Hi All,
I need help to get a sql query for included dates
I have this scenario
create table test (names varchar2(100),start_date date,end_date date,exc_flg number);
insert into test values('John',to_date('01-jan-2009','dd-mon-yyyy'),to_date('31-dec-2011','dd-mon-yyyy'),0);
insert into test values('John',to_date('01-jan-2009','dd-mon-yyyy'),to_date('31-dec-2010','dd-mon-yyyy'),1);
insert into test values('Joseph',to_date('01-jan-2009','dd-mon-yyyy'),to_date('31-dec-2011','dd-mon-yyyy'),0);
insert into test values('Jack',to_date('01-jan-2009','dd-mon-yyyy'),to_date('31-dec-2010','dd-mon-yyyy'),0);
In the above case john is included for this duration start_date is '01-jan-2009' and end_date is '31-dec-2011' and is excluded for this duration '01-jan-2009','31-dec-2010'
Now i want to dispay John's incuded duration as ''01-jan-2011','31-dec-2011'
My sql output should be
Names start_date end_date
John 01-jan-2011 31-dec-2011
Joseph 01-jan-2009 31-dec-2011
Jack 01-jan-2009 31-dec-2010
Thanks in Advance

Hi there,
seems like the old "find those time gaps" problem. I tried to solve it in pure SQL, and since it's Monday I didn't want to wrap my mind around the MODEL clause,
therefore my solution looks a bit cluttered - feel free to improve.
create table test (names varchar2(100),start_date date,end_date date,exc_flg number);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('John',to_date('01-01-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('31-12-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'),0);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('John',to_date('01-01-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('31-12-2010','dd-mm-yyyy'),1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('John',to_date('01-04-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('01-07-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'),1);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('Joseph',to_date('01-01-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('31-12-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'),0);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('Jack',to_date('01-01-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('31-12-2010','dd-mm-yyyy'),0);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('Joe',to_date('01-01-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('31-12-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'),0);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('Joe',to_date('01-04-2010','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('31-12-2011','dd-mm-yyyy'),0);
INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('Joe',to_date('01-01-2008','dd-mm-yyyy'),to_date('31-12-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),1);
select * from test;
                , 's'        flg_date
                , start_date dat
             FROM TEST            
            WHERE exc_flg = 0  
            UNION ALL
           SELECT names
                , 'e'
                , end_date
             FROM TEST
            WHERE exc_flg = 0  
            UNION ALL
           SELECT names
                , 's'
                , end_date + 1
             FROM TEST
            WHERE exc_flg = 1  
            UNION ALL
           SELECT names
                , 'e'
                , start_date - 1
             FROM TEST
            WHERE exc_flg = 1  
   , t2 AS (SELECT t.*
                 , DECODE(LAG(t.flg_date) OVER (PARTITION BY t.names ORDER BY t.dat), flg_date, 0, NULL, 1, 1) grp_date
              FROM t
                                 FROM TEST t2
                                WHERE t2.names = t.names
                                  AND exc_flg  = 1
                                  AND t.dat    BETWEEN t2.start_date AND t2.end_date)
               AND t.dat BETWEEN (SELECT MIN(start_date)
                                    FROM TEST t2                    
                                   WHERE t2.names = t.names
                                     AND exc_flg  = 0)
                             AND (SELECT MAX(end_date)
                                    FROM TEST t2                    
                                   WHERE t2.names = t.names     
                                     AND exc_flg  = 0)
     , t3 AS (SELECT t2.names
                   , t2.flg_date
                   , t2.dat
                   , SUM(grp_date) OVER (PARTITION BY t2.names ORDER BY t2.dat) grp_date
                FROM t2
   , t4 AS (SELECT t3.*
                 , row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY t3.names, t3.grp_date ORDER BY t3.dat)      rn_start_date
                 , row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY t3.names, t3.grp_date ORDER BY t3.dat DESC) rn_end_date    
              FROM t3
SELECT names
     , dat
     , nxt_dat
  FROM (SELECT t4.names
             , dat
             , CASE WHEN t4.flg_date = 's' THEN LEAD(dat) OVER (PARTITION BY t4.names ORDER BY t4.dat) END nxt_dat
          FROM t4
         WHERE (t4.flg_date = 's' AND rn_start_date = 1)
            OR (t4.flg_date = 'e' AND rn_end_date   = 1)
WHERE nxt_dat IS NOT NULL      
ORDER BY names, dat
NAMES                DAT                 NXT_DAT
Jack                 2009.01.01 00:00:00 2010.12.31 00:00:00
Joe                  2010.01.01 00:00:00 2011.12.31 00:00:00
John                 2011.01.01 00:00:00 2011.03.31 00:00:00
John                 2011.07.02 00:00:00 2011.12.31 00:00:00
Joseph               2009.01.01 00:00:00 2011.12.31 00:00:00C.

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    Yes, reordering columns is extremely painful.
    It is supposed to be much improved in the next version.
    Re: Re-ordering columns on reports
    Moving columns up/down in Report  Attributes
    See my example at
    Basically, let the users move columns around until they are blue in the face, provide a Save button to save the column order in a user preference and reorder the columns when the page reloads.
    Or you can use Carl's PL/SQL shuttle as the widget to specify the columns shown and their order. The shuttle is at
    Hope this helps.
    Message was edited by:

  • Need Help in SQL Query

    Hi all,
    I have data in the following manner:
    1000 10 0
    1000 20 0
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    Here I need to Calculate the total hours for a Case_number till i see the flag as 1.
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    2000 10 1
    2000 20 1
    Here the result must be only 10.
    I am struggling to write a SQL query for this.
    Anyones help will be very much greatful
    Thanks in Advance
    Sengathir Subbarayan

    Look up analytical functions.
    something like sum(hours) OVER (PARTITION BY case_number ORDER BY something)
    will give you the sum for all rows.
    Then you probably want to "throw away" those rows after the flag maybe by summing the flag column too, and throw away all those where the flag is greater than 1 and where it is equal to 1 except for the first one.
    I suspect you actually have some other column (other than the number of hours) that define your order - that's what you put in the ORDER BY.

  • Need a help in SQL query

    I need a help in writing an SQL query . I am actually confused how to write a query. Below is the scenario.
    CREATE TABLE demand_tmp
    ( item_id  NUMBER,
      org_id   NUMBER,
      order_line_id NUMBER,
      quantity NUMBER,
      order_type NUMBER
    CREATE TABLE order_tmp
    ( item_id  NUMBER,
       org_id   NUMBER,
       order_line_id NUMBER,
       open_flag  VARCHAR2(10)
    INSERT INTO demand_tmp
    SELECT 12438,82,821,100,30 FROM dual;
    INSERT INTO demand_tmp
    SELECT 12438,82,849,350,30 FROM dual;
    INSERT INTO demand_tmp
    SELECT 12438,82,NULL,150,29 FROM dual;
    INSERT INTO demand_tmp
    SELECT 12438,82,0,50,-1 FROM dual;
    INSERT INTO order_tmp
    SELECT 12438,82,821,'Y' FROM dual;
    INSERT INTO order_tmp
    SELECT 12438,82,849,'N' FROM dual;
    Item_id        org_id   order_line_id       quantity       order_type     
    12438     82                 821                 100       30     
    12438     82                 849                 350       30     
    12438     82              NULL                 150       29     
    12438     82                    0                  50       -1     
    Order_tmp :
    Item_id        org_id        order_line_id      open_flag     
    12438     82                  821                Y     
    12438     82                  849                N     I need to fetch the records from demand_tmp table whose order_line_id is present in order_tmp and having open_flag as 'Y' or if order_type in demand_tmp table is 29.
    The below query will give the records whose order line id is present in order_tmp. But, If i need records which are having order_type=29 the below query wont return any records as order_line_id is NULL. If I place outer join I will get other records also (In this example order_type -1 records) . Please help me how can we write a query for this. Expected o/p is below.
    Query :
    Select item_id,org_id,order_line_id,quantity,order_type,open_flag
    from demand_tmp dt , order_tmp ot
    where dt.order_line_id = ot.order_line_id
    AND dt.item_id=ot.item_id
    AND dt.org_id = ot.org_id
    AND ot.open_flag = 'Y';
    Expected Output :                         
    item_id     org_id     order_line_id     quantity     order_type   open_flag
    12438     82                 821               100                    30             Y
    12438     82              NULL               150                29         NULL Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: Venkat Rakesh on Oct 7, 2012 6:32 PM
    Edited by: Venkat Rakesh on Oct 7, 2012 8:39 PM

    Hi Rakesh,
    the query is not working as you would like ( but IS working as expected ) since your trying to compare null to another value.
    Comparing null always results in FALSE, also if you compare null to null. This is because null means undefined.
    select 1 from dual where null=null results in no data found.
    I would suggest using a non natural key to join the tables.
    For example include a column ID in the master table which is filled with a sequence and include that field as a foreign key in the detail table.
    This way you can easily join master and detail on ID = ID, and you don't have to worry about null values in this column since it's always filled with data.
    btw, using the INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN syntax in your SQL makes it better readable, since you're separating join conditions from the where clause, just a tip ;)

  • Help with SQL query invloving time operations

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    CREATE TABLE user_info
    user_id VARCHAR(20),
    login_date DATE,
    login_time_zone VARCHAR(20),
    PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
    CREATE TABLE post_table
    post_id VARCHAR(20), 
    user_id VARCHAR(20),
    datepost DATE, 
    time_zone VARCHAR(20),
    PRIMARY KEY (post_id),
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user_info(user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
    ) ;Some sample data for my tables is as below -
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u1', to_date('9/17/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -2 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u2', to_date('9/17/2009 19:55','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -4 );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p1', 'u1', to_date('9/17/2009 20:50','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 6 );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p2', 'u2', to_date('9/17/2009 20:30','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p3', 'u2', to_date('9/18/2009 6:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 2 );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p4', 'u1', to_date('9/17/2009 21:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -3 );I need to write an SQL query which - finds the user(s) whose time difference between the login time and the latest time when he/she writes a post is the smallest. I need to consider the timezones here as well.
    I am unsure if time_zone should be of type VARCHAR or TIMESTAMP so have created it as VARCHAR in my tables.
    Someone please help me form this query.
    PS : How do I user <code> tags in this forum to write sql statements.
    Edited by: user11994430 on Oct 9, 2009 5:59 PM

    I tried with the following test data
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u1', to_date('9/17/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u2', to_date('9/16/2009 13:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u3', to_date('9/18/2009 15:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u4', to_date('9/20/2009 17:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u5', to_date('9/14/2009 3:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -3 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u6', to_date('9/15/2009 6:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -3 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u7', to_date('9/16/2009 7:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u8', to_date('9/17/2009 8:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u9', to_date('9/18/2009 9:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u10', to_date('9/19/2009 10:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u11', to_date('9/20/2009 11:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u12', to_date('9/21/2009 19:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u13', to_date('9/1/2009 4:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -3 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u14', to_date('9/22/2009 7:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u15', to_date('9/24/2009 23:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u16', to_date('9/25/2009 11:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u17', to_date('9/26/2009 18:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -4 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u18', to_date('9/27/2009 13:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u19', to_date('9/17/2009 18:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u20', to_date('9/29/2009 22:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u21', to_date('9/30/2009 5:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u22', to_date('9/15/2009 7:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -4 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u23', to_date('9/16/2009 17:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u24', to_date('9/17/2009 19:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u25', to_date('9/18/2009 22:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u26', to_date('9/19/2009 15:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO user_info VALUES( 'u27', to_date('9/20/2009 23:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES('p1', 'u26', to_date('9/14/2009 18:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES('p2', 'u2',  to_date('7/1/2009 15:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES('p3',  'u2',  to_date('7/20/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES('p4', 'u5',  to_date('7/20/2009 22:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p5',  'u2', to_date('7/21/2009 10:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p6',  'u8',  to_date('8/1/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p7',  'u10', to_date('5/3/2009 15:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -3 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p8',  'u25', to_date('9/15/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p9',  'u6', to_date('9/7/2009 19:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -3 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p10',  'u10', to_date('7/22/2009 10:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p11',  'u9',  to_date('7/7/2009 13:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p12', 'u2',  to_date('7/30/2009 11:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p13', 'u10',  to_date('7/22/2009 8:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p14',  'u6', to_date('5/30/2009 23:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p15', 'u3',  to_date('5/31/2009 2:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p16', 'u12',  to_date('6/20/2009 7:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p17', 'u20',  to_date('6/20/2009 9:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p18','u27',  to_date('9/15/2009 11:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p19','u26', to_date('7/1/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 0 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p20', 'u25',  to_date('7/2/2009 17:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5 );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p21', 'u27',  to_date('7/3/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p22',  'u2',  to_date('9/15/2009 13:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), 1 ) ;
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p23',  'u21',  to_date('5/30/2009 17:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p24',  'u25', to_date('8/30/2009 20:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p25',  'u18', to_date('9/13/2009 18:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES(  'p26',  'u11',  to_date('9/9/2009 13:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -8  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p27',  'u23',  to_date('9/10/2009 1:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -5  );
    INSERT INTO post_table VALUES( 'p28',  'u22', to_date('9/10/2009 14:00','MM/DD/YYYY mi:ss'), -4  );The output I get is
    17 rows selected.

  • Need help writing sql query

    i am trying to write sql query for a single recordset.
    I have an items table with all the standard item info and an item_colorID.
    i have a color_lookup table with 2 columns, item_colorID and color_ID
    i have a colors table with 2 columns, color_ID and color
    i want to join the tables and filter it so that a repeat region shows dynamic data of item name, description, thumb, price
    and also a list/menu dynamically populated by color
    filtered so that each item shows in the list/menu only the colors that the item has available.
    i have tried different variations of this sql
    SELECT * FROM items INNER JOIN color_lookup ON color_lookup.item_colorID = items.item_colorID INNER JOIN colors ON colors.color_ID = color_lookup.color_ID WHERE items.itemCatID = 3 ORDER BY items.itemName
    but the list/menu shows every color choice multiplied by the number of items in that color
    ie  White will show 80+ times.
    thanks for your help,
    jim balthrop

    thanks for your help.
    I am building a shopping cart and i have a recordset to list the items and a repeat region for that recordset
    i have a second recordset for the colors joined to the item_colorID nested inside the repeat region.
    the shopping cart software has a 'lookup from recordset' choice for the add to cart servior behavior
    and then i bind to the columns on the cart page.
    it produces this code
    if (isset($totalRows_rs_itemscat3) && $totalRows_rs_itemscat3 > 0)    {
        $row_rs_itemscat3 = WAEC_findRecordMySQL($rs_itemscat3, "item_ID", $ATC_itemID);
        if ($row_rs_itemscat3)    {
          $ATC_itemName = "".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemName']  ."";// column binding
          $ATC_itemDescription = "".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemShortDesc']  ."";// column binding
          $ATC_itemWeight = floatval("".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemWeight']  ."");// column binding
          $ATC_itemQuantity = "".$_POST["Farrington_1_Quantity_Add"]  ."";// column binding
          $ATC_itemPrice = floatval("".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemPrice']  ."");// column binding
          $ATC_itemThumbnail = "".$row_rs_itemscat3['itemThumb']  ."";// column binding
          $ATC_itemcolorchoice = "".$row_rs_colors['color']  ."";// column binding
          mysql_data_seek($rs_itemscat3, 0);
          $row_rs_itemscat3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs_itemscat3);
    the column binding for the colors is from a different recordset and when redirecting to the cart page the color info will not show.
    So my thinking is if i could get the color list/menu to populate from the same recordset as the item listing, it would solve my add to cart server behavior.
    Is it possible to do this with only one recordset?
    the products page and the cart page can be seen
    add an item to the cart with any color choice and the color info does not carry to the cart.

  • Need help qith sql query

    I have a table with Columns as as below
    id number primary key
    object_name varchar2(100)
    object_value varchar2(100)
    Data is stored as follows
    id object_name object_value
    10 prop_num 436
    20 city dallas
    40 Misc 1 90
    50 Misc 1 desc min amount
    60 Misc 2 700
    70 Misc 2 desc interest amount
    80 Misc 3
    80 Misc 3 desc
    SQL should return result as shown below
    id object_name object_value
    10 prop_num 436
    20 city dallas
    40 min amount 90
    50 interest amount 700
    I have done this through plsql code by creating temp table. But I need to do it in a sql query. I am stuck here
    Any pointers/help is appreciated
    Edited by: user9327712 on Mar 11, 2010 8:14 AM

    I have a table where the ids are stored.
    *"object name"* column values are actually another table columns stored as rows here. So in our example prop_num, city,Misc 1, Misc 1 desc, Misc 2, Misc 2
    desc,Misc 3 , Misc 3 desc are all columns. These would not change any time
    The column object_value has values stored for respective columns.
    436, dallas , 90 , min amount , 700 , interest amount are all column values. So these can change.
    id object_name object_value
    10 prop_num 436
    20 city dallas
    40 Misc 1 90
    50 Misc 1 desc min amount
    60 Misc 2 700
    70 Misc 2 desc interest amount
    80 Misc 3
    90 Misc 3 desc
    Edited by: user9327712 on Mar 11, 2010 9:57 AM
    Edited by: user9327712 on Mar 11, 2010 10:00 AM
    Edited by: user9327712 on Mar 11, 2010 10:00 AM

  • Complete novice needs help getting SQL Query into Crystal Reports XI

    Post Author: MissMarnie
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    So I was given an intro level web course and a monster reference guide in prep to format a report. One of our developers wrote me everything I need for the report into a SQL Query and now I'm supposed to format it in CR XII literally do not know what to do from here. I'm able to set up the correct server as a datasource, if that's useful, but I don't know how to make the querey into a bunch of formattable fields in  CR. If anyone can walk me through this, I'd be so grateful. I've attempted to look up SQL query in both the help and the book but I keep hitting a wall. The help dialog says things like "press this button" with no reference to what "this button" is. I'm sure it's obvious to the knowledgeable but I'm in a complete fog. Thanks in advance   

    Post Author: synapsevampire
    CA Forum: Data Connectivity and SQL
    IF you're trying to get assistance with setting up a query as the source for a report, try posting your Crystal version and the database type.
    Different software works differently.
    In CR 9 and above, under the connection to the database you'll see Add Command. Select that and you can paste the query in.
    As for not knowing how to generate a report, that requires experience, there's no generic solution of course..

  • URgent: Help regarding SQL Query

    Hi ,
    I need help regarding an sql query.
    Sample Data:
    ITEM         1            5         10           50
    ITEM         2           10         5            50
    ITEM         1            5          5            25
    ITEM                       2         10           20
    TAX                                               16.5
    TAX                                              -3.5I would like to display the data as
    ITEM       1          5                 15               145
                  2         10                  5 
                              2                 10
    TAX                                                          13.0
    Line_total = unit_price * QuantityThanks in Advance
    G.Vamsi Krishna
    Edited by: user10733211 on Aug 5, 2009 7:42 AM
    Edited by: user10733211 on Aug 5, 2009 7:49 AM
    Edited by: user10733211 on Aug 5, 2009 8:12 AM
    Edited by: user10733211 on Aug 5, 2009 8:22 AM
    Edited by: user10733211 on Aug 5, 2009 8:24 AM

    Try this, use some analytics:
    SQL> with t as (
      2  select 'item' item_type, 1 item_num, 5 unit_price, 10 quantity, 50 linetotal from dual union all
      3  select 'item', 2, 10, 5, 50 from dual union all
      4  select 'item', 1, 5, 5, 25 from dual union all
      5  select 'item', null, 2, 10, 20 from dual union all
      6  select 'tax', null, null, null, 16.5 from dual union all
      7  select 'tax', null, null, null, -3.5 from dual
      8  ) -- actual query starts here:
      9  select item_type
    10  ,      item_num
    11  ,      unit_price
    12  ,      sum_qty
    13  ,      case when sum_lt = lag(sum_lt) over ( order by item_type, item_num )
    14              then null
    15              else sum_lt
    16         end  sum_lt
    17  from ( select item_type
    18         ,      item_num
    19         ,      unit_price
    20         ,      quantity
    21         ,      sum(quantity) over  ( partition by item_type, item_num ) sum_qty
    22         ,      sum(linetotal) over ( partition by item_type )           sum_lt
    23         ,      row_number() over ( partition by item_type, item_num  order by item_type, item_num ) rn
    24         from   t
    25       )
    26  where rn=1;
    item          1          5         15        145
    item          2         10          5
    item                     2         10
    tax                                           13
    4 rows selected.
    And please use the code tag, instead of clunging with concats.
    Edited by: hoek on Aug 5, 2009 5:15 PM
    Also nulls for item_type:
    ops$xmt%OPVN> with t as (
      2  select 'item' item_type, 1 item_num, 5 unit_price, 10 quantity, 50 linetotal from dual union all
      3  select 'item', 2, 10, 5, 50 from dual union all
      4  select 'item', 1, 5, 5, 25 from dual union all
      5  select 'item', null, 2, 10, 20 from dual union all
      6  select 'tax', null, null, null, 16.5 from dual union all
      7  select 'tax', null, null, null, -3.5 from dual
      8  ) -- actual query starts here:
      9  select case when item_type = lag(item_type) over ( order by item_type, item_num )
    10              then null
    11              else sum_lt
    12         end  item_type
    13  ,      item_num
    14  ,      unit_price
    15  ,      sum_qty
    16  ,      case when sum_lt = lag(sum_lt) over ( order by item_type, item_num )
    17              then null
    18              else sum_lt
    19         end  sum_lt
    20  from ( select item_type
    21         ,      item_num
    22         ,      unit_price
    23         ,      quantity
    24         ,      sum(quantity) over  ( partition by item_type, item_num ) sum_qty
    25         ,      sum(linetotal) over ( partition by item_type )           sum_lt
    26         ,      row_number() over ( partition by item_type, item_num  order by item_type, item_num ) rn
    27         from   t
    28       )
    29  where rn=1;
           145          1          5         15        145
                        2         10          5
                                   2         10
            13                                          13
    4 rows selected.If you really need a space instead of nulls, then simply replace the nulls by a space....
    Edited by: hoek on Aug 5, 2009 5:18 PM

  • Help with sql query the status of  A/P Reserve Invoice

    I am trying to write a query which lists all A/P Reserve Invoice info with OPEN status.
    I check the OPCH table and cannot find the rule to tell the status.
    The "DocStatus" field has two values only: 'O' for open and 'C' for closed.
    However, the status of A/P Reserve Invoice are OPEN, CLOSED, DELIVERED, PAID, etc.
    I try to use DocStatus field to filter, but the result does not match what I see in SAP.
    Could you please give me some hints about how to get the data I need? Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: csylvia on Jun 23, 2011 5:54 AM

    Hi Darius,
    Thanks for your reply.
    However, I don't know what is the relationship between Purchase order and A/P Reserve Invoice.
    Do you mean using "SELECT T0.DocEntry FROM OPCH T0, OPOR T1 WHERE T0.DocNum = T1.DocNum AND T1.DocStatus = 'O';" to query the A/P Reserve Invoice data with OPEN status?
    But the result is not what I want.
    The result of "*SELECT * FROM OPOR WHERE DocStatus = 'O';*" is also not.
    I'd like to query A/P Reserve Invoice list with OPEN status, and I try the following sql query:
    SELECT DocEntry FROM OPCH WHERE DocStatus = 'O' AND InvntSttus = 'O';
    The result is close to what I need, but it's not exactly correct.
    Moreover, I don't think the sql query conditions is accurate.
    Please give me some advice. Thank you.
    Best regards,

  • Need help in SQL Query: Update a row in a table & insert the same row into another table

    I want to update a row in a table say Table A and the updated row should be inserted into another table say Table B. I need to do it in a single SQL query and i don't want to do it in PL/SQL with triggers. And i tried with MERGE statement but its working with this scenario. (Note: I'm using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
    Thanks in Advance.

    Using Sven's code as an example, you could save the updated row in a sql plus variable. (also untested):
    SQL> var v_id number
    update tableA  
    set colB='ABC' 
    where colC='XYZ' 
    returning id into :v_id;
    insert into table A_History (ID, colA, colB, ColC)  
    select id, ColA, ColB, ColC  
    from tableA  
    where id = :v_id;   

  • Need help with sql query dates

    I have a sql query where i need to extract some info between given dates. The where clause of this query is as follows:
    When i execute the query in toad, i can view the data but not the execution plan.It gives an error ORA-00932-Inconsistent Datatypes.
    But when i remove (+1) from :P_DATE_TO, i can c the execution plan and data. Will the data be different from the previous one.
    Please suggest how to rewrite the query.

    Can you please give it a try?
    AND CPD_VOUCHER_DATE < (to_date(:P_DATE_TO)+1) Regards

  • Help with SQL query into Crystal

    Afternoon all,
    I am trying to convert the following SQL query into Crystal by using the tables given in the query however the relationship given in the query is bit awkward, in a sense that I cannot create a relationship under Crystal desgin.
    Here is the query
    select count(order_progressed.order_no),reason_code
    from order_progressed,lab_reasons, rework_groups
    and (order_progressed.order_status=from_gate
    and lab_reasons.reason_code between from_reason and to_reason)
    group by lab_reasons.reason_code
    order by 2
    We have three tables
    1: Order_Progressed
    2: Lab Reasons
    3: Rework_Groups
    Order_progressed can be linked with rework_group by Status (if you see the line order_progressed.order_status=from_gate)
    However how to link the following line?
    lab_reasons.reason_code between from_reason and to_reason
    I mean when I try to link it by Lab Reasons.Reason Code to From_reason, to reason, it doesn't seem to work.
    The report is grouped by Lab Reasons. Reason Code, so I really have to some how create a relationship between Lab Reasons table and Rework_Group table.
    This is what I get when I run the same query into Crystal using the relationship
    SELECT lab_reasons.reason_code, order_progressed.date_created, order_progressed.order_no
    FROM   maxmast.lab_reasons lab_reasons, kevin.order_progressed order_progressed,
    roger.rework_groups rework_groups
    WHERE  (order_progressed.order_status=rework_groups.from_gate) AND
    ((lab_reasons.reason_code=rework_groups.from_reason) AND
    (lab_reasons.reason_code=rework_groups.to_reason)) AND (order_progressed.date_created>={ts
    '2008-01-01 00:00:00'} AND order_progressed.date_created<={ts '2008-12-17 00:00:00'})
    Any ideas?
    Many thanks
    Kind Regards

    Sastry I didn't understand why did you use Lab_reasons.reason_code twice in your SQL.
    What I have done since I posted this thread,
    I created a command like this
    Select *
    from rework_groups,lab_reasons
    lab_reasons.reason_code between from_reason and to_reason
    Then I took out the lab_reasons table and rework_groups table, then I linked the order_status from Order_progressed table to From_gate of the newly created table (I called it Reason_Code).
    This made the report running but it is crunching quite allot of numbers. I wonder if I made a mistake somewhere?
    Oh and please note, I'd like to create an SQL (if need be) without the date entry which was done in the original SQL because I'd like to setup my own date range within Crystal Reports instead of getting passed by SQL itself.
    This is how it looks like in Crystal now.
    SELECT order_progressed.date_created, order_progressed.order_no, order_progressed.order_status
    FROM   kevin.order_progressed order_progressed
    WHERE  (order_progressed.date_created>={ts '2008-01-01 00:00:00'} AND
    order_progressed.date_created<={ts '2008-12-17 00:00:00'})
    EXTERNAL JOIN order_progressed.order_status={?sae1_live: Reason_Code.from_gate}
    Select *
    from rework_groups, lab_reasons
    where lab_reasons.reason_code between from_reason and to_reason
    EXTERNAL JOIN Reason_Code.from_gate={?sae1_live: order_progressed.order_status}

  • Need Help on Sql Query

    I have a client requirement to show a report on the device availability. The report should show the output as
    Node Availability%
    Formula for Availability = (Total No. of Failed/Total No. rows) * 100
    My Oracle Table has the following data
    NODE     SUMMARY     Default Interface Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Interface Ping restore for     Default Chassis Ping restore for     Default Chassis Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Chassis Ping restore for     Default Chassis Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Chassis Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Interface Ping restore for     Default Interface Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Chassis Ping restore for     Default Interface Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Chassis Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Chassis Ping restore for     Default Chassis Ping fail for ICMP timeout     Default Chassis Ping restore for     Default Chassis Ping restore for     Default Interface Ping fail for ICMP timeout
    In the above table the Summary column has the details like 'Ping fail' , 'Ping restore' for each Node. So, for each Node I have to compute the Total Ping Fail / (Total Ping Fail + Ping Restore) * 100 to compute the availability %.
    My output should be like the below
    Node Availability% 55.55 54
    Can someone please help me with query.
    I appreciate your help in advance.

    My Oracle Table has the following dataThat's great, but if you want maximum response to your question, then post CREATE TABLE + INSERT INTO statements.
    I currently do not have the time to turn your data into them.
    And always post the database version you're using.
    Also use the {noformat}{noformat} tag in order to post examples that benefit from staying formatted and thus readable when posted on the forum.
    Simply put the tag before and after your examples.
    For example, when you type:
    {noformat}select *
    from dual;{noformat}
    it will appear as:select *
    from dual;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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