Export to Excel from PL/SQL Procedure

I am creating a report using PL/SQL and html code. Once the report is display, I click on "Export to Excel" button. it should open the new window with Excel. The window opens in Excel, but no data. I have following code
as the first statement in the procedure.
OWA_UTIL.MIME_HEADER ('application/vnd.ms-excel', FALSE);
and this is the script
<script language="JavaScript">
var param_list
l_param_list := l_param_list || '&p_app_main_id=' || p_app_main_id;
     l_param_list := l_param_list || '&p_from_date=' || p_from_date ;
     l_param_list := l_param_list || '&p_to_date=' || p_to_date ;
param_list = ''');
htp.prn( l_param_list);
function NewWindow(mypage,myname,w,h,scroll){
var win = null;
LeftPosition = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-w)/2 : 0;
TopPosition = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-h)/2 : 0;
settings = ''height=''+h+'',width=''+w+'',top=''+TopPosition+'',left=''+LeftPosition+'',scrollbars=''+scroll+'',resizable''
win = window.open(mypage,myname,settings)
function ExportToExcel() {
var wndname = ''ExpCodeMoveRep'';
var wndw = screen.width-10;
var wndh = screen.height-10;
var wattr = ''scrollbars=yes,toolbar=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=yes'';
var wndurl = ''pm_codemove_report?p_output=E'';
wndurl = wndurl + param_list;
My submit is
<p align="center">
<input type="button" class="printbutton" value="Close" class="button" OnClick="window.close();"> 
<input type="button" class="printbutton" value="Export To Excel" class="button" OnClick="ExportToExcel();">');
Can anyone tell me what is wrong.
I have the same code in another schema and it is working fine. Both schema are on the same server. Do they have any set up on appserver in DAD file to be able to see the data in Excel?

Thank you for your answer dccase!
I decided to go with on demand process. I have trouble with calling procedure from (button URL - javascript:popupURL('#OWNER#.exportXML')) pop window which cause "Forbidden, The requested operation is not allowed" error. I read that this is because I'm using XE edition and there is no HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER role in XE.
Now, I use on demand process and button URL link:
It is working. Now I have to find solution to automatically close popup window :-)

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    Further to my previous post here is how I will develop a typical master details excel report.
    by using the package,
    It will also show sum of salary at each department.
    Note : When I paste the code here I loose the indentation. So the code below is not indented properly.
    r NUMBER := 0 ; --- r IS the ROW NUMBER IN this excel file
    l_sum NUMBER ;
    --- Generate the styles that we need
    gen_xl_xml.create_excel( 'UTL_DIR','master_Detail.xls') ;
    gen_xl_xml.create_style( 'dept_title' , 'Arial', 'Red',14, p_backcolor => 'LightGray' );
    gen_xl_xml.create_style( 'sgs2' , 'Arial', NULL ,10, p_bold => TRUE );
    gen_xl_xml.create_style( 'sgs3' , 'Arial', 'blue',14 );
    gen_xl_xml.create_style( 'sgs4' , 'Arial', 'green',14 );
    gen_xl_xml.create_style( 'emp_title' , 'Arial', 'Black',9, p_backcolor => 'LightBlue' );
    gen_xl_xml.create_style( 'sal_tot' , 'Arial', 'Brown',13, p_backcolor => 'Yellow' );
    -- SET ANY COLUMN AND ROW changes
    gen_xl_xml.set_column_width( 3, 145 );
    gen_xl_xml.set_column_width( 4, 145 );
    l_sum := 0 ;
    FOR recd IN ( SELECT department_id, department_name FROM departments ) LOOP
    IF l_sum <> 0 THEN
    r := r +1 ;
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_char( r, 4, 'Department Total ->' , 'sal_tot' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_num( r, 5, l_sum , 'sal_tot' );
    l_sum := 0;
    END if ;
    r := r+1 ;
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_CHAR( r,1, 'Department : '|| recd.department_name , 'dept_title' );
    -- As we need same style applied till the above data flows use write_cell_null
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_NULL( r,2 , null );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_NULL( r,3, 'dept_title' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_NULL( r,4, 'dept_title' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_NULL( r,5, 'dept_title' );
    --- Add employee heading
    r := r+1 ;
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_CHAR( r,2, 'EmployeeID' , 'emp_title' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_CHAR( r,3, 'First Name' , 'emp_title' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_CHAR( r,4, 'Last Name' , 'emp_title' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_CHAR( r,5, 'Salary' , 'emp_title' );
    FOR rec IN (SELECT employee_id , first_name , last_name, salary FROM employees WHERE department_id = recd.department_id ) LOOP
    r := r+1 ;
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_num( r,2, rec.employee_id, 'sgs2' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_char( r,3, rec.first_name, 'sgs3' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_char( r,4, rec.last_name , 'sgs4' );
    gen_xl_xml.write_cell_num( r,5, rec.salary );
    l_sum := l_sum + rec.salary ;
    END LOOP ;
    END LOOP ;
    gen_xl_xml.close_file ;
    END ;

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    PROCEDURE pr_Forms_to_Excel(p_block_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NAME_IN('system.current_block')) IS
    -- Declare the OLE objects
    application OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    workbooks OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    workbook OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheets OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    worksheet OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    cell OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    range OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    range_col OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    -- Declare handles to OLE argument lists
    args OLE2.LIST_TYPE;
    -- Declare form and block items
    form_name VARCHAR2(100);
    f_block VARCHAR2(100);
    l_block VARCHAR2(100);
    f_item VARCHAR2(100);
    l_item VARCHAR2(100);
    cur_block VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.current_block');
    cur_item VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.current_item');
    cur_record VARCHAR2(100) := NAME_IN('system.cursor_record');
    item_name VARCHAR2(100);
    baslik VARCHAR2(100);
    row_n NUMBER;
    col_n NUMBER;
    filename VARCHAR2(100);
    ExcelFontId OLE2.list_type;
    -- Start Excel
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(application, 'Visible', 'True');
    -- Return object handle to the Workbooks collection
    workbooks:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(application, 'Workbooks');
    -- Add a new Workbook object to the Workbooks collection
    -- Return object handle to the Worksheets collection for the Workbook
    worksheets:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(workbook, 'Worksheets');
    -- Get the first Worksheet in the Worksheets collection
    -- worksheet:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheets,'Add');
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, 1);
    -- Return object handle to cell A1 on the new Worksheet
    baslik := get_block_property(p_block_name,FIRST_ITEM);
    f_item := p_block_name||'.'||get_block_property(p_block_name,FIRST_ITEM);
    l_item := p_block_name||'.'||get_block_property(p_block_name,LAST_ITEM);
    item_name := f_item;
    col_n := 1;
    IF get_item_property(item_name,ITEM_TYPE)<>'BUTTON' AND
    -- Set first row with the item names
    IF row_n=1 THEN
    ------updated by faisal-to give Bold font-----
    --FOR k IN 1 .. 3 LOOP
         args := OLE2.create_arglist;
         OLE2.add_arg(args, 1);
         OLE2.add_arg(args, col_n);
         cell := OLE2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
         --cell_value := OLE2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value');
         ExcelFontId := OLE2.get_obj_property(Cell, 'Font');
         OLE2.set_property(ExcelFontId, 'Bold', 'True');
    --END LOOP;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, row_n);
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, col_n);
    cell:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'Value', baslik);
    END IF;
    -- Set other rows with the item values
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, row_n+1);
    OLE2.ADD_ARG(args, col_n);
    cell:=OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
    IF get_item_property(item_name,DATATYPE)<>'NUMBER' THEN
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'NumberFormat', '@');
    END IF;
    OLE2.SET_PROPERTY(cell, 'Value', name_in(item_name));
    END IF;
    IF item_name = l_item THEN
    END IF;
    baslik := get_item_property(item_name,NEXTITEM);
    item_name := p_block_name||'.'||get_item_property(item_name,NEXTITEM);
    col_n := col_n + 1;
    EXIT WHEN NAME_IN('system.last_record') = 'TRUE';
    -- Autofit columns
    range := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( worksheet,'UsedRange');
    range_col := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY( range,'Columns');
    OLE2.INVOKE( range_col,'AutoFit' );
    OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range );
    OLE2.RELEASE_OBJ( range_col );
    -- Get filename and path
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args, p_block_name );
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args,'Excel Workbooks (*.xls, *.xls');
    filename := OLE2.INVOKE_CHAR( application,'GetSaveAsFilename',args );
    -- Save as worksheet
    IF NVL(filename,'0')<>'0' THEN
    args := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG( args,filename );
    OLE2.INVOKE( worksheet,'SaveAs',args );
    END IF;
    -- Close workbook
    --OLE2.INVOKE( workbook ,'Close');
    -- Release the OLE objects
    --OLE2.INVOKE(application, 'Quit');
    -- Focus to the original location
    Thanks in advance.
    Rizly Faisal

    Alternatively you could use OLE2 to do the bulk of the importing and exporting and then use the webutil file transfer functions to move the file to the client and then simply open the file there...That might be more efficient in terms of performance as well.

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    It might be worth your time to check out owa_sylk from asktom.oracle.com. It's a pl/sql package that generates SYLK files, which Excel can then open. By using a standard file format instead of a proprietary one you get away from most of the "which version of Excel" issues.

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    If you are using 10g, then OLE2 is supported. However, it will be executed in the App Server Machine.
    If you want to do the operation in the Client machine (as how it was done in the Client / Server), you need to use Client_OLE (Which is part of WebUtil).
    Look at
    for more details on WebUtil.

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    2. user clicks on "save files" button
    3. Inside a After submit process, in a loop, i want to call a javascript function for each of the file user want to save with the filename as a parameter.
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    Please guide me in this regards

    Look at the host or client_host builtins in the help

  • Sending message from PL/SQL procedure to form

    Hello Friends,
    How can I send messages from PL/SQL procedure to Form ?
    Ultimate target is catching progress of PL/SQL procedure from
    form. I heard about DBMS_PIPe but not sure,.

    Yeah , I got the solution using DBMS_PIPE function,I
    followed following steps.
    1. Pipe is created. see below procedure.
    create or replace procedure proc_testpipe as
         v_pipe_integer          integer;
         v_pipe_message          integer;
         v_pipe_integer := DBMS_PIPE.Create_Pipe('adipipe');
         dbms_pipe.pack_message('Hello Adinath Kamode,Message
         from Pipe');
         v_pipe_message := dbms_Pipe.Send_message('adipipe');
    2. then I created one Function which will obtain message from
    Pipe and
    will return value to form.
    create or replace function proc_callpipe return varchar2 as
    v_msg          integer;
    v_rem          integer;
    v_message          varchar2(500);
    v_rem := dbms_pipe.remove_pipe('adipipe');
    3. Last I called this function from form.
    Cheers .. !

  • Returing array from PL/SQL procedure

    I am trying to return array from PL/SQL procedure. Heres is the code. I am getting an error "OracleParameter.ArrayBindSize is invalid ".
    Will anybody let me know what is wrong in following code. or does anybody have code to return PL/SQL array using VB.NET.
    oCommand.CommandText = "MyPack.TestVarchar2"
    oCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    Dim id As Integer = 10
    Dim deptname As String()
    Dim oParam1 As Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter = New Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter("id", Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.Int32)
    Dim oParam2 As Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter = New Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleParameter("deptname", Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.Varchar2)
    oParam1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
    oParam2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    oParam1.CollectionType = Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCollectionType.None
    oParam2.CollectionType = Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray
    oParam1.Value = id
    oParam2.Value = ""
    oParam1.Size = 10
    oParam2.Size = 20

    Thanks Arnold for the reply..
    Yes, I am trying to get result set in array which is unknow to me (No of rows return by the query). For the test I will pre-define the result set so that I will able to set ArrayBindSize.
    I have read C# example but when I try to write it in VB.NET it gives me syntax error when I try to set the ArrayBindSize.
    oParam.ArrayBindSize = new int[3]{15,23,13} // individual max size of 3 outputsWill you please let me know how to set ArrayBindSize (VB.NET) because I am new to this..
    There is an example at otn "How to: Bind an Array to an ODP.NET Database Command" which does multiple INSERTs in one trip to database. This works fine. I need to do same for the SELECT statement which will return me multiple rows. I do not mean refCursor. If I use refCursor, it will make soft parse which I am trying to avoid using this Array techniq.

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    "How can I send a operating system comand from PL/SQL procedure?
    I want to move , to copy , delete a file from a PL/sql procedure. i.e under unix send mv, cp or
    rm command";
    my e-mail is [email protected]

    take a look at
    Freek D'Hooge
    "How can I send a operating system comand from PL/SQL procedure?
    I want to move , to copy , delete a file from a PL/sql procedure. i.e under unix send mv, cp or
    rm command";
    my e-mail is [email protected]

  • Export to Excel from Report region (pl/sql returning sql query)

    Hello all,
    I have encountered an interesting problem. I have an HTMLDB application with a lot of sql reports coded straight inside the report region. In order to better organize my reports, I decided to
    1. make all my report regions of type "Pl/Sql function returning SQL query"
    2. create a package inside my database schema which houses all reports as pl/sql functions returning VARCHAR2, the string returned being the report query
    3. just calling "return package_name.function_name" from inside my report region of type "Pl/sql function returning SQL query".
    This technique seemed to work perfectly. The reports were being returned as expected. I was then asked to provide the "Export to Excel" capability to all my reports. This seemed like a piece of cake using HTML DB's "Export to Excel" extension. However, the "export to excel" does not function correctly when my reports are inside a package in the database. HTML DB tries to export but inside the excel spreadsheet, instead of seeing row data, I see:
    <pre>failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    <!-- select a.username, b.table_name, 'View Row Data' from schema_browser_user_list a, all_tables b where a.user_id = and a.username = b.owner order by b.table_name asc
    I am building my query string inside of my package functions by using a combination of literal strings and concatenating them with some parameter values being passed in. It seems that the HTML DB engine which exports the report to excel does not properly understand the concatenation of variables as can be seen by the empty space to the right of the equal sign in the "a.user_id = " clause. Does anybody have any input as to whether this is a known issue or if I am doing something wrong? Thanks a lot for your time.
    - Kenny R.

    Thanks for the quick reply. I think you mis-understood what I'm doing. All I'm doing is creating packaged functions which return VARCHAR2. The VARCHAR2 that they return is the report query. With this technique, I no longer have to type the query into the HTML DB report region. Instead, I make the report region a "Pl/sql function returning sql query" and make the following call: return package_name.function_name(some_application_items passed in as parameters)
    This makes for a much more organized html db app. The problem is that the "export to excel" function does not correctly interpret the VARCHAR2 that my packaged functions are returning. Is this a better explanation? Thanks again for your time.
    - Kenny R.

  • Export data into Excel from PL/SQL Block

    Please tell me how to export data into excel comming out from PL/SQL code in APEX.
    We can simply export data into excel if we have Report region, but my query is dynamic for which i had to use PL/SQL block. Now i want to export that data into excel.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Take a look here http://spendolini.blogspot.com/2006/04/custom-export-to-csv.html

Maybe you are looking for