9300: Remove Header page on Fax, so you just fax t...

Whenever I send a fax on my 9300 it always sends a Header Page. How do I turn it off, so it will only fax the document and no header page?
Also, does anyone know how I change the setup for faxing so that the time/date stamp is NOT sent, and also how I change the name of the stamp, which is currently NOKIA9300, and change it to something else? ( I hope that is a bit clear at least)

Tools->Control Panel->Messaging->Fax
- PEt

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    Thank you.

    Where you want remove the page number? If you delete the page number in the first page of the document, that is no way to do. Becasue, first you have to try manually remove the page number 1st page of pages panel, its shown the error "Invalid entry".
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    Perhaps I could write a full script, but for that I need a bit more information. Is your document an InDesign Book, with each chapter in a separate document? If so, any empty frame on a last leftmost page can safely be deleted. If your book is in a *single* InDesign document, this line can only be used if a left hand page has *no objects at all* -- not even an empty frame. That's the easy case -- in English "if there are no objects on the page, apply the "[None]" master. If there *is* a frame, however, it cannot be removed right away, even if it seems empty. That's because in that case you probably have inserted a page break somewhere on the previous page, and if the frame is deleted, tht page break will push off the text on the *next* page (the right hand). It also depends on what kind of page break -- as a character or as a paragraph Keep Option; Next Page, Next Frame, Next Odd Page, Next Column. Way too complicated to script right off the bat.
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    PeterBreis0807 wrote:
    This catches out just about everyone who first uses Pages, and gets very little mention in the User Guide.
    Isn't that sufficiently clear ?
    +*Inserting a Page Break*+
    +In a *_word processing document,_* you can force the page to break at a particular place by inserting a page break. This creates a new page within the current section that is ready for typing text.+
    +In a *_page layout document,_* you can create a new page by adding a new page to your document. This creates a new page in a new section that is ready to have a text box added for typing text.+
    +*Here are ways to insert a page break:*+
    +• In a *_word processing document,_* click where you want the break to occur, and then choose Insert > Page Break.+
    +To remove a page break, click at the beginning of the line that follows the break and press the Delete key.+
    +• In a *_page layout document,_* to insert a new page in your document, click Pages in the toolbar and choose from the template page options available.+
    From my point of view, it is and it appears
    pages 42 & 43 of the User Guide '08
    pages 44 & 45 of the User Guide '09.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 16 juin 2010 17:10:38

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    Hi there Vari,
    Can you give us a little more information to help out? Is this a 3530 Deskjet printer or the 3530c scanner? Is this cover page for a fax?
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

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    When you click on the thumbnails it selects entire sections.
    To isolate a page/s, insert section breaks at the foot of the pages before and at the bottom of the one you want to select. Then click on that page/s in the thumbnail and hit delete.
    More sensibly you should delete the content in the document rather than thumbnail pages.
    If the pages you wiish to omit are at the beginning or end of the document, you can nominate the page numbers you wish to output in the Print dialog when printing to pdf.

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    If you have any scripting for this? or any option having in acrobat in single short? Please help me in this regard.
    kanaga kumar. k

    This can be done with a script, but a script can only assume a page is
    blank if it has not text in it. It can't know if there are images or other
    graphic elements in a page.

  • How to remove all pages from layout? (except Master Page)

    Geetings Experts:
    I'm implementing additional security measures into my 'initialze' event, where I'll check some global variables and render the file unreadable if needed.
    Which object and properties do I access to remove all my pages from the form?
    I would like to createa a function that removes all the sub pages, leavning only the Matster Page, enable a label in the MasterPage and save itself.
    I searched for xfa.layout and Page[n].remove() methods but cannot find any reference to these.
    .presence = "hidden", fulfills my purpose but the pages remian visible and I need for a clean solution no pages are visible.
    I'm advanced in C# but a novice in LC JavaScript, so any comment, reference or code snipet will be greatly appreciated
    Thank you for your time,
    Ivan A. Loreto – Computer Education Technician
    LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY | School of Allied Health Professions - Department of Physical Therapy
    [PDF Development Platform]
    Windows XP SP3
    Acrobat Pro 9
    LifeCycle Designer ES 8.2

    Hi Ivan,
    The particular syntax of Javascript in LC Designer is different from that used in Acrobat and different (as I understand it) from core javascript and other applications. There are several free guides on the Adobe web site which cover Acrobat and LC:
    http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/Adobe_XML_Form_Object_Model_Refer ence.pdf
    And a very handy resource (it goes back to version 6, but is still applicable):http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/tips/CalcScripts.pdf
    JP Terry's book on LC Forms is very good and we use www.pdfscripting (which is a subscription service). If you are going to be doing a lot of LC Designer work, these may be of help.
    I am not a coder, so I going to try and work through your script. Bear with me if you already have this sorted...
    The script looks ok and you are using the resolveNode method correctly. Seeing topmostSubform in the resolveNode indicates that you imported an existing document into LC. This is fine, but sometimes it restricts some of the functionality.
    For starters I think that mPg is returning null. You can use the following in your script to see what is happening (debugging) and then comment it out:
    console.println("mpg: " + mPg);
    Then when previewing hit control+J to bring up the javascript console, then will show the value of mPg when that script executes.
    Try deleting the SOM up to #pageSet:
    var mPg = xfa.resolveNode("#pageSet.MasterPage1");
    The javascript console will show you when the script is working.
    In relation to the loop, I would advise a few changes:
    for (var i=1; i <= xfa.layout.pageCount(); i++)
         var vPage = ("xfa.form.topmostSubform.Page" + i).toString();
         //console.println("vPage: " + vPage);
         var curPage = xfa.resolveNode(vPage);
         curPage.presence = "hidden"; 
    }//next page
    There are a few things here:
    I would declare i as a variable, not an integer (not sure if it makes a difference);
    I would use pageCount rather than numPages and then <=;
    There was an extra ; at the end of the loop declaration;
    I would break the script into steps and get the full SOM of the page as a variable first and then resolveNode that variable;
    You don't need to go to the current page;
    I tend to name master pages with a capital "P" and pages with a small "p". Personal preference, but it can make tracking script easier.
    Have a crack off that and hopefully you can get it to work,
    ps another tip, if you want to reference an object in script. First click on the object you want to script for and then scroll (or click on the master page) for the object you want to reference. Click inside the script editor and then when you move the mouse back into the form, press and hold Control, this will turn the mouse into a "V". When you click on the object you want to reference it will insert the SOM into the script. If it needs the resolveNode it will automatically put that in for you. Holding Shift and Control will insert a fully resolved node.

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    once the data load is complete , we have to delete flat file from source directory.
    Please help me in solving this issue.

    You have a header parameter in the file datastore. You can provide any number to skip rows from top of the file. For footer you can create a filter in staging area.
    Filter coould be something like this.
    where source_alias.source_column not like '%FOOTER_OR_ANY_VALUE_AS_PER_YOUR_REQ'

  • How can I remove the page number from the first page of the document that is the cover page?

    How can I remove the page number from the first page of the document that is the cover page?

    If you open the Pages panel, (Window>Pages) you will see thumbnails of your master pages and your document pages. In new documents, there is usually a master called A-Master and one called None. If you drag the thumbnail of the None master onto the thumbnail of a document page, it will apply that master to that page. Presumably, you have made your page numbers on A-Master, so this will usually do the trick. If you have elements on A-Master that you need on the first page, but just not the page number, you can duplicate A-Master (which, by default will give you B-Master, but you can change the names if you like) and remove the page number on the duplicate and apply that to the document page.
    It might also be worth noting that you can apply master pages in the fly-out of the Pages panel. Go to the fly-out triangle and go down to Apply Master to Pages…, then select a master to apply and the range of pages (1-8 will give you all 8, 1, 3, 5, 7 will be the odds, 1-3, 4, 6-8 if you want continuous ranges and individual pages).

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    I hate it that the old page is still up, even though I went through steps to take it down. Gee.
    Let me clarify how the page in question is listed as far as URL. (I am not going to post the exact URL due to my desire for privacy -- why I wanted to remove the page in the first place). The page I want to take down is like this (my account name for the site in question is different though):
    But before leaving MobileMe I changed the name of the site from "Family" to "Home" so now the homepage URL is:
    I guess because I changed the name of the hompage it did not replace the original file. So there are actually two homepages that can both be accessed with the above URLs even though the original one was deleted from within iWeb and replaced by the latter. I have checked the "artifact" page from other machines and confirmed it is not just something in my browser cache. It is still up there in spite of effort and good intentions to remove it. Unfortunately, I did not realize that until after I moved on to iCloud.
    Does anyone know a workaround? Or if Apple will take it down for me before MobileMe officially dies? Or if it will be taken down then? I really do not want that particular page upan another day, much less forever. I would be happy if the whole site were gone.

    You need to log out of iCloud and login to MobileMe. Then you can publish changes as usual.
    In the future you can publish your site via the iWeb FTP or to a local folder...
    and set up new hosting...

  • How can i remove a pages/numbers template

    How can i remove a pages/numbers template.
    They used to  be in the library in my home map, but i can't find the library on my HD.
    Is there anyone who knowes a solution
    Greets Kloria

    Hi everyone,
    I find the answer myself.
    Go tot the finder, select Go in the menu, push the alt button and there it is.
    De library is now visible and you can open it.
    Find Application support > iWorks > Pages or Numbers > Templates > My Templates.
    Remove the template, thats it.
    Greets Kloria

  • Pages 5.1 can anyone help with removing previous page numbers please?

    Hi.  in the new pages 5.1  I have made a section break at page 10 in a document and found how to start numbering from page 10 as page 1. Can anyone please tell me how to remove the page numbers from 1 to 10 that preceed this section?

    from the speed can I assume that it was adsl (copper) and not fibre connection?
    which hub do you have?
    can you enter your phone number and post results remember to delete number  https://www.btwholesale.com/includes/adsl/main.html
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Have published iweb site for five years with no problems and just opened a new site and get - 404: Page not found  This error is generated when there was no web page with the name you specified at the web site.-is the problem with iweb or with hosting?  T

    I am sorry if thie is republished-My first time doing this and I am not sure what goes where and where to hear feedback.
    Have published iweb site for five years with no problems and just opened a new site and get -
    404: Page not found 
    This error is generated when there was no web page with the name you specified at the web site.-
    Troubleshooting suggestions:
    Ensure the page you are linking to exists in the correct folder.
    Check your file name for case sensitivity . Index.htm is not the same as index.htm!
    Temporarily disable any rewrite rules by renaming your .htaccess file if it exists
    is the problem with
    iweb or with hosting?
    One Apple tech started to fix Iweb and had to end session and the next said problem with hosting at Network Solutions as it published
    to local folder. NWS has checked sttting a few times-
    Any help would be extremely appreciated as trying to fix this for about five weeks
    Thanks VG
    <Email Edited by Host>

    It's a really bad idea to post your email address - it's an invitation to spam - and I've asked the Hosts to remove it. (Even though I've now noticed you mis-spelled it! - anyway, never post your address in a forum.)
    You have a site here: http://virginiagordon.com/www.virginiagordon.com/WELCOME.html
    If that's not the page you are having trouble with, what is that page's URL?

  • How to remove header data from JMS Queue while sending by jms adapter

    I have a problem regarding the MQ-series JMS adapter.
    When writing the file the JMS adaptor putting  some additional tags.
    Actually we are converting idoc-xml to flat file by using ABAP mapping which is available in SAP document. We are using JMS Receiver adapter, whiel sending flat file to JMS QUEUE,  it is displaying some extra xml tags. I think this is the header data available in IDoc XML. Can any body help me in removing header data.
    There must be some way for XI's JMS adaptor to not include these information.
    My example looks like this:
    RFH Ø  
    ¸ " is junk that I really dont need in the file.
    How can you setup the JMS adaptor not to put in these information?
    Thanks & Regards,

    not related

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