PL/SQL function body returning SQL - report error:ORA-01403: no data found

I am working on Application Express, and 11G database.
I have a problem with classic report area of type - PL/SQL function body returning SQL query. Query works if I define region area as - Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only), and does not when I define it - Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query.
I am getting error:
report error:ORA-01403: no data found
This is my query that is returned from function, and displayed with htp.p, and it works ok and returns data in SQL Developer and SQL Workshop (in Apex).
/* select 1 from dual */ SELECT SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/46',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/46" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/49',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/49" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/50',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/50" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/51',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/51" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/52',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/52" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/01',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/01" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/02',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/02" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/03',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/03" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/04',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/04" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/05',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/05" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/06',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/06" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/07',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/07" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/08',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/08" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/09',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/09" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/10',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/10" FROM (SELECT * FROM PMV_PLAN_TVRTKA) GROUP BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA ORDER BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA
As you can see, I even tried with workaround that I found on the previous post on the forum, and that is to put /* select 1 from dual */ to start query.
Any help would be appriciated.

/* select 1 from dual */ SELECT SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/46',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/46" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/49',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/49" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/50',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/50" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/51',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/51" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/52',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/52" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/01',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/01" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/02',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/02" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/03',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/03" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/04',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/04" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/05',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/05" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/06',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/06" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/07',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/07" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/08',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/08" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/09',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/09" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/10',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/10" FROM (SELECT * FROM PMV_PLAN_TVRTKA) GROUP BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA ORDER BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA

Similar Messages

  • Report error: ORA-01403: no data found.

    I was getting a following error and not able to figure it out.
    Here what I have:
    I have a page where I have 3 regions and out of them, there are 2 Html conditional regions
    and one SQL updatable report. Also, I have a validation to validate a field on the tabular form
    based on one field on the HTML region. The validation works fine but it also throws following error :
    report error: ORA-01403: no data found.
    v_office_id number;
    SELECT count(id) into v_office_id from dar_asd.asd_office;
    if (:P299_ROLE_TYPE_ID = 1 and apex_application.g_f30.COUNT = v_office_id ) or
    (:P299_ROLE_TYPE_ID = 2 and (apex_application.g_f30.COUNT < v_office_id
    and apex_application.g_f30.COUNT >= 1) ) then
    return null;
    RETURN 'Error: '||'Not a valid office selection.';
    end if;
    RETURN 'Error: '||SQLERRM;

    Thanks for the reply.
    It is derived columns i.e. Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query. The select statement returned by the stored procedure function will allways have all list of columns in select list. But the report displays allways some fixed number of columns in the secod region and remaining will be dependent on the check boxes and lov items selected in the first region. For e.g. if the select has 20 columns. Out of this, let's say 8 will allways displayed and remaining 12 will be displayed depending on the check box and lov items defined for them in the first region. I mean if 3 check boxes are checked and if the user selected some value from lov for the corresponding check box items, then the report will display 8+3 = total 11 colums. And the lov values selected will be used in the where condition of the SQL.
    How can I go to the report attributes? I can go to page definition, but I am not finding report attributes here. Please let me know...

  • Error in report when executing pl/sql function body returning sql query.

    I have used the pl/sql function body returning sql query for creating a report. I have created a datepicker(
    P10_TASK_DATE) which can be submitted.The code is as below
    v_sql varchar2(3000);
    if :P10_TASK_DATE is not null THEN
          * from tasks';
    return v_sql;
    v_sql:='select * from discovery';
    return v_sql;
    END IF;
    END;if the date field is empty "select * from discovery" is executed and report is getting generated. But when we give a
    date using date picker the page is submitted and i get "report error: ORA-01403: no data found" even
    though the "tasks" table has data in it. Plz help

    Please try this
    1. Create 2 region
    1st region source=
    select * from tasks'
    go to the tab -> condition =
    item NOT NULL
    EXpression1 =:P10_TASK_DATE
    this will run whenever the item have any date
    2. open your 2 nd region source code= select * from discovery
    put the condition
    item is  NULL
    EXpression1 =:P10_TASK_DATE
    Mark Wyatt

  • PL/SQL function body returning SQL query - ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error

    I'm attempting to dynamically generate a rather large SQL query via the "PL/SQL function body returning SQL query" report region option.  The SQL query generated will possibly be over 32K.  When I execute my page, I sometimes receive the "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error" which points to a larger than 32K query that was generated.  I've seen other posts in the forum related to this dynamic SQL size limitation issue, but they are older (pre-2010) and point to the 32K limit of the DNS (EXECUTE IMMEDIATE) and DBMS_SQL.  I found this post (dynamic sql enhancements in 11g) which discusses 11g no longer having the 32K size limitation for generating dynamic SQL.  Our environment is on 11gR2 and using ApEx 4.2.1.  I do not know which dynamic SQL method -- DNS or DBMS_SQL -- ApEx 4.2.1 is using.  Can someone clarify for me which dynamic SQL method ApEx uses to implement the "PL/SQL function body returning SQL query" option?
    As a test, I created a page on with a report region with the following source:
      l_stub varchar2(25) := 'select * from sys.dual ';
      l_sql  clob := l_stub || 'union all ';
      br     number(3) := 33;
      while length ( l_sql ) < 34000 loop
        l_sql := l_sql || l_stub || 'union all ';
      end loop;
      l_sql := l_sql || l_stub;
      for i in 1 .. ceil ( length ( l_sql ) / br ) loop
        dbms_output.put_line ( dbms_lob.substr ( l_sql, br, ( ( i - 1 ) * br ) + 1 ) );
      end loop;
      return l_sql;
    The dbms_output section is there to be able to run this code in SQL*Plus and confirm the size of the SQL is indeed larger than 32K.  When running this in SQL*Plus, the procedure is successful and produces a proper SQL statement which can be executed.  When I put this into the report region on, I get the ORA-06502 error.
    I can certainly implement a work-around for my issue by creating a 'Before Header' process on the page which populates an ApEx collection with the data I am returning and then the report can simply select from the collection, but according to documentation, the above 32K limitation should be resolved in 11g.  Thoughts?

    What setting do you use in your report properties - especially in Type and in Region Source?
    If you have Type="SQL Query", then you should have a SELECT statement in the Region Source. Something like: SELECT .... FROM ... WHERE
    According to the ERR-1101 error message, you have probably set Type to "SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query)". In this situation APEX expects you to write a body of a PL/SQL function, that will generate the text of a SQL query that APEX should run. So it can be something like:
    mycond varchar2(4000);
    if :P1_REPORT_SEARCH is not null THEN
    mycond:='WHERE LAST_NAME like :P1_REPORT_SEARCH ||''%''';
    end if;
    return 'select EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME from EMPLOYEES ' ||mycond;
    And for escaping - are you interested in escaping the LIKE wildcards, or the quotes?
    For escaping the wildcards in LIKE function so that when the user enters % you will find a record with % and not all functions, look into the SQL Reference:
    (You would than need to change the code of your function accordingly).
    If you are interested in escaping the quotes, try to avoid concatenating the values entered by the user into the SQL. If you can, use bind variables instead - as I have in my example above. If you start concatenating the values into the text of SQL, you are open to SQLInjection - user can enter anything, even things that will break your SQL. If you really need to allow users to choose the operator, I would probably give them a separate combo for operators and a textfield for values, than you could check if the operator is one of the allowed ones and create the condition accordingly - and than still use bind variable for inserting the filtering value into the query.

  • Using Package to produce pl/sql function body returning sql query Report

    I have existing code that we want to use in building reports in APEX. We are needing to modify it slightly to handle some new requirements, but would like to use them in reports based upon SQL query (pl/sql function body returning sql query) functionality.
    Any suggestions as how to call these in an APEX report region?
    Thank you,
    Tony Miller

    Hi Tony-
    I am also v new to Apex and you may have answered a question I was in search of. I, however, now have a couple more. First a bit of background-- Like in your situation, my college has a lot of existing code (400 +) that we need to get into Apex. The majority of this canned code contains one/both: 1) many lines, sometimes containing multiple select statements 2) imbedded create table & view statements (temp user owned). Up until reading your post, I was unable to figure out an easy way of getting this existing code into the product. Thanks. Now the questions, do you know how I would go about dealing with the create tables/views. I've read some posts on this forum which suggest temporary tables being unstable in this environment. Also, do you know if there's a size limitation when passing sql code via a function?
    As you may/may not be able to tell, I'm a bit lost right now... so any info you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Region source (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query)

    Hi, guys.
    Here is what i try to do:
    Create a region of type SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query). In the source area i tried to put this:
    v_new VARCHAR2(10);
    v_SQL varchar2(32000);
    v_new := :P102_HDN_NEW;
    -- htp.p(v_new);
    IF v_new = 'N-Set' THEN
    v_SQL := 'select ' ||
    ELSIF v_new = 'Y-Set' THEN
    v_SQL := 'select ' ||
    END IF;
    And here is the reply from APEX:
    1 error has occurred
    Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the ''generic columns'' checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing. The query can not be parsed, the cursor is not yet open or a function returning a SQL query returned without a value.
    1. Variable is set with the right value.
    2. Each statement (separately) returns SQL that works with no problems
    3. Problem occures if i try to put IF statement around the SQL creation.
    4. If i select "Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)" instead of "Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query" then the script returns SQL properly, however report's column names are set to Col1, Col2,Col3 ......
    Thnks in advence

    OK. Here is enire statement:
    v_new VARCHAR2(10);
    v_SQL varchar2(32000);
    v_new := :P102_HDN_NEW;
    IF v_new = 'N-Set' THEN
    v_SQL := 'select ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(10,c.sdescr) descr, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(12,DECODE(ld.level,''All'', ''All Categories'',ld.level)) level, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(1, ld.opt_in_auto_flag, decode(ld.opt_in_auto_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) auto_in, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(2, ld.opt_in_manual_flag, decode(ld.opt_in_manual_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) manual_in, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(3, ld.opt_out_auto_flag, decode(ld.opt_out_auto_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) auto_out, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(4, ld.opt_out_manual_flag, decode(ld.opt_out_manual_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) manual_out, ' ||
    'DECODE(c.code, ''NMBR'', NULL,''Change to '' || DECODE(ld.level,''All'',''Categories'',''All Categories'')) link_change, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(11,c.code) code ' ||
    'from ' ||
    'tbl1 c, ' ||
    'tbl2 ld ' ||
    'where c.code = ld.code ' ||
    'and c.type = ''TYPE1'' ' ||
    'and = ''Y'' ' ||
    'order by c.sorting ';
    ELSIF v_new = 'Y-Set' THEN
    v_SQL := 'select ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(10,c.sdescr) descr, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(12,''All Categories'') level, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(1, c.option_1, decode(c.option_1,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) auto_in, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(2, c.option_3, decode(c.option_3,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) manual_in, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(3, c.option_2, decode(c.option_2,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) auto_out, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(4, c.option_4, decode(c.option_4,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) manual_out, ' ||
    'DECODE(c.code, ''AAA'', NULL,''Options by AAA'') link_change, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(11,c.code) code ' ||
    'from ' ||
    'tbl1 c ' ||
    'where 1 = 1 ' ||
    'and c.type = ''TYPE1'' ' ||
    'and = ''Y'' ' ||
    'order by c.sorting ';
    END IF;
    If i put just this
    v_new VARCHAR2(10);
    v_SQL varchar2(32000);
    v_new := :P102_HDN_NEW;
    v_SQL := 'select ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(10,c.sdescr) descr, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(12,DECODE(ld.level,''All'', ''All Categories'',ld.level)) level, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(1, ld.opt_in_auto_flag, decode(ld.opt_in_auto_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) auto_in, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(2, ld.opt_in_manual_flag, decode(ld.opt_in_manual_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) manual_in, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(3, ld.opt_out_auto_flag, decode(ld.opt_out_auto_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) auto_out, ' ||
    'apex_item.checkbox(4, ld.opt_out_manual_flag, decode(ld.opt_out_manual_flag,NULL,''disabled'',''Y'',''checked'')) manual_out, ' ||
    'DECODE(c.code, ''NMBR'', NULL,''Change to '' || DECODE(ld.level,''All'',''Categories'',''All Categories'')) link_change, ' ||
    'APEX_ITEM.DISPLAY_AND_SAVE(11,c.code) code ' ||
    'from ' ||
    'tbl1 c, ' ||
    'tbl2 ld ' ||
    'where c.code = ld.code ' ||
    'and c.type = ''TYPE1'' ' ||
    'and = ''Y'' ' ||
    'order by c.sorting ';
    it works fune...

  • Query on Reoprts-pl/sql function body returning sql query

    I am facing a starnge problem.. and would like to know the reason for it.
    The situation is as follows:
    I have a report (pl/sql function body returning sql query based). My query is as follows:
    l_query1 varchar2(2000);
    if (:P102_min_value is not null and :P102_max_value is null) then
    l_query1 := 'select decode(:P102_date,'1',date1) Transaction_Date, decode(:P102_first_name,'2',first_name) First_Name from (
    select * from MORTGAGE_LOAN_LEADS where APPRX_LOAN_AMOUNT >=:P102_min_value
    return (l_query1);
    end if;
    This returns the error as :
    1 error has occurred
    Function returning SQL query: Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the generic columns checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing.
    (ORA-06550: line 7, column 20: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "1" when expecting one of the following: * & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like LIKE2_ LIKE4_ LIKEC_ between || multiset member SUBMULTISET_)
    How do i correct this? am i right in thinking that the single quotes indicating a string within a select query is creating the problem? Beacuse if i use an sql query report and use the following query, it is working fine...
    decode(:P102_date,'1',date1) Transaction_Date,
    decode(:P102_first_name,'2',first_name) First_Name
    from (
    select * from MORTGAGE_LOAN_LEADS where APPRX_LOAN_AMOUNT >=:P102_min_value
    But i need to write pl/sql function, so that multiple report can be returned based on different conditions. Please guide me.

    Does that mean that both in if and else we need to have same columns selected?
    if thats the case.. any idea how i can implement it in my code. The situation here is that the columns that need to be selected are dynamic and keep on changing...
    if i try to implement like this and run the page, it gives the following error:
    Query is:
    l_query1 varchar2(4000);
    if apex_application.get_current_flow_sgid(:APP_ID) = apex_application.get_sgid then
    if (:P102_min_value is not null and :P102_max_value is null) then
    l_query1 := 'select decode(' || :P102_date|| ',''1'',date1) Transaction_Date, decode(' || :P102_first_name || ',''2'',first_name) First_Name from (
    select * from MORTGAGE_LOAN_LEADS where APPRX_LOAN_AMOUNT >=' || :P102_min_value ||'
    elsif (:P102_min_value is null and :P102_max_value is not null) then
    l_query1 := 'select decode(' || :P102_date|| ',''1'',date1) Transaction_Date, decode(' || :P102_first_name || ',''2'',first_name) First_Name from (
    select * from MORTGAGE_LOAN_LEADS where APPRX_LOAN_AMOUNT >=' || :P102_max_value ||'
    l_query1 := 'select date1,first_name from MORTGAGE_LOAN_LEADS where rownum = 1';
    end if;
    l_query1 := 'select date1,first_name from MORTGAGE_LOAN_LEADS where rownum = 1';
    end if;
    return l_query1;
    --dbms_output.put_line( l_query1);
    The Error is:
    failed to parse SQL query:
    ORA-00936: missing expression
    If i try to run the same in command prompt, it always goes to the else part... (else of outer if)

  • PL/SQL function body return sql query, no data found problem

    Hi all,
    we are trying to build a dynamic report based on item selection by user. we are using SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query). However when a user change the item and submit the page . The following error appears.
    ORA-01403: no data found.
    our query is so simple
    l_query varchar2(30000) default 'select id from chw';
    if(:P11_PARA=1) then
    l_query:='select name from chw';
    end if;
    return l_query;
    any quick help please.

    Hello Mike,
    I tried it, the problem still exists.
    ORA-01403: no data found
    my new code is
    l_query varchar2(30000) default 'select id from chw';
    if (nvl(TO_NUMBER(:P11_PARA),0) = 1) then
    l_query:='select name from chw';
    end if;
    return (l_query);
    note, there is no process in this page.
    Edited by: M.Jabr on Oct 14, 2009 6:13 AM

  • SQL Query (pl/sql function body returning Sql query)

    Hi All,
    I have created a region of "SQL Query (pl/sql function body returning Sql query)" type and it is working fine , but when I am migrating(export /import) this application from development to systest environment ,
    It gives error for this region :
    Error ERR-1101 Unable to process function body returning query.
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 52: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'FU_TRADE_REPORT_QUERY' ORA-06550: line 1, column 45: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Any pointer ...why this is happening.

    If your function is a stored function that is called from within APEX (function body not coded into the app itself), have you made sure that the function has been created and compiles ok prior to installing your apex app.
    If there are some dependency issues between other PL/SQL units or database objects that are causing your function not to be compiled, you apex install will fail as you are trying to reference an uncompelled bit of pl/sql.
    Let me know how you get on

  • Pl/sql function body returning SQL query - Print function

    Hello all,
    I have pl/sql function body returning SQL query for my reports for my new project that I am developing. We dont have any BI tool or anything for APEX so we use Oracle reports to get the same reports to be printed in PDF format. I had been using SQL function for Reports all these days and grabbing the data using SQL query was easy in Oracle reports. But this time we had atleast 8 fields in search criteria and hence I thouhgt PL/sql function body returning SQL query could be something easy to handle that scenario. We have 11 such reports in our project. Now when we tried to use the same PL/sql function to oracle reports , I was told by one of our Oracle reports expert, that we have to write it into functions and use it in SQL query to get the Reports in Oracle reports. Is there any Easy way to convert the same Pl/SQL function or get a PDF format of the same report in APEX without going thru the much pains of rewriting the whole SQL Query.
    thank you

    give this a go.
    I can't test it as I don't have the tables in my schema.
    create or replace package MK_TEST_PF is
    -- Author  : MK
    -- Created : 21/06/2010 16:30:19
    -- Purpose : FOR LUCY_DISCOVER
    -- Public type declarations
    /*     -- just guess the table row types.....
         -- otherwise it won't compile
         type test_rec is record
              (INV REP.inv%type
              ,cNUMBER REP.cNUMBER%type
              ,OPENDATE REP.OPENDATE%type
              ,DATECLOSED REP.COMPLETED%type
              ,STATUS REP.STATUS%type
              ,cCODE REP.cCODE%type
              ,line varchar2(4000)
              ,SIGc varchar2(4000)
              ,CLASS REP.CLASS%type
              ,SUMM REP.SUMM%type
              ,AREA REP.AREA%type
         type test_rec is record
              (INV varchar2(4000)
              ,cNUMBER varchar2(4000)
              ,OPENDATE varchar2(4000)
              ,TARGETDATE varchar2(4000)
              ,DATECLOSED varchar2(4000)
              ,STATUS varchar2(4000)
              ,cCODE varchar2(4000)
              ,line varchar2(4000)
              ,SIGc varchar2(4000)
              ,CLASS varchar2(4000)
              ,SUMM varchar2(4000)
              ,AREA varchar2(4000)
         type test_tab is table of test_rec;
    -- Public constant declarations
    -- Public variable declarations
    -- Public function and procedure declarations
    end MK_TEST_PF;
    create or replace package body MK_TEST_PF is
    -- Private type declarations
    -- Private constant declarations
    -- Private variable declarations
    -- Function and procedure implementations
         function get_query_f
              (p_inv VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_INV'))
              ,p_reg VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_CLASS'))
              ,p_proarea VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_PROGRAM_AREA'))
              ,p_disp VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_DISPOSITION'))
              ,p_coding VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_CODING'))
              ,p_status VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_STATUS'))
              ,p_SIG VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_SIG_c'))
              ,p_inc_sum VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_INCLUDE_SUMM_FIELD'))
              ,p_word VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_WORD_IN_SUMM'))
              ,p_timeframe VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_TIME_FRAME'))
              ,p_rec VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_RECORD_KEEPING'))
              ,p_WORD_IN_SUMM VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_WORD_IN_SUMM'))
              ,p_ON_AFTER VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_ON_AFTER'))
              ,p_ON_BEFORE VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_ON_BEFORE'))
              return varchar2
              v_sql VARCHAR2(5000);
         --     v_inv VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_reg VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_proarea VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_status VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_SIG VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_disp VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_coding VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_inc_sum VARCHAR2(4);
         --     v_word VARCHAR2(4000);
              v_wildcard VARCHAR2(2000);
         --     v_timeframe VARCHAR2(100);
         --     v_rec VARCHAR2(5);
              v_record VARCHAR2(5);
              v_open VARCHAR2(100);
              v_closed VARCHAR2(100);
              v_PEND VARCHAR2(100);
              v_refSIG VARCHAR2(100);
              v_refreg VARCHAR2(100);
              v_refother VARCHAR2(100);
              v_y varchar2(100);
              --v_inv := UPPER(v('P44_INV')) ;
              v_record := 'R%';
              v_wildcard := '%';
              v_open := 'OPEN';
              v_closed := 'CLOSED';
              v_PEND := 'PEND';
              v_refSIG := 'REF - SIG';
              v_refreg := 'REF - CLASS';
              v_refother := 'REF - OTHER';
              v_y := 'Y';
              REP.cCODE as cCODE, apex_item.checkbox(1,REP.line,null,'''||v_y||''') line , apex_item.checkbox(1,REP.SIG,null,'''||v_y||''') SIGc ,
              REP.CLASS as CLASS, REP.SUMM as SUMM, REP.AREA as AREA from REP where 1=1';
              IF p_rec is not null then
                   IF p_rec = 'E' then
                        v_sql := v_sql|| ' and upper(REP.cnumber) not like '''||v_record||'''';
                   ELSIF p_rec = 'D' then
                        v_sql := v_sql|| ' and upper(REP.cnumber) like '''||v_record||'''';
                   ELSIF p_rec = 'I' then
                        v_sql := v_sql|| ' and REP.cnumber = REP.cnumber ';
                   end if ;
              end if ;
              IF upper(p_status) not like '%NULL%' then
                   IF upper(p_status) like '%OPEN%' then
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND upper(REP.status) like '''||v_open||'''';
                   ELSIF upper(p_status) like '%CLOSED%' then
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND upper(REP.status) like '''||v_closed||'''';
                   ELSIF upper(v_PEND) like '%PEND%' then
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND upper(REP.status) like '''||v_PEND||'''';
                   ELSIF upper(v_refSIG) like '%REF - SIG%' then
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND upper(REP.status) like '''||v_refSIG||'''';
                   ELSIF upper(v_refreg) like '%REF - CLASS%' then
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND upper(REP.status) like '''||v_refreg||'''';
                   ELSIF upper(v_refother) like '%REF - OTHER%' then
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND upper(REP.status) like '''||v_refother||'''';
                   END IF ;
              END IF ;
              IF p_inv = 'NULL' THEN
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND instr(upper(REP.INV),'''||p_inv||''') > 0';
              END IF ;
              IF p_reg = 'NULL' THEN
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND instr(upper(REP.CLASS),'''||p_reg||''') > 0';
              END IF ;
              IF p_proarea = 'NULL' THEN
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND instr(upper(REP.AREA),'''||p_proarea||''') > 0';
              END IF ;
              IF p_disp = 'NULL' THEN
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND instr(upper(REP.disposition),'''||p_disp||''') > 0';
              END IF ;
              IF p_coding = 'NULL' THEN
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND instr(upper(REP.ccode),'''||p_coding||''') > 0';
              END IF ;
              IF p_SIG = ' ' THEN
                   v_sql := v_sql||' AND instr(upper(REP.SIG),'''||p_SIG||''') > 0';
              END IF ;
              IF p_word is not null then
                   v_sql := v_sql|| ' and
                   upper(nvl('''||p_WORD_IN_SUMM||''',REP.SUMM))) > 0';
              end if ;
              If p_timeframe is not null then
                   if upper(p_timeframe) = 'OPEN' then
                   v_sql := v_sql|| ' and to_date(REP.opendate) between to_date ('''||p_ON_AFTER||''') and to_date('''||p_ON_BEFORE||''')';
                   elsif upper(p_timeframe) = 'CLOSED' then
                   v_sql := v_sql|| ' and to_date(REP.completed) between to_date ('''||p_ON_AFTER||''') and to_date('''||p_ON_BEFORE||''')';
                   elsif upper(p_timeframe) = 'EST' then
                   v_sql := v_sql|| ' and to_date(REP.estcomplete) between to_date ('''||p_ON_AFTER||''') and to_date('''||p_ON_BEFORE||''')';
                   end if;
              end if;
              v_sql := v_sql ||' order by REP.INV ';
              return v_sql;
         end get_query_f;
         function test_pf
              (p_inv VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_INV'))
              ,p_reg VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_CLASS'))
              ,p_proarea VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_PROGRAM_AREA'))
              ,p_disp VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_DISPOSITION'))
              ,p_coding VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_CODING'))
              ,p_status VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_STATUS'))
              ,p_SIG VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_SIG_c'))
              ,p_inc_sum VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_INCLUDE_SUMM_FIELD'))
              ,p_word VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_WORD_IN_SUMM'))
              ,p_timeframe VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_TIME_FRAME'))
              ,p_rec VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_RECORD_KEEPING'))
              ,p_WORD_IN_SUMM VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_WORD_IN_SUMM'))
              ,p_ON_AFTER VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_ON_AFTER'))
              ,p_ON_BEFORE VARCHAR2 := UPPER(v('P44_ON_BEFORE'))
              RETURN test_tab PIPELINED
              type test_c is ref cursor;
              v_row test_tab;
              v_sql varchar2(4000);
              v_cursor test_c;
              v_sql := get_query_f
              open v_cursor for v_sql;
              fetch v_cursor bulk collect into v_row;
              close v_cursor;
              for i in 1 .. v_row.count loop
                   pipe row (v_row(i));
              end loop;
         end test_pf;
    end MK_TEST_PF;

  • SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query) when using to_char

    we are trying to build a report page of Type SQL Query (PL/SQL function body returning SQL query).
    our query is so simple, we need to extract the month from the recording_date column.
    l_query varchar2(1000);
    l_query:='select to_char(recording_date,'MM')from re_productive';
    return l_query;
    but we are having the following problem for this query
    Function returning SQL query: Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the generic columns checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing.
    (ORA-06550: line 4, column 42: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "MON" when expecting one of the following: . ( * @ % & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like between || multiset member SUBMULTISET_ The symbol ". was inserted before "MON" to continue.)
    1-the query is correct and it was tested under Toad and SQL Plus.
    2- we tried Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only) option but we get the same problem.
    any quick help please.

    You haven't escaped your quotes in the string. Try this...
    l_query VARCHAR2(32767);
    l_query:= 'select to_char(recording_date,''MM'') from re_productive';
    RETURN l_query;

  • SQL Query (PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL query) doesn't return any row

    I have a region with the following type:
    SQL Query (PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL query).
    In a search screen the users can enter different numbers, separated by an ENTER.
    I want to check these numbers by replacing the ENTER, which is CHR(13) || CHR(10) I believe, with commas. And then I can use it like this: POD IN (<<text>>).
    It's something like this:
    If (:P30_POD Is Not Null) Then
    v_where := v_where || v_condition || 'POD IN (''''''''||REPLACE(''' || :P30_POD || ''', CHR(13) || CHR(10), '','')||'''''''''')';
    v_condition := ' AND ';
    End If;
    But the query doesn't return any rows.
    I tried to reproduce it in Toad:
    select * from asx_worklistitem
    POD IN (''''||REPLACE('541449200000171813'||CHR(13) || CHR(10)||'541449206006341366', CHR(13) || CHR(10), ''',''')||'''')
    ==> This is the query that does't return any rows
    select (''''||REPLACE('541449200000171813'||CHR(13) || CHR(10)||'541449206006341366', CHR(13) || CHR(10), ''',''')||'''')
    from dual;
    ==> This returns '541449200000171813','541449206006341366'
    select * from asx_worklistitem
    where pod in ('541449200000171813','541449206006341366');
    ==> and when I copy/paste this in the above query, it does return my rows.
    So why does my first query doesn't work?
    Doe anyone have any idea?
    Kind regards,
    Message was edited by:

    Thanks for the help.
    I made it work, but via the following code:
    If (:P30_POD Is Not Null) Then
    v_pods := REPLACE(:P30_POD, CHR(13) || CHR(10));
    v_where := v_where || v_condition || 'POD IN (';
    v_counter := 1;
    WHILE (v_counter < LENGTH(v_pods)) LOOP
    v_pod := SUBSTR(v_pods, v_counter, 18);
    IF (v_counter <> 1) THEN
    v_where := v_where || ',';
    END IF;
    v_where := v_where || '''' || v_pod || '''';
    v_counter := v_counter + 18;
    v_where := v_where || ')';
    v_condition := ' AND ';
    End If;But now I want to make an update of all the records that correspond to this search criteria. I can give in a status via a dropdownlist and that I want to update all the records that correspond to one of these POD's with that status.
    For a region you can build an SQL query via PL/SQL, but for a process you only have a PL/SQL block. Is the only way to update all these records by making a loop and make an update for every POD that is specified.
    Because I think this will have a lot of overhead.
    I would like to make something like a multi row update in an updateable report, but I want to specify the status from somewhere else. Is this possible?

  • Sql query(PL/SQL function body return SQL query) with in(x,y,z) condition

    I've set up a region definition of type "SQL Query(PL/SQL function body return SQL query). In my query I make use of an "in" condition. When I populate :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT with a value of 0F (no quotes), I get the correct count. However, when I set :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT to 0F, 0E I get an invalid count. What do I have to set the page item to?
    When running the query in TOAD, and setting :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT to the string inside the brackets (0F, 0E) I get the proper count.
    The code I use is shown below. Any help would be appreciated,
    v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
    SELECT count(*) "cnts",
    ''Faculty data file IDs missing in appt table'' "err_type"
    FROM hradmin.et_faculty_salary fs left outer join
    hradmin.appointments appt
    ON trim(fs.empl_id) = appt.emp_emp
    and appt.ear_activ <> ''Z''
    and appt.ear_type = ''F''
    and (appt.ear_class in (''A'',''B'',''C'',''D''))
    and appt.ear_bargunit in ( :P755_INC_BARG_UNIT )
    WHERE appt.emp_emp is null
    RETURN v_sql;

    try something like:
    v_sql VARCHAR2(32767);
    v_sql :=  REPLACE(v_sql, ':P755_INC_BARG_UNIT',:P755_INC_BARG_UNIT);
    RETURN v_sql;
    END; But before doing it read this:
    After reading you will be able to find the best solution yourself.

  • From pl/sql table getting error - "ORA-01403: no data found"

    Hi All,
    i habe written package, and the spce define as -
    type F761RecType is RECORD (
    type F761TabType is TABLE of F761RecType INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
    l_F761_table F761TabType;
    PROCEDURE modification1
    p_F761_table IN F761TabType,
    From button click of form i passed -
    l_f761_table I743_PUC_MAPS_TREE_PKG.F761TabType;
    l_counter number;
         l_counter :=l_counter+1;
              l_f761_table(l_counter).P_TABLE := :MAPS.P_table;
    end loop;
                                            p_F761_table => l_f761_table,
    Now when I take table count (l_f761_table.count) in button click in form level I am getting value; but when I try to get the count in sid the package, it giving error "ORA-01403: no data found".
    Pls tell me where I am wrong ..!!

    Thaks all, probls has been solved..

  • Uploading a CSV file and getting Error ORA-01403: no data found in V4.1.1.

    I have an issue where myself and another user are unable to upload a csv file to my application using the "File Browse" page item in V4.1.1. I get the following error, "Error ORA-01403: no data found".
    This function was working perfectly last week prior to the upgrade of our APEX to V4.1.1 from V3. Other users are still able to upload the csv file, so the PL/SQL behind it must be ok.
    So here is where I am up to with testing.
    Tested the upload using my login on my PC – Fail
    Tested the upload using my login on another PC – Fail
    Tested the upload using other user’s login on my PC – Success
    Tested the upload using other user’s login on another PC - Success
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    The offending piece of code was in a block of script that I used from an online sample when I was first setting up this upload script. A colleague had the same issue in another application and rewrote the script to resolve the issue, see below.
    I'm still perplexed as to why the majority of users could run it ok, and there were only 2 of us that it errored on. But now it's working for all, and I can go back to building some cool stuff in V4.
    -- Read data from wwv_flow_files
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files
    where last_updated = (select max(last_updated) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USERID)
    and id = (select max(id) from wwv_flow_files where updated_by = :APP_USERID);
    -- Rewritten to the following, which works.
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files
    where id = (select ID from wwv_flow_files
    and LAST_UPDATED = (select max(LAST_UPDATED) from wwv_flow_files where UPDATED_BY = :APP_USERID));

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