A more efficient quickpay

Hello, I was wondering if there was some way of simplifying quickpay foir payroll admins. We have different types of quickpay runs (business trip, personal loan settlement, annual leave settlement e.t.c totalling 10). Each of these runs have their 'associated elements and they tend to happen quite frequently (at least once a day). You can imagine the nightmare of cherry picking elements for each run up to 20 times a day. I am still experimenting and have created an element set for each settlement type. But quickpay doesn't support element sets. And If I have decide to use an assignment set, this can mean creating 10 different assignment sets for each day before running.
Is there a cleaner way to handle this?

Actually Clive I agree with you. I find the whole setup ridiculous as well. I'm taking your advice and sticking to payroll runs instead. This is what I have come up with:
1. Created a settlements assignment set for each payroll (PAYROLL_A_SETTLEMENTS, PAYROLL_B_SETTLEMENTS)
2. Created element sets for each settlement type (Business Trip Element Set, Personal Loan Element Set e.t.c)
3. Created a copy of Payroll Run concurrent program, renamed it to Settlements Run. Modified the element set parameter to only pick element sets defined specifically for settlements (Business Trip Element Set, Personal Loan Element Set e.t.c). Also modified the assignment set parameter so it picks only assignment sets with a name like '%SETTLEMENTS'
4. Each time payroll admin wants to process a settlement, say for payroll A, he modifies the PAYROLL_A_SETTLEMENTS assignment set and includes whichever employees he wants, then runs the Settlements Run process. He selects the correct element set, the assignment set defaults automatically since it is linked to a payroll. If he wants to run another settlement type, he simply modifies the assignment set again and processes a run for the right settlement element set.
This dramatically reduces the number of runs and prepayments to be done in a month.
Showing this as a demo tomorrow. Will see how it goes.

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    I appreciate all of your very helpfull workarounds. The cost is a little better in all cases than my original where clause.
    To address the discussion that's popped up about design from this question, I can say a few things that should clear , at least, my situation up.
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    We're rebuilding, documenting, and doing ETL. This is one of your prototypical projects from hell.
    It's a huge database project so we're taking small bites as a time. Hopefully, somewhere right before Armageddon hits, this thing will be complete.
    But until then,..., well,..., you know the drill.
    Thanks Again.

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    Sounds like you might be maxing out the CPU on the Fieldpoint.
    Datasocket is considered a pretty slow method of moving data between hosts and targets as it has quite a bit of overhead assosciated with it.  There are several things you could do. One, instead of using a datasocket for each float you want to transfer (which I assume you are doing), try using an array of floats and use just one datasocket transfer for the whole array.  This is often quite a bit faster than calling a publish VI for many different variables.
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    LabVIEW 8 introduced the shared variable, which when network enabled, makes data transfer very simple and is quite a bit faster than a comparable datasocket transfer.  While faster than datasocket, they are still slower than just flat out using a raw TCP connection, but they are much more flexible.  Also, the shared variables can fucntion in the RT fifo capacity and clean up your diagram quite a bit (while maintaining the RT fifo functionality).
    Hope this helps.
    --Paul Mandeltort
    Automotive and Industrial Communications Product Marketing

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    Thanks -

    Your thinking is a little off.
    What you are seeing is an attribute of a multi-processing operating system. I'm going to explain this wrong but hopefully the theme is correct. One characteristic is a single process runs on the CPU for a specific time quantum. If the process uses all of its time quantum, it gets forced off the CPU and its priority gets raised - meaning the potential that more processes could knock it off of the CPU cuz their priority is better. If it voluntarily releases the CPU, its priority gets lowered - means it may be the CPU more often if and when it needs it.
    So maybe your CPU can phsyically handle 10 operations/sec. Because of scheduling topics (time quantums, interrupts, etc) and the nature of single threaded apps, that single threaded performance process of yours may only get 2 operations/sec all by itself.. By increasing the number of processes you run to say 5, you'll get your 10 operations/sec. Increasing it to 6 processes, you might get 10.5 operations/sec but you've reached your point of limited return and may start slowing thing down.
    There are several good books on performance and high level queueing theory which can explain this much better then I just did.

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    SELECT * FROM zv7_custord
         WHERE ( SENDER in S_SENDER and
                 ORDNUM in S_ORDER  and
                 ZDATE   in S_DATE ) OR
               ( SENDER in S_SENDER AND
                 STATUS = SPACE )

    U can leave ORDER BY option and sort the table by yourself and try to split the query:
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         WHERE  SENDER in S_SENDER and
                       ORDNUM in S_ORDER  and
                       ZDATE   in S_DATE .
    SELECT * FROM zv7_custord
         WHERE  SENDER in S_SENDER        and
                       NOT ORDNUM in S_ORDER  and
                       NOT ZDATE   in S_DATE       and
                       STATUS = SPACE
    SELECT * FROM zv7_custord
         WHERE  SENDER in S_SENDER and
                       ORDNUM in S_ORDER  and
                       ZDATE   in S_DATE .
    SELECT * FROM zv7_custord
         WHERE  SENDER in S_SENDER        and
                       STATUS = SPACE.
    * Sort the table key fields
    SORT G_T_ZV7_CUSTORD BY <KEY1> <KEY2> .....

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    package main;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.sound.sampled.*;
    public class Sound
         private AudioFormat format;
        private byte[] samples;
        private String name;
         public Sound(String filename)
                AudioInputStream stream =AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new File("sounds/"+filename));
                format = stream.getFormat();
                samples = getSamples(stream);
            }catch (Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
         public byte[] getSamples()
            return samples;
        private byte[] getSamples(AudioInputStream audioStream)
            int length=(int)(audioStream.getFrameLength()*format.getFrameSize());
            byte[] samples = new byte[length];
            DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(audioStream);
            }catch (Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
            return samples;
        public void play()
             InputStream stream =new ByteArrayInputStream(getSamples());
            int bufferSize = format.getFrameSize()*Math.round(format.getSampleRate() / 10);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
            SourceDataLine line;
                DataLine.Info info=new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, format);
                line.open(format, bufferSize);
            }catch (Exception e){System.out.println(e);return;}
                int numBytesRead = 0;
                while (numBytesRead != -1)
                    numBytesRead =
                        stream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
                    if (numBytesRead != -1)
                       line.write(buffer, 0, numBytesRead);
            }catch (Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
        public String getName()
             return name;

    I don't know much about the guts of flex, but I assume it's
    based on Java's design etc.
    Storing event.target.selectedItem in an objet should not be
    anymore efficient than calling event.target.selectedItem. The objet
    will simply be a pointer of sorts to event.target.selectedItem. At
    no point in the event.target.selectedItem call are you doing a
    search or something, so storing the result will not result in any
    big savings.
    Now, if you were doing something like
    array.findItem(something) 4 times, then yes, it would be to your
    advantage to store the data.
    Keep in mind that storing event.target.selectedItem in an
    object will probably break bindings....that may or may not be a
    problem. Objet doesn't support binding. There is a subclass of
    Object that does, but I forget which.
    Just a suggestion based on my knowledge of how data is stored
    in an object oriented language...this may not be the case in

  • Would PHP or Python work more efficiently to grab from a MSSQL database in AS3?

    Would PHP or Python work more efficiently to grab information from a MSSQL database in AS3? How would it work? Thanks!

    that's not a flash issue. 
    but here's a comparison, http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/u32/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=python&lang2=php
    which looks like python would be faster at data handling and slow at arithmetic operations.
    you would call both server-side scripts using the urlloader class from flash.

  • Creating a time channel in the data portal and filling it with data - Is there a more efficient way than this?

    I currently have a requirement to create a time channel in the data portal and subsequently fill it with data. I've shown below how I am currently doing it:
    Time_Ch = ChnAlloc("Time channel", 271214           , 1      ,           , "Time"         ,1                  ,1)              'Allocate time channel
    For intLoop = 1 to 271214
      ChD(intLoop,Time_Ch(0)) = CurrDateTimeReal          'Create time value
    I understand that the function to create and allocate memory for the time channel is extremely quick. However the time to store data in the channel afterwards is going to be highly dependent on the length I have assigned to the Time_Ch. In my application the length of Time_Ch is variable but could easily be in the order of 271214 or higher. Under such circumstances the time taken to fill Time_Ch is quite considerable. I am wondering whether this is the most appropriate way of doing things or whether there is a more efficient way of creating a time channel and filling it.
    Thanks very much for any help.

    Hi Matthew,
    You are correct that there is a more efficient way to do this.  I'm a little confused about your "CurrDateTimeReal" assignment-- is this a constant?  Most people want a Time channel that counts up linearly in seconds or fractions of a second over the duration of the measurement.  But that looks like you would assign the same time value to all the rows of the new Time channel.
    If you want to create a "normal" Time channel that increases at a constant rate, you can use the ChnGenTime() function:
    ReturnValue = ChnGenTime(TimeChannel, GenTimeUnit, GenTimeXBeg, GenTimeXEnd, GenTimeStep, GenTimeMode, GenTimeNo)
    If you really do want a Time channel filled with all the same values, you can use the ChnLinGen() function and simply set the GenXBegin and GenXEnd parameters to be the same value:
    ReturnValue = ChnLinGen(TimeChannel, GenXBegin, GenXEnd, XNo, [GenXUnitPreset])
     In both cases you can use the Time channel you've already created (which as you say executes quickly) and point the output of these functions to that Time channel by using the Group/Channel syntax of the Time channel you created for the first TimeChannel parameter in either of the above functions.
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Suggests for a more efficient query?

    I have a client (customer) that uses a 3rd party software to display graphs of their systems. The clients are constantly asking me (the DBA consultant) to fix the database so it runs faster. I've done as much tuning as I can on the database side. It's now time to address the application issues. The good news is my client is the 4th largest customer of this 3rd party software and the software company has listened and responded in the past to suggestions.
    All of the tables are setup the same with the first column being a DATE datatype and the remaining columns are values for different data points (data_col1, data_col2, etc.). Oh, that first date column is always named "timestamp" in LOWER case so got to use double quotes around that column name all of the time. Each table collects one record per minute per day per year. There are 4 database systems, about 150 tables per system, averaging 20 data columns per table. I did partition each table by month and added a local index on the "timestamp" column. That brought the full table scans down to full partition index scans.
    All of the SELECT queries look like the following with changes in the column name, table name and date ranges. (Yes, we will be addressing the issue of incorporating bind variables for the dates with the software provider.)
    Can anyone suggest a more efficient query? I've been trying some analytic function queries but haven't come up with the correct results yet.
    SELECT "timestamp" AS "timestamp", "DATA_COL1" AS "DATA_COL1"
    WHERE "timestamp" >=
    (SELECT MIN("tb"."timestamp") AS "timestamp"
    FROM (SELECT MAX("timestamp") AS "timestamp"
    WHERE "timestamp" <
    TO_DATE('2006-01-21 00:12:39', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    SELECT MIN("timestamp")
    WHERE "timestamp" >=
    TO_DATE('2006-01-21 00:12:39', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')) "tb"
    WHERE NOT "timestamp" IS NULL)
    AND "timestamp" <=
    (SELECT MAX("tb"."timestamp") AS "timestamp"
    FROM (SELECT MIN("timestamp") AS "timestamp"
    WHERE "timestamp" >
    TO_DATE('2006-01-21 12:12:39', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
    SELECT MAX("timestamp")
    WHERE "timestamp" <=
    TO_DATE('2006-01-21 12:12:39', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')) "tb"
    WHERE NOT "timestamp" IS NULL)
    ORDER BY "timestamp"
    Here are the queries for a sample table to test with:
    ( "timestamp" DATE,
    (SELECT TO_DATE('01/20/2006', 'MM/DD/YYYY') + (LEVEL-1) * 1/1440,
    LEVEL * 0.1
    FROM dual CONNECT BY 1=1
    AND LEVEL <= (TO_DATE('01/25/2006','MM/DD/YYYY') - TO_DATE('01/20/2006', 'MM/DD/YYYY'))*1440)

    No need for analytic functions here (they’ll likely be slower).
    1. No need for UNION ... use UNION ALL.
    2. No need for <quote>WHERE NOT "timestamp" IS NULL</quote> … the MIN and MAX will take care of nulls.
    3. Ask if they really need the data sorted … the s/w with the graphs may do its own sorting
    … in which case take the ORDER BY out too.
    4. Make sure to have indexes on "timestamp".
    What you want to see for those innermost MAX/MIN subqueries are executions like:
    03:19:12 session_148> SELECT MAX(ts) AS ts
    03:19:14   2  FROM "T_TABLE"
    03:19:14   3  WHERE ts < TO_DATE('2006-01-21 00:12:39', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');
    21-jan-2006 00:12:00
    Execution Plan
       0   SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=ALL_ROWS (Cost=2.0013301108 Card=1 Bytes=9)
       1    0   SORT (AGGREGATE)
       2    1     FIRST ROW (Cost=2.0013301108 Card=1453 Bytes=13077)
       3    2       INDEX (RANGE SCAN (MIN/MAX))OF 'T_IDX' (INDEX) (Cost=2.0013301108 Card=1453 Bytes=13077)

  • Lib in different drives, is it more efficient?

    How much more efficient is it for the CPU to have your lib spread out in different external drives? ex. strings in one drive, perc in another drive etc...

    Thanks for the reply, but I wanted to go one step further since I often write in a symphonic texture,
    so having each section, strings-WW-brass-perc- synth etc in different drives, will that make my system more efficient than if I put all the samples in one drive. I'm concerned because it involves some investments, but if it's confirmed that it will make a difference than I don't mind investing in a couple of more drives.

  • Updating table contents more efficiently

    Dear forumers,
    I have a situation as elaborated below. Is there a more efficient way in updating table contents (itab D) more efficiently?
    loop at itab A.
      execute FM using fields from itab A.
      FM returns itab B.
      loop at itab B.
        populate itab C containing fields from itabs A and B.
    copy contents from itab D to itab D_temp.   " ***1
    clear itab D.
    loop at itab C.
    populate itab D containing fields from itabs C and D_temp.   " ***2
    Reason this codeline (***2) is implemented:
    The key fields in the initial itab D ***1 is different than the key fields in the end result of itab D ***2.
    Structure in itab C (key fields in ***2):
      equnr           TYPE viaufkst-equnr
      sernr           TYPE objk-sernr
      matnr           TYPE objk-matnr
      documenttype    TYPE zzdoc_data-documenttype
      documentnumber  TYPE zzdoc_data-documentnumber
      documentversion TYPE zzdoc_data-documentversion
      documentpart    TYPE zzdoc_data-documentpart
      description     TYPE zzdoc_data-description
    Structure in itab D:
      aufnr           TYPE viaufkst-aufnr
      equnr           TYPE viaufkst-equnr
      obknr           TYPE viaufkst-obknr
      qmnum           TYPE viaufkst-qmnum
      auart           TYPE viaufkst-auart
      werks           TYPE viaufkst-werks
      sernr           TYPE objk-sernr
      matnr           TYPE objk-matnr
      documenttype    TYPE zzdoc_data-documenttype
      documentnumber  TYPE zzdoc_data-documentnumber
      documentversion TYPE zzdoc_data-documentversion
      documentpart    TYPE zzdoc_data-documentpart
      description     TYPE zzdoc_data-description
    Many thanks for any inputs here at all.

    CLEAR li_ord_sln_tmp.
      li_ord_sln_tmp = i_ord_sln.
      SORT li_ord_sln_tmp BY equnr sernr matnr.
        COMPARING equnr sernr matnr.
      CLEAR i_ord_sln.
      IF ( li_ord_sln_tmp[] IS NOT INITIAL AND
           i_docs[] IS NOT INITIAL ).
        SORT i_docs[] BY equnr sernr matnr.
    LOOP AT i_outgoing into w_outgoing.
            matnr      = w_outgoing-matnr
            werks      = w_outgoing-werks
            sernr      = w_outgoing-sernr
            i_doc_list = li_doclist
            OTHERS     = 1.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          LOOP AT li_doclist INTO lw_doclist.
          CLEAR .
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING w_outgoing TO w_ord_sln.
          READ TABLE li_ord_sln_tmp
            INTO lw_ord_sln_tmp
            WITH KEY equnr = w_docs-equnr
                     sernr = w_docs-sernr
                     matnr = w_docs-matnr
            BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            w_ord_sln-werks = w_docs-werks.
            w_ord_sln-aufnr = lw_ord_sln_tmp-aufnr.
            w_ord_sln-obknr = lw_ord_sln_tmp-obknr.
            w_ord_sln-qmnum = lw_ord_sln_tmp-qmnum.
            w_ord_sln-auart = lw_ord_sln_tmp-auart.
            APPEND w_ord_sln TO i_ord_sln.     " (i.e. this is itab D)
    Edited by: shaik sajid on Jul 20, 2009 8:52 AM

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