Like to understand - Stream DataSet (of XML data) to ZIP file?

i have similar kind of requirement where i need to save dataset data in multi part zip file. from this site i got a sample code
.NET - Stream DataSet (of XML data) to ZIP file? but few area is not clear.
the sample code as follows
// get connection to the database
var c1= new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connstring1);
var da = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
SelectCommand= new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSelect, c1)
DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
// fill the dataset with the SELECT
da.Fill(ds1, "Invoices");
// write the XML for that DataSet into a zip file (split into 1mb chunks)
using(Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zip = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile())
zip.MaxOutputSegmentSize = 1024*1024;
zip.AddEntry(zipEntryName, (name,stream) => ds1.WriteXml(stream) );
how this word code Ionic they are using dotnet zip library ? tell me what is
i guess this line zip.MaxOutputSegmentSize = 1024*1024; means each segment size would be 1mb ? am i right ?
this line is not clear
zip.AddEntry(zipEntryName, (name,stream) => ds1.WriteXml(stream) );
what is the meaning of this (name,stream) stream never declared but how they can use ?
tell me what is the meaning of this line zip.AddEntry(zipEntryName, (name,stream) => ds1.WriteXml(stream) ); what the code will do reading the above statement.
suppose if the above code save dataset data in 5 separate zip file then what name will be used for each segment?
if possible give me the code which will read all segment file and extract its content in a folder. thanks

Ionic is a 3rd party library which can be download by click on the shortcut where you got the code.  I don't recommend using compiled 3rd part software unless the source code is provided.  Codeplex solutions are usually very reliable.
Yes 1024 x 1024 is the 1mbyte size of the stream
The library is using a Linq syntax.  So  simple Linq uses something like this
.Select(x => x.ToString())  Where x is a variable name that can be any letter(s) you choose.  Select is part of an enumeration.  It is really just a shortcut instead of using a "FOR" statement.
The line zip is more complicated version of Linq.  It is using two parameters (name,stream).  I don't think the code actually works and you would have to look at the documentation at the codeplex website.

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    Hi Odie,
    We are looking at the xml data to be like the below:
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    - <table name="NAPP_ITEM_ITEMID">
    - <columns>
    <column name="EBIZFFMT_01" />
    <column name="COMMON" />
    <column name="EBIZQOT_01" />
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    <cell colName="COMMON">154811809990111362727</cell>
    <cell colName="EBIZQOT_01">81</cell>
    <cell colName="EBIZCZMDL_01">91</cell>
    <cell colName="EBIZCZGOLD_01">991</cell>
    - <row>
    <cell colName="EBIZFFMT_01">180</cell>
    <cell colName="COMMON">180811809990111362727</cell>
    <cell colName="EBIZQOT_01">871</cell>
    <cell colName="EBIZCZMDL_01">731</cell>
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    The call to dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file is within the cursor loop for the given SQL.
    l_file_name VARCHAR2 (30);
    l_file_path VARCHAR2 (200);
    CURSOR xml_cur
    xmlattributes ('EBIZCZMDL_01' AS "colname"),
    xmlattributes ('EBIZFFMT_01' AS "COLNAME"),
    xmlattributes ('COMMON' AS "COLNAME"),
    inventory_item_id || '' || attribute29 || 'ITM'
    ) AS "RESULT"
    ) "XMLDATA"
    FROM apps.mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE attribute29 IS NOT NULL;
    l_file_path := '/usr/tmp';
    l_file_name := 'TEST_XREF4.xml';
    FOR xml_rec IN xml_cur
    dbms_xslprocessor.clob2file(xml_rec.XMLDATA, l_file_path, l_file_name, nls_charset_id('UTF8') );
    Please see the above code snippet and help us if we are doing something wrong.
    Thank you

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    <?xml version="1.0" ?><Child xmlns:ns1="">
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    John Taylor

    Solved. Steps:
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    Edited by: DunedainRanger on Nov 29, 2011 9:03 AM

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    The script should read the date, lesson no, and name fields from a .pages file and then use that information to send an e-mail.
    Maybe you might want to try the following script:
    tell application "Pages"
        tell foreground layer of page 1 of front document
            select (text box 1 whose vertical position < 0.5)
            tell application "System Events"
                keystroke "c" using {command down} -- ⌘C
                keystroke "a" using {shift down, command down} -- ⇧⌘A
            end tell
            set theText to the clipboard
        end tell
    end tell
    set TID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tab
    set theTextFields to text items of theText
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to TID
    set {theDate, theLessonNo, theStudent} to {item 2, item 4, item 6} of theTextFields

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  • Load XML-data from large file into plain table

    We have to load data from an XML file to a relational table row by row.
    The structure of the data is very simple:
    The table econtains the fields KNZ, LA, Ident, ...
    If the file is small the following PL/SQL-code works fine:
    fil BFILE ;
    len INTEGER;
    insrow INTEGER;
    ctxHdl NUMBER;
    buffer_c CLOB ;
    amt NUMBER := dbms_lob.lobmaxsize;
    src_offset NUMBER := 1 ;
    dst_offset NUMBER := 1 ;
    lang_ctx NUMBER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
    warning NUMBER;
    errNo NUMBER;
    errMsg VARCHAR2(1999);
    fil := BFILENAME('XML_DIR','200412MKBReport.xml');
    len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(fil);
    RETURNING init INTO buffer_c;
    dbms_lob.loadfromfile(buffer_c,fil, amt, dst_offset, src_offset);
    ctxHdl := dbms_xmlsave.newContext ('SST_XML_EPD');
    dbms_xmlsave.setRowTag (ctxHdl , 'repReport');
    dbms_xmlsave.SetIgnoreCase(ctxHdl , 1);
    dbms_xmlsave.SetSqlToXmlnameEscaping (ctxHdl , TRUE);
    dbms_xmlsave.propagateOriginalException(ctxHdl , TRUE);
    dbms_xmlsave.SetCommitBatch(ctxHdl , 1);
    dbms_xmlsave.SetBatchSize(ctxHdl , 1);
    insrow := DBMS_XMLSAVE.insertXML(ctxHdl,buffer_c);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Anzahl Sätze:' || TO_CHAR(insrow,'999999999'));
    END IF;
    errMsg := SQLERRM;
    END IF;
    But if the file is larger (50 MB in our case) this does not work. In various documents we found that we have to use another sort of XML-parser but we did not find any example how this is really done.
    Does anybody have an example how to load this data that is as simple as our problem?

    We have to load data from an XML file to a relational table row by row.
    The structure of the data is very simple:
    The table econtains the fields KNZ, LA, Ident, ...
    If the file is small the following PL/SQL-code works fine:
    fil BFILE ;
    len INTEGER;
    insrow INTEGER;
    ctxHdl NUMBER;
    buffer_c CLOB ;
    amt NUMBER := dbms_lob.lobmaxsize;
    src_offset NUMBER := 1 ;
    dst_offset NUMBER := 1 ;
    lang_ctx NUMBER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
    warning NUMBER;
    errNo NUMBER;
    errMsg VARCHAR2(1999);
    fil := BFILENAME('XML_DIR','200412MKBReport.xml');
    len := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(fil);
    RETURNING init INTO buffer_c;
    dbms_lob.loadfromfile(buffer_c,fil, amt, dst_offset, src_offset);
    ctxHdl := dbms_xmlsave.newContext ('SST_XML_EPD');
    dbms_xmlsave.setRowTag (ctxHdl , 'repReport');
    dbms_xmlsave.SetIgnoreCase(ctxHdl , 1);
    dbms_xmlsave.SetSqlToXmlnameEscaping (ctxHdl , TRUE);
    dbms_xmlsave.propagateOriginalException(ctxHdl , TRUE);
    dbms_xmlsave.SetCommitBatch(ctxHdl , 1);
    dbms_xmlsave.SetBatchSize(ctxHdl , 1);
    insrow := DBMS_XMLSAVE.insertXML(ctxHdl,buffer_c);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Anzahl Sätze:' || TO_CHAR(insrow,'999999999'));
    END IF;
    errMsg := SQLERRM;
    END IF;
    But if the file is larger (50 MB in our case) this does not work. In various documents we found that we have to use another sort of XML-parser but we did not find any example how this is really done.
    Does anybody have an example how to load this data that is as simple as our problem?

  • Problem splitting XML Data into multiple files

    I am sending an XML message through an enterprise message source in enterprise link design studio. While I do so, I am getting a heavy error. This error tells me that my path ist wrong, but I am sure this one is right. Actually everything worked fine till I added an attribute twice in my XML. Since this point enterprise link drives me crazy, I have checked on my XML, it is valid, I have checked on my path, which is also ok.
    Anyone some suggestions how to resolve the issue?
    The Error code looks the following:
    Unable to resolve path "/msg" in message field "host" XML.
    <msg host="" app="[ZInvestigationProvider#null]" cat="PROCESS" id="" lvl="INFO" text="Investigation_POSSIBILITY BPEL_ID=330024 - ID=1002, RFID=RFID002, NAME=SSN Emmersberger, StartDate=10 CurrentDate=17, expectedShippingDate=13, currentZone=-1, deliveryTimeAgreement=true" tsp="2007-12-05T22:25:36.093Z" xmlns="" />
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  0x75 -- 0x1, 0x75 -- 0x68]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Oracle BAM Enterprise Message Receiver'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Oracle BAM Enterprise Message Receiver'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Unable to resolve path "/msg" in message field "host" XML.
    <msg host="" app="[ZInvestigationProvider#null]" cat="PROCESS" id="" lvl="INFO" text="Investigation_POSSIBILITY BPEL_ID=330024 - ID=1002, RFID=RFID002, NAME=SSN Emmersberger, StartDate=10 CurrentDate=17, expectedShippingDate=13, currentZone=-1, deliveryTimeAgreement=true" tsp="2007-12-05T22:25:36.093Z" xmlns="" />
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  0x75 -- 0x1, 0x75 -- 0x68]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Oracle BAM Enterprise Message Receiver'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Update of Plan "NotificationPLAN" failed.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  PlanMgr -- 0x1, PlanMgr -- 0xD5]

    Ok what I tried:
    - I restarted the BAM Server
    - I restarted the Design Studio
    - I restarted the oc4j through which I publish the messages through a topic
    Unable to resolve path "/msg" in message field "Data" XML.
    <msg host="" app="[ZInvestigationProvider#null]" cat="PROCESS" id="" lvl="INFO" text="Investigation_POSSIBILITY BPEL_ID=330024 - ID=1002, RFID=RFID002, NAME=SSN Emmersberger, StartDate=10 CurrentDate=17, expectedShippingDate=13, currentZone=-1, deliveryTimeAgreement=true" tsp="2007-12-05T22:25:36.093Z" xmlns="" />
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  0x75 -- 0x1, 0x75 -- 0x68]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Oracle BAM Enterprise Message Receiver'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Oracle BAM Enterprise Message Receiver'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Unable to resolve path "/msg" in message field "Data" XML.
    <msg host="" app="[ZInvestigationProvider#null]" cat="PROCESS" id="" lvl="INFO" text="Investigation_POSSIBILITY BPEL_ID=330024 - ID=1002, RFID=RFID002, NAME=SSN Emmersberger, StartDate=10 CurrentDate=17, expectedShippingDate=13, currentZone=-1, deliveryTimeAgreement=true" tsp="2007-12-05T22:25:36.093Z" xmlns="" />
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  0x75 -- 0x1, 0x75 -- 0x68]
    Error while processing the data for the step 'Oracle BAM Enterprise Message Receiver'
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  DC -- 0x1, DC -- 0x83]
    Update of Plan "NotificationPLAN" failed.
    [Oracle BAM Enterprise Link error code:  PlanMgr -- 0x1, PlanMgr -- 0xD5]

  • XML data in output file

    I am creating a RFC - File scenario and i want the output file in XML format. So I m using "File" in the message protocol of the receiver file.
    My  output file structure format is as below:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    *<ns1:MT_LEBIZ xmlns:ns1="http://lebiz">*
    <LABEL>Account Assignment Cat</LABEL>
    <LABEL>GL Account</LABEL>
    but i wanted to display in the namespace in the following line which is marked in bold.
    <ns1:MT_LEBIZ xmlns:ns1="http://lebiz">
    how can i achieve that?

    By using the below code received from Peter, we are were able to remove the prefix, encoding and change the END_DATE format.
    Please find the code below:
    public class DeletePrefixesEnddateAndEncoding extends AbstractTransformation {
         public void execute(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
                   throws StreamTransformationException {
              // Add your code here
              String inData = convertStreamToString(in);
              String outdata = inData.replaceAll("ns1:", "");
              String outdata2 = outdata.replaceAll("xmlns:ns1=\"\"", "xmlns:xsi=\"\"");
              String outdata3 = outdata2.replaceAll(" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?", "");
              String outdata4 = outdata3.replaceAll(" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", "");
              String outdata5 = outdata4.replaceAll("<END_DATE>0000-00-00</END_DATE>", "<END_DATE xsi:nil=\"true\" />");
              try {
                   // The JAVA mapping output payload is returned using the
                   // TransformationOutput class
                   // arg1.getOutputPayload().getOutputStream()
              } catch (Exception exception1) {
         // Un comment to test the mapping as a standalone code
         /* public static void main(String[] args) {
         *      try {
         *          InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File("D:/PETER/in.xml"));
         *          OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("D:/PETER/out.xml"));
         *          DeletePrefixesEnddateAndEncoding myMapping = new DeletePrefixesEnddateAndEncoding(); myMapping.execute(in, out); }
         *      catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();
                                       public void transform(TransformationInput arg0, TransformationOutput arg1)
                   throws StreamTransformationException {
              getTrace().addInfo("JAVA Mapping Called");
              this.execute(arg0.getInputPayload().getInputStream(), arg1
         public String convertStreamToString(InputStream in) {
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
              try {
                   InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(in);
                   Reader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
                   int ch;
                   while ((ch = > -1) {
                        sb.append((char) ch);
              } catch (Exception exception) {
              return sb.toString();

  • Storing XML data in CLOB and relational tables

    I would like to ask whether there is a possibility to store XML data using normal relational tables and CLOBs in the same time. For example I have some XML data (structured data) which I would like update very often and some which are only a kind of description. I found something about it in . But I do not know how to use Oracle8i views and some functionality of XML SQL Utility to retrieve XML data in one file.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maciej Marczukajtis ([email protected]):
    I would like to ask whether there is a possibility to store XML data using normal relational tables and CLOBs in the same time. For example I have some XML data (structured data) which I would like update very often and some which are only a kind of description. I found something about it in . But I do not know how to use Oracle8i views and some functionality of XML SQL Utility to retrieve XML data in one file.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    Czesc Maciek,
    There are some good examples with XSQL Servlet. From what I understand you have one XML file and you need to save a portion of document in relational tables and other portion in CLOB.
    Yes, you can do that.
    You can do it many ways. I can suggest (2).
    1. Use the views
    2. call your java procedure that will do
    the xml processing, brake it down and insert
    releval frogments into different tables/columns

  • Returning XML Data from a database

    Ok, just got the new DW CS3 and really want to begin using
    the built in Spry capabilitites. All of the examples I've seen for
    populating the datasets with XML data are based on referencing a
    static XML file. I want to query my database and return XML data to
    a Spry Table. How do I accomplish this? I know how to perform the
    query and retrun the data in an XML format (ColdFusion) but I can't
    tell the spry dataset to use this. HELP!!

    Well, that's the trick... I can't point to a testing server
    (i.e. Application interface) because we aren't permitted to have
    the RDS login where I work. (They haven't bothered to configure the
    CF server for restricting access) I have to manually create all
    connections and queries. I'm currenlty using the exact format in
    the example page you provided to return the data in an XML format
    but when I point to that file as my datasource I get nothing
    displayed on the page. The file that performs the query and returns
    the data is in a separate file from the one I'm trying to use the
    Spry table in. When I use this same query file for an Ajax call to,
    say, populate a listbox or pulldown menu it works fine, but I can't
    get it to work with the Spry dataset.

  • Bringing xml data into flash

    I would like to know how to bring xml data into flash.
    Specifically images that someone can click on the thumbnail and
    view the larger image. please can anyone point me to some tutorials
    or sites that i can start to learn how to do this.

    First of all, read every thing you can in Flash Help to get
    to know the different methods of loading XML.
    XML can be loaded with 'built-in' components or parsed in
    Actionscript, the Help files will explain both.
    Next - Google for 'XML Image or Picture Gallery' you'll find
    Hope it helps

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