3GS not working :(

basically, last night, my iphone decided to suddenly not work.
the battery ran down to empty (i think, may not be empty), and when I plug the charger cord in (either to wall socket or macbook usb), that low battery charging screen appears.
all black, with a virtually empty battery sign in the middle and a charging lightning bolt thing.
the problem is, no matter how long I leave it "charging", it doesn't charge up and I can't use it
I've tried resetting it but that didn't help.
any ideas??????

If you got this after choosing "Erase all content and settings" in the Reset area of the Settings App on the iPhone the fix is DFU Mode Restore.
But first do a Reset, Hold both Home and Power buttons until the iPhone begins to restart. Usually less than 20 seconds.
If nothing, then DFU Mode Restore.
With iTunes open on Computer, connect iPhone, hold both Home and Power buttons for exactly 10 seconds, release Power button, keep holding Home button until iTunes recognizes iPhone in Recovery Mode. This is usually less than 30 seconds more time. If the iPhone screen is now blank, then this is DFU Mode. Restore iPhone Firmware. If you have the Connect to iTunes screen on iPhone this is Recovery Mode, you try the Restore anyway. If it works great, if not try again to get DFU Mode as I described. Even experienced users can have trouble getting DFU Mode, just keep trying you will get it. DFU = Recovery Mode with blank screen.
If this does not work and you have Warranty or AppleCare Coverage take iPhone to Apple for resolution.

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    As stated...
    Sorry... But...
    The discussion of Jailbroken Devices is against the Terms of Use of this Forum.
    You will need to look elsewhere


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    Hi there,
    if your Virgin SIM-card does work in another phone, have Apple doublecheck whether your iPhone 3GS's IMEI truely is flagged as unlocked. If you bought it as a brand new iPhone, it should (in most cases) indeed be factory-unlocked, else if you bought it as a replacement outside the replaced phone's warranty, there might be problem with a faulty database entry, since iOS5 update apparently changed the way the lock/unlock status is verified during the activation process.
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    Hope this helps,

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    Did you get an error message when upgrading? If so, what was it?
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    If you got this after choosing "Erase all content and settings" in the Reset area of the Settings App on the iPhone the fix is DFU Mode Restore.
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    Apple release an article after iOS4 came out about downloading a new exchange file
    Seen here.
    I would start by doing this fix and see if that helps out any of your issues.
    I would suggest to sync everything and then back it up, restore your device to 'new', download this new exchange fix and then either restore your phone or better, re-sync you phone.
    Good Luck

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    It turns out that this is actually a problem with Kronos Workforce Central.  We had the "site.java.plugin.CLSID.familyVersion" setting in that application set to "clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA", which is the Java CLSID for Java 6.  After updating this value to "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" (the Java universal CLSID), this problem did not occur upon the automatic upgrade of Java.
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    It has been reported that Apple decided to block developer access to libraries using external display on iPhone 2G, 3G and 3GS and iPods 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations.
    While I understand some potential limitations on hardware capabilities for earlier models, the iPhone 3GS can output to TV from Apple private applications such as iPod, YouTube and Pictures/Videos without any problem. I strongly suspect that it is Apple strategy to force people to upgrade to new hardware. I personally find that limitation for the 3GS rather unjustified if it is based on technical limitations (no comment if it is a purely marketing strategy)
    From their technical documentation: [[UIScreen screens]|http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/ UIScreen_Class/Reference/UIScreen.html]
    Returns an array containing all of the screens attached to the device.
    Not all devices support external displays. Currently, external displays are supported
    by iPhone and iPod touch devices with Retina displays and iPad. Older devices, such as the
    iPhone 3GS do not support external displays. Connecting to an external display requires an
    appropriate cable between the device and display.
    Available in iOS 3.2 and later.
    Message was edited by: Q.uent

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    iOS 5
    Tap Settings > iCloud. Make sure Reminders is switched to ON.
    BTW.. this is the Mac App Store forum for the Mac OS X.
    If you have questions regarding your iPhone in the future, please post in the iPhone forum here.

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    Sounds like it's broken.  Get the phone fixed or replaced, or buy a new phone.



    >but how can i re-install the keyboard driver??
    Normally Win installs the driver itself after reboot.
    If you want to be sure that you can install the driver by yourself you can use the HP System Software Manager:
    Start it after installation.
    It will search for new drivers from HP over internet.
    You also can go with the driver site:
    but here the best way to find the right pages are to search for the product number - you normally find nothing with the model number ...
    Here you get a complete list of all drivers, where you can download it.
    *** Say 'Thanks' with Kudos ***

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    * Mouse pairs fine
    * iPhone 3GS does not remain connected (focus of this forum question)
    Error - after pairing my iPhone 3GS to my MBP I get an error:
    The Bluetooth Network is Unavailable
    There was an error connecting your device.  Make sure the device is turned on and in range.
    * MacBook Pro details:
      Model Name:          MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro6,2
      Processor Name:          Intel Core i7
      System Version:          Mac OS X 10.7.3 (11D50b)
    Background: Ultimately interested in teethering my iPhone 3G data connection to my MacBook Pro, but for the moment the bluetooth connection won't even remain in place.

    nothing in these articles helped unfortunately - some more clarification:
    tethering via USB from iPhone 3G to MacBook Pro => WORKS
    tethering via Bluetooth => does NOT work, with bluetooth connectioning not staying up
    During pairing process:
    devices "see each other"
    pairing appears to work, then you see that the connection drops out directly afterwards (almost immediately)
    on iPhone message = "Connection Unsuccessful - XXX's MacBook Pro is not supported"
    on MacBook - it's just the connection in Bluetooth options shows up as not connected
    in /var/log/system I see some bluetooth related lines:
    Apr 18 19:33:14 Gregs-MacBook-Pro bnepd[18950]: [IOBluetoothDevice instantiateChannel] BluetoothHCIAuthenticationRequested failed (0x0006), so retry
    Apr 18 19:33:14 Gregs-MacBook-Pro sandboxd[18966] ([18950]): bnepd(18950) deny mach-lookup com.apple.blued
    Apr 18 19:33:14 Gregs-MacBook-Pro bnepd[18950]: [IOBluetoothDevice instantiateChannel] BluetoothHCIAuthenticationRequested failed (0x0006), so disconnect device
    Apr 18 19:33:53 Gregs-MacBook-Pro blued[22]: Removing Bluetooth configured device: 00-26-08-23-23-9d
    Any other ideas?  Is it a physical problem with my MBP?  but then again my bluetooth mouse stays connected ok.  And in terms of the iPhone well it tethers fine to the iPad via bluetooth....

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