Latest Linux 3.17 kernel with OpenEmbedded/Yocto

I'm currently building my Linux system using the OpenEmbedded linux-xlnx_3.14 recipe in the meta-xilinx layer.
I've noticed that SDK 2014.4 produces a somewhat different device tree to previous versions, which I assume has to do with the newer 2014.4 now using kernel version 3.17 instead of 3.14.
1. What is the closest recipe that PetaLinux 2014.4 is based off?
The figure 1 here seems to show meta-xilinx and PetaLinux draw from the same sources, but PetaLinux isn't exactly derived directly from meta-xilinx recipes:
These are the current list of kernel recipes:
2. When might there be a linux-xlnx_3.17 recipe?
3. Is the linux-yocto_3.17 recipe good enough to try instead if I want the 3.17 kernel? What are the differences between linux-xlnx and linux-yocto practically speaking?

For question 3, I've found this mailing list message to be useful:
Basically, linux-xlnx includes some useful/necessary Zynq drivers, depending on your needs. The list of ones that are and aren't included are here:
Also, this message and subsequent messages are about the future intention of the kernel recipes:
They are intending to have just about everything that is used by the majority in the mainline linux-yocto kernel, so that linux-xlnx is only for testing development things. Kernel 3.19 and onwards has more Zynq drivers included towards this goal. So to partially answer question 2, it seems there may not be a linux-xlnx-3.17, but either a mainline linux-yocto_3.19+ or linux-xlnx-dev kind of thing that follows the latest.

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    According to this thread in the Arch Linux forums, some people are having problems booting some versions of the Linux 3.7 kernel. Here are the numbers: 
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    3.7.5 works
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    3.7.7 works
    3.7.8 does not
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    Thanks for your reply. Yes, the cursor did blink in the top left corner.
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    bug that have "same" problem:
    thanks for any insight

    This is bug:
    6328462 Linux getCurrentThreadCpuTime() does not match with getThreadCpuTime(currentThread)
    It will be fixed in:
    - JDK 6.0 (Mustang) build b63
    - JDK 1.5.0_07 build b01
    The problem is that the HotSpot VM takes the stat info from the file'/proc/$tid/stat'
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    The file '/proc/self/task/$tid/stat' still has the per-thread usage and must be used instead.
    There is also a performance bug:
    6200022: JVMTI GetCurrentThreadCpuTime slow on Linux
    This bug is about using new Linux posix compliant process clocks (2.6.10) :
    It is too late to fix this in Mustang but can be possible in one of the update releases.
    Thank you for posting the question!

  • [Solved] Compiling a new kernel with ABS

    I've made it through the whole process outlined in the wiki, up to installing with pacman.  Pacman is telling me that the stock arch kernel is a conflicting package and wants to remove it.  I want to hang on to it in case I've messed something up.  What am I doing wrong?  I know you can have two kernels installed.  Using the traditional way I can get this, but I'd rather keep to doing things The Arch Way.
    Last edited by Morrvick (2011-11-17 00:40:30)

    I double checked what I was doing, and I have done that.  Here is my modified PKGBUILD:
    # $Id: PKGBUILD 130991 2011-07-09 12:23:51Z thomas $
    # Maintainer: Tobias Powalowski <[email protected]>
    # Maintainer: Thomas Baechler <[email protected]>
    #pkgname=('linux' 'linux-headers' 'linux-docs') # Build stock -ARCH kernel
    pkgname=('linux-morrvick' 'linux-headers-morrvick') # Build kernel with a different name
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    makedepends=('xmlto' 'docbook-xsl')
    # the main kernel config files
    'config' 'config.x86_64'
    # standard config files for mkinitcpio ramdisk
    build() {
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    # add upstream patch
    patch -p1 -i "${srcdir}/patch-${pkgver}"
    # add latest fixes from stable queue, if needed
    # Some chips detect a ghost TV output
    # mailing list discussion:
    # Arch Linux bug report: FS#19234
    # It is unclear why this patch wasn't merged upstream, it was accepted,
    # then dropped because the reasoning was unclear. However, it is clearly
    # needed.
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/i915-fix-ghost-tv-output.patch"
    # In 3.1.1, a DRM_DEBUG message is falsely declared as DRM_ERROR. This
    # worries users, as this message is displayed even at loglevel 4. Fix
    # this.
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/i915-fix-incorrect-error-message.patch"
    # Add the USB_QUIRK_RESET_RESUME for several webcams
    # FS#26528
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/usb-add-reset-resume-quirk-for-several-webcams.patch"
    # set DEFAULT_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL to 4 (same value as the 'quiet' kernel param)
    # remove this when a Kconfig knob is made available by upstream
    # (relevant patch sent upstream:
    patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/change-default-console-loglevel.patch"
    if [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ]; then
    cat "${srcdir}/config.x86_64" > ./.config
    cat "${srcdir}/config" > ./.config
    if [ "${_kernelname}" != "" ]; then
    sed -i "s|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=.*|CONFIG_LOCALVERSION=\"${_kernelname}\"|g" ./.config
    # set extraversion to pkgrel
    sed -ri "s|^(EXTRAVERSION =).*|\1 -${pkgrel}|" Makefile
    # get kernel version
    make prepare
    # load configuration
    # Configure the kernel. Replace the line below with one of your choice.
    #make menuconfig # CLI menu for configuration
    #make nconfig # new CLI menu for configuration
    make xconfig # X-based configuration
    #make oldconfig # using old config from previous kernel version
    # ... or manually edit .config
    # stop here
    # this is useful to configure the kernel
    #msg "Stopping build"
    #return 1
    yes "" | make config
    # build!
    make ${MAKEFLAGS} bzImage modules
    package_linux-morrvick() {
    pkgdesc="The Linux Kernel and modules"
    depends=('coreutils' 'linux-firmware' 'module-init-tools>=3.16' 'mkinitcpio>=0.7')
    optdepends=('crda: to set the correct wireless channels of your country')
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    # get kernel version
    _kernver="$(make kernelrelease)"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/{lib/modules,lib/firmware,boot}
    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="${pkgdir}" modules_install
    cp arch/$KARCH/boot/bzImage "${pkgdir}/boot/vmlinuz-${pkgname}"
    # add vmlinux
    install -D -m644 vmlinux "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/vmlinux"
    # install fallback mkinitcpio.conf file and preset file for kernel
    install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.preset" "${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgname}.preset"
    # set correct depmod command for install
    sed \
    -e "s/KERNEL_NAME=.*/KERNEL_NAME=${_kernelname}/g" \
    -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION=.*/KERNEL_VERSION=${_kernver}/g" \
    -i "${startdir}/${pkgname}.install"
    sed \
    -e "s|ALL_kver=.*|ALL_kver=\"/boot/vmlinuz-${pkgname}\"|g" \
    -e "s|default_image=.*|default_image=\"/boot/initramfs-${pkgname}.img\"|g" \
    -e "s|fallback_image=.*|fallback_image=\"/boot/initramfs-${pkgname}-fallback.img\"|g" \
    -i "${pkgdir}/etc/mkinitcpio.d/${pkgname}.preset"
    # remove build and source links
    rm -f "${pkgdir}"/lib/modules/${_kernver}/{source,build}
    # remove the firmware
    rm -rf "${pkgdir}/lib/firmware"
    # gzip -9 all modules to save 100MB of space
    find "${pkgdir}" -name '*.ko' -exec gzip -9 {} \;
    # make room for external modules
    ln -s "../extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}" "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}/extramodules"
    # add real version for building modules and running depmod from post_install/upgrade
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}"
    echo "${_kernver}" > "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/extramodules-${_basekernel}${_kernelname:--ARCH}/version"
    package_linux-headers-morrvick() {
    pkgdesc="Header files and scripts for building modules for linux kernel"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}"
    cd "${pkgdir}/lib/modules/${_kernver}"
    ln -sf ../../../usr/src/linux-${_kernver} build
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    install -D -m644 Makefile \
    install -D -m644 kernel/Makefile \
    install -D -m644 .config \
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include"
    for i in acpi asm-generic config crypto drm generated linux math-emu \
    media net pcmcia scsi sound trace video xen; do
    cp -a include/${i} "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/"
    # copy arch includes for external modules
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/x86"
    cp -a arch/x86/include "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/x86/"
    # copy files necessary for later builds, like nvidia and vmware
    cp Module.symvers "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    cp -a scripts "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    # fix permissions on scripts dir
    chmod og-w -R "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/.tmp_versions"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/kernel"
    cp arch/${KARCH}/Makefile "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/"
    if [ "${CARCH}" = "i686" ]; then
    cp arch/${KARCH}/Makefile_32.cpu "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/"
    cp arch/${KARCH}/kernel/asm-offsets.s "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/${KARCH}/kernel/"
    # add headers for lirc package
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video"
    cp drivers/media/video/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/"
    for i in bt8xx cpia2 cx25840 cx88 em28xx et61x251 pwc saa7134 sn9c102; do
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/${i}"
    cp -a drivers/media/video/${i}/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/video/${i}"
    # add docbook makefile
    install -D -m644 Documentation/DocBook/Makefile \
    # add dm headers
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/md"
    cp drivers/md/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/md"
    # add inotify.h
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/linux"
    cp include/linux/inotify.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/linux/"
    # add wireless headers
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/net/mac80211/"
    cp net/mac80211/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/net/mac80211/"
    # add dvb headers for external modules
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-core/"
    # and...
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/config/dvb/"
    cp include/config/dvb/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/include/config/dvb/"
    # add dvb headers for
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/frontends/lgdt330x.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    cp drivers/media/video/msp3400-driver.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    # add dvb headers
    # in reference to:
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends"
    cp drivers/media/dvb/frontends/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/dvb/frontends/"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/common/tuners"
    cp drivers/media/common/tuners/*.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/drivers/media/common/tuners/"
    # add xfs and shmem for aufs building
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/fs/xfs"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/mm"
    cp fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/fs/xfs/xfs_sb.h"
    # copy in Kconfig files
    for i in `find . -name "Kconfig*"`; do
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/`echo ${i} | sed 's|/Kconfig.*||'`
    cp ${i} "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/${i}"
    chown -R root.root "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    find "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    # strip scripts directory
    find "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/scripts" -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
    case "$(file -bi "${binary}")" in
    *application/x-sharedlib*) # Libraries (.so)
    /usr/bin/strip ${STRIP_SHARED} "${binary}";;
    *application/x-archive*) # Libraries (.a)
    /usr/bin/strip ${STRIP_STATIC} "${binary}";;
    *application/x-executable*) # Binaries
    /usr/bin/strip ${STRIP_BINARIES} "${binary}";;
    # remove unneeded architectures
    rm -rf "${pkgdir}"/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/arch/{alpha,arm,arm26,avr32,blackfin,cris,frv,h8300,ia64,m32r,m68k,m68knommu,mips,microblaze,mn10300,parisc,powerpc,ppc,s390,sh,sh64,sparc,sparc64,um,v850,xtensa}
    package_linux-docs() {
    pkgdesc="Kernel hackers manual - HTML documentation that comes with the Linux kernel."
    cd "${srcdir}/linux-${_basekernel}"
    mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    cp -al Documentation "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}"
    find "${pkgdir}" -type f -exec chmod 444 {} \;
    find "${pkgdir}" -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
    # remove a file already in linux package
    rm -f "${pkgdir}/usr/src/linux-${_kernver}/Documentation/DocBook/Makefile"
    After the compiling is finished:
    sudo pacman -U linux-morrvick-3.1.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    :: linux-morrvick and linux are in conflict (kernel26). Remove linux? [y/N] n
    error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
    error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
    :: linux-morrvick and linux are in conflict (kernel26)
    Any thoughts?

  • Pactching kernel with fbsplash.patch (SOLVED)

    Never patched a kernel before and i'm having problems!!
    This what i've done so far (as root):
    1. Installed kernel26-ck (2.6.22-ck) with pacman and rebooted into arch using that kernel
    2. downloaded the fbsplash via (genpatches-2.6.22-1.extras.tar.bz2)
    3. put the splash.patch file into /usr/src
    4. made a symlink for current kernel in /usr/src; giving /usr/src/linux --> /usr/src/linux/linux-2.6.22-ck
    5. cd /usr/src/linux
    6. patch -p1 < ../splash.patch
    # NOTE: looking into using the abs method of PKGBUILD'ing a custom kernel with patches - hopefully i'll do better!!
    The best way to do this is by emulating the abs versions of the standard kernel as described in these forums
    1. copy the abs version of the stock kernel26
    2. adjust the PKGBUILD to include spock's patch (not gentoo's)
    3. makepkg
    4. pacman -U the new kernel
    Then get on with fbsplash!
    Last edited by Hongkongblue (2007-08-17 02:58:45)

    mazu wrote:
    I used to use kernel26-beyond kernel with fbsplash. Recently I found out that with this kernel any attempt to mount ntfs disk end with system hung. I switched back to standard kernel, but I want to still use fbsplash. I read the wiki several times but I can't figure out how to patch and compile kernel with fbsplash. Can anyone write step by step what shuld I do?
    Thanks for any help in advice.
    Not that it answers your question but I have been using the latest beyond kernel since it came out and have had no problem with mounting and using ntfs disks resulting in system hangs. Also I have recently been using ntfs-3g which allows safely writing to NTFS partitions. I am using it for backups on an external USB drive with an NTFS file system. Give ntf-3g a shot before patching the kernel.
    Last edited by raymano (2007-04-14 14:01:35)

  • Oracle Linux 5.6 kernel  in OVM VM Template OVM_OL5U6_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz

    I am trying to understand the results I see on an OVM Oracle Linux Guest built from the
    Template == OVM_OL5U6_X86_64_PVM_10GB.tgz
    When I execute an rpm -qa | grep "^kernel" I obtain
    rpm -qa | grep "^kernel"
    I expected to see an rpm of kernel-2.6.32-100.26.2.el5 based on the results of a "uname -a"
    Linux foobar.local 2.6.32-100.26.2.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jan 18 20:11:49 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    To further confuse matters a listing of the /usr/src/kernels dir lists
    ls -l
    total 20
    drwxr-xr-x 19 root root 4096 Apr 28 2011 2.6.18-
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Apr 28 2011 2.6.18- -> 2.6.18-
    drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Apr 28 2011 2.6.32-100.26.2.el5
    rpm -q --whatprovides /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`
    I am 99.99 % certain I am not running the UEK kernel but trying to understand the seemingly contradicting information as detailed above.

    987942 wrote:
    I welcome any test I can perform to prove empirically whether it is the uek kernel or not.It's definitely the UEK, for the reasons stated above. Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 was the first version of Oracle Linux to ship with the UEK as the default kernel, and we hadn't quite gotten all the naming aspects 100% correct yet. So, the 2.6.32-100 kernel is absolutely a UEK.
    So, on a freshly installed Oracle Linux 5 Update 6 box:
    # uname -a
    Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-100.26.2.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jan 18 20:11:49 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/LinuxIf I then upgrade yum (required to get the yum changes to support kernel-uek installs) and then upgrade the box to the latest and reboot:
    # yum update yum
    # yum update
    # rebootWe're now running the latest UEK Release 1 kernel (2.6.32-400.26.2.el5uek) and it identifies itself as such:
    # uname -a
    Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-400.26.2.el5uek #1 SMP Tue Apr 23 19:04:54 PDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/LinuxNotice that it now says el5uek in the uname string.
    We changed the RPM and kernel identifiers from kernel-uek-2.6.32-100.35.1.el5uek. So, it wasn't in the release of Oracle Linux 5 Update 6, but happened in that update errata cycle. All subsequence releases of the UEK Release 1 (2.6.32) and UEK Release 2 (2.6.39) identify themselves with an el5uek or el6uek marker.
    BTW, is there any particular reason you're using a template that has a particularly old version of Oracle Linux 5 instead of using the latest Update 9? You can find Oracle Linux 5 Update 9 templates under the heading "Oracle VM 3 Templates (OVF) for Oracle Linux 5 Media Pack for x86_64 (64 bit)" on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

  • [SOLVED] Managing Kernels with rEFInd

    Hey fellows hope you're all doing great.
    I just have some questions regarding refind boot manager which I use to dual boot arch and windows on my laptop.
    Before I installed arch,I installed refind boot manager from windows 8 using the guide  on the rodsmith website.
    Then I went on and installed arch,and everything worked right away.
    On the arch system I mounted the efi partition to the
    boot folder using fstab.
    UUID="502D-3405" /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 1¬
    /dev/sda2: UUID="502D-3405" TYPE="vfat" PARTLABEL="EFI system partition" PARTUUID="85674c9f-2484-4b3b-bb97-2205e8d9da1c"
    so what resides now in my boot folder next to the efi folder,are the files (initramfs-linux.img, initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    and vmlinuz-linux)
    to make a long story short,I'm trying to create a custom entry in refind to boot into the kernel with modified parameters.
    I just added this stanza to the defualt refind.conf file in (/boot/efi/EFI/refind/)
    #Custom.Kernel Test
    menuentry "Arch Linux" {
    icon /EFI/refind/icons/os_arch.icns
    loader /boot/vmlinuz-linux
    initrd /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    options "root=PARTUUID=5b772462-68e1-463c-b22f-8ff22625ec21 rw rootfstype=ext4 pcie_aspm=force i915.i915_enable_rc6=1"
    /dev/sdb1: LABEL="root" UUID="310f4bbc-0a2c-4667-a397-d020a7c94177" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="5b772462-68e1-463c-b22f-8ff22625ec21"
    The entry is there,but the the system won't boot.I also tried compiling a custom kernel the traditional way using the guide on the wiki,the kernel and the img are created another entry for the custom kernel which showed up on the refind menu,when I select it,error that the loader is not found while loading vmlinuz comes up although all the files are in the boot directory.
    Is there any thing I'm missing to make the new kernel bootable ?
    Last edited by Herbalist (2014-08-01 12:24:30)

    It seems as if you have two drives: one containing the efi-partition (sda2) and one containing your system (sdb)
    On which partition is your boot folder you put the kernel images in?
    If your kernel files are NOT on the efi partition you need to specify that using the 'volume' token as described here because the paths for 'loader' and such are relative to the efi partition or the specified volume.
    Last edited by dice (2014-07-31 15:59:24)

  • How to verify RTSJ use linux real time kernel?

    I'm complete newbie into this area and I'm trying out the RTSJ 2.1 beta Linux. I'm using this on Ubuntu with the linux real time kernel. Is there anyway to find out whether the real time kernel is being actually used or in other words is there a way to find out whether RTSJ works fine with the real time kernel on Ubuntu? I see that the programs get compiled and run irrespective of whether I use the real time kernel or the generic kernel.

    I would assume, like other distributions, that you either boot the real-time kernel or you don't. uname should show you what you are running, but you'd have to ask the Ubuntu folk what you should see for the RT kernel.
    To see if you are benefiting from real-time, you need to run a RTSJ app that tracks deadline misses or measures latency/jitter. Try it on the non-real-time kernel and the real-time one and see what you get. Some of the examples in the "Getting Started" guide should be usable for these purposes.
    David Holmes

  • About compiling a kernel with ABS

    So I was following the guide on the wiki about compiling a new kernel with ABS. I wanted to try and make a kernel that didn't need to use initramfs. I thought I could do it by not enabling the kernel to have the ability to use initramfs, and I think I also added the right modules to be built into it not have them be modules ( any idea if I can make sure I chose the correct drivers). After I was done I needed to install in using pacman -U. It told me it conflicted with kernel26 or something, and it asked if I wanted to replace it. Do I want to replace the current with the new? Or can I have them side by side? I know I can have multiple kernels, so it confused me a little.

    Still new with all this, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to replace your current kernel, or you could mess your system up should your newly compiled kernel not work.
    When you created your PKGBUILD did you by any chance forget to change its name? You should have something like "pkgname=linux-custom" (there's more to change, check the wiki for the full list) instead, so that your new kernel will be called "linux-custom" (or whatever you call it), and it can be installed alongside the (Arch) official "linux"
    After that, you can put both in your bootloader, and boot the one you want. But yeah I think you definitely want to keep the official kernel alongside yours, just in case.

  • [SOLVED]linux-headers upgrade fails with PGP signature error

    Whe trying to upgrade the linux kernel using:
    pacman -S linux linux-headers
    it fails with the following error:
    (2/2) checking package integrity                             [#################################] 100%
    error: linux: signature from "Tobias Powalowski <[email protected]>" is unknown trust
    error: linux-headers: signature from "Tobias Powalowski <[email protected]>" is invalid
    error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    I have tried deleting /etc/pacman.d/gnupg and the recreating it with
    pacman-key --init
    , I have also run
    pacman -Syy
    to make sure the repository is up to date.  I read the wiki post about time, but my ntp daemon is running, and I have confirmed that my time is exactly right.
    Last edited by MikeDacre (2013-04-01 23:32:27)

    Sorry, but that doesn't help me.  I can't find any reference in that post to this problem.  I get a similar issue when I try to upgrade mysql:
    >> sudo pacman -S mariadb libmariadbclient mariadb-clients 16:06 Mon 04-01-2013
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    :: libmariadbclient and libmysqlclient are in conflict. Remove libmysqlclient? [y/N] y
    :: mariadb-clients and mysql-clients are in conflict. Remove mysql-clients? [y/N] y
    :: mariadb and mysql are in conflict. Remove mysql? [y/N] y
    Targets (6): libmysqlclient-5.5.30-6 [removal] mysql-5.5.30-6 [removal]
    mysql-clients-5.5.30-6 [removal] libmariadbclient-5.5.30-2 mariadb-5.5.30-2
    Total Download Size: 16.85 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 152.41 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 28.51 MiB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages from extra...
    libmariadbclient-5.5.30-2-x86_64 6.6 MiB 1479K/s 00:05 [#################################] 100%
    mariadb-clients-5.5.30-2-x86_64 871.8 KiB 421K/s 00:02 [#################################] 100%
    mariadb-5.5.30-2-x86_64 9.4 MiB 440K/s 00:22 [#################################] 100%
    (3/3) checking package integrity [#################################] 100%
    error: libmariadbclient: key "BBE43771487328A9" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key , "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>", created 2011-10-10? [Y/n] y
    error: key "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>" could not be imported
    error: mariadb-clients: key "BBE43771487328A9" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key 487328A9, "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>", created 2011-10-10? [Y/n] y
    (3/3) checking package integrity [#################################] 100%
    error: libmariadbclient: signature from "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>" is unknown trust
    error: mariadb-clients: signature from "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>" is unknown trust
    error: mariadb: signature from "Bartlomiej Piotrowski <[email protected]>" is unknown trust
    error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

  • [Solved] Compiling kernel with 'localmodcfg' - 'brcmsmac' missing

    Hi all,
    I want to compile my own optimized ck-kernel with localmodcfg="y" which works mostly.
    However there is a small problem.
    The module 'brcmsmac' for the WLAN card is never included although it is listed in my modprobed.db.
    Does someone have any clue what could be the cause?
    Last edited by Radioactiveman (2012-01-13 16:36:15)

    A minor fix for the patch by Steven Rostedt solved my issue.
    I have compiled linux-ck 3.2.1-2 with localmodconfig today and brcmsmac is now included.
    Marking the thread as solved, thanks to Steve.
    Patch file:
    diff --git a/scripts/kconfig/ b/scripts/kconfig/
    index ec7afce..bccf07d 100644
    --- a/scripts/kconfig/
    +++ b/scripts/kconfig/
    @@ -250,33 +250,61 @@ if ($kconfig) {
    +sub convert_vars {
    + my ($line, %vars) = @_;
    + my $process = "";
    + while ($line =~ s/^(.*?)(\$\((.*?)\))//) {
    + my $start = $1;
    + my $variable = $2;
    + my $var = $3;
    + if (defined($vars{$var})) {
    + $process .= $start . $vars{$var};
    + } else {
    + $process .= $start . $variable;
    + }
    + }
    + $process .= $line;
    + return $process;
    # Read all Makefiles to map the configs to the objects
    foreach my $makefile (@makefiles) {
    - my $cont = 0;
    + my $line = "";
    + my %make_vars;
    open(MIN,$makefile) || die "Can't open $makefile";
    while (<MIN>) {
    + # if this line ends with a backslash, continue
    + chomp;
    + if (/^(.*)\\$/) {
    + $line .= $1;
    + next;
    + }
    + $line .= $_;
    + $_ = $line;
    + $line = "";
    my $objs;
    - # is this a line after a line with a backslash?
    - if ($cont && /(\S.*)$/) {
    - $objs = $1;
    - $cont = 0;
    + $_ = convert_vars($_, %make_vars);
    # collect objects after obj-$(CONFIG_FOO_BAR)
    if (/obj-\$\((CONFIG_[^\)]*)\)\s*[+:]?=\s*(.*)/) {
    $var = $1;
    $objs = $2;
    + # check if variables are set
    + } elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s*[:]?=\s*(.*\S)/) {
    + $make_vars{$1} = $2;
    if (defined($objs)) {
    - # test if the line ends with a backslash
    - if ($objs =~ m,(.*)\\$,) {
    - $objs = $1;
    - $cont = 1;
    foreach my $obj (split /\s+/,$objs) {
    $obj =~ s/-/_/g;
    if ($obj =~ /(.*)\.o$/) {
    Last edited by Radioactiveman (2012-01-13 16:37:06)

  • Safely installing 64bit kernel with 32bit userland

    I'm happily running a 64bit kernel with 32bit userland, but I was wondering whether there is any way to let pacman allow me to install the 64bit kernel (manually downloaded) without me needing to edit pacman.conf. I sometimes forget to set the arch to i686 again causing me to install 64bit packages.
    If there is no such option, I'll script something for myself, but I wanted to be sure I didn't miss something (maybe an undocumented option?).

    I have the Architecture line commented out of my pacman.conf, but that is because I am too lazy to upgrade the kernel using --arch.  That and I use "i686" in my mirror url and am fairly sure I will never change it to x86_64 by accident...
    Anyway, these are the changes I made to /etc/inittab.  Just added linux32 in lots of places.
    # -8 options fixes umlauts problem on login
    c1:2345:respawn:linux32 /sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty1 linux
    c2:2345:respawn:linux32 /sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty2 linux
    c3:2345:respawn:linux32 /sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty3 linux
    c4:2345:respawn:linux32 /sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty4 linux
    c5:2345:respawn:linux32 /sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty5 linux
    c6:2345:respawn:linux32 /sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty6 linux
    # Hypervisor Virtual Console for Xen and KVM
    #h0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 hvc0 linux
    ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now
    # Example lines for starting a login manager
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/sbin/gdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/kdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:linux32 /usr/bin/slim >& /dev/null
    x:5:respawn:linux32 /usr/sbin/lxdm >& /dev/null
    Do that, and you will never know that you are running an x86_64 kernel and can keep Architecture=auto if you wish.

  • Problem building kernel with makepkg

    I tried several times building a custom kernel with makepkg and the PKGBUILD file obtained from … with%20ABS. Unfortionately, the process allways ends with the following error:
    ln: when making multiple links, last argument must be a directory
    make: *** [_modinst_] Error 1
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.  Aborting...
    Is there something wrong with the build file posted on the wiki or am I doing something stupid?

    Err... I might have done a small mistake in my previous post.
    I didn't try to build the kernel using the Wiki page above.
    I've used … with%20ABS
    You can find below the revised PKGBUILD for that page. It might look weird, but it's very functional. It should also work with the stock kernels.
    This PKGBUILD includes kernel version/revision autodetection. This helps when you apply patches which change those variables (such as ck, mm etc.). The changes I've made automatically change the package details (pkgname, pkgver, pkgdesc) to reflect the kernel changes.
    Please test because I've made some cosmetic changes lately which might have scrambled something around there. If you find it working, please post here and I'll put it in the Wiki page above. Maybe it could also be used as a base for building kernels with the ABS.
    Any feedback is welcomed. Enjoy.
    # ChangeLog
    # v0.3 2004/08/19 - Mircea Ionut Bardac (IceRAM)
    # Updated the PKGBUILD for autodetection of the kernel version and kernel revision
    # v0.2 2004/07/23 - Wojciech Szlachta
    # Modified from official PKGBUILD for kernel26-scsi by judd <[email protected]>
    # and from custom PKGBUILD to support multiple installed kernels by jea.
    # you can leave kerrev empty if you don't want to name the kernel in any way
    pkgdesc="Custom Linux Kernel and modules"
    getvar() {
    old=$(cat Makefile | grep "^$1")
    echo $(echo ${old/"$1 ="/} | sed -e "s/[ ]*(.*)[ ]*/1/g")
    return 0
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/linux-$pkgver
    # apply patches here
    # patch -p1 < ../patch1
    # get rid of the 'i' in i686
    carch=`echo $CARCH | sed 's|i||'`
    cat ../config | sed "s|#CARCH#|$carch|g" >./.config
    # make changes in kernel configuration
    make oldconfig || return 1
    cp ./.config ../../
    #use the following line instead of the 2 lines above for default config
    #yes "" | make config || return 1
    # set EXTRAVERSION to create unique /lib/modules/ subdirectories
    _ker_extraversion=$(getvar "EXTRAVERSION")
    # update EXTRAVERSION in the Makefile
    _oldline=$(cat Makefile | grep "^EXTRAVERSION")
    if [ $kerrev != "" ]; then
    cat Makefile | sed "s|$_oldline|EXTRAVERSION = $_ker_extraversion|" > tmpMake
    mv tmpMake Makefile
    kerver=$(getvar "VERSION").$(getvar "PATCHLEVEL").$(getvar "SUBLEVEL")
    # update the package information from the kernel Makefile
    pkgver=$kerver$(echo $_ker_extraversion | sed -e 's/-/./g')
    # removing patches versions from the revision string
    _n1=$(expr match $kerrev '([.][0-9]*)')
    _n21=$(expr match $q '[.][0-9]*(.*)')
    _n2=$(echo $_n21 | sed -e "s/[0-9]*-/-/g")
    pkgdesc="Custom Linux Kernel ($kerver) and modules - revision $kerrev / package version: $pkgver build: $pkgrel"
    echo "- Package information ----------------"
    echo " Package name: $pkgname"
    echo " Package version: $pkgver"
    echo " Package release: $pkgrel"
    echo " Kernel version: $kerver"
    echo " Kernel revision: $kerrev"
    echo "--------------------------------------"
    make clean bzImage modules || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/{lib/modules,boot}
    make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$startdir/pkg modules_install || return 1
    # create unique names in /boot/
    cp $startdir/pkg/boot/System.map26$kerrev
    cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage $startdir/pkg/boot/vmlinuz26$kerrev
    install -D -m644 Makefile $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/Makefile
    install -D -m644 .config $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/.config
    install -D -m644 .config $startdir/pkg/boot/kconfig26$kerrev
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/kernel
    for i in acpi asm-generic asm-i386 config linux math-emu net pcmcia scsi video; do
    cp -a include/$i $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include/
    # copy files necessary for later builds, like nvidia and vmware
    cp -a scripts $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/.tmp_versions
    cp arch/i386/Makefile $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/
    cp arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/arch/i386/kernel/
    # copy in Kconfig files
    for i in `find . -name "Kconfig*"`; do
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/`echo $i | sed 's|/Kconfig.*||'`
    cp $i $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/$i
    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver/include && ln -s asm-i386 asm
    chown -R root.root $startdir/pkg/usr/src/linux-$kerver
    # create a unique subdirectory under /usr/src/
    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/src
    mv linux-$kerver linux-$kerver$kerrev
    cd $startdir/pkg/lib/modules/$kerver$kerrev &&
    (rm -f build; ln -sf /usr/src/linux-$kerver$kerrev build)

  • Older 2.6 kernels with ck (or beyond) patchsets don't compile

    Hello! I'm trying to compile 2.6.17 kernel with ck or beyond patchset (i need this one because one of my drivers can be compiled only with 2.6.17 and i really like ck). I can't play with abs because kernel's PKGCONFIG is too complicated for me (and actual probably has small problem when it's necessary to deal with 4 parts kernel names like etc.), if somebody has one working  PKGCONFIG (any 2.6.17 with properly beyond or ck) i can try it, thank you.
    I was trying to deal with my problem by downloading sources from (of course they build properly and work) and patching by appropriate patch from beyond or ck's page. But during compilation i always get errors like
    fs/splice.c:1381: error: redefinition of 'link_ipipe_prep'
    fs/splice.c:1302: error: previous definition of 'link_ipipe_prep' was here
    fs/splice.c:1419: error: redefinition of 'link_opipe_prep'
    fs/splice.c:1340: error: previous definition of 'link_opipe_prep' was here
    it isn't of course alway splice.c but it alway errors like that. My friend suggested that it could be problem with gcc4 is it possible? Or does anyone know solution for my problem?
    Big Thanks

    As you haven't been entirely clear about what you're doing, let me outline what I would do in your situation:
    - get the 2.6.17 tarball from - that's 2.6.17 ONLY, not 2.6.17.y
    - get the 2.6.17-ck1 patch tarball from … .6.17-ck1/
    - get the corresponding kernel config from
    - get the corresponding PKGBUILD and associated build files from (optional - only required if you want to use the Arch Build System)
    - build
    Actually, there may be a shortcut (just occurred to me while typing) - there are a couple of mirrors that archive old versions of Arch packages. They don't do all of them, but you might be lucky. They're listed on the "Downgrading Packages" wiki page.
    Just for curiosity, what driver do you need 2.6.17 for?

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