A Bug in 11.1 array interface

I have just encounter some code that runs fine in Oracle 9 to 10 but in 11.1 I am getting a different result.
basically I have this SQL
"INSERT INTO $table ( row_1, row_2, row_3) VALUES (?,?,?)"
and bind all three to this array
@var2 = (2,2,2,2,'s',2,2,2,2,2);
using OCIBindByName and OCIBindDynamic and then execute them with
OCIStmtExecute, with a mode (IN)
what happens is the commit does not happen in 11 but does happen in 9~10?
Did something change in the execute in 11 or should I raise this up to a bug status??

Ok here is a trace of the OCI Calls I use, and yes I the last one I give is a OCITransCommit
st_execute_array INSERT count=10 (ARRAY(0x1a725c8) ARRAY(0x1a934c4) undef)
OCIBindDynamic(876eda8,8755e68,19caadc, phs_in,19caadc,phs_out)=SUCCESS
OCIStmtExecute(8755db0,876dad8,8755e68,10,0,0,0,160)=SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ->(OCI_BATCH_ERRORS|OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS)<--
OCIErrorGet(8755e68,1,"<NULL>",140f48c,"ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML",1024,2)=SUCCESS
OCIErrorGet(8755e68,2,"<NULL>",140f48c,"ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML",1024,2)=NO_DATA
st_execute_array 1 errors in batch.
st_execute_array error in row 4.
OCIErrorGet(876c968,1,"<NULL>",140f4cc,"ORA-01722: invalid number",1024,2)=SUCCESS
     OCIErrorGet(876c968,2,"<NULL>",140f4cc,"ORA-01722: invalid number",1024,2)=NO_DATA
st_execute_array warning: ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML (SUCCESS_WITH_
INFO: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 56 in 'INSERT INTO test_ea( row_1, row_2,
row_3) VALUES (:p1,:<*>p2,:p3)') [for Statement "INSERT INTO test_ea( row_1,  row_2, row_
3) VALUES (?,?,?)"]
and here is the code snipits but it is take out of a larger program so I will not run
phs_in(dvoid octxp, OCIBind bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index,
     dvoid **bufpp, ub4 alenp, ub1 piecep, dvoid **indpp)
     phs_t phs = (phs_t)octxp;
STRLEN phs_len;
AV *tuples_av;
     SV *sv;
     AV *av;
     SV **sv_p;
     /* Check for bind values supplied by tuple array. */
     tuples_av = phs->imp_sth->bind_tuples;
     if(tuples_av) {
          /* NOTE: we already checked the validity in ora_st_bind_for_array_exec(). */
          sv_p = av_fetch(tuples_av, phs->imp_sth->rowwise ? (int)iter : phs->idx, 0);
          av = (AV*)SvRV(*sv_p);
          sv_p = av_fetch(av, phs->imp_sth->rowwise ? phs->idx : (int)iter, 0);
          sv = *sv_p;
          if(SvOK(sv)) {
          *bufpp = SvPV(sv, phs_len);
          phs->alen = (phs->alen_incnull) ? phs_len+1 : phs_len;
          phs->indp = 0;
          } else {
          *bufpp = SvPVX(sv);
          phs->alen = 0;
          phs->indp = -1;
*alenp  = phs->alen;
*indpp  = &phs->indp;
*piecep = OCI_ONE_PIECE;
if (!tuples_av && (index > 0 || iter > 0))
          croak(" Arrays and multiple iterations not currently supported (in %d/%d)", index,iter);
phs_out(dvoid octxp, OCIBind bindp,
     ub4 iter,     /* execution itteration (0...)     */
     ub4 index,     /* array index (0..)          */
     dvoid **bufpp,     /* A pointer to a buffer to write the bind value/piece.     */
     ub4 **alenpp,     /* A pointer to a storage for OCI to fill in the size     */
               /* of the bind value/piece after it has been read.     */
     ub1 piecep,     / */
     dvoid **indpp,     /* Return a pointer to contain the indicator value which either an sb2     */
               /* value or a pointer to an indicator structure for named data types.     */
     ub2 **rcodepp)     /* Returns a pointer to contains the return code.     */
phs_t phs = (phs_t)octxp;     /* context */
if (phs->desc_h) { /* a  descriptor if present  (LOBs etc)*/
          *bufpp  = phs->desc_h;
          phs->alen = 0;
} else {
          SV *sv = phs->sv;
          if (SvTYPE(sv) == SVt_RV && SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) == SVt_PVAV) {
          sv = av_fetch((AV)SvRV(sv), (IV)iter, 1);
          if (!SvOK(sv))
          bufpp = SvGROW(sv, (size_t)(((phs->maxlen < 28) ? 28 : phs->maxlen)+1)/for null*/);
          phs->alen = SvLEN(sv);     /* max buffer size now, actual data len later */
*alenpp = &phs->alen;
*indpp  = &phs->indp;
*rcodepp= &phs->arcode;
*piecep = OCI_ONE_PIECE;
static int
do_bind_array_exec(sth, imp_sth, phs)
SV *sth;
imp_sth_t *imp_sth;
phs_t *phs;
sword status;
OCIBindByName_log(imp_sth->stmhp, &phs->bndhp, imp_sth->errhp,
(text*)phs->name, (sb4)strlen(phs->name),
phs->maxlen ? (sb4)phs->maxlen : 1, /* else bind "" fails */
(ub2)phs->ftype, 0,
NULL, /* ub2 alen_ptr not needed with OCIBindDynamic /
0, /* max elements that can fit in allocated array */
NULL, /* (ptr to) current number of elements in array */
if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) {
oci_error(sth, imp_sth->errhp, status, "OCIBindByName");
return 0;
OCIBindDynamic_log(phs->bndhp, imp_sth->errhp,
(dvoid *)phs, phs_in,
(dvoid *)phs, phs_out, status);
if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) {
oci_error(sth, imp_sth->errhp, status, "OCIBindDynamic");
return 0;
return 1;
static void
phs_t *phs;
if (phs->sv == &sv_undef) { /* first bind for this placeholder  */
phs->is_inout = 0;
phs->maxlen = 1;
/* treat Oracle7 SQLT_CUR as SQLT_RSET for Oracle8 */
if (phs->ftype==102)
phs->ftype = 116;
/* some types require the trailing null included in the length. */
phs->alen_incnull = (phs->ftype==SQLT_STR || phs->ftype==SQLT_AVC);
st_execute_array(sth, imp_sth, tuples, tuples_status, columns, exe_count)
SV *sth;
imp_sth_t *imp_sth;
SV *tuples;
SV *tuples_status;
SV *columns;
ub4 exe_count;
     sword status, exe_status;
int is_select = (imp_sth->stmt_type == OCI_STMT_SELECT);
AV tuples_av, tuples_status_av, *columns_av;
ub4 oci_mode;
ub4 num_errs;
int i,j;
int autocommit = 1;
SV **sv_p;
     phs_t **phs;
     SV *sv;
     AV *av;
int param_count;
char namebuf[30];
int outparams = (imp_sth->out_params_av) ? AvFILL(imp_sth->out_params_av)+1 : 0;
tuples_av = (AV*)SvRV(tuples);
/* Check the `columns' parameter. */
if(SvTRUE(columns)) {
if(!SvROK(columns) || SvTYPE(SvRV(columns)) != SVt_PVAV) {
croak("ora_st_execute_array(): columns not an array peference.");
columns_av = (AV*)SvRV(columns);
} else {
columns_av = NULL;
/* Check the `tuples_status' parameter. */
if(SvTRUE(tuples_status)) {
if(!SvROK(tuples_status) || SvTYPE(SvRV(tuples_status)) != SVt_PVAV) {
     croak("ora_st_execute_array(): tuples_status not an array reference.");
tuples_status_av = (AV*)SvRV(tuples_status);
av_fill(tuples_status_av, exe_count - 1);
/* Fill in 'unknown' exe count in every element (know not how to get
individual execute row counts from OCI). */
for(i = 0; (unsigned int) i < exe_count; i++) {
av_store(tuples_status_av, i, newSViv((IV)-1));
} else {
tuples_status_av = NULL;
/* Nothing to do if no tuples. */
if(exe_count <= 0)
return 0;
param_count=c_NUM_PARAMS(imp_sth);/*returns the # of parameters on the imp_sth struct*/
     phs = safemalloc(param_count*sizeof(*phs));
memset(phs, 0, param_count*sizeof(*phs));
     for(j = 0; (unsigned int) j < exe_count; j++) {
     sv_p = av_fetch(tuples_av, j, 0);
if(sv_p == NULL) {
croak("Cannot fetch tuple %d", j);
sv = *sv_p;
if(!SvROK(sv) || SvTYPE(SvRV(sv)) != SVt_PVAV) {
croak("Not an array ref in element %d", j);
av = (AV*)SvRV(sv);
for(i = 0; i < param_count; i++) {
if(!phs) {
SV **phs_svp;
sprintf(namebuf, ":p%d", i+1);
phs_svp = hv_fetch(imp_sth->all_params_hv,
namebuf, strlen(namebuf), 0);
if (phs_svp == NULL) {
croak("Can't execute for non-existent placeholder :%d", i);
phs[i] = (phs_t*)(void*)SvPVX(*phs_svp); /* placeholder struct */
if(phs[i]->idx < 0) {
croak("Placeholder %d not of ?/:1 type", i);
init_bind_for_array_exec(phs[i]); /*bind the value */
sv_p = av_fetch(av, phs[i]->idx, 0);
if(sv_p == NULL) {
croak("Cannot fetch value for param %d in entry %d", i, j);
               sv = *sv_p;
     /*check to see if value sv is a null (undef) if it is upgrade it*/
               if (!SvOK(sv))     {
                    if(SvUPGRADE(sv, SVt_PV)){} /* For GCC not to warn on unused result */
               else {
          SvPV(sv, len);
     /* Find the value length, and increase maxlen if needed. */
     if(SvROK(sv)) {
     croak("Can't bind a reference (%s) for param %d, entry %d",
     neatsvpv(sv,0), i, j);
     if(len > (unsigned int) phs[i]->maxlen)
     phs[i]->maxlen = len;
     /* Do OCI bind calls on last iteration. */
     if( ((unsigned int) j ) == exe_count - 1 ) {
     if(!do_bind_array_exec(sth, imp_sth, phs[i])) {
/* Store array of bind typles, for use in OCIBindDynamic() callback. */
imp_sth->bind_tuples = tuples_av;
imp_sth->rowwise = (columns_av == NULL);
oci_mode = OCI_BATCH_ERRORS;
     OCIStmtExecute_log(imp_sth->svchp, imp_sth->stmhp, imp_sth->errhp,
exe_count, 0, 0, 0, oci_mode, exe_status);
     imp_sth->bind_tuples = NULL;
if (exe_status != OCI_SUCCESS) {
          oci_error(sth, imp_sth->errhp, exe_status, ora_sql_error(imp_sth,"OCIStmtExecute"));
if(exe_status != OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
return -2;
OCIAttrGet_log(imp_sth, &num_errs, 0, OCI_ATTR_NUM_DML_ERRORS, status);
if(num_errs && tuples_status_av) {
OCIError row_errhp, tmp_errhp;
ub4 row_off;
SV *err_svs[2];
/*AV err_av;/
sb4 err_code;
err_svs[0] = newSViv((IV)0);
err_svs[1] = newSVpvn("", 0);
OCIHandleAlloc_log(imp_sth->envhp, &row_errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, status);
OCIHandleAlloc_log(imp_sth->envhp, &tmp_errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, status);
for(i = 0; (unsigned int) i < num_errs; i++) {
OCIParamGet_log(imp_sth->errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR,
tmp_errhp, (dvoid *)&row_errhp,
(ub4)i, status);
OCIAttrGet_log(row_errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, &row_off, 0,
OCI_ATTR_DML_ROW_OFFSET, imp_sth->errhp, status);
sv_setpv(err_svs[1], "");
err_code = oci_error_get(row_errhp, exe_status, NULL, err_svs[1], debug);
sv_setiv(err_svs[0], (IV)err_code);
av_store(tuples_status_av, row_off,
newRV_noinc((SV *)(av_make(2, err_svs))));
OCIHandleFree_log(tmp_errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, status);
OCIHandleFree_log(row_errhp, OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, status);
/* Do a commit here if autocommit is set, since Oracle
doesn't do that for us when some rows are in error. */
if(autocommit) {
OCITransCommit_log(imp_sth->svchp, imp_sth->errhp,
OCI_DEFAULT, status);
if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) {
oci_error(sth, imp_sth->errhp, status, "OCITransCommit");
return -2;
if(num_errs) {
return -2;
} else {
ub4 row_count = 0;
          OCIAttrGet_stmhp_log(imp_sth, &row_count, 0, OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT, status);
return row_count;

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    Have you been here: http://download-east.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14250/oci05bnd.htm#i427075
    Also try the demonstration programs here: http://download-east.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14250/ociabdem.htm#i459676

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    If you use arrays , the server round trips are once per 2^32(65536) rows and not for each row.
    The pattern you have to use is as follows - which works for any data types.
    #define MAX_RECORD_INSERT 65535
    define the respective mapping arrays.
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    int BindHdlCount =0,iterationCounter=0,bindCounter=0;
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    Us the respective OCIBindByPos here......
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    (dvoid *)&p_sl_record_count, (ub4*)NULL,
    OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT, DBctx->errhp);
    if (p_sl_record_count != MAX_RECORD_INSERT)
    } // end of loop
    //Final Iteration- This is for partial round trips.
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    /*-------- Initialize INPUT Parameters --------*/
    for (BindHdlCount=0;BindHdlCount<TOTAL_ATTRIB_IN_SQL; BindHdlCount++)
    bndHdl[BindHdlCount] = 0;
    Us the respective OCIBindByPos here......
    total_record_count should match with total number of records in the arrary.
    THIS PATTERN WORKS well for 1024 Million records that I have tried.
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    [Attachment Callbug.dll, see below]
    [Attachment Callbug.vi, see below]
    Callbug.dll ‏3 KB
    Callbug.vi ‏13 KB

    The topic from the advanced course does seem to be describing this. So this
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    Next question is how to make use of this?
    "Ben" wrote in message
    > Hi Wiebe
    > Your question reminds me of a phrase from proverbs
    > "A wise man goes into his store house and brings forth treasures both
    > old and new".
    > I was not able to find documentaion on the the call library function
    > that talks about this issue but I did find the following in the
    > "LabVIEW Advanced 1 Course Manual, August 1998 Edition, part number
    > 321366C-01 page 242".
    > "If you do not wire an indicator to the output terminal of a terminal
    > pair, LabVIEW assumes that the CIN will not modify the value you pass
    > to it. If another node uses the input data, LabVIEW does not make a
    > copy of the data.
    > Note: If you don't wire the output terminal, the source code should
    > not modify the value passed into the terminal. Nodes connected to the
    > input terminal wire may receive the modified data.
    > "
    > This topic brought our class to a stand still when we(those who were
    > still awake) realized that data could flow backwards through a wire!
    > I believe the behaviour you have observed is correct and the quote I
    > cited above.
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    > had the behaviour in mind.
    > I posted a Q re:this req years ago but never got a definative answer.
    > All of the above is just my opinion.
    > I would love to hear from others.
    > What do you think?
    > Ben
    > BTW: I do not think they teach that anymore.

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           - when you Right-Click on the Array borders, you have access to an "Empty Array" menu item among other things
           - when you Right-Click in an Array element, you have access to an "Insert Element Before" and a "Delete Element" menu item among other things
    - Now switch back to Edit Mode and modify the contextual menu in the following way:
            - Advanced>>Run-Time Shortcut Menu>>Edit...
            - Edit>>Copy Entire Menu
            - Switch to "Custom" menu (instead of "Default"): the menu disappears and is replaced by a single ??? item
            - Edit>>Paste: The default menu reappears with the ??? on top
            - Create you favorite custom menu item by editing the ??? item (say: Do Nothing)
    - Save the menu with the control and switch to Run Mode (Ctrl-M).
    - Now try the first 3 steps above: wherever you right-click, you have access to the Custom Menu, but the Array Element contextual menu is GONE.
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    Does anyboby know why is this happening?
    Array indicator bug.vi ‏10 KB
    Array indicator.avi ‏176 KB

    Waow... funny bug... A quick work-around would be to set the indicateur as "Disable", but then the user won't be able to use the "index display".
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    Here is a screenshot of it: http://vivadyne.net/misc/itunes_bug.png
    Thanks in advance

    There's a software update for Leopard. Update your mac and see what happens.

  • New free/open-source tool to encapsulate the OCI interface

    Here is a short presentation and a link to a new free tool available on soureceforge.net.
    This tool is a powerful "wrapper" to encapsulate the OCI interface:
    OCILIB is a free, open source and platform independant library, written in C, that access Oracle Databases.
    The OCILIB library :
    * Encapsulates OCI (Oracle Call Interface which is powerful but complex)
    * Hides OCI complexity
    * Proposes instead a simple, readable and reusable API
    * Offers up to 310 simple and straightforward APIs.
    Current version : 2.3.0 (2008-03-30)
    Main features
    * Data binding
    * Integrated smart define and fetch mecanisms
    * Full Unicode support on all platorms
    * Multi row fetching
    * Binding array Interface for fast and massive bulk operations
    * Reusable Statements
    * Connection Pooling
    * Global Transactions
    * Returning DML feature support
    * ROWIDs support
    * Named Types (Object types) support (User or Builtin)
    * Cursors
    * PL/SQL blocks
    * PL/SQL Ref cursors and Nested tables
    * LOB (BLOBs/ FILEs)
    * Supports lobs > 4Go
    * Long datatype (piecewise operations)
    * Provides "All in one" Formatted functions (printf's like)
    * Smallest possible memory usage
    * Date/time management
    * Timestamps and Intervals support
    * Error handling
    * Describe database schema objects
    * Access columns by index or name
    * Hash tables API
    * Portable Threads and mutexes API
    * Supports static / shared oracle linkage
    * Support runtime loading (no OCI libs required at compile / time)
    * Great performances (straight OCI encapsulation)
    Get OCILIB from OCILIB Project page at Sourceforge Website:
    Hope this would help some of you ;D

    Don't give up just because there are other options out there.
    Adobe is only giving up the free tool for education purposes, or unemployed developer.  You didn't say if you were one of those.
    I believe over time there will be plenty of room for alternate IDE approaches that support the Flex Framework; and in fact there are quite a few options already out there.

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    PROCEDURE doSomething(v_strings IN StringArray);
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    CallableStatement cs = connection.prepareCall("CALL mypackage.doSomething(?)");
    cs.setObject(1, strings, java.sql.Types.ARRAY);
    calling the setObject method throws a SQLException: invalid column type.
    I have tried to change the call to:
    cs.setArray(1, new SqlStringArray(strings))
    where SqlStringArray is a wrapper around String[] that implements the java.sql.Array interface. This however throws a ClassCastException in oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement. The latter is assuming it is receiving a class that implements yet another interface I guess.
    I also tried:
    cs.setObject(1, strings, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    but that also throws a SqlException: invalid conversion requested
    Does anybody know how to bind String[] into a PreparedStatement?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Made some progress. I am getting the OracleConnection from the WrappedConnection. This is a temporary solution for me so I would appreciate a final solution from anybody.
    I am now constructing a oracle.sql.ARRAY with an appropriate oracle.sql.ArrayDescriptor. I have found out that the type must be defined on a global level rather than in the scope of the package. Would be good if an Oracle expert could confirm that but I am happy to live with that.
    The IN parameter is correctly bound using the ARRAY instance but I am getting the following error when actually executing the statement:
    ORA-06512: Reference to uninitialized collection: at "BLUETEST_MYPACKAGE", line 57
    Now I have found quite some problem descriptions with that ORA error but all are dealing with OUT parameters that were not correctly initialized, i.e. the array constructor had not been called. In my case however, the array is initialized at by the java code and then bount to the sql statement. You would expect that the jdbc driver takes care of correctly initializing the PL/SQL collection wouldn't you.
    Does anybody know if I need to do anything extra?
    Many thanks,

  • 2012 Dynamic Event Registration Array of Controls

    In upgrading to LV2012, I have discoverd what may be a bug, or at least an incompatability between 2011 and 2012 with respect dynamic event registration of an array of controls as opposed to individual control references.
    This bit of code worked in 2011 but doesn't in 2012, with error 1 generated at the reg events block when run in 2012. I have been in contact with technical support, but haven't yet heard their take on this.
    Any thoughts.
    Go to Solution.
    Top Application.png ‏13 KB
    SubVI.png ‏23 KB

    I've got the bug too -- it appears this bug is present when arrays of control refs are connected to the ConPane. Link to cross-post on LAVA about the original problem. As Patrick@Vision mentions above, one workaround is to ensure that the array of control refs is no longer on the ConPane by collapsing the Register for Events node onto the caller.
    a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"] {color: black;} a.lia-user-name-link[href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88938"]:after {content: '';} .jrd-sig {height: 80px; overflow: visible;} .jrd-sig-deploy {float:left; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img {float:right; opacity:0.2;} .jrd-sig-img:hover {opacity:0.8;} .jrd-sig-deploy:hover {opacity:0.8;}

  • Solaris 10 /dev/poll bug

    Solaris 10, at least on my T2000, seems to give me an EINVAL from the DP_POLL ioctl in a case where it shouldn't. The below example code should clarify:
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    #include <sys/resource.h>
    #include <sys/devpoll.h>
    This program demonstrates what seems to be a bug in the /dev/poll interface
    on Solaris 10 on our T2000. The man page says:
    EINVAL The request or arg parameter is not valid
    for this device, or field of the dvpoll
    struct pointed by arg is not valid (for
    example, dp_nfds is greater than
    But in this case, we get EINVAL even though dp_nfds is not greater than
    void fatal(const char *f)
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to show problem: %s\n", f);
    int main(void)
    struct rlimit r;
    struct pollfd pfd[256];
    struct dvpoll dp;
    int i;
    if(getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &r)!=0) fatal("unable to get file limit");
    if(r.rlim_cur!=256) fatal("set fd limit to 256");
    if(OPEN_MAX!=256) fatal("OPEN_MAX must be 256");
    i=open("/dev/poll", O_RDWR);
    if(i<0) fatal("unable to open /dev/poll");
    dp.dp_nfds=256; /* Changing this to 255 fixes the problem */
    if(ioctl(i, DP_POLL, &dp)==0) fatal("it does not appear on this system");
    printf("errno=%d - Why?\n", errno);
    Any ideas?

    I ran into the same problem. /dev/poll is too smart for its own good here. You can't monitor your /dev/poll file descriptor using /dev/poll, so the actual maximum number of file descriptors you can monitor is OPEN_MAX - 1. Solaris enforces that limit.
    This breaks other code out there too, e.g. the libevent library. Annoying even though it's arguably technically correct.

  • Scheduled Tasks - same bug 6 years on

    About 6 years ago I noticed an annoying bug in the CF5 admin
    interface when editing a scheduled task. A previously entered value
    for a recurring daily time always vanishes as if you never entered
    one in the first place.
    I admit that I skipped CF6 and jumped straight from 5 to 7 so
    perhaps this bug was fixed in CF6, but it's staring me in the face
    on version 7, like an old enemy who you can never escape from.
    Adobe - is this still on your bug list? It will be drawing
    its pension soon! ;-)

    Sure I'm running hotfix 2. Without it that would be like
    running an original shrink wrapped version of Windows without any
    of its 100's of patches. ;-) Or is that 1000's? I've lost

  • Interface Builder - Custom images not visible in Cocoa Simulator

    I'm very new to this, and just toying around with Interface Builder more than anything at this stage…
    Anyway, my problem… I've created some of my own images to place on buttons, etc. I've saved them in PNG format and dragged them into the Resources folder of my Xcode project, so they become available in Interface Builder's media library. I can drag them onto my window just fine, but when I test the UI with the 'Simulate Interface' command, the images disappear completely.
    Any ideas?

    This was changed in Interface Builder 3.0. Now, you have to click on the "Connections" tab in the object's Info panel. I think it is the 2nd one from the right. You will recognize it because you will see all your outlets. You click the little circle next to the outlet and drag a line over the user interface object to make the connection. Once you do that, there is a bug in Interface Builder that will blank out the info panel. You will have to select some other object to redisplay any information, then click back to your original object. The bindings panel has a similar set of bugs. Suffice to say, Interface Builder 3.0 is a work in progress.
    PS - to break a connection, click the little X button next to an outlet name.

  • Serious UIR selection bug

    Hello all,
    I hope you can reproduce this bug as well as I do because this is major bug.
    In the user interface editor, I have a large canvas with a loaded image that covers the entire panel (1200x800). It's used as a background with a whole bunch of controls on top (about 150). When I start selecting controls with Shift-Clic, the entire PC locks up after about 4~5 selections. The only thing I can do is press Reset on the mobo! If I move the canvas out of the way, it doesn't happen.
    I've had problems with corrupted UIR files in the past, but that's a recently created one.
    Using CVI 2012.

    I had 5 crashes due to this in 2 days last week, but today I can't make it happen again, even though I haven't closed CVI since the last one. Will post again if I can reproduce it. 

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