A question by a beginner

Hi All, i'm a beginner and i'm studing on a book the foundamental of Java. I have followed the book and i have write my first scripts that is:
* SimpleCar.java
* Created on February 4, 2007, 2:04 PM
* To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
* and open the template in the editor.
* @author Emanuele Mignosa
public class SimpleCar {
private String manufacturer = "Sconosciuto";
private String color = "Bianco";
private double miles = 0;
private final double KMTOMILE = 0.62137;
private final double MILETOKM = 1.60934;
public String getManufacturer() {
return manufacturer;
public void setManufacturer(String manufacturer) {
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(String color) {
this.color = color;
public double getMiles() {
return miles;
public void setMiles(double miles) {
this.miles = miles;
public void drive (double kilometres){
this.miles += Math.round(
(kilometres * KMTOMILE)*100.)/100.;
public double getKilometres(long miles){
return Math.round((miles * MILETOKM)*100.)/100.;
public String carStatus() {
String status = "old";
if (this.getMiles()<= 10) {
status = "very new";
else if(this.getMiles()<= 1000){
status = "new";
else if(this.getMiles()<= 10000){
status = "almost new";
else if(this.getMiles()<= 20000){
status = "in perfect conditions";
else if(this.getMiles()<= 50000){
status = "used";
else if(this.getMiles()<= 150000){
status = "old";
return status;
and a next script that invoke the class SimpleCar that is :
[public class SimpleCarInvoker {
     /** Creates a new instance of SimpleCarInvoker */
    public static void main (String[] args){
SimpleCar car = new SimpleCar();
System.out.println (String.format(
"You are driven a %s %s that has this condition : %s",
untill this point all perfect
the book advices this script :
[public class SimpleCar{
    private String manufacturer = "Sconosciuto";
    private String color = "Bianco";
    private double miles = 0;
    private final double KMTOMILE = 0.62137;
    private final double MILETOKM = 1.60934;
    /** Creates a new instance of SimpleCar1*/
    public SimpleCar() {
public SimpleCar(String manufacturer) {
public SimpleCar(double miles) {
public SimpleCar(String manufacturer, double miles) {
public SimpleCar(String manufacturer, String color) {
public SimpleCar(String manufacturer, String color, double miles) {
I have delete the old java class, and i have created a new java class with the same name, as i see on the book, but there were many problems and i don't know what i must change.
Thanks a lot in advance
P.S i think there is a error in the book, because the new scripts don't create the metod "set", or i must put insert the new script in the old script, but class is the same.

I'm not sure if this will do it. That's a lot of code to sort through.
Before the change, you didn't have any constructors. Now you're adding them in. So if you have Strings as instance variables, a constructor won't be able to change them.
Try just saying private String manufacturer; at the beginning.
instead of keeping the " ='Sconosciuto' " part. Strings are pointers and they cannot be reset.
I've never seen a book use setter methods to set the variables. If you haven't defined your variable manufacturer yet, you should be able to just say inside your constructor:
manufacturer = "Audi", e.g.
Hope it helps

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    So type into a text editor:
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              this.num = n;
              this.den = d;
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              long n;
              long d;
              n = this.num*t.num;
              d = this.den*t.den;
              Rational answer = new Rational(n,d);
              return answer;
         public Rational divide(Rational t){
              long n;
              long d;
              n = this.num*t.den;
              d = this.den*t.num;
              Rational answer = new Rational(n,d);
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              long n;
              long d;
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              d = t.den*this.den;
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              long d;
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              d = t.den*this.den;          
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              return answer;
         //public int compareTo (Rational t)??????

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    Using beans is a pretty good way to display database content in your jsp - it's certainly better than having all your code in JSP scriptlets (ie. between <% ... %> tags). The idea is to have as little actual java code in your jsps (separate presentation from business logic).
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    There is no out of the box way for the first question but you can write a macro to do that. 
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    To paraphrase the JLS: When the method or constructor is invoked, the values of the actual argument expressions initialize newly created parameter variables, each of the declared type, before execution of the body of the method or constructor. The identifier may be used as a simple name in the body of the method or constructor to refer to the formal parameter. Taking your example:
    public class Foo {
      private int input;
      public void setInput( int Foo.input ) {}
    }Here you are not initializing any newly created parameter variables, and you have no identifier that may be used as a simple name in the body of the method or constructor to refer to the formal parameter. This breaks another part of the language specification which states that formal parameters are referred to only using simple names, never by using qualified names. You might also get into issues with the float-extended-exponent value set and the double-extended-exponent value set.
    Alternatively, you may just be suggesting that the compiler perform qualified name erasure to transform:
    public class Foo {
      private int input;
      public void setInput( int Foo.input ) {}
    public class Foo {
      private int input;
      public void setInput( int input ) {
        this.input = input;
    }If this is the case, isn't syntactic sugar supposed to makes things "sweeter" to use? IMHO, this syntax isn't.

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    when String url = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://SQLNT2\\SQLNT2:1433"; (fail)
    = "jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://SQLNT\\SQLNT2:1433:bees"; (fail)
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    when String url =
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    Please help/advise.

    1. use autonomous transactions.
    2. if the API a PL/SQL code, yes you can call PL/SQL from
    the trigger body.
    To connect Oracle and MySQL, following thread might help:
    Re: Oracle to MySQL database connectivity
    Message was edited by:
    Pierre Forstmann

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    // now want to check if val is still null
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    if (val == null) ...

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    thank u

    As already stated, Jdeveloper comes with an embedded version of the OC4J J2EE container, which supports JSP's, Servlets, EJBs, etc...
    Our organisation is currently migrating away from a combination of WSAD 5.1, which is an Eclipse based IDE, and MyEclipse, and standardizing on JDeveloper 10.1.3 - the feedback in almost all areas has been extremely positive.
    The only area where Eclipse seems superior is in its interfaces to CVS. JDeveloper works OK in this area but can be clunky with accessing repositories on WAN connections.
    Also, if you plan on using Maven2 - its not really documented anywhere, but a workable plugin was available as part of the original ADF Faces release to Apache. I can't find it right now, but it would be great if Oracle would officially release it or contribute it to the Apache Maven group <hint/>

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    I am trying to execute a query on the database and I have a really strange problem:
    When i execute the query, the system answers me "invalid column name?". I try to male query to find the name of all the column and the answer is good (all the column exist).
    The qu

    Did you check the spellings of column names?

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    Message was edited by: joelmg

    Does your camera allow use of an external mic? That would be the simplest solution.
    If you need to record the audio separately, you can use the QuickTime Player to convert the sample rate to match that of your Final Cut Sequence, though lots of folks have used 44.1kHz audio successfully in FCE. (I think you need QT Pro in order to have the sample rate conversion capability.)
    As you begin recording, include a clap or some big sound to aid you in synching the two audio sources. Once you get everything recorded, I'd bring the video into your Timeline with the camera's audio, then import the external audio, synch up the audio sources, then unlink the camera audio from the video and delete that audio.

Maybe you are looking for

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