Sending TABLE data in child window to parent window

My question is as follows:
I have a JSP with a parent window, which opens a pop-up window.
In the pop-window there is a <TABLE> tag defined with a number
of <TD> definitions referencing columns of data from a database table.
There is also a 'select' button next to each row displayed.
On pressing the 'select' button I want the data to go back to the fields
in the parent window.
I am successfully displaying the data in the pop-up window
I have used the DOM model in the past and for other elements within this JSP - i.e. drop down lists, sending data back to the parent window works fine, but I'm not sure of the syntax for referencing the TABLE items within the DOM model to send back to the parent window.
Any help on this would be very much appreciated.
Many Thanks

Well I've looked and I can't find anything wrong with it, but then I wrote it. I've included it as follows:
<%@page contentType="text/html"%>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
function send_back(eventHandle)
if (opener == null) {
alert("\n Calling Window is no longer present. Will now close this window\n");
if (eventHandle == "returnRow") {
<%-- Significant code below with the first statement referencing--%>
form name and item name and its value --%>
opener.document.produceTrans.studentID.value =
<%-- statement below works so no that variable is correct-value --%>
<%-- part is wrong --%>
<%-- opener.document.produceTrans.studentID.value = "290000"; --%>
<title>Person List
<%-- If the focus switches to the calling window this called window is closed
<BODY onBlur="window.close()"> --%>
<jsp:useBean id="personV" scope= "request" class="mypackage.PersonBean"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="personV" property="personName" />
<%-- Significant code below 1 with form name = personLOV --%>
<form name=personLOV METHOD="POST" action="transcript-control-servlet?Action=personList">
<td><input type='text' size=32 name="personName"> </td>
<input type="submit" name=personSearch value="Find Person">
<div style="width:480px; height:170px; overflow: auto;">
<TABLE border="1" cellspacing="1">
Vector personVector = new Vector();
try {
personVector = (Vector)request.getAttribute("listPerson");
for (Enumeration e = personVector.elements();
e.hasMoreElements();) {
personV = (mypackage.PersonBean)e.nextElement();
//Significant code below 2 with persID setup
String persID = personV.getPersonID();
<%-- Significant code below 3 with hidden field set to persID --%>
<%-- and name=personID --%>
<td><input type="hidden" name=personID value='<%=persID%>'></td>
<td><input type="button" name=SelectPerson value="Select"
onClick=send_back("returnRow")> </td>
<td><%= personV.getPersonID() %></td>
<td><%= personV.getPersonLastName() %></td>
<td><%= personV.getPersonFirstName() %></td>
<td><%= personV.getPersonBirthDate() %></td>
<% } }
catch (NullPointerException ce) {
System.out.println("No records in list ");
It is very straightforward and I believe I am referencing the correct form name/item name in the correct manner.
If I'm not then please tell me why not and how to fix it.

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    I could I solve this problem, Please help, Its urgent.
    Thanks and Regards
    Rajib Sharma

    I think that you can use the JavaScipt as follow to pass a data from child window to parent window
    function passData(){
    opener.form1.test1.value=form2.test2.value; //pass the value of test2 to the parent's test1
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    <input name=test2 type=text>
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    Hi, I have no idea how to do this is JSP.
    However createing a modal window (with javascript) would mean that the user can not use the parent window untill he closes the child window. However not sure if this is what you are searching.
    Otherwise you can detect the onClose (I think) and close the window from there.
    However both the above are JavaScript and not JSP.

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    I suspect your problem is that the child window hasn't been created by the time you call the function in the parent.Loading the content is an asynchronous processes -- AIR doesn't stop executing your code until the window has finished loading child.html. So, you will need to add an eventlistener to html2 and call the function from there:
    html2.addEventListener( "complete", onChildLoaded );
    function onChildLoaded( event )

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    Thanks in advance

    Dear Baaju,
    How do you redirect your control from Child to Parent window.
    If you use a button to do this, then you can set this value in the branching of page.

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    I    developed two DC,s Parent and Child DC,i am able to pass the data from Parent DC to CHild DC,when i am trying to pass the data from Child DC to Parent DC i am unable to map the context attributes. Is it possible to pass the data from Child DC to Parent DC.
    Thanks in advance,

    What I wrote earlier:
    Yes you can acheive it by doing a flip. ie, in this case the present Parent DC will become Child DC and present Child DC will become Parent DC. Now you can share the context atrributes in reverse way (ie, you can access the context attributes of current Parent DC in current Child DC).
    Sorry Parameshwari. As Anand suggested, It will give an error called Cycle in component usage definitions, if you are doing the procedure what I suggested.
    In that case only you can do only one thing , you should maintain the requried context attribute in child DC and you can use it in parent DC.
    Child DC using Parent DC's context attribute is not possible.

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    See this

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    Thank you.
    These are the two files:
    --------course1.jsp ------------
    Attach File <p>
    <FORM name="courseForm" action="course2.jsp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 border=0 WIDTH=500>
    <TR >
    <input type="text" NAME="f_file_name" size="30" VALUE="this value should be taken from child windows">
    get file name
         <INPUT class="buttons" TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Submit">
    ---- course2.jsp -------
    String filename = "this is the string needs to go back to parent windows when I click on close";

    In course2.jsp, you have to write some javascript code to reload the parent window document to reload the document with an added parameter. But, instead of doing this, you can also do simple thing; in course2.jsp, you can reference course1.jsp controls via javascript object, "parent". On closing event of course2, you can write:
    parent.courseForm.f_file_name.text = '<%=filename%>' ;
    window.close() ;
    But for this to work, you must open your course2.jsp document thru function instead of simple hyper link (as you did thru ).
    So, modify the hyperlink line like below:
    get file name
    Hope it helps.

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    Thank you.

    Try this forum thread first:
    Re: send email by procedure
    There are lots of articles on how to accomplish this taks on the web:
    -- utl_smtp example
    -- From Application Express product
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

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    Example :
    Main Page
    form name = staticform
    input name = col1
    Popup Page
    javascript :
    window.opener.staticform.col1.value = some value
    How can I use a dynamic reference for the staticform.col1 in the window.opener property to post the value back to the parent window ?
    thanks for the help

    Actually, I think tolmank's would work... I've done basically the same thing before, but more like this (if it's generic, it's a good idea to have checks for the things being in existance). This is something I used in a generic color chooser I wrote in Javascript. Had multiple fields in one form using it for selecting different foreground/background colors.
    String form = request.getParameter("form");
    String fgfield = request.getParameter("fgfield");
    String bgfield = request.getParameter("bgfield");
    vfnSet = function() {
       if(typeof(window.opener) == 'undefined' || window.opener == null) {
       if(typeof(window.opener.document.forms['<%= form %>']) == 'undefined') {
       var oForm = window.opener.document.forms['<%= form %>'];
       if(typeof(oForm.<%= fgfield %>) == 'undefined') {
       if(typeof(oForm.<%= bgfield %>) == 'undefined') {
       oForm.<%= fgfield %>.value = document.forms['colorform'].foreground.value;
       oForm.<%= bgfield %>.value = document.forms['colorform'].background.value;

  • Communicating from child window to parent window

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    Ventana hija
    <$-SCRIPT Language="javascript">
    function cerrar() {
         window.opener.frmPadre.field1.Value = document.frmHijo.field1.value;
         window.opener.frmPadre.field2.Value = document.frmHijo.field2.value;
         window.opener.frmPadre.field3.Value = document.frmHijo.field3.value;
         document.frmHijo.valor.value = document.frmHijo.field1.value;
    <$-form name = frmHijo>
    <$-input type = text name = field1><$-br>
    <$-input type = text name = field2><$-br>
    <$-input type = text name = field3>
    <$-input type = button name = btnSubmit Value = "DEVOLVER" onClick = cerrar()>
    The parent window hast a form name frmPadre with those 3 fields.

    Javascript is not java, but here are a couple of tips for debugging:
    You can use the browser address bar to alert stuff
    ie : put this into the address bar of your browser and see what happens: javascript:alert("Hello world")
    I would recommend you progress like this - slowly building up the link until you find where you go wrong.
    In this case, I think you missed out a "document"
    Also just as a tip, cross browser scripting is a lot easier to maintain if you limit your self to calling FUNCTIONS in other windows.
    ie rather than setting the values in the other windows textfields, call a function (with parameters) which does it.
    eg in this case it might be:
    window.opener.setPadreFields(document.frmHijo.field1.value, document.frmHijo.field2.value, document.frmHijo.field3.value)
    The function would take the parameters and put them in the appropriate place on the form.
    Doing it this way decouples the pages a little - you only interact with the other page via the function (single point of entry) and if you modify the page in the future (eg change the name of a field) it is much easier to find everywhere you need to do this.
    Hope this helps,

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    By clicking on a link my code uses which should open the response in child window. I am not specifying any height and width(as per requirement). In firefox alone, the window takes up the properties of child window and opens with same size as of parent window. Is there a way to restrict Firefox from inheriting the properties of parent window?

    Hi prajulakc,
    Thank you for your question. Currently the active window selected when you create a new window that new window will take the active window's screensize.
    You can add a preference: see also [ question/754273]

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    I had similar problem, I used frames and needed to submit a form from a frame to parent window. I used property "target" of form to specify where I want this form to be submitted, like this:
    function submit() { = "name of the target where to submit";
    or something like this:
    <html:form action="/blahblah" target="name of the target where to submit" method="post">
    hope it helps
    Vassili Skarine

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    Thank You

    hi Encephalopathic ,
    I was looking for something like as it was given in the link provided by you.
    Thank you for reply It really helped me.

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    Hi Keith,
    for that scenario you need two RFC adapter. Of course you can use as well proxies as dicussed before. Forget about webservices.
    You told me above that you have z-table? add a date/time field and if a set will be inserted fill those fields with sy-datum / sy-uzeit.
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    Because of performance i would recommed a asynchron scenario, for example:
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    CALL function 'myFunction'
    This function module is build anywhere and imported into Repository and is working a outbound interface. Inbound interface is a second function module, which is imported from R/3. The ABAP source code of that module put the data to SAP system.
    The CRM ABAP programm will be called periodicly by a job.
    But!! I dont know ur requirements. Unfortunately you are one of thesse persons, who are asking without giving details. I'm not the prophet...

Maybe you are looking for

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