LSMW for create Equipment BOM

Hi Experts,
I have created a LSMW through "Batch Input Recording" method to upload materials to Equipment BOM.
It caters to upload 5 materials per equipment. However if input data contains only 3 materils for a equipment then LSMW gives an Error. Have to enter 2 more materials to the BOM.
How can i overcome the matter?
Is there any other method that i can follow to upload the Equipment BOM?
Thanks in Advance

Use standard Object
0030 Object
main Structure  : BOMHEADER
Sub Structure : BOM item
BOMHEADER                 BOM header
    EQUNR                          C(018)    Equipment
    WERKS                          C(004)    Plant
    STLAN                          C(001)    BOM Usage
BOMITEM                   BOM item
     EQUNR                          C(018)    Equipment
     POSNR                          C(004)    Item (SD)
     POSTP                          C(001)    Item Category
     IDNRK                          C(018)    Component
     MENGE                          C(013)    Quantity
     MEINS                          C(003)    Base Unit of Measure
In Field mapping and conversion rule Maintean TCODE as constant IB01.
Create Logical and Physical path during specify files under Converted Data.
It will create Equipment BOM

Similar Messages

  • Error while creating equipment BOM (IB01)

    hi guys,
    while creating equipment BOM (IB01) i am getting this error, while adding components.
    'Material type NLAG cannot be used with item category (plant 1000)'.

    HI Chinta,
                                   I understood ur problem IB01-give the equipment number which is generated by the system and give plant name in which you have created the equipment and bom usage as 4 (plant maintenance) and press enter.
    Then you will get the components list give the description,quantity and item category as:
               as you gave it as L it is throwing an error give it as N(Non stock item), then you wont get the error.while selecting the item cat. you will get differnet components and you select the appropriate one based on you equipment.Hope you issue is resolved.

  • LSMW for creating project CJ20N

    I need to create projects by using transaction cj20n, I tried to find any standard sap project/bapi/idoc that I can use in my LSMW to create the project, but could not find.
    Has anyone aware of any standard SAP technique to use in LSMW for creating the project by transaction CJ20N. I am just trying not to create custom recording for the conversion.

    I have a program for inserting WBS by Batch-input.
    report Z_PS_BI_0001
           no standard page heading
           line-size 80.
    *------------------------------- TABLES -------------------------------*
    tables : proj ,               " Définition de projet
             prps ,               " Elément d'OTP - données de base
             jest ,               " Statut individuel par objet
             tj02t .              " Textes de statuts système
    *-------------------------------- DATA --------------------------------*
    types : begin of type_prps ,
              pspnr like prps-pspnr ,
              objnr like prps-objnr ,
              posid like prps-posid ,
              psphi like prps-psphi ,
              pspid like proj-pspid ,
            end   of type_prps.
    data itab_prps type sorted table of type_prps
                   with unique key pspnr
                   with header line
                   initial size 30000.
    data : bdc_tab type standard table of bdcdata
                        with header line .
    *------------------------ OPTIONS DE SELECTION ------------------------*
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-t01.
      parameters : p_nom(12) type c
                             default 'Z_'
                             obligatory ,
                   p_kokrs like proj-vkokr
                   p_bukrs like bsis-bukrs
                           obligatory .
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-t02.
      select-options : s_pspnr for proj-pspnr ,
                       s_posid for prps-posid .
    selection-screen end of block b2.
    *-------------------------------- MAIN --------------------------------*
    * Recherche des données.
      perform p_recherche_donnees.
    * Création du dossier batch-input
      perform p_creation_dossier.
    * Edition du compte rendu d'execution.
      perform p_edition.
    *   Procédure P_RECHERCHE_DONNEES.                                     *
    *   Recherche des données nécessaires au programme.                    *
    form p_recherche_donnees.
      types : begin of type_prhi ,
                posnr like prhi-posnr ,
                up    like prhi-up ,
              end   of type_prhi.
      data itab_prhi type sorted table of type_prhi
                     with non-unique key up
                     with header line
                     initial size 30000.
      data : begin of itab_otp occurs 100 ,
               pspnr like prps-pspnr ,                 " OTP
               pspn  like proj-pspnr ,                 " Projet
               posid like prps-posid ,                 " Texte OTP
               objnr like prps-objnr ,                 " Objet
             end   of itab_otp.
      data : begin of itab_tmp_otp_1 occurs 100 ,
               posnr like prhi-posnr ,
               up    like prhi-up ,
             end   of itab_tmp_otp_1.
      data : begin of itab_tmp_otp_2 occurs 100 ,
               pspnr like itab_otp-pspnr ,
             end   of itab_tmp_otp_2.
      data : v_ligne(9) type n.
    * Liste tout les elements d'OTP de niveau 2 pour les projets
    * selectionnees.
      select b~pspnr a~pspnr b~posid b~objnr
             into table itab_otp
             from            proj as a
                  inner join prps as b
                  on b~psphi eq a~pspnr
             where a~pspnr in s_pspnr
             and   a~profl eq '0000010'
             and   a~vkokr eq p_kokrs
             and   b~posid in s_posid
             and   b~stufe eq '2'
             and   b~pkokr eq p_kokrs.
    * Tri de la table
      sort itab_otp.
    * Chargement de la pseudo PRHI
      select posnr up
             into corresponding fields of table itab_prhi
             from prhi
             client specified
             where mandt eq sy-mandt
             and   up    ne space.
    * Extrait la liste des OTP a rechercher.
      append lines of itab_otp to itab_tmp_otp_2.
    * Tri
      sort itab_tmp_otp_2.
    * Créé la liste des OTPs dépendant des OTPs de niveaux 2.
      loop at itab_tmp_otp_2.
        loop at itab_prhi
             where up = itab_tmp_otp_2-pspnr.
          move : itab_prhi-posnr to itab_tmp_otp_1-posnr ,
                 itab_prhi-up    to itab_tmp_otp_1-up ,
                 itab_prhi-posnr to itab_tmp_otp_2-pspnr .
          append : itab_tmp_otp_1, itab_tmp_otp_2.
        delete itab_tmp_otp_2.
    * Recherche si plus petit niveau.
      loop at itab_tmp_otp_1.
        read table itab_prhi
             with key up = itab_tmp_otp_1-posnr.
        if sy-subrc eq space.
          delete itab_tmp_otp_1.
      sort itab_tmp_otp_1 by posnr.
    * Recherche de l'objet pour chacun des OTPs trouvés.
      loop at itab_tmp_otp_1.
        select single objnr posid psphi
               into (itab_prps-objnr, itab_prps-posid, itab_prps-psphi)
               from prps
               where pspnr eq itab_tmp_otp_1-posnr.
        if sy-subrc eq space.
          move itab_tmp_otp_1-posnr to itab_prps-pspnr.
          append itab_prps.
    * Recherche si les OTPs ont bien le statut Budget seul.
      loop at itab_prps.
        select single *
               from jest
               where objnr eq itab_prps-objnr
               and   stat  eq 'E0002'
               and   inact eq ' '.
        if sy-subrc ne space.
          delete itab_prps.
    * Recherche texte projet.
      loop at itab_prps.
        select single pspid
               into itab_prps-pspid
               from proj
               where pspnr eq itab_prps-psphi.
        if sy-subrc eq space.
          modify itab_prps.
    * Compte le nombre de ligne à traiter.
      describe table itab_prps lines v_ligne.
      if v_ligne eq space.
        write : /1 'Aucune donnée à traiter.'.
    endform.                    " P_RECHERCHE_DONNEES.
    *   Procédure P_CREATION_DOSSIER.                                      *
    *   Création du dossier batch-input.                                   *
    form p_creation_dossier.
      data : v_estat type j_estat.
    * Recherche de la position du statut Budget seul.
      select min( estat )
             into v_estat
             from tj30t
             where stsma eq '00000001'
             and   spras eq sy-langu.
      if v_estat ne 'E0002'.
        write : /1 'Customizing statut modifié ! Programme inutilisable !'.
    * Ouverture du dossier batch-input.
      perform open_bdc using p_nom.
    * Boucle sur la table des données.
      loop at itab_prps.
    *   Ecran de saisie Projet / OTP
        perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLCJWB'
        perform bdc_field  using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field  using '*PROJ-PSPID'
        perform bdc_field  using '*PRPS-POSID'
    *   Sélectionne la première ligne et demande les statuts utilisateurs.
        perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLCJWB'
        perform bdc_field  using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field  using 'RCJ_MARKL-MARK(01)'
    *   Déselectionne la zone Budget/Seul
        perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLBSVA'
        perform bdc_field  using 'BDC_OKCODE'
        perform bdc_field  using 'J_STMAINT-ANWSO(01)'
    *   Enregistre et sort.
        perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLCJWB'
        perform bdc_field  using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    *   Enregistrement de la transaction.
        perform insert_bdc using 'CJ02'.
    * Fermeture du dossier batch-input.
      perform close_bdc.
    endform.                                 " P_CREATION_DOSSIER
    *   Procédure P_EDITION.                                               *
    *   Edition du compte rendu d'éxecution.                               *
    form p_edition.
      write : /1 'Compte rendu de la création du dossier Batch-Input.'.
      skip 2.
      write : /1 'Dossier Batch-Input' ,
                 p_nom ,
                 'créé avec succés.'.
      skip 4.
      write : /1 'Liste des OTPs que le Batch-Input devrait modifier.'.
      loop at itab_prps.
        write : /5 itab_prps-posid.
    endform.                                " P_EDITION.
    *   Form OPEN_BDC                                                      *
    *   Ouverture du dossier Batch-Input.                                  *
    form open_bdc using v_nom_dossier.
      call function 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP'
                client              = sy-mandt          " Numéro de mandant
                group               = v_nom_dossier     " Nom dossier batch
                keep                = 'X'               " Code
                user                = sy-uname          " Nom utilisateur
                client_invalid      = 1
                destination_invalid = 2
                group_invalid       = 3
                group_is_locked     = 4
                holddate_invalid    = 5
                internal_error      = 6
                queue_error         = 7
                running             = 8
                system_lock_error   = 9
                user_invalid        = 10
                others              = 11.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        write : /1 'Impossible de créer le dossier batch-input.' ,
                /1 'Erreur :' , sy-subrc.
      refresh bdc_tab.
      clear   bdc_tab.
    endform.                       " OPEN_BDC
    *   Form CLOSE_BDC                                                     *
    *   Fermeture du dossier BTCI                                          *
    form close_bdc.
      call function 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'
                not_open    = 1
                queue_error = 2
                others      = 3.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        write : /1 'Impossible de fermer le dossier batch-input.' ,
                /1 'Erreur :' , sy-subrc.
    endform.                     " CLOSE_BDC
    *   Form BDC_DYNPRO                                                    *
    *   Alimentation de la ligne d'entête de BDCTAB                        *
    form bdc_dynpro using value(progname)
    * Efface la header-line.
      clear bdc_tab.
    * Insertion des valeurs.
      bdc_tab-program  = progname.
      bdc_tab-dynpro   = dynpronr.
      bdc_tab-dynbegin = 'X'.
    * Enregistrement des valeurs.
      append bdc_tab.
    endform.                    " BDC_DYNPRO
    *   Form BDC_FIELD                                                     *
    *   Traitement des enregistrements de la structure BDCTAB              *
    *      --> FIELDNAME  Nom du champ                                     *
    *      --> FIELDVALUE Valeur du champ                                  *
    form bdc_field using value(fieldname) value(fieldvalue).
    * Efface la header-line.
      clear bdc_tab.
    * Insertion des valeurs.
      bdc_tab-fnam = fieldname.
      bdc_tab-fval = fieldvalue.
    * Enregistrement des valeurs.
      append bdc_tab.
    endform.                " BDC_FIELD
    * Form BDC_CURSOR                                                      *
    * Positionnement du curseur sur un champ particulier                   *
    form bdc_cursor using value(fieldname) value(fieldvalue).
    * Efface la header-line.
      clear bdc_tab.
    * Insertion des valeurs.
      bdc_tab-fnam = fieldname.
      bdc_tab-fval = fieldvalue.
    * Enregistrement des valeurs.
      append bdc_tab.
    endform.              " BDC_CURSOR
    *   Form  INSERT_BDC                                                   *
    *   Insertion dans le dossier BTCI                                     *
    *   Attention : la transaction est codée en dur                        *
    form insert_bdc using t_code.
      call function 'BDC_INSERT'
                tcode            = t_code
                dynprotab        = bdc_tab
                internal_error   = 1
                not_open         = 2
                queue_error      = 3
                tcode_invalid    = 4
                printing_invalid = 5
                posting_invalid  = 6
                others           = 7.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        write : /1 text-003 ,
                /1 'Erreur :' , sy-subrc.
      refresh bdc_tab.
      clear   bdc_tab.
    endform.                  " INSERT_BDC
    comment in french

  • How to find component details for the equipment BOM

    Dear All ,
    I have a requirement ..I need to find all the component numbers for the equipment BOM. Can anybody pls help me in finding a table containing this information. I check in tcode IB02,IB03 but I am not able to find the database table containing this information.

    Hi, Main table for equipment BOM is EQST. You can get the details from STPO (Item) and STKO (Header). You can use the FM CSAI_BOM_READ. Here u need to pass the header details and CSIN-STLTY = E " Equipment BOM.

  • Is it possible for creating draft BOM and fix approvals in SAP BI

    Can we create draft BOM and set approval for BOM ? If any changes are made in BOM after approval this can be set as amendment to the original BOM.

    Actually to which of the infocpackage it will give priority. 3.5 or 7.3?
    Also I just want to ask that , as in your first reply you said that the cubes cannot be upgraded .... but why?
    And if I am doing new fresh implementation ...........will there be any prerequisites?

  • LSMW for creating Derivation Rules in COPA

    Hi Experts,
    Is it possible to create a LSMW for COPA - Derivation Rules. When I am trying to select Default All tab to update the field name, the system is not permitting me to default the filed names.

    Hi Phani ,
    I think your concern is about updating dervation rule values not derivation rule .
    You can cut paste 20 rule values at a time .. so use cut paste .. from excel.. Updating 1000 values will not take more than 20 mins ..
    I have never used LSMW for Derivation rule values.. as from excel you can easily cut paste and do it within 30 mins.

  • Inbound BOM IDOC for create / change BOM

    I can use function IDOC_INPUT_BOMMAT_MDM with MSGFN '005' to create new BOM via WE19, but can't use IDOC_INPUT_BOMMAT with MSGFN '005'  to do the same thing. Can anybody help tell what's the difference between IDOC_INPUT_BOMMAT_MDM and IDOC_INPUT_BOMMAT?
    Thanks a lot,
    Martin Li

    Pls check if the GR has already happened manually.
    Hope this helps.

  • LSMW direct input for creating a BOM

    Hi all ,
    I am trying to create a new BOM using LSMW (direct input method ) .
    I have created a  structure for the header, an other structure as its child for the item data .
    Now , i got a doubt regarding specify files ......
    Since i have only one text file , how i have to mention the sequence of the header and item data .....
    since i dont have the sample data ....
    or ( should i use two text files , though i use 2 text files i cant use these two in the specify files .since i can upload only one file  )
    pls let me know , i have lots of the other questions but i cant specify in this....
    Pls guide me .....

    You need to define the two structure header and detail. Both files should have the key fields:
    For example: Both file have Plant, Material Number, BOM Usage & Valid From.
    Then BGR00 and BICSK should be mapped to BOM_HEADER and BICSP to BOM_DETAIL structure.
    Then just do the mapping and should work.
    Hope this helps.
    Bharati Singh

  • LSMW for datatransfer of BOM; problem with effectivitydate on itemlevel

    Dear Guru's,
    We try to create BOM's with the LSMW tool standard batch/ direct input, object 0030, method 0001.
    It works fine, except for the effectivitydate on itemlevel. I just can't find the necessary fields (DATUB and DATUV) to populate for this!
    Any ideas how to solve this?
    Best regards, AJ

    You can find effectivity date fields in header structure BICSK - Batch Input Structure for BOM Header Data
    BICSK-DATUB           Valid to date (BTCI)
    BICSK-DATUV           Valid-From Date (BTCI)
    For Items, date values flows from header.

  • IDoc status 51 - LSMW for Creating Purchasing Info Records

    Dear All,
    My req is to create a Conversion for Purchasing Info Records. LSMW's IDoc method is used to develop this conversion wherein Message Type "INFREC" and Basic Type "INFRECMASS01" are being used.
    In the 14th step (Start IDoc Processing), I 'am getting the IDoc status "51" and Status Text "Application document not posted". If I double click on respective IDoc number, I got its Control record, Data records, and Status records; in the status records I can see "51" in Red color with the message "Function module not allowed: IDOC_INPUT_INFREC". If I double click on this it asks me to check the process code...
    Request you guys to resolve the issue....
    Solution will b rewarded.. Thanks in advance....

    I shouldnot use basic type INFREC01 instead of NFRECMASS01.
    'coz Within the FM there is a check for basic type like:
    check idoc type
    if f_idoc_control-idoctp c_idoctp_infrec01. " INFREC01
    raise wrong_function_called.
    Even one can go to WE57 and see the basic Type INFREC01 assigned to the FM IDOC_INPUT_INFREC, hence one shud use this basic type...

  • IDoc status 51 - LSMW for Creating Purchasing Info Records using IDoc meth

    Dear All,
    My req is to create a Conversion for Purchasing Info Records. LSMW's IDoc method is used to develop this conversion wherein Message Type "INFREC" and Basic Type "INFRECMASS01" are being used.
    In the 14th step (Start IDoc Processing), I 'am getting the IDoc status "51" and Status Text "Application document not posted". If I double click on respective IDoc number, I got its Control record, Data records, and Status records; in the status records I can see "51" in Red color with the message "Function module not allowed: IDOC_INPUT_INFREC". If I double click on this it asks me to check the process code...
    Request you guys to resolve the issue....
    Solution will b rewarded.. Thanks in advance....

    U should use basic type INFREC01 instead of NFRECMASS01.
    Within the FM there is a check for basic type like:
    check idoc type
        if f_idoc_control-idoctp <> c_idoctp_infrec01. " INFREC01
          raise wrong_function_called.
    Edited by: Joyjit Ghosh on Sep 15, 2008 4:57 PM

  • LSMW for Creating Purchase Orders

    Hi All
    I have looked and there is a standard program that can be used to create POs using LSMW.
    I am able to create the fields and structures and map them.
    However how do i create my 2 spreadsheets to work together.  Is there s specific format?

    LSMW can take almost everything, if the source(s) are logical developed
    always think like having blinders. if you look at individual PO item table. do you have an identifier that allows you to  map an PO item to a header in the individual header table? This is usually the PO number. The header table would just have the PO number.
    the item table needs the PO number for any item that belongs to this PO.
    LSMW will then join the two tables based on the PO number field.
    alternative you can have one file with e.g. first line is header line, next lines are items, then again a header followed by its items.
    here you could have e.g. the PO number and PO item number as identifiers.
    Means you assign item number 0 to any header data. and the items itself have their well known item numbers.
    In LSMW you can then decide based on the item number if you write a header or an item record.

  • FM/BAPI for Equipment BOM

    Hi All,
    Please let me know if there is any BAPI/ FM available for creating Equipment BOM (IB01 trancastion).
    Thanks in advance

    Check sample code in:

  • LSMW Batch Input Recording for Create BOM

    Dear All,
    I want to do LSMW for Creating BOM using Batch Input Recording,
    I know that i have to make 2 time Recording, first for the BOM Header and second for the BOM item
    For the BOM header i have done it, but for the BOM item i got some trouble with the item number (POSNR),
    when i run the LSMW, for the first item (item 0010) was success, but for the item 0020, it can't work and i got error
    message " NO BATCH INPUT FOR SAPLCSDI 0150"
    How is the recording step by step for BOM Item so the Item number can increase well?
    Very need your help,

    Hello Santosh,
    Thanks for the reply,
    I already check in SM35 where i also thought that the main problem is about adding the new item number,
    but when i tried to do repeat recording, i can not find any entry for adding the line item, so the line item after 0010 cannot be input
    Is there any solution?

  • LSMW for equipment creation-Standard Batch/Direct Input

    We developed an LSMW with standard batch / direct input method for creating equipment masters.
    We used Object =0400 ( equipment ) and method = 0001 ( batch input)
    We maintained source structures and source fileds. In the source field , we maintained only those fields that we need from table IBIPEQUI but in the order given in this structure.
    Also we maintained filed mapping and field convertion rules for the above source fields.
    When we run LSMW step - Display converted data , we see that
    Transactions Read:                   1
    Records Read:                          1
    Transactions Written:                0
    Records Written:                       0
    Not sure what could have gone wrong?
    Please provide some clues to the following questions.
    1) Should the source structure be same as fields from stuc. IBIPEQUI and should it include all the fields in the source structure?
    2) Is field mapping required or not ?
    3) We are getting an error - transaction is not supported in direct input mode.
    Thanks in advance

    1. Source fields are( same as IBIPEQUI structure ; the tab delimited file matches with these fields)
    TCODE                          C(020)    Transaction Code
    RECORDNAME                     C(008)    Record name
    EQUNR                          C(018)    Equipment
    DATSL                          C(008)    Valid On
    EQTYP                          C(001)    Equipment category
    EQKTX                          C(040)    EQKTX
    BEGRU                          C(004)    Authorization Group
    EQART                          C(010)    Technical obj. type
    GROES                          C(018)    Size/dimensions
    INVNR                          C(025)    Inventory number
    BRGEW                          C(017)    Gross Weight
    GEWEI                          C(003)    Weight unit
    ELIEF                          C(010)    Vendor
    ANSDT                          C(008)
    ANSWT                          C(017)    Acquisition Value
    WAERS                          C(005)    Currency
    HERST                          C(030)    Manufacturer
    HERLD                          C(003)    Country of manufact.
    BAUJJ                          C(004)    Construction year
    BAUMM                          C(002)    Construction month
    TYPBZ                          C(020)    Model number
    SERGE                          C(030)    ManufSerialNumber
    MAPAR                          C(030)    ManufactPartNo.
    GERNR                          C(018)    Serial number
    GWLEN                          C(008)    Warranty end date
    KUND1                          C(010)    Customer
    KUND2                          C(010)    End customer
    KUND3                          C(010)    Operator
    SWERK                          C(004)    Maintenance plant
    STORT                          C(010)    Location
    MSGRP                          C(008)    MSGRP
    BEBER                          C(003)    Plant section
    ARBPL                          C(008)    Work center
    ABCKZ                          C(001)    ABC indicator
    EQFNR                          C(030)    Sort field
    BUKRS                          C(004)    Company Code
    ANLNR                          C(012)    Asset Number
    ANLUN                          C(004)    ANLUN
    GSBER                          C(004)    Business Area
    KOSTL                          C(010)    Cost Center
    PROID                          C(024)    PROID
    DAUFN                          C(012)    Standing order
    AUFNR                          C(012)    Order
    TIDNR                          C(025)    Technical IdentNo.
    SUBMT                          C(018)    Construction type
    HEQUI                          C(018)    Superord. Equipment
    HEQNR                          C(004)    Position
    EINZL                          C(001)    Single installation
    IWERK                          C(004)    Planning plant
    INGRP                          C(003)    Planner group
    GEWRK                          C(008)    Main work center
    WERGW                          C(004)    Plant for WorkCenter
    RBNR                           C(009)    Catalog profile
    TPLNR                          C(030)    Functional Location
    DISMANTLE                      C(001)    DismIndic.
    VKORG                          C(004)    Sales Organization
    VTWEG                          C(002)    Distribution Channel
    SPART                          C(002)    Division
    MATNR                          C(018)    Material
    SERNR                          C(018)    BOM explosion number
    WERK                           C(004)    WERK
    LAGER                          C(004)    LAGER
    CHARGE                         C(010)    CHARGE
    KUNDE                          C(010)
    KZKBL                          C(001)    Load records
    PLANV                          C(003)    PLANV
    FGRU1                          C(004)    FGRU1
    FGRU2                          C(004)    FGRU2
    STEUF                          C(004)    Control key
    STEUF_REF                      C(001)    STEUF_REF
    KTSCH                          C(007)    Standard text key
    KTSCH_REF                      C(001)    Std text referenced
    EWFORM                         C(006)    EWFORM
    EWFORM_REF                     C(001)    EWFORM_REF
    BZOFFB                         C(002)    Ref. date for start
    BZOFFB_REF                     C(001)    BZOFFB_REF
    OFFSTB                         C(007)    Offset to start
    EHOFFB                         C(003)    Unit
    OFFSTB_REF                     C(001)    OFFSTB_REF
    BZOFFE                         C(002)    Ref. date for finish
    BZOFFE_REF                     C(001)    BZOFFE_REF
    OFFSTE                         C(007)    Offset to finish
    EHOFFE                         C(003)    Unit
    OFFSTE_REF                     C(001)    OFFSTE_REF
    WARPL                          C(012)    Maintenance Plan
    IMRC_POINT                     C(012)    Measuring point
    INDAT                          C(008)    Inverse date
    INTIM                          C(006)    Processing time OC Workbe
    INBDT                          C(008)    Start-up date
    GWLDT                          C(008)    Guarantee
    AULDT                          C(008)    Delivery date
    LIZNR                          C(020)    License number
    MGANR                          C(020)    Master warranty
    REFMA                          C(018)    REFMA
    VKBUR                          C(004)    Sales Office
    VKGRP                          C(003)    Sales Group
    WARR_INBD                      C(001)    Inbound warranty
    WAGET                          C(001)    Warranty inheritance poss
    GAERB                          C(001)    Indicator: Pass on warran
    ACT_CHANGE_AA                  C(001)    ACT_CHANGE_AA
    STRNO                          C(040)    STRNO
    DATLWB                         C(008)    Date Last Goods Movmnt
    UII                            C(072)    UII
    IUID_TYPE                      C(010)    IUID Type
    UII_PLANT                      C(004)    Plant Responsible for UII
    2, source structure is assigned to target structure IBIPEQUI
    3. In the assign files step - all settings given above are correctly maintained.
    4. Field mapping
    TCODE                        Transaction Code
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    IBIPEQUI-TCODE = 'IE01'.
    RECORDNAME                   IBIP: Name of the Data Transfer Record
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    IBIPEQUI-RECORDNAME = 'IBIPEQUI'.
    EQUNR                        Equipment Number
                        Source:  ZIE01_002_SOURCE-EQUNR (Equipment)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    if not ZIE01_002_SOURCE-EQUNR is initial.
                                   IBIPEQUI-EQUNR = ZIE01_002_SOURCE-EQUNR.
    DATSL                        Date valid from
                        Source:  ZIE01_002_SOURCE-DATSL (Valid On)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    if not ZIE01_002_SOURCE-DATSL is initial.
                                   IBIPEQUI-DATSL = ZIE01_002_SOURCE-DATSL.
    EQTYP                        Equipment category
                        Source:  ZIE01_002_SOURCE-EQTYP (Equipment category)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    if not ZIE01_002_SOURCE-EQTYP is initial.
                                   IBIPEQUI-EQTYP = ZIE01_002_SOURCE-EQTYP.
    When I read data with 1 record uploaded ( in the assign fields step , I did not choose "fields names at start of file" and also saved the file with tab delimited text format without field names), it shows as
    Transactions Read:                    2
    Records Read:                         2
    Transactions Written:                 2
    Records Written:                      2
    I uploaded only one record but it reads as 2 records and can not figure out why 2 records?
    Also when I checked display converted data , it shows 2 records .
    First record shows
    TCODE         Transaction Code                                             IE01
    RECORDNAME    IBIP: Name of the Data Transfer Record                       IBIPEQUI
    EQUNR         Equipment Number
    DATSL         Date valid from                                              05072010
    EQTYP         Equipment category                                           H
    EQKTX         Description of technical object                              PNEUMATIC PIPE BENDER
    BEGRU         Technical object authorization group
    EQART         Type of Technical Object                                     MECH-PRESS
    GROES         Size/dimension                                               1000X500X1500MM
    INVNR         Inventory number
    BRGEW         Gross Weight     : IBIP Character Structure                  50
    GEWEI         Weight Unit                                                  KG
    ELIEF         Vendor number
    ANSDT         Acquisition date
    ANSWT         Acquisition Value: IBIP Character Structure
    All the fields following this , are blank.
    2nd record shows
    TCODE         Transaction Code                                             IE01
    RECORDNAME    IBIP: Name of the Data Transfer Record                       IBIPEQUI
    EQUNR         Equipment Number                                             2009
    DATSL         Date valid from
    EQTYP         Equipment category                                           S
    EQKTX         Description of technical object                              1006324
    BEGRU         Technical object authorization group
    EQART         Type of Technical Object
    GROES         Size/dimension                                               20100406
    uploaded values are jumbled in 1st and 2nd record.
    Hope to receive your valuable ideas for finding out the reason and corrective action required.
    Edited by: Rajesh63 on Jul 6, 2010 10:37 PM

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