A handy query which lists all important DG related init parameters

Version : 11.2/10.2
Do you guys have a handy query which I could run at Primary and Standby sites which will lists all important
Data Guard related init parameters.
Something like below but a query that list important Dataguard related init.ora parameters
col name format a35
col display_value forma a20
set pages 25
SELECT name, display_value FROM v$parameter WHERE name IN ('db_name',
'cursor_sharing')ORDER BY name;

Yes more parameters from Mseberg..
Adding one more important parameter LOCAL_LISTENER which plays a big role in dataguard with RAC too..
sys@ORCL> SELECT name, display_value FROM v$parameter WHERE name IN ('db_name','db_unique_name','log_archive_config','log_archive_dest_2','log_archive_dest_state_2','fal_client','fal_server','standby_
file_management','standby_archive_dest','db_file_name_convert','log_file_name_convert','remote_login_passwordfile','local_listener') order by name;
NAME                           DISPLAY_VALUE
db_name                        orcl
db_unique_name                 orcl
log_archive_dest_state_2       enable
remote_login_passwordfile      EXCLUSIVE
standby_archive_dest           %ORACLE_HOME%\RDBMS
standby_file_management        MANUAL
13 rows selected.

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    TYPE ref_cur IS REF CURSOR;
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    where column_name ='INSERT_DATE';
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    Username : PP
    Table : Employees

    I think you are looking for below query :
    USER is "SCOTT"
    SQL> select owner,constraint_name,constraint_type,table_name,r_owner,r_constraint_name
      2    from all_constraints
      3    where constraint_type='R'
      4   and r_constraint_name in (select constraint_name from all_constraints
      5    where constraint_type in ('P','U') and table_name='EMP');
    OWNER                          CONSTRAINT_NAME                C TABLE_NAME                     R_OWNER                        R_CONSTRAINT_NAME
    TEST1                          ERL_EMP_FK_1                   R EMPLOYEE                       SCOTT                          PK_EMP
    1 row selected.Means, TEST1 user is having a constraint ERL_EMP_FK_1 on his table EMPLOYEE. Which is using PK_EMP (primary key of SCOTT user's 'EMP' [in the query])
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    Hi Rits,
    You can achieve this using combine analysis. Create two reports and in the first one make the Activity Id blank, In the second report keep it as it is and do union of both the analysis.
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    Hope it helps,

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    its not wrong that you ask , but this is basic question and my suggestion is to start reading some manual specially since you got job , Read oracle documentation gogole what you want if you didn't find any answer post here and we will help you .
    Check this link
    And you will find more & more .. create your own vmware oracle provide with learning database called XE (express edition) test it and hope this information is useful for you

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    I created a new user and just gave him CREATE SESSION privilege. He has nothing else
    SQL> connect sys/*****@****** as sysdba
    SQL> create user reserve_word_test identified by password
      2  /
    User created.
    SQL> grant create session to reserve_word_test
      2  /
    Grant succeeded.Now i connect as that user and query V$RESERVE_WORDS
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      2  /
    ERROR at line 1:
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    But see this
    SQL> help reserved words
    PL/SQL Reserved Words have special meaning in PL/SQL, and may not be used
    for identifier names (unless enclosed in "quotes").
    An asterisk (*) indicates words are also SQL Reserved Words.
    ALL*            DESC*           JAVA            PACKAGE         SUBTYPE
    ALTER*          DISTINCT*       LEVEL*          PARTITION       SUCCESSFUL*
    AND*            DO              LIKE*           PCTFREE*        SUM
    ANY*            DROP*           LIMITED         PLS_INTEGER     SYNONYM*
    ARRAY           ELSE*           LOCK*           POSITIVE        SYSDATE*
    AS*             ELSIF           LONG*           POSITIVEN       TABLE*
    ASC*            END             LOOP            PRAGMA          THEN*
    AT              EXCEPTION       MAX             PRIOR*          TIME
    AUTHID          EXCLUSIVE*      MIN             PRIVATE         TIMESTAMP
    AVG             EXECUTE         MINUS*          PROCEDURE       TIMEZONE_ABBR
    BEGIN           EXISTS*         MINUTE          PUBLIC*         TIMEZONE_HOUR
    BETWEEN*        EXIT            MLSLABEL*       RAISE           TIMEZONE_MINUTE
    BODY            EXTRACT         MODE*           RAW*            TO*
    BOOLEAN         FALSE           MONTH           REAL            TRIGGER*
    BULK            FETCH           NATURAL         RECORD          TRUE
    BY*             FLOAT*          NATURALN        REF             TYPE
    CHAR*           FOR*            NEW             RELEASE         UI
    CHAR_BASE       FORALL          NEXTVAL         RETURN          UNION*
    CHECK*          FROM*           NOCOPY          REVERSE         UNIQUE*
    CLOSE           FUNCTION        NOT*            ROLLBACK        UPDATE*
    CLUSTER*        GOTO            NOWAIT*         ROW*            USE
    COALESCE        GROUP*          NULL*           ROWID*          USER*
    COLLECT         HAVING*         NULLIF          ROWNUM*         VALIDATE*
    COMMENT*        HEAP            NUMBER*         ROWTYPE         VALUES*
    COMMIT          HOUR            NUMBER_BASE     SAVEPOINT       VARCHAR*
    COMPRESS*       IF              OCIROWID        SECOND          VARCHAR2*
    CONNECT*        IMMEDIATE*      OF*             SELECT*         VARIANCE
    CONSTANT        IN*             ON*             SEPERATE        VIEW*
    CREATE*         INDEX*          OPAQUE          SET*            WHEN
    CURRENT*        INDICATOR       OPEN            SHARE*          WHENEVER*
    CURRVAL         INSERT*         OPERATOR        SMALLINT*       WHERE*
    CURSOR          INTEGER*        OPTION*         SPACE           WHILE
    DATE*           INTERFACE       OR*             SQL             WITH*
    DAY             INTERSECT*      ORDER*          SQLCODE         WORK
    DECLARE         INTO*           OTHERS          START*          YEAR
    DEFAULT*        IS*             OUT             STDDEV          ZONE
    SQL Reserved Words have special meaning in SQL, and may not be used for
    identifier names unless enclosed in "quotes".
    An asterisk (*) indicates words are also ANSI Reserved Words.
    Oracle prefixes implicitly generated schema object and subobject names
    with "SYS_". To avoid name resolution conflict, Oracle discourages you
    from prefixing your schema object and subobject names with "SYS_".
    ACCESS          DEFAULT*         INTEGER*        ONLINE          START
    ADD*            DELETE*          INTERSECT*      OPTION*         SUCCESSFUL
    ALL*            DESC*            INTO*           OR*             SYNONYM
    ALTER*          DISTINCT*        IS*             ORDER*          SYSDATE
    AND*            DROP*            LEVEL*          PCTFREE         TABLE*
    ANY*            ELSE*            LIKE*           PRIOR*          THEN*
    AS*             EXCLUSIVE        LOCK            PRIVILEGES*     TO*
    ASC*            EXISTS           LONG            PUBLIC*         TRIGGER
    AUDIT           FILE             MAXEXTENTS      RAW             UID
    BETWEEN*        FLOAT*           MINUS           RENAME          UNION*
    BY*             FOR*             MLSLABEL        RESOURCE        UNIQUE*
    CHAR*           FROM*            MODE            REVOKE*         UPDATE*
    CHECK*          GRANT*           MODIFY          ROW             USER*
    CLUSTER         GROUP*           NOAUDIT         ROWID           VALIDATE
    COLUMN          HAVING*          NOCOMPRESS      ROWNUM          VALUES*
    COMMENT         IDENTIFIED       NOT*            ROWS*           VARCHAR*
    COMPRESS        IMMEDIATE*       NOWAIT          SELECT*         VARCHAR2
    CONNECT*        IN*              NULL*           SESSION*        VIEW*
    CREATE*         INCREMENT        NUMBER          SET*            WHENEVER*
    CURRENT*        INDEX            OF*             SHARE           WHERE
    DATE*           INITIAL          OFFLINE         SIZE*           WITH*
    DECIMAL*        INSERT*          ON*             SMALLINT*
    SQL>If sql plus accesses the database then how its possible?

  • Improving a simple select query, which uses all rows.

    Hi All,
    Please excuse me if the question is too silly. Below is my code
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.07
    SQL> show parameter optim
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    object_cache_optimal_size            integer     102400
    optimizer_dynamic_sampling           integer     2
    optimizer_features_enable            string
    optimizer_index_caching              integer     0
    optimizer_index_cost_adj             integer     100
    optimizer_mode                       string      ALL_ROWS
    optimizer_secure_view_merging        boolean     TRUE
    plsql_optimize_level                 integer     2
    SQL> explain plan for select SUM(decode(transaction_type,'D',txn_amount,0)) payments_reversals,
      2          SUM(decode(transaction_type,'C',txn_amount,0)) payments,primary_card_no,statement_date
      3             from credit_card_pymt_dtls  group by primary_card_no,statement_date;
    SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);
    Plan hash value: 2801218574
    | Id  | Operation          | Name                  | Rows  | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT   |                       |  1912K|    56M|       | 21466   (3)| 00:04:18 |
    |   1 |  SORT GROUP BY     |                       |  1912K|    56M|   161M| 21466   (3)| 00:04:18 |
    |   2 |   TABLE ACCESS FULL| CREDIT_CARD_PYMT_DTLS |  1912K|    56M|       |  4863   (3)| 00:00:59 |
    9 rows selected.
    SQL> select index_name,index_type
      2  from all_indexes
      3  where table_name = 'CREDIT_CARD_PYMT_DTLS';
    INDEX_NAME                     INDEX_TYPE
    INDX_TRANTYPE                  BITMAP
    INDX_PCARD                     NORMAL
    INDX_PSTATEMENT_DATE           NORMALThe query is using all the records in the CREDIT_CARD_PYMT_DTLS table. Transaction type will be either 'C' or 'D'.
    CREDIT_CARD_PYMT_DTLS has 2 million rows and the qury will output 1.5 million rows. Table statisticas are upto date.
    The query now is taking almost 5 minutes. Is thaere any way to reduce the time ?
    Our DB server has 8 CPUs and 8 GB memory. Is the timing genuine ?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Edited by: user11115924 on Apr 29, 2009 2:43 AM
    All the columns used in the query are already indexed. ( Ofcourse, not only for this query.)

    Hi All,
    Thanks for the helps provided. Expecting it once more..
    My actual query is as below
    select     primary_card_no,base_segment_number,atab.previous_balance,current_balance,intrest_amt_due_this_cycle,total_min_amt_due,total_credit_limit,
              available_cash_limit, description
           select primary_card_no,DECODE(base_segment_number,NULL,primary_card_no,base_segment_number) base_segment_number,
                   SUM(previous_balance) previous_balance,SUM(current_balance) current_balance ,SUM(intrest_amt_due_this_cycle) intrest_amt_due_this_cycle,
                   SUM(total_min_amt_due) total_min_amt_due,SUM(total_credit_limit_all) total_credit_limit,
                   SUM(total_purchase_this_cycle) total_purchase_this_cycle,SUM(total_cash_trns_this_cycle) total_cash_trns_this_cycle,
                   SUM(available_credit_limit) available_credit_limit,SUM(payments) payments,
                   (SUM(NVL(current_balance,0)) / SUM(total_credit_limit_all)) * 100 utilization,
                   (SUM(NVL(payments,0)) / DECODE(SUM(previous_balance),0,NULL,SUM(previous_balance))) * 100 payment_ratio,
                   SUM(payments_reversals) payments_reversals,SUM(cash_limit) cash_limit,SUM(available_cash_limit) available_cash_limit
            ( select a.*,NVL(payments_reversals,0)payments_reversals ,NVL(payments,0) payments
                    (  select primary_card_no,previous_balance,current_balance,intrest_amt_due_this_cycle,total_min_amt_due,total_purchase_this_cycle,
                           (case when statement_date <= TO_DATE('301108','ddmmyy') then NULLIF(total_credit_limit,0)
                                      else NULLIF((select credit_limit
                                                from ccm_dbf_chtxn_v0 t1
                                                   where t1.batch_id = '011208'
                                                   and SUBSTR(t1.card_number,4) = a.primary_card_no),0)
                             end) total_credit_limit_all
                        ( select primary_card_no,previous_balance,current_balance,INTREST_AMT_DUE_THIS_CYCLE,
                          from credit_card_master_all@FGBAPPL_LINK
                        ) a
                     where statement_date between ADD_MONTHS(TRUNC(SYSDATE,'mm'),-6) and  TRUNC(SYSDATE,'mm')-1
                 ) a,
                 ( select SUM(decode(transaction_type,'D',txn_amount,0)) payments_reversals,
                               SUM(decode(transaction_type,'C',txn_amount,0)) payments,primary_card_no,TO_CHAR(statement_date,'MON-RRRR') sdate
                    from credit_card_pymt_dtls 
                    group by primary_card_no,TO_CHAR(statement_date,'MON-RRRR')
                 ) b
             where TO_CHAR(a.statement_date,'MON-RRRR')= b.sdate(+)
               and a.primary_card_no= b.primary_card_no(+)
            ) a,
            (  select SUBSTR(a.card_number,4) card_number,base_segment_number,TO_DATE(account_creation_date,'DDMMYYYY') account_creation_date,
                           a.batch_id, credit_limit credit_limit_current
                       (  select *
                           from ccm_dbf_phtxn_v0
                           where batch_id=  (SELECT to_char(MAX(TO_DATE(SUBSTR(BATCH_ID,1,6),'DDMMRR')),'DDMMRR') FROM CCM_MST_V0)
                        ) a,
                        ( select *
                          from ccm_dbf_chtxn_v0
                          where batch_id=(SELECT to_char(MAX(TO_DATE(SUBSTR(BATCH_ID,1,6),'DDMMRR')),'DDMMRR') FROM CCM_MST_V0)
                        ) b
                where a.card_number=b.card_number
                and TO_NUMBER(ROUND(MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE,TO_DATE(account_creation_date,'DDMMYYYY')),2)) >=6
                and a.company ='BNK'
            ) b
       where a.primary_card_no = b.card_number
       group by primary_card_no,base_segment_number) atab, card_summary_param btab
    where utilization between utilization_low and utilization_high
    and payment_ratio between  payment_ratio_low and payment_ratio_high
    and SIGN(atab.previous_balance) =btab.previous_balanceWhere I have to put the PARALLEL hint for maximum performance?
    Sorry for asking blindly without doing any R&D. Time is not permitting that...
    Edited by: user11115924 on Apr 29, 2009 5:09 AM
    Sorry for the kiddy aliases.. Query is not written by me..

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    DECLARE @EmployeeList varchar(350)
    SELECT @EmployeeList = COALESCE(@EmployeeList + ', ', '') +
       ( T1.baseref )
    FROM oinv T0 inner join inv1 T1 on T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
    where  T0.docnum = 119229 and T1.baseref <> ''
    SELECT @EmployeeList
    Thanks in advance for all help

    How did you use the temporary table?
    Can you write your code here.
    I am also getting repeated data values in my query output. I want to save that query output into one temporary table and than want to use the SELECT DISTINCT on that temporary table. I am searching on forum madely to do that but can't find the perfect help.  It will be nice if you can help me in that.
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    Hi Vinod,
    You can get the details from Functional Administrator responsibility, personalization tab, enter the "Document Path" like /oracle/apps/per
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    With Regards,

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    That is possible? If yes, that will be glad to hear how build this query.
    Thank you.

    If you don't want those not used devices, why don't you stop discovering them. In the
    Active Directory System Discovery there is a tab Options
    in which you can configure to not discover computers account that have not been used.
    My Blog: http://www.petervanderwoude.nl/
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

  • Command or Query to list all connected DAQ devices

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    Is there any similar command that can be used for connected DAQ devices? I can look in MAX and see all devices connected under "NI-DAQmx Devices". However, my aim is to get that list in Labview via a query or function.
    your input is appreciated.

    You use a couple of DAQmx property nodes.
    Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 05-13-2008 02:10 PM
    Get List Of DAQmx Devices.PNG ‏4 KB

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    There is a command line tool available that will do this. I had the same issue looking for "offline" photos. You can get it here: http://johnrellis.com/psedbtool/
    Use the command with a switch to do a file dump: psedbtool -csv mypics
    That will create a csv file called mypics. It will have information on every photo including status (online, offline, missing). Easiest to open it in excel and quickly filter or search. I wasted a bunch of time trying to find this inside the Elements product. Thanks to johnrellis.com! Good luck.

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    i got the x64 to work its just that my x86 query picks up every version of office and some are left out,
    Can anyone assist me on the query for x86 version of office.
    Kind Regards

    select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM on SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceId
    = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_R_System.ResourceId in (select SMS_R_System.ResourceID  from  SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS on SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS.DisplayName
    like "%Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010%") and SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.SystemType = "X86-based PC"

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