Using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare and SQLExecute to insert a Decimal(5,3) type fails with SQLSTATE: 22003 using ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server

Hello everyone.
I'm using SQL Server 2014, and writting on some C++ app to query and modify the database. I use the ODBC API.
I'm stuck on inserting an SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT value into the database, if the corresponding database-column has a scale set.
For test-purposes: I have a Table named 'decTable' that has a column 'id' (integer) and a column 'dec' (decimal(5,3))
In the code I basically do:
1. Connect to the DB, get the handles, etc.
2. Use SQLBindParameter to bind a SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT to a query with parameter markers. Note that I do include the information about precision and scale, something like: SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_NUMERIC, SQL_NUMERIC, 5, 3, &numStr,
sizeof(cbNum), &cbNum);
3. Prepare a Statement to insert values, something like: SQLPrepare(hstmt, L"INSERT INTO decTable (id, dec) values(?, ?)", SQL_NTS);
4. Set some valid data on the SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT
5. Call SQLExecute to execute. But now I get the error:
SQLSTATE: 22003; nativeErr: 0 Msg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Numeric value out of range
I dont get it what I am doing wrong. The same code works fine against IBM DB2 and MySql. I also have no problems reading a SQL_NUMERIC_STRUCT using SQLBindCol(..) and the various SQLSetDescField to define the scale and precision.
Is there a problem in the ODBC Driver of the SQL Server 2014?
For completeness, here is a working c++ example:
// InsertNumTest.cpp
// create database using:
create a table decTable with an id and a decimal(5,3) column:
CREATE TABLE[dbo].[decTable](
[id][int] NOT NULL,
[dec][decimal](5, 3) NULL,
[id] ASC
// Then create an odbc DSN entry that can be used:
#define DSN L"exOdbc_SqlServer_2014"
#define USER L"exodbc"
#define PASS L"testexodbc"
// system
#include <iostream>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
// odbc-things
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <sqlucode.h>
void printErrors(SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE h)
    SQLSMALLINT recNr = 1;
    SQLSMALLINT cb = 0;
    SQLWCHAR sqlState[5 + 1];
    SQLINTEGER nativeErr;
    while (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
        msg[0] = 0;
        ret = SQLGetDiagRec(handleType, h, recNr, sqlState, &nativeErr, msg, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1, &cb);
        if (ret == SQL_SUCCESS || ret == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
            std::wcout << L"SQLSTATE: " << sqlState << L"; nativeErr: " << nativeErr << L" Msg: " << msg << std::endl;
void printErrorsAndAbort(SQLSMALLINT handleType, SQLHANDLE h)
    printErrors(handleType, h);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    SQLRETURN ret = 0;
    // Connect to DB
    ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, NULL, &henv);
    ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
    ret = SQLConnect(hdbc, (SQLWCHAR*)DSN, SQL_NTS, USER, SQL_NTS, PASS, SQL_NTS);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        printErrors(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
        return -1;
    ret = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);
    // Bind id as parameter
    SQLINTEGER id = 0;
    SQLINTEGER cbId = 0;
    ret = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, &id, sizeof(id), &cbId);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
    // Bind numStr as Insert-parameter
    ZeroMemory(&numStr, sizeof(numStr));
    SQLINTEGER cbNum = 0;
    ret = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_NUMERIC, SQL_NUMERIC, 5, 3, &numStr, sizeof(cbNum), &cbNum);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
    // Prepare statement
    ret = SQLPrepare(hstmt, L"INSERT INTO decTable (id, dec) values(?, ?)", SQL_NTS);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
    // Set some data and execute
    id = 1;
    SQLINTEGER iVal = 12345;
    memcpy(numStr.val, &iVal, sizeof(iVal));
    numStr.precision = 5;
    numStr.scale = 3;
    numStr.sign = 1;
    ret = SQLExecute(hstmt);
    if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(ret))
        printErrorsAndAbort(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
    return 0;

This post might help:
If this is no solution try increasing the decimale number on the SQL server table, if you stille have the same problem after that change the column to a nvarchar and see the actual value that is put through the ODBC connector for SQL.

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    Hello Thomas,
    You may want to download the driver again and install it again.
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    at weblogic.jdbc.common.internal.FileProxy.initFileHandles( at weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.BaseConnection.prepareConnection(
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    BoHi. Show me the whole stacktrace of the exception. The issue seems to be the driver licensing
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    to find and print out the classpath it thinks is in effect. You will then see if the license file is there.

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         at Source)
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    After I download the jDriver for Ms sql 2000 server, I set the classpath as document
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    ------------------Begin error----------------------------
    C:\bea\wlserver6.1>"C:\bea\jdk131\bin\java" -hotspot -ms64m -mx64m -classpath
    ". ;.\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;C:\weblogic\mssqlserver4v70\classes;.\lib\weblogic.jar"
    -Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain -Dweblogic.Name=myserver -Dbea.home="C:\\bea"
    1/lib/weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server ***************************************************************************
    The WebLogic Server did not start up properly. Exception raised: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
    at weblogic.Home.getFileSource( at weblogic.Home.<init>(
    at weblogic.Home.getInstance( at weblogic.Home.getPath(
    at .java:77)
    at at weblogic.Server.main(
    Reason: Fatal initialization exception ***************************************************************************
    C:\bea\wlserver6.1>goto finish
    ------------------End error----------------------------
    I wonder how can I use the jDriver with weblogic server?
    Do you have any idea what I have done wrong or how to get around with this problem?
    Please help
    Thanks in advance

    Tom wrote:
    Thank you very much, Joe and Laurent
    It works now. You save my life :);-)
    Joseph Weinstein <[email protected]> wrote:
    tom wrote:
    Hi Joe, Thanks for your fast reply.No problem. They pay me to be hear on weekdays ;-)
    So what you tell me the driver for MSSQL 2000 is in the weblogic.jaris that
    And my connection pool definition:
    <JDBCConnectionPool DriverName="weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver"
    MaxCapacity="5" Name="mySQLPool"
    Targets="" URL="jdbc:weblogic:mySqlPool"/>I see the problem. The URL is broken. It should be the URL that the particular
    driver wants, eg:
    Then set the pool's Properties to have the user, password, appname, and
    db. (no server needed, it's in the URL, and 1433
    is default)
    I have the port as doc suggest 1433 but it would not help me.
    Please help
    Thanks Joe
    Joseph Weinstein <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi. Our ms driver is already in the plain 6.1 jar file, so there is
    need for the additional
    driver download or classes in the server path. Dbping should workwith
    just the server
    weblogic.jar etc in your classpath. What is the error you got originally
    trying to use
    the MS driver with/in weblogic? Show me your pool definition. That's
    probably where the
    problem will be...
    tom wrote:
    Hi all,
    After I download the jDriver for Ms sql 2000 server, I set the classpathas document
    told, I test it using the utils.dbping it works fine. But when I
    to use it
    with the weblogic server 6.1 I have the problem as following:
    I included the jDriver classes in the classpath of the startWeblogic.cmdas
    set CLASSPATH=.;.\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;.\lib\weblogic.jar;C:\weblogic\mssqlserver4v70\classes
    saved the startWeblogic.cmd file Then I start the wls with startWeblogic.cmd(the
    new classpath). It starts fine Then I setup the connection sql poolusing the
    weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver It says "No suitable driver"
    I found that in the weblogic.jar(shipped with the weblogic 6.1)
    in the jDriver
    classes, there are two files which have the same name is weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver.
    Because in the classpath .\lib\weblogic.jar comes first so weblogicserver takes
    weblogic.jdbc.mssqlserver4.Driver of the weblogic.jar rather than
    the jDriver
    classes directory. So I thought the matter of changing the order
    the classpath
    will solve the problem, but when I changed the oder in the classpaththe weblogic
    server did not start AT ALL with the following errror.
    ------------------Begin error----------------------------
    C:\bea\wlserver6.1>"C:\bea\jdk131\bin\java" -hotspot -ms64m -mx64m-classpath
    ". ;.\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;C:\weblogic\mssqlserver4v70\classes;.\lib\weblogic.jar"
    -Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain -Dweblogic.Name=myserver -Dbea.home="C:\\bea"
    1/lib/weblogic.policy" weblogic.Server ***************************************************************************
    The WebLogic Server did not start up properly. Exception raised:
    at weblogic.Home.getFileSource( at weblogic.Home.<init>(
    at weblogic.Home.getInstance( at weblogic.Home.getPath(
    at at weblogic.Server.main(
    Reason: Fatal initialization exception ***************************************************************************
    C:\bea\wlserver6.1>goto finish
    ------------------End error----------------------------
    I wonder how can I use the jDriver with weblogic server?
    Do you have any idea what I have done wrong or how to get around
    this problem?
    Please help
    Thanks in advance

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    Now I am using Acrobat XI and it seems like it is not possible anymore: I am copying a stamp and I am trying to past it in anoter page, but it appears in the center of the page (or wherever it wants to...).
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    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you very much. I'll be waiting for you message.
    Messaggio originale----
    Da: [email protected]
    Data: 26/01/2015 17.56
    A: "Umberto Gangi"<[email protected]>
    Ogg:  How can I use the "Copy and paste" tool in order get stamps in the same position in different pages (Acrobat XI for PC)?
        How can I use the "Copy and paste" tool in order get stamps in the same position in different pages (Acrobat XI for PC)?
        created by Gilad D (try67) in Creating, Editing &amp; Exporting PDFs - View the full discussion
    Well, I was in the same situation so I've developed a tool that allows one to do it. I will send you some additional information about it in a private message.
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    Hi, you have to logout from your iTunes account and reconnect it:
    Settings / iTunes & App Stores / ... tore
    Hope this helps... :-)

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    That is because you don't have a web server configured and running to serve the html page. In order to see the page in a browser you need to access it using a url similar to http://localhost/~yourUserName if you are serving the page from your user account.
    Prior to Mountain Lion you could go into web sharing and turn on the web server. With Mountain Lion there is no option, other than using terminal, to turn on the web server. The web sharing menu item has been removed in Mountain Lion. Apache is still on your computer but it will take a little searching these forums or the Internet to find how to turn it on.
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    Probably the OP is no longer paying attention to this unless the OP is subscribed to this discussion.  While not really an iPhone question I guess using an iPhone to produce the movie which then needs taking to the next step makes this as good a starting place as any unless you happen to know enough about what to do to determine in which forum to post.  A suggestion in that direction would help.
    Anyway, Apple is backing off from supporting optical media.  It also depends upon what you mean by "DVD".  A DVD is just an optical disc which can support different file formats, but many people think it means a movie disc you can put in your TV.  Producing a movie disc requires special iDVD authoring software Apple used to sell but stopped several years ago.  I don't know if the old versions work under newer systems.  There's also the free Burn application which authors DVDs but takes a bit of learning and has nowhere near the features of iDVD.
    If the OP means simply burning the transferred movie files to a DVD for archiving in computer format you don't need special software for that; its built into the operating system File > New Burn folder etc.

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    Run the 10.5.8 Combi Updater again, then reboot your Mac.
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    Hi nancybrendel,
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