A litle help please

does anyone know if Verizon offers discounts to Wells Fargo employees?

This might be outdated since the discount is applied to the access portion and accessories only now.
Verizon Corporate Discount List - HowardForums Wiki
Verizon Employee Discount List for 2015

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  • A litle help please...  drawing app.

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to adapt a file I downloaded (legally) and I'm having some trouble as I'm still stuck in the days of AS2 and this has
    been built in AS3. As you will see it's a drawing app that allows a few options for brush size, blur etc.,
    What I'd like to do is to duplicate the brush_tool_mc  with settings for full brush size and full blur to use as a spray can tool.
    All my attempts so far have ended in disaster and multiple output errors !  : (
    Any help / pointers / guidance much appreciated.
    Best wishes
    Source and example is here:
    CODE:  (Main.as)
    *      Example Application built with the Graffiti Library
    *      www.nocircleno.com/graffiti/
    package {
        import flash.display.Bitmap;
        import flash.display.BitmapData
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.SimpleButton;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
        import flash.display.CapsStyle;
        import flash.display.JointStyle;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.geom.Point;
        import flash.text.TextFormat;
        import flash.ui.Keyboard;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
        import flash.display.BlendMode;
        import flash.net.navigateToURL;
        import flash.net.FileReference;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
        import flash.net.URLRequestHeader;
        import flash.text.Font;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
        import fl.controls.CheckBox;
        import fl.controls.ColorPicker;
        import fl.controls.Slider;
        import fl.controls.ComboBox;
        import fl.events.ColorPickerEvent;
        import fl.events.SliderEvent;
        import fl.data.DataProvider;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.GraffitiCanvas;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.display.Text;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.display.GraffitiObject;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.events.CanvasEvent;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.events.GraffitiObjectEvent;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.BrushTool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.BrushType;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.LineTool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.LineType;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.ShapeTool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.ShapeType;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.ToolMode;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.ITool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.BitmapTool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.FillBucketTool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.SelectionTool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.TextSettings;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.tools.TextTool;
        import com.nocircleno.graffiti.managers.GraffitiObjectManager;
        import com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder;
        public class Main extends MovieClip {
            public var click_message_txt:TextField;
            // ui
            public var brush_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var eraser_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var line_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var rectangle_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var fillbucket_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var selection_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var text_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var oval_tool_mc:ItemButton;
            public var clear_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var save_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var undo_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var redo_btn:SimpleButton;
            public var slider_label_txt:TextField;
            public var slider_2_label_txt:TextField;
            public var slider_3_label_txt:TextField;
            public var combo_label_txt:TextField;
            public var stroke_color_mc:ColorPicker;
            public var fill_color_mc:ColorPicker;
            public var slider_mc:Slider;
            public var slider_2_mc:Slider;
            public var slider_3_mc:Slider;
            public var zoom_slider_mc:Slider;
            public var combo_list:ComboBox;
            public var overlay_cb:CheckBox;
            public var overlay_mc:MovieClip;
            public var canvas:GraffitiCanvas;
            public var border:Sprite;
            // tools
            private var _brush:BrushTool;
            private var _eraser:BrushTool;
            private var _line:LineTool;
            private var _shape:ShapeTool;
            private var _selectionTool:SelectionTool;
            private var _textTool:TextTool;
            private var _fillBucketTool:FillBucketTool;
            // props
            private var _brushSize:Number = 2;
            private var _strokeColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
            private var _fillColor:uint = 0xFF0000;
            private var _strokeAlpha:Number = 1;
            private var _fillAlpha:Number = 1;
            private var _brushBlur:Number = 0;
            private var _fontColor:uint = 0x00FF00;
            private var _fontSize:uint = 14;
            private var _brushShapeIndex:int;
            private var _lineStyleIndex:int;
            private var _fontIndex:uint = 0;
            private var _fontList:DataProvider;
            private var _brushShapes:DataProvider;
            private var _lineStyles:DataProvider;
            private var _fileRef:FileReference;
            private var _objectManager:GraffitiObjectManager;
            private var _orginalComboBoxItemsPos = new Object();
            public function Main() {
                // hide message
                click_message_txt.alpha = 0;
                // create canvas
                canvas = new GraffitiCanvas(840, 470, 10);
                canvas.x = 0;
                canvas.y = 120;
                canvas.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, scrollHandler);
                canvas.addEventListener(GraffitiCanvas.HISTORY_LENGTH_CHANGE, historyLengthChangeHandler);
                canvas.addEventListener(GraffitiObjectEvent.SELECT, objectEventHandler);
                canvas.addEventListener(GraffitiObjectEvent.ENTER_EDIT, objectEventHandler);
                // add image over canvas
                overlay_mc = new OverlayImage();
                canvas.overlay = overlay_mc;
                // get instance of graffiti object manager
                _objectManager = GraffitiObjectManager.getInstance();
                // add listeners for keyboard shortcuts
                stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyHandler);
                stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyHandler);
                // add event listeners for tool buttons
                selection_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                text_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                fillbucket_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                brush_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                eraser_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                line_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                rectangle_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                oval_tool_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toolHandler);
                // setup data providers
                _brushShapes = new DataProvider();
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Round", data: BrushType.ROUND});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Square", data: BrushType.SQUARE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Diamond", data: BrushType.DIAMOND});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Vertical", data: BrushType.VERTICAL_LINE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Horizontal", data: BrushType.HORIZONTAL_LINE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Forward", data: BrushType.FORWARD_LINE});
                _brushShapes.addItem({label:"Backward", data: BrushType.BACKWARD_LINE});
                _lineStyles = new DataProvider();
                _lineStyles.addItem({label:"Solid", data: LineType.SOLID});
                _lineStyles.addItem({label:"Dotted", data: LineType.DOTTED});
                _lineStyles.addItem( { label:"Dashed", data: LineType.DASHED } );
                // Setup Font List
                _fontList = new DataProvider();
                var embeddedFonts:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(true);
                embeddedFonts.sortOn("fontName", Array.CASEINSENSITIVE);
                for (var i:int = 0; i < embeddedFonts.length; i++) {
                    _fontList.addItem( {label: embeddedFonts[i].fontName, data: embeddedFonts[i] } );
                // create tool instances
                _brush = new BrushTool(_brushSize, _fillColor, _fillAlpha, _brushBlur, BrushType.ROUND);
                _eraser = new BrushTool(_brushSize, _fillColor, 1, _brushBlur, BrushType.ROUND, ToolMode.ERASE);
                _line = new LineTool(2, _strokeColor, _strokeAlpha, LineType.SOLID);
                _shape = new ShapeTool(2, _strokeColor, _fillColor, _strokeAlpha, _fillAlpha, ShapeType.RECTANGLE);
                _fillBucketTool = new FillBucketTool(_fillColor, true);
                _selectionTool = new SelectionTool();
                _textTool = new TextTool(new TextSettings(Font(_fontList.getItemAt(0).data), new TextFormat(null, _fontSize, _fontColor)));
                // setup color pickers
                stroke_color_mc.focusEnabled = false;
                stroke_color_mc.selectedColor = _strokeColor;
                stroke_color_mc.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorPickerHandler);
                stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                fill_color_mc.focusEnabled = false;
                fill_color_mc.selectedColor = _fillColor;
                fill_color_mc.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, colorPickerHandler);
                slider_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, sliderHandler);
                slider_2_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, sliderHandler);
                slider_3_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, sliderHandler);
                overlay_cb.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, overlayHandler);
                overlay_cb.focusEnabled = false;
                // config combo list
                combo_list.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, comboEventHandler);
                combo_list.dataProvider = _brushShapes;
                combo_list.focusEnabled = false;
                // store positions
                _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBox = new Point(combo_list.x, combo_list.y);
                _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBoxLabel = new Point(combo_label_txt.x, combo_label_txt.y);
                // disable undo and redo buttons
                undo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                undo_btn.alpha = .5;
                redo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                redo_btn.alpha = .5;
                // add event listeners
                undo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, historyHandler);
                redo_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, historyHandler);
                clear_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearCanvasHandler);
                save_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, saveHandler);
                zoom_slider_mc.maximum = canvas.maxZoom;
                zoom_slider_mc.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, zoomHandler);
                // assign the brush tool as the default tool
                canvas.activeTool = _brush;
                // set brush tool
                brush_tool_mc.selected = true;
                Method    : objectEventHandler()
                Purpose    : This method handles GraffitiObjectEvents.  We use this
                          to know when an object is selected or enters edit mode.
                Params    : e -- GraffitiObjectEvent object.
            private function objectEventHandler(e:GraffitiObjectEvent):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var i:int;
                if (e.type == GraffitiObjectEvent.SELECT) {
                    // get font and text format of selected object
                    font = Text(e.graffitiObject).textSetting.font;
                    fmt = Text(e.graffitiObject).textSetting.textFormat;
                    _fontSize = Number(fmt.size);
                    var fontFromList:Font;
                    var numberFonts:uint = _fontList.length;
                    // find select text font in font list
                    for (i = 0; i < numberFonts; i++) {
                        fontFromList = Font(_fontList.getItemAt(i).data);
                        if (fontFromList.fontName == font.fontName && fontFromList.fontStyle == font.fontStyle) {
                            _fontIndex = i;
                    // if text tool is active tool, then update it.
                    if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {   
                        TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    } else {
                        _textTool.textSettings.textFormat.size = Number(fmt.size);
                    // update ui for objects
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _fontIndex;
                    slider_mc.value = Number(fmt.size);   
                    fill_color_mc.selectedColor = uint(fmt.color);
                } else if (e.type == GraffitiObjectEvent.ENTER_EDIT) {
                    // if we enter edit mode on an text object, make sure the tool is set to the text tool.
                    if (e.graffitiObject is Text && !(canvas.activeTool is TextTool)) {
                Method    : overlayHandler()
                Purpose    : This method toggles the overlay on and off.
                Params    : e -- Event object.
            private function overlayHandler(e:Event):void {
                if(e.currentTarget.selected) {
                    canvas.overlay = overlay_mc;
                } else {
                    canvas.overlay = null;
                Method    : historyHandler()
                Purpose    : This method undo or redo the drawing depending on the button
                          clicked by the user.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object.
            private function historyHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                if(e.currentTarget == undo_btn) {
                    if(canvas.historyPosition == 0) {
                        undo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                        undo_btn.alpha = .5;
                    redo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    redo_btn.alpha = 1;
                } else if(e.currentTarget == redo_btn) {
                    if(canvas.historyPosition == (canvas.historyLength - 1)) {
                        redo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                        redo_btn.alpha = .5;
                    undo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    undo_btn.alpha = 1;
                Method    : clearCanvasHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will clear the canvas.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object.
            private function clearCanvasHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                Method    : saveHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will save the drawing as a PNG image.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object.
            private function saveHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                // get drawing as bitmapdata from the Graffiti Canvas instance.
                var canvasBmp:BitmapData = canvas.drawing();
                // create new jpg encoder object and convert bitmapdata to jpg
                var pngEncoder:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                var pngStream:ByteArray = PNGEncoder.encode(canvasBmp);
                // make sure you dispose of the bitmapdata object when finished.
                _fileRef = new FileReference();
                _fileRef.save(pngStream, "graffiti_example_image.png");
                Method    : historyLengthChangeHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the change in the number of stored
                          history items.  This is used to toggle the redo and undo
                Params    : e -- Event object.
            private function historyLengthChangeHandler(e:Event):void {
                if(canvas.historyLength > 0 && canvas.historyPosition != 0) {
                    undo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    undo_btn.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    undo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                    undo_btn.alpha = .5;
                if(canvas.historyLength > 0 && canvas.historyPosition != canvas.historyLength - 1) {
                    redo_btn.mouseEnabled = true;
                    redo_btn.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    redo_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
                    redo_btn.alpha = .5;
                Method    : zoomHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the zoom slider event and set the
                          canvas to the new zoom level.
                Params    : e -- SliderEvent object.
            private function zoomHandler(e:SliderEvent):void {
                // set zoom of canvas
                canvas.zoom = e.value;
                // if canvas is zoomed in then display message about dragging canvas with mouse.
                if(canvas.zoom  > 1) {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 0;
                Method    : colorPickerHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the color picker event.
                Params    : e -- ColorPickerEvent object.
            private function colorPickerHandler(e:ColorPickerEvent):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var ts:TextSettings;
                if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                    _fillColor = e.color;
                    BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).color = _fillColor;
                } else if(canvas.activeTool is LineTool) {
                    _strokeColor = e.color;
                    LineTool(canvas.activeTool).color = _strokeColor;
                } else if(canvas.activeTool is ShapeTool) {
                    if(e.currentTarget == stroke_color_mc) {
                        _strokeColor = e.color;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).strokeColor = _strokeColor;
                    } else if (e.currentTarget == fill_color_mc) {
                        _fillColor = e.color;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).fillColor = _fillColor;
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {
                    // update color of textformat object
                    fmt = TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat;
                    fmt.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    // update text tool
                    TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat = fmt;
                    // update any selected text with new color
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                        font = Font(combo_list.selectedItem.data);
                        fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                        ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is SelectionTool) {
                    font = Font(combo_list.selectedItem.data);
                    fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                    ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    // update text tool
                    _textTool.textSettings = ts;
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                        // change settings for selected text
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is FillBucketTool) {
                    FillBucketTool(canvas.activeTool).fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                Method    : sliderHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the slider change.
                Params    : e -- SliderEvent object.
            private function sliderHandler(e:SliderEvent):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var ts:TextSettings;
                if(e.currentTarget == slider_mc) {
                    if(canvas.activeTool == _brush || canvas.activeTool == _eraser) {
                        _brushSize = e.value;
                        BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).size = _brushSize;
                    } else if(canvas.activeTool == _line) {
                        LineTool(canvas.activeTool).lineWidth = e.value;
                    } else if(canvas.activeTool == _shape) {
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).strokeWidth = e.value;
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {
                        _fontSize = slider_mc.value;
                        fmt = TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat;
                        fmt.size = slider_mc.value;
                        TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.textFormat = fmt;
                        if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                            font = Font(combo_list.selectedItem.data);
                            fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                            ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool == _selectionTool) {
                        _fontSize = slider_mc.value;
                        font = Font(combo_list.selectedItem.data);
                        fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                        ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                        // update text tool
                        _textTool.textSettings = ts;
                        if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                } else if(e.currentTarget == slider_2_mc) {
                    if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                        _fillAlpha = e.value;
                        BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).alpha = e.value;
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool is LineTool) {
                        _strokeAlpha = e.value;
                        LineTool(canvas.activeTool).alpha = e.value;
                    } else if (canvas.activeTool is ShapeTool) {
                        _strokeAlpha = e.value;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).strokeAlpha = e.value;
                } else if(e.currentTarget == slider_3_mc) {
                    if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                        _brushBlur = e.value;
                        BrushTool(canvas.activeTool).blur = e.value;
                    } else if(canvas.activeTool is ShapeTool) {
                        _fillAlpha = e.value;
                        ShapeTool(canvas.activeTool).fillAlpha = e.value;
                Method    : setActiveTool()
                Purpose    : This method sets the program to use a new tool.
                Params    : toolButton -- One of the Tool Buttons.
            private function setActiveTool(toolButton:ItemButton):void {
                // deselect all button to start
                brush_tool_mc.selected = false;
                eraser_tool_mc.selected = false;
                line_tool_mc.selected = false;
                rectangle_tool_mc.selected = false;
                oval_tool_mc.selected = false;
                selection_tool_mc.selected = false;
                fillbucket_tool_mc.selected = false;
                text_tool_mc.selected = false;
                // show combo box
                combo_label_txt.visible = true;
                combo_list.visible = true;
                combo_list.x = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBox.x;
                combo_list.y = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBox.y;
                combo_label_txt.x = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBoxLabel.x;
                combo_label_txt.y = _orginalComboBoxItemsPos.comboBoxLabel.y;
                // set slider
                slider_mc.minimum = 2;
                slider_mc.maximum = 40;
                // enable all slider ui
                slider_mc.visible = true;
                slider_label_txt.visible = true;
                slider_2_label_txt.visible = true;
                slider_2_mc.visible = true;
                slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                // make sure both color pickers are enabled at this point.
                // let each tool block decide to turn them off.
                fill_color_mc.enabled = true;
                stroke_color_mc.enabled = true;
                // brush tool selected
                if(toolButton == brush_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    brush_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config color pickers
                    stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // set brush shape list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Brush Shapes";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _brushShapes;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _brushShapeIndex;
                    // config and set brush tool as active tool
                    _brush.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _brush.alpha = _fillAlpha;
                    _brush.blur = _brushBlur;
                    _brush.size = _brushSize;
                    _brush.type = combo_list.selectedItem.data;
                    canvas.activeTool = _brush;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Brush Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _brush.size;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Brush Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _brush.alpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Brush Blur";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.snapInterval = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 20;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _brush.blur;
                // eraser tool selected
                } else if(toolButton == eraser_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    eraser_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config color picker
                    fill_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // set brush shape list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Brush Shapes";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _brushShapes;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _brushShapeIndex;
                    // config and set eraser tool as active tool
                    _eraser.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _brush.alpha = 1;
                    _brush.blur = _brushBlur;
                    _eraser.size = _brushSize;
                    _eraser.type = combo_list.selectedItem.data;
                    canvas.activeTool = _eraser;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Brush Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _eraser.size;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Brush Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = .5;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = false;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _eraser.alpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Brush Blur";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = .5;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 20;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = false;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _eraser.blur;
                // line tool
                } else if(toolButton == line_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    line_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config color picker
                    fill_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // set line style list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Line Style";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _lineStyles;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _lineStyleIndex;
                    combo_label_txt.x = slider_3_label_txt.x + 8;
                    combo_list.x = slider_3_mc.x;
                    // config and set line tool as active tool
                    _line.color = stroke_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _line.alpha = _strokeAlpha;
                    _line.type = combo_list.selectedItem.data;
                    canvas.activeTool = _line;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Stroke Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _line.lineWidth;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Line Alpha";
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _line.alpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = false;
                // rectangle tool
                } else if(toolButton == rectangle_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    rectangle_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config and set shape tool as active tool
                    _shape.strokeColor = stroke_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.strokeAlpha = _strokeAlpha;
                    _shape.fillAlpha = _fillAlpha;
                    _shape.type = ShapeType.RECTANGLE;
                    canvas.activeTool = _shape;
                    // set slide value
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Stroke Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _shape.strokeWidth;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Stroke Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _shape.strokeAlpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Fill Alpha";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _shape.fillAlpha;
                    // hide combo box
                    combo_label_txt.visible = false;
                    combo_list.visible = false;
                // oval tool
                } else if(toolButton == oval_tool_mc) {
                    // set selected tool state
                    oval_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // config and set shape tool as active tool
                    _shape.strokeColor = stroke_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    _shape.strokeAlpha = _strokeAlpha;
                    _shape.fillAlpha = _fillAlpha;
                    _shape.type = ShapeType.OVAL;
                    canvas.activeTool = _shape;
                    // update slider
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Stroke Size";
                    slider_mc.value = _shape.strokeWidth;
                    slider_2_label_txt.text = "Stroke Alpha";
                    slider_2_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_2_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_2_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_2_mc.value = _shape.strokeAlpha;
                    slider_3_label_txt.text = "Fill Alpha";
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = true;
                    slider_3_label_txt.alpha = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = true;
                    slider_3_mc.enabled = true;
                    slider_3_mc.minimum = 0;
                    slider_3_mc.maximum = 1;
                    slider_3_mc.snapInterval = .1;
                    slider_3_mc.value = _shape.fillAlpha;
                    // hide combo box
                    combo_label_txt.visible = false;
                    combo_list.visible = false;
                // text tool selected
                } else if (toolButton == text_tool_mc || toolButton == selection_tool_mc) {
                    // disable stroke color picker
                    stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    // ui for text
                    slider_label_txt.text = "Text Size";
                    // set font style list
                    combo_label_txt.text = "Font";
                    combo_list.dataProvider = _fontList;
                    combo_list.selectedIndex = _fontIndex;
                    // turn off ui not needed for text tool
                    slider_2_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_2_mc.visible = false;
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = false;
                    combo_label_txt.x = slider_2_label_txt.x + 8;
                    combo_list.x = slider_2_mc.x;
                    slider_mc.minimum = 10;
                    slider_mc.maximum = 44;
                    slider_mc.value = Number(_textTool.textSettings.textFormat.size);
                    if (toolButton == selection_tool_mc) {
                        selection_tool_mc.selected = true;
                        // set active tool
                        canvas.activeTool = _selectionTool;
                    } else {
                        text_tool_mc.selected = true;
                        var font:Font = Font(combo_list.selectedItem.data);
                        var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
                        fmt.size = slider_mc.value;
                        fmt.color = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                        _textTool.textSettings = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                        // set active tool
                        canvas.activeTool = _textTool;
                // fill bucket tool selected
                } else if (toolButton == fillbucket_tool_mc) {
                    // turn off ui not needed for fill bucket tool
                    slider_mc.visible = false;
                    slider_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_2_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_2_mc.visible = false;
                    slider_3_label_txt.visible = false;
                    slider_3_mc.visible = false;
                    combo_label_txt.visible = false;
                    combo_list.visible = false;
                    // turn off stroke color picker
                    this.stroke_color_mc.enabled = false;
                    this._fillBucketTool.fillColor = fill_color_mc.selectedColor;
                    fillbucket_tool_mc.selected = true;
                    // set active tool
                    canvas.activeTool = _fillBucketTool;
                Method    : toolHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle switching between brush and eraser
                          tools.  The two tool buttons call this method on click.
                Params    : e -- Mouse Event object.
            private function toolHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                Method    : comboEventHandler()
                Purpose    : This method will handle the button events for the different
                          Combo box in the UI.
                Params    : e -- Mouse Event object.
            private function comboEventHandler(e:Event):void {
                var font:Font;
                var fmt:TextFormat;
                var ts:TextSettings;
                if(canvas.activeTool is BrushTool) {
                    // store brush shape index
                    _brushShapeIndex = ComboBox(e.currentTarget).selectedIndex;
                } else if(canvas.activeTool is LineTool) {
                    // store line style index
                    _lineStyleIndex = ComboBox(e.currentTarget).selectedIndex;
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is TextTool) {
                    // update font for text tool
                    font = Font(combo_list.selectedItem.data);
                    TextTool(canvas.activeTool).textSettings.font = font;
                    // update font index
                    _fontIndex = combo_list.selectedIndex;
                    // update font for any selected text
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                        fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                        ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                } else if (canvas.activeTool is SelectionTool) {
                    font = Font(combo_list.selectedItem.data);
                    fmt = new TextFormat(null, slider_mc.value, fill_color_mc.selectedColor);
                    ts = new TextSettings(font, fmt);
                    // update font index
                    _fontIndex = combo_list.selectedIndex;
                    // update text tool
                    _textTool.textSettings = ts;
                    // update font for any selected text
                    if (_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                Method    : setSelectedLineStyle()
                Purpose    : This method will update the active line with a new line
                Params    : localType -- Type of Line.
            private function setSelectedLineStyle(localType:String):void {
                // update the Brush object if different type
                if(BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type != localType) {
                    BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type = localType;       
                Method    : setSelectedBrushShape()
                Purpose    : This method will update the active brush with a new brush
                Params    : localType -- Type of Brush.
            private function setSelectedBrushShape(localType:String):void {
                // update the Brush object if different type
                if(BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type != localType) {
                    BitmapTool(canvas.activeTool).type = localType;
                Method    : scrollHandler()
                Purpose    : This method handles the event from the mouse scroll wheel.
                Params    : e -- MouseEvent object
            public function scrollHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                // calculate and set zoom of canvas
                canvas.zoom += (e.delta/3) * 1;
                // sync slider to new zoom value.
                zoom_slider_mc.value = canvas.zoom;
                // if canvas is zoomed in then display message about dragging canvas around.
                if(canvas.zoom  > 1) {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 1;
                } else {
                    click_message_txt.alpha = 0;
                Method    : keyHandler()
                Purpose    : This method handle the keyboard shortcut to drag allow
                          the user to drag the canvas with their mouse.
                Params    : e -- KeyboardEvent object
            public function keyHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
                if(!_objectManager.areObjectsSelected()) {
                    if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE) {
                        if(e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP) {
                            canvas.mouseDrag = false;
                        } else if(e.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN) {
                            canvas.mouseDrag = true;

    This might be outdated since the discount is applied to the access portion and accessories only now.
    Verizon Corporate Discount List - HowardForums Wiki
    Verizon Employee Discount List for 2015

  • I keep being asked to update my Safari but when I do a Software update it scans but never gives me a list and just says no new updates. Help please!

    I keep being asked to update my Safari but when I do a Software update it scans but never gives me a list and just says no new updates. Help please!

    There are no updates to either OS 10.5.8 or Safari 5.0.6.
    If you need a later version of Safari you must first upgrade your operating system to a later version of OS X.

  • At the end of my IMovie I want to write some text: as in" Happy Birthday Mandy we had a great time with you. etc..  How do I go about this? Which icon in IMovie lets me have a place to write text?? help please

    Please see my ? above: Im making an IMovie and need the last frame to just be text (can be on a color). I don't know how to go about doing this.  Ive already done all my photos and captions. Need to have it ready for TOMORROW: Friday May 23rd. Help please!

    You can choose a background for the text from Maps and Backgrounds.  Just drag a background to the end of the timeline, adjust to desired duration then drag title above it.

  • I have just updated my PC with version11.14. I can no longer connect to my Bose 30 soundtouch via media player Can anyone help please

    I have a Bose soundtouch system .Until today I could play my iTunes music through it via air  player . .I have just uploaded the latest upgrade from iTunes and now I am unable to connect to the Bose system . Can anyone help please? I can connect via my iPad and by using the Bose app so it is not the Bose at fault

    @puebloryan, I realize this thread is a bit old, but I have encountered a similr problem and wondered if you had found a solution. I've been using home sharing from itines on my PCs for years, but two days ago, it suddenly stopped. I can share from my Macs, but not from the ONE PC library where I keep all my tunes. I tried all the usual trouble-shooting measures.
    After turning home sharing off on the PC's iTunes, turning it back on and turning some other settings off and on, my Macs and Apple TV could briefly "see" the PC library, but as soon as I try to connect -- the wheel spins for a bit and then the connection vanishes. It's as if they try and then give up.
    Since this sounds so similar to your problem, I was hoping you finally found a solution. I am also starting a new thread. Thanks!

  • My iMac 24 can no longer be paired with the keyboard; it doesn't recognise any keyboard at boot up, even the one it is paired with. Can anyone help, please?

    My iMac 24 can no longer be paired with the keyboard; it doesn't recognise any keyboard at boot up, even the one it is paired with. Can anyone help, please?
    Thank. Simon

    Brian - The batteries are fine and there has only every been one keyboard paired with it. We have tried my MacPro keyboard as well, and it will not even recognise that there is a discoverable keyboard nearby.
    Thanks, Simon

  • Photoshop Elements 6 on Mac help please !!!!!

    Hi there,
              I need help please !!!!!
    I have PSE 6 for my imac and bought myself a NIKON D60 so far so good. I have installed PSE 6 which comes with ADOBE Bridge CS3
    I have bought a book as well as I am new to photoshop and in fact DSLR cameras.
    I have got my photos into Bridge OK by the way they are JPEG format. According to the book I can open the JPEG in camera RAW by either selecting the JPEG and then pressing cmd+R or by selecting the JPEG and select open with and camera RAW should be available to selct.
    I cannot get of the options to work any ideas please
    Secondly I have taken some photos in RAW format and put then into Bridge again I cannot get the camera RAW interface to open with these neff images.
    If I try to open the image PSE 6 opens and gives me an error that the file format is not supported by PSE 6
    Am I missing something here as I have been trying for a week now !!!!!
    Sorry if this comes across a stupid question but it is new to me
    Chris      UK

    There's no "theory" about it. You should be able to open a raw file from bridge by double-clicking it, but it will open in ACR in PSE. You can't just use ACR within bridge in PSE, if that's what you're trying to do. To open a JPEG in ACR, go to file>Open in PSE and choose Camera raw as the format after you select the file but before you click Open.
    If you've correctly updated ACR, bridge should show you thumbnails of your raw files. If it doesn't try emptying the Bridge cache.

  • Photoshop CS2. Help please.

    Approx 8 years ago I purchased Photoshop CS2 online from Adobe. This past weekend I had to buy a new computer (Windows 8.1), and when I logged into my Adobe account just now to obtain my serial number and enter it after I attempted to download CS2, it said invalid serial number. Help please.
    Both tech support and the online chat person were not able to help me.

    The Activation Servers for CS2 and prior have been taken down. See the link below for an explanation and solution. Be sure to follow all directions, including using the new download serial number supplied on the page.
    CS2 and prior
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/creative-suite-2-activation-end-life.htm l

  • I  used to have an OLD Photoshop cd but it has been lost and my program is no longer on cd. I talked with some photographer friends and this is what one of them told me to get: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and CS CC... HELP please?

    I  used to have an OLD Photoshop cd but it has been lost and my program is no longer on cd. I talked with some photographer friends and this is what one of them told me to get: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and CS CC... HELP please?

    If you still have your serial number, look at OLDER previous versions http://www.adobe.com/downloads/other-downloads.html
    Otherwise, the US$ 9.99 plan is what is current at Cloud Plans https://creative.adobe.com/plans

  • Creative live cam voice help please

    Help please,
    We are using the "live cam voice" model, with our computer (Vista 32bit), that appears to work OK, but after a few minutes we get the BSOD! We have tried un installing and re-installing drivers without any effect.Has anyone had this problem and if so how did you fix it.

    Thanks for your response. I have tried 3 ports so far, all with the same outcome. One of my sons had it happen to him on another computer (XP SP2) using this webcam . As to programmes open at the same time, I am not computer literate and have no idea what programmes were running on each occasion.We use the webcam for Skype and apart from that I may also have IE open and perhaps Outlook Express. Over and above those CS4 sometimes.
    If I cannot resolve this, can any one suggest another webcam please.

  • I get error message "unknown error" When trying to log on to itunes via pc, help please!

    I get error message "unknown error" When trying to log on to itunes via pc, help please!

    Hello, trolle56.
    Thank you for the question.  You may find these articles helpful in troubleshooting the error received with the iTunes Store. 
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Jason H. 

  • I downloaded an upgrade to my adobe reader today, and ever since my search engine has switched to yahoo and wont change back to google. I have a macbook pro, help please? Does anyone know how I can change this back? I have tried through my settings but it

    I downloaded an upgrade to my adobe reader today, and ever since my search engine has switched to yahoo and wont change back to google. I have a macbook pro, help please? Does anyone know how I can change this back? I have tried through my settings but it doesnt work

    Hi Timia,
    If you are using Safari as a web browser :-
    Open Safari, go to Safari menu > Preferences > General, and put Google as the homepage. Then, choose Google as your default search engine.
    If you are using Google Chrome as the web browser :-
      Open Google Chrome.
      In the top right corner of the page, click the Chrome menu Chrome menu > Settings.
      In the "Search" section, select Google from the drop-down menu.
    Let me know if you still experience any issue.

  • Will My Purchased Songs On My iPod Be affected if i sync my itunes library to my iPod?Help Please!

    A Song that i purchased on my iPod Wasnt able to get into my itunes library somehow ,and i want to sync my itunes library to my iPod because i recently Got a store brought CD and i want to insert it ,but im afraid my songs will get deleted ,especially my purchased ones...can someone help please ?

    Just sync. You can alway redownload iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • My ipad just won't let me enter my apple password on FaceTime or iMessage, it works fine on my iPhone, I have tried numerous things but nothing works, can anybody help please, will a bug fix sort this out when they finally make one

    My ipad just won't let me sign in with my apple password on FaceTime or iMessage since updating to ios7 it says check my network connection, even though my iPhone works fine with the same password, can anybody help please, I have tried numerous things but nothing  works.  Will I have to wait for a bug fix to sort this? I hear they are working on one a the minute, I hate ios7

    Try a Restart.
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red "slide to power off" slider appears, and then slide the slider. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the Apple logo appears.
    Resetting your settings
    You can also try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will have to enter all of your device settings again.... All of the settings in the settings app will have to be re-entered. You won't lose any data, but it takes time to enter all of the settings again.
    Resetting your device
    Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button together for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears. Apple recommends this only if you are unable to restart it.
    Or if this doesn't work and nobody else on the blog doesn't have a better idea you can contact Apple.
    Here is a link to their contacts with most of the information below.

  • I have had to change my email address/Apple ID. my iPad recognisIes the change of id but on my MacBook Air, iCloud just keeps asking me for a password for the old email address/account. How can I get iCloud to recognise the new details? Help please!

    I have had to change my email address/Apple ID. My iPad recognises the new detail in iTunes and iCloud but when I go into iCloud through my MacBook Air, it requests a password for the old email account which I can no longer use. There is no Option to be able to change this email/ID detail as I cannot get further than the password request. Can anyone help please - this is driving me insane?!

    Go to System Preferences and click Sign Out, select Delete at all the prompts, then sign back in with the changed ID?   (Your iCloud data will disappear from your Mac when you sign out and choose Delete, but will still be in iCloud.  Provided you are signing back into the same account your data will reappear on your Mac when you sign back in.)

Maybe you are looking for