Why am i able to use abstract methods id they aren't yet implemented?

For example, why i can use this [http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/CharBuffer.html#slice] if this is abstract?
Edited by: 947971 on 13-set-2012 10.38

947971 wrote:
Yes, but if CharBuffer has a method declared:
public abstract CharBuffer slice()So i can't use the method slice() because it's not implemented.
And why , indeed, i'm able to use it?Because it is implemented by the actual class being used. You can't instantiate abstract classes, so there is a subclass of CharBuffer which does implement the method.
If you take the interface Comparable, you see that it has an (implicitly)abstract method compareTo. A class that implements Comparable is Integer, so you can easily write:
Comparable<Integer> i = new Integer(100);
i.compareTo(new Integer(55));

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    You can restore much of the look & feel of the previous version with these shortcuts:
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    it won't work,
    java.awt.Graphics is abstract class,
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    You can expect the above code work in two scenarios.
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    Thanks for your answer.
    I can declare an abstract class which implementes an
    The abstract class doesn't require the implementation
    of the methods
    declared in the interface.
    Why this?Because the class is abstract.
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    If a class does NOT have an implementation for one or more of those methods, the class must be declared abstract to indicate that.
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  • Problem using repaint() method from another class

    I am trying to make tower of hanoi...but unable to transfer rings from a tower to another...i had made three classes....layout21 where all componentents of frame assembled and provided suitable actionlistener.....second is mainPanel which is used to draw the rods n rings in paintComponent.....and third is tower in which code for hanoi is available...i had made an object of mainPanel at layoout21 n tower but i m not able to call repaint from tower..gives an error : cannot find the symbol....method repaint in tower.
    code fragments od three classes are:
    class layout21 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    { private Vector rod1 = new Vector();
    private Vector rod2 = new Vector();
    private Vector rod3 = new Vector();
    private String elem; //comment
    public String r22;
    public boolean in=false;
    public int count=0; //no of times the transfer to other rods performed
    private int r3,rings; // current no of rings
    private JComboBox nor,col;
    private JLabel no;
    private JLabel moved;
    private JLabel no1;
    private JButton start;
    private JButton ref;
    private AboutDialog dialog;
    private JMenuItem aboutItem;
    private JMenuItem exitItem;
    private tower t;
    final mainPanel2 p =new mainPanel2();
    public layout21()
    { t = new tower();
         Toolkit kit =Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    Image img = kit.getImage("java.gif");
    setTitle("Tower Of Hanoi");
         JMenuBar mbar = new JMenuBar();
    JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
    aboutItem = new JMenuItem("About");
    exitItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");
    Container contentPane =getContentPane();
    JPanel bspanel = new JPanel();
    JPanel bnpanel = new JPanel();
    nor = new JComboBox();
    col = new JComboBox();
    JLabel tl = new JLabel("Time");
    tl.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,12));
    JTextField tlag = new JTextField("0",4);
    start =new JButton("Start");
    ref =new JButton("Refresh");
    JButton end =new JButton("End");
    end.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    dispose(); // Closes the dialog
    JLabel count = new JLabel("No of Transfer reguired:");
    count.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,16));
    no = new JLabel("7");
    no.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,16));
    JLabel moved = new JLabel("Moved:");
    moved.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,16));
    no1 = new JLabel("0");
    no1.setFont(new Font("Serif",Font.BOLD,16));
         String r = (String)nor.getSelectedItem();
    rings = Integer.valueOf(r).intValue();
    p.draw(rings,1) ;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
    {  Object source = evt.getSource();
    if(source == start)
    r3 = Integer.valueOf((String)nor.getSelectedItem()).intValue();
         if(source == ref)
    { rod1.removeAllElements() ;
    rod2.removeAllElements() ;
    rod3.removeAllElements() ;
              r3 = Integer.valueOf((String)nor.getSelectedItem()).intValue();
    if(source == nor)
    { JComboBox j = (JComboBox)source;
    String item = (String)j.getSelectedItem();
    int ring1 = Integer.valueOf(item).intValue();
    int a=1;
    for(int i=1;i<=ring1;i++)
    { a = a*2;
    if(source == aboutItem)
    {  if (dialog == null) // first time
    dialog = new AboutDialog(this);
    if(source == exitItem)
    {  System.exit(0);
         if (source==col)
         { JComboBox j = (JComboBox)source;
    String item = (String)j.getSelectedItem();
    class tower extends Thread
    { private Vector rod1 = new Vector();
    private Vector rod2 = new Vector();
    private Vector rod3 = new Vector();
    private int count ;
    private String elem;
    final mainPanel2 z =new mainPanel2();
    public void initialise(Vector r1,Vector r2,Vector r3,int c)
    { rod1 = r1;
    rod2 = r2;
         rod3 = r3;
         count =c;
    public void towerOfHanoi(int rings)
    for(int i=0;i<rings;i++)
    rod1.add(" "+(i+1));
    public void hanoi(int m,int i, int j)
    { hanoi(m-1,i,6-i-j);
    if(i==1 && j==2 && rod1.isEmpty()==false)
    { count++;
    elem = (String)rod1.remove(0);
    repaint(); //NOT ABLE TO USE METHOD HERE...WHY??
              catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() ;  }
    System.out.println(count+". ROD 2:"+rod2.toString());
    if(i==1 && j==3 && rod1.isEmpty()==false)
    { count++;
         elem = (String)rod1.remove(0);
    // z.hanoi_paint();
              catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() ;  }
    System.out.println(count+". ROD 3:"+rod3.toString());
    if(i==2 && j==1 && rod2.isEmpty()==false)
    { count++;
         elem = (String)rod2.remove(0);
              catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() ;  }
    System.out.println(count+". ROD 1:"+rod1.toString());
    if(i==2 && j==3 && rod2.isEmpty()==false)
    { count++;     
         elem = (String)rod2.remove(0);
              catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() ;  }
    System.out.println(count+". ROD 3:"+rod3.toString());
    if(i==3 && j==1 && rod3.isEmpty()==false)
    { count++;
    elem = (String)rod3.remove(0);
              catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() ;  }
    System.out.println(count+". ROD 1:"+rod1.toString());
    if(i==3 && j==2 && rod3.isEmpty()==false)
    { count++;
    elem = (String)rod3.remove(0);
              catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() ;  }
    System.out.println(count+". ROD 2:"+rod2.toString());
    class mainPanel2 extends JPanel //throws IOException
    public Vector line = new Vector();
    public Vector rod11= new Vector();
    public Vector rod22= new Vector();
    public Vector rod33= new Vector();
    public int no_ring;
    public int rod_no;
    String pixel;
    StringTokenizer st,st1;
    int x,y;
    public boolean initial =true;
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    { System.out.println("repaint test");
    { pixel = (String)line.remove(0);
    st = new StringTokenizer(pixel);
    x = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    y = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    { pixel = (String)line.remove(0);
    st = new StringTokenizer(pixel);
    x = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    y = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    { pixel = (String)line.remove(0);
    st = new StringTokenizer(pixel);
    x = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    y = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    bresenham(0,361,615,361);//used to get a pixel according to algo.. . func not provided
    { pixel = (String)line.remove(0);
    st = new StringTokenizer(pixel);
    x = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    y = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()).intValue();
    for(int i = no_ring;i>0;i--)
    { g.drawLine(100-(i*8),360-(no_ring - i)*10,100+(i*8)+5,360-(no_ring - i)*10);
    g.drawLine(100-(i*8),359-(no_ring - i)*10,100+(i*8)+5,359-(no_ring - i)*10);
    g.drawLine(100-(i*8),358-(no_ring - i)*10,100+(i*8)+5,358-(no_ring - i)*10);
    g.drawLine(100-(i*8),357-(no_ring - i)*10,100+(i*8)+5,357-(no_ring - i)*10);
    g.drawLine(100-(i*8),356-(no_ring - i)*10,100+(i*8)+5,356-(no_ring - i)*10);
    // draw for each rod
         int r1 = rod11.size();
         int r2 = rod22.size();
         int r3 = rod33.size();
    String rd1,rd2,rd3;
    int r11,r12,r21,r22,r31,r32;
    if(initial == false)
         { g.setColor(Color.RED);
    { r12 = rod11.size()-1;
              rd1 = (String)rod11.remove(r12);
    r11 = Integer.valueOf(rd1).intValue();
    g.drawLine(100-((r11+1)*8),360-(r1 - (r11+1))*10,100+((r11+1)*8)+5,360-(r1 - (r11+1))*10);
    g.drawLine(100-((r11+1)*8),359-(r1 - (r11+1))*10,100+((r11+1)*8)+5,359-(r1 - (r11+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(100-((r11+1)*8),358-(r1 - (r11+1))*10,100+((r11+1)*8)+5,358-(r1 - (r11+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(100-((r11+1)*8),357-(r1 - (r11+1))*10,100+((r11+1)*8)+5,357-(r1 - (r11+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(100-((r11+1)*8),356-(r1 - (r11+1))*10,100+((r11+1)*8)+5,356-(r1 - (r11+1))*10);
    { g.setColor(Color.RED);
              r22 = rod22.size()-1;
         System.out.println("TEST *************************:"+r22);
         // e.printStackTrace();      
              InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr)      ;
         br.readLine() ;
         }catch(Exception f) {}
              rd2 = ((String)rod22.remove(r22)).trim();
    r21 = Integer.valueOf(rd2).intValue();
    g.drawLine(300-((r22+1)*8),360-(r2 - (r22+1))*10,300+((r22+1)*8)+5,360-(r2 - (r22+1))*10);
    g.drawLine(300-((r22+1)*8),359-(r2 - (r22+1))*10,300+((r22+1)*8)+5,359-(r2 - (r22+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(300-((r22+1)*8),358-(r2 - (r22+1))*10,300+((r22+1)*8)+5,358-(r2 - (r22+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(300-((r22+1)*8),357-(r2 - (r22+1))*10,300+((r22+1)*8)+5,357-(r2 - (r22+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(300-((r22+1)*8),356-(r2 - (r22+1))*10,300+((r22+1)*8)+5,356-(r2 - (r22+1))*10);
    { g.setColor(Color.RED);
              r32 = rod33.size()-1;
              rd3 = (String)rod33.remove(r32);
    r31 = Integer.valueOf(rd3).intValue();
    g.drawLine(500-((r32+1)*8),360-(r3 - (r32+1))*10,500+((r32+1)*8)+5,360-(r3 - (r32+1))*10);
    g.drawLine(500-((r32+1)*8),359-(r3 - (r32+1))*10,500+((r32+1)*8)+5,359-(r3 - (r32+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(500-((r32+1)*8),358-(r3 - (r32+1))*10,500+((r32+1)*8)+5,358-(r3 - (r32+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(500-((r32+1)*8),357-(r3 - (r32+1))*10,500+((r32+1)*8)+5,357-(r3 - (r32+1))*10);
              g.drawLine(500-((r32+1)*8),356-(r3 - (r32+1))*10,500+((r32+1)*8)+5,356-(r3 - (r32+1))*10);
    why i m not able to use repaint() method in tower class? from where i can use repaint() method

    i can't read your code - not formatted with code tags
    I have no chance of getting it to compile (AboutDialog class?? p.draw() ??)
    here's a basic routine - add a couple of things to this to demonstrate what is not
    being redrawn
    (compare the readability of below code (using tags) to yours)
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class Testing extends JFrame
      public Testing()
        final DrawPanel dp = new DrawPanel();
        JButton btn = new JButton("Change Text Location/Repaint");
        btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
            dp.x = (int)(Math.random()*300);
            dp.y = (int)(Math.random()*150)+50;
      public static void main(String[] args){new Testing().setVisible(true);}
    class DrawPanel extends JPanel
      int x = 50, y = 50;
      public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
        g.drawString("Hello World",x,y);

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    Those responses should certainly do the trick. But I love hearing myself type, so here's an example:abstract class Fred
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    Mad Parent,
    I feel your pain. We refuse to have credit cards, too; yet it's required in order to create a child's apple id. I will most definitely be leaving feedback with Apple. This is absolutely ridiculous that we can't just use our debit cards! Mine is a VISA. I use it to make CREDIT CARD transactions everywhere else, why not be able to use it the same way here!?
    I just had to restore my sons phone because he forgot his 4-digit password and got it disabled. I didn't have it already on my itunes so my only option was to restore it. I wanted to create his own apple id so he didn't have to keep using mine. Because every time he downloads a new game it automatically ends up on MY device as well, not just his. Anyway, he needs his own apple id. But, apparently, that won't be happening until Apple gets their heads out of their butts and figures out how to serve ALL of their customers!
    Equally Mad Parent

  • ABAP OO Abstract Methods

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    Do you know if that concept is implemented at all? Maybe I just forgot to configure something?!
    What do you propose?
    Thank you and best regards,

    If you are creating Local class using SE38, then just by writing "abstact" to the method it behaves like an abstract method.
    If you are creating global class SE24, then genrally all interface methods are "abstract" methods so that we can ihberit and can redefine the methods for example: "IF_FLUSH_NOTIFY~BEFORE_FLUSH_NOTIFY" symbol ~ shows that it is an abstract method in the interface before to that.
    So, even if it refer to its base class you can just implement them in the child classes by inheriting it.
    Hope this helps you if yes try to assign some app. points.

  • How to use mailForm methode (javascript) in adobe reader 9.3?

    Hi! I want to know if it exist a way to use the mailForm method (this is javascript) in adobe reader 9.3?
    Or, are there any equivalent method? I want to send by email a FDF with my PDF.
    When I run my javascript, I got the following error: "NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
    Doc.mailForm:55:Field FI_ENVOYER:Mouse Up ".
    (Here, FI_ENVOYER is the name of my button).
    Tanks for the help!

    My document have this rights:
    Protection method:                              None
    May be open in:                                  Every version of Acrobat
    Print:                                                 Allowed
    Assemble the document:                    Unauthorized
    Copy of content:                                 Allowed
    Copy of content for accessibility:         Allowed
    Extract pages:                                   Allowed
    Comments:                                       Allowed
    Filing form fields:                               Allowed
    Affixing signature:                              Allowed
    Creating pages models:                     Unauthorized
    Is "Creating pages models" or "Assemble the document" can prevent the use of the mailForm method?
    I know that the mailForm requires privileges, but how can I allow these two rights who are unhauthorized?
    Is there something else I can do to be able to use the method "mailForm" without having the "NotAllowedError"?

  • Abstract method and class

    I'm a beginner in Java and just learn about abstract method and class.
    However, i am wondering what is the point of using abstract method/class?
    Because when I delete the abstract method and change the class name to public class XXXX( changed from "abstract class XXXX), my program still runs well, nothing goes different.
    Is it because I haven't encountered any situation that abstract method is necessary or ?

    Yes - you probably haven't encountered a situation where you need an abstract.
    Abstract classes are not designed to do anything on their own. They are designed to provide a template for other classes to extend by inheritance. What you have build sounds like a concrete class - one which you are creating instances of. Abstract classes are not designed to be ever instantiated in their pure form - they act like a partial building block, which you will complete in a class which extends the abstract.
    An example might be a button class, which provides some core functionality (like rollover, rollout etc) but has an empty action method which has to be overwritten by a relevant subclass like 'StartButton'. In general, abstract classes may not be the right answer, and many people would argue that it is better to use an interface, which can be implemented instead of extended, meaning that you can ADD instead of REPLACING.
    Not sure if that helps.. there are whole chapters in books on this kind of thing, so it's hard to explain in a couple of paragraphs. Do some google searches to find out more about how they work.

  • Class extends JComponent how to use custom methods?

    I have a class Block which extends JPanel
    code is hereprivate class Block extends JLabel{
              boolean top;
              Block(int a,Color c){
                   setSize(40 + a*10,20);
              void setTop(boolean b){
                   this.top = b;
              boolean getTop(){
                   return top;
         }I need to use getTop() method of certain block in class implementing MouseMotionListener
    I used getComponent() method like this
    e.getComponent().getTop()but it didn't work and gave
    HanoiTowers.java:59: cannot find symbol
    symbol : method getTop()
    location: class java.awt.Component
    Is there some other way to do this?

    Antti_ wrote:
    I have a class Block which extends JPanelahem, I believe that it extends JLabel.
    Is there some other way to do this?You could cast I suppose:
              Component c = e.getComponent();
              if (c instanceof Block)

  • Why use abstract classes?

    Why should I use abstract classes instead of a regular class with empty method bodies? Just better design? Is there some logical or performance based reason?

    Why should I use abstract classes instead of aregular
    class with empty method bodies? Just better design?Is
    there some logical or performance based reason?Because it describes what you're doing.
    If you define a "regular" class with empty message
    bodies, everyone who looks at it will say "WTF is he
    trying to do" or, if they're charitable, "Look,
    Harvey, someone who's trying to make Java look just
    like C++!".
    sigh Maybe answers like THIS are why people keep asking the same question.
    Here's a couple things an abstract class does that a "regular" class with empty methods bodies doesn't:
    1) An abstract class cannot be instantiated.
    2) An abstract class forces it's abstract methods to be implemented.
    If you were to extend a non-abstract class with empty method bodies, you wouldn't have to override the methods... you could just leave them empty. An abstract class forces it.
    There's a lot more reasons... those are a couple obvious ones.

  • Why not to use static methods - with example

    Hi Everyone,
    I'd like to continue the below thread about "why not to use static methods"
    Why not to use static methods
    with a concrete example.
    In my small application I need to be able to send keystrokes. (java.awt.Robot class is used for this)
    I created the following class for these "operations" with static methods:
    public class KeyboardInput {
         private static Robot r;
         static {
              try {
                   r = new Robot();
              } catch (AWTException e) {
                   throw new RuntimeException(e + "Robot couldn't be initialized.");
         public static void wait(int millis){
         public static void copy() {
         public static void altTab() {
                   // more methods like  paste(), tab(), shiftTab(), rightArrow()
    }Do you thinks it is a good solution? How could it be improved? I've seen something about Singleton vs. static methods somewhere. Would it be better to use Singleton?
    Thanks for any comments in advance,

    maheshguruswamy wrote:
    lemonboston wrote:
    maheshguruswamy wrote:
    I think a singleton might be a better approach for you. Just kill the public constructor and provide a getInstance method to provide lazy initialization.Thanks maheshguruswamy for advising on the steps to create a singleton from this class.
    Could you maybe advise also about why do you say that it would be better to use singleton? What's behind it? Thanks!In short, it seems to me that a single instance of your class will be able to coordinate actions across your entire application. So a singleton should be enough.But that doesn't answer why he should prefer a singleton instead over a bunch of static methods. Functionally the two are almost identical. In both cases there's only one "thing" on which to call methods--either a single instance of the class, or the class itself.
    To answer the question, the main reason to use a Singleton over a classful of static methods is the same reason the drives a lot of non-static vs. static decisions: Polymorphism.
    If you use a Singleton (and and interface), you can do something like this:
    KeyboardInput kbi = get_some_instance_of_some_class_that_implements_KeyboardInput_somehow_maybe_from_a_factory();And then whatever is calling KBI's public methods only has to know that it has an implementor of that interface, without caring which concrete class it is, and you can substitute whatever implementation is appropriate in a given context. If you don't need to do that, then the static method approach is probably sufficient.
    There are other reasons that may suggest a Singleton--serialization, persistence, use as a JavaBean pop to mind--but they're less common and less compelling in my experience.
    And finally, if this thing maintains any state between method calls, although you can handle that with static member variables, it's more in keeping with the OO paradigm to make them non-static fields of an instance of that class.

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