment_amount PAYMENT_AMNT
    ,IPA.ext_branch_number EXT_BRANCH_NUMBER
    ,IPA.ext_bank_account_number EXT_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
    ,IPA.payee_name PAYEE_NAME
    ,IPA.int_bank_name INT_BANK_NAME
    ,IPA.payment_reference_number PAYMENT_REFERENCE_NUMBER
    ,IPA.creation_date CREATION_DATE
    ,IPA.payment_instruction_id PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION_ID
    FROM iby_docs_payable_all IDP
    ,ap_invoices_all AIA
    ,iby_payments_all IPA
    WHERE AIA.invoice_id = idp.calling_app_doc_unique_ref2
    AND IPA.payment_id = IDP.payment_id
    AND IDP.payment_id = cp_payment_id;
    <Initialize all valiables>
    FOR get_invoices_rec IN get_invoices_cur(p_payment_id)
    lc_concatenate: = <Get the concanated Value as required>;and add logic for splitting like
    select xmlelement("ExtendValue", xmlagg(xmlelement("Extend", substr(lc_concatenate,1+80*(level-1),80) )))
    INTO lc_extendval
    from dual
    connect by level <= ceil(length(lc_concatenate)/80)so example
    SQL> with t as
      2  (
      3  select 1 id, lpad('a',80,'a') ||lpad('b',80,'b') ||lpad('c',80,'c') str from dual
      4  )
      5  --
      6  select xmlelement("ExtendValue", xmlagg(xmlelement("Extend", substr(str,1+80*(level-1),80) )))
      7  from t
      8  connect by level <= ceil(length(str)/80)
      9  /
    SQL> if you have some problem then plz post test data

  • Create a new group in Messaging

    How do you create a new group in messaging, I had to select ios4.33 in the Operating system as ios5 is not available yet

    Someone should show you how to perform a search. There's a sample in this forum.

  • Runtime Error when creating a new group

    I'm getting a runtime error when creating a new group on a site collection? 
    Thanks in advance

    The most possible reason is if your site collection is reached the maximum site quota limit,then there is chance to get the run time error while creating a new group.
    In this case,you will get the error while creating/updating the group or while adding the new user/uploading any content.
    Also Ensure the group name is not having any special/unsupported characters.
    Feel free to share the error screenshot/entry in the ULS logs.
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you
    Best Regards,
    Pavan Kumar Sapara
    s p kumar

  • I just got the new Iphone 5 and when I send a message in a group text it keeps sending it as an email and as my phone number. The people in the group text are complaining that it is creating a new group message everytime I text. How do I fix this?

    I just got the new Iphone 5 and when I send a message in a group text it keeps sending it as an email and as my phone number. The people in the group text are complaining that it is creating a new group message everytime I text. How do I fix this?

    Read l
    If you wish to share an Apple ID with family members then read: r-family/

  • Cannot Create a New Group

    All of a sudden, I cannot create any new groups within Address Book! Will not work either from the plus sign at the bottom of the group list or the main menu!
    Any advice on how to resolve?

    quit Address book and delete the file homedirectory/library/application support/address book/AddressBook-v22.abcddb. then start Address Book and see if you can create groups.

  • Is it possible to map a Sponsor Group in Cisco ISE to a user group in Active Directory, through a RADIUS server?

    We are working on a mapping between a Sponsor Group in Cisco ISE and a user group in Active Directory....but the client wants the mapping to be through a RADIUS SERVER, for avoiding ISE querying directly the Active Directory.
    I know it is possible to use a RADIUS SERVER as an external identity source for ISE.....but, is it possible to use this RADIUS SERVER for this sponsor group handling?
    Thanks and regards!!

    Yes It is possible to map Sponser group to user group in AD and if you want to know how to do please open the below link and go to Mapping Active Directory Groups to Sponsor Groups heading.

  • Groups in Address book on iPad will not let me create a new group

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    Can anyone help me? I have turned it off and back on.

    You can't create new groups on a mobile device.

  • Nested groups with Active Directory AWS

    Hi... am trying to target only specific groups from our AD, but I'd rather not have to use the partial users & groups sync as this would mean re-configuring the auth source for any new group that we want to bring in to the portal (v.5.0.2).
    I am able to target a specific part of AD in the following way:
    User Query Base : OU=Portal Users,DC=Domain1, DC=DOmain2
    User Query Filter: (&(objectclass=user)(memberOf=*))
    Group Query Base : OU=Portal Users,DC=Domain1, DC=DOmain2
    Group Query Filter: (objectclass=Group)
    This works fine, it brings in the groups in the "Portal Users" OU and any users in the OU who have group memberships. However, not all groups and users will exist in a single OU, so we decided to create a global group called "Portal Groups" and tried a similar query as above but with the query base replaced as follows:
    VN=Portal Groups,OU=Applications,DC=Domain1, DC=DOmain2
    This time... the group is brought in but no nested groups and no users! Has anyone else managed to accomplish an AWS setup of this sort or similar? I'm told that it is possible to sync in nested groups but being unfamiliar with AD I'm not sure if I've gone about it the right way.
    thanks in advance
    Simon Dragicevich

    Hi Simon,
    So let me make sure I've got your usecase.  You want to only create particular groups in the portal - you don't want all your AD groups in the portal.  You DO want all your users imported and to have them in the appropriate groups?
    If that's correct - you either want to play with your query bases, or you want to switch to a partial GROUP sync.  The former will allow you to automatically bring in new groups as they are added to AD, the later will not.
    One thing I was confused about in your original post - did you change both the user query base and the group query base to:
    VN=Portal Groups,OU=Applications,DC=Domain1, DC=DOmain2
    or just the group query base?  Assuming you did the former, that would explain why your users weren't imported.  If you did the later - that seems odd.  Regardless you don't want to create a global group, you want to create a new OU:
    OU=Portal Groups, OU=Applications, DC=Domain1, DC=Domain2
    Then set that as your group query base.  Assuming you have a bunch of groups scattered around your tree that you want in here, create shadow groups that essentially contain your other groups, e.g.:
    CN=GroupA, DC=Plumtree
    CN=GroupB, OU=Eng, DC=Plumtree
    I want both of those groups to be in my portal groups OU, so I create two new groups in my portal groups OU as follows:
    CN=GroupA, OU=Portal Groups, OU=Applications, DC=Domain1, DC=Domain2
    CN=GroupB, OU=Portal Groups, OU=Applications, DC=Domain1, DC=Domain2
    Both of these groups simply contain one member - the groups I am shadowing.  You can also more effectively deal with name clashing if you use this strategy.
    Make sense?

  • HT2486 how do I copy an existing Group in Contacts to create a new group with the same contacts in it?

    How do I copy an existing group in Contacts to create a new group with the same contacts in it?

    Hi there,
    Unfortunately the use case you describe hasn't been implemented in Firefox. It's not possible to move a tab group out to its own window at this point. Generally the tab groups feature hasn't been worked on much recently, not sure why.
    As to TabMixPlus, that's a third-party add-on which Mozilla doesn't directly support. You can find support links from the add-on page:
    Hope this helps.

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