How to read HyperLinks from pdf file??

hi developer's,
I am in PDF processing... I am having doubt in that Processing.
How to read Hyperlinks from PDF file?
I can able to set the hyperlink.. But i cant able to get the hyperlinks..
The following example program will set the hyperlink to the PDF file using lowagie API..
import com.lowagie.text.Anchor;
import com.lowagie.text.Chunk;
import com.lowagie.text.Document;
import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
import com.lowagie.text.html.HtmlWriter;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader;
import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
public class Argu1 {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
          Document document = new Document();
          try {
               PdfWriter pdf = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,
                         new FileOutputStream("PageLink.pdf"));
PdfReader pdf_read=new                
               document.add(new Paragraph("Hi Everbody....!"));
               Anchor pdfRef = new Anchor("Click Me");
               Anchor rtfRef = new Anchor("Touch Me");
          } catch (DocumentException de) {
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
Help me how to read the Hyperlinks from the PDF file using java ...
Thanks in advance,
With Regards,

Instead of cross-posting unformatted code you could have taken a look at the API, because there you might have come across a method named getLinks...Even though it's not documented, I really suspect that it will return the Hyperlinks on a given page.

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    hi developer's,
    I am in PDF processing... I am having doubt in that Processing.
    How to read Hyperlinks from PDF file?
    I can able to set the hyperlink.. But i cant able to get the hyperlinks..
    The following example program will set the hyperlink to the PDF file using lowagie API..
    import com.lowagie.text.Anchor;
    import com.lowagie.text.Chunk;
    import com.lowagie.text.Document;
    import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException;
    import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph;
    import com.lowagie.text.html.HtmlWriter;
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    public class Argu1 {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Document document = new Document();
              try {
                   PdfWriter pdf = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,
                             new FileOutputStream("PageLink.pdf"));
    PdfReader pdf_read=new                
                   document.add(new Paragraph("Hi Everbody....!"));
                   Anchor pdfRef = new Anchor("Click Me");
                   Anchor rtfRef = new Anchor("Touch Me");
              } catch (DocumentException de) {
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
    Help me how to read the Hyperlinks from the PDF file using java ...
    Thanks in advance,
    With Regards,

    Instead of cross-posting unformatted code you could have taken a look at the API, because there you might have come across a method named getLinks...Even though it's not documented, I really suspect that it will return the Hyperlinks on a given page.

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    For instance, the forms.conf file:
    # Virtual path mapping for Forms Java jar and class files (codebase)
    AliasMatch ^/forms/java/(..*) "D:\Oradev/forms/java/$1"
    # Virtual path for JInitiator downloadable executable and download page
    AliasMatch ^/forms/jinitiator/(..*) "D:\Oradev/jinit/$1"
    # Virtual path for runform.htm (used to run a form for testing purposes)
    AliasMatch ^/forms/html/(..*) "d:\oradev/tools/web/html/$1"
    # Virtual Path for icons
    AliasMatch ^/forms/icons/(..*) "d:\icons/$1" can move your files in one of the existing physical directories - e.g: d:/icons - and call them with the following:
    Web.show_Document('/forms/icons/document.pdf','_blank');But you can also add your own virtual/physical directory:
    # Virtual Path for documents
    AliasMatch ^/forms/documents/(..*) "d:\documents/$1"
    ...with the following code:

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    As noted you cannot access the "Tag" of a PDF but you can access the meta data of a PDF and one of the items recorded in the meta data is the "producer". This meta data tag is supposed contain the name of the program that produced the PDF. One can access this through the "info" property or the "metadata" property of the doc object.
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    You may be able to do something with Oracle Text. The following shows how to get an HTML rendiditon of a binary document. I think you can also get plain text instead of HTML
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    spool xfilesUtilties.log
    connect sys/&1 as sysdba
    grant ctxapp to &2
    connect &2/&3
      ctxsys.ctx_ddl.create_policy(policy_name=>'XFILES_HTML_GENERATION', filter=>'ctxsys.auto_filter');
    create or replace package xfiles_internal_11010
    authid definer
      function renderAsHTML(sourceDoc BLOB) return CLOB;
    show errors
    create or replace package body xfiles_internal_11010
    function renderAsHTML(sourceDoc BLOB)
    return CLOB
      html_content CLOB;
      ctx_doc.policy_filter(policy_name => 'XFILES_HTML_GENERATION',
                            document => sourceDoc,
                            restab => html_content,
                            plaintext => false);
      return html_content;
    show errors
    create or replace package xfiles_utilities_11010
    authid current_user
      HOME_FOLDER   constant varchar2(700) := xdb_constants.HOME_FOLDER;
      PUBLIC_FOLDER constant varchar2(700) := xdb_constants.PUBLIC_FOLDER;
      function renderAsHTML(sourceFile VARCHAR2) return CLOB;
      function transformToHTML(xmldoc XMLType, xslPath VARCHAR2) return CLOB;
    show errors
    create or replace package body xfiles_utilities_11010
    function renderAsHTML(sourceFile VARCHAR2)
    return CLOB
      return xfiles_internal_11010.renderAsHTML(xdburitype(sourceFile).getBLOB());
    function transformToHTML(xmldoc XMLType, xslPath VARCHAR2)
    return CLOB
      html clob;
      select xmldoc.transform(xdburitype(xslPath).getXML()).getClobVal()
        into HTML
        from dual;
      return html;
    show errors
    grant execute on xfiles_utilities_11010 to public
    create or replace public synonym xfiles_utilities for xfiles_utilities_11010
    quitMessage was edited by:

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    reading from a file is always the same. using the same strategy used for a .txt will allow you to read a .pdf file.
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    lastName firstName number
    lastName firstName number2
    lastName firstName number3
    lastname = (string) an actual last name like smith same for first name
    number = an actual number (int) like 90 or 120
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    //int searchId;
         int fileData;
         vector <int> employeeIds;
         //cout<<"Enter Employee ID: ";
         ifstream dataFile("Small-Database.txt");
         dataFile >> fileData;
               //this is where i need help, how can i read in a number. i tried using the getLine() function but it did not help
              //dataFile >> fileData;
         dataFile.close();Thank you for any help in advance

    The >> operator reads a value corresponding to the target type. For example, to read an integer value, read it into an int variable (or long or long long, depending on the integer range).
    The >> operator skips white space (blanks, tabs, newlines) and then reads characters corresponding to the target type: digits for an integer value, for example. It stops at the first character that cannot be in the representation of the type. If no characters are read, the stream goes into an error state, and further I/O requests are ignored until you clear the stream state.
    You can read each group of data like this:
    std::string first, last;
    int number;
    dataFile >> first >> last >> number;If the data doesn't have the right characteristics, the stream will go into an error state, which you can detect by testing the stream directly:
    if( dataFile ) ...Using EOF as the loop control is not a good idea, since if there is an error, the loop will never terminate. You can do something like this:
    while( dataFile ) {
        std::string first, last;
        int number;
        dataFile >> first >> last >> number;
        if( dataFile ) {
            // ... add first, last, number to the data structure
    } Reading past EOF puts the stream in an error state, so checking the stream state before saving the data and in the loop control will do the trick.
    You can use a char array instead of a string for the names, but then you have to add extra testing to be sure you don't overflow the array, and deal with the extra characters you don't read. Strings will expand as needed. The string is declared as a local variable in the loop, so it gets re-initialized each time through; you don't need to write code to reset it.
    My example loop is not robust in the face of errors. Stream I/O works fine when you know the input data is well-formed. It is not suited to input that can be wrong, such as data typed from the terminal, because it is not easy to validate the input and recover from errors.

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    Could anyone please help me with this issue,
    Best regards. 
    read from txt ‏8 KB

    Dear RavensFan,
    Thank you very much for your helps, I am bit new to labview so I usually can not find the appropriate functions easily. And a new problem has rised in my application. I should write the A, B and C numbers in the respective series to the file 2.txt. I am able to write them in a straight forward case but I want to write the next triples (A B C) in the next row. Like this;
    A1 B1 C1
    A2 B2 C2
    A3 B3 C3
    So how can I put new line constant and space constant to my VI? 
    Waiting for your valuable helps,
    Best regards,
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    You have to be careful when using the spreadsheet-files vi's.  They are located in the Functions Palette under File IO, you will find "Write To / Read From Spreadsheet"s. 
    Here is what the Context Help says about the vi function:
    "Reads a specified number of lines or rows from a numeric text file beginning at a specified character offset and converts the data to a 2D, single-precision array of numbers. You optionally can transpose the array. The VI opens the file before reading from it and closes it afterwards. You can use this VI to read a spreadsheet file saved in text format. This VI calls the Spreadsheet String to Array function to convert the data. "
    This is quick & easy when the spreadsheet is all the same format.  You can set the format to string as well.  HOWEVER...  you do have to convert the Excel spreadsheet to text before using it.
    I haven't experimented with the Active-X, but it may look as the way to go if you have combination text / numeric values in the spreadsheet.
    If you did convert it to text, then you can use array functions as well and treating the file as an array of strings (see very brief example attached).  The example is to illustrate a point only  
    starting point for ‏28 KB

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